Weekly Blog 7 8 and 9

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LO3 - Evaluation

Weekly blog updates are required, as with every unit. Please remember to
take photos/screenshots as you film/edit. You might find it easier if you note
down a record of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 7 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming The filming did not really go to plan as coronavirus
process? and lack of planning affected it. Luckily, we did
manage to get a draft onto our weebly sites, so we
had something to present. I would honestly go back
and shoot a different production but because of
lockdown that is not possible.
Did you encounter any problems The main problem was myself and I take full
during filming? How did you responsibility for the problems we encountered. If im
overcome them? being honest I wasn’t too excited to create these
productions as they were stressing me out, but I didn’t
plan enough or put in enough effort on filming day.
After reviewing footage, are you From the footage we got I am happy we put together
happy with what you have something to show we didn’t just give up, but I would
captured? have liked to upload both productions and be proud
of them at the same time
Have the techniques you planned We did not get enough footage to show the new
on using turned out well? techniques we were using so this question is null and

Week 8 This week was spent editing

How are you finding the editing Troy was in charge of editing but because of what
process this week? happened he had limited footage to work with.
Have you encountered any Lots of clips were missing but because of Covid and
problems whilst editing? How did time restraints we were not able to go back and re
you overcome them? shoot or get better quality footage.
Are there any new techniques Troy said he was going to use directional sound with
you are trying to use during this the clips that he had to make it more immersive.
editing process?
Are you on track with all of your I just need to upload both my scripts
What work needs to be Check the script format is correct and upload to
completed outside of lessons? Weebly.

Week 9 This week was spent editing

How did you finding the editing The editing process was not N/A due to an
process? incomplete timeline.
Have you encountered any Like I said before the lack of footage and the time
problems whilst editing? How did restraints caused the story to lack in detail and not
you overcome them? fulfil my target audience’s needs. I was disappointed
with this.
Are you happy with the outcome No because we did not leave ourselves enough time
of your productions? Why? to film. Covid did not help and I think we over
planned everything and put extra pressure on
How did your productions meet It did not fit to my target audience as well as I would
your target audience? have hoped. In my Focus group I got a response that
they like horror movies and I did use a cliff-hanger, but
the lack of detail and lack of footage made the
production quite poor.
What aspects of your productions The use of sounds in the production to build up the
could have been better targeted intensity and create a more illusive atmosphere for my
to your audience? audience. In a horror you want the audience to feel
scared and want them to keep their eyes peeled but
we just didn’t do enough to achieve that.
How effectively have you I tried to incorporate a cool ending to my production
matched the codes and which was something I learned from Codes and
conventions you researched Conventions so im glad about that. The lack of
footage really limited the relation between my
earlier in the unit?
production and my Code and Conventions research.
How do you feel your work Our production is not even complete so it is nowhere
compares to existing professional near professional standard. I have a lot more to learn
productions? about filming and how to apply narrative and stuff like
that, but our production just is not anywhere close.
Are there any areas where your The lack of footage and the poor narrative structure
production falls short? How would really let it down. We would hopefully not be in a
you improve it next time? pandemic and we would give ourselves enough time
to plan and maybe hire a professional actor to make
the production look more stylish.
What have you learnt about I’ve learnt that I need to stop being lazy and to get in
yourself to take into the Final front of my work. I personally disliked this unit but its no
Major Project? What do you reason to put in incomplete work late. For my FMP I
have a strong idea which I am passionate about and
personally need to improve on?
I will have the motivation to put my work in on time to
a high standard to achieve the best grade possible.
Are you on track with all of your Just need to finish my target audience survey and
work? upload it.
What work needs to be Uploading my last weekly blog.
completed outside of lessons?

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