Detection and Forensics On DNS Tunelling

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Detection and Forensics on

DNS Tunneling
Tim Helming, DomainTools

▪ DNS Tunneling 101

▪ Adversary Methodology – Recent Ransomware
▪ Detecting Tunneling
▪ Analyzing Adversary Infrastructure Using DNS OSINT in
DomainTools Iris
▪ Q&A
Meet Your Presenter

Tim Helming, DomainTools

• Security Evangelist
• Spokesperson, internal/external education
• Over 20 years in infosec
• Technical Support grunt
• Technical Support leader
• Product management grunt
• Product management leader
• Advocate/evangelist
DNS Tunneling 101
DNS: Indispensable, Elegant, Insecure*

• Like many protocols, DNS was designed much more for

function than for security
• It can be secured, but most implementations can be abused
• It has the ingredients for abuse:
o Everyone needs DNS—can’t block it!
o High volume of traffic—it can be a good place to hide
o Distributed nature means anyone can stand up an authoritative server
o Crafting malicious DNS queries is trivial

*It can be secured, but often is not.

How Adversaries Use It

• Free access to WiFi (not a big deal to us)

• OS Commands
• Malware C2
• File transfers
• Full IP tunnel

DNS tunneling is a key component of the December

2020 intrusions involving the SolarWinds compromise
Components of DNS Tunneling

1 2

EvilDomain.TLD EvilDomain
Registration Authoritative

Greenbug/ISMDoor Malware
Bot-generated Static, invalid
session ID addy: “Hi, bot!”

Encoded Another invalid

message address

Total msg count All spaces

'How many Last 8 bytes = #

msgs for me?” of msgs

Message Message reply

request (first 4 bytes)
Hunting for Greenbug/ISMDoor
• Search logs for those static IPv6 addresses
o Miss? More to hunt for…
• Query pDNS sources for the addresses
o Now you have a list of attacker-controlled domains
• Do more pivoting on these domains
oIP addresses
o Other pivots
• Search logs for all of the gathered indicators
• Anchor_DNS: Backdoor created by the nice folks who brought
you Trickbot
• Trickbot distributes Ryuk (among other things)
• Anchor_DNS uses a single-byte XOR cipher to encrypt its
communications, using key 0xb9
• Initially, does lookups to legit domains to verify connectivity*
o Examples:,,
• Runs lookups to actor-controlled domains for C2, later stage
tooling, exfiltration
o The subdomains in these lookups are the encrypted C2 data

*some variants skip this step

Hunting for Anchor_DNS
• Search logs for the legit what’s-my-IP sources
o Hit? INVESTIGATE—could be FP, though
o Miss? More to hunt for…
• Build detections for unusual DNS query strings
o High-entropy query strings (most legitimate subdomains are
o Unusually long query strings (max legal label is 63
characters, max overall name 255 characters. Look for
o Look for high numbers of…numbers
Hunting for Anchor_DNS (2/2)
• Look for unusual volumes of…
o Queries per internal host
o Queries per external domain asdfs
o Hostnames per domain
o “Orphan” DNS requests (request w/no subsequent non-DNS
traffic to resolved domain)

• RegEx rules for detecting the odd query strings

• Traffic analysis rules for detecting volumetric oddities
Workflow: Adversary Infrastructure Mapping
An indicator is seen. Form Hypothes(es). Gather Data
IOC Sources: This indicator could be Enrich indicators
• Suspicious DNS query • Part of a campaign • Cross-indexed Whois/DNS
• Firewall/IPS alert • Targeting my industry • pDNS
• SIEM correlation • Targeting my org • Other domain profile info

Test Hypothesis Test Hypothesis part 2 Act!

Evaluate data Look for more evidence • Block domains/IPs in
• Connected infrastructure? • Search alerts for network/host defenses
• Thematic consistency? domains/IPs • Monitor observed actors
• High risk scores? • Search archived logs • Block future infrastructure
• Other red flags? • Search SIEM/feeds
Demo: DomainTools Iris
Anchor_DNS/Trickbot Assets
Ryuk Ransomware Assets
(Trickbot/Ryuk Infrastructure)
(Additional Ryuk Infrastructure)
(Greenbug/ISMDoor AAAA record DNS Tunneling “Fingerprint”)
(Malicious DNS Queries from SolarWinds Hack)
In Summary…
Timeline (the “oh snap” moment)
OK-stopped the leak (for now). But… • How long have they been inside?
etc… • Where have they been sending my data—
have I stopped the whole leak?
• Why didn’t my TI feed(s) flag that domain?
DNS data
data trickle

Now you have:

-Other domains to block
Something throws -An indication of dwell time
Under the radar
an alert! -IOCs/actors to build detections for
-Possibly other insights:
🡨 dwell time upper bound -TTP examples etc
• DNS tunneling is a common technique in
significant adversary operations
• It is desirable to prevent (obviously) but it is
possible to detect if prevention didn’t
• You should be logging your DNS resolver
• Analysis of even a single domain can lead
to exposure of dormant adversary assets
• Your organization is the best place to
source intel
For Further Reference
• Detecting DNS Tunneling, Greg Farnham, SANS Information
Security Reading Room
• DomainTools Blog (Chad Anderson) Looking at Greenbug DNS
Tunneling in ISMDoor
• DomainTools Blog (Joe Slowik) Unraveling Network
Infrastructure Linked To the SolarWinds Hack
Thank You!

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