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Crop Production
Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Farm Tools and Equipment
Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation
Week 1 and 2
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the Development and Quality
Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also need to
keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own learning. Furthermore,
you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the
learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included in
the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let’s Learn

This module was prepared and written to help you achieve the required
competency in preparing crop production. This will be the source of information for
you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular craft, with minimum
supervision or help from your teacher. With the aid of this material you will acquire
the competency independently and at your own pace.


The module is divided into two learning outcomes;

 Learning Outcome 1 – Select and use of farm tools and equipment
 Learning Outcome 2 – Perform Preventive Maintenance of Tools and

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify farm tools and equipment
2. conduct pre-operation check- up in line with manufacturers
3. clean tools and equipments after use in line with farm procedures
4. perform preventive maintenance by following the procedure in
sharpening and oily farm tools and equipments

The module is divided into one learning outcome, namely:
 Learning Outcome 1 – Perform estimation and basic calculation
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. follows procedures in reporting to appropriate person/s the estimate of
materials and resources
2. perform estimates or calculations to be done according to the job
3. employ different techniques in checking accuracy of result

Let’s Try

Directions: Let us determine how much you already know about the use of farm
tools and equipment.

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. Which of the following is an example of digging with a transverse blade?

a. grub-hoe
b. spade
c. pick mattock
d. shovel

2. What tolls does not belong to the group?

a. Sprinkler
b. Bolo
c. Knives
d. sickle

3. A hand tools that is used for harvesting grains

a. bolo
b. pruning shears
c. sickle
d. knife

4. Which tool used for pulverizing and breaking the hard topsoil?
a. shovel
b. grub-hoe
c. crowbar
d. spade

5. Which tool used for gathering leaves and leveling the soil?
a. Hand trowel
b. Spading fork
c. Rake
d. Hand cultivator

6. Which of the following hand-propelled vehicle used for hauling trash,

manure and fertilizers?
a. Sprayer
b. Plow
c. Wheelbarrow
d. Rotavator

7. Which gardening tool used for transplanting seedlings?

a. Hand fork
b. Hand cultivator
c. Shovel
d. Hand trowel
8. Which tool resembles the appearance of fork and used for weeding and
mixing additives into the soil?
a. Hand trowel
b. Hand cultivator
c. Spade
d. Hand fork

9. What equipment is used for applying herbicides, pesticides and fertilizer?

a. Sprinkler
b. Sprayer
c. Pail
d. Wheelbarrow

10.An implement pulled by working animal or tractor used for tilling large
areas, making furrows and inter row cultivation.
a. Plow
b. Harrow
c. Rotavator
d. Combined harvester


Farm tools, implements, and equipments play very important role in
agricultural operation however there availability makes their works easier and faster.
However, even if one may have the most sophisticated tools and implements but
doesn’t know how to use them, they are useless. One must have a good working
knowledge of the tools, implements and equipment before using them.
Learning Outcome 1 – Select and use of farm tools and equipment
Learning Objectives:

1. identify farm tools and equipment

2. conduct pre-operation check- up in line with manufacturers manual

Let’s recall


Give at least 5 farm tools and equipment found in your house. Write
your answer in your notebook.
Let’s Explore

Watch a video presentation on below link on how to use the tools and
equipments. Observe carefully on how each tool is used. Write in your notebook.
1. What is the video presentation all about?
2. Why is it important to know the uses of different tools and equipment?

Let’s Elaborate

Farm tools and equipment play a very important role in every farm practice
and operation. Hence, a lesson you should be able to know, identify and learn the
uses to become a successful farmer someday.

A. Hand Tools

Hand tools are the most simple, light tools. They are used with your
bare hands in performing farm operation in small area in your vegetable
garden in the house and in the small garden area in school.

Information Sheet 1.1

1. Hand Fork resembles the

appearance of fork with sharp tines
use for weeding and mixing additives
into the soil.

2. Hand Cultivator used for

loosening the soil, cultivating and
removing weeds in the garden plot.
3. Hand Trowel tool used for
digging, loosening soil and
transplanting seedlings.

4. Spading Fork a tool with a long

handle used for digging out root

5. Shovel used for lifting, digging

and mixing soil.

6. Spade used for loosening or

digging soil with a sharp and flat

7. Grub-hoe used for breaking hard

topsoil and pulverizing soil.

8. Crowbar used for digging big

holes and big stones and stumps.

9. Pick mattock tool with transverse

blade head at one end and a pointed
head at the other.

10.Dibbler a tool used for making

holes in the soil for planting seeds.
11.Bolo used for cutting tall grasses
and cutting branches of trees.

12.Knives used for grafting,

marcotting, budding or cutting
planting trees.

13.Sickle used for harvesting grains

with a curved blade.

14.Pruning shears used for twigs

and leaves and cutting small
branches of plants.

15.Axe used to cut and split bigger


16.Wheelbarrow hand propelled

vehicle used for hauling manure,
fertilizers and planting materials.

17.Sprinkler used for watering


18.Sprayer used for applying

herbicides, pesticides and fertilizer.
19.Pail container used for hauling
chemical fertilizer and even water.

20.Rake used for gathering leaves

and leveling the soil.

B. Farm Implements

Accessories are pulled by working animals or mounted machineries

[tractor, hand tractor] used in preparation of the farm, usually made of a
special kind of metal.

1. Plow pulled by working animal or a tractor. It is used for tilling large

areas of land, making furrows and row cultivation.

a. native plow b. disc plow

2. Harrow used for tilling and pulverizing the soil pulled by carabao or
mounted to a tractor. Wooden harrow is made of wood with metal teeth.
Disc harrow is mounted to a tractor.

a. native harrow b. disc harrow

3. Rotavator mounted to a tractor used for
tilling and pulverizing the soil.

C. Farm Machinery

1. Combined harvester economical machine used

for harvesting grain crops, a combination of
reaping, threshing and winnowing.

2. Hand Tractor used to pull a plow and harrow

in preparing large area of land.

3. Four wheel tractors used to pull disc plow and

disc harrow preparing much bigger area of land.

Let’s Dig In

Direction: Watch video presentation of proper use of shovel. Visit the link below.

Let’s Remember

Directions: Match column A to column B. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. Bolo a. Used for applying herbicides, pesticides and
2.Knife b. used for gathering leaves and leveling the soil.
3. Shovel c. used for cutting tall grasses and branches of
4. Sprayer d.used for hauling chemical, fertilizer and even water
5. Pail e. Resembles the appearance of fork used for
weeding and mixing additives..
6. Sickle f. Used for grafting, marcotting, budding and
cutting plants.
7. Rake g. Used for watering plants
8. Hand Trowel h. Used for lifting, digging and mixing a soil
9. Hand Fork i. Used for digging small holes, loosening soil
and transplanting.
10.Sprinkler j. used for harvesting grains with a curved blades.

Let’s Apply

Directions: List down at least 5 tools and equipment and explain how each used in
accomplishing the job. Write it in a separate sheet of paper. Send in your Google
classroom or messenger.

Tools/Equipment Needed Use






Rubric for Rating


5 Able to list down and explain the uses of all the needed tools in
accomplishing the task.

4 Able to list down 4 and explain the uses of 90% - 99% of all the needed
tools in accomplishing the task.

3 Able to list down 3 and explain the uses 80% - 89% of all the needed
tools in accomplishing the task.

2 Able to list down 2 and explain the uses 70% - 79% of all the needed
tools in accomplishing the task.

1 Able to list down 1 and explain the uses of 69% all the needed tools in
accomplishing the task.

Learning Outcome 2 – Perform Preventive Maintenance of Tools and

Learning Objectives:

1. clean tools and equipments after use in line with farm procedures
2. perform preventive maintenance by following the procedure in sharpening
and oily farm tools and equipments

Let’s Try

TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the statement is correct. F if the statement is incorrect
on separate sheet of paper.

______ 1. It is advisable to use sand paper in honing edge of cutting tools.

______ 2. Clamping the tool into place with a vise gives you control of what you are
______ 3. Apply a little bit of lubricating oil to begin working the stone over the
______ 4. Clean rust and dirt with a damp cloth.
______ 5. Maintain a 30 degree angle between stone and blade.
______ 6. Clean grit sand paper to remove rust to larger tools.
______ 7. Sharpening a file, use oil
______ 8. Use whetstone for sharpening pruning shears.
______ 9. Farm implements like wooden plow and wooden harrow should be
checked before use.
______ 10. Tractors should be tune-up by unskilled operator.

Let’s Recall
Directions: Enumerate at least 5 farm tools and equipments and its uses. Write in
your notebook.

Let’s Explore

Direction: Watch video presentation on how to clean and sharpen your garden
tools. Visit the link below.

Let’s Elaborate

How To Clean Your Tools And Equipments

Start the basics for cleaning your shovel, spade, grub-hoe or even
sharpening the blades on the hedge to knock down rust. It is a nice idea to keep
sharp blade to cut all the soil better.

1. Try to use the whetstone to keep all the cutting

tool edge honed. Try to find a way to stabilize the
tool that you want o work on. Bench vise is ideal.
You can clamp the tool into place at an angle.
Clamping the tool into place with a vise free both
of your hands to use the stone and give you
control of what you are doing.

2. Apply a little bet of lubricating oil and begin to

work the stone over the blade. Maintain a 30
degree angle between stone and the blade, you are
not only sharpening the blade but also removing
rust that formed at the edge of your tool’s blade.
3. Clean rust and dirt to all metal surfaces with a wire brush. Remove rust
from small tools with fine steel wool. Use old toothbrush with lubricating oil
is a great work to fresh oil into the joints. Use medium-grit sandpaper to
remove rust on larger tools like shovel, spade and hoes.

Once your tools cleaned they are ready to be sharpened. Use whetstone for
the pruners because of very sharp cutting edge. Apply few drops of oil or water to
the stone. When sharpening a file, do not use oil: metal fillings will accumulate and
clog the file.
Farm implements like ordinary plow and wooden harrow should be checked
before use. Loosened bolts and nuts should be lightened firmly. Disc plow and disc
harrow should lubricate also on their moving parts like bearings. Tractors should
be tuned-up very well by skilled operator. Always check their lubricant, fuel, oil
and cooling system.
Tools that are worn out should be separated and to be fixed to avoid
How to Maintain Farm Tools and Equipment?
 Sharpen tool before and after use
 Oil or grease metal parts
 Wooden handles should be strong
 Hang your garden tools
 Store tools in the original cases
 Use silica gel packs
 Dry tools after use
Farm tools, equipment, and implements must be regularly checked to:
-Prolong their useful life
-Use them efficiently
-Save time and effort
Materials needed in sharpening tools are:

Let’s Dig In

Directions: What are the procedures on how to clean tools and equipments?
Let’s remember

What are the safety measures in cleaning tools and equipments?

Let’s Apply

Directions: Clean at least 1 tool used in gardening that you found in your house.
Try to picture before and after cleaning. Follow the procedures in cleaning the tools.
Send it to Google classroom or messenger.

Rubrics for scoring

20 15 10 5
1. Blade is properly sharpened
2. Step by step procedure are correctly
3. Safety precautions properly observed
4. Practice good housekeeping.
16-20 excellent
11-15 Very good
5-below Poor

Let’s Evaluate

TRUE OR FALSE: Read and analyze each statement. Write T IF the statement is
correct and F if the statement is incorrect on your separate sheet of paper.
1. Sickle is a hard tool used for cutting small branches of trees.
2. A digging tool with a pointed head is pick mattock.
3. Gardening tool used for small holes and transplanting is hand trowel.
4. Hand tools are used for preparation large areas of lands.
5. Crowbar used for digging big holes and big stones.
6. Gardening tool with a flat and sharp edge is called spade.
7. Rake is a short-handled tool used for cleaning the leaves.
8. Use whetstone for sharpening pruning shears.
9. Farm implements like wooden plow and wooden harrow should be checked
before use.
10.Tractors should be tune-up by unskilled operator.

Let’s Extend


1. Collect pictures of tools and equipments.
2. Pictures taken from the online sites copy the URL.
3. Compile and submit in messenger or Google classroom.


Perform calculation is important to be able to measure and calculate surface
areas. Estimation is a rough calculation of value, number, quantity or extent

Learning Objectives:

1. Follows procedures in reporting to appropriate person/s the estimate of

materials and resources
2. Perform estimates or calculations to be done according to the job requirement
3. Employ different techniques in checking accuracy of result

Let’s Try


Direction: Let us identify farm resources to be estimated. Write your answer in

separate sheet of paper. Send it to messenger or Google Classroom.

Identify the following pictures

1.________ 2.__________

3.________ 4.__________

5.________ 6.___________

7.________ 8.___________

9.________ 10.__________

Let’s Recall


1. Give at least 2 procedures on how to clean tools.

Let’s Explore
Directions: Visit the link/You Tube to watch video of farm resources Labor
Requirements for Land Preparation.

Let’s Elaborate


Estimate irrigation expenses up to last harvest. Irrigation expense is the

product of price of water per volume, the number of volume per day and
total number of day to be irrigated from planting to the last harvest.
This is expressed as:

Pricce of Water No . of Volume

1. Irrigation Expenses = x x Total no. of days
Volume Day

2. Estimated worker hired to perform irrigation from planting to last


Estimated worker = x Total irrigation area
square area
3. Estimated number for spraying insecticides (per worker)

No. of days
Estimated days = x total land area
square area
4. Estimated workers needed for spraying (per worker)

No . of worker
Estimated number of day = x total land area
square area
5. Estimated cost of insecticide used for spraying

Price No . of Insecticede
Estimated cost = x x total land area
Insecticide square area
6. Worker’s salary during insecticide spraying

Worker salary = x total no. Of days
7. Estimated number of weeding operation
No . of worker
Estimated workers = x total land area
square area
8. Workers salary during weeds

Workers Salary = x Total no. of workers
9. Estimated number of workers employ during harvesting

No . of worker
Worker employees = x total land harvesting area
Square area

a. Total amount of salary paid in planting area

Total amount of salary = (no. of days) (no. of workers) (amount of salary)

Total amount of salary paid in planting the area = (2) (5) (300) = 3,000.00

b. Total salary paid in fertilizing, the area from planting up to the date of the

Total amount of salary = (no. of days)(no, of worker)(amount of salary)

Total amount of salary paid in fertilizing the area = (2) (2) (300) = 1,200.00

c. Total amount of fertilizer consumed from planting up to the date of the


Total amount of fertilizer = (amount of fertilizer per kilo)(no. of kilos)

Total amount of fertilizer = (20) (200) = 4,000.00

d. Total amount of fertilizer consumed after the survey until final harvest

Total amount of fertilizer = (amount of fertilizer per kilo) (no. of kilos)

Total amount of fertilizer = (20) (400) = 8,000.00


Total land area 50,000 square

Amount of Fertilizer 20 / Kilo
Number of days consumed for planting the area 2 days
Number of worker planted in area 5 workers
Amount of salary planted the area 300 days
Number of workers who fertilized the area for planting up to
2 workers
date of survey
Quantity of fertilizer used from planting up to date of this
200 kilos
Amount of salary paid in applying fertilizer from planting to the
300 / day
date of this survey
Quantity of fertilizer to be used after the survey until final
500 kilos
Number of worker required to perform fertilizer up to the survey
2 workers
until end of harvesting
Amount of salary paid in applying fertilizer from planting to the
300 / day
date of survey

Total cost of all the expenses is the sum of the following:

Total amount of salary paid in planting area 3,000.00
Total amount of fertilizer consumed from planting up to date
of the survey
Total amount of salary paid in the fertilizing the area from
planting up to date of the survey
Total amount of fertilizer consumed after the survey until final
Total amount of salary paid in the fertilizing the area after the
survey until final harvesting
Total cost of all the expenses 18,600.00

The Seed and How to Select It
Seeds are very important to animals and human being because almost of the
plants which are the sources of food come from seeds.
A seed is fertilized and ripened ovule which may develop into a plant by
germination Parts of seeds are a [cotyledons] seed leaves, [plumule] future shoot
and [radical] future root.
Testing the Viability of Seeds
Not all seeds have the ability to germinate due to the following reasons:
a. High moisture - temperature condition
b. Long storage - seeds are kept too long
c. Immaturity - too immature when harvested
Testing seeds avoid wasting good seeds. Germination tests will save time,
energy, money and planting space.
Common methods of testing the viability of seeds
Rag-doll method Seed box method
Petri dish method floating in a water method

Computing the Percentage of Germination

no . of seeds germinated x 100
Percentage [%] of Germination =
no . of seeds sown

After inspecting the seed box, you find that only 80 seeds germinated out of 100
seeds that you are sown. The percentage of germination will be
no . of seeds germinated x 100
Percentage of germination =
no . of seeds sown
80 x 100
Percentage of germination = 80%

This means that only 80 percent of the total number of seeds germinated.
To calculate the exact amount of seeds needed to plant a hectare, use the following
r ecmmended seeding rate
New seeding rate =
percentage og germination
a. Recommended seeding rate is given based on 80%
b. Percentage germination is calculated using the first formula

The recommended seeding rate of eggplants is 45 kg per hectare and the
percentage of germination is 80.The new seeding rate will be:

45 kg

New seeding rate = 0.80 = 56

Let’s Dig In

Directions: Watch a video about testing the viability of the seeds.

Let’s Remember

Directions: Compute the percentage of germination. Write your answer in your

Mang Jose sowed 50 seeds. After inspecting the seed box you find that only 35
seeds germinated out. What is the percentage of germination using the formula
no . of seeds germinatedx 100
Percentage of germination=
no .of seeds sown

Let’s Apply

Directions: Make a seed box using paper cup or styro cup. Sow any kind of seeds
{small seeds only like pechay, eggplant etc.} Send the picture in Google classroom
or messenger.
1. Construct a paper or styro cup as seed box.
2. Fill in the seed box with soil.
3. Sow any seeds by broadcasting uniformly in the seed box.
4. Cover the seeds with soil thinly. Water them lightly.
5. Cover the seed box with or a discarded of onion or garlic to avoid pests
6. Continue watering the seed box daily if needed until leaves appear. Bring the
seed box into full sunlight.
7. When seedlings grow too close to each other, do the thinning.
8. When 4 to 5 true leaves appear, plants are ready for transplanting.

Your performance will be rated using the following rubric:

5 Able to demonstrate properly all the eight procedures in the activity
Able to demonstrate properly six – seven of the procedures in the
3 Able to demonstrate properly four – five of the procedures in the activity
Able to demonstrate properly one – three of the procedures in the
1 Was not able to demonstrate any of the procedures in the activity

Let’s Extend

Solve the following problems:

1. How many seedlings will you need to plant tomato in your 200sq.m area if
the distance of planting is 25 x 100 cm?

2. What must be the distance of planting if you have 50 seedlings in order to

plant your 15sq.m garden?

Let’s Evaluate

ENUMERATION: Enumerate at least 10 Labor Requirement for Land Preparation.


Aniceta Kong. Delia San Diego, et al Agriculture and Fishery Arts


Aniceta Kong, Delia San Diego, et al [Agriculture and Fishery]

Module Development Team

Writer: DR. ELVINA R. DEPONE, Master Teacher II

Content Evaluator: DR. ANGELA K. ALAMAN, Head Teacher IV

Language Evaluator: ENGR. MARIA CARLA R. DEPONE

Reviewers: DR. ANGELA K. ALAMAN, Head Teacher IV

DR. RONALDO J. LASIN, Master Teacher I





JHS Team Leader/Facilitator: DR. MELEDA H. POLITA, SDS (Ret.)

School Head-In-Charge: DR. REA M. CRUZ, Principal IV

Content Validator/Editor: MR. SANTIAGO P. ALVIS, Principal II

Management Team:


Names of EPS in-charge of Learning Area

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City
Telefax: 8838-42-51
Email Address:

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