Parts of The Speech: REVIEW LESSON

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Parts of the Speech: REVIEW LESSON

I. Nouns- is a word that names a person, place or things

Singular nouns-referring to single or one person, place ,name or thing
Plural. Referring to two or more persons , places, things
Ex boy- boy..boys child -children …woman- women
A. Collective noun- names a group, taken as one single group.
Family, audience, swarm of bees. School of fish, flock of birds, bouquet of flowers,
Company, fraternity, class, team, crew,
B. Common Noun-names of general class of people, things or ideas usually written in small

c. Proper Noun- specifies a particular person, place ,things, events or ideas usually written in

capital letter. Ex Mexican hat, French bread, Swiss watch. German accent

C. Concrete noun- names an object that occupies a space and recognizable.

D. Abstract noun- names an idea ,quality or characteristics: courage, sanity, love ,friendship

PRONOUNS- takes the place of a noun.

1. Personal pronoun- refers to specific person. First person refers to the speaker ( I) Second
person refers To the one spoken to( you) third person singular refers to the person spoken
about ( he, she , it , )
2. Reflexive pronoun ( self) refers to the subject of the sentence
Ex: I designed the room by myself.
3. Intensive pronoun- adds emphasis to a noun or other pronoun.
Ex: I, myself designed the room.
4. Demonstrative pronoun- points out specific location of person , places or things
Here, there ,this , that, those , these
5. Interrogative pronoun- pronouns for asking questions
Who, where, what, why. When, how.
6. Relative pronoun- pronoun that introduce a clause
Which. That ,who EX; She is the girl who saves my day.
7. Indefinite pronoun- pronouns which are vague like someone , something, no one, one ,all. Any.
Few, several , many, none ,another, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody
Everyone, everything, most, neither, nobody, nothing, other, others, some, somebody,
8. Antecedent- a pronoun that is referred by a word or group of words .
Ben rode his bike to school. Ben is the antecedent referred by pronoun his.
VERBS- is a word expresses action or denote a state of being.

1. Action verb- tells what someone actually does.

Transitive verb- the verb answers the question what?
Ex: The boy threw the ball. The boy threw what? The ball. ( direct object)

The man delivers a big boxes in the house. The man delivers what? Big boxes ( direct object)

Intransitive verb- not followed by word that answer what?

Ex: The birds eat grains in the field. The birds eat what ? grains (direct object)

The birds eat in the rice field. The bird eat what ? none.

The bird eat where ? in the field. Intransitive verb is complete by itself and usually followed by

Linking verbs ( verb BE) links or join the subject in the sentence with adjective, noun or
pronoun. These are is, are ,was, were, am. (verbs of senses) appear, become, feel, grow, look,
remain, seem, smell, sound ,taste

Verb phrase : consists of main verb and all its auxiliary or helping verb.

Ex: My stomach has been growling since morning,

(Verb phrase)
I am waiting for a response.
(verb Phrase)
GROUP I- Write S above the singular noun, P above the plural noun.
1. Our group is planning a trip to Albay.
2. The fountain in Grant Park is lovely at night.
3. A crowd has formed outside the department store.
4. The class donated their time to the senior citizen’s center.
5. Sheep grazed on the grassy plain while tourists took pictures.
6. A company of actors entertained the children.
7. The soccer team will practice after the softball team.
8. The greenhouse was filled with roses and irises.
9. The road follows the shoreline for five minutes.
10. The art league sponsored competition.
GROUP II. Encircle the abstract noun.

1. His honesty impressed the members of the jury.

2. My diary contains no secret.
3. People gathered around the stage in amazement.
4. We have plans to celebrate .
5. Rita’s notion of fairness is based on principles.
6. Freida makes every effort to win the race.
7. I finally understand the meaning of the song.
8. Earl expressed curiosity about the plot of a novel.
9. Dwayne received an award for his devotion.
10. The tranquility of the place reminds my hometown.

GROUP III. Write PROP. For proper noun, and Comm. For the common noun.


Ex: Europeans came to America in ships.

1. The vast Atlantic separates Europe from America.

2. After the Revolution, the United States attracted more and more people.
3. Most of the new arrivals settled in New England.
4. Many people choose to live near the water.
5. Residents of seaports, such as Salem, Massachusetts ,built many ships.
6. Area merchants knew that money was to be made in trade.
7. Americans built their sailing craft with pride.
8. Designers created many new ships.
9. These new ships could sail as far as China.
10. Nathaniel Brown Power was born in the late 18 th century.
GROUP IV. Encircle the reflexive pronoun, encircle the intensive pronoun.

Ex; Mother made a special cake for herself. ( reflexive pronoun)

Mother, herself prepared the cake. ( intensive pronoun)

1. The puppy scared itself by watching its shadow.

2. You yourselves can lead the singing tonight.
3. He bought himself a computer at the garage sale.
4. I myself forgot to bring the luggage.
5. They voted for the unknown candidate themselves.
6. You let yourself eat too much chocolate.
7. We will learn the new dance ourselves.
8. They allowed themselves plenty of time to reach the arena.
9. He himself assured us it would not rain.
10. The train itself seemed to stop suddenly.

GROUP V. Underline the Interrogative pronoun, encircle the relative pronoun.

Ex: Which of these schedules lists the time that the bus to Topeka leave?


1. The caterer who furnished this meal did an excellent job.

2. Whatever happened to common courtesy?
3. We will see whichever of the Broadway plays you like.
4. The pianist who played last night gave a magnificent performance.
5. Who is the passenger whose briefcase was lost?
6. Sadie will give the package to whoever answers the door?
7. Father’s car ,which is bright red, is parked across the street.
8. Whom did you say the biography was about?
9. What crawled up your arms?
10. Whichever are we hoping to locate?
GROUP VI. Draw a line for indefinite pronoun, circle the demonstrative pronoun.

1. These belong on the shelf next to the mystery novels.

2. Neither gave the public a reason to rejoice.
3. Everybody wants a copy Of Taylor Joyce’s newest model.
4. This is the key to unlocking the secrets of Ms.Dupont ‘s success.
5. Those provoked quite an argument at the meeting last night.
6. Many attempts to win the contest, but few actually claim first prize.
7. The instructors gave others an opportunity to voice their opinion.
8. Joseph demonstrated that yesterday when he received his first traffic ticket.
9. Of all the directors, one achieved true greatness with his documentary.
10. Somebody made signs to show us the way to the tournament.

GROUP VII. Underline the verb, write in the blank whether the verb is TRANSITIVE or INTRANSITIVE

Ex:___T___ Molly, our team captain, passed the ball to Diana.

Verb direct object

_____1. George and Ling brought chips and salsa to the meeting.

_____2. Uncle Louis rides his horse thee times a week.

_____3. Marian sings beautifully.

_____4. This city possesses more forms of entertainment than my hometown.

_____5.A flock of hummingbirds invaded the orchard.

_____6. She respectfully declined the nomination for vice president.

_____7. After the thunderstorm a rainbow appeared.

_____8. The Spanish Club travels to Spain next year.

_____9. Both players work feverishly during the next tennis match.

____10. The Rivera appreciates the space museum’s newest exhibit.

GROUP VIII. Write LV for linking verb. AV for action verb then underline the verb.

_____1. Scholars recognize Alsace as Bartholdi ‘s birthplace.

_____2. His mother raised him in Paris.

_____3. Alsace lies between Germany and France.

_____4. Long ago it was an independent kingdom.

_____5. However, today as in 1834 it is a part of France.

_____6. Bartholdi was a poor student at first.

_____7. Then he became interested in art.

_____8. He seemed genuinely attracted to sculpture.

_____9. However, sculpture is a difficult art to pursue.

____10. Sculpture requires much space.

GROUP IX. Underline the verb phrase in the sentence.

1. Jacques has played golf several times.

2. The majestic mountain will change any climb.
3. Three poodles have escaped from the Allingham estate.
4. An army captain could capture the attention of every private in the room.
5. Belinda might have seen the tornado from the basement window.
6. Mandy and Monica are visiting their aunt I Pittsburgh.
7. Walden Pond has become a popular destination for fans of Henry David Thoreau.
8. New rock bands will be featured on that radio station.
9. This antique car did function well.
Part I SPENG 2

Vocabularies/ Key Terms:

1. Bequia of Eastern Caribbean- people who could speak French, Spanish, Portuguese called
Vincentian Creole.
2. Cultural Linguistics- is a multidisciplinary field of research that explores how much features
Of language and language varieties are conceptualized
3. Sociolingistics-deals with society – language is the most important instrument that exist in
human society. By means of language , myths, customs , beliefs are passed from generation
To another. The child appreciates the structure of society into which where he lived and born.
4. Code -Switching- a practice of moving back and forth between two languages, two dialects
5. Hmong Americans- were people from Laos, Thailand , Vietnam .They came to America in 1975.
Hmong White and Hmong Green intermarriage ….wives are expected to learn the dialect of the
Husband.Some of the wives are agentively challenging this traditional sociolinguistics.


1. Africa to Sub Saharan African Desert- multilingualism ( culture of speaking dealing with more
than one languages).The languages is also affected with heavy code- switching. 19 th century
colonization, diverse tribal and linguistics settings and the existence of many tribal dialects.
2. Highlights are history of colonization, pre-colonial and colonial period,multilingualism, code
switching, diversity of tribals plus income and education.
3. Some linguists have been concerned with the dynamics of language in society
4. Sociolinguistics has taken stock of its ability to challenge and changed individual researchers.
5. The success of the program has depended on using team based approach which combines the
Expertise of the professional sociolinguistics with insider fieldworkers.
6. The research team includes field workers who can be effective in gaining the trust and
cooperation of speakers of urban minorities.
7. Established routines like data on attitudes, linguistic security, domains of the language use
And details of variation are collected for analysis.
8. Questions arised like which language is appropriate to record because of intense
multilingualism, code-mixing, blended varieties.

1. Regional and national standard languages and common languages at home are important
Consideration for sociolinguistics.
2. Questions were raised what serves a standard, and who validates the standard.
3. Role of a language is a tool for power, prestige, status and gatekeeping
4. Notions of dialect “purity” -keeping one’s own dialect means -each community maintain its
Traditional regional dialect.
5. Role of education-the choice of language , education plays a crucial role in defining someone’s
Life opportunities, particularly the opportunities of those who are not lucky to speak the
standard language of education at home or in their everyday life.
6. Standard language is a language most frequently ed in the community.
7. Example of Norm- Sui society is organized around loyalties to clans. Sui society is an organized
Around loyalties to clans. Speakers maintain the clan dialect features of their home villages
Through out lifespan, regardless of mobility and contac. Norms is socially defined as personal
8. Inclusion paradox and Exclusion paradox-is a notion who is good enough and not good enough
Who is in and who is out
9. Core of linguistics- phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax

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