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Choose an appropriate curriculum especially that the child's mind does not contain any innate ideas was
an advice from _____.
A. Plato
B. John Locke
C. Rousseau
D. B. F. Skinner

2. Which applies when there are extreme scores?

A. The median will not be very reliable measure of central tendency
B. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency.
C. There is no reliable measure of central tendency.
D. The mean will not be very reliable measure of central tendency.

3. Which principle is underscored in the overall efforts of the DepEd to provide assistance and resources
for preschool education?
A. The rate of development is unique to each individual.
B. Early development is more critical than later development.
C. Early childhood education is required of primary education.
D. Provision of assistance is expected of the leadership.

4. In determining the strategy or method of teaching to carry out the objective of the lesson, the
preparedness of the teacher should be considered. It implies that the teacher should _____.
A. master the subject matter
B. enjoy the lesson
C. call the attention of the learners
D. give many homework

5. Helping in the development of graduates who are maka-Diyos is an influence of _____.

A. naturalistic morality
B. classical Christian morality
C. situational morality
D. dialectical morality

6. If your approach to your lesson is behaviorist, what features will dominate your lesson?
I. Drill
II. Reasoning
III. Lecturing
IV. Cooperative Learning
A. I, III, and IV
B. I, II, III, and IV
C. II only
D. I only

7. A group of six-year-old children were seated on the floor, facing a classroom TV set and viewing a film
entitled "Romeo and Juliet". Teacher A thought that it would be nice to let her children see one of the best
stories ever told. What rule in the selection of the multi-media did she violate?
A. practicality of the activity
B. appropriateness of the film
C. objectivity of the activity
D. suitability to activity

8. The State shall take into account regional and sectoral needs and conditions and shall encourage local
planning in the development of educational policies and programs. This statement means:
A. Philippine education is nationalistic.
B. Philippine education is democratic.
C. Philippine education is complete, adequate, integrated and relevant.
D. Philippine education encourages regional planning.
9. To educate students for intellectual performance, they must be taught that knowledge is built "from the
A. outside
 B. experience
C. inside
D. environment

10. Every time Mr. R passed by the school on his way to the farm, he observed a number of students
loitering around the school premises. He was wondering why the students were out of the classrooms when
classes were going on. During a PTA meeting, Mr. R reported his observations which the principal did not
like. Does Mr. R have the right to report his observations?
A. No, because he is not a member of the school staff.
B. No, because he is not paid to observe what is happening in the school.
C. Yes, because he was asked by the mayor to observe the principal.
D. Yes, because he is a community member and a stakeholder in the school.

11. On which educational philosophy is the thought that the teacher is the sole authority in their field of
specialization anchored?
A. reconstructionism
B. perennialism
C. essentialism
D. progressivism

12. The teacher provides various learning activities and methods in her teaching so that diverse needs and
interest of learners are met. Which principle of learning did she consider?
A. Learning by doing
B. Cognitive development stages
C. Multiple intelligence
D. Cooperative learning

13. You are convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement and
soon the student learns to perform the behavior on her own. On which principle is your conviction based?
A. cognitivism
B. behaviorism
C. constructivism
D. environmentalism

14. The stress on meritocracy was a strong influence of _____ teaching.

A. Shintoist
B. Confucian
C. Buddhist
D. Taoist

15. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally justified to do that?
A. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his/her parents.
B. Yes, it can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up.
C. No, abortion is immoral.
D. Yes, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much due to the
absence of a father.

16. Which technique makes your students teach and learn at the same time?
A. peer tutoring
B. computer-assisted instruction
C. reciprocal teaching
D. debate
17. Thorndike's law of effect states that a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened when
the consequence is _____.
A. repeated
B. negative
C. pleasurable
D. positive

18. Value clarification as a strategy in Values Education classes is anchored on which philosophy?
A. Existentialism
B. Christian philosophy
C. Idealism
D. Hedonism

19. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and low?
A. cannot be identified unless individual scores are given
B. mode
C. mean
D. median

20. What do the school campus expressions "promdi" and "barriotic" indicate?
A. the powerlessness of the poor
B. low literacy rate of the country
C. the power of the rich
D. the prevalence of ethnocentrism

21. Teacher M has photography as a sideline. He offers his photography services with discount during
school functions like intramurals. Is this ethical?
A. No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a photographer.
B. No, he should not deprive other photographers of their job.
C. Yes, his services are much cheaper than those of others and is, therefore of great help.
D. Yes, his photography service is so personalized that he is able to establish rapport with parents.

22. In Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, the domains are stated from lowest to highest level.
Which of the following objectives belongs to the lowest level?
A. To identify the characters of the story.
B. To differentiate active from passive voice.
C. To give the available resources that could be recycled to useful things.
D. To explain the procedure in changing improper fraction to mixed number

23. Factors affect learning that made through the use of audiovisual aids, review, drills and other means is
A. motivation
B. extinction
C. reinforcement
D. interest

24. Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength?

A. Objective test
B. Short answer test
C. Essay test
D. Problem type

25. "Learning to be" as another pillar of learning is applied when schools _____.
I. facilitate the students' personality development
II. empower people to learn more about themselves
III. encourage students to become immersed in their culture
A. I, II, and III
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I and III

26. W. Glasser's control theory states that behavior is inspired by what satisfies a person's want at any
given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn?
A. make schoolwork relevant to students' basic human needs
B. avoid giving assignments
C. make teaching-learning interactive
 D. organize a curriculum un a spiral manner

27. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?

A. paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
B. oral performance to assess student's spoken communication skills
C. artistic production for music and art subject
D. experiments in science to assess scientific method

28. If the difficulty index of your test item is 0.10, what should you do with this item?
A. Revise it.
B. Reject it.
C. Retain it.
D. Reserve it for another group of pupils.

29. Under the Magna Carta for Teachers, teachers with _____ years of service of more may be considered
PBET eligible.
A. at least 10 years or more continuous service
B. at least five years or more continuous service
C. seven years of service
D. three years of service

30. Which of the following criteria is the most important in test construction?
A. Preparation of Table of Specification
B. Items must jive with the objectives
C. Arrange events in occurrence
D. The stem should contain the central problem

31. After scoring, Teacher G got the difference of the highest and lowest scores in each class. What did she
A. standard deviation
B. mean
C. range
D. median

32. According to Wiggins and McTighe, one facet of understanding, an evidence of learning, is empathy.
Which test questions assesses capacity to empathize?
A. State the Pythagorean Theorem.
B. Test on Romeo and Juliet. Imagine you are Juliet. Write your thoughts and feelings why you have to
take this desperate action.
C. Diagnose and fix the broken lamp.
D. Translate all the words in Spanish and give the meaning of the sentence.

33. To ensure the lesson will go smoothly, Teacher A listed down the steps she will undertake together
with those of her students. This practice relates to?
A. Teaching style
B. Teaching method
C. Teaching strategy
D. Teaching technique
34. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which material will
teachers most likely use?
A. facts
B. laws
C. time-tested principles
D. hypotheses

35. What should a teacher do for students in their class who are not on an expected grade level?
A. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to
bring them up to a grade level.
B. Give them the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won't feel embarrassed.
C. Give them the same work as the other students because they will absorb as much as they are capable of.
D. Push them to perform in order to attain desired grade level.

36. As of the Republic Act 7836 the licensure exam for teachers is with the _____.
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Department of Education
D. Civil Service Commission

37. Borich identified three types of classroom climate that the teacher can use in different situations.
Which of these classroom climate is/are the less threatening?
I. Competitive
II. Cooperative
III. Individualistic
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I and III
D. III only

38. Studies in the area of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does
this imply?
A. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.
B. Every child is a potential genius.
C. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
D. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this native ability.

39. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT
fall under?
A. criterion reference test
B. intelligence test
C. aptitude test
D. norm reference test

40. With the mode of answering as point of reference, which of the following types of test does not belong
to the group?
A. problem-solving
B. completion
C. matching type
D. essay

41. Which among the aspects of personal classroom management greatly affects the rate of learning
(absorption of knowledge)?
A. personal grooming
B. voice of the teacher
C. manner of dressing
D. personal graciousness

42. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development of learning in the affective domain is
through _____.
A. reading of journal entries
B. performance assessment
C. product assessment
D. self-assessment

43. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in planning the _____ training of
A. preservice
B. post-service
C. school-based
D. division-based

44. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or
confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated
 A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Acquisition
D. Discrimination

45. What is referred to as the "looking glass self" of Cooley?

A. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others.
B. It is how others look at myself.
C. It is how others affect me.
D. It is how I influence others.

46. Pictures, models and the like arouse students’ interest on the day's topic, in what part of the lesson
should the given materials be presented?
A. Initiating activities
B. Culminating activities
C. Evaluation activities
D. Developmental activities

47. In education or training environment, sexual harassment is committed _____.

A. when the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for the result,
trainee or apprentice
B. against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted to the offender
C. when the sexual favor is made a condition to the giving of a passing grade, or the granting of honors
and scholarships, or the payment of a stipend, allowance or other benefits, privileges, or considerations
D. All of these

48. Which philosophy proclaims the spiritual nature of man and stresses that the human spirit, soul, or
mind are the most important elements in life?
A. essentialism
B. realism
C. perennialism
D. idealism

49. You were tasked to test this hypothesis. "The more a teacher knows about a specific subject matter, the
better she can teach it." Which variable could be used as the dependent variable?
A. teacher's yearly performance evaluation rating.
B. personality traits of the teacher.
C. incentives offered to teachers
D. motivation from the school head
50. Teacher E asks student A to identify and analyze events, ideas or objects in order to state their
similarities and differences. In which part of the lesson does said activity take place?
A. Preparation
B. Generalization
C. Application
D. Comparison and Abstraction

51. A sound advice for classroom managers is "Nip the problem in the bud." What does this mean?
A. Assume a reactive posture in classroom management.
B. Be proactive in management approach.
C. Reinforce positive behavior.
D. Treat minor disturbance calmly.

52. What is the norm of a test?

A. the mean of grouping scores
B. the standard of for adequate performance
C. the standard deviation of a group of scores
D. the typical performance of a certain group of individuals who took the test

53. Time-tested methods are as effective as modern methods of teaching even if these are traditional.
Which of the following methods is time-tested?
A. inductive method
B. cooperative learning method
C. integrated teaching
D. problem-based learning

54. Instead of assigning our students to discuss how to write a good editorial, ask them to write one for the
school organ. Which principle underlies this practice?
 A. Promote meaningful connections between classroom subject matter and real-world contexts.
B. Use assignments for instructional and diagnostic purposes.
C. When giving assignments take into account students' development levels.
D. Make assignments challenging.

55. Which objective in the affective domain is in the lowest level?

A. To respond positively to a comment
B. To formulate criteria for honesty
C. To support viewpoints against abortion
D. To accumulate examples of authenticity

56. Which is essential in the cognitive development of a person according to Vygotsky?

A. independent thinking
B. social interaction
C. individual mental work
D. scientific thinking

57. Which of the following could produce more than one value?
A. mean
B. mode
C. median
D. mean of grouped data

58. Which instructional material is most fit in contextualized learning?

A. television
B. slides
C. field trip
D. pictures
59. One way of studying the human mind is through looking into one’s own self find out his own
conscious feelings or sensations.
A. Introspection
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Behaviorism
D. Imagination

60. “What I hear, I forget. What I see I remember. What I do, I understand.” This means that pupils learn
best when they _____.
A. learn independently
B. work with groups
C. watch TV
D. take active part in the learning process

61. The leading proponent of social learning theory is Bandura. He believes that _____.
A. behavior can influence both the environment and the person
B. learning stays with the individuals until needed
C. reinforcement influences cognitive processes
D. people learn from one another such as by modeling

62. Which policy of the State does the National Secondary Assessment Test (NSAT) enhance?
 A. the coordination of functions and activities of education institutions
B. the evaluation of the graduates of secondary schools
C. the offering of scholarships to deserving students
D. the maintenance of the highest quality of education

63. Which of the following appraisal techniques would be most useful with a big number of desired
A. interview
B. observation
C. questionnaire
D. autobiography

64. Which of the following techniques of curriculum implementation is fit to the objective of developing
cooperative learning and social interaction?
A. buzz session
B. graded recitation
C. individual reporting
D. lecture

65. Which is a classroom application of the theory on operant conditioning?

A. Make students learn by operating manipulatives.
B. Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxation.
C. Help students see the connectedness of facts, concepts, and principles.
D. Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the response.

66. Which of the following is best implied by quality and relevant teacher development initiatives?
A. lifelong learning
B. focus on the non-performers
C. capacity building of educational community
D. mentoring of experts who share the latest ideas about teaching and learning

67. Student R gave a wrong answer. Teacher W said "Wrong! You are way off." As a consequence, other
students in the class were afraid to answer questions. Which of the following is illustrated by the event?
A. ripple effect
B. halo effect
C. severity error
D. central tendency error

68. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. What does this mean?
A. The test item is very good, so retain it.
B. The test item is very difficult.
C. The test item is extremely easy.
D. The test item is not valid.

69. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education?
A. By continually improving themselves personally and professionally
B. By wearing expensive clothes to change people's poor perception of teachers
C. By working out undeserved promotions
D. By putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching

70. You intend to assess affective attributes such as capacity to feel, attitudes, and behavior. Which of the
following should you establish to ascertain the instrument's validity?
A. construct
B. content
C. criterion-related
D. face

71. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in short span of
time, but this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on
punishment and learning, this shows that _____.
A. punishment strengthens a response
B. punishment doesn’t remove a response
C. punishment removes response
D. punishment weakens a response

72. The main purpose in administering a pretest and a posttest to students is to _____.
A. accustom the students in frequent setting
B. keep adequate records
C. measure the value of the material used
D. measure gains in learning

73. Which of the following statements best describes metacognition as a strategy for curriculum
A. It is learning how to learn and thinking about how one thinks.
B. It is learning strategies for success.
C. It is learning through interaction with the environment.
D. It is learning through computer-aided instruction.

74. Which applies when skewness is zero?

A. Mean is greater than the median
B. Median is greater than mean
C. Scores have three modes
D. Scores are normally distributed

75. Which of these is not an indicator of a supportive learning environment?

A. high drop-out rates
B. warm and friendly atmosphere
C. students take personal responsibility for their learning and behavior
D. increase in student bonding activities in school

76. Teacher J begins her lesson with concrete life experiences then leads the students to abstractions.
Which method did she employ?
A. Transductive
B. Inductive
C. Deductive
D. Interactive

77. "Each learner approaches the world in many ways" implies that the learner has different views of what
they learn. It implies varied learning styles as well as teaching styles. As a teacher, how would you apply
this statement?
A. Review the contents of the lesson.
B. Master one strategy in teaching.
C. Make one standard lesson plan.
D. Provide various activities of learning.

78. Which is the basic principle underpinning the performance-based grading system?
A. It is a tool for improving teaching and learning.
B. It is a tool to determine prerequisite knowledge.
C. It is diagnostic, formative, and summative.
D. It is evaluative and judgmental.

79. Which of the following materials will be interesting to the global learners?
I. Printed materials
II. Non-printed materials
III. Electronic materials
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

80. The use of process approach gives the students the opportunity to ______.
A. learn how to learn
B. make use of laboratory apparatus
C. apply the scientific method
D. learn on their own

81. According to Ausubel, one of the ways to strengthen the student's cognitive structure is by using an
instructional tool called _____.
A. cross-referencing
B. spiral approach
C. advance organizer
D. narrative

82. Which activity does not help children develop phonemic awareness?
A. encouraging them to use invented spelling
B. reading a story to them until they are able to understand and retell the story
C. exposing them to literature that plays with the sounds of the language
D. involving them in songs and games that draw attention to the sounds of the language

83. During the sensorimotor period, a child does not see things in abstract form. Which of the following
should teachers remember in teaching and assessing young children's performance?
A. Use of pictures may not be necessary.
B. Use of concrete objects in not necessary.
C. Printed words are easier to understand than pictures.
D. Colored pictures are more effective than printed sentences.

84. The then National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) was abolished because it was perceived to
be _____.
A. against the democratization of access to education
B. not supportive of the production of quality manpower for the country
C. highly expensive for it was given to a huge number of high school graduates
D. culturally-biased against the marginalized citizens

85. Which is the least exploratory in nature?

A. problem solving
B. inquiry
C. demonstration
D. discovery

86. What school of philosophy believes that truth is that which works and successful in solving problem?
A. communism
B. positivism
C. pragmatism
D. personalism

87. Which method has been proven to be effective in courses that stress acquisition of knowledge?
A. Socratic method
B. Cooperative learning
C. Mastery learning
D. Indirect instruction

88. The class was asked to share their insights about the poem. The ability to come up with an insight
stems from the ability to _____.
A. comprehend the subject that is being studied
B. analyze the parts of a whole
C. evaluate the worthiness of a thing
D. relate and organize things and ideas

89. The teaching method should place more stress on the 'why' rather than on the 'what'. This is in line with
the current curricular reform that addresses emphasis on understanding of the knowledge acquired. This
practice supports _____.
A. Understanding by Design
B. Mother Tongue-Based Education
C. thematic teaching
D. content-based teaching

90. Here are raw scores in a quiz: 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1. What would be the median?
A. 75
B. 52.72
C. 76
D. 77

91. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain what basic goal based on
Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Initiative
C. Trust
D. Mistrust

92. Essay questions are used in an achievement test when _____.

A. most of the material sampled is factorial information
B. a wide sampling of material is desired
C. originality is a factor in the response
D. little time is available for construction and scoring

93. The test in English and Mathematics showed poor results in comprehension and problem-solving
questions. How may the data be used for better learners' performance?
A. Use context clues in vocabulary building.
B. Give more exercises/situations on comprehension questions.
C. Determine weakness in grammatical structures.
D. Involve parents in guiding learners' developing good study habits.

94. Teacher B likes to concretize the abstract concept of an atom. He came up with a concrete
representation of the atom by using wires and plastic balls. How would you classify Teacher B's visual
A. model
B. realia
C. replica
D. chart

95. Which should you use to obtain information concerning a particular student's interests?
I. Case study
II. Interview techniques
III. Cumulative record of student
A. III only
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I, II, and III

96. Edgar Dale's advice is "Avoid teaching directly at the symbolic level of thought without adequate
foundation of the concrete." Which practice is contrary to E. Dales advice?
A. Defining standard deviation at the start of the lesson
B. Demonstrating the proper way to focus the microscope
C. Cutting a piece of cake into two parts to teach the concept of 1/2
D. both B and C

97. Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) most appropriate when the score distribution is badly
A. Mean and mode
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Mean

98. Student A is one-half standard deviation above the mean of his group in arithmetic and one standard
deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?
A. She excels both in spelling and arithmetic.
B. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling.
C. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic.
D. She is better in spelling than in arithmetic.

99. Your class has several IP (indigenous People) children. Which one will facilitate pupil's learning?
A. Make the IP children feel proud of themselves.
B. Group the class permanently by ethnic origin.
C. Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest.
D. Make the class feel that more is expected of non-IP children.

100. If Teacher Y wants to test student’s ability to organize ideas, which type of test should she formulate?
A. Technical problem type
B. Essay
C. Short answer type
D. Multiple-choice type

101. A preschool child says: “That tree pushed the leaf off, and it fell down.” This shows that the pre
school child believes that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. This belief is
called _____.
A. symbolism
B. animation
C. realism
D. animism

102. Teacher D openly criticizes before her class the school's policy on school uniform. Which ethical
principle is violated?
A. respect for authority
B. respect for colleagues
C. respect for the learners
D. respect for the institution

103. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is, under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such obligation?
A. Use the latest instructional technology.
B. Observe continuing professional education.
 C. Use interactive teaching strategies.
D. Study the life of Filipino heroes.

104. What government program allows students who are not accommodated in community public schools
to enroll in private school at the government’s expense?
 A. Government Assistance Program
B. Study now Pay later
C. Educational Service Contract System
D. National Scholarship Program

105. Even in the process of teaching, Teacher J finds out if her students understand what she is teaching.
What is Teacher J engaged in?
A. summative evaluation
B. criterion-referenced evaluation
C. formative evaluation
D. norm-reference evaluation

106. The process of task analysis ends up in the formulation of _____.

A. instructional objectives
B. goals of learning
C. enabling objectives
D. behavioral objectives

107. Which of the following may not be adequately assessed by a paper-and-pencil test?
A. Subject-verb agreement
B. Vocabulary
C. Multiplication skills in Math
D. Sight reading in Music

108. Which of the following is demonstrated when the teachers conduct themselves with respect,
maintaining proper ethics and decorum inside and outside the classroom?
A. professionalism
B. quality teaching and efficiency
C. service and commitment
D. personal achievement and self-worth

109. Test scores are totaled at the end of each grading period and computed using the formula:
A. [Student's score / Highest possible score] x 100
B. [Highest score / Lowest possible score] x 100
C. [Test scores = Transmutation table] x 100
D. Student's score x 100%

110. Teacher R likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Of the following materials
available, which is most fit?
A. mock-up
B. model
C. replica
D. realia

111. At the high school level, Kohlberg's advice to teachers is for them to begin discussing with students
about abstract principles such as justice and human rights. On the average, in which moral development
stage are high school students supposed to be?
A. post conventional stage
B. conventional stage
C. in between conventional and post conventional stage
D. this depends on the school culture

112. How can a teacher help students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more
A. Allow sufficient time for processing different types of information.
B. Provide a general overview of the lesson.
C. Use a variety of reflection strategies.
D. Use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking and valuing.

113. On whose philosophy was A. S. Neil’s Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools, based?
A. Rousseau
B. Pestalozzi
C. Montessori
D. John Locke

114. Read this question: How will you present the layers of the earth to your class? This is a question that
A. directs
B. leads the student to evaluate
C. assesses cognition
D. probes creative thinking

115. After a lesson on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical model of the atom to
determine learning. Which of the M.I. Is being enhanced?
A. linguistic
B. interpersonal
C. mathematical
 D. kinesthetic

116. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I
don't like it. I can't do it.) Which drive can motivate him to perform the learning task? The drive to _____.
A. achieve
B. have power
C. affiliate
D. to be free

117. To encourage introspection, which is most appropriate?

A. process
B. cognitive
C. reflective
D. cooperative learning
118. "There is nothing in the mind which was not first in some way in the senses." If you accept this
dictum, as a teacher, what will you do?
I. Make use of multisensory aids to teaching.
II. Go straight to symbolic teaching.
III. Deliver a well-prepared lecture without notes.
A. I and III
B. I only
C. II only
D. I and II

119. The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on Thorndike’s law of _____.
A. belongingness
B. readiness
C. exercise
D. effect

120. Which statement on test result interpretation is CORRECT?

A. A raw score by itself is meaningful.
B. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability.
C. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil’s score.
D. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness.

121. Learning styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes information. Classify a student who
learns best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through, and listening to what others have to
say. This student is a/an _____.
A. visual learner
B. auditory learner
C. analytic learner
D. global learner

122. The official title of the Philippine National Anthem is _____.

 A. Bayang Magiliw
B. Ang Alab ng Puso
C. Lupang Hinirang
D. Pilipinas kong Mahal

123. If you want your students to develop reading comprehension and learning strategies which one should
you employ?
A. reciprocal teaching
B. cooperative learning
C. peer tutoring
D. mastery learning

124. Someone wrote: "Environment relates to the profound relationship between matter, nature, and
society, and in such a context, ICTs bring new ways of living in a more interconnected society, all of
which reduces our dependency on matter and affects our relationship with nature." What does this convey?
A. Environment and ICT are poles apart.
B. ICT impacts on environment.
C. Environment affects ICT.
D. ICT brings us away from an interconnected society.

125. In qualitative social and behavioral studies, "the investigator is a part of the study." What are implied
in this statement?
I. The researcher processes and analyzes the data himself.
II Data interpretation depends on the orientation of the researcher.
III. The investigator is the only source of information.
IV. Data gathering may be done by others, but the analysis is done by the researcher.
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I, II, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

126. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow's Needs Theory?
A. sex education issues in school
B. delinquency in the public schools
C. the effects of different classroom structures
D. the effect of poverty on academic achievement

127. The teacher is still the best visual aid. What does this statement mean?
A. The teacher is always the source of learning.
 B. The teacher must always use effective visual aids.
C. The teacher is always the best medium in the teaching-learning process.
D. The teacher must always prepare visual aids.

128. A criterion-referenced test is designed to determine whether or not a student has _____.
A. performed well in a wide content coverage
B. performed higher than the other members of a group
C. reached a present target
D. reached a performance level on a specific skill

129. Between pursuing a college course where there is no demand and a vocational course which is highly
in demand, the students usually opt for the college course.  Which Filipino value is demonstrated?
A. importance of education
B. penchant for a college diploma
C. desire for entrepreneurship
D. interest to obtain a skill

130. Gardner (1999) states: "There are many great teachers - but the lack of coordination among classes
and the absence of accountability to those 'outside the door' is lamentable." Who is referred to as 'outside
the door'?
A. classroom observers
B. school officials
C. department heads
D. grade coordinators

131. Which of the following can contribute to the provisions of quality education?
I. Hire the best teacher applicants from the division pool.
II. Provide adequate textbooks and other instructional materials
III. Construct classroom and laboratory rooms.
IV. Maintain sanitary, safe, child-friendly and conductive environment to learning.
A. I, II, IV
C. I and III
D. I, II, III, and IV

132. According to Magna Carta for Teachers, a teacher assigned to a school ten or more kilometers from
the poblacion without regular means of transportation to reach, is entitle to _____.
A. a hardship allowance of 25 percent of the monthly salary as additional compensation
B. an additional compensation of 50 percent of the monthly salary
C. service credits of one day for every five days of service during the whole year
D. the privilege of teaching only four days a week

133. What statement is FALSE with reference to Section 1 and Section 2, Article XIV of the 1987
A. Quality education is a privilege in so far as all citizens are concerned.
 B. Public education in the elementary is free and compulsory.
C. Scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies and other incentives to deserving students in both
public and private schools.
D. Non-formal, informal and indigenous learning, self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study
programs are encouraged.

134. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the development of
work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency

135. Which is unethical for teachers to do?

A. obeying the legitimate policy of the school administration
B. cordial relation parents
C. refusing to serve in worthwhile neighborhood activities as these will adversely affect her teaching
D. conferring with the next of kin about the problems and needs of a student

136. In what developmental stage will the typical college graduating student fall?
A. pre-adolescence
B. adolescence
C. early adulthood
D. middle adulthood

137. It is sound to encourage students to define terms in their own words because _____.
A. defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster
B. students remember information better when they mentally process it in some way
C. this is one opportunity to brush up with their English
D. they ought to connect the terms that they learn

138. Teacher C teaches elementary in a rural community not reached by the electricity yet, but she has
some tapes which can be useful to teach the topics on weather. What practical audio-visual material should
she use instead?
A. pictures
B. PowerPoint presentation
C. films
D. transparencies

139. Which is one measure of attitude that consists of a value statement where you are asked to express
your degree of agreement or disagreement of a statement?
A. Likert scale
B. interview schedule
C. semantic differential
 D. checklist

140. In line with the strengthening of ethical and spiritual values, religious instruction shall take place in
the public schools with the following conditions except one. Which is the exception?
A. It is optional.
B. Parents or guardians express their desire in writing that their children/wards be taught religion in
C. The instructors must be designated or approved by the religious authorities of the religion to which
children/wards belong.
D. The government shoulders the expense for such teaching.
141. Quality teaching thrives in strong Professional Learning Communities (PLC). What characterizes a
I. Collegial interchange
II. Complicated conservation
III. Building blocks
IV. Reflective inquiry
A. I, II, III, and IV
B. II and III
C. II, III, and IV
D. I and IV

142. Which type of test would yield significant data for a regionwide assessment of school performance?
A. aptitude
B. achievement
C. evaluation
D. placement

143. Which characteristic behavior of a Grade IV pupil makes you conclude that he is behind in his
development in comparison with the average Grade IV pupil?
A. He has not learned yet to get along with his agemates.
B. He has not yet achieved emotional independence from parents.
C. He has not yet achieved a feminine or masculine social role.
D. He has not yet achieved a socially responsible behavior.

144. Good teaching is accepting responsibility for helping to make the journey as interesting, as rewarding
and as exciting as possible. This proves that teaching demands?
A. rest and relaxation
B. interest in the profession
C. efficiency in service
D. deeper commitment

145. In a school where academic performance is low, which of the these alternative actions is least
A. putting up a functional Educational Management Information System (EMIS)
B. establishing a well-equipped Learning Management Resource Center (LRC)
C. upgrading teaching competencies through in-service training
D. producing support instructional materials

146. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which one should
teachers the avoid?
A. student's reflection
B. rote memorization of facts
C. inquiry of students
D. self-directed learning

147. How can you improve this multiple-choice test item?

A test is valid when _____. A. It measures what it purports to measure  B. Covers a broad scope of subject
matter C. Reliability of scores D. Easy to administer
A. construct the options in such a way that grammar of the sentence remains correct
B. make the length of the options uniform
C. make the options parallel
D. pack the question in the stem

148. It is an area of philosophy which on the nature of knowledge and the best method of teaching is
A. epistemology
B. ethics
C. metaphysics
D. aesthetics

149. Nita doesn't enjoy writing but can't escape from it. She has to finish it in order to graduate. Greta has
always liked to write. She really likes to become a writer because she wants to be a journalist someday.
Who is more likely to be more focused on the writing activity and why?
A. Greta, because she is intrinsically motivated.
B. Nita because she is extrinsically motivated.
C. Both, because they are both motivated anyway.
D. It cannot be determined. Motivation fluctuates.

150. Teacher G’s lesson objective has something to do with the skill of synthesizing? Which behavioral
term is most appropriate?
A. Test
B. Assess
 C. Appraise
D. Theorize


1. You are very much interested in a quality professional development program for teachers. What
characteristic should you look for?
A. Prescribe by top educational teachers
B. Dependent on the availability of funds
C. Required for renewal of professional license
D. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs.

2. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the following
measures must be implemented?
I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.
II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan.
III. The implementation of what is learned in a training must be monitored.
A. I only
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II only

3. As a community leader, which of the following should a teacher NOT do?

A. Support effort of the community to improve their status in life.
B. Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by the
community politics.
C. Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community.
D. Play an active part in the activities of the community.

4. In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of the teacher?
I. Safe
II. Gender-biased
III. Secure
A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. II only
D. I and III
5. A teacher is said to be “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage”. Which practice makes the teacher fulfill such
A. Use interactive teaching strategies.
B. Use the latest educational technology.
C. Observe continuing professional education
D. As a class, study the life of Filipino heroes.

6. Which actions show that political factors affect schools as agents of change?
I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippines school.
II. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum
III. The practice of mainstreaming
IV. The turnover of day care centers from DSWD to DepEd supervision.
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. II and IV

7. For more efficient and effective management of school as agents of change, one proposal is for the
DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has the strongest
influence on this proposal?
A. Psychological
B. Historical
C. Geographical
D. Social

8. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?

A. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls.
B. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning
C. Practice of inclusive education
D. The concentration on formal education system

9. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice which
management practice?
A. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises.
B. Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office.
C. Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planning
D. Allowing schools to do what they think is best

10. Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public schools. Which measure/s have
schools taken to offset the effects of large class?
I. The deployment of more teachers
II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio
III. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions
A. I, II and III
B. I and II
C. III only
D. II only

11. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to _________ students’
A. unpreparedness from schooling
B. ambivalence
C. high degree of independence
D. high degree of dependence on authority

12. The shooting incidents in school campuses abroad have made school to rethink the curriculum. Which is
believed to counteract such incidents and so is being introduced in schools?
I. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
II. The emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against others
III. Focus on academic achievement and productivity
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I, II and III

13. Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to teach sustainable development. which one does
this prove about schools?
A. The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth.
B. Schools can easily integrate sustained development in their curriculum.
C. Sustained development cannot be effectively taught in the classroom.
D. Environment factors influence the school as an agent of change.

14. A father tells his daughter “You are a woman. You are meant for the home and so for you, going to
school is not necessary.” Is the father CORRECT?
A. It depends on the place when the daughter and the father live.
B. Yes, women are meant to be a mother only.
C. No. today women can take on the jobs of men.
D. No, there is gender equality in education.

15. Is there a legal basis for increasing the teacher’s starting salary to P18,000 a month?
A. No, it is a gift to teachers from Congress
B. Yes, R.A 7836
C. No, it is simply an act of benevolence from President GMA
D. Yes, the Phil. Constitution

16. As provided for the Educational Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encourage to set higher
standards of equality over the minimum standards required for state recognition?
A. Granting of Special Permit
B. Academic freedom
C. Discontinuing Professional Education
D. Voluntary accreditation

17. Despite opposition from some school official, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no collection of
fees” policy during enrolment period in public schools. In this policy in accordance with EFA goals?
A. No, it violates the mandate of equality education
B. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities
C. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education
D. No. it does not support parent of adult education

18. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less” claims Teacher F. Which Philosophy
does Teacher F. subscribe to?
A. Existentialism
B. Perennialism
C. Essentialism
D. Progressivism

19. Mencius believed that all people are born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it
easier to ________ our pupils.
A. teach
B. respect
C. like
D. motivate

20. The specialization requires of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent by reaching his
full potentials is in line with which pillar of learning?
A. Learning to know
B. Learning to be
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to do

21. The singing of the national anthem in schools is an offshoot of the philosophy of
A. nationalism B. pragmatism
C. naturalism D.socialism

22. When an adolescent combines ability to use deductive and inductive reasoning in the way he perceives
his environment
A. He views the world from his perspective.
B. He interprets events from his limited views.
C. He does events apart from himself and other people.
D.He sees the world and himself through the eyes of other people.

23. Which law provides government assistance to students and teachers in private education?
A. RA 7784 B. RA 8545
C. RA 7836 D. RA 6675 RA 7784 (Center of Excellence)
RA 7836 (Teachers Professionalization Act) RA 6675 (Generics Act of 1988)

24. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who
A. encourage students to ask questions
B. prescribes what pupils should do
C. is open to suggestions
D. ask open-ended questions

25. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular homework and
respect for legitimate authority?
A. essentialist B. perennialist
C. progressivist D.reconstructivist

26. The constitutional provision on language has the following aims except
A. to make regional dialects auxiliary media of instructions in regional schools
B. to maintain English as a second language
C. to make Filipino the sole medium of instruction make Filipino the national language and medium of instruction and communication

27. The tendency to emphasize so much on school beautification so that it determines pupils’ performance
illustrates the Filipinos’
A. lack of seriousness B. lack of reflection
C. sense of humor D. love for porma

28. Which is not a characteristic of democratic discipline? The child

A. can express his opinion
B. is given punishment related to the misdeed
C. understands the meaning of rules
D. obeys blindly

29. Which of the following reasons for measuring student achievement is NOT valid?
A. preparing feedback on the effectiveness of the learning process
B. discouraging students from cheating during test and from getting high scores
C. certifying that students have attained a level of competence in a subject area
D. motivating students to learn & master the materials that will be covered in an achievement test

30. Which characterizes the perfectionist type of students?

A. do not volunteer or initiate
B. give up easily
C. rarely complete tasks
D. often anxious, fearful or frustrated about quality of work

31. In instructional planning, which among these three: unit plan, course plan and lesson plan, is the most
A. unit plan B. course plan
C. lesson plan D. all of these

32. The teacher wants to teach his pupils the technique on reading for information. Which technique should
he use?
A. text structure B. prior knowledge
C. story map D. SQ3R

33. Which of the following measures should a teacher do to his principal whom she would like to file a case
of sexual harassment without violating the teacher’s relationship to his superiors?
A. present the case before competent authority & prepare to prove the charge
B. write an anonymous letter to higher school officials
C. call a teacher-parent meeting
D. encourage other teachers to hold a demonstration
34. Pick out the situation that illustrates the duty of a new teacher to the state.
A. take a vacation which she believes she deserves after 4 years of college studies
B. apply for a teaching job where eligibility is not required to gain experience before taking the board
exam C. prepare for the wedding she and her boyfriend have planned for a very long time
D. take the LET and an oath to do her best to carry out the policies of the state

35. Cooperatives have branched out as consumers’ cooperatives. Schools have included the concepts of
cooperatives. Where is it practiced? bookstores B. school canteen
C. school uniform purchases D. class stores

36. A student collapsed in her Social Studies class. It was found out that he did not eat her lunch. What
principle is shown in the situation?
A. psychological needs B. physiological needs
C. social learning needs

37. The main function of a philosophy of education is to

A. aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy
B. reconsider existing educational goals in the light of the society’s needs
C. provide the academic background prerequisite to learning
D. define the goals and set the direction for which education is to thrive

38. Teachers and students can participate in three levels of computer use. Give the order of computer use from
the simplest to the most complex?
A. competency, literacy, expertise B. literacy, expertise, competency
C. competency, expertise, literacy D. literacy, competency, expertise

39. Which interactive teaching should be avoided?

A. using put-down strategy B. using multiple response strategy
C. asking more divergent questions D. asking more convergent questions
40. In mastery learning, the definition of an acceptable standard of performance is called
A. condition B. behavior
C. SMART D. criterion measure

41. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are changing and no one teaches you the
skill to cope with the changes; hence, you should make decisions based on your choice. Which is his governing
A. experimentalism B. existentialism
C. realism D. idealism

42. For brainstorming to be effective, which one should be out?

A. making use of another’s shared ideas
B. teacher’s judgmental attitude
C. non-threatening atmosphere
D. openness to ideas

43. When is giving praises ineffective? When it

A. uses the accomplishments of peers as the context for describing a student’s present
B. provides information to students about their competence and the value of their accomplishments
C. focuses a student’s behavior on his own task- relevant behavior
D. shows spontaneity, variety and other signs of credibility

44. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling company brings about damage to teeth. Much as he
wants to share products of his research, he could not because of harassment from all sides. Which teacher’s right
is violated?
A. right to property B. right to one’s honor
C. academic freedom D.right to make a livelihood

45. A teacher wants to compare 2 concepts. With which technique can he accomplish this best?
A. K-W-L technique B. Venn diagram
C. spider web D. histogram

46. Which of the following is usually considered the most important factor in a child’s observable classroom
A. intelligence B. heredity
C. self-concept* D. cultural background

47. The tendency to imitate elders is very strong in the early childhood stage. Teachers and parents should,
therefore, be very good
A. counselors B. role models*
C. disciplinarians D. facilitators of learning

48. Education is a lifelong process. This simply means that education

A. may take place formally and informally to enable the individual to grow
B. may take place anywhere and any time the individual so desires
C. is a continuous process of experiencing and learning from these experiences*
D. takes place in the school where the individual is exposed to self-contained experiences

49. Freud expounded that there is a time when young boys experience rivalry with their father for their
mother's affection. This is
A. Oedipus Complex* B. Electra complex
C. Achilles syndrome .D. Cassandra syndrome

50. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience should follow
learning. She, therefore, exerts efforts in
A. encouraging learners to memorize factual knowledge
B. equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills
C. requiring learner's full mastery of the lesson
D. providing learners opportunities to apply theories and principles*

51. Section 5 Article XIV of the Constitution states that academic freedom shall be enjoyed in
A. public assemblies B. state colleges and universities
C. all levels of learning D. all institutions of higher learning*

52. Which of these systems of learning includes ways and methods which are used in preserving and building
certain traditions within cultural communities?
A. non-formal learning B. multi-level learning
C. cultural learning D. indigenous learning*

53. The child cannot distinguish abstract concepts during the sensorimotor stage of development. Which of
these techniques should a teacher apply to accommodate learning?
A. make use of individualized instruction B. explain the lesson very well
C. utilize concrete objects to clarify concepts* D. provides a variety of educational toys

54. The NSEC orients secondary education to

A. the teaching of the national symbols
B. the development of competencies and values for social living*
C. health and values development
D. national development requirements and reflects search-based directions

55. How is values education offered in the New Secondary Education Curriculum (NSEC)?
A. emphasized in science and technology
B. as a separate subject*
C. integrated in all subject areas
D. integrated with technology and home economics

56. In large classes, where little of the work can be individualized, the most effective and practical way to
individualize instruction is to
A. devise group activities which afford every pupil an opportunity to work on his own*
B. give the students freedom to launch individual projects
C. assign homework and check it regularly
D. assign program materials for out-of-class hours

57. Which of the following is the best time for a teacher to set up routine activities that will contribute to
effective classroom management?
A. as soon as the students have settled
B. daily, at the start of the session
C. during his homeroom days
D. on the very first day of school*

58. An appreciation lesson is one that is designed to lead the class to conduct and enjoy something. Which of
the following statements closely approximate the meaning of the above?
A. an appreciation lesson should be a lesson in values
B. appreciation lessons help people weigh and clarify values
C. one cannot fully appreciate what one does not understand or enjoy*
D. a teacher should plan lessons that will guide children to appreciate what is beautiful

59. Which of the following abilities is stressed by humanistic education?

A. learn the different philosophies of education
B. develop man into a thinking individual
C. place a premium on individual potential*
D. make man distinctly civilized, educated, and refined

60. Which of these philosophies is related to that of Dewey's, which stresses the development of an individual
capable of reflective thinking, specifically of being able to solve the problem one faces individually?
A. disciplinarianism B. developmentalism
C. experimentation* D. rationalism
61. The new teacher entered the noisy classroom. She shouted immediately at the students while desperately
trying to have order and discipline. Since then, the teacher has not controlled the class. Which is the most
probable cause of the teacher’s failure?
A. the students’ reaction to the teacher is a consequence of her behavior
B. rules are not defined and procedures to sustain order is not put into place
C. the new teacher wants to show the class who is the authority
D. the class wants to test the ability and patience of the teacher

62. Which of the following examples illustrates the use of questions to focus people’s attention on the key
points of the lesson?
A. Why are machine-made goods cheaper than those made by hand?
B. What is Rizal Park known for?
C. Have you ever enjoyed watching the clouds on a bright day?
D. Who came while I was writing on the blackboard?

63. You are assigned to teach students with varied abilities. You want to teach a more homogeneous
grouping. Which type of grouping will tend to benefit your students?
A. mixed-ability grouping B. low ability grouping
C. within-class ability grouping D. high ability grouping
64. Task analysis involves the breaking down of a learning task into subtasks or subskills. Given a task to
retell a story, which of the following skills is not needed?
A. to disseminate trivial information
B. to outline a selection
C. to identify topic sentences
D. to arrange events in sequence

65. The best way the teacher can be sure of the appropriateness of an instructional material is to
A. consider its technical quality
B. try it out before using it in class
C. consider its availability
D. consider its cost

66. Which best indicates the effectiveness of classroom activities?

A. the laughter and enjoyment of students
B. the application to daily life of concepts learned
C. the utilization of varied techniques and approaches
D. the variety of instructional materials used

67. Which term applies to the search for related literature by computer access of databases on discs kept in
A. online research B. manual research
C. compact disc computer research D. computer research

68. Which technique is the most appropriate when a teacher wants a group to agree on a plan of action?
A. composite report B. symposium
C. agenda D. consensus decision-making

69. In the preamble of the code of ethics for professional teachers, which is not mentioned about teachers?
A. duly licensed professionals B. possesses dignity and reputation
C. LET passers D. with high moral values

70. A comprehension skill of higher-level which may be inferred or implied from reading is
A. picking out the main idea B. noting specific details
C. following directions D. drawing conclusions

71. The metacognition approach gives the students the opportunity to

A. learn on their own B. apply the scientific method
C. make use of laboratory apparatus D. learn how to learn

72. Zero standard deviation means that

A. the students’ scores are the same
B. 50% of the scores obtained is 0
C. more than 50% of the scores obtained is 0
D. less than 50% of the scores obtained is 0

73. A group activity where one group representative presents the output to the bigger group rather than
individual pupils presenting the output is known as
A. consensus decision B. composite report
C. jury trial D. agenda

74. Which technique enables a teacher to identify and eventually assist students with interpersonal
difficulties? A. anecdotal record B. personal inventory
C. cumulative record D. sociogram Nerz Baldres

75. The main purpose of the compulsory study of the constitution in Philippines schools is to
A. develop the students into responsible thinking citizens
B. acquaint students with the historical development of the constitution
C. prepare students for lawmaking
D. make constitutional experts out of the students

76. Which term refers to the collection of students’ products and accomplishments for evaluation
A.portfolio B.observation report
C. anecdotal record D.diary

77. A child refuses to obey orders or displays negativism as a development trait. How may you best handle
A. take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude displayed
B. detain him after office hours for him to do what he has been ordered to do
C. insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils
D. avoid giving him orders or, if you do and he objects, take back the order

78. The cultivation of reflective skills in teaching is an influence of

A.Taoism B.Shintoism
C.Confucianism D.Zen Buddhism

79. In which way does heredity affect the development of the learner? placing limits beyond which the learner cannot develop compensating for what the environment fails to develop
C. by blocking the influence the environment fails to develop providing equal potential to all

80. In order to avoid disgrace a pregnant unmarried woman takes drugs to induce abortion. Is she morally
justified to do that?
A. Yes, it can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up
B. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his parents
C. No, the act of inducing abortion is bad in itself
D. Yes, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world if he will suffer very much due to
the absence of a father

81. If a teacher’s pattern in questioning consists of calling on a student then asking the question
A. all students may be encouraged to participate
B. the student called to answer may be able to think well of his answer
C. the rest of the class may just dictate the answer
D.the rest of the class may not engage themselves in thinking of the answer

82. Some students who got high scores in the scholastic aptitude tests have failed in college. Some who
were below the standards set for admission but were admitted in, attained satisfactory standings. This proves
A. human beings are certainly predictable
B. aptitude test does not measure all factors important for success
C. aptitude test measures all factors important for success
D. aptitude test can be perfectly relied on

83. Quality education, they say, is

A.every citizen's accounting task B. everybody's concern at times
C. everyone's responsibility D.every parent and teacher’s responsibility

84. The government prescribes a higher percentage on the administration of educational institution to
Filipino citizens in order to
A. minimize the unemployment problem
B. produced globally competitive graduates
C. protect the rights of the citizen
D. ensure that the teaching of Filipino

85. Which of the following should a teacher do if she cannot pay monthly installment of an appliance she
got from a department store?
A. reject any notice of demand for payment to make the impression that she did not receive it
B. move to another neighborhood to escape payment
C. inform the manager of the store personally and make a satisfactory arrangement of payment
D. agree to return the used appliance to the store on the condition that she will be refunded on the
monthly installment she paid

86. Learners often find it much easier to fit into a new social situation when given encouragement. When
is this achieved?
A. by giving him room for responsibility
B. by assigning peers or buddies to him
C. by giving him special help or scaffolds
D. by discovering his new interests

87. When do tests, inventories and career information become effective for counseling services?
A. when the data generated are interpreted on time by a professionally competent person
B. when the psychological test results are still valid and reliable
C. when the records are updated and stored in a locked room
D. when the records are kept for ready reference when needed

88. A student was diagnosed to have a high IQ but is failing in his academic subjects. What should a
teacher do to help him?
A. talk to his parents B. examine his study habits
C. talk to the student and find out his problem D. refer him to the guidance counselor

89. Which of the following will you do first to establish good classroom management?
A. discuss the required rules for proper class behavior
B. discuss the work plan for the year
C. prepare a seat plan
D. train the class in the distribution of materials

90. The educational implementation of research findings relative to the ability of dull learners and bright
learners to organize and generalize is for the teacher
A. to make the bright learners guide the dull ones in learning to generalize
B. to make the bright learners generalize and the dull ones to memorize
C. to give the dull learners more concrete experiences to serve as a basis for generalizing
D. to give the dull learners remediation and the bright learners enhancement

91. In testing, which of the following is referred to as a cultural bias

A. test items are more familiar with some culture
B. advance culture do better on tests than the others
C. test will show who is more cultured
D. cultured people do better on tests
92. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance right and authority?
A. allow your only daughter’s suitor to come and go as he pleases
B. censor your only daughter’s suitor
C. choose a life partner for your only daughter
D. guide your daughter in her choice of a boyfriend

93. Which of the following will you do to an examinee you caught cheating and who offered you a
certain sum of money to keep quiet?
A. motion him to keep quiet and wait for him after the examination
B. confiscate his test paper and report him to the examination supervisor
C. announce to all examinees the name of the cheater
D. ignore him but let him feel that you saw him

94. “Measuring the work done by a gravitational force” is a learning task. At what level of cognition is
A. application B. knowledge
C. evaluation D. comprehension

95. During the first grading period, a student obtained failing marks in five academic subjects. Which of
the following tasks would best explain his performance?
A. mental ability B. personality
C. attitude D. aptitude

96. Of all the following types of tests, which is the most subjective in scoring?
A. matching type B. simple recall
C. multiple choice D. essay

97. In which of these research methods can the researcher control certain variables?
A. experimental B. descriptive
C. historical D. comparative

98. Under which of the multiple-choice type of test can this question be classified: Which of the
following statements expresses this concept in different forms?
A. association B. definition
C. difference D. pause

99. Setting up criteria for scoring an essay test is meant to increase its
A. objectivity B. reliability
C. validity D. usability

100. What should a teacher do before constructing items for a particular test?
A. prepare for a table of specification
B. review the previous lesson
C. determine the length of time for answering it
D. announce to students the scope of the test

101. You have a pupil who is so talkative, naughty and aggressive that he is a burden to the entire class.
How would you remedy this problem?
A. call the parents for a dialogue B. report the case to the principal
C. reprimand him in front of the class D. talk to him seriously and find out what's wrong

102. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance responsibility and
A. A teacher, paid on an hourly basis, takes her time with the subject matter until the end of the period
B. A teacher, paid on an hourly basis, teaches as little as she could for the duration of the period
C. A teacher, paid on an hourly basis, spends most of the time on the latest gossips in showbiz
D. A teacher, paid on an hourly basis, entertains her students with stories until the end of the period

103. If this need is not met, the student tends to be critical and always tries to find fault. This is the need
A. for recognition B. for adventure
C. to trust D. for material security

104. The theory of identical elements in learning holds the transfer is facilitated when the
A. teacher uses different teaching devices B. learner has a mastery of specific responses
C. development task is easily identified D. experience is similar to the application situation

105. What is the most obvious and familiar way of reporting variability?
A. range between highest and lowest scores
B. standard deviation
C. standard error of the mean
D. distribution of raw scores

106. In a multiple-choice test keeping the options brief in the correct answer means
A.inclusion in the item of irrelevant clues
B. inclusion of options that are homogeneous
C.plausibility and attractiveness of the item
D.inclusion in the item of any word that must otherwise repeated in each response

107. Which of the different types of test covers a wide variety of objectives and topics?
A.true-false B.multiple choice
C.matching type D.essay

108. Which of the following is the most important purpose for using achievement tests? It is to measure
A.quality and quantity of previous learning
B.quality and quantity of materials
C.educational and vocational aptitude
D.capacity for future learning

109. Audio-visual aids are used in classroom teaching to make learning permanent clarify important concepts
C.arouse and sustain students’ interests D.all of these

110. The way a child talks, walks or manifest gestures may have been learned from models he has been
exposed to. This explains the __________ learning theory.
A.affective B.insight D.cognitive

111. Which of the following teachinglearning processes demonstrates the action-learning approach to
values education?
A. teacher and students debate actively on moral issues
B. students engage in role-playing of different characters
C. future of science groups to discuss different national moral issues
D. students and teachers participate in a communityimmersion program

112. Students and teachers stand at attention during flag ceremonies. School principals assign guards on
the street to stop vehicles during the ceremony. How does the public take this practice?
A. the flag is for all citizens, it's a symbol of the nation
B. stopping traffic is not the job of the school
C. only military and policemen should be controlled in this ceremony
D. preschool children should be controlled in this ceremony

113. Teaches of beginning readers use both silent and oral reading techniques. However, most teachers
prefer oral work as a medium to introduce the child to the use of the reading process. Which of the following
statements justify their choice?
A. oral expressions add to the child's ability to remember words
B. oral words greatly aids correct enunciation and pronunciation
C. children enjoy expressing themselves orally
D. all of the above
114. Which of the following is the most important factor a teacher should consider in her plans for the
enrichment of the students learning?
A.the ability of the students B.the characteristic of the students
C.the interests of the students D.all of the above

115. In the beginning of the school year, the guidance counselor invites all students by class to visit her
office and fill out an information sheet. It should be made clear to the students that her office is for students
A.with or without behavioral problems B.with behavioral problems only
C.who have no assignment D.who go there voluntarily

116. Checking the daily attendance of students is one of the daily tasks of the teachers that requires much
time. In order to maximize her time in the class, what can the teacher do regarding checking of attendance?
A.ask a student to check the attendance B.don't call the roll everyday
C.request for a logbook D.prepare a seat plan

117. What principles of motivation are considered when teachers avoid punishing students who tried hard
but did not succeed?
A.provide verbalization of pro-social values B.provide a supportive environment
C.recognize the special skills of slow learners D.considerations for cultural and gender

118. Values education is integrated in the curriculum of all levels. Which of the following supports this
A. additional classrooms will be needed
B. there is no need for training of teachers to teach
C. values education is stressed in all subjects at all levels
D. new teachers will be hired

119. Good teaching and learning may have some principles in common, yet some may apply more to one
than the other. Which of the following applies more to good teaching than to good learning?
A. advanced planning of activities and experiences in an interrelated and meaningful manner
B. appropriate application of the laws of learning in classroom activities
C. being subjects of an integral part of the teachinglearning process
D. development of desirable study habits

120. Which of these criteria is the most important in test construction?

A.the stem should contain the central problem
B. items should be congruent with the objectives
C. a table of specifications should not be prepared
D.options should be of almost the same lengths

121. A police officer informs you that there has been a case of stealing within the vicinity of the school.
He asked you for the names of some suspects you believe might have been involved. Which of the following
will you do?
A. remind the police officer of the confidentiality of information
B. promise him that you will ask for information about this crime
C. provide him with the names of likely suspects
D. ask him to seek permission from the principal

122. Which of the following conduct of a teacher will merit the confidence and respect of parents?
A. one who dresses properly depending on the occasion and mingles with all kinds of parents and
entertains all complaints
B. one who gives on-the-spot decisions over cases which requires careful deliberation
C. one who deals only with well-to-do parents and intelligent peoples
D. one who addresses properly, arranges her hair meticulously and entertains only the high officials of
government and schools
123. In her desire to help the children build their vocabulary, a teacher maintains a small board at the
corner of the classroom for the “Word of the Day”. Which method of vocabulary building does she employ?
A. incidental attention to building meaning
B. direct vocabulary instruction
C. wide reading
D. all of the above

124. To facilitate testing and measurement which provides data for evaluation, objectives in value
development are transferred into behaviors that are
A. measurable, observable or describable
B. reliable and time-bound
C. specific, measurable and attainable based on the time allotment
D. cognitive and behavioral

125. An assigned OIC of a certain school encashes the checks of teachers even without their permission.
She collects ₱3 from each teacher. What should be done?
A.refer this to a higher authority
B. file a complain to the same OIC
C. you will pay, because anyway you would be spending more than ₱3 for fare to get the check
D. you will not pay ₱3

126. A parent asks you to give his son, who is in Grade 12, a passing grade. He tells you that his son
won’t go to college anyway. He can't afford to send him in college especially now that he has lost his job.
Instead, he wants his son to work after he graduates from high school. What will you do?
A. give his son a passing mark
B. give his son what he deserves
C. give him a special test
D. ask for a special project

127. A teacher often comes to school late. One student comes in later than the teacher. The teacher
asked the student why she came late. The student answered, “I thought you were not yet in.” What should
you do if you’re the teacher?
A. ignore her, anyway it's true that you often come late for class
B. explain or give excuses that you have many paperwork to do
C. apologize and tell them honestly the reason why you often come to class late
D. tell them they don't have the right to question you regarding your punctuality

128. When a teacher retires from teaching, what do you consider as her best satisfaction?
A. the sense of contribution she has provided for the students’ growth
B. the sense of power and prestige she has in her community
C. the monetary reward she gets after retiring
D. the feeling of love she has for the students

129. Multiple-choice tests are considered the best type of test because
A. it contains many answers B. it measures several competencies in one test
C. it possesses the qualities of other types of tests D. it is easy to make

130. What should a teacher do if her unit test conflicts with a schedule of a required practice session for
a specific cocurricular school activity?
A. negotiate with the teacher in charge to excuse the students concern
B. ask the students to decide which one to attend
C. give a makeup test to the students concerned
D. collaborate to reschedule the test for another date

131. There are 40 professional boards under the Professional Regulation Commission. Registered
members are asked to abide by
A. the Bill of Rights B. the Ten Commandments
C. the Philippine Constitution D. the code of ethics of each profession
132. What terms are used to refer to a studentcentered learning process in which members of the group
develop a common perception based on shared feelings and emotions?
A. Dynamic interaction B. Group dynamics
C. Small group discussion D. Group presentation

133. Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic motivation strategy?

A. give opportunities to answer divergent questions
B. give immediate feedback to students’ responses
C. provide opportunities for students
D. design individual or group competition for prizes or recognition

134. Of the following statements, the best example that represents functional illiteracy is
A. failure to pass a qualifying exam
B. failure to graduate from high school
C. inability to comply with graduation requirements
D. inability to apply basic communication skills in work

135. Which best illustrates the preconventional stage in moral development?

A. I will do what I think is right, no matter what happens
B. good work is rewarded, and bad work is punished
C. everyone is an instrument for good deeds
D. you scratch my back and I will scratch yours

136 .In moral life, responsibility depends on one's knowingly and freely doing an act. In which of the
following situations would you attribute responsibility?
A. a person knowingly passing counterfeit money
B. an insane person strike someone's head with a hammer
C. a 4-year-old fires a loaded gun, killing his own father
D. a nurse administers the medicine despite the patient’s refusal

137. Which of the following statements defines ethics?

A.the study of being, in general
B.the science of correct thinking
C.the study of the nature of human knowledge
D.the study of the rightness or wrongness of human action

138. Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty and accountability?
A. payment of just wages to workers and employees
B. equal payment of government employees for productivity pay
C. being vigilant about weights and measures used in the market
D.transparency in operation of the barangay and other organizations through public reporting

139. The value of education, deference to authority and filial piety in the Philippines is an influence of
A.Buddhists B.Hindus
C. Taoists D.Confucianism

140. Which of the following is used to determine the student performance before the beginning of
A.summative assessment B.formative assessment
C. diagnostic assessment D.placement assessment

141. Which is not a characteristic of preventive discipline?

A.reactive B.proactive
C. anticipatory D.inventive

142. What is the most obvious sign of an underachiever in the classroom?

A.minimum written output
B. frustrated about the quality of work
C. holds back from class participation unless sure of himself
D.resists authority and carries on a power struggle with the teacher

143. Which guideline on the use of the chalkboard should a teacher avoid?
A.limit your board writing to major ideas B.proceed from left to right
C. establish routine uses for the chalkboard D.talking to the chalkboard while writing on it

144. After calling on a number of students, a teacher is unable to obtain the desired response. What
should the teacher do?
A.probe students’ answers B.rephrase the question
C. get mad because the students weren’t listening D.ask leading questions

145. Which stage according to Erikson is the stage of trust and mistrust?
A.infancy B. adolescence
C. early childhood D.young adulthood

146. Which statement about the median is correct?

A. it is a measure of variability B. it is the most stable measure of central
C. it is the 50th percentile D. it is significantly affected by extreme scores

147. Which is the best indicator of a wellmanaged class?

A. the learners pursue tasks without inhibition
B. the learners are controlled by the teacher
C. the learners blindly obey the teacher’s instructions
D. the learners are earnestly engaged in activities that lead them to realize the stated goals

148. Which measure or measures of central tendency is/are most appropriate with a score distribution
that is not badly skewed?
A. median and mode B. mean
C. median D. mode

149. The search for related literature by searching several databases with the use of the telephone line
connected to a computer in the library, which is connected with the internet is termed
A. computer research B. compact disc search
C. online research D. manual research

150. Which is unethical for teachers to do?

A. obeying the legitimate policies of the school administration
B. maintaining cordial relations with parents
C. refusing to serve in worthwhile neighborhood activities as these will adversely affect her teaching
D. conferring with the next of kin about the problems and needs of a student



Instruction: Read the questions carefully and shade the letter of the correct answer. Shade E if there is no correct

1. The process by which certain potentials are inherited from the parents for his development
A. Life C. Heredity
B. Birth D. Character

2. This theory states that there are 8 basic development stages that an individual has to pass throughout
his life.
A. Learning Theory
B. Psychoanalytic Theory
C. Psychosocial Theory
D. Cognitive Development
3. This is the transition age where rapid physical changes and sexual maturity occur resulting in changes
in feelings, thinking and acting.
A. Puberty C. Early Adulthood
B. Adolescence D. Stage V

4. This is modifying an existing scheme after an individual’s interaction with the environment, resulting
in the creation of a new scheme.
A. Assimilation C. Recognition
B. Integration D. Accommodation

5. This is the theory that states that a person’s behavior can be motivated by urges towards self-
A. Psychoanalytic Theory C. Psychosocial Theory
B. Cognitive Development Theory D. Moral Development Theory

6. This is the ability of a child to conceptualize the retention and preservation of the same quantity under
various changes.
A. Recognition C. Assimilation
B. Reversibility D. Conservation

7. It refers to the idea that no two individuals are exactly the same or alike.
A. Cognitive Theory C. Individual Differences
B. Exclusivity Theory D. Emotional Quotient

8. He is known as the Father of the Modern IQ Test.

A. Lewis Terman C. Laurence Kohlberg
B. Erik Erikson D. Martin Lesley

9. Intellectual Appreciative experience is

A. Based on the premise that all learning has emotional correlates
B. Obtained in the field of music, art and literature
C. The acquisition and retention of facts and information
D. Assumes that human activities are based on stimulus and response

10. At the early learning stage, children consider parents and teachers as authorities and models. What
should they do then?
A. Parents and teachers should always coordinate children’s activities.
B. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school.
C. Parents and teachers should be the role models at all times.
D. Parents and teachers should always consult each other with regards to the child’s intellectual

11. This is any change in the behavior of an individual.

A. Learning C. Change
B. Response D. Development

12. Which of the following principles is NOT considered under Classical Conditioning by Ivan Pavlov?
A. Excitation C. Stimulus Generalization
B. Adhesive Principle D. Discrimination

13. This is the reinforcement of a person’s responses by presentation or removal of reward and
A. Operant Conditioning C. Feedback Principle
B. Transfer of Learning D. Discipline

14. This stimulation of action best explains the behavior of an individual to take what he perceives to be
the shortest route in his goal.
A. Recognition B. Assimilation
C. Response D. Motivation

15. This is the process by which an individual acquires the social and cultural heritage of the society where
he belongs.
A. Socialization C. Integration
B. Internalization D. Acquisition

16. Claustrophobia is an irrational fear of

A. Darkness C. Closed space
B. Strangers D. Height
17. This is the period of physical, sexual and mental maturation which is characterized by rapid somatic
A. Infancy C. Puberty
B. Early childhood D. Adulthood

18. What is the main function of the philosophies of education?

A. To aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy.
B. Define goals and set directions from which educational efforts should be exerted.
C. Provide guidelines in the foundation of education policies and programs.
D. Provide norms and standards for evaluation purposes.

19. According to Froebel, kindergarten is also known as _______________?

A. A place where children have fun and enjoyment.
B. A garden where children could grow and develop.
C. The learning center for life.
D. A place where new beginnings begin.
"Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when seen
in the community of peers."
"That which follows is always conditioned upon that which goes before."
"Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is
in a child's soul."
Kindergarten (  listen (help·info); from German [ˈkɪndɐˌɡaːɐ̯tn̩] ( listen), which literally means "garden
for the children"[1]) is a preschool educational approach traditionally based on playing, singing, practical
activities such as drawing, and social interaction as part of the transition from home to school.

20. Which of the following statements is given emphasis by humanistic education?

A. The great works of man such as the classics should be enjoyed.
B. Man should learn the different philosophies of education.
C. Build a man who is distinctly civilized, educated and refined.
D. Develop man into a thinking individual.

21. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience should follow
learning. Thus, she has to
A. Require her student mastery of the lessons
B. Encourage her students to memorize facts
C. Equip her students with basic skills and abilities
D. Provide her students with opportunities to apply their skills and abilities

22. How are institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards over and above the minimum
requirement for state recognition?
A. Scholastic achievement C. Academic freedom
B. Faculty development D. Voluntary accreditation

23. An eye defect characterized by clear vision in one dimension but unfocused vision on the other is
A. Myopia C. Hyperopia
B. Astigmatism D. Presbyopia
24. Which of the following statements does NOT apply to adolescents?
A. They desire the approval of their peers.
B. They seek dependence on their parents.
C. They have a marked sexual development.
D. They are often emotionally confused.

25. As young people mature, society expects them to develop competencies and assume social roles in a
conventional manner. This is called
A. Expectation of parents
B. Influence of peer groups
C. Influence of formal education
D. Cultural demands

26. The founder of the theory of psychology called psychoanalysis was

A. Locke C. Freud
B. Hume D. Leibnitz

27. When the learner reaches a point where no further learning can be expected, he is in a so-called
A. Development crisis C. Regression
B. Learning plateau D. Depression

28. Regarding the social maturation of boys and girls, teachers should bear in mind that
A. Girls mature at a late stage than boys
B. Girls mature at an earlier stage than boys
C. Boys and girls mature at the same time
D. There are no marked differences in their time of maturity

29. Rationalization is used by a student who

A. Always gives explanation or reason for their failures rather than own their faults
B. Like to take the blame for their faults
C. Bribe their elders with promises
D. Substitute words for deeds

30. Which of the following is true of Abnormal Psychology?

A. It studies the cause of personality defects
B. It measures the accomplishments of the individuals
C. It concentrates on the scholastic performance of the individual
D. It investigates the educational background of the individual

31. Which of the following is a continuous variable?

A. Weight C. Nationality
B. Sex D. Race

32. Which of the following is true about one’s IQ?

A. It remains fairly constant C. It is affected by attitude
B. It is highly changeable D. It is never constant

33. Transfer of training easily takes place if the activities involved

A. Are different C. Occur in the same place
B. Have identical element D. Vary in difficulty

34. When the learner is well-motivated, he performs his task

A. With indifference C. With arrogance
B. With disinterest D. With enthusiasm
35. A six-year-old child who has a mental age of 8 years old has an IQ of
A. 120 C. 132
B. 130 D. 133
mental age ÷ Physical age × 100 = IQ
36. The ratio obtained by dividing mental age by chronological age times 100 is called
A. Derived quotient C. Intelligence quotient or IQ
B. Deviation D. Intelligence ratio

37. Which of the following was written by Plato?

A. Sic et Non C. The Republic
B. The School and Society D. Emile
The Republic is a Socratic dialogue, written by Plato around 380 BC, concerning justice, the order
and character of the just city-state and the just man.
38. Who among the following below asserted that “Education is for complete living.”?
A. Dewey C. Kant
B. Spencer D. Froebel

39. The right of an educational institution and its faculty to prescribe the methods/strategies of teaching
refers to
A. Building style
B. Choice of curriculum
C. Academic freedom
D. Co and extra-curricular program

40. The 1987 Constitution provides that religious instruction can be given
A. With the students’ consent C. With mayor’s permit
B. With the parents’/guardians’ D. With the school’s support

41. Public schools in the Philippines are the contribution of which colonizer?
A. American C. Japanese
B. British D. Spanish

42. Hardship allowance is given to a teacher when

A. He’s assigned in a depressed area
B. He’s given additional teaching load
C. He’s assigned in a barangay high school
D. He’s assigned in a hazardous area

43. Which of the following principles of human growth refers to the situation that girls mature earlier than
A. Growth follows a sequential pattern
B. Development rates vary
C. Each stage of development has characteristic traits
D. Maturation should precede certain type of learning

44. A teacher who gives uniform assignment to be worked out by all learners in Arithmetic is not
observing a characteristic of a good assignment. Which characteristic is overlooked?
A. It should be definite
B. It should be stimulating
C. It should emphasize the essential
D. It should provide for individual differences

45. If a student asks a question which the teacher does not have a ready answer, the latter should
A. Dismiss the question as irrelevant
B. Offer a bluff
C. Admit the fact that he doesn’t know the answer and research on it
D. Ask volunteers to answer the question

46. The heredity traits acquired by a person in his lifetime

A. Are transmissible to his offspring
B. Reappear in his future grandparent
C. Have no influence on the offspring
D. Become recessive traits

47. When students are given a chance to settle differences of opinion by discussion, they develop
A. Fair play C. Irritants
B. Tolerance D. Sociability

48. The school’s responsibility towards teenagers “gang age” is

A. Provide the gang all the freedom it needs
B. Gives classroom activities to give direction to out-of-school youth activities
C. Supervise gang activities
D. Set up norms of conduct for the member of the gang

49. In an intelligence test, a 13-year old girl got a score equivalent to that of a 15-year-old. This means
A. That the girl must be accelerated
B. That the girl is 2 years older mentally
C. That the girl has a chronological age of 15
D. That she has a mental age of 13

50. Which statement is not necessary to achieve the learner’s interest in a learning activity?
A. The activity must lead to a practical end
B. The activity must be within the ability of the learner
C. The activity must fill a need recognized by the learner
D. The learner must have the experience that will furnish the background for the activity

51. He is responsible for the theory that recognizes the importance of developing multiple intelligences
A. Jean Piaget C. Frederick Froebel
B. Howard Gardner D. Sigmund Freud

52. The need to recognize and develop special sensitivity to language, thus helping the learners to use the
right word, phrase and/or graph to grasp new meaning refers to
A. Visual intelligence C. Feelings sensitivity
B. Linguistic intelligence D. Jargon

53. The sensitivity to tone and pitch, allowing one to produce musical scoring is intelligence in
A. Musical C. Quantitative exercises
B. Verbal ability D. Qualitative analysis

54. One’s ability to do abstract reasoning and manipulate symbols refers to what type of intelligence?
A. Musical C. Mental ability
B. Personality identification D. Mathematical-logical

55. The ability to perceive how objects are related in order to mentally perceive what is seen, thus creating
concrete visual images from memory refers to?
A. Visual-spatial intelligence C. Language
B. Musical D. Logical reasoning

56. The capacity to analyze one’s feelings and thus be able to understand and be able to know the motives
of other people’s actions is
A. Spatial C. Logical
B. Personal D. Diametric
57. The type of intelligence which enables a person to understand other person’s feelings, behavior and
motivation is
A. Emotional C. Social intelligence
B. Spatial D. Quantitative and qualitative

58. The type of intelligence which characterizes actresses, actors, mimes, dancers and people of the arts is
A. Bodily-kinesthetic C. Research
B. Scientific D. Emotions

59. This is an emerging thrust in determining one’s personality, whether pleasant or unwholesome; this
type of personality measurement is the wholesomeness of one’s virtues, i.e. values, relationships with
others, adjustments to varying situations, behavior and motivations.
A. Emotional quotient (EQ) C. Maladjustment personality
B. Intelligence quotient (IQ) D. Anticipated behavior

60. It is a measurement of personality which is the result of dividing the mental age by the chronological
A. Emotional quotient (EQ) C. Multiple intelligence
B. Intelligence quotient (IQ) D. Forecasted behavior quotient

61. The teacher must be aware that both heredity and environment represent complex factors exerting
many specific influences on an individual’s growth. Which of the following statements best represents
the influence of heredity and environment?
A. Heredity counts; environment is less important.
B. If the environment is changed, heredity becomes less important.
C. The relative influences of heredity and environment can vary widely in an individual’s
D. In the long run, both tend to cancel each other’s influences.

62. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence. Which of the following statements support this
A. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins.
B. Intelligence hinges in physical structures.
C. Intelligence is determined partly by prenatal nutrition.
D. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins.

63. Educators who contributed to the “open education” movement include

A. Neill and Piaget C. Brunner and Silberman
B. Kohl and Kozol D. All of the above

64. A child’s social skills can be measured by

A. Direct observation and parent-teacher conferences
B. Psychological test
C. Adaptive behavior scales
D. A and C

65. A teacher uses behavioral modification techniques in his classes. Which of the following student
behaviors would he find most difficult to change?
A. Aggressive tendencies toward classmates
B. Poor habits in organizing work materials
C. Interrupting a speaker
D. Abandoning a project before it is finished

66. Learning-disabled children most characteristically have

A. Low IQ
B. Poor socio-economic backgrounds
C. An average level of intelligence
D. Minimal brain damage
67. Which of the following is true about educable mentally retarded children?
A. Their IQ range between 50 and 70
B. They have short attention spans and experience difficulty in generalizing
C. Their reading, writing and arithmetic skills cannot be improved
D. A and B above

68. Which of the following is a characteristic of a dyslexic child?

A. Mirror writing C. Listlessness
B. Below-average intelligence D. Hyperactivity

69. This is a primary reading retardation is presumed to be neurologically based, related to parietal lobe
A. Inability to relate sound to letter symbols
B. Inadequate auditory information processing
C. Left-right directional confusion
D. Speech aphasia
Primary Reading Retardation – refers to a sense impairment of capacity to learn to read which,
although there is no brain damage, this is based on a constitutional pattern of disturbed
neurological organization.7. Secondary Reading Retardation – refers to a reading disability for
which the causation is mainly environmental or external.
70. Students with secondary reading problems have the capacity to read but are non-readers because of
A. Auditory problems
B. Congenital defects
C. Visual acuity impairment
D. Environment or emotional factors

71. If a teacher accepts Maslow’s theory on the hierarchy of needs, he or she will probably structure
objectives to
A. Meet both the physiological and intellectual needs of students
B. Eliminate testing
C. Eliminate extrinsic motivations
D. Maintain a certain anxiety level for increased competition

72. The knowledge explosion has led to crowding more and more information into curriculum courses. A
likely result is that
A. The textbook will no longer be the main instructional medium in many classes
B. The child may spend more time in school
C. The teacher may have to rely more on these multimedia materials
D. All of the above

73. During the learning process, the teacher has most control over
A. The learners
B. The learning environment
C. The learning process
D. The behavior of the learners

74. Which of the following conditions does NOT contribute to a climate psychologically-suited to
A. The teacher acts like a “real person”.
B. The teacher makes all of the decisions about students’ learning activities.
C. The teacher accepts students as they are.
D. The teacher shows trust in students’ decisions.

75. William Glasser advocates the frequent use of classroom meetings, with teacher and students sitting in
a small circle. Which one of the following types of discussion would NOT be appropriate in such a
A. An educational diagnostic conference on the learning weaknesses of individual students.
B. An open-ended meeting for the purpose of exploring and discussing students’ ideas about the
C. A social problem-solving meeting to resolve teacher or student problems elating to the school, the
class or any individual member.
D. A sensitivity training meeting for the purpose of helping students ace their school-related problems
and learn how their actions can affect others.

76. The best public relations agents for a school are the
A. pupils C. PTA members
B. teachers and pupils D. principals

77. Which of the following does NOT represent a teacher’s contribution to the emotional environment of
the classroom?
A. A strident, compelling voice
B. A sustained sense of expectation where student achievement is concerned
C. A well-written lesson plan
D. A sense of humor in a tense situation

78. According to Jones, student commitment to accomplishing a learning goal depends on all of the
following EXCEPT
A. how interesting the goal is
B. how likely it seems that the goal can be accomplished
C. whether the learner will be able to tell if the goal has been accomplished
D. whether materials are readily assembled for undertaking the goal

79. The teacher who understands the adolescents’ need to confront will
A. use sarcasm as a disciplinary device
B. disregard unique responses in discussion and on examinations
C. establish a learning climate that fosters feelings of security
D. lecture students on their weakness of character

80. The child-centered curriculum is in decided contrast to the structured curriculum. The child-centered
A. Emphasizes fundamental education
B. Is changeable and is built around student interest and needs
C. Is oriented to the needs of a democratic society
D. Utilizes the theory of mental discipline

81. According to Bruner, a teacher working with young children should

A. Push the children to maximum cognitive development as rapidly as possible
B. Presentation all information verbally so the children will listen well
C. Present new material from the concrete to the abstract
D. Present new information from the abstract to the concrete

82. From the educational viewpoint, intelligence is

A. an abstract concept
B. a trait that can be manipulated
C. good judgment
D. a form of behavior

83. Every taxonomy of educational objectives

A. describes increasingly difficult learning activities
B. describes levels of goals for learner development
C. suggests evaluation measure for teacher use
D. classifies learning outcomes
84. A mathematics teacher following Gagne’s theory of learning believes that
A. learning can take place under all conditions
B. learning is only a matter of accurate discrimination
C. learning takes place only when the student is in a receptive state
D. learning is reinforced chiefly by classical conditioning

85. Under which of the following conditions is a child’s IQ more likely to increase?
A. If the emotional climate in the classroom improves
B. If the child is given a large “research” project
C. If the child enjoys problem solving and is given ample opportunity for it
D. If A and C are true

86. Intelligence is the basis of education. Education is the effective means for the national development;
hence, a country spends a large portion of its budget for the systematic training of the learner to attain
full development. Why is education one major concern of every country?
A. Intelligence has many facets
B. Intelligence is useful in testing
C. Intelligence is a safe gauge for budgetary allocation
D. Intelligence tests, when carefully conducted, can help in determining need for future facilities
for nation building

87. There are no two individuals who are the same. Individual differences, when recognized early and
provided for, enable the teacher to provide different motivations and approaches in guiding the learning
process. Each pupil differs physically, mentally, socially and emotionally from other children. Unless
the teacher provides for this nature of the learner, no amount of modern approaches in teaching can
elicit favorable results.
A. The paragraph highlights the need of motivating learning
B. Individual differences is an important consideration in guiding the learner
C. The above paragraph focuses on teacher-pupil relationship
D. It talks about the nature of the learning process

88. Robert Craig, et al, wrote the phase of steps in every learning process. These include: 1) the focusing
of attention to the stimulation at hand, 2) the interplay of the learner and the social factors that surround
him, 3) the acquisition of a new response or behavior he gives to the new learning and 4) retention
which presupposes that the new learning is acquired. The paragraph emphasizes
A. the learning process
B. the steps/phase of how individuals learn
C. the manifestations of learning
D. why learning is a difficult process
89. Approaches in teaching change from time to time depending on the sophistication attached to the
course being taught. Some mentors believe that the tested ways of teaching are affective. Others are
easily carried away by the use of modern approaches of imparting new subject matter. It may be safe to
conclude that once results are realized in teaching, no specific method can be considered the one and
only method to use. When teaching a subject area, it is safe to
A. stick to the traditional way
B. be modern and most recent
C. get results in teaching
D. to try any method as they are all theories after all

90. In the early 1980’s, programmed teaching became popular in helping teachers to provide for individual
differences in learners. The chunks of the subject matter, which are divided into units, are supposed to
help the learner master the lesson since it is simply to understand the frame of the lessons. No tests one
the mastery of the units are done because the purpose is to provide information on certain subject
matter. Would you as a teacher use programmed instruction if you handle a subject on Values
A. Yes, definitely
B. No, not important for the subject matter
C. I don’t know
D. Why not if the subject matter calls for it

91. The data/ subject matter to teach are gathered in different ways. These include historical sources like
surveys, systematic observations, experimentation, interviews, etc. To be reliable and valid, the data
collected must be organized, properly analyzed and interpreted. From these processes, some conclusion
or generalization are done to reveal certain relationships like cause and effect. Data gathering involves
A. tedious and serious study
B. easy does it
C. data gathered are tested and filed, then verified before being used
D. no follow-up needed

92. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence. Which of the following statements supports this
A. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins.
B. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins.
C. Intelligence hinges in physical structures.
D. Intelligence is determined partly by prenatal nutrition.

93. The first systematic philosopher to work in the field of education was
A. Socrates C. Plato
B. Aristotle D. Rousseau

94. The first state in the world’s history where all human capabilities were allowed to develop freely was
A. Rome C. Sparta
B. Athens D. Germany

95. They are the most practical, pragmatic people who absorbed themselves in the management of their
state affairs.
A. Spartans C. Romans
B. Athens D. Chinese

96. Who invented the first system of writing in the Orient?

A. Phoenicians C. Greeks
B. Chinese D. Romans

97. To develop the capacity of man only for war was the educational aim of the ancient
A. Romans C. Athenians
B. Spartans D. Chinese

98. Who first introduced the use of printing press in the Philippines?
A. Spartans C. Romans
B. Athens D. Chinese

99. To produce a young man who would be charming in person and graceful in manner, e.g. a beautiful
soul in a beautiful body is the educational aim of education of the
A. Romans C. Spartans
B. Athenians D. Italians

100.They conducted the world’s first civil service test.

A. Spartans C. Romans
B. Athens D. Chinese

1. For professional growth, which source of teacher performance evaluation is considered more valid and
reliable considering their time spent together?
A.self evaluation B.supervisor evaluation
C.student evaluation D.peer evaluation

2. One philosopher considers education the acquisition and the art of utilization of knowledge. This implies
A. a learner’s application of what she has learned is necessary
B. a learner's love of art is commendable
C. a learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient
D. a learner's acquisition of information has no impact

3. In a normal distribution curve a Tscore of 70 is

A.2 SDs below the mean B.2 SDs above the mean
C. 1 SD below the mean D.1 SD above the mean

4. In a study, pupils were asked about their preference for a mother country. Only 4.83% prefer the
Philippines. This finding shows that several pupils
A.don't know their country
B. are not sure of what they want
C. haven't developed national consciousness
D.are not national citizens

5. The teacher's role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologists is to

A. fill the minds of the learners with information
B. make the learning task easy for the learner
C. dictate what to learn by the teacher's decision the learners connect what he or she knows with her new information from the teacher

6. One criterion for content to be developed in a lesson is LEARNABILITY. What does the capitalized word
A. the content should be within the capacity of the students to learn
B. the content should be useful or practical in some situation
C. resources and materials for the development of the content are available
D. the content should be worthwhile

7. What will you do with the extra amount of voluntary contribution you solicited from your class for
typhoon victims?
A.send extra contributions for their own needs
B.return the extra amount to them
C. buy some snacks and distribute them to your pupils
D.use the extra contribution to buy visual aids

8. The underground economy is a great help in improving the country's economy. Banana cue, camote cue,
barbecue and the like are sold in school and other public places. Students are captive buyers. To augment her
income, Mrs. Reyes is selling in school. Which of the following does Mrs. Reyes need to do?
A. increase the price of her food since the students will no longer go out of the campus
B. ask her students to sell her items in different places
C. sell her items lower than the prevailing price to help the students
D. seek her co-teachers help to sell her items

9. Which of the following Filipino attitudes is enhanced by the teaching of “Planting Rice is Never Fun”?
A.increases one's tolerance B.the love for the farm
C. dislike for work D.the love for music

10. Computers are now widely used in many aspects of society including in education. Why are some school
slow in accepting the use of computers?
A.programs needed to run the computer is not available
B.the cost of hardware is high
C. competently-trained teachers are few
D.all of these

11. Happiness is different from pleasure in being the abiding consequence which is not destroyed even by
the presence of pain. The best illustration of this principle is
A.a student topping the board exam B. a mother giving birth
C. an engaged couple getting married D.a jackpot winner collecting his prize

12. What is the first step a teacher should take in making researches?
A.identify a problem B. gather data
C.write an advanced hypothesis D.formulate tentative solutions

13. It is generally believed that the best way of meeting the needs a mentallysuperior learners is through
A.enriching the curriculum
B. accelerating them
C. involving them in extracurricular activities
D.providing opportunities for them to help the slow learners

14. Which of the following best illustrates that freedom and authority are not antagonistic; moreover,
freedom is the legitimate offspring of authority
A. the teachers wear a mantle of authority in an imperious manner
B. parents and teachers personify authority and discipline
C. pupils are free to do what the law permits
D. children learn freedom by being inhibited in their conduct

15. Which of the following is the best situation where you can balance responsibility and accountability?
A. a construction firm that won the lowest bid for the construction of a bridge employs the lowest
paid workers to justify their lowest bid
B. a construction firm that won the lowest bid for the construction of a bridge lets their workers
work on other projects
C. a construction firm that won the lowest bid for the construction of a bridge leaves the workers to
themselves while it looks on other projects to bid
D. a construction firm that won the lowest bid for the construction of a bridge

16. It is the process by which an organism inherits the characteristic traits of the parents.
A. fertilization B. heredity
C. maturation D. development

17. Researchers establish that complete coordination of motor activities is attained at

A. childhood stage B. infancy
C. prenatal stage D. adolescence

18. Through the process of socialization the individual is able to

A. function as a contributing member of the group
B. learn to dialogue with peers and adults
C. satisfies personal needs and drives
D. become an adult member of the society

19. Teachers are more conscious of their technique, methods, and practices in classroom discipline. To
achieve a desirable teacher-student relationship, the teacher must be
A. sympathetic but exacting B. firm but fair
C. kind but firm D. all of the above

20. What is the main purpose of review in lesson planning?

A. to get certain responses
B. to achieve mastery of the old lesson
C. to see the relationship between the old and the new lessons study the old lesson for deeper understanding

21. A teacher clarifies her role by answering the question: “how shall I as a person of authority behave to
achieve the objectives for my students?”. This results in the use of
A. role modeling B. discovery strategy
C. demonstration method D. cooperative learning

22. Which was the first body to perform regulatory functions over the teaching profession?
A. National Board for Teachers B. Civil Service Commission
C. Professional Regulation Commission D. Board of Professional Teachers
23. Which is not a characteristic of anecdotal records?
A. incidents are objectively described
B. incidents that are recorded are significant
C. it is factual
D. incidents are recorded long after they have happened

24. The teacher begins her lesson with warm up exercises by focusing on specific bits of
information to maximize students’ participation. What type of questions will she be asking?
A. divergent B. evaluation
C. high level D. convergent

25. Which was William James pragmatic thought?

A. morality for persons
B. what is right or wrong depends on the situation
C. something is true if it works
D. everything in this world is tentative, a series of means and ends

26. The philosopher that maintains that truth exists in an objective order that is independent of the knower are
A. pragmatists B. idealists
C. existentialists D. realists

27. Who among the following does not believe that the senses can be sources of knowledge?
A. idealists B. rationalists
C. existentialists D. pragmatists

28. A teacher who equates authority with power usually does the following except
A. shames B. retaliates
C. develops self-respect D. intimidates

29. Which of the following goes against personal or national discipline?

A. competing against over-spending during elections
B. recognizing model behaviors among public servants
C. exerting more pressure on punishment of wrongdoing of public servants
D. engaging in ghostwriting for thesis or dissertations

30.If teacher M wants to build teamwork among his students, which should he use more?
A. lectures
B. cooperative learning
C. independent study
D. brain teasers

31. Which of the following is a mark of a good teacher?

A. has the mastery of the lesson
B. has the habit of preparing visual aids
C. has a proper control and management of the class
D. has the capability to implement corporal punishment

32. Values are developed as integrated in all subjects in the NSEC while values education is
A. offered as a separate subject
B. emphasized in science and technology
C. emphasizes creativity and productivity
D. integrated in technology and home economics

33. The first kindergarten also known as “a garden where children could grow” was the product of research
A. Froebel B. Herbert
C. Pestalozzi D. Rousseau

34. The following is true in the development of understanding in every childhood except
A. sensory experiences
B. ability to ask questions
C. ability to reason and to see relationships
D. ability to explore their environment

35. Which of the following embodies the operation “Return to the Basics”?
A. New Elementary School Curriculum
B. National Secondary Achievement Test
C. New Secondary Education Curriculum
D. National Elementary Achievement Test

36. The operation “Return to the Basics” was launched by the Department of Education not only to upgrade
pupil achievement but also to
A. develop thinking skills
B.encourage people to study
C. emphasize the importance of the 3R’s
D. serve as a basis for a learning continuum

37. The Freedom Constitution which provided the present philosophy of education was a contribution of the
Aquino Administration. Which of these statements is not consistent with our educational philosophy?
A. restore ethical and moral values
B. foster nationalism and patriotism
C. introduce vocational and scientific efficiency
D. appreciate the role of foreigners on the historical saga of the country

38. Social stratification is greatly developed in the classroom. Which of these activities would be an
effective way of avoiding or minimizing this?
A. encourage education aspirations among privileged people
B. provide limited experience to children of less privileged classes
C. assign leadership roles the children of the upper social class
D. avail the influence of mass media for children of all classes

39. Which of these statements regarding professional teachers is the major difference made in the
professionalization of teachers and teaching as promulgated in PD 1006 and RA 7836?
A. assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools
B. assigned at the tertiary level in both private, state colleges and universities
C. holder of a valid professional license and certificate of registration
D. appointed on a full-time basis and on a permanent status
40. Manual aesthetic activities involving attitudes and feelings primarily express emotions and values not
thoughts. An example of these motor skills is
A. baking a cake with background music
B. dancing and playing musical instruments
C. saving a board for the wall of a book cabinet
D. manipulating a bowling ball to achieve a strike

41. The present military training in our school curriculum is an influence of

A. Sparta B. Rome
C. Greece D. Athens

42. Whose philosophy influenced the present emphasis on character and values education in our school
A. Tagore B. Gandhi
C. Confucius D. Buddha
Rabindranath Tagore- author of the Gitanjali who became in 1913 the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize
in Literature. He is sometimes referred to as "the Bard of Bengal". Mohandas Gandhi- employed nonviolent
resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British Rule. Called the “Father of the
Indian Nation”.

43. The control and administration of all educational institutions shall be vested in the citizens of the
Philippines as stipulated in
A. PD 1006 B. PD 6-A
C. 1987 Constitution D. PD 176
PD 176- Implementing section 8, article XV, of the new constitution; redirection of the national policy relative
to the ownership, with certain specific exceptions, as well as on the control and administration of all educational
institutions that should be allowed to operate in the Philippines;
PD 1006- provided the professionalization of teachers
PD 6-A- authorizing the undertaking of educational development projects 1987 Constitution- ARTICLE XIV
SECTION 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and
shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all

44. Classical conditioning theory is always attributed to him for his experiment involving the dog’s
salivation as a reaction to the sound of the buzzer. Who is this?
A. Skinner B. Lewin
C. Bandura D.PavlovSkinner-
operation conditioning (reward, punishment, reinforcement, feedback, computer-aided instruction)
Lewin- the "founder of social psychology" and the first to study group dynamics
Bandura- social learning theory

45. When the daughter is competing with the mother for the father's attention, the daughter is said to be
A. sexual deviation B. Electra complex
C.identity crisis D.Oedipuscomplex

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