Narrative Report and Summary Report

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Krizyl May B.

Narrative Report 1
November 07, 2020

 Many teachers still don’t know how they will be conducting classes this semester.
Teachers in our institution need an aid on how to adapt learning method and need adjustments.
Every Monday, Tuesday and Friday, my schedule would be 7am to 5pm while Tuesday and
Thursday has a little bit calm schedule which is 8am to 4pm. I need to set my schedule as my
wallpaper just to familiarize those times and subject. Frequent communication between students,
teachers, and parents is essential to re-engaging students in school, especially if class is online in
the fall. Challenging students with cognitively demanding work, and providing them supports
where needed, is more important than ever as schools anticipate significant learning loss.

Before the class starts I have to ask it students how do things go well. Aside of following
protocols I know one thing that I can offer as help is motivating those helpless and inpatient
students to attend online class. I know, be able to cope up with the lesson is a bit challenging
because of this nature of learning. Everyone should adjust. I as a teacher should always
embedded checks for understanding into each lessons. As students started school with
unfinished learning from the previous semester figuring out where gaps might prevent students
from understanding.
Krizyl May B. Alda
Narrative Report 2
November 14, 2020

I could say that this week is much productive. We still under GCQ but I observed that the
authority still doing their duty just to secure that everyone are obeying the public protocols. To do my job
as obedient citizens, I stay updated and concern as well as keeping ourselves sanitized and cleaned. This
pandemic really makes us realized that everything can just turn into an ash with just a blink of the eyes.
Same old routine, school schedule is always on top priority. Before the start of the class everyone should
participate in Morning Prayer and some contextual activity, just to keep student in touch.

Following strictly in some public protocols has been my habit while reaching out School until I
go back home. If only we could bring back the normal situation and prevent this pandemic as much as
possible, then this calamity might not be this huge. This made me realized that prevention is better than
cure. I always cultivate it to my students. Everyone should double their awareness. Maybe in some point I
could help our country to lessen the number of infected patients.
But unfortunately, one of our students did not suppress herself from that virus. She got infected
by her relatives that work as a nurse. What we have to do is to strengthen her faith and hope. We also
render relief goods by sending it with maximum protection and safety. Still the identity of our student
remains confidential. Still, our target is to render a point to point learning’s.
Krizyl May B. Alda
Narrative Report 3
November 21, 2020

Countries and school systems that have weathered COVID-19 more successfully have also
ensured their teachers have access to technology. Our school pay for a learning system that suits best to
our students but unfortunately it was undermaintained without any further announcement. We have to
find for a new platform that suits close with the limitation of the students to connect. For the meantime,
we are using google classroom in posting task as well as the submission bin. As part of being a
responsible citizen, I want to ensure that everybody within my class is obeying the protocols.
My family also donate some penny for some of our neighbors that lose their job because of this
pandemic. We packed noodles, rice and can goods. It maybe a little amount but I hope this kindness was
appreciated by those who received. While giving those packs we observe proper social distancing and we
always remind them to wear facemask and clean their hands.
Again, I am not losing my patient and faith to remind students that they should study well and of
course follow the protocols.
Krizyl May B. Alda
Narrative Report 4
November 28, 2020

This is the fifth week that of doing narrative report. This turn out to a weekly mandatory diary of
mine. Learning process seems to be easy and adaptable. We learnt how to adjust and cope with this kind
of learning system.
In this semester, I realized that school work is really a long run process .At first; it’s more
difficult because I really feel the boundaries are blurred. Especially when we first started. It’s getting
better. For the first, I’d say at least two to three weeks, I felt like I was basically on-call all the time
because I was trying to check my email even in the evenings, because a lot of times that’s when the
students could do their work. It’s really hard to know whether they understand something when you can’t
see their faces, you can’t see their eyes, hear their expressions. Especially for those students who struggle.
It’s really hard because normally I would sit beside them and talk to them quietly so that it’s just one-on-
one and it’s more individual. Then they’re not embarrassed that they didn’t understand it or had difficulty
with it. You can’t really do that online.
I really think that this experience has allowed us to show the students and to show them that we
don’t know what’s going to happen, we can’t control our surroundings, we can’t control our situation, but
that we can control how we react to it and that we need to make the best of every situation and stay
positive and embrace the changes and give it our best.
Krizyl May B. Alda
Narrative Report 5
December 05, 2020

I have the same routine just like my previous report. These past few days, I always sleep late
because we had poor internet connection during daytime. Conducting online class was really a struggle. I
cannot even use mobile data because my house is not as accessible as it. I need to wake up early to set-up
the connection. All I can use is my phone for more than a week. There are lots of activities that seems to
be non ending.
I need to find another internet connection. I decided to transfer to my bestfriend’s house which is
kilometer away. This time I don’t need to commute. I use my father’s motorcycle. I always observe the
protocols outside. I wear helmet of course, face mask and bring my sanitizer all the time. I don’t want our
frontliner suffer just because of the stupidity of some civilian.
To make my class, even more challenging I ask my student to make a role playing. I want them to
get in touch with each other. The number one guideline is I am not allowing them to confederate just to
comply with my activity. There are still way out there that they can still apply without breaking the rule.
I always remind them to never stop praying until I day God will heal those sick.
Krizyl May B. Alda
Summary Report

In general, I can say that this task of making narrative report change my perspective time to time.
I need to do something productive just to have something to write a little different. I need something to be
done because my narrative report will look like the same as the previous week. This is narrative report
made me realized that I have something to do indifferently everyday. It becomes mandatory.
Following the protocols was also become my top alarm because I feel guilty if I will indicate here
that I observe social distancing but the real thing is I almost forgot it.

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