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A merger is alike an acquisition and signifies more firmly the uniting the interests of both into a

strong single entity. The merger between Mobilink and Warid is one of its kind in Pakistan and
will surely shape the future of the industry in coming years. This merger is not only important
from a business point of view but it will also serve as the stepping stone in the digital revolution
in the country. Since such a transaction is first of its kind in telecom industry of Pakistan, there
exists a significant learning curve for both organizations to ensure successful post-merger
integration. This case study makes an attempt to observe the opportunities behind Mobilink
acquiring Warid mobile industry in Pakistan, and also highlights the post-merger integration as
well as post-merger problems and issues.

Mobilink and Warid decide to because they want to gain a better distribution and marketing
network. They want to expand into the different markets where a same nature of company is
already operational and merging with it, instead of start and opening their own branches. By
merging they will take the overall subscriber on base of the merged entity to 45 million or 37%
of the Pakistan. Telecom market, which counters at 121 million subscribers in September 2015.
Cut Redundancies: Increasing acquisition activities between telecom companies it is a desire to
cut and avoid redundancies. Most of the time two rival providers in a same local area both build
an infrastructure such as cell towers, and paying separate leases for same infrastructure. Mergers
can remove these redundant expenses and unite their facilities and customer base of two
competing companies. Now after merging Mobilink and Warid have Total numbers of Towers:
13,000 Current Mobilink Towers: 8,000. Current Warid Towers: 5,000. (3G Towers- 3,600) (4G
LTE Towers-1,000). Currently Mobilink and Warid customers will be start using same services,
such as one single network, and one helpline

In a highly competitive market it is very difficult to provide various services due to increasing
cost and attract and maintain customers, merger can be the only option to provide greater service
packages and supporting services will increase customer satisfaction and it will keep the existing
customers from going to or buying other company services, with merger Mobilink can provide
Delocalizing centers if a customer Cannot find a warid Customer Service Center in a particular
area, Now they will be able to try Mobilink Customer Service Center. Surviving: Every company
is not willingly to give away its identity, but due to financial crises it can be a single option for
the company to survive or a giant competitor will forcefully acquiring by gaining 51% of the
company shares and taking control. But some of the companies doing mergers and acquisitions
to grow and survive the market such as Mobilink and Warid did, by sharing their competencies,
and successfully gaining 37% of the market shares.

when the presidents of Mobilink and Warid said in conference that both of the firms will merge and will
be ultimately becoming into one company. Actually, by these decision 45 million subscribers of Mobilink
and Warid has been taken into benefits. but, according to the market sources, just in the name of so called
merger, the maximum benefit goes to Moblink it seems like a monopoly, usually merger allow two firms
to become together to create one entity But in Mobilink and Warid case it seems like Mobilink acquired
Warid, because Mobilink acquired 100% share of Warid, and warid is Vanished there is nothing left it
become Mobilink

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