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WEEK 1 DAY 1: Written Task#1- 10 pts.

 LAS: Crossing the Bar
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A/B
8. AMV (How can you relate the meaning of the poem to your personal experiences?)
9. AMV (What sense you get of the poet’s feelings about the way he has lived his life? Does he exude
disappointment, or contentment?)
10. AMV (Can you associate this with other people’s experiences? Explain.)
WEEK 1 DAY 2: Performance Task#1- 15 pts
 LT#5: Notice, Wonder, Connect Organizer
1. What I NOTICE while Reading
2. What I WONDER about while Reading
3. How I CONNECT to the Text
WEEK 2 DAY 1 and 2: Performance Task#2: 45 pts
WEEK 3 DAY 1: Written Task#2: 15 pts
 LT#2: Beowulf
1. To give honor to Hrothgar, his father’s friend
2. He was famous for his powerful grip. It reveals that he was powerful.
3. Because of the sword which lent by Unferth.
4. AMV (What were the qualities deeply esteemed by the people of those times? Would those qualities be equally
esteemed in our times?)
Answer for no. 5:
1. Heorot
2. Grendel
3. Beowulf
4. Ecgtheow
5. Unferth
6. Arm
7. Sword
8. Geatland
9. Thief
10. Wiglaf
WEEK 3 DAY 2: Performance Task#3- 20 pts
 LT#3: Graphic Organizer Beowulf
Characters: Significant Details about the Character Representation of the Character in the Present
King Hrothgar
Grendel’s Mother
 LAS: VUCA: Written Task#3- 10 pts
1. F. heroic
2. E. intelligent
3. C. monstrous
4. A. evil
5. D. courageous
6. B. vicious
7. -10.AMV ( if you were given a chance to choose a character in the epic, Beowulf, what were his/her values which
you think are still relevant today? Why?)
WEEK 4 DAY 1: Written Task#4- 10 pts.
 We are not the Virus
1. The risk of their lives in fight for COVID-19, and lack of support from the government
2. The love and the calling of their profession
3. Seek the government and the unity of everyone
4. Unity
5. AMV (Graphic organizer: Intial and Final)
WEEK 4 DAY 2: Performance Task#4- 20 pts

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