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Chapter 3


This chapter is the presentation of the findings from the surveys, interviews

and review of related literatures conducted by the researcher to find answers to the

research questions posed in Chapter 1 pertaining to the level of competency of the

Naval Enlisted Personnel Naval Enlisted Personnel Intelligence Collection

Course(NEPICC) graduates in the conduct of recruitment of informants for Human

Intelligence (HUMINT) operations after being deployed in the NISG’s. The findings

are collated and interpreted in order to draw generalizations, identify problem areas,

and subsequently present proposals to enhance the competency of the personnel for

effective and responsive information collection.

Document Review

The AFP Special Intelligence Collection Manual (2013) provides a thorough

discussion on the acquisition and management of clandestine assets to acquire

secret information. Accordingly, the key element of good handling technique, such as

the ability to establish rapport and motivate a potential source, is the ability of an

intelligence specialist to effectively deal with any people in general. Intelligence

actions should be systematic and controlled which is anchored to a careful analysis

and planning. Since agent handling is an art and not a science, anything a case

officer or agent handlers can do to become more effective in dealing with people will

make them better agent handlers and recruiters. By understanding the techniques

and adhering to the proper guidelines and approach in recruiting an asset, the

optimum percentage of success would be assured.

Presentation of Survey Results

Table 3. Perception of Respondents on the level of understanding on the

application of the different steps in recruiting informants

Level of Very
understanding Outstan Satisfac Fai
Satisfac Poor
on the ding tory r
N application of
WMV Result
r the different
steps in 5 4 3 2 1
a potential 1 14 12 15 3.02 Satisfactory
b assessing 1 8 10 23 2.69 Satisfactory
Approach to
c potential 4 5 6 27 2.67 Satisfactory
d with the 4 10 20 8 3.24 Satisfactory
e recruitment 3 3 9 27 2.57 Fair
of informants

The survey result on table 3 revealed that the level of understanding of

NEPICC graduates who were deployed in the operational area on the different Steps

In Recruiting Informants was verbally interpreted as satisfactory (CWMV=2.84) which

generally reflects that NEPICC graduates are average level with regards to the

recruitment of informant process as a whole. Based on Likert Scale and the

corresponding WMV, the NEPICC graduates have satisfactory understanding on the

correct application of the first four phases of the recruitment process except for the

Actual Recruitment of Informants which gained the lowest weighted mean value

(WMV= 2.57). The result also shows that more than half of the 42 respondents still

consider themselves to have only a fair understanding on Classifying or Assessing

Informants and Approach to potential informants. Overall, the survey data means

there is room for improvement.

Table 4. Perception of Respondents on the level of competency of NEPICC

graduates in terms of recruitment of informants through the use of different

Level of Highly Highly

Compet Avera Incom
competency of Comp Incomp WMV Result
ent ge petent
NEPICC etent etent
graduates in
Nr terms of
recruitment of
5 4 3 2 1
using different
a 11 11 12 8 3.86 Competent
Ideology or
b Reasons of 5 12 14 10 1 3.24 Satisfactory
Coercion or
c Compromise(B 1 3 9 27 2 2.38 Incompetent
d Satisfaction or 3 8 19 12 3.05 Satisfactory
e 1 5 6 28 2 2.40 Incompetent

As shown on table 4, the level of competency of handlers to recruit potential

agents using the traditional approaches was determined by its corresponding value

in the Likert scale. The utilization of the Monetary Incentive is the more commonly

used strategy by the respondents who believed that they are competent in using this

approach to recruit agents (WMV= 3.86). Evidently, the Ideology or Reasons of

Belief, is being employed by the NEPICC graduates in a satisfactory manner (WMV=

3.24), while Coercion or Compromise (Blackmail) was being incompetently used by

the NEPICC graduates (WMV=2.38). The survey also showed that the respondents

are fairly competent in the use of Ego Satisfaction or Excitement approach (WMV=

3.05), whereas they are found to be incompetent in utilizing the Direct Approach

(WMV=2.40) in the recruitment of agents. Conclusively, the level of competency of

NEPICC graduates in the recruitment of informants is only average as it only gained

an accumulated weighted mean value of 2.99.

Table 5.Perception of respondents on the factors that affect the quality of

output of NEPICC graduates after being assigned in NISG’s

Factors that affect Strongl

the quality of output Strongl Agre y
Fair Disagr
Nr of NEPICC graduates y Agree e Disagre WMV RANK
after being assigned e
in NISG’s 5 4 3 2 1
The long stint of
resident agent in
a the area 8 23 5 6 3.79 2
contributes to
The collector is
easier to recruit
b 8 18 12 4 3.71 3
informant in his/her
place of origin
The gender of
resident agent is
c essential in the 14 16 9 1 2 3.93 1
recruitment of
The number of
years left in the
d 1 23 10 8 3.40 4
service of a
resident agent
The training
e acquired on 6 9 21 6 3.36 5

Table 5 showed the perception of the respondents pertaining to the factors

that significantly affect the quality of output of NEPICC graduates after being

assigned in NISG’s. On the topmost rank is the sexual category which indicates that

the gender of resident agent or collector is essential in the recruitment of informants

(WMV=3.93). It is closely followed by the lengthy period of deployment in the area

(WMV=3.79) which demonstrates that the long stint of resident agent in the area of

assignment contributes to their complacency due to familiarity and extended

exposure. Another factor considered is based on the geographical assignment which

signifies that the collector is easier to recruit informant in his/her place of origin

(WMV=3.71). Relatively, the number of years left in the service of a resident agent or

collector has an impact on his/her performance as shown in the computed weighted

mean value (WMV=3.40). Surprisingly, the factor in the list that ranked last in

affecting the quality of output is the training acquired on recruitment(WMV=3.36),

which suggests that the training acquired in the classroom is least likely to affect in a

significant way the output of intelligence operation in the area of deployment.


In order to support the survey results particularly on the factors that affect the

performance of the NEPICC graduates in recruitment of informants, the researcher

conducted a series of semi-structured interviews to selected case officers who

directly handle intelligence specialists or NEPICC graduates, as well as former

commanders and deputy commanders of NISG’s who previously worked with target

population. The interviewees were asked about their personal analysis and

assessment on the performance of their personnel primarily on recruitment of


The case officers averred that the training acquired in the institution is the

foundation of their would-be tasks as intelligence specialists, however, the theories

taught in the school are general knowledge in which there are lots of peculiarities in

every operational area that will require every personnel to be adaptive and creative

so as to cope with the dynamics of the operational environment. Contrary to the

school solutions where students are grouped together in which an officer leads to

accomplish the given tasks, the intelligence specialist mostly worked all by himself in

the operational area especially during the recruitment of informants for specific

mission. In addition, the sexual category of personnel conducting recruitment matters

primarily because having a female intel specialist to recruit a potential asset can

easily build trust and rapport without sowing doubt and confusion. Moreover, the

period of stint in the area of personnel also affects the output of the personnel, in

which the prolonged exposure may cause complacency or tend to loosen up their

guard after developing acquaintances and familiarity with their working environment.

Similarly, the number of years left in the service of an intel specialist affects their

performance. According to most interviewees, personnel retiring soon opted to limit

their functions from doing operational tasks in preparation for the separation from the

service. Lastly, the actual knowledge and familiarity of the field agent on the

geography of the assigned area can significantly contribute to the success of

recruiting an informant with excellent access and placement because the intel

specialist and target of recruitment share something in common and there are no

barriers such as language, ethnic practices and cultural differences.

Analysis of data

The data collected in the survey revealed that NEPICC graduates’ level of

understanding on the application of different Steps in Recruiting Informants was

verbally interpreted as satisfactory which is reflected in the accumulated weighted

mean value of 2.84. This result suggests that the perceptions of the respondents

with regards to the application of the steps in the recruitment process as a whole is

on the average level. The findings confirm that NEPICC graduates still need to

improve themselves in understanding and applying the required steps in recruiting

valuable informants.

With regards to the competency of NEPICC graduates in using the different

approaches to recruit potential target, it was evident on the survey results that their

level of competency is average as it only gained an accumulated weighted mean

value of 2.99. It also shows that the respondents are competent enough in using

certain approaches to the prospective agent such as Monetary Incentives, while

fairly competent in utilizing Ideology or Reason of Belief and Ego Satisfaction. On the

other hand, the NEPICC graduates are incompetent in Blackmail and Direct

Approach. The data is essential in learning the strengths and weaknesses of intel

specialists for future use in tailoring the training course of agents and address the

need to bridge the gap by empowering them with training skills.

The perception of the respondents pertaining to the factors that affect the

quality of their output was rated based on how it significantly influences the

performance of the agent. On top of the list is gender followed by period of

deployment, geographical assignment, age, and training acquired respectively. The

result shows that several factors must be considered to understand the needs of intel

operatives and improve the quality of their output in the operational area.

Based on the interview data, the theories taught in the school are general

knowledge in which there are lots of peculiarities in every operational area that will

require every personnel to be adaptive and creative so as to cope with the dynamics

of the operational environment. Aside from training, there are several factors

affecting the quality of output of intel operatives. All these factors must be considered

to maximize the efficiency of intel operatives.


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