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Assessment Task 4

1. What is a virtual organization?

A virtual organization is a temporary or permanent collection of geographically dispersed individuals,
groups, organizational units, or entire organizations that depend on electronic linking in order to complete
the production process (working definition).
2. What are other executives facing the difficulty in a virtual organization?
Communication can be difficult in a virtual organization because if you don’t know how to communicate
well it will never work. As communication is the key in everything and so as comprehension, because it
you know how to communicate but can’t comprehend a single thing you will not be able to understand it.
So, it is difficult to be in virtual organization if you don’t know how to handle a situation wherein it only
involves the proper way of communicating and it’s such a huge challenge but virtual organizations are
becoming more and more common in the globe. It’s just that, it has top challenges for the virtual team or
other executives like, communication problems, scheduling difficulties, language and culture barriers,
tracking remote employee performance, and lack of trust and cohesion within your team. That challenges
are some of the reason why other executives thinks that it is difficult to be in virtual organization.
3. Could video conferencing technology replace the human contact of stakeholder meetings
in person? Why or why not?
I think yes/no there’s no in between but if the technology gets deeper and innovate there’s a big chance
that video conferencing could take place rather than actual meeting in person. Also video conferencing
has its advantage and disadvantage. The advantage of video conferencing is that, it lessen our hassle of
travelling from one place to another and it saves money and time wherein the disadvantage of it is the
lack of personal connection with people that some other people think that video conferencing is the cause
of some personal touch provide by in-person meetings and sometimes it can be the time zone and reliable
technology. Today, we’re experiencing this kind of set-up because of this pandemic but the actual
meeting in person is lot more productive and a yes for me because it’s convenient to talk to someone in
person rather than in the screen.

4. Define performance appraisal.

Based on what I’ve read and search on the internet performance appraisal is a regular review of an
employee’s job wherein it contained the employee’s overall contribution in the company whether it’s
good or bad. It contains the record of the employee’s performance based on their skills.
5. What is the consequence of ineffective leadership in an organization?
Poor and ineffective leadership in an organization can cause the company to sink. Good and effective
leadership is the reason why many companies reach their success, so when the company has bad and
ineffective leadership the consequences are likely to put their employees to be much less productive that
can put the company at steak. And it has a lot of backlash in an organization if it’s being run by an
ineffective leader because it can cause a lot of trouble in the workplace because the leader’s set to be the
example or the role model of an organization so if the leader is set to be ineffective, how can they subdue
their people to follow them if the people see how inefficient and how ineffective their way of running an
organizations is. So, being ineffective leader has a lot of consequences.

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