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The Henley College 62441

Beth Talmer-Jones 980874

February 2nd, 2021
Music Video
Tv and Film production

Rationale (approx. 150 words)

Through the entire 12 units, I have progressed a huge amount and have learnt a lot about film
production and the technical skills and techniques that go into it. I am excited to be able to show this
progression with the Final Major Project (FMP) Especially with unit 12, the specialist study, I
furthered my understanding into what really goes into making a film and more specifically the
cinematography. Looking at my productions from the BeCreative unit, there is definitely a visible
improvement within my cinematography and seeing as this is something, I want to take further in
uni, I am proud of the progress I have already made. Considering both productions I had made were
silent (short film and music video) Cinematography is all the audience can really rely on to
understand the narrative and pick up on emotions this unit has added much more depth to my
understanding of the pure importance high standard cinematography can make to a production.

Immediately my aspirations would be to stay on track with my grades. I have been working at a high
standard and have manged to achieve distinctions for a majority of the units so far. My overall goal
would be a distinction to secure my place at university.

Project Concept (approx. 200 words)

I am aiming to make two music videos that intwine with each other to tell a narrative from two
different perspectives. I want my production regardless of the medium used to be able to tell a
strong story and make an impact. Something that is particularly import to me, and something I wish
to create more awareness on and spread light on is LGBTQ+ youth. More specifically it is a possibility
that I could focus deeper on the Trans umbrella and how the government are handling it, making the
piece relevant to current political times. Research for this would have to be very thorough and
would probably include:

 Watching documentaries
 Watching news/political debates on the topic
 Reading articles
 And finding music suitable for both sides of the narrative
I think if the narrative is quite an in-depth and deep one, location changes and number of props
needed to be kept to a minimum to avoid projecting too much to the audience and taking away from
the meaning of the narrative, I want this piece to be informative and visually hard hitting, if there is
too much happening on screen, I am confident that this will distract from the message I am trying to
get across. Throughout the process I will regularly be checking on feedback given by my marking
teacher on how to develop and improve further and well as asking my peers for their genuine
opinions on how to improve. As well as using class/college time to work on this, I will be using
independent study very wisely to ensure that I complete my work to the highest standard possible.

Evaluation (approx. 150 words)

As an ongoing activity, each week I will be completing a blog to track my progress made in the week,
this will allow me to reflect on both my strengths and weaknesses and ensure that I do not make the
same mistakes over again as mentioned previously, I will be regularly checking my work against my
teacher’s feedback, both written and verbal. Written feedback will be easy to reflect on in
independent study and verbal feedback will be beneficial to communicate with and ask questions
regarding how to improve, making sure I understand in detail what need to be done. As well as
reaching out to peers if I need help and creating surveys to ensure I am making the best choices for
my piece, allowing the standard that my work is at to remain high. At the end of the entire unit, I will
do a final evaluation where I review all the weekly blogs and looking at the progress I had made or
where I have lacked and combine it all together.

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