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Bullfighting it´s probably the Spanish most famous tradition to the rest of the World,
alongside flamenco music. However in this twenty first century is a controversial issue,
that rightly or wrongly, is an instrinsic part of Spanish culture.

The arguments for ban bullfighting are many, it is a cruel blood sport that goes against
animal rights. It is an animal abuse in which bulls are phused to extreme and mental
exhaustion before being stabbed to death. The only reason thath allows bullfighting is
a loopwhole in our animal protection law only for this spectacle.

On the other hand, there are reasons to continue with it. Bullfighting is a cultural
heritage that extens back to the Roman times and has become and integral part of
Spanish identity. It provides entertaiment and it´s an important economic source.
Thousands of tourist visit Spain not only of the sun, but also to attemt this spectacle or
the San Fermin´s festival. And finally it also provides a big amount of Jobs; like the
farmer who rise the Bull or the waither who works in the bar near the bullring.

I´m an advocate for animal rights and I am against bullfighting, I think that it isn´t a fair
figth and I can´t stand watch and animal suffering. But, at the same time I also see it as
an important econmic source for our country which provides many job opportunities.

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