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 Are you from a military family?
No, I don´t, my father worked as a miner and my mother as a housewife.

 Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend?

No, I´m not married, but I have a son, he was born this Christmas, in Asturias. Me and
my girlfriend Noemí are born and raised there and we always go there on weekends or
on vacation, and we are grateful that our son was born there too.

 Do you have any sisters or brothers?

Yes, I have one brother, David. He is younger than me but he is almost the same age as
I am, he is only one year and a half younger than me. He is my best friend too, and we
are very close. He works as an electricity engineer in Barcelona.

 Where does your girlfriend work?

Noemí works in a Hospital, she is a nurse and works in the maternity section there, she
takes care of the little children. I´m very proud of her, she´s extremely hard working.

2. Hometown
 Where are you from?
I´m from Asturias, from a little town called San Martin del Rey Aurelio, named as the
Visigoth King Aurelio who ruled in the middle Age there. It is a miner town that was
very wealthy before the crack of the coal in Spain.
 Where do you live now?
Nowadays I live in Madrid with my girlfriend and my child in the neighborhood of
Vallecas in a second floor.

 Do yo have family in your hometown?

Yes, my parents live there, in a detached. I miss them so much.

 Do you go back often?

Yes, I have said before, as soon as I have time. I go there to visit them and my close
friends that live there too. I used to go there by train but nowadays with my baby and
my dogs I usually go by car.

 (Extra) you said that you have dogs, what are their names and breed?

Yes, I have two dogs, the older is a female border collie called Deva, it is four years old,
and the little one is a chihuahua called pinky, it is a female too, it is three years old and
they get along very well. I don´t know what I would be without them, they bring me
peace and stability. The days I´m a little gloomy I go with them for a walk, and then I
feel full of energy again.

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