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_ PREPARAGION SLP FUNCIONAL _ PRUEBA DE EXPRESION ESCRITA ASSIGNMENT # 0 INSTRUCTIONS Read the task and complete the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work ana _ Upload the file to the online course component. If this is the first time you are uploading an ‘assignment, don't hesitate to ask your teacher for help. | Task "| Bulfighting has always been a controversial issue. Some claim it is a national treasure, while | others maintain it is a cruel spectacle. Write a composition in which you consider the arguments on _ | both sides of the issue, and express your own opinion. 2EPARACION SLP PROFESIONAL DE EXPRESION ESCRITA Read the task and complete the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work and upload the file to the online course component. The online course includes instructions on how to upload the file. |The assignment should be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the __ assignment. Please tur off the spell check as you write. 2 common observation that industrialized countries generate huge amounts of food waste ay and many commentators argue that this state of affairs is both impractical and immoral. ‘an opinion article to a local newspaper in which you attempt to raise awareness regarding ©. First, describe ways in which food is commonly wasted (L2). Then, offer opinions and ‘as to how we could help to alleviate the problem of food waste (L3). e the following fields before you begin. SLP PROFESIONAL ‘PRESION #2 ESCRITA finish the assignment, save your work and line course includes instructions on how to Should be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the Please tum off the spell check as you write, jin which nations conduct warfare has seen large transformations over the past ormations are evidenced not only in terms weapons employed and the types of Part, but also by changes within military and security organizations and the military assets. Write an article for a class of new military recruits in which you ‘the most important transformations (L2), and offer your own opinions as to how ‘fo shape defence organizations and defence planning at the national and ields before you begin. ne _ PREPARACION SLP PROFESIONAL ASSIGNMENT: MODULE 3 INSTRUCTIONS Read the task and complete the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work ‘and upload the file to the online course component. If this is the first time you are uploading an assignment, don't hesitate to ask your teacher for help. The assignment should be approximately 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the assignment. Please turn off the spell check as you write | TASK: The world has seen the rise of various Populist political movements in the past years, | Which have been successful to varying degrees. Describe some of these Populist movements (L.2) and discuss how any of these may affect the nations to which they belong and/or international relations (L.3). ARACI (SSS PROFESIONAL ‘SION ESCRITA lead the task and complete th. d the file to the myte the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work and oe online course component. The online course includes instructions on how to Wink Should be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the lease turn off the spell check as you write. ‘and Where to engage in military intervention around the world is becoming ever The decision to engage or not to engage seems to depend on a number of kinds of include moral, social, religious, geographic and economic. Write an article ; tank in which you describe some of the major conflicts currently taking place orld (L2), and discuss whether or not you feel these conflicts are being properly al and/or international organizations (L3). __ PREPARACION SLP PROFESIONAL | PRUEBA DE EXPRESION ESCRITA ASSIGNMENT #5 INSTRUCTIONS ve your work and ment, sa Read the task and complete the assignment. When you finish the assignt , : lpload the fle to the orline course component. The online course includes instructions on how fo upload the file. The assignment should be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes t assignment. Please turn off the spell check as you write. 0 complete the “TASK Advances in technology have generally been considered to have great advantages over the years. However, the speed and scope of such advances have sometimes been criticized as having a “tendency to be harmful to society as a whole. Write an article to a technological journal in which | You describe some of the advances which have occurred in various fields (telecommunications, ‘information technology, etc.) (L2), and discuss the possible benefits and drawbacks which such advances might have occasioned (L3). Please complete the following fields before you begin. PREPARACION SLp p; ROFES| PRUEBA DE EXPRESION ESCRIVE ASSIGNMENT # 6 2 INSTRUCTIONS Read the ta: ad the al and complete the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work and upload the file fo the online Course Component. The online course includes instructions on how to The assignment shou Id be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the assignment. Please tur Im off the spell check as you write. issue of whether or not NATO is Prepared to manage new threats has been of major concern | the fall of the Beriin Wall, but more acutely in the post-9/11 era. Changing alliances and | Of influence, as well as changing priorities regarding how the organization should be) have seemed to complicate the matter. Write an article for a military journal in which you Various situations that NATO has had to manage over the years (L2), and discuss the nd organizational challenges which NATO will need to deal with the near future (L3). | PREPARACION SLP PROFESIONAL ASSIGNMENT: MODULE 7 INSTRUCTIONS Read the task and complete the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work ‘and upload the file to the online course component. If this is the first time you are uploading an ‘assignment, don't hesitate to ask your teacher for help. "The assignment should be approximately 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the ‘assignment. Please turn off the spell check as you write. The issue of Fake News has been growing in importance over the past months. Write an article Which you give some past instances of Fake News (L.2) and discuss how society can best Mself from the harmful effects. «of += Fake ©=—- News. << PREPARACION SLP PROFESIONAL PRUEBA DE E} ASSIGNMENT BEESON ESCRITA INSTRUCTIONS. Read the task and o: Upload the fie tothe o upload the file. plete the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work and Inline course component. The online course includes instructions on how to Le are ‘should be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the ignment. Please tum off the spell check as you write. TASK | 1 {The increasing use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's, of drones) as an integral part of fighting a has been both welcomed and met with scepticism. The unique characteristics of UAV) technology have brought many benefits but also some possible dangers. Write an article for an/ "aims procurement journal in which you describe the various uses of UAV's (L2), and discuss what | 'be some aspects to keep in mind by individuals and/or nations when considering the use of PREPARACION SLP PROFESIONAL PRUEBA DE EXPRESION ESCRITA ASSIGNMENT # 9 INSTRUCTIONS Read the task and complete the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work and Upload the file to the online course component. The online course includes instructions on how to upload the file. The assignment should be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the Assignment. Please tum off the spell check as you write ‘Speculation that China might become the next world ‘superpower has been a topic of interest in fecent years. The extent of China's activites in this regard have included demographic, economic Snd geopolitical considerations, amongst others. Write an article to a major international ‘ewspaper in which you describe some observations regarding the Chinese people and nation that ave led to the speculation (L2), and state your own opinion as to whether such speculation is well- founded or not (L.3) ee Please complete the following fields before you begin. | Name & sumames ION SLP PROFESIO} NAL. DE EXPRESION NMENT# 10. SCRITA INSTRUCTIONS Read the fico ae the assignment. When you finish the assignment, save your work and =f online course component ir af tructions on how to upload the file. ponent. The online course includes instruct The assignment should be no less than 300 words. You have 70 minutes to complete the ‘assignment. Please turn off the spell check as you write. | TASK Global warming has been a topic of interest for many years amongst environmentalists and 1S. More recently, it has become a topic of interest for military and security analysts. Write | article for a journal dedicated to military intelligence in which you describe some of the ways global warming can affect global populations (L2) and discuss some of its possible eq for global security (L3). e the following fields before you begin. SLP 3 - Structure for Writing PLAN, DRAFT, REVISE, NEAT, REVISE AGAIN ‘You are provided a writing prompt and must then write an essay on the topic. If you know what to expect and understand how to write a five paragraph ess u will be prepared to tackle the SLP writing prompt. The First Paragraph: The Introduction ‘The first paragraph will introduce your topic. The introduction is the most important Paragraph because it provides direction for the entire essay. It also sets the tone, and you Want to grab the examiner’s attention with interest and clarity. You may paraphrase the ~ question BUT DO NOT copy word for word Describe your main idea. or what the essav is about, in one or two sentences. You ‘S20 usually use the essay writiny prompt or question to form this sentence. > + Develop a statement, or what you want to say about the main idea. When the ‘writing prompt is a question, your answer is typically the answer to the question. * List some points or arguments that support your answer (one sentence for each). be Second Paragraph ‘axgument, or why you feel the topic sentence is tue/or false ive ot hypothetical language and giving your opinion. revidence (facts, quotes, examples, and statistics) to support

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