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Time : 0112-0251 GMT

\ . 8/17/73
Page I of 2

229 01 13 21 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel

" -*: A debriefing the last ATM run for the ...
of guys there in the hack room. The
0019 pass this is. As you know, we had
to do a manual auto step, and it c_e
off pretty well. We thank you for re-
minding us that we could, use that manual
step in - device to set the mirror, and
we did that, and we thank you for
catching that for us. That's one we
never seem to use much back in training.
Turns out, the way we _rked it, that the
only thing we lost sc_e data on was your
last 82B exposure, which was supposed to
be 1024 seconds long. And I calculated
that we lost 564 seconds of it. How-
ever, it turns out wlth the kind of a
short time between the ESR and E_S _hAt
we've got now about _1 minutes that -
and we've been in the auto step mode we
would have lost 360 seconds, anyway. So
,/'_ it turns out that we lost 200 seconds manu-
ally, more than we would have lost auto-
matieally, and what's a couple of hun-
dred seconds among friends, right, Paul?
So the rest of it came off real good. 54
got water _mning t_ongh filter 3, and
they got all of the RAFTERS in at the ...
grating POSITION. P.2_. was _,4tted, and
it looks like we're ready to pickup at
01:52 on that rev. I turned off both of
the experiments thai were running at the
ESS time. And 56 _I all this time now,
so we got everything on 56. So, .II in
all, it looks like _e pretty much got the
data that was necessary. And with the
exception of a conpl_ hundred seconds on
that last frame, why - 82]} looks like
we're in good shape on that rev. And
see "you later.

229 0_ 49 45 PLT . Paul, one c_,,-ent. Arm fans, on the

last run. I forgot to mention I gave
yOu one false start when we went down 6,

, -- iim n
_ Tape 229-01
Page 2 of 2

building 4, block lB. I did the roll,

s_d the pointing ... got off a little
bit. And I did not repoint before I
started S0056 and S052. I noticed it
,m.ediately after I started your experi-
ments, and I turned them both off, re-
pointed, and started everything out
again. So I blew a couple of frames here
for you, byt we got some better d_ta by
going back to front and center. And I
think you'll like that better, and sorry
about those and ...

Dump Tape 229-02
Time : 1123-1132 GMT
_,. :811"(/'(3
Page 1 of 1

229 11 2_ 59 CDR Okay, this is the CDR with information

for the ATM group. I - uh - ... bright
region. I noticed that - uh - the
background intensity around that area
under sector 3 is in the 3 to _00 range.
And where it's right on the bright
spot, it's up around _500. I thought
it might be interesting. I @ave it a
switch. Now I'm in the process of
giving it a quick shopping list item 5,
anf this 5_ wasn't on there." I decided
it might be wise to -

CDR - might be wise to give it so=et_-g,

sO I gave it an M30 f/2_6 which is the
same thing they have in - uh - uh -
u_lcs, figuring that- uh - they might .:"
use the information. I'm -_rt on film;
-.. le've _ got 3000 _rames r-_ning, '"
but I used up eight of them on that ._
because I thouSht it might be helpful.

229 Ii 26 0_ CDR CDR, out.

229 11 27 13 CDR This - this is for I_, again. And 82B,

I gave them a - I'm giving them an
exposure at - uh - all those times.
SamelT, 21_0, ...

Dump Tape 229-03 __
Time: 1212-1215 GMT
Page 1 of 1

229 12 ii 56 SPT PRD readings. SPT is 071; 071 for

the ,_T.

SPT 163 for the PLT. 163 for the PLT's


229 12 i_ 29 SPT 17_ for the CDR's PRD; 17h. That's

the end of today's PRD readings.



, I

Dump Tape 229-04 i

T_me: 1323-1340 GMT I

] _ 13 2_ 04 CDR Okay, this is a message for 509

2 interested individuals, for Ramon, 9
3 probably the most interested this -
-: in this area. Uh - I Just completed -
5 uh - M509-C, the battery charge.

7 _229 13 24 15 CDR ° CDR out.

? :229 13 37 46 SPY Okay, this is the SPT debriefing the

% last run on the ATM, which finished
_ at 13:35 Zulu. This is the one where
;_ we were picking up the network cells C
_3 and it looks to have Eone pretty well.
14 '" When I l_icked out the cell it did have m
15 a nice long boundary, the shape of ._
.w l& the cell wasmore or less eliptical,
17 long axis up and down, and the detector
__< _8 n_ber 3 did maximize right on-the cell
_,9 Boundary with a ratio of about 2 to i, B

-J 20 something like 500 on the boundary and

21 a couple of hundred off the boundary .I
Z 22 toward the cell interior - or external.
© o
___ 23 Ant1 _he cell retained its general shal_e nl
2_ throughout the whole orbit although there " "-I
2_. were some brights which appeared and
- _ ' disappeared and some changes in the --
"L -_" : surrounding structure. All and all, the t_
J ?_ ! cell looks reasonably stable for that - '_
2_ uh - orbit. And the orbit _- uh - at
t; 12:50 - started at 12:51 Zulu only called iq
- ,_;; for four steps. I managed to complete __
3;; 6 steps, all the way from IB, step i,
33 , clear through step 6 on this one orbit. 0
_• So that'll give more continuous data r"
_ . than it would be if I had to pick up -<
3_, ' steps 5 and 6 on the next orbit. And
3/ then I'ii pick up with steps 7 end 8 on
_: this JOP at the beginr_ing of the next
_ orbit. For the particular cell here -
_ uh - we're, I think - uh - could be
best determined by the one rather large
dark cl_u_p at its lower extremity in the
"- low orientation that we are now at, and
that might be the best way to identify

% .

Dump Tape 229-04

it. Ztshou_d_"_.e;-_rer_sonShLv
2 ] distinct and I - uh - think that it -

? j uh - ought - uh - to he a fairly
4 , good cell for this netword study.
i229 13 39 30 SPT ... from the SPT.


!2 C
;3 "

15 -4
UJ 16 -r
0 i7

_ 20
21 __ I_
Z 22

"Z - " .-]

i.2 '-)


Tape 229-O5
Time : 1510-1620 _4T
8/17/73 ........
Page i of i0

PLT ... 509 now. The time is 14:15. One

question I've got is I don't know why 9
we got two experiment recorders on,
when we only got - uh - a selection
for one. It's On page 11-2. And -
perhaps when Houston comes up again
they'll tell us to turn out number 2.
In the meantime they're both in i, G.
And - uh - so we're off to - uh -
step 6 at this time on page 11-2.

229 15 Ii 45 SPT Okay. Debriefing the last ATM pass.

_ This goes to the ATM PIs. Finished
at 15 :i0: The re_uder of the net-
work studies at J0P 1B, steps 7 and 8
went as planned. I'd already done
steps 5 and 6 had a pretty good orbit.
And it was a good thing that I did,
because in H-alpha the network cell
was essentially _m_ dentifiable. I -
uh - had to - uh - point my coordinates.

_. 229 15 12 lh SPT Now one other interesting feature, at

the - uh - beginning of the first orbit,
I did take an H-alpha 1 photograph off
the Polaroid camera. And comparing
that with the view at sunrise on
H-alpha 1 - uh - the network cells -
the network structure was _imply not
visible. Many of the dark clumps had
either moved around or disappeared or
exchanged places with bright clumps.

229 15 12 38 SPT And - uh - uh - that's - uh - I think

at least parti_lly answers - uh -
the question of whether or not there's
a difference in the H-alpha view
between sunrise and sunset, or whether
or not it is really an evolution of the net-
work. And inasmuch as the pictures at
the two sunrises of the - The first pic-
ture in my view of the two sunrises were
distinctly different. Uh - I think that
it is an evolution of the network and
not Just simply a difference in viewing
between sunrise and sunset. Uh - fol-
lowing that I - uh - -

IA_p Tape 229-05

Page 2 of i0

229 15 13 21 PLT - - noticed a small subflare in active

region 92. No x-rays associated with 9
it, but I did pick up a - building - or
shopping list item - 3 on those - uh -
uh - on that suhflsuSe. Rather interesting
two bright spots either side of a neu-
tral line. And then the - uh - towards
the end of the subflare there was a
hrigJ_tening along one side of the neu-
tral line, extending from one of the
brighter two points. So - uh -

229 15 13 51 SPT I don't know whether 92 has anything

in prnm_se for us or not, hut at least
it was a - sort of interesting little sub-
flare. Uh _ following that I went over
to the - uh - east l_mh and - uh -
picked up a shopping list 6 on the
new active region which had Just cane
around the corner. Uh - we still have
no n_her on that active region on our
SEP (?) so l'm ass_niag ... will - uh -
provide one for us by t_norrow. End of

229 15 14 16 SPT This goes to the ATM - uh - PIs and -

on the SPT, message complete.

229 16 0_ 58 FLT Okay, space fans, we're -A*h - starting

M509 run. If SPT's available, do a
TV 36B of M509 ops with and without LSU.
TV power on; all that stuff. C_ay,
here's what I want you to do, AI.

CDR It is.

PLT Okay. PRESSURE s_CT, OFF; verify.

CDR It is.



PLT Okay - uh - wrist disconnect - uh - -

229 16 05 40 CDR Although I don't feel any flow.

Drop Tape 229-O5
Page 3 of i0 t

PLT Well, let me go uh there - Did you

leave the pumps on? You snuck up on
them, turned them on, and all that, huh? f

CDR Water's flowing; 02 is not turned on.

PLT Well, we can go up there and look at


CDR Okay. Water's okay.

229 16 06 14 CDR Okay; we got it; we got it. It's okay.

, PLT You feel it?

&'DR Yeah, it 's okay.

PLT Okay, let's see if there's something

l've gotta do while we're up here.
Okay, we're going to get your gloves
and helmet on now.

CDR Okay.

SC (Whistling)

229 16 07 14 PLT Okay, we'll do it like it says. Wrist

disconnect, _GAGE. Do the IV gloves
and lock.

CDR Okay.

PLT And then the helmet. Do not rotate

helmet after attach_nt. Then you go
%0 BOTH.

CDR Okay.

CDR And now put this one on there, would

you, Jack? I'll hold that. Yes. That's

CDR G°°d" Careful ; good baby.

229 16 08 57 PLT Okay, go to BOTH. Verify 0

Dmmp Tape 229-05 --
Page.4 of I0




PLT PCU checkout; cuff gage inaccuracy plus

or minus 0.15 psi max.


229 16 09 13 PLT REG i LOW FLOW and LOW VENT FLOW lights
have 5-second time delay. PRESSURE se-
lect, I_G i.

CDR Yeah.

PLT Okay, MODE select, DELTA-P.

FLT Monitor cuff gage, and verify SUIT PRESS

light off about 2.9 or so.

CDR Suit pressure's coming up.

FLT Okay.

229 16 09 h3 PLT MARK, about 3.0.

CDR Suit is at 3.7. -

PLT How's the straps and everything feel?

CDR Feel oEay to me.

PLT Okay. Verify cuff gage stable 3.6 to 3.9 - -

CDR It is.

PLT - - and =II lig_ats off.

CDR Yeah, sll lights off.

229 16 I0 04 FLT Okay, E_U integrity check. Next sequence

terminates 02 flow; REG i LOW FLOW and
LOW VENT FLOW lights will come on.
Monitor cuff gage for a max decay of 0.8.
FLOW selector, OFF.

CDR FLOW selector, OFF.

Te_oe 229-05
Page 5 of i0

PLT FLOW selector, OFF; PRESSURE selector,

OFF for i minute. 9

229 16 i0 25 "PLT MARK.

229 16 I0 27 PLT MARK, now.

PLT No more than 0.8.

CDR Why we're doing this, I'm not sure.

PLT Me neither.

CDR But if iS leaks, so what?

FAT Right.

229 16 i0 50 PLT This came out of the EVA checklist. You

never did it any othe r way before, did
you? Then you canVt do it that way.

229 16 ii 04 FLT 20 seconds.

'_ 229 16 Ii 18 FAT i0. After this you _o to BOTH and I-_A.

CDR Okay. -

229 16 11 27 FLT MARK; i minute.

CDR Everything' s okay.

PLT Okay, cuff gage, 3.6 and 3.9.

CDR All right.

PLT Tighten seatbelt nor - and velcro all

loose ends. There aren't many - -

CDR These are so tight ir here, it's

ridiculous. Okay, we're going to
hsve to move this out.

229 16 11 47 PLT Very well. Hope it doean'_ h_ve to go

out any further than that, AI.

CDR No. That's Just as far as it had to

go. Same with this one.

FAT (Laughter)
• ,°

Dump Tape 229-05

Page 6 of 10

CDR Sa7 - -

PLT ... that one, right.

CDR Okay. .

229 16 12 01 PLT Okay, verify the aPT has donned his ear
protection. Stay clear of a11 thrusters,
and OPEN your - uh - SUPPLY VALVE.

CDR Okay.

,. PLT Okay the M509 checkout we don't have to

do. Okay, I want to ask you, wheel fo -
WHEEL SP_ LOW light, out.

229 16 :]2. 46 CDR Yep.



PLT Okay, we're going to go internal. We're


229 16 12 59 PLT Okay, MAIN POWER, on; CMG POWER, ON.

CDR Okay.

PLT D,_.I meter greater than 26 volts.

CDR It is.

PLT Okay; the time is 16:13; the time is

duly noted. Battery use is loaded - is
limited up to 50 m_nutes with CMG POWER,

PLT Charger OUTPUT, OFF. That's OFF. Unstow

dust cover from behind T?4 receiver.
Disconnect this thing.

229 16 13 31 PLT Install sc_ewhere else. Open the crank

backhere. Put this up there. Okay,
that's up there, and this's going down
here. Like a Chinese puzzle.
Dump Tape 229-05
Page 7 of i0

229 16 lh 02 PLT Stow EXTERNAL POWER cable on d,w_y

connector; that's done. Okay, the next
thing is - uh - THC, neutral; verify. 9

CDR It is.

PLT SYNC light is on. Uh - WHEEL S_,:,:,,

light out; verify.

CDR It is.


229 16 14 18 CDR MODE DIRECT.


PLT Okay, now Igot to turn on this DAC.

First ... the lights, then this DAC.

PLT Okay, there's one light. Here's another

one, right over here. Right where I
pushed them. Now we make sure we're on
two frames a second. That goes to two.
Sorry, Aba - Ara - Arabella. I belted
,_ Arabella there. I'm glad she's not out
loose where she can bite. Does that look
like it's pointed into the center of the
work sh up ?

229 16 15 04 SPT Yeah; that's perfect.

PLT Here we go, AI. You're on - -

CDR Yeah.

PLT - - candid camera. That one's x,_nn4ng.

Check to see if that's I,_-_ng. (Le;,ghing)

PIE It's x-,_-ing. Ah - I hilled the a._.

light. Okay. A1. Raise and lock the
release lever outboard. Did you get

CDR Okay.

229 16 15 h3 PLT Okay, after that you've got your timeline

to go on. If difficulty is encountered
when flying with the LSU, the observer
Tape 229-05
Page 8 of i0

should try to tend the _hilical. If that

doesn't work, perform the SOP portion of
the run and then complete the run without *
helmet and gloves. Okay?

CDR Go ahead.

PLT Okay. l'm ... presure. Wait. We

ain't moving yet.

229 16 16 12 PLT Okay. l'm - uh - going to unfasten you.

Okay, you're free to - uh - mosey out
of there.

PLT Release the paddle locking pin, pn11 the

lever inboard; undock. Okay, you've got
to go NORMAL, i.

229 16 16 37 PLT Okay, ATM fans; he's out of the do--_ug

station. He's - uh - over the - uh -
crew quarter hatch about 3 feet, facing -
uh - 432 and - uh - stabilizing his
position. He's - uh - pretty much
stabilized now. Fly clear of the donning _
station to verify s// cow--ands. That's
what he's doing.

229 16 17 Oh CDR All ccmmmnds are good.

P-,.T All cu,_ands are verified. -Okay, these

handles are down. Okay, single-axis
calibrations, AI.

CDR okay. I'm tr_ng to rise a little hit;

we'll see how it works. How's my tether
look? My umbilical?

229 16 17 38 PLT It's .11 clear.

CDR Okay.

PLT It's not hanging loose around something.

Head for the work - the part of the work-
shop behind you. Take two photos -

Dm=p Tape 229-05
Page 9 of i0

CDR Okay, you will notice that I didn't

stop @oing - It stopped going up and
started down without me doing any
thrusting drown.

PLT Okay. You are recording all this on

ch-nnel A, AI.

229 16 18 19 CDH Okay. I 'ii kit a DATA MARK button now,

and I'ii do what it says here, which is
yaw left, 180 degrees.

229 16 18 27 f.
CDR Okay, we're starting the yaw. Let's
see how it works. We are getting a roll
left. I'ii correct it. l'm also headed
down I think it's the t_bilical that's
doing that. Okay, I'ii stop my rotation - -

229 16 18 XX CC SEylab, Houston. We are AOS at the

Vanguard for the next i0 minutes and I
need to - uh - get a word in to the 509
_s if they can listen.

CDR We're listening - -

PLT Sure. Weren't you hearing us - -

CDH Go ahead.

229 16 18 45 CC Okay, AI. We're a 1£ttl bit behind

(coughing) - we're a little bit behind on
our - uh - recorder number 2 - uh - uh -
dump - dumping. We would like you to -
uh - Just to hold off - uh - on the run.
L_ - we would l_ke to dump the recorder 2
here at the Vanguard for the next _ or
5 minutes and we will get hack to you. We
are going to start the d_enp and we'll get
to you as soon as the dump is complete
to so that you can continue your run.

229 16 19 21 cDR Okay, I'll Just go into a - uh - float

mode here, around the middle of the work-
shop. The tether as you can imagine is-
uh - pretty strong. I made _ attempted
left turn - a left yaw, It yawed about
• P

_ape 229-05
Page 10 of 10

/_ 90 degrees and stopped and now it's

beaded the other way. And it's also
pushing me beyond towards the bottom.
So _ suspicion is that the gas is not
going to last toa long.

229 16 19 51 CC AI, we gotta interrupt and we want to

get you - - Can't you figure out the best
way Just to get stabilized there and wait
a few minutes and thenwe'll - -

"" r .

Dump Tape 229-06 _,_

Time: 1635-1722
F-_ 8/17/73
Page 1 of 16

229 16 36 49 PLT ... there you go. •

•CDR He's saturating a lot, as you can tell.

PLT Okay, I Just threw 5 feet in the airlock.

CDR Okay.

FLT We got 20 - 21 foot marks at the work-

shop hatch now. Are you trying to
pitch up?

229 16 37 04 CDR Yeah. IJm pitching up okay.

PLT Okay. He's got a good pitch up, let

clear m_ uh -

CDR Firing an extreme amount of thrusters.

PLT Yea/u, and he's translating it more, too,

and his feet are going toward the dome

229 16 36 ll CDR Okay, there's a mark.

PLT There's a data mark. He's on his back,

with his feet at 406 What are you doing

_DR Yawin' right.

PLT Yawin' right. He's. having to give it a

little added translation. Looks like
that's a pretty good yaw right going
there, AI.

CDR Yeah.

229 16 36 h2 PLT Okay, he's pretty much in the plane of

the - uh - right between the water
tan_s and the film lockers now. Right
side down to the - uh - crew quarters
floor. And - -
_ Dump Tape 229-06
Page 2 of 16

CDR Okay
-- •

PLT - - he's got his yaw right in - -

229 16 36 54 CDR - - is a data mark - -

PLT - - data mark and - uh - it looks llke

he - uh - -

CDR - - now for a roll left - -

PLT - - translation, now he's rolling left.

229 16 37 O1 CDR The t_abi1'icalseems to like that one.

It's not firing any ... at the moment.

PLT Yes, and we might have a better - uh -

umbilical position there is very sensitive,
however. We got 21 feet at the - uh -
hatch mark.

CDR Okay -

229 16 37 12 CDR MARK.

PLT Okay, he's - uh -

CDR I guess I gave a good mark there.

PLT Pitch upright again.

PLT He' s upright in the workshop. Looks

as though he's translating - -

229 16 37 21 CDR Jack, how about moving me over so I'm

sort of facing those tapes so I can start
there. Otherwise, I'll never get through
this rate gyro maneuver.

PLT What do you want to face, Al?

CDR Face there - out in middle, facing

those tapes over there, right over

PLT Oh, this - the tape recorder?

Dump Tape 229-06
Page 3 of 16

CDR No, no, the dome locker with the two

pieces of tapeon it.

PLT Oh, all right, h32?

229 16 37 4h CDR Yeah. If you'll set me up there then -

uh - maybe I can start from there cause
I only got about 500 psi left and I'd
like to get these maneuvers done with
rate gyro.

PLT You want to go to 432 and face it?

CDR No, no -'in the middle, but facing it.

PLT Oh, I see. Okay.

CDR In other words, the kind of a starting

position I've had for all these maneuvers.

PLT I got you.

r 229 16 38 I0 PLT Okay, I'm positioning you about 3 feet

above the workshop h_tch so the - uh -

CDR Yeah, a little bit higher than that if

you can get it.

PLT I'll get it up about 5 feet. And

face 432. How you like that?

CDR A little bit higher if you can do it.

?LT Okay, I can do it with - uh - with your

feet here.

CDR Okay! That's the spot right there.

PLT About 6 feet above the crew quarters

hatch, station 432.

229 16 38 32 CDR Okay. Let me - Okay, I go rate gyro,

make a mark. Okay, we're going to try
a left turn. Multiple firings, as you
can hear.

PLT Multiple firings - the rate gyro motors to

go left to maintaining attitude against the
Dump Tape 229-06
_ Page 4 of 16

229 16 38 58 CDR I notice a tendency to fly faster Just

because you feel like you got to overpower
this umbilical. Flying slow, you end up
stopping all the time. So you tend to fly
a little bit faster, which I don't know if
it particularly good but that's the way
it is.

SPT Uh - would you guys wait till I get a

little of this - this on TV in about 2
or B minutes.

PLT Oh, we got a lot of flyin' to do, Owen.

CDR Okay.

CDR ... you are supposed some of this with

the umbilical on, O.

SPT Yeah, I'll be out of here in about B minutes.

CDR You'd make it fast though, we're almost out

of gas.

SPT You have to do your main flying maneuver,


CDR Never make it.

229 16 39 35 PLT Okay, 0., when you come down, turn down the

SPT 0kay, do you want it on now?

PLT No. When you come down and ready to

do your thing.

SPT Okay, A1. I'ii have to stop the test

for a moment before I come down.

CDR I don't know whether the tnnbilical's

caught or what.

PLT Okay. Now the umbilical's free. That

multiple - uh -
_ Dump Tape 229-06
Page 5 of 16

CDR Looksrealright.

PLT Multiple rate gyro firing - -

CDR The only chance you got to get there

is to go fast.

PLT - - Just like a machinegun burst. Jog

right now.

229 16 40 17 CDR Is that complete? It's another mark.

PLT Okay, nc_ he's rolling left.

CDR Seems to like rolls pretty good.

PLT Yeah, it doesn't do too much ... during


229 16 _0 31 CDR Okay, there's a mark. We've completed

those maneuvers.

_ PLT It's ... sitting down - _t would ever -

it's the umbilical is doing it, A1.

PLT When you pitch up I'd have to roll more

umbilical out of theu'e in order to
satisfy the - uh -

CDR Why don't you do thi'_, Jack? Why don't

you put me up there by the banjo and
I'll try to make the translation
maneuver before we ran out of gas.

229 16 _0 55 PLT Okay. Keep drifting. Come over on

your right.

CDR By the banjo facing towards the donning

station. I'll make a translation
maneuver if I can.

PLT Facing the donning station, okay.

CDR Uh-huh.
Dump Tape 229-06
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229 16 41 07 SPT Can you stay there drifting for about

another minute and thatway I can get
down there before you run out of gas.

PLT Well, we're g0nna put another bottle in

anyway. We got three bottles, A1.

CDR Yeah, but - we Just supposed to use

three bottles of gas today?

PLT Yeah.

229 16 41 18 CDR That's good. We'll make it through our

base line here. When do we change the

PLT When it gets down.

PLT Ahhh. Stop for a moment.

CDR Have this workshop at high pressure,

all right.

PLT Okay, I got you back up against the

banjo, here.

PLT Try to get you away from it a little bit?

CDR Okay.

PLT ... up there.

SPT We're showing 5.2 or 5.3 right now.

PLT Wait till -

229 16 l_ 49 SPT It might go up to 5-7.

PLT Okay, you're stabilized at the banjo

facing the donning station, A1.

229 16 41 56 CDR Here I go. There's a data mark.

PLT Okay, here he comes.

Dump Tape 229-06
Page 7 of 16

229 16 42 06 CDR I'm trying to get stabilized. Having •

a little difficulty. Here's another
data mark. Here we hit. Okay, we're
translating on the w_v. I'll give you
a mark halfway down there.

229 16 42 22 CDR There's a mark halfway down.

PLT Got you on film.

PLT We had a front shot and a side shot

with the Nikon.
CDR Going a little bit high.

PLT Put the Nikon away for a minute.

PLT Get the checklist.

PLT Okay, he's R1most at the donning station.

229 16 h3 00 CDR Okay, here comes - Jack, there's a data

_ markfromthat.

PLT Okay.

CDR How about Just puttiLg me in the center

of the workshop where you did before and
I'll do some limb motions, real quick.

2LT Okay, we're going to the limb

motion - -

CDH And we're about out of gas.

PLT - - mode.

229 16 _313 PLT Let's find a plane where the umbilical

likes it and you can do your limb motion.

PLT The only way to have a backpack is to have

a self-contained one with your ACS in it,
looks like to me. Want to have you
• faced the camera kind over here.

CDH Okay.
Dump Tape 229-06
_-_ Page.8 of 16

PLT Now let's see if you're stable there.

• CDR Stabilize me as best you can.

PLT Okay, I'm letting you go right now.

CDR All right, I'm gonna do it.

PLT Okay, you're doing limb motion.

229 16 45 49 CDR Okay, there's a data mark.

PLT You want to pitch down.


CDR Okay. Then go back to stop now, so we

can start again.

PLT The only thing I can do is yank on one

umbilical, A1.

CDR Do whatever you think does the Job best.

PLT Letme trythat.

CDR You're yanking on me - pretty hard.

PLT I know it, know it. See, I got 25 feet

at the workshop hatch and I -

229 16 44 17 CDR There's a mark.

PLT Now it says right arm up 90. Okay,

I, 2, 3-

229 16 44 25 CDR Okay, data mark. Bnth arms up 90 and

we've stopped a little bit.

PLT Both arms up 90.

229 16 44 55 CDR Done, data mark.

PLT It doesn't do much, Just - uh -

PLT Okay, right arm out.

229 16 44 42 CDR MARK. Right arm out.

Dump Tape 229-06
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PLT You Just rotate a little and you rotate

back and- - •

CDR Doesn't rotate right, does it?

PLT Nah, Just - uh - rotate right back to

where you were.

CDR Okay, here comes _ right leg. I've

gotta go up, I'm floating down to the
bottom of the workshop.

PLT Move your right leg 90 degrees, three

times. 01, 2-

CDR You don't get out 90 degrees because

the thing's in your way. Okay -

229 16 h5 02 CDR MARK.

PLT Both legs. Back 90. I, 2, 3 - -

CDR ... the back 90. I'll try that. It's

"_ another mark.

PLT ... forward. Here you go - i, 2, 3.

Okay, now let's go to - now if we did
it in direct we do it in - uh -

SPT Let me get your facing the camera here.

CDR Okay, I'ii do it rate gyro next. Kinda

put me closer to the center of workshop
if you can, Jack.

PLT I'm losing it. Shoot. I think you're

stable here, A1.

CDR 0kay.

PLT Okay, here we are.

CDR Okay. Are you there?

PLT I'm letting you go now.

Dump Tape 229-06
_-_ Page_i0 of 16

229 16 45 55 CDR Okay. Going to rate gyro now. Okay, •

here's the data mark. l, 2, fires like
crazy, that's 3.

PLT Lots of firing when he moved his arms

in rate gyro.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, ...

CDR I gotta back up a little bit, so I'll

back up. We'd better park it, Jack,
we're awTul low on gas.

PLT Okay. I'll park you.

229 16 46 35 CDR Go back to direct.

PLT Go around this way.

229 16 46 40 CDR Okay, let me make a few observations for

the recorder. First of all, that umbilical
is - uh - bad news. It's obviousthat -
uh - even if it isn'.t touching anything,
it taunts you all the time. It takes
significant fuel to - uh - to correct.
Not only does take fuel but it makes
it difficult to fly because the thing
doesn't fly where you tell it to. You
give it a big right thrust and it doesn't
do anything and the next time you give
it one, it kinda overcenters or - or
the thing starts to mcve but then it goes
twice as fast. So you are continually
correcting the - uh - umbilical problem.
It doesn't fly consistantly. The same
command doesn't result in the same - uh -
uh - uh - result in the flying business.
But that wasn't true at - uh - at the
simulator. The simulator - uh - no
matter what you did, it flew in the same
way each time. The one thing I noticed,
too, was the fact that - uh - that - uh -
as - uh - as we - Luh - did maneuvers,
we'd gradually drift off in some direction,
Dump Tape 229-06
Page ii of 16

and it would interfere with doing it

with a - uh - nice clean maneuver for •
you, Lou or Ed.

229 16 47 58 CDR It Just - uh -it had never - do like

a nice yaw left, it just wouldn't. That's
why I wanted to try the translational
maneuver. Also, I felt like with the gas
we had left, there was no way I could
pull off a - uh - a - uh - baseline
maneuver, and that the ... to that idea
would be to try to translate down to
the workshop and just see what happens as
the umbilical moves across the workshop
as opposed to moving in circles, and pitches
and yaws. Uh - generally, I'd have to
say that the performance on the umbilical
was unsatisfactory. Jack attempted to
move it - follow me but I could feel when
he did it. There's no way to know what the
umbilical really has in mind, and so when
someone moves it on the end, it results
in torquesto you. It couldhave very
simply pulled me around all the maneuvers
and I wouldn't have had to fly a thing
simply by moving itself.

PLT Okay, I'm going to talk to you - change

this thing -

CDR Okay, go ahead.

PLT Would you like to keep debriefing or

change off?

CDR What?

229 16 _9 01 PLT Would you like to keep debriefing or

you want to change out?

CDR Let 's change out.

PLT Okay. Okay, CMG is caged, verify.

CDR It's caged.

Dump Tape 229-06
Page 12 of 16

PLT Oh, we're going to leave the battery

in there. I want the battery volts, O.

SPT 287.2.

229 16 49 19 SC Okay, we're going to leave it in there.

We're just going to change the PSS.

PLT Naw, CMG is caged, mode direct, AI•

CDR Direct.

PLT Okay, i #pen the right cover.

PLT •.. l'm going to have to pitch you up.

•.. get you out of there.

PLT Stand you on your back awhile. I think

you can do that, can't you?

PLT Sure your head doesn't crack anything.

SPT Is he through thrusting now?

CDR Yeah, I'm through thrusting for a little


229 16 50 lO PLT Okay, A1, now I can get this out of here.
Open right cover, close valve. Could you
turn the recorder off for me for a while,
0.? Please. Voice recorder. Huh?

229 16 50 28 PLT Okay, closed•

229 17 03 45 PLT Okay, space fans. Here we are back

with our M-509 - uh - we - uh - changed
out the PSS to number 2 and A1 is flhing
it on the SOP now. Uh - we want to make
sure we - uh - correction, we're on PSS
number 3 - A1 wants to make sure we - uh -
have plenty of - uh - time for - uh -
plenty of gas for the SOP run. The tumbilical
has been disconnected, of course, of course,
and - uh - I want to get it out of the way.
That's what I'm going to do now. A1 has
been rotating to his left - uh - very
Dump Tape 229-06
_-_ Page 13 of 16

slowly to - and freely controlled to -

uh - sta - donningstationand I'm •
gonna yank the umbilical up out of the
way so he doesn't fly into it. And
kind of stuff it in the airlock.

PLT Maybe I can short strap it over here,

it would be better, I guess.

229 17 04 56 PLT Okay, he's backing away from the donning

station, heading for the banjo. Got a
nice rotation going, moving upward in
the workshop. Umbilical is snapped up,
by the way. He's translating upward a
little bit now - uh - to the banjo, he's
facing the banjo's, his feet are coming
up above the water tanks now.

PLT Okay, A1 is - uh - translating over to the -

uh ... banjo, he's in the ...

229 17 07 05 PLT Okay, I'm going to _Jotograph him on the

f_ FMU. You have a nice stable position on
_4U-2. Data mark. Now he's translating
away from FMU-2. Heading now for - uh -
locker 404, he's rot:Zed to his right, he's
got his right roll _n. Translating nicely -
uh - now upright in the workshop - uh - in
the plane with the 6_me lockers. Now he's
giving it a yaw left, don't notice any
noticeable cross couj)lings. The - uh -
maneuvering unit is joing very smoothly
at this point, much better than it did
with the umbilical hooked on to it. Much
as it did the other day - uh - without
us suited.

229 17 08 19 PLT Now he's in front of - uh - 404, now

translating around the - uh - dome
lockers, a distance out of about 2 feet,
not flying quite as close as he did

PLT . Flying around the dome lockers, a very

smooth rotation he uses, remains
completely upright all the time. Little
Dump Tape 229-06
Page 14 of 16

PLT ... now.

PLT Stopped in front of h32 .... photo.

Now he's - uh - rotating over - uh -
to his left and backing away. h32,
translating downward. Getting kind
of close to the food lockers there,
but he's coming away from them.
Moving towards the donning station.

229 17 09 58 PLT I'll give you some time. 8 minutes yet.

Okay, he's positioning himself - uh -
neatly in front of the donning station,
with no ,problem at all. Get a photo-
graph. Yeah, there's a photograph of
him backing off of the donning station
now and - uh - trying to find what mode
he's in. He's in direct, flying in direct
now yawing to his right. Now he's in yaw,
translating - uh - as he does it. He's
directly above the crew quarters hatch at
this time. No cross coupling - uh -
noticeable, no difficulty in operating
"_ the - uh - hand co_re-]., eitherthe
thrust controller with his left hand
or rotation controller with his right
hand. Pointing his feet now to - uh -
to the food lockers. Flying up to
the banjo.

229 17 ii 17 PLT Stabilizing in front of the banjo.

There he is. In front of the banjo.
There he is hear the workshop hatch,
facint it. Now, he's translating
away from it down to his number 2
position, which is down by - uh -
scientific airlock. Got a TV float -
float - floating free, PLT goes over
and reaches that. It gets away, he
goes down and gets it again. It keeps
getting away. He got it now.

229 17 12 29 PLT Okay, here he's coming - uh - over to -

• uh - position himself in front of T013.
Uh - to - uh - there he is. Now he's
backing off to his - uh - number 3
Dump Tape 229-06
Page 15 of 16

position which is up by dome h04.

He is translating away yawing - not •
noticeably, but rolling to his right.
Now he's started to Jog to the left.
Flying very smoothly and carefully in
direct. No failure difficulty what-
soever in - uh - controlling the -
uh - maneuvering unit. About the
umbilical_ it flies just like it did
unsuited, apparently, from the observer's
position. Gave me a good blast with the
thrusters, that's why we're wearing the
goggles. Our friend - uh - Cecil B. DeGarriott
is up there - uh - getting TV pictures.

229 17 lh 02 PLT Okay, now he's translating around - uh -

the dome locker ring. Approximately 2 to
B feet - uh - separating the - uh - dome
lockers from the leading edge of - uh -
the hand controller. Now, he's moving
in closer and flying in a little more -
uh - closely to the dome locker. Main-
_ taining a good rotational rate so he knows
he's safe in the dome lockers. No - uh -
translation up and down at all. Translating
only to his right as he yaws to his right.
Maintaining a constant attitude with
respect to the dome lockers. Now,
moving over to - uh -- dome locker 432
area which is point number h in the
maneuver. Huh?

229 17 15 06 PLT Okay. This is the best - well, okay. I

guess you got it all, huh? Now he's
translating away from - uh - h32. He
likes to go down when he does that. He's
translating downward and going to his
left. Now facing ths donning station
directly over the crew quarters hatch.
Moving in in a very controlled fashion.
He's. stopped his yaw rate to the left.
He has zero translation forward at this

229 17 15 49 PLT We'll get out his time and let him look
at it. We got 2-1/2 minutes left. Okay,
we're going to - uh - get his helmet and
gloves off.
Dump Tape 229-06
Page 16 of 16

PLT Okay, we're backin' him into the - Yeah, •

we'll take his glove off first. Take
his helmet off.

SPT Jack?

229 17 17 09 PLT Get his hat off. Hold hat for a minute
while I - uh - put you into the - uh -
donning station.

PLT Yeah.

PLT What's the - uh - pressure reading?

PIT Run him back to the umbilical, huh?

PLT Yeah, I hear him.

PLT Okay, now let me put some of this stuff

down, A1.

229 17 18 01 PLT Yeah, the next thing. Okay, we got the

cameras off now and A1 is in the donning
/4 station with his helmet and gloves off
and - uh - we'll also put the tape
recorder off. What _e're going to do
is change to the oth,_r bottle and
battery and then we're going to do
some more umbilical.

DumpTape229-07 __#
Time : 1511-1758 GM9 _I
Page 1 of 19

229 15 II 45 to This time se_nentis duplicated "

229 16 19 51 " verbatim within Dump Tape 229-05.

229 16 19 58 CDR Okay, the tether's floating me over in

the corner, so I guess that will be good

CDR What luck do you think you can have

operating the - uh - uh - umbilical,

PLT I think'I'll grab it and see what happens.

CDR See what you can do with it.

229 16 20 19 PLT Looks like to me what I need to do is -

uh - string it in a normal position behind
you somehow. It's - uh - coming from your
left side -

P_ CDR Um-hm.

PLT And - uh - I don't know; maybe I'll have

you rise to the workshop. I'll have to
go up there and - iZq - feed it into the

229 16 20 43 CDR I don't know. I noticed when you touch

it, it's almost like you've got a rigid
pole, so I suspect anything you do to it
is going to - I could not fire focus -
thruster and you could fly me around the
maneuver Just maneuvering with the - -

PLT Let me see if I can - -

CDR - - the umbilical.

PLT -- find a place where you stop here.

CDR Okay.

PLT And where it seems a natural position to go.

Dump Tape 229-07
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CDE Seems natural_okay. Then maybe you

can occupy that position with the
umbilical all the time.

229 16 21 07 PLT It's going to be hard if I don't have

something to hang on to. Take it down;
let me do this. That's about your
dome pitch.

229 16 21 28 CC And - uh - Skylab, Houston. Uh - Jack,

if you have - uh - time, we've still
got about 7 minutes here at Vanguard.
We were 'wondering if you could let us
know how far along - uh - A1 is - uh -
in the run. Or, A1, if you could.

CDR We Just got started a few moments ago.

PLT Well, he Just moved out of the donning

station and he's - -

CDR Understand?

PLT - - doing the checkout maneuvers. That's

after a - or checkout - uh - or thruster

CDR In-suited operations take a little time

to get rigged out.

229 16 21 54 PLT We'll turn the cameras off. Okay,

we've got the cameras off while you
wait here.

CDR Have you been able to find a place,

Jack, yet, where you could sort of
... the umbilical?

PLT Wait a minute. I 'm working on something

else. Okay. Yeah, right where it is
right now - uh - except you don't know
how much of the - twist up the line -
uh - affects you, you know.

CDR Um-hm. I know it.

Dump Tape 229-07
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PLT If it goes in a different place, it's

going to do a different thing. If I
can grab up way up here somewhere -

229 16 22 B7 CC Skylab, Houston. If I can break in

real quickly - uh - one note for the
SPT. Uh - we didn't get back to you
as we were going LOS there. We saw
about an 18 arc second change in your
pointing - uh - in that one rev on
that cell, and we expect only about
6 to 7 arc seconds. Uh - so, apparently -
uh - yo# were pointing at a different
cell. And - uh - we were sorry we didn't
get the answer to you as we were going
AOS - LOS at Hawaii.

229 16 23 01 SPT Okay, now actually that was a two-rev

change there, because this is the third
rev I've done it. And so a 6 or 7
doubled is nearly the change that we
saw. So it looks to me like it might
_ have actuallybeen the same film.

CC Roger, Owen. Uh - the way we - uh -

arrived at that ntm_ber, we had looked
at the telemetry from one rev pass, so
we think the number that we calculated
was a - uh - one-raw diff - difference
and not two.

229 16 23 32 SPT Okay, here is the _'eason. The second rev

I couldn't find the cell with much cer-
tainty, so I used the same numbers that
I had on the original rev. And so I
think that the second rev I may have
been mispointed a bit. But the first
and third revs differed by the 18 arc
seconds and - uh - and so - uh - that's
the reason I said two revs. And I think
it's a reasonably close numbers.

CC Okay, good. We're going to go back and

look at - uh - that rev also, and - uh-
we'll check it out.
Dump Tape 229-07
_ Page _ of 19

229 16 25 II CDR Since this - Dick - since this •

umbilical isn't particularly large
relative to any you might have to
have EVA - in fact, it's our EVA
one - it kind of makes you wonder
if you had a maneuvering unit whether
you wouldn't have to include in it
the cooling and - uh - and 02 require-
ments. Either that or one whale of a
lot of gas, because - uh - if you got
this umbilical out very far, it's
gonna really have an idea of its own
where i_c wants to go.

CC Roger, understand.

CDE It not only once has an idea, when you

get in going it wants to keep going,
too. When you stop, then it's off
your e.g. and it keeps going, so it
torques you and then you're back
extending gas. You can overpower it.
We've got enough_athorityto do it,
it's just that - uh - you fire a lot
of bursts.

CC Roger, AI.

229 16 26 03 SPT Co_mlent for the back room there - uh -

the - uh - assuming that I have got
the correct cell there, which I
believed I have. It would have been
impossible to locate it without the
uh - time exposure photograph of
H-alpha i, which I took at the beginning
of - uh - rev 1 and - uh - only with
that photographing to come back and
find it in a very near uniform chromo-
spheric network that - uh - we see now.

229 16 26 30 CC Roger, Owen. And - uh - AI, we've

completed the recorder 2 dxnnp and it's
running again and you can continue with

CDR Okay, we're off and flying. Thank you.

Dump, Tape 229-07
Page 5 of. 19

PLT Let me get the camerashere. •

CDR Get the cameras going and - uh -

get the ol' umbilical. Whenever
you're ready, well, I'll attempt
this turn again.

229 16 26 54 PLT Okay, let me make sure they are

running. Yesh, they' re running.

PLT Okay.

PLT Well, the only way I could see to

do it, A1, is for me to grab back
far enough so that I can - uh - hang
on to the - uh - wing underneath
the - uh - water tank.

CDR Okay. Let me know when you are ready

to go.

F PLT Uh - looks like you're not moving too

much right now. Yot"re pitching doom
a little.

229 16 27 39 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a m_m_te

from - uh - LOS at Vanguard. We'll see
you at Hawaii at 17:26 and we've cleaned
off that recorder. We will not have to
dump it again until 509 is over, so you're
in good shape.

PLT Okay, thanks, Dick.

PLT Okay, AI, uh -

CDR You ready?

PLT I don't know - you're pitching down now.

Yeah, I'm ready when you are.

CDE Okay, well, l'm going to go - try to

get back up where we were.

PLT Try to stay in the same relative

Dt_p Tape 229-07
Pa@e 6 of 19

229 16 28 19 PLT Okay, uh - l'm grabbing the umbilical

at the lO-foot mark so he can hang on •
to the - uh - ring underneath the dome
locker. Trying to maintain the - uh -
same umbilical relationship at the
FMU interface by moving - moving in
the FMU mode.

PLT What are you doing, Al?

CDR Trying to come up to operating height,


PLT 0kay.

CDR We usually operate up in here and I

want to start so that the data and
everything is - is correct.

PLT I need to know - uh - where you're

trying to go so that I can make sure
that I'm not - uh -

CDR I'm going to do a left yaw in a minute.

PLT I know - I'm - you!re - thrusters,

instead of me.

CDR Okay, here I go with a left yaw.

229 16 29 12 CDR MARK. Okay, now I'm not going to put

in any corrections. I'm Just going to
let it do what it does.

PLT Do you want me to har_g on to the _nbilical?

Or let it do its own thing?

CDR No, no, you should try to - well, it Just

did its own thing, I'm ground to a halt
here, _Imost.

PLT Well, I'm trying to ease around the

ring here.

CDR I've come to a stop now, as you can see.

FLT Well, what 's going to happen - -

Dump Tape 229-07
Page 7 of 19

229 16 29 32 CDR Now you're making me go faster again. I •

don't think there is going to be a simple
way to determine what you're doing to
what this is doing.

PLT I think the smart thing to do is to

keep hands off and let you fly it
and - uh - that's what this part of
the evaluation is about.

CDR I think you're right.

Let's do it.

PLT Okay.

CDR There's no way. Otherwise, every time

you move the thing moves off like you know,
I - you can turn me left, too.

PLT Right. And - uh - you're not going to

have somebody doing that when you're
EVA with it.

CDR That's right. Let's Just fly it this

way and - uh - see what happens. When
we change bottles end batteries we'll -
uh - stick to the - uh - other, and
we'll see how it wezks.

PLT We'll get the chance to fly the SOP to

get the other side of the coin.

229 16 30 16 CDR Maybe. Let's start again with the

yaw maneuver. Okay, here %_ go. This
is about as close as I can get to stop
without wasting a lot of gas.

PLT Okay. Yawing left. Umbilical is

swinging - uh - is swinging behind
him, it's kind of rotating on a pivot
at the workshop hatch. I think one
big secret is to keep that thing from
rubbing those dome lockers.

CDR Do what?
_. Duml_Tape 229-07
Page 8 of 19

PLT Keep it from - keep it from rubbing •

on the dome lockers.

229 16 31 17 CDR We're going to be out of gas here

before I even finish these maneuvers.

PLT Okay, suspended in front of the workshop -

uh - in a plane - the same plane as the
water tank -

229 16 31 35 CDR Here's a mark.

PLT Gives yeu a data mark.

229 16 31 40 CDR Okay, I'm going to pitch up. Now these

mar - maneuvers aren't as precise as
you would like because I don't want to
waste the gas to do it.

PLT Okay, you pitching up? Pitches up,

translation to his left.

229 16 32 12 COP There's the mark. i'm going to go right

before we run out of gas.

PLT And he's translating over toward the

plus-Z side of the workshop. He's
rolling to - going to his right now.
He's still drifting aft, trying to
arrest his translation.

CDR I can arrest it, but I hate to do it.

PLT The umbilical is - uh - stringing

behlndhim freely, i%'s - uh - curved
behind him, uh - -

229 16 32 47 CDR It is a mark.

PLT Parallel to the - uh - -

CDR Go upright.

PLT - - workshop floor and then over to the

dome locker. About a foot from the
dome lockers, it is off, but it is
kinda of - uh - coiled around the - uh -
Dump Tape 229-07
Page 9 of 19

upper area of the dome and through the •

hatch. Not - not - uh - rubbing into
the dome lockers and it's not rubbing
in the hatch area. It's completely
suspended from the - uh - sphere and
the airloek at the moment and uh - -

229 16 33 l0 CDR Data mark.

PLT Data mark and uh - -

CDR Going to go CMG.

PLT The 25 foot - -

CDR That 'ii be a laugh.

PLT - - 25-foot mark is right at the dome

hatch. He's - uh - in the center of
the workshop - uh - upright - uh -
above the - uh - crew quarters hatch.
._ Yawingto his right. Tell me what
you're doing, A1.

229 16 33 39 CDR l'm yawing right in CMG and the thing

is desaturating quibe frequently.

PLT Okay, and he's also - uh - translating

downward - uh - very" slowly. Something
came loose.

229 16 33 50 PLT Somewhere. Right there. We got a Nikon

photo of him and we'll get some more.

CDR Notice the desat firing. I'm not doing


PLT Okay, he's getting de saturated - desaturation

firing. He's also translating upward now,
very slowly.

CDR Okay, now we're - we're steady. Have you

given out a mark?

229 16 3h 16 PLT Data mark. He's - uh - unstabilizing to

get the data mark.
Dump Tape 229-07
Page i0 of 19

CDR Okay, now I'm going to turn left.

PLT Yawing left. Umbilical is - uh - ...

completely from the - uh - sphere.
Not rubbing on anything.

CDR Seems to be working good at the moment.

229 16 3h 34 PLT Okay. He's got a nice yaw left going.

I don't want to change the umbilical
from where it is now, it looks like -
uh - maybe it's - uh - as good as we
can get it, A1.

CDR Think you may have found its spot, huh?

PLT Yeah, the only thing I can see to do

is I'm going to have to - uh - uh -
stuff a little more of it back in the
airlock but - uh - it's not rubbing on
anything. Missing the dome lockers all
the way.

f CDR ... desaturating a lot.

229 16 35 07 PLT The desaturator is firing. The umbilical

Just hit - uh - food bag over in the
overage locker. Let me go over there
and clear it ...

229 16 35 16 CDR Starting to come down again.


229 17 35 05 PLT Yeah. Okay, they on? Hey, Owen.

Hey, O.

SPT Yeah.

PLT Come down and take some TV of this.

229 17 35 07 SPY Uh, well - uh, Jack, I'm Just setting

up for a ATM - uh - thing right now.
It's going to throw the thing out of
kilter if I do.
Dump Tape 229-07
Page ii of 19

PLT ATM what? You mean a JOP or something?

SPT Oh, yeah. I'm in the middle of a

limb scan thing.

PLT Okay, I'll - -

229 17 35 20 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute

from - uh - LOS. We'll see you at
Vanguard at 17:58 and the last two
transmissions, Ow_n, were on air-to-

229 17 35 29 SPT Okay, fine. Uh - do you know whether

or not the - uh - we're supposed to
knock ATM ops so I can get some - uh -
VTR of this 509 at this interval?

PLT Uh - could you - if you'll turn on

the VTR, I'll get it, O.

CC Stand by.

CDR Okay, Jack. We'll t_y to get it anyway,

here then.

SPT Uh - you - uh - TV - with - uh - the

ATMor -uh -

229 17 35 53 CC SPT, Houston. That s affirmative - uh -

that's the TV 36 Bravo that's listed on
your - uh - pad on your details pad.
And - uh - that was - uh - for you to

SPT Thank you.

229 17 36 06 PLT Okay, space fans, he's HHMUing now.

Okay, there you go. They had lights
on _lown there somewhere.

229 17 37 14 PLT Okay, folks - uh - we're back on

• channel A again with 509. And - uh -
A1 is flying without the tunbilical,
using the - uh - secondary oxygen pack,
and he's - uh - flying with the - uh -
/_ Dump Tape 229-07
Page 12 of 19

handheld maneuvering unit at this time. 0

He's managed to maneuver himself - up
to the banjo and he's running out of
02 . 8o he's going to get his helmet
and gloves on. You got it? You got

CDR Yeah.

PLT Okay. You hang on to the helmet and

stuff and I'll dr<ve you back there.

CDR ... got 'to go back.

PLT Okay. Were you at any time without


PLT Were you without oxygen at any time


PLT No, we've used up ..


229 17 38 39 FLT I'll get it out of the -,_y. Your TV,

A1, whatever you want to do with it.
No. Okay, we're bac_z in here. There
you are, I'll Just bring this beauty
on board. Good thing to get your
teeth knocked out with. Never be
on the business end of that thing, it'll
whop you. Whack you right in the head.
Okay, now we. want tc get rid of the
HHMU. Oh, okay, you w_nt to do it
on the umbilical, hld1? Okay. Let me
get the cameras off.

PLT You down there, Dick?

229 17 39 2T FLT Okay, space fans, A1 maneuvered - uh -

on SOP and HRMU up to the banjo area
and.held on there, - uh seemed to get
there in pretty good shape. But - uh -
the difficulty was that we ran out of
• SOP oxygen at about that point and -
uh - went and grabbed him and - uh -
we got his helmet and gloves off and -
uh - still had a little flow but - uh -
the pressure was going down, so we terminated
Dump Tape 229-07
Page 13 of 19

that. Now we' re back at the "

donning station hooking up the
umbilical again and - uh - we're
going to - uh - run this last PSS
bottle out.

PLT With the umbilical on, and - uh -

A1 is going to start by flying the
H_K;. Is that all right, Al? Okay.
And then we're going to finish the
bottle off by flyi_.g rate gyro and it
all be umbilical. Here we go. Okay,
let me hook you up over here and I'll
go get you some more - uh - air and

229 17 40 54 PLT Oh, m_ybe you better let that umbilical

swing free instead of tying it down
like that. Let's try that. At least
it will be swiveling on the tehter
connection of the PC[; rather than -
uh - beingtied rigiClyto the arm.
It all depends on your position in
the workshop. If you're down here,
you need more, but if you're up there,
it's too much. Okay_ now - what we
need to do is - uh - go up there
and - uh - Hey, you Pmow that water
dump - water pump isn't on. Do you
want to do this on air only? l'm
going to have to - uh - -

CDR ...

229 17 41 33 PLT Yeah, it calls for turning it off.

Okay. I'll give all that ... power.

CDR ...

PLT Okay.- Oh, I forgot the number. Is

it 15 seconds and then - uh -

PLT Yeah, that's right. It was a minute

off, though. Ahh. How you read me, AI?

_ Dump Tape 229-07
Page lh of 19

CDR Real well. The reason they must turn

it off is because it was dead headed
down here.

229 17 h2 31 PLT Yeah, that's right and - uh - Let's

see, that was on 317 that you turn these.

CDR Yeah.

PLT That's SUS 1 on. Okay - uh - let me

give you about 15 seconds. Okay?

CDR 15 second' burst. I turned my flow up -

uh - so it really gets a good burst.

PLT Okay. Stand by. Now it' s running.

Notice anything?

CDR Yeah.

PLT Ohhh boy| That cool water.

229 17 43 I0 PLT Okay, that's a 15-second burst, i-nat's
all you get.

£_)R Okay, that' s enough.

PST Okay. Let me get that H_,_J secured.

CDR No, no, I want to use it.

229 17 43 28 PLT That's right, you want to fire with it

don't you. No - -

CDR Ready to go?

PLT - - helmet and gloves on.

CDR See here.

PLT Feel the 02?

229 17 43 56 CDR It doesn't flow until I put the thing on.

PLT Okay, how ya doing?

PLT Okay, main power on.

Dump Tape 229-07
Page 15 of 19

CDR Check.

PLT Okay, give an ID i. An ID I.

PLT Oh. Okay, camera's going. Okay, you

readyto release? •

(DR You bet.

229 17 45 18 PLT Okay, watch your ...

CDR Kinda turn me around, I'ii start from

the donning station again.

229 17 45 25 PLT Okay, I'ii turn you around thusly.

Okay, space fans, uh - we're hack on
umbilical again. And - tth - Al's
going t6 fly with the HH_ now.
He's - uh - facing the donning station,
holding on with both hands and - uh -
wm've got 25 feet of t_bilical into
the workshop. Uh - the 25 to 26-foot
mark is - uh - at the - uh - workshop
hatch level.

CDR Have you got your - uh - telemetry

_ in the right position?

PLT I Just put it in 1.

_O9 17 _6 05 CDR Okay. Ready for me to go?

PLT Ready for you to go _ Al.

229 17 46 09 CDR Okay. Give me a mark and push off.

PLT Okay, there you go. He pushed off

and gave a mark .... chec_l _ st.

CDR Just keep it.

PLT All right. Okay, he is rotating to

his right. Giving it a few bursts
with the HHH_J - uh - I don't know
who is rotating what? Maybe it's the
umbilical, maybethe HHMU, it's hard
to tell ....
" D_,_.p Tape 229-0"( •
Page 16 of 19

229 17 47 30 PLT Okay, I've - uh - got a note to make on

the telemetry down there - uh - they've
been kind of jumping around a little bit
here. And I believe that I made the -
uh - baseline maneuver in CM ID 2 section
rather than - rather than CM ID 2, I think •
it was i.

229 17 48 07 PLT At any rate it is in i now where it

belongs for H_,PJ - uh - transfer maneuvers.
I - uh - I don't think I put it in 3
after - uh - disconnecting the L£U
although - uh - I'm not sure at the
moment because of the way it's been
cycling around here. Apparently in l,
nonetheless. Pink light is flickering
on and off. Okay, A1 is maneuvering
with the _4U - uh - and umbilical.
Uh - he was able to - uh - maneuver
up - uh - to the banjo area. He is
down noW heading for the - uh - F_-2.
He is eye level with the FMU-2 - uh -
almost rotated on his left side but not
quite. Uh - he is drifting slowly head
first toward the film vault. Shaking
it. Okay. Now he is trying to ...
,--_ NOW he's rolling - yawing himself to
the right on his back looking up the _
condensate tank, pitching down a little
bit. iud - uh - translating upward -
uh - vertical to the workshop n_¢, about
4 feet off the deck, facing the minus-Z
SAL. He is translating upward all the
while operating in IH{_,fU.Yawing slightly
to his left now. Can you - can you
hear me, Al? .

CDR Yeah.

229 17 50 17 PLT Okay. Do you feel it so much here

CDR Well, you can't feel it so much here

because you're more out of control,

PLT Okay, he's - uh - up about level with

the dome lockers now. And - uh - facing
in minus-Z direction. Now he is going
•to the right.
Dump Tape 229-07
Page iT of 19

229 17 50 54 PLT He's on the same relative location -

uh - above the film vault, Uh -
doing some attitude controlling. He's
yawing to the right now. And now he's
translating the way - uh ~ sort of
generally up towards condensate tank. •
Facing it, stopping his ruh - attitude
rates quite well. It's - uh - difficult
and impossible for the observer to have
•.. to notice "now much of the control
is afforded by the umbilical. I - uh -
I really can't tell.

PLT Now A1 is translatir_ down toward the

film vault. Your arms are going to
hit the - uh - S063 box in a minute.
I'll help stabilize if you request.

CDR Okay, how about giving me a little

spurt of cold water?

229 17 51 4h PLT All right, we're going to give him a

shot of cold water. We - uh - turned
off the pumps as requested. Now these
off. Then we yank off the umbilical
and - uh - we' Ii give him about
15 seconds worth of cold water.
SUS i to 317.

PLT Okay, there's 15 seconds. I'ii leave

it off for a minute. I'ii Just sit
right up here and _.'atchyou, AI. He's
getting more cold _er now.

CDR kay.

PLT (3_ay, he's - uh - about to - uh - grab

on to a water ts_uk - uh - under - uh -
404 locker.

CDR _ay, I'm going into a rest mode, here.

229 17 52 55 PLT Okay, he's going to stop and rest•

Facing h04 .... rate gyros, because
he's getting a lot of rate gyro firing
or cluster firings from rate gyros, that is.
Dump Tape 229-07
Page 18 of 19

_ 229 17 55 15 (Louder, more concentrated thruster


CDR That will give them an idea of what the

umbilical does to you, right there.

PLT Okay, I'm going to give you 30 seconds

more of cold water.

CDR Okay, give me some more.

PLT Okay, that's 30 coming on. Okay, he's

on rate gyros stabilizing in front of
uh - hOb, but he's got continuous
machine gun firing of the attitude

CDR Okay, back to the _4U.

PLT Okay, he's back to H_I_U mode now.

CDR Are you going to mark. I'm getting

set here.

229 17 53 58 PLT Okay, gives it a mark. _,'-neuvering

away from h04, yawing to his right
,_-_ slightly. He's - uh - in the process
of pulling himself around the dome
lOCkers to his right in an upright
position and about a foot, a foot and
one-half away from the dc_e lockers.
Translating slowly but surely to his
right, Pitching slightly more to
the right than he would like to, I
think. But nevertheless doing pretty
well for H_4U. Getting - uh - I'll
give you a minute of cold water, AI.

CDR That' d be good.

229 17 5_ 53 PLT One minute of cold water, coming up.

PLT H_d to stand in the way of the umbilical.

And he's - uh - translating is front of
the - uh - locker 434 now. Getting
close. He's up close to the dome lockers.
Now touching h28 and stabilizing himself
-.. Dump Tape 229-07
Page 19 of 19

with the blue handrail below it.

_- Okay, he's going to stop and stabilize
himself there. Oops.

CDR I'm off and running.

229 17 55 47 PLT Yeah, and I've got ... behind you.

Where you want to go?

CDR Right here 's good.

PLT Okay. I've got to turn off your pump

for a minute.

CDR Okay, good.

PLT Okay, that was a 1-minute shot.

PLT Okay. He's at 432 now and he's -

uh - translating ... 432.

229 17 56 5h PLT Okay, there's another minute off on

the pump, we're coming on again with
the - uh - water pump.

229 17 57 20 CC SkylaB, Houston. AOS Vanguard for

8 minutes.

229 17 57 23 PLT Okay, Dick, we're - uh - still - uh -

H_CJing here, on the vmbilical now,

"- Dump Tape _9-08
Time: 1806:1838 GMT
8117173 l ............ _ ....

Page1 of6 i_

:229- 18 06 -12 PLT " Hey, the configuration is - uh --uh .......

umbilical. Cameras are running. Con- i •
figuration is umbilical and rate gyro.
Right, AI?

CDR Yep.

PLT And you're going to-fly what, baseline


CDR Uh-huh.

PLT We got a thousand pounds.

•_ (:DR Readyto go?

' PLT Let's
go. "

, CDR Okay.

"_ _ 229 18 06 21 PLT We're 92, which is - uh - apparently /

what they _unt you to make in the maneuver.
,f_ _ (_l_rust
ers firing)

CDR Jack, can you tell any reason that I'm

sitting so far forward?

PLT ... in your suit?

CDR Huh?

PLT Well, there's that back plate on there.

Maybe we should have taken that off.

CDR Can you move this out, Jack?

PLT Oh, you want this thing, don't you?

CDR Thank you. Oops.

PLT ... and up.

PLT You get everything off and I'll get this

thing fixed.
•Dump Tape 229-08
_F_e 2 of 6 ',

............. T.............. L............................

CDR Okay.
• 9

229 18 07 Ii_ CC Skylab, Houston. As you go over the

hill, we heard the question about you
sitting far forward. It might be that
the - uh - You might make sure the back ***.

PLT I never saw that anywhere. Take that

out of there.

CDR I don't know, it must have been in

there somewhere. Put me back there and
I'ii startagain,Jack.

229 18 07 37 PLT Okay, he's starting over again from -!

the donning station.

_- 229 18 08 03 PLT Okay, he's trnnslating away in rate '_

gyro. Translating away from the donning
up toward
thebanjo. Lu

229 18 09 01 PLT Okay, he's - uh - facing the banjo

f _ • at this time. He's got lots of firings
going. Sound like a maehiaegun firing.
He's backingaway now from the donning
station. Yawing - or rolling to his left,
he's now flying do'_ to the M'_J number 2.
The umbilical is - uh- free and clear.
It's - uh - it's - 26-foot mark is at
the workshop hatch opening. He's Just
coasting down to the FUM-2 getting -
uh - ... spasmodic firings I guess you
might say.

229 18 l0 03 PLT Okay, he's stablll:_ing himself at _'JM-2

now .... away.

PLT Now he's translating away from F_,_-2.

Going to - uh - full force.

PLT (_ay, he's - uh - mid-height in the

workshop now - above the donning
station - going to his left - and approaching
• locker 404.
Dump Tape 229-08 i
I've 3 of 6 .............. --':

-229 18 ii 15 PLT " Okay, he's - uh ' stabilized in front

of 404 now, getting - uh - spasmodic
firings. Little burst here now and then.
Now he's - uh - translating to his right.

229 18 ii 51 PLT He's moving rapidly. Doesn't seem to

have any problem controlling, although
the - uh - thrusters are - uh - going
off in - uh - rapid fire in succession.
Flying about 6 to 8 inches - uh - between
the dome lockers and the leading edge
of the armrest. And - uh - going to stop
now in front of 432.

i 229 18 12 28 PLT Stabilized now in front of 432.

" 229 18 12 42 PLT Okay, now he's leaving 432. He's _-

,_ :i : translating to the donning station. 0

: :: PLT Got a nice translation in. He's - uh - c

": _ Just about over the workshop hatch. ,r
: And about halfway - yaws to - uh- donning L
/ .... station attitude. Now he's ... quite -
neatly. We're - uh - still popping off
: the thrusters in rapid-fire succession. "

229 18 13 06 PLT Now he's facing the donning station

about 3 feet out - 4 feet out. Okay, -
he's got himself - uh - facing in front
of the donning station hands off, and
it's - uh - -

229 18 13 26 CDR That's it!

PLT - - rapid firing. Okay, now he's

hanging onto the donning station and -
uh - we're going to have to secure the
run at this point. Okay, Al, let me
get you turned around here.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, we got him in. Almost. Okay,

there you are, A1. Okay, I take helmet -

PLT Let me get the cameras off.

DumpTape229-08 _ -
_. , Pageh of 6 _ ..........

229 18 14 44 CDR Sounds like they're running. #

PLT Doesn't sound like they're running,

but ... Maybe we got them backwards in
the cycle. Fz(cuse me, we did. Well we
got plenty of film. I don't think they
were out, anyway. Okay, I'm going to
release you from that and give you -
uh - take you over there. You are
released. I'll take care of all that.

CDR ...

229 18 15 32 PLT Yeah, (laughter). I looked it up;

it was there.

_" CDR When you get over here, take that back .'i
_ thingoff and let me get in it ...

• ' PLT I'ii help put your helmet and gloves

_~ away. You want to be pressurized?

CDR ...

229 18 16 58 PLT Okay. Help me put this over here.

CDR ...

PLT Sure I will.

CDR ...

229 18 17 33 CDR 0ks_, debriefing the last ATM run; every-

thing went nominally - uh - right on
schedule and we could get it all worked
in and - uh - didn't get the TV of the
5092. So - uh - everything went fine.

229 18 22 26 SPT Here's a note for the ATM PIs and

pJ_anners - uh - relative to our studies of
the network JOP-1 earlier this morning.
I wanted to clear up some of the confusion
about the coordinates. Uh - the coordinates
at which I started on the boundary for the
first rev were roll, minus 8394; left,
minus 474 - correction that must be - uh -

f___ up down - uh - down,minus 474 and - uh -

D't_p Tape 229-08 .-............ 1---

f_.,._ Page' 5 of 6 _. ! ................... i

................ left, minus 6_0. Now at the beginning

of the secondorbit,I did not positively
identify that same cell. In fact I
, was inclined to think I did not see it.

229 18 2B 06 SPT Uh - however, I had taken a photograph

of the cell at the beginning of the first
rev. In spite of the fact I have photographs
and everything else, l've got some comments
on that earlier rev about it, I do not
feel that I can identify the main cell.
?_ I went back to those same coordinates
that I used for the first rev - minuS 8394;
minus 454 ; minus 640 - and then moved out _
the appropriate number of arc seconds
for the steps that were called out. So _:
_ that's the reason that my pointing on the _
/ :_ i second rev was not exactly the same as
,_ , it was on the first; but my boundary, --
_i _ initial starting point, was still the :_
- _ s_e.

.i- 229 18 23 41 SPT And then on the third rev I once again -_
compared it with my H-alpha picture. And
I believe I did locate the boundary -
same spot - at minus 8394; minus 490, -- l

down; minus 644, left. Now - uh - this

is further down about - uh - 16 arc seconds
and left - a further force. So it's about
16 or 16 arc seconds away. And so that
is reasonably close to the - uh -
apparent - uh - rotation rate expected.
Uh - you mentioned on the uplind it was -
uh - 6 or 7 arc seconds per rev. So -
uh - that bleakly further confirms -
uh - my - uh - opinion that we were indeed
on the same - uh - network cell on the
third rev.

229 18 24 27 HPT Uh - It would have been impossible to

identify this by sketches. I did make
a sketch as well, but - uh - it was the
prints of the H-alpha photographs with
the - uh - Polaroid camera which permitted
the identification of this main cell.
And - uh - ass_m_ng that you will now
DumpTape 229-08 .............. r--_
i'_,.. Page 6 of 6 .... ' ............ _J

concur that - uh - we probably did have t

the same cell, I think it's probably
essential that we do take a - take a
H-alpha photograph - uh - of the - uh -
network with H-alpha 1. It's going to
be a little be blurry because the -
uh - Jitter of the scope here sort of
smears things out over the integration
time of the - uh - uh - Polaroid camera.

229 18 25 05 SPT But after - uh - uh - even with the

smearing, the - uh - network cells are
identlfi_ble and I think that's the only
way we can come back to the same one -
uh - one or two revs after we start it
• again. I hope that clarifiesyour pointing
-., and - uh - if there is still a disagreement _,
_i as to whether or not we were at the same
".: : one, why - uh - uh - please - uh - let
me knoweither by realtimeor - uh - J
_ teleprinter. Thank _u. :':

• 229 18 25 27 SPT Uh - end of message from the SPT for the

ATM - uh - PIs and planners.


Dm_pTape229-09 _
Time : 1628-1804 GMT
Pagei of 5

229 16 27 39 This time segment is duplicated verbatim ,

to within Dump Tape 229-07
229 16 35 16,

229 16 35 16 PLT I'm going to stuff a little _nbilical

into the airlock, A1.

CDR All right.

CDR I'm going to pitch up. There is a data

mark for that one. I'm going to pitch
up now.

229 16 35 27 CDR Watch out, your t_nbilical is in the -

gonna - there you go.

229 16 35 38 CDR Desaturating a lot, as you can tell.

229 16 36 49 This time segment is duplicated verbatim

to within D_np Tape 229-06
229 17 18 01

229 17 33 33 PLT You hear me?

PIT Something's le_ng.

229 17 33 38 CC 8kylab, Houston. And this is for the

PLT, if he's listeniz g. Later on today,
Jack, you're going to be scheduled to
take some pictures of a volcano down in
New Guinea.

PLT I can't talk to you right now, Dick.

CC And you have on board to carry your - -

229 17 33 54 SPT He's sort of tied up right now mud says

he can't talk to you for a minute.

CC Okay, fine. No hurry. We got - I was

Just going to try to tell him that some
time in the next couple of hours I wanted
him to get out a map and I could point out
exactly where that volcano is. I knew he
couldn't do it right now.
Dump Tape 229-09
_-_ Pa@e 2 of 5

229 17 3_ 08 SPT Okay. He's tied up on 509 with A1 and

they're working on the ... •

CC Okay.

229 17 34 14 SPT Unfortunately, the recorders aren't

running and we got to move out of here
cause the SOP's being used. You hear
me, Dick? Are you hearing me now?

229 17 35 05 This time segment is duplicated verbatim

to within ,D_mpTape 229-07
229 17 57 23

229 17 58 07 PLT Okay. A1 is translating toward the

donning station now with the HH_. He's
c_m_ng left shoulder first and he grabs
the handrail with his left h_ud and he
stabilizes himself.

CDR Okay, let's take the HHMU off, Jack.

PLT Okay, wait a minute. Let me get your

p_mp going here - uh -

CDR Okeydoke.

PLT I got to turn it off in 30 seconds.

229 17 58 27 CDR All right. We got about a thousamd

pounds. Maybe we can take a rate gyro
once around, l'm hOG sure.

229 17 5B 34 CC Skyl_b, Houston. We're AOS at Vanguard

for the next 8 minutes. And we'd like
to get a status as to where you are in.
the run. The cabin pressure we're reA a_ug
is Joggling 5.5 and 5.6.

229 17 58 _8 PLT Okay, Dick. We're on the last PS8 bottle.

We've got a thousand pounds or less and
• So we're near the end. And Al's going to
go up HHMU now and fly around on umbilical
and - uh - rate gyro. And - uh - we turned
of the - uh - SUS i p_mp while he was flying
D_np Tape 229-09
Page 3 of 5

on the SOP and - uh - we're sneaking up

on it again and we're about ready to turn •
it on before going into the 2-minute on
time and then one minute off until we
go hack to primary.

PLT I'm going to waid 30 seconds before I go

down and help you, AI. I want to get this
watter cool_ut going. You reading me, Dick?

CDR Dick, did you read Jack?

CC CDR, negative. I did not.

229 17 59 41 CDR Okay, here's essentially what we've done.

We used up the first bottle - uh - flying
the maneuvers in the middle of the - uh -
workshop. Not the baseline maneuvers,
but the attitude maneuvers and the limb
motion. We then creme back, put in a
second bottle and new batteries, put on
the SOP, took off the umbilical_ and
flew a baseline maneuvers in direct -
that was the second _cuver. Be first
one we flew in CMG and then direct. Then
we came back, got the HHMU and flew the
first leg of the baseline maneuver and
then the SOP ran out of oxygen. So we
emue back, put the _.bilical back on -
that's where we arc _t the moment - put
the third bottle on and we're down to
1,000 pounds in the _.hird bottle. I flew
a baseline maneuver with the HHMU and
the tm_bilical although it wasn't very
tidy. We did make it around. Uh - now
we're going to - we have to - this last
thousand pounds - I 'm going to attempt to
do a baseline maneuve _ with the t_bilical
and rate gyro. But the amount of fuel
we use in the rate gyro is fantastic.
It's - my guess is it'll never make it

CC Roger, A1. Understand.


Dump Tape 229-09

Page 4 of 5

229 18 01 04 CDR Without the t_bilical on, it flies very

%_ii. Oh - the SOP down at the bottom
on the leg doesn't seem to bother it. The
thrusters don't appear to have impinged
particularly on the suit, or the quipment
I 'm wearing, so that you get rather pure
rotations, translations aud the like, or at
least as pure as we did without the suit.
Now I noticed with the HH_;, such is not
the case. The NHMJ is very - it's much
more unstabilizing in the suit than out of
it, because the e_haust from the handheld
maneuvering unit strikes you in different
places -' or your backpack - tub - in different
places depending on where your hand is.
And it upsets your apple cart a bit. So
the HHMJ is even more difficult to fly than
unsuited and not only because of, you know,
the cumbersome suit, but the fact that the
thrusters impinged all over the place on
it. It's much diffezent.

CC Roger, CDR.

229 18 02 19 CDR Um- let me think. What else? The P - SOP

lasted- we had a full 6,000 pounds in it
and my g_ess is it l_sted around - uh - 19
to 20 minutes.

PLT That' s correct.

229 18 03 01 Cq)R I think one interesting thing is you -

you seem to set a little bit further away
from the backpack in zero g than you did
before. And I find t/uat the arm - the
hand controller - the rotational and
translational - is a little bit too
close for me. It nev-_r was in training
or checkout. I don't - I've been trying
to figure it out. I assume it's Just
the way the backpack fits in zero g, the
way the suit fits, or the way I'm floating
forward in the suit, or something like that.
•That isn't true with - in zero - or one g.

PLT How're you reading me, Dick?

CC Roger, A1.
D_np Tape 229-09
Page 5 of 5

PLT You reading

me,Dick? •

PLT How are you reading me now, Dick?

CC Loud and clear, Jack.

229 18 Oh 01 PLT Okay, when are we going to get the tape

recorder back?

CC It'll Just be about 1 more minute.

PLT Okay.

CDR We're Just sitting here disconnecting

the HHMJ anyway.

CC Would you Just stand by a second, please.

229 18 03 59 PLT Okay, we did that last HH}_J around an

ID number l, which is where it needs to
be. And we're going to do this - uh -
gyro b_seline maneuver in - uh - ID-2 - -

_. DumpTape
Time: 229-1oOMT
1951-2122 _,, j;._,_
8117173 2_
Page 1 of 7

229 19 53 18 SPT Okay, this is SPT with his Mh87-3. These

which is presumably subjective evaluation
guide number 2. Are you going to be using
channel A, Al?

229 19 53 29 CDR Yes I am.

229 19 53 32 SPT Okay. Why don't you Just - Maybe we can

both use it if we try.

229 19 53 40 CDR Possibly.

229 19 53 41, SPT Okay, if it gets to he too complicated

sorting _hese two out, why I'ii shut off.

229 19 53 47 SFT We're goint to try to run both this and

S019 on channel A at the same time.

229 19 53 53 SPT Wardroom. The general arrangement is fair.

It would be more convenient if the food
trays were where each of the three people
could get 'em. The _PThad to crawl over
the other two every time he gets ... to
prepare a meal. Also, there's no convenient
place to store out menus where they can be
seen. No convenient place to store out
silverware, although they're within reach.
That little plastic holder with the vile.
snapover is not a good arrangement for

SPT There ought to be something that you could

Just put them into, ... of course. And also ...

229 19 54 34 CDR This is the CDR, we're getting ready to run

SO19. And the first field is field 261.
I made a two/tenths correction to NUZ. The
PAD was minus 7.1, uh actual was minus 69.
So that's a minus two/tenths, and I Just
ahead and made minus two/tenths to the
rotation. So we got 255, zero, and 5.7 TILT
field 261. Standby.

229 19 55 02 SPT .Okay, it's east to knock off the evaluation.

I'll do it later.
Dump Tape 229-10
Page 2 of 7

229 19 55 04 CDR MARK. We got the picture right at 1955-

229 19 55 l0 SC Stand by and I'll say it.

229 19 55 15 CDR The ninety-second unwidened. Prism OUT.

Field 261.

229 19 55 23 SPT Jack, ... they don't get any place.

229 19 55 27 PLT Okay, see you in about a half hour, then.

229 19 55 30 SPT Okay.

229 19 55 33 SC Frame ndmber 84.

229 19 56 12 SC (whistling)

229 19 56 28 CDR Stand by for a 90-second MARK.

229 19 56 32 CDR MARK. OPEN. Go to our next one now which

is 2562 and 71, 256271. That's done. Okay,
we're going for a 90-second one. We pick
up the new one, go back to stow, here we are,
get ready for the next one. I'll give you

229 19 57 02 CDR MARK. That's the ... of the B field 261A.

90-second unwidened, and 85 is the frame

229 19 58 25 CDR Stand by for a MARK.

CC Go ahead. We're about 30 seconds from LOS ...

We're going to see you in Guam ...

229 19 58 33 CDR MARK, shutter CLOSED for a 90-second exposure.

Try her again. Okay, we're setting up 25041.
Okay, there's 25041 and then 07.5, one of
my favorite numbers.

229 19 59 03 CDE That's it. Okay. Stand by. We're to go

another exposure. I've pulled out the ...

229 19 59 13 CDR MARK, shutter OPEN. This is 261D, 90-second

unwidened, frame 086.
F-_ Dump Tape 229-10
Page 3 of 7

229 19 59 27 SC ... floating next to it. •

229 19 59 32 SPT Okay, Just a second, let me get it. I

had to, uh, go get something.

229 19 59 h6 SC Wait.

229 20 00 05 CDR I'm supposed to put my hand on it. I'll

play like I'm just doing it, okay?

229 20 O0 lO SPT Is that cricket?

229 20 00 16 CDR Amazing ,what this thing will do.

229 20 00 21 PLT Throw your ... up here, Allen. No, around

the other way. Through the hole.

229 20 O0 26 CDR Stand by. We'll close the shutter in a

moment. It's a 90-second unwidened.
Stand by for the MARK. Stand by for
the big MARK.

F 229 20 00 42 CDR MARK, its OPEN. Okay, 2931.

229 20 02 03 CDR 2931 and 2h4.

229 20 01 12 CDR Stnad by for a MARK _nd I pick up one.


229 20 01 18 CDR MARK, frame 87 field 26h. Coming up with

a ninety-second unwidened.

229 20 02 h6 CDR Enough for a MARK on OPEN.

229 20 02 h7 CDR MARK, CLOSE now. Ready for the next

one. 2911

229 20 03 I0 CDR 23.7

229 20 03 17 SC Yeah.

229 20 03 20 CDR Stand by. Pick up a new one. Ready.

229 20 0B 33 CDR MARK; OPEN. Shutter OPEN. That's, uh,

frame 26h A 2 mean field 264 A, frame 88
and, uh, 29.1.
f_ Dump Tape 229-1G
Page h of 7

229 20 04 52 CDR Okay, stand by. I'm going to close the


229 20 05 03 CI)R MARK; CLOSED. Okay, 293h.

229 20 05 14 CDR 235.

229 20 05 22 CDR Enough for a _IARK. Pick up one.

229 20 05 33 CDR I.MRK; Shutter 0PF2_. Let me tell you which

one it is. 2934, 23.5, field 64 B.

229 20 05 55 SC (Singing)

229 20 06 56 CDR 0kay, gonna be a MARK. Shutter's gonna

come close.

299 20 O? Oh CDR MARK,; Shutter CLOSED.

229 20 07 38 CDR Stand by.

229 20 06 40 CDR MARK.

229 20 07 58 CDR Okay, 345.1, 18.1, fXeld 261_, frame _0,


229 20 09 05 CDR Okay, stand by for the I,IARK.

229 20 09 ii CDR MARK.

229 20 09 19 SC You pick it up a new i. Stand by for

a _[&RK.

229 20 09 23 L_RK; the Shutter OP_. Field 2615 again except

this time it's the 34519 one, instead
of the 34518 one. Frame number 91 is
the one that has been worked.

229 20 I0 46 CDR Okay, stand by we're getting ready to

close the Shutter.

229 20 lO 52 CDR MARK.

229 20 ll O0 CDR 346181

Dump Tape 229_iO
/_ Page 5 of 7

229 20 ii ii CDE Stand by for a ;-I_K. Pick up frame;

229 20 ii 17 CDR _,i%RK;frmue 92, we're doing this on field

2615. We're headed 3h6.1 and for rotation
18.1 shaft. No_ shaft, tilt, sorry.
3h61 and 18.1. These 90-second exposures
keep you hustling.

229 20 12 40 CDR Stand by. CLOSE.

229 20 1B 13 CDR Stand by, new frame;

229 20 13 15 ODR MARK; frame 93. Doing it on 2 - field

field 26_1, 2611, 0377, 229. Hake that
224, I said it wrong.

229 20 13 30 CDR Where you belong.

229 20 14 h7 CDR MARK; it's OPEN now. Let's get ready and
go for the next one. Uh, 0577, 254
overlapping fields of some sort. Pick
up a new one. Stand by.

229 20 15 08 CDR .M.&_-E;

09_ frame, 037.7 rotation, 231; tilt,
and it's called field 2611.

229 20 16 29 CDR Okay, stand by for the _ARK. _'e're opening.

229 20 16 3T CDR MARK; OPEN. Let's go for the last one.

387 the same number and 224. Pick Up
picture, reset watch, start watch.

229 20 16 56 CDR MARK; there it goes. 095 picture, 2611377

rotation, 22_ tilt.

229 20 18 18 CDR Stand by for a _uRK.

229 20 18 26 CDR MARK okay. That was the last one you
gave me. 21. We've got 2 minutes. I
could give you 90-second _ridened, Just
for ihln if you want it. I'll do it Just
for kicks. I think you might like it.
You never know what you get. Okay, stand
Dump Tape 229-10
page6 of 7

229 20 18 48 CDR MARK; you're now in the midst of a

90-second sidened exposure using the timer •
on top. Previously I used my friendly
watch. Frame number 96, it's field 211.
which you seem to be interested in, and
the uh rotation is 037.7 and tilt is 228.

sc (Whi

229 20 19 20 CDR Rythm of the falling rain. (singing)

Okay, I'm going to give you a MARK;
Shutter OPEN. Thiq is the last exposure.
Stand by.

229 20 20 06 CDR MARK. Shutter going to CARRIAGE RETRACTED,

film hatch CLOSED. Going to rotation zero.

229 20 21 05 CDR Okay, no debriefing; came off real well.

Oh, I think we gave you the right number
of exposures and the right amount of
time. CDR out.

229 20 21 18 CDR That goes to the S01O experiment.


229 20 29 12 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, We're getting

ready to begin an M0-92/93 run on uh
SPT. For this information you should
go to BI0-_D. Uh, May uh I'm using
the uh BTMS that we'w_ been using all
along namely number i!, and we're using
the term uh, leg band_ that we've using
recently for Owen's ... The ones that
you sent up. Let me tell you the numbers.

CDR CS left, AQ right. _ left, AQ right.

I'll be commenting off and on but I'm
going off now. CDR out.

229 20 42 19 CDR This is CDR again on MO 92, Owen ....

try t_. position 6 on the uh uh saddle and
we' ll see how it works out.



f_ Dump Tape 229-10

Page 7 of 7


229 20 54 09 CDR CDR on MO 92 again. I didn't like the

calibration particularly, so I'm redoing
it. I ... them up again, and I noticed
that uh number plus amount is one tenth,
and I noticed that the numbers increase
through the run. So set 'km Just one
tenth low, and now I hope, at the end
of this run, that they'll be exactly
right or not 1/10 off the top.

229 21 00 44 CDR CDR, on _I0 92 uh we attempted to pump

uh Owen down to 8 millimeter at 20
minutes. We could not do it. We
troubleshot the problem real quick and
determined that the uh valve that de-
creases the pressure was ... in the
uh emergency release. So uh we reset
the valve. We're gonna start again.
We'll give you a I,I_RKat 20 minutes.

229 21 02 39 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. In approximately

l0 seconds we're going to start the run
in 20 minutes. You've got about 7 or 8
minutes of resting aata.

CDR Okay, I reset also the blood pressures

cuffs till they start uh l0 seconds
after the minute. Just as we did in
his sleep.

229 21 18 37 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We still got

5 more minutes to go on the SPT's run.
It went completely nominal. He looked
very healthy and uh -

SC Tell them about that electrode.

CDR Only one thing occured of interest. Uh

uh the neck electrode fell off at mid-

f_ and
a we uh funny
little replaced
date it. So neck
on the if you
don't worry _bout it. Uh we replaced it
and everything is okay, now. CDR out.
We're going to throw him on the bike for
,-_ 93 minutes.

Dump Tape 229-11
Time : 1803-1825 _4T
Page 1 of 2

229 18 03 52 PLT Disconnecting the HHU, anyway.

CDR Uh - Just stand by a second please.

229 18 03 58 PLT Okay, we did that last HHMU round in ID

nlnnber 1 which is where it needs to
be and - uh - we're going to do this -
uh - umbilical rate gyro base line
maneuver in - uh - uh- ID - 2.

CDR Okay.

CDR How's it ...?

CC Skylab, Houston. On the 509 stuff -

uh - since you're so close to the end
of the run, leave that - carefully take
a look at cabin pressure. We think it'll
be - uh - okay, so Just go ahead and -
uh - finish it as you've described. And -
uh we're about a minute and a half or
two from the LOS at the Vanguard. We' re
going to go round one more rev and see
f you again at Vangual-d at 19:35.

229 18 04 59 CDR Okay, how do we look on our time line -

uh - uh - Dick?

CC Stand by.

CDR Okay, that's why I was wondering - uh -

I ain't got _ watch on but I'm susupicion
we're quite a ways behind. And we'll
catch up eventually during the day, but
I'm Just hoping it dgesn't affect this -
uh - S019 pad that I have on board.

229 18 05 2-1 CC Okay - uh - AI, the - uh - on your time

line you guys - you and Owen are scheduled
to eat on the time line at about 19:00
which is one hour from now. Then the
S019 follows that at about, oh. The last
half of - oh 19:40 or somethin E like
.that, Just looking at it real quick.
.._ Dump Tape 229-11
"_ Paae 2 of 2

/_ CDR Okay, we'll m,_e that, no trouble.

PLT ... I got _ ... - -

• CC ..... I think you will.

CDR Okay, good.

229 18 05 h5 PLT I need to be off of here in half an

hour. That's about right, I think.

229 18 05 46 coR Okay.

CO Skylab, Houston. The tape recorder's


229 18 05 51 PLT Okay, thank you, Dick. We're - uh -

rely to go 86ain , then. Okay, we're
in ID - 2, speee fans, we're back with M509.

229 18 06 12 This voice segment is duplicated _rhatim

to within Dump Tape 229-08.
_9 18 25 2T

Dump Tape 229-12/D-229
8/17/73 . ._"
Page i of i

229 21 28 12 PLT Okay space fans this is the PLT on

channel A debriefingthe last ATM run
starting at 20:29. I completed the
J0P 9, step l, building block 2. Uh -
I gave S082A one feebie there inadvert-
ently which - tub - he may not think is too
much of a freebie cause he's getting low
on frames, but - uh - I inadvertently
gave him a 3 minute - uh - exposure in
the short wavelength and - uh - I left
the time on for exactly three minutes
so he'd know what he had. Uh - As I
mentioned to Crip over the real time
- uh - there would not have been time
to complete - uh - building block 5 -
uh - correction, JOP 5, building block
6A, so - uh - I elected to save it until
the last rev today which is also mine,
and - uh - at which point I will have
time to do it and instead what I did
was - uh - I went to the last rev and -
uh - picked up that shopping I - list
item 13 for Milligan's crew and - uh -
/_ I got about a 9 minu_;e _posnre - uh -
filter three long so - uh - when I come
to that point - uh later on this evening
why I'll - uh - go ai_ead and do the -
uh - building block GA and there'll be
plenty of time at that point to - uh -
complete that. So tLat takes care of it
for today - uh - or for this pass and
Owen will get you on the next one.

229 21 29 45 PLT Thank you.

229 21 30 00 PLT Oh, I'm afraid we hav_ one more comment

on the last rev, in setting up for - uh
- powerdown for unattended ops that that
roll of minus 5400 an< the grating I
ran out of daylight as the grating was
_Innlng down so I went to mechanical
reference and - uh - stipped it at zero
and then rand out the 102 and - uh -
reset the reference - uh - so I should
be set at optical 4 balls this period.

D_np Tape 229-13
Time : 2145-2247 GMT
Page I of 14

229 21 46 34 CDR Okay, this is the CDR; we completed

the 93 run. Believeit or not, the
SPT made it through, end ah - his total
workload was a brilliant 304, 30h mind
you, all that in 2 minutes.

229 21 46 47 CDR CDR out.

229 22 04 36 CDR This is the CDR, and l_m doing M_87-3B.

And ah, I'll ah, be discussing the items
that are on this list trying to give
them sane sort of a rating. Ah, I'll
try to give them a rating that's ah, ah,
either a_ - ah, excellent, very good,
adequate, poor, unacceptable, per the
guide down the page 3-2 of the Eval
Checklist; it looks little different.
It says, evaluate each of the following
compartments with the habitability pari-
meters, it is not required to be in the
compartment being evaluated. Okay,
wardroc_ - On each of these, I 'm gonna
go down this list.

CDR Under wardroom, general arrangement and

orientation of compartment; I think it's
good. Ah - I think the fact that we've
got the wardroom on the minusZ, where
we can have the best -_ind in the place.
And the minus-Z, in the solar inertial
air - spacecraft, ah, during the day-
light hours, looks down at the Earth,
it's one of the wiser things to do. Now,
we do need ah, a bigger window. That
windows marginal in size, and should be
much larger. Of course there should be
several more windows of equal size,
throughout the spacecraft. Operating
inside this little car Just doesn't
quite hack it. We have the - ah, the
ability now to ab, camp a little more
weight, and we, I think one the things
to put them in, is - is - is very safe
.windows, and ah, we can use them in ah,
Dtmlp Tape 229-13
s- Page .2 of lh

not only good experiments, we got

T002 out there, a lot of haudheld
photography, but Just ah, to relax
these things. Ah, some of those
things about the orientation of the room,
it needs a desk in it. Wardroom seems
to be the place where ah, we get all
the data, and dispence it. Right
now we got a little clip board on the
wall, and we plant our feet in the floor,
but some sort of permanent desk with
some snap cllp things that would allow
you to ah, do your paper work. A lot
of it co_es up in a space station, and
ah, you need a permanent place to file
things, to hold things, and to set and
correct items, Scotch tape dispensers
built in, things of that nature. Food?
Food compartments okay, the ah, it
could be a little bit easier, I - I
don't think it gets the food hot - the
food trays get the ah, food quite
hot enough. And the restraint's are a
r little bit more _.h, flexible then they
need to be. Y - I'd like to be able
to go in there and hook on to something,
and it Just stay. The water gun idea,
one for each person is good, the water
gun tip can be improved, I think you
could knock your teeth out, if you' re
not careful. Ah, it takes a few days
to be very careful about it, but the
main thing is, the individual water
guns were - if you measured water
taking a drink, you don't have to worry
about what other people are doing are
okay. It's a little bit small for
getting to the refrig. Ah, waste
disposal now, is fairly easy with the
ah, change in the doors so that every-
body's got a trash bag. Do - do -
ability - The way your knife, fork
and food is stored, the fact that All
the spices are all over in one place,
the pills are over in one place, all
D_np Tape 229-13
Psge 3 of it

that's a little bit ah, difficult.

I personally favor a wardroom, or a -
that has sort of food dispensingis
the pantry, as opposed to ah, to ah
individual ah, meals in eronological or-
der. If a - if we had everything in a
row for example, you know the time to
get peaches, you check your menu and
go right to the Peach place. As it is,
you got to move things down in order,
and if your day's menu isn't right
there, you have to go hunt it, if you
need sere overage, you got to go find it,
if you Just had everything in the pantry
like you do at home, end then pulled
out what ever you needed, you'd be
much better off. I know in - on Earth,
if you feel like same potato chips, you
know where the potato chips are, you
don't have to shift thro,,gh i0 days
of cans of everything else, to find
one potato chip. So, I definitely
recommend we get rid of this serealized
cronologieal food arrangement. Co_m_
is good in there, 8_., lighting seems
to be good, entertainment could stand
much better stereos %round the room,
and ah, color scheme's okay, could be
a little different, it ah, keeps cleans,
even though we make a lot of mess in
there. I would recommend that we use
the materials that w-_ have even if it's
Just several different colors. Not enough
places, to put your feet on the floor,
tying them in. Trash wasn't thought of,
it's kind of an add on, an - had a lot
of difficulty with trash, way too much
time. I would say a_ least 15 minutes
to SO minutes a day _s spent fooling
with the trash in th&t room; no reason
for it. We need a compace or s_newhere
we Just throw it in, and forget it;
onee'a week empty it. Stowage is good.
We got a lot things stowed in there
• that we don't use very often, like
clothes, towels, and like I think
maybe ah, if we could somehow stow
Dtmlp Tape 229-iB
_ Page 4 'of lh

that food there, moved it from one side

of the room to the other, instead of
moving from upstairs to downstairs.
Need more temporary restraints, need
the same bungees we've talked about
several times. They ought to be on
all - all walls all doors, built in,
then anytime you wanted to fix some-
thing you go - -

229 22 l0 h0 CC And ah Skylab, Houston ab, for anybody;

I got one message I'd llke to relay,

229 22 12 58 CDR Get back to recording. Thermal comfort

is okay. Noise level's okay. Illumina-
tion - it could be more, but that affects
your personal mobility. Well I've
noticed we alwsys pull ourselves around,
using those food trays, I don't think
that's particularly good there mounted
with handloeks which aren't that strong.
f I guess I'd have to say that the
mobility aids in there are poor. You
either use the ceiling grid or pull on
those ab, food tables. Also, ab, when
; you're in front of the sh, ab, trash dis-
_" posal place it ab, it ah, you got to use
your foot restraint, there's no other
little haudbar, or an_-_hing.

229 22 13 59 CDR let's take the waste management cempart-

merit. General arrangement orientation,
ah poor, too small. The reason it's
too small is, only one person can really
operate in there at once. Also, there's
no privacy, if a guy wants to shave, aud
the other guy wants to urinate, you
can do it, but - but it would have been
much nicer if we'd have somehow closed off
the waste area, from the washing ah,
clean up mirror shaving area, wouldn't -
wouldn't have been difficult at all, we
could have had a shag lining door, or
something. But that's - I think that's
a critical thing. Nobody likes to have
it all hanging out while the next guy is
Dump Tape 229-13
Page 5 of lh

shaving, as a result when people go in

there, they close the door, and then
that keeps you from going in Just to
even get a towel, or maybe you Just want
to go in there to see if semething -
what's in your eye. So I - I give
that volume a poor and general arrange-
ment and orientation is ah, is poor.
Ah, for ceiling/floor proximity, I
don't know; it could be a little
higher. Ingress/Egress provision,
awful tight, can't get by anybody if
they're there. If anybody's in there
and you,want to go past him, you can't;
should be wider. Trash collection,
okay. We have to sting our big
urine bag and things, and stick them
outside, there's no trash collection
feature for anything other than small
hand size trash. Any other trash hangs
on the wall in a big white bag, now I
don't think that's too good. We
could have put us big white bags, in-
side doors, then _ could have open the
door and thrown in trash and closed
the door, much like you do in your
kitchen. Stowage volume, not near
enough in there, all these things that
are in use are stowed there, anytime
you want anything else, you have to
get it, from scmewhere else, and move
it down there in a small basis. You
can only have about four or five towels
in there at once; you use one a day.
Another feature that would be nice -
no real good stowage for - you open
it - open the door and then there's
your dop kit, then you got to open
four flaps on your dop kit to get any-
thing. There should have been some
good stowage there for shaving cream,
shaver, and all that. Now, you can
_A_e it because there's female velcro
in there and you put a male velcre
on your equipment, which I did. But
still it would have been better to have
spring bungee things inside some of

Dump Tape 229-13
_, Page 6 of lh

those compartment, and called them

the - the cabinet for your personnel e-
quipment and Just put it in there, in-
stead of in a bag that's in the near 2.
Temporary equipment restraints are non-
existent in there, except for snaps,
should be some. I won't go into that
again same as the wardroom. Personal mo-
bility aids, they're pretty good; re-
straint devices are lacking. We haven't
come up with a good one there, the ones
presently in there interfere with the ah,
urine box. We do need something there,
you're constantly floating all over the
place. The strap that you use when you're
fecaling is marginal, it 'ii hold you down
there so, but it really needs to be better.
Also when you're on the fecal sh, device,
and your head's over, you tend to ah,
be close to the ceiling which is trouble-
s_me, but mostly, it blocks out all your
light, so if you war_t to read on the Job,
your - your gonna have to do it with your
_" book in the dark al_ost. 7_t'd have been
much better if we'd have made that thing
set vertical and not tried to save space
and all that stuff. Could have put it
over there in the corner. Thermal comfort,
you can't change the ther_1 level in
there, so if you de_ide to - you want
it a little bit warner while you ah,
bath, you give yourself a sponge bath,
you can't do it for the simple reason
if you turn off the fan the ah, SW_ sys
things caught in the screens above, fall
down on your head. Not f,li down, but
slowly drift away. So, you go to keep
on that fan, when you do, you got a
draft in there. Should be a little ther-
mal control in there, so you can take a
nice sponge bath without &_tting cold,
you'change the temperature of that
compartment relative to the others,
that's about the only one; should be

229 22 17 h7 CC Skylab, Houston. Ah, we're going LOS.

We'll see you at Honeysuckle at 22:24.
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229 22 17 53 CDR Noise level, okay, Illumination, poor.

All Illumination is directly above
your head; can't shave under your neck.
You want to examine a spot on your face
or something, you can't see it worth a dare.
Ah, this is not sufficient Illumination
and it's all way up high, shaving your
neck or anything that kind of ah, de-
filate, if that's the word, to s_ething
else. So I'd recommend we definitely
would increase the amount of lighting
in there for shaving, or getting spects
out of the eye, or a]] those other things,
it Just,isn't satisfactory.

229 22 18 3h CDR Sleep compartment, general arrangement,

it's okay. Needs to be much more
sound proof, it's very light proof.
Needs to have a door on it that when you
close it's sound proof and gives real
privacy. Needs to have an area to
hang your clothes. You use a lot of
clothes in this business, you use
/ clothes for when _t's cold in the MDA,
when it's hot here, you got your
gym clothes for exercise, and you got
your sleep clothes. About the only way
you could put them where they could
dry out and get s_ze air, is kind of
out blowing in the 0reeze on those little
ah, re -those little rubber restraints,
which are great. And ah, that's had,
it'd be nice if you had a - sumething
like a closet that you could open the
doors, put - hang those things in there
and the breeze would blow through and
keep them dry and cool, yet they
wouldn't be out blowing in the breeze.
Ah, I think that's about it. Volt_e of cum-
partment seems adequate ah, it does need
a little more, like I said, closet. But
as far as where you want to sleep, it's
okay. Ceiling/floor proximity, that's
okay. Ingress/Egress provisions are
good, trash collections provisions, I
think satisfactory may be even ex-
ceptional. You don't have much trash in
D_np Tape 229-13
_-_ Page 8 of 14

there. Stowage volume and access,

you got lots of stowage in there, and •
most of your personal equipment.
T_porary equipment restraints needs
springs built in and ah, several others.
It's got those little ah, ah, little
towel restraints, that are excellent.
Personal mobility aids; doesn't have
any_ doesn't need any, I don't think.
In bed I guess maybe a restraint on the
floor and ceiling to - for a handhold,
would be good. Personal restraint de-
vices ah, we talked about the body sup-
ports. ,Thermal comfort needs to be
adjustable; needs to be cooler than
the rest of the spacecraft. Needs to
have the airflow not from your feet to
your head, which blows up your nose.
Either from head to feet, or either at
the side, or something like that, and
also needs to have controls not where
it can be deflected. Noise level needs
to have - be able to decrease the
/- noise level from the rest of the work-
shop. Right now, everybody has to sleep
the same time. It's hard to go to sleep
when smmebody else is awake, because of
the light and - but mostly cause of
the sound. We need to have little
compartments where you can go in, in the
middle of the day, a fellow can do a
new experiment, and it's still quiet.
Their reason for ah, for all that noise,
Just ah, impractical. Ill_,_nation -
needs a better reading light; that's
about it.

229 22 21 32 CDR Experiment compartment - crowded, could

be better, needs more lighting. Just
a little crowded, I think you could do
the things in there, that we want to do,
but ah, you really don't have a lot of
extra room, if - if one person's riding
the bike, and the other fellow is
monitoring near the ah equipment that's
so monitored has to be careful he doesn't
get kicked as he pedals the bike. It
D_np Tape 229-13
_. Page 9 of 14

Just - It Just needs to be larger to do

the sorts of work we're doing. I guess - •
I guess I'd have to say it - it's adequate
but ah, that's about it. General arrange-
ment's good, best - best you could do,
I think, with this. All, there's been
some thought about mounting some on the
floor, mud some on the walls, some on
the seat, this doesn't work out. You
tend to orient yourself when you're
in a room, even though you're in 0g,
and when you orient yourself, you should
ah, find yourself in an attitude that
everything's about the same; you don't
like something up, something under ...
You llke things to be orderly like they
always are on Earth. Now, if you want
to put everything on the ceiling and
the floor you sure handle that. It's
Just we don't want half and half.
Ingress/Egress provisions, Just the
ceiling hatch, right in the middle, I
think is not enough. We should have
F a small hatch over _o the side, Just
as we do in the ah, wardroom, and -
and one sleep compartment. There's Just
a - Just don't want to come down to
one Ingress/Egress bun. Trash collec-
tions provisions, not much, but you
don't need them. Stowage and access,
needs a little more stowage volume,
we've got tools in there and trash bags
and all that, it would be nice to
collect all the trash bags in one
place, it's easy to find them, now
they're kind of throwed here and there
and if you want a trash bag, you gotta
remember where they are, if you want it,
and there's about four places, when one
runs out you got to remember that
next time. You're not the fellow that
ran it out, so you don't remember it
and he does, so it takes three different
people traveling there once to find out
it's empty. Personal the mobility aids
seem okay ah, once again there's Just
not much there. Most of the time, your
D_np Tape 229-13
_ Page i0 of 14

moving around on the equipment, or

on the floor ceiling. Seems saris- •
factory, but if we had - didn't have
this grid, you'd have to come up with
something. Persons/ restraints, the
floor and ceiling are the only ones.
Thermal comfort, good. Noise level,
okay. Ill1_m_nation - need more ill%nni-
nation, we're Just - we're low on

229 22 24 02 CDR Forward dome needs more illumination

by far. It bothers you having to read
in this,dim light, all the time. It
makes you have to use high
intensity lights on photographs, and
that makes it hotter up here. Experi-
ments are rsmdem= all over the place.
It sure'd be nice if we could have them
stashed in some sort of order in an
experiment wall or cabinet, like you'd
have in a - a lab in - in school. You
wouldn't Just have things stashed all
f over it, then you could have the floor
free to do the experiment. It'd be
nice if this area ari the other area
were all one in the ssme. With everything
stowed somewhere on the wall, except the
things that had to be permanently mounted,
like the ergometer or the LBNP, and then
that's notched by the floor space. And
then when you needed something, you could
go get it. One of the problems we have
is, the n_bering system is logics/ as
it could be, but there's Just so m_ny
different places, cabinets on all sides
of the rocm_ in different places. There
was semebody ... on the floor, for example,
I'm looking right no'_ at a
cabinet sIg0B Earth terrain camera,
stow.age region called F-573 on one wall
is 552, on the other wall it's 52h, so
if somebody should go to 524, he don't
• know whether to look on the floor, look
on the wall, and it becomes Just a
real experiment. Things ought to be
more essentially located with a mum-

Dump Tape 229-13

/_ pageii of 14

bering system that _-,_ediatelytells

you where things are. This would ,
probably do it - probably all the 70's
are on the floor, or something like that.
No it isn't because here's one one the
floor called 594, but probably all over -
In any event, it's important that we
ah, do something about vol_e; got plenty
of volume. If your gonna do things like
ah, evaluate the maneuvering, you -
you're gonna need more. Ceiling/floor prox-
imity, good. Ingress/Egress provisions,
I don't like the fact we've only got
one hole leading back to safety when
you're in the command module. One of
the funny designs we got here is, and we
llve in one end and our so call safety hatch
is at the ,ether end, the command module.
That isn't the way it ought to be. The
experiment compartment ought to be the
farther from the come home module.
Sleet compartment ought to be next to it,
and ah, everything else in between, there
f Just is no reason to separate yourself
so far from ah, safety, in the event of
a - of failure - big failure of some sort.
Ah, temporary equipN_ent restraints,
there aren't too max_y, except the
floor and ceiling. Ah, they're not
adequate, I don't tilink. Ah, personal re-
straint devices, nothing except sh, ah,
the floor and ceiling, l'd rec,'._,,,_end
ah, a little bit more in the way of
restraints, and ah, mobility aids. Ther-
mal cemfort, satisfactory. Noise level,
okay. lll,rm_nation, poor.

CDR 30 minute time limit !

CREW *.e

229 22 27 ll CDR He didn't say. Airlock, general arrange-

ment orientation of compartment, not
big enough. It's tubular when you'd
really like it square like a room, you
Dt_p Tape 229-13
page 12 of 14

have to lay sideways in it, and as you

lay sideways in it, you kick things.
You don't have any good restraints.
What ought to be in there, is some way
to go in that lock compartment and
secure yourself by the seat, some sort
of foot restraint. Have your equipment
all mounted around you, and that
foot restraint he in such a position that
you could open the hatch, and do all the
other hatch and maneuvering _ud tricks
or what you have to do. As it is, two
of you get in there and float around,
bang into one another. One guy flats up
and down, trys to get cockeyed, brace
his feet to do this, tries to stay out
of the way of the cameras that are
mounted on the wall; it Just - it's
sure a make shift operation. You need
samething, with a nice floor, a nice ah,
way you can restraint something, being
protected where you won't get bomped,
where you'll be nice and stable, and
you can get to all the it_m_ you need
/_" to get to without floating to them.
Volume, not enough. Ceiling/floor prox-
imity, there ain't no ceiling/floor, it's
a round tube and you're generally laying
from hatch to hatch, it's not the way
it ought to be built. Ah, trash collec-
tion, no provision, I don't - I think
there's need not fou" trash collection pro-
vision but stowage provision that you
can use EVA. Now we sit here and ...
not because the handrails are tied to
the handrails with straps, now that's
a pretty poor way to do. We had some
nice pocket springs and ah, restraints
built in, where we could snap the stuff,
or catch the stuff, and not have to put
tethers and things all over them, unless
you really needed them outside, it'd
be much better, and it'd also be more
organized, also you would ticket and
then center it. There's Just a lot that
needs to be done to that lock compartment
to make it type that you'd really want
to use. Now I'd have to say that it's
D_np Tape 229-13
__ Page iS of 14

okay to do our Job, but we're trying

to get improvementshere and I would
say as a result of that thought, that
it Just, it Just needs a shape redesign
and a whole concept redesign. Stow-
age volume, we Just talked about.
Temporary equipment restraint, not
good enough, poor, the only thing there
is poles. As far as mobility aids
they've got era'. Good mobility aids,
you can get around in there, hold the
sides, hold the handrails when you want
to leave something in there for Just
a minute, it's hard to find it. Ther-
mal cemfort's okay, noise level, okay,
illumination, so so.

229 22 29 45 CDR MDA/STS. General arrangements - a little

bit small. Trouble with the MDA is, it's
not oriented like a room. So one guy
goes by and he faces one way, and he
hits the other guy in the back of the head,
whose facing the other way who's looking
_- at an experiment and doing Just the
opposite. Also by having circular rooms,
you end up having a problem knowing
where that the cabinet things are stowed.
It's much better to have rooms like down
in the workshop where you got a floor and
you got cabinets uh you got certain places
to put certain things and it Just seems
to work better. Now, this is certainly
acceptable for what we're doing. We
don't have any trouble in there except
bt_nping into each other. Unless things
accidentally slide into uh spots and may-
be, who knows, maybe that's the thing
of the future. But right now m_ feeling
would be that you want to stick to some-
thing that you could think of a similar
nature in the same place. Puts all the
stowage in one wall, puts all the equip-
ment in a little corner. In other words
it gets everything in a spot where it
can uh be useful and not have to try
to hunt it. Now if we have to find some-
thing in a stowage box in the MDA,
Dump Tape 229-13
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someone says get it out of M-323.

Good luck, because you've gotta hunt
around until you find M-323 and it's
Just more difficult than if you had
a nice stowage wall like these
food lockers are. you ought to try
to get things like that in every
compartment. Ingress/Egress provision,
they're okay for the size room, but
what you get stuck with a single access
down to the workshop and a single access
back into the DWS, I mean back into the
command module. Temporary equipment
restraints, uh, nothing there, poor, uh
especially poor, ought to be springs on
top of every one of those boxes, onght
to be multiple restraints and things so
that the people could hold on. It, it's
poor. Uh, mobility aids, in the form of
special ones, poor also, the handles on
top of boxes, boxes themselves, one of
the nice things is the restraint used
for the EREP C&D, there ongbt to be a
/_" similar thing for the mh for the uh uh uh
VTS, even though you can hold on with
your hands, why do it? Much better to
have something wit_ your feet that you
could move around cn. Thermal comfort -
it's okay, noise level, okay, illl-,_ nation,
needs more light although I'll have to
admit it's better than uh some of the
other places we've worked at. So I
think for the CDR, that completes the
objective evaluation, guide 2 which is
487-2, 3 - correction 3B.

229 22 32 31 CDR CDR out.


< Page i of 20

:_.C| 230 00 14 38 CDR Okay, this is the CDR on - uh - getting

ready to debrief the 509 run today. It
took placemuch earlier, but - uh - we
Just didn't have time to debrief it. And
I plan to do it right now. Of course, I
did a lot of talking when we were on _n-
bilical, little aid. And - uh - by the
way, this information - 5 -M509 goes
to - to Bruce McCandless, Ed Whitsett,
and Lou Ramon. As I said, I did a lot
of debriefing on the comm during the
time. So - ah - I may repeat m_,self
here or ms_ not say some of the things
I said then. But in any event - ah -
here goes.

230 O0 15 19 CDR Could you fly the baseline maneuver

satis2actorily in all modes? First of
all, let's - let's talk about the
two fundamental differences. One, if
you got the ambilical on, it's bad
news, because the t_bilical - like we
said the other day - from our test
without the suit - it's got a mind
of its own, nothing changed today.
The umbilical torqued everything
around, particularly noticeable is
CMG MODE because it would constantly -
_ would change your attitude. But it
constantly caused for descent firings.
RATE GYRO, it woluld gra_ually torque
your attitude off because you would go
out of the deadbvnd and it would fire,
which reset the new deadband and you'd
keep going. So you'd gradually get out
of attitude with one whale of a lot of
firing. DIRECT Just took a lot of work.
HHMU, it was a lot of work and not only
that, your correct - you'd make a cor-
rection and you'd still keep going in the
same direction because your correction
was not as much as you thought it
should be. So you'd put in a big one
and about then the umbilical would have
Dump Tape 230-01
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moved to where it wasn't resisting

anymore aud you'd go like crazy. So
it was very Upsetting in HHMU because -
ah - the same sort of positions and
forces didn't have the same effect
time and time again.

230 00 16 36 CDR Let's talk, for example, let's go

aheazl and talk about it mostly in the
FREE MODE, because my opinion is we
Just could never stand to have an umbilical
like this. The most we could ever have
in a maneuvering unit is one - a tether,
safety tether of some sort that won't -
of a very limp, hut strong strength; so
that it can maj'be keep you from flying
off somewhere. Now first of all, I
don't' think that's what you need. The
machine could be m_de reliable. No
reason to consider that_ but if you did,
you sure would want to feed oxygen and
water and the other stuff through it. So
let's - let's Just forget that and start
talking about - the untethered mode. By
the way, before I forget, Ed and - all -
Lou, what you got to do I think is
_ somehow figure a _ay to politic to get
another SOP or two on board for Jerry.
Or if you can't do that, at least to -
ah _ set up so you fly 509 after they
go out on their fLnal EVA and T-20 then,
too. So that you've got some SOPs.
Otherwise, his evaluation in suits is
Just gonna be useless. Is Just doesn't
have any - he's got to figure a way to
get some SOP time. Ah - I'd almost
reecmLmend not going in a suit - ah -
if you had the tether. I wouldn't
recommend that. I would say, go ahead
and do it; but I wouldn't spend three
bottles doing it. I would set aside two
bottles and - and - ah - have it Just -
uh - something for education, but not for -
for the experiment. It's Just gonna -
Just gonna bother you.
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230 00 18 13 CDR Could you fly the baseline maneuver

satisfactorily in all modes? ...
Yes, you can fly it okay in all modes.
Ah - some commentsI had before. It's ,
Just harder in the suit. Hands don't
work as well. All - you're kinda en-
closed in this little bubble and divorced
from the environment. So you tend to fly
further from things. When I flew the
ring lockers, I flew farther away. You
tend to fly a little bit faster because
your hands get tired, and you - you Just
don't wanna - you don't want to work too
hard in that suit. Ah - It'll beat you
down; it wins every time. It can stay
in the game a lot longer than you can and
so you tend to want to minimize your
efforts so you can stay - when you get
to a point, you'll be in good - ah -
physical condition. You don't wanna use
yourself up Just flying around.

230 00 19 01 CDR So - ah - I guess, with that in mind, I'd

have to say that DIRECT, in some respects,
was easier to fly because even though it
didn't keep your attitude as precise,
you didn't have to keep your hand out of
position as much. RATE GYRO CMG, you
have to keep your -your hand out of
position and that takes strength. And -
ah - in DIRECT, you can flip it a
couple of times just kinda relax
and it would head that direction.
Sloppier, I don't know what the fuel
usage was. In m_" opinion, that was a
much superior mode to the other two.
As far as crew comfort, (yaheth!) As
far as accuracy and precise flying, it
was not, of course.

230 00 19 38 CDR Which mode was baseline to fly? I

think it was easiest flying DIRECT,
you'd didn't have to work as hard, for
the reasons I Just mentioned; although
you were more accurate in CMG. RATE
GYRO was good, too. I didn't remember

Dmnp Tape 230-01
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now - I didn't fly RATE GYRO completely -

and - uh - in the - ah - ah - oh - un-
tethered mode.

230 00 20 01 CDR Did you feel eom - by the way, let me

go through what we did so that we're
a]] squared away. We went tethered;
then we flew - ah - all three - sh -
maneuvering in the middle of the
workshop. Not the baseline maneuvers.
0kay, when that was finished, I got Jack
to move me up and I flew a translation
maneuver. Just to see what it was like
in DfRECT. Then we went out to the
center and did some hand and arm movements
until we ran out of - ah - petrol. We
stopped, docked, untethered. I flew
s DIRECT baseline - I flew a CMG base-
llne, came back, flew an HHMU baselined,
which went pretty good, as you see. No,
wait a minute. I - I don't think that's
true. Yeah, I think it is. Wait a
_-- minute. Jack,how far did I fly with
that HI{M] in - on - on the - ah - on
tethered mode?

PLT ...

230 00 21 08 CDR Yeah, I didn't fly a whole thing; I

Just flew around a little bit, and
flew it up to the banjo. I could tell
that it was no - was not any more
difficult than - ah - any other - ah -
time with one large exception. And
that's this. The suit really deflects
the thrusters. Not only can you not
reach in the right places like you can
on the simulator. Simulator represents
that pretty well. But the fact is you
get much thruster impingement upon the
suit, and it's different each time. If
you have your hand out in front of you,
you get one set of thruster impingement.
If you have your hand to the side, a
different one. It's much tougher to
fly suited, HHMU, relative to unsuited
D1anpTape 230-01
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- here - than it is in the

simulator. I believe unsuited HHMU
is easier here, whereas suited HHMU
is much harder here for the reasons
I gave.

230 00 22 02 CDR Now another interesting point. When

we're up there flying the thing at -
at Denver, that's all that's on our
mind. We fly for 3 or 4 days straight.
We get real handy at it, okay? In a
space mission: it's never that way. You
got a million things on your mind. You've
got _ ah - not only the next experiment,
but the last experiment, or eating, or
exercise, or - ah - how you did in your
medical today, or whether or not you're
gonna - you're getting physically degraded
to - ah - how's the entry gonna go, ATM
pass last time, you made two or three
mistakes you're _orried about that.
Everything's on :"our mind. You've -
you'vegot to he_-e something thatyou
can fly _thout semi-intuitively. Doesn't
mean you have to be stupid about it,
but it does mean you're not gonna be
bored to the fin-_ edge you need to be.
Now you can be honed for launch. You
can be honed for rendezvous. You can
be honed for ent.ry. Because they're
safety things. 3ut nobody wants a
device that's supposed to Just float
around and inspect something or take
you somewhere - ah - where you have
to have the world's best skills to do
it. It Just isn't the way you want
to operate. So - ah - that's Just sc_e
more co_ents on the HHMU.

230 00 23 13 CDR As you can see, l'm - I wasn't very -

ah - sh - enthusiastic about it to
begin with and I 'm much less enthusiastic
now because of the difficulties in - ah -
the suited work and because of the fact
that you can't use it very simply as a
trajectory-correcting mechanism. And
_ .Dump Tape 230-01
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finally, it's very easy to get out of •

control. It is Just as unsafe. I'd have
to give it an unsafe. I don't have my
little chart in front of me that goes ...
rating, but I'd have to give it the
numbers that say unacceptable for flying.
It Just isn't good enough and I think
you ought to think about that when you
spend your time, money, and - ah - effort
with Jerry Cart and his group. You
ought to think about - it's a fun thing,
but I'd think about doing something more -
ah -.useful to the future of the program.
RATE GYR0, CMG, and DIRECT are much superior
and there isn't - ah - they're not even
in the same - ah - ah - strata.

230 00 24 08 CDR Was precision stationkeeping easier in

some modes? Ah - by the way, - Let me
back up. Did you feed comfortable fly-
ing some modes faster than others?
-- Yeah. All of them suitedbecause - for
the reasons I just talked abollt. Ah - CMG
feels good to you because you don't feel
yourself was - _asting energy. RATE GYRO
feels the worst cause you're firing all
sorts of thrusters and you don't like to
do that. So, once again, same thing.
You don't have to get in the suits to
know that.

230 00 24 37 CDR Was precision sta_ionkeeping easier? Not

a thing different there from - uh -
suited. You're not in precision but
nothing different that you couldn't
learn from unsuited. Same comnents

230 00 24 47 CDR Did some modes take more attention to

flying than others? Same as unsuited;
no comment, except HH_ took a lot more.

230 00 24 54 CDR Were you able to satisfactorily aim

at the target for the transfer maneuver,
the baseline maneuvers? Only did one
transfer maneuver - the answer is yes,
same as the unsuited.
_-. Dsmp Tape 230-01
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230 O0 25 08 CDR Should any maneuver be changed? You

bet - get rid of the HH_J.

230 00 25 13 CDR Controllability. Are translat -

translation acceleration levels too
high, about right, or too low? I'd say
they're Just right. With the added
mass of suit, things are good. But when
you get that umbilical on, you haven't
got enough sometimes. Sometimes you got
too much and it varies. One time you
put in 3 seconds of pitch up and you go
1/10th of degree per second. Next time
you do it, the umbilical's in a different
percent - different position. You go
1 degree per second. So it's - it's a
little rough.

230 O0 25 43 CDR Could you null translational rates

satlsfactorally? Yes, but not so -
as well, because we had our gloves on
_-- and it's a little bit more clumbsy,
as you know.

230 00 25 50 CDR Could you command as small a minimum

impulse with the THC as you desired?
Seemed to be able to today.

230 00 25 55 CDR When attempting uinimt_n THC commands,

did you sometime_ fail to activate
thrusters? Ah - my impression would be -
I'm - I don't remember not, but my
impression wo_ld be I probably did
fail to activate them. But you'll be
able to tell that from the data much
better than I. It didn't - wasn't
bothering me, I'll say that.

230 00 26 14 CDR Are rotational acceleration levels in

too high, about right. They're about
right. I wouldn't want them any higher.

230 00 26 20 CDR Could you null rotational rates

satisfactorily in DIRECT? Yes - ah -
I could have been more precise, but
I was happy. I could get there; I could
fly on the right upside down or right
side up, no trouble.
f_ D_np Tape 230-01
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230 00 26 31 CDE Could you command as small a minimum

impulse with the RHC as you desired?
Yes - Well, I take that back. I don't
think you could. I don't think you
could even with the suit mask
commanded. I - I noticed I was
over controlling in DIRECT. I might
have been able to be more subtle but
once again, you've got an energy
problem in your hand.

230 00 26 52 CDE When attempting a minimum RHC co_mnand,

did you sometimes fail to activate
the thrusters in DIRECT? I don't know,

230 00 27 O0 CDR During the SINGLE AXIS CAL, did you

notice any attitude disturbances
when commanding translations? Ah -
I tried to notice them, but I did
those - ah - with the tether. And
_, answeris it masks everything. You
have no idea. You th_"ast, you go
somewhere, you thrust again, you go
somewhere, you thrust the same way
and go somewhere different. So - ah -
forget it.

230 00 27 23 CDR Do you feel that the RATE GYRO MDDE

attitude rates s_d displacement -
That's one thing you might want to ask
Jerry to do with the suit. When he
gets out on his - ah - his - ah -
SOP. Let him do some of those, see what

230 00 27 _8 CDR Do you feel that the RATE GYRO MODE

attitude rate and displacement dead-
hands were so tight that normal limb
motions caused excessive thruster
activity? Definitely, _ad - sh - I
felt they were way too tight - ah -
to keep you happy as far as - ah -
amount of thrusters fired. It's
great when you fire real slow unsuited.
But you fly suited and a little bit

F_ ,
Dump 220-01
_-_ P_ge 9 of 20

rough, like you tend to do with

suits pressurized, then it's too *
Imlch firing - way too much.

230 00 28 05 CDR During the SINGLE AXIS CAL, did you

notice attitude rates increase or
attitude change about an axis other
than the axis cow,handed? You gotta
be kidding. With that _bilieal,
you notice them all the places. We
talked about it already.

230 GO 28 17 CDR Do you feel that the RATE GYR0 MODE

attitdde rate and displacement dead-
bands were so loose that attitude rates
were not satisfactorily hulled? Definitely
not. They were too tight for operational -
happiness in that you tend to fire too
many times. They co%tld be much looser
and you'd be satisfied.

230 00 28 33 CDR Could you feel or hear the CMG locking

solenoids when caging or uncaging?
Ah - donVt remember for sure.

" 230 O0 28 _41 CDE Could you hear tie CMG gimbal whine
during limb motions? I don't think
so but could of during attitude co_maud.
I think so_ now, I think did there.

230 00 28 _2 CDR Were attitude disturbances due to

ncmral limb motions in the DIRECT
MODE bothersome? No. Because when
you move your arm out and back, you
end up in the sam.e place. So that
doesn't bother you a bit. Ah - And
you don't move much anyway. I found
out in the arm motion that with all
that mass, you don't move too much.
When your arm motioning - sh - with
your arms and you're unsu/ted, you
seem to move more thsm when you're
arm motion suited. That's kinda
funny that 's gonna be interesting
data to see. It may be that really
is the problem. I didn't think it was
• o

D_mp Tape 230-01

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- a problem. Now you can'tkick out ,

very far because you got this
friendly little SOP on the foot.
So when it says kick out 45,
you only kick out about 10. Jack
suggested I kick back and I did that
and it seemed to do a little something
for me.

230 00 29 37 CDR Did you notice any motion inside the

suit during rotation or translation?
No, not particularly. Ah - probably
had same, Just didn't notice it. Ah -
I didn't think they were disturbing
or - ah - anything abnormal. That's
the way they're gonna be, I suspect.

230 00 29 50 CDR Did the LSU tend to get in the way?

No, it didn't. I never bumped into it.
It was always behind me somewhere.

230 00 29 57 CDR Was the absence of the LSU influence

noticeable during SOP operation?
You've got to be kidding with number 28 -
29 answer, you know the answer to that;
yeab, it was - it was noticeably -
happily noticeable.

230 00 30 50 CDR Did you inadvertelitly contact the

OWS? If so, how often? I found that
I did a couple of times, and both
times were on the food lockers and
the reason - Well_ I'll take that
back, even more than that. I found
that I as I made my translation
maneuver up to the banjo, I tended
to stay low and not go up high
enough. Ah - I'm not sure that wasn't
because normally when we operate in
here we operate from the floor to the
dame ring lockers or the floor right
up to the center. We had no reason
to go over in the dome area. And I'm
not sure that wasn't thr reason. Ah -
I ... on contact my ... Another one
was - ah - in the HH_ mode. I used my -

D_np Tape 230-01
_" Page ii of 20

ah - I contacted the thing a couple of •

times when the _nnbilical pushed me into
it. I also contacted it at the
end, up at the banjo because - I ran
out of - uh - ah - air. But - ah -
I didn't really wouldn't of had to have.

230 00 31 03 CDR Do you sometimes use yout legs or hands

to stop or push off? Well, I did a
couple of times today. You wouldn't
realize - I didn't too much.

2B0 O0 BI i0 CDR Desig_ features. Is automatic attitude

hold needed for the baseline maneuver?
No. It so was the solid feel, and absence
of deadband in the CMG MODE a significant
advantage? You bet, it was a great advan-

230 O0 31 _5 CDR Is proportional rate command needed?

No. If so, was the nonlinear RHC for
RATE GYRO MODE desirable? The answer
is yes, desirable. You don't need it

230 00 31 36 CDR Is the 6 degree of freedom control

required? You bet; desired, you bet.
If not, which axis would you give up?
None of them. You'd be out of control.
The minute you gave up one, you're

230 00 31 47 CDR Is proportional thrust level for the

HHMU needed? The HH_J needs to be canned,
it stunk.

2B0 O0 31 56 CDR OWS sidJest factors. Did you notice the

OW al - OWS air velocity perturbating
your translations? No. Your stationkeeping?

230 O0 32 05 CDR Were attitude HHMU how - Were attitude

disturbances during the HHMU MODE due to
HHMU positioning bothersome? No. Didn't
notice it all.
_- Dt_p Tape 230-01
Page 12 of 20

230 00 32 lh • CDR Did the HHMU kick provide a usef_l que?

Yes, it did, just as before. It wasn't
bothersome in that it didn't move you,
but you could still feel it against your
hand' that's the difference in suited
and unsuited.

230 00 32 32 CDR Do you feel the HHMU thrust level is about

right? Yeah it's about right for suited

230 00 32 39 CDR Could you modulate the HHMU thrust level

as desired? No, my hands were tired.
Could have, but too damn much work.

230 00 32 47 CDR Did you normally command full HHM_ thrust?

You het_ and didn't keep it on too long

230 00 32 52 CDR Did you sometimes command the wrong

d/rectlon? Sure I did; not too much

230 00 32 57 Could you hear the HHMU thruster when suited?

Yes, very loud.'

230 00 32 02 Did you have any difficulty aiming the HHI_J?

You bet. Not only did I have difficulty
putting it where I wanted to, I didn't
know exactly where to put it. The CMG
was not where I _Jnought it was, but most
of all, I didn't know what the suit effects
were gonna be and nobody else is gonna
know either until their first time EVA.
Then they're gonna find out what they
thought they could fly turns into a
bucket or worms. And they're blasting
all over the place using up a]] their
gas and not getting anywhere, because
it's impinging off different parts of
their suit.

230 00 33 31 CDR Could you normally position the KHMU to

get translations without rotation? No.
_ D_np Tape 230-01
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230 00 33 36 CDR Did thruster impingement on you or the

ASMU produce a noticeable effect? Yeah,
we already discussed it. The main thing
is this, my training level had not decreased
in HHMU that much. Ah - I've been able
to fly it around here first two or three
times unsuited, as you can see. It's
a different ballgame suited.

230 O0 33 56 CDR EVA evaluation. Would you feel confident

flying an operational maneuvering unit
employing any one of the ASMU Sun end
and r_,turn? You bet, I think it'd be
fun to go back to the radiators and go
around and look at the quads A and B -
or - ah - quads B and D that we've got
problems with. I'd fly that thing out
there in a minute. It'd be great. Now
the thing that I think you'd want to have
is you'd want to simplii_j, and you'd
want to have scme backup modes in case
you had sc_ethrusterproblems. Now I
think you could probably develop it
simply by - sh - once again turning -
ah - turning the thrusters off, have
little switches there w.%ere you could
turn 'em off individually - the ones that
didn't work and hen you could fly to
some other degraied mode. Let's say
if somehow you lost the one for translation'
forward, you would turn it off, in case
it was stuck open, turn to the side
and yaw back. I think this could be
very simply done. I suggest a DIRECT MODE
and cut-off switches for each thruster.
And I think you could fly this thing
anywhere with no - no - ah - tether or
anything else.

230 O0 34 58 CDR R.nk the ASMU in order of preference

for the above task. Okay, DIRECT; simply
you could get more fuel and you could
also put any electronics you wanted on
it that you had for safety, like cutting
off individual thrusters and the like.
The next one would be the CMG MODE cause
it's so damn stable and so easy to fly.
• °

Dl_np Tape 230-01

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The last would be the RATE GYRO ; uses

lots of fuel, makes noise; it doesn't .
have any advantage, has a great disadvantsge
and that's - along with the RATE GYRO -
with CMG MODE, and that's you gotta
keep your hand out of the detent as long
as you want 'am - when you get to the
Sun end to work. You don't want to get
there and be tired.

230 O0 35 hi CDI_ Okay, do you feel the above task could

be accomplished with the HH_? No,
definitely not. It's risky. I would
not donsider it for l0 seconds. It is
a - a - ah - unacceptable safety - ah -
ah - configuration and definitely not
to be used. Ah - In my opinion - ah -
as I said it ... with a tether on of
about i0 or 15 foot long, not going anywhere,
Just holding it in your hands for the
public relations pictures is one thing,
__ trying to fly the littlething somewhere
is another. Ah - ah - ... would be - ah -
irrational, i think, to ever assign a
to a mission.

230 O0 36 2h Do you feel the op - okay - What sort of EVA

taska do you feel ASMU could be used
for? Now I didn't think of anything new
up here. Ah - except the one that I Just
gave - ah - yon go over and inspect things.
You got problems on your side of your
vehicle. You go over there, and if you'fe
got something you can fix it with, you go
over there and grab on, turn off the
HHMU and and work at the site. The HHMU on
your back doewn't bother you even though
th_s one's extremely heavy. It's not
bothers_ne. You can get there, you can
crawl hand over hand with the HHMU - does
not appeat to encumber you particularly
for work in front of you. You can do
so many things. We could have deployed
the twin pole sunshade with a HH_ -
wouldn't had to put out the pole. We'd
have gotten two pieces of line, , flown
• .• - °

_Dt_np Tape 230-01

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out to the end of the ah - workshop,

hooked them on the end, come back and
run the - ah - the pulleys - and the run
the sail out. We coulda done it in - ah -
30 minutes instead of 3 hours. It'd
of been much safer, better, - better
design lighter and everything; Just Just
multiple tasks. But you've got to get
one the people don't have to train much
on, that you don't have to fool with,
that you don't have to crank up CMGs
RATE GYEO. You got to have one that you
can throw on your back and go. And that
means DIRECT. What sort of - I Just
mentioned. HHMU, no task, zero. Only
task I can - I won't even mention it.

230 00 37 44 CDR Do you feel that the ASMU if it was

EVA qualified could have been used for
the SL-2 CSM flyaround? No doubt about
it. What abouttle SAS deployment?
No, I think you could have used it to
fly out the SAS s_ud inspect it. Now
if that - They were able to use a pole
and get down ther_. Let's say they
could not have do%e that. You could have
flows up and grabbed on the side, turn
off your ASMU and work on it, made it
deploy. Any preference on modes? Sure,
DIRECT. With some cut-offs on each thruster.
Okay we've - wer_e gone over that thing.
Let me mention a couple of other things.
Ah - In fact, we've did fly the - ah -
pack with the - sh - backspace, in. That's
why I was standing so far away from it.
We took it off, flew it for Just a few
seconds - ah - without it - the only thing
I noticed was that the hand controller,
both translation and rotation, were
acceptable then and in the right position.
Everything else was precisely the same
as before. Ah - sh - Batteries stay
up much better than the - ah - We run
out of gas all the time, but usually
the battery is still up to about 27 or
so volts. We've never come near 26 volts -
Dump Tape 230-01
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that's even with CMGs a lot. Ah - •

I think the thing that you've got to do
for Jer is give him three bottles every

230 00 39 04 CDR You've got to get rid of this HHMU balony

and - don't - don't use that word - let
me say you - you've got to get rid of this
HHH - HHMU works. It's Just - It'd be
like Ford, fooling with a unicycle and
spending research money to - ah - to see
if he could make a unicycle into something
that _verybody on the street can use
or even - one in a hundred. And it
Just - You could teach somebody to use
a unicycle, but why bother? And this
is - this is an expensove experiment in
time, safety, everything else, and we're
off doing something like that. We ought
to examine out heads. Ah - I think of
r any more, I'ii let you know. Been good;
we've been looking forward to - ah - flying
it again unsuited - an_ - ah - maybe
I can get around all the baseline maneuvers,
for you and do everything that's possible
with the three modes, and not the HHMU -
really think we're beating our heads against
the wall on that thing. I'd like to
fly with those other three modes and get
as much baseline "iata that you can use
to help you understand the behavior or
the RATE GYR0, CMGs, the DIRECT, the
pilot's ability and s]] those things.
And looking forwsrd to doing it. This
goes to - the M509 information goes to -
ah - Ed Whitsett, Lou Ramon, and Bruce

230 00 40 18 CDR CDR Out.

230 O0 hl 33 SPT Okay, debriefing the last ATM pass. This

information goes to the - sh ATM PIs
and planners. I ... about 00:30 And -
ah - there's a question about the - finding
the coronal hole and using the magnesium
pod to find the boundary. Ah - The answer -
/ -
- ° . - ° •

f_ • D_np Tape 230-01

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ah - as follows. I used ... magnesium

pod, specific viewing scope and the XUM
monitor. And - sh - that specific viewing
scope worked rather well to guide you in the
general direction of the - ah - eoronel
hole. And - ah - I also took a picture
with our Polaroid camera at the beginning
of the pass so I knew the general
outline, general shape of it and that
plus the specific viewing scope, I think -
ah - makes it fairly clear where to go to
find the - sh - coronel hole. Then I
was sllso surprised to find that a magnesium
lO count also - sh - a fairly short
boundary. I made s_ue comment about that -
ah - on the - ah - real-time - ah -
down-link, I believe. Let me give you
those coordinates again, however.

230 00 42 50 SPT Those coordinates - sh - ah - inside the

hole, where they magnesium l0 count
_- was only 4 or 5 countsfor eithertime
was plus 6_1, plus 333. T_nat's up/down
left/right. And by moving only about
50 arc seconds - ah - down to plus 591,
plus 333, we got and increase up to about
40 counts for either time. Now I noticed
later that the - ah - 55 mirror was in
position 2532, instead of being coaligned
with H-alpha. For 55 mirror about 80 arc
seconds - ah - below - ah - over the
coordinates that I Just - I Just read to
you. I took a few grating auto scans
as requested there. And found that it
certainly was possible to find boundaries
in this way; rather short boundaries
of magnesic_ lO. And JOP 15 Charlie l,
okay. I did not do JOP 7 as I'll need
a tes_ on real time if they come up again
cause I was uncertain, about the timeing.
There is no comment about whether I should
have been in C_4P or sun timing, the ST/SS
switch. There's about 30 seconds between
those two at the present time. Sometimes -
ah - more or less, but at the moment it's
about 30 seconds. And we did inhibit
dump. I wasn't sure whether that changed
Dump Tape 230-01
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any of these times. I didn'thave a

chance to - ah - look ahead and get that
clorified before we lost contact. The
•.. potentially ... the 82B cell. There
is - ah - a fair smount of film involved
in JOP 7. I- ah - elected to not attempt
JOP 7 and it served as a - sh - shopping
list 5 on the new active region
Just coming over the - ah - ... Again,
55 was aperture 25/32. So ... grating
auto scan, which I did ... consider
the information, I don't imagine. But
I got, 56 data and 82B put into my ...
time exposures rating UV on this newactive
region. So I hope you'll reschedule -
ah - JOP 7 again - ah - as soon as possible
and I'll - ah - give it another try here
and try to get clarifies - ah - on the
timing arrangement - ah -before - ah -we
cc_e up to it.

230 00 45 12 SPT End of message for - ah - the ATM PIs


230 02 07 26 PLT Good evening, space fans, This is Jack,

on channel A, _ud the subject is ATM -
ah. This is the final pass today and -
ah - so first ofl, I'm gonna read you
the - ah - frame counter readings. How
I read these last night and somehow
they got lost and tun - tun - so here they
are tonight for sure. H-alpha was 4835;
S056, reading 2471; and SO82A is reading
85; S082B, 379; SO52, reading B133, S05_,
reading 3019.

230 02 08 12 PLT Now I want to debrief the last run. This

is the Olll rev. I thought I had me
a perfect day going on the ATM til I got
on this and - ah - the thing that happened
to me was that I reversed the roll. I
started out at minus 5_00 instead of
10800 and - ah - I - ah - noticed that -
ah - Just after I started out at minus 5400
- °

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instead of 10800 and - ah - I - ah -

noticed that - ah - Just after I started
this time In lieu of going back and
starting all over again, why - ah -
I was deep enough into it where I didn't
wamt to - ah - commit any more exposures
ah - and - ah - Just waste them. So -
ah - I maintained - ah - a roll of minus 5hO0
for a building block iA. And - ah - then
I did my roll to minus - ah - 10800 for -
ah - building block ah - 1B - And - ah -
the only thing I did different in building
block 1B was - ah - I decided S052 guy
wouldn't care too much for a bunch of
continous exposures and ah - and the wrong
roll was - ah - the best part of this
corona going behind the pylon. So - ah -
I didn't do the - ah - continous mode
on lB. Instead what I did was to - ah -
complete IB for everybody else then I -
ah - ah - rolled back to - ah - planet
5h00 - and - ah - I gave S052 the - ah -
about h or 5 minutes worth of continous
At the samt time I ran a grating _ato sca.
Now - ah - I guess the only inconvenience
it causes is - sh - in - ah - rotating
your pictures 90 degrees - ah when the
data's reduced except for the - ah -
S082 guy where - ,-hich is ... of - Just
facing the wrong direction. Although
he has - ah -phctographs on - ah - two
photographs on each sode of the roll.
So - ah - although they're different - ah -
exposure times - ah - hopefully he won't
be - ah - suffering too bad on account
of - ah - the blunders that I made there
So - ah - I tried to recoup it as best
I could - ah - without wasting frames.

230-02 i0 h2 PLT Okay, so - s/% - after that - ah - I

had already done my shopping list item 13
earller today. But I was back and picked
up s_nethlng I had been unable to get,
for which I had substituted that item iS.
That was the - ah - J0P 5 building block 6A,
back in - sh -rev was starting at 2029.
Dump Tape 230-01
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And my roll had pointed to the quarter

that _ ah - Owen had penciled in here.
And I went ahead and I completed your
step - ah - as you had requestedit, ,
step 3, that is, building block 6. And
that came off s_ud I got that off all 'era
time. So we've been able to complete
that. So With the exception of a little
bit of inconvenience on the part of some
of your data reduction and a little bit
of depredation on S082A_ well, I think
we recouped the thing all right. We came
out okay for tod_y. And I promise to do
it perfect tomorrow.

230 0R ii 51 PLT Thank, you and good night then.

DumpTape230-02 / _ol_
Time : 1258-1302
PageI of

230 12 58 47 PLT Good morning, space fans. This is Jack

on Channel A. Subject is ATM. Debriefing
the last run, which began at 12:15.
I ran of the - uh - 27-minute mark
for shopping list item 16. I - uh -
searched around for the - uh - gap
in the lim brightening in the XUV
monitor and the persisten image s_ope.
And, I found a place near - h -
where you suggested and - uh -
started the - uh - experiment going.
About - uh - 6 minutes after - uh -
starting them I - uh - found
what I th6ught to be a better place,
and - uh - since uh since they
weren't but a couple of exposures,
I decided to stop it to - uh - repofnt.
And so I did; I - uh - pointed to what
appeared to me to be a - uh - a better
break in the limb brightening. There
actually were two bre_s in the llmb
brightening and - uh - I selected the
F one - uh - which I - _h - have photographed;
however, I'm - uh - not satisfied it was
the best one.

230 13 00 i0 PLT I feel there's anotheL" one there which

would be equally good or better, and I
• hope that if time pernits later on in
the day, I'll be able to go - uh - back
and - uh - get that because we wanna
make sure we - uh - cover the waterfront
On that - uh - particularly since - uh -
I've only taken a couple of exposures.
In - uh - searching axound for the - uh -
it took me a little Icnger time to find
the - uh - and search around for the -
%_h - the - uh - break in the limb
brightening than I had hoped it might
so I was unable to complete - uh the
seeon@ - the second shopping list item
number - 16 which begins at i0 minutes
prior to the end of rev.

220 13 00 53 PLT And so - uh -my plan is to - uh -

Dump Tape 230-02
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attempt - uh - later in the day - uh -

go back and - uh - pick that item up as
well as to - uh - give you a better shot
of the - uh - second - uh break in
limb brightening - to uh reach the - uh -
the other break in the llmb brip_htenin_ -
uh - which I would l_ke to cover, I would
have to - ub - roll about 20 degrees
counterclockwise, so - uh - there are
two spots there - uh - which - uh -
seem to meet the requirement, and - uh -
I'd llke to get both of them.

220 13 01 29 PLT That - uh'- concludes the - uh -

debriefing on 12:15 rev and - uh -
Owen'll be up for the next one.

-'_-- " Dump Ts_e 230-03
Time : 1554-1632 _4T

.5/18/73 .... :
IP e_!of3....... ......

! :'230--i555 _ 13 CDR .... This- is the- CDR debriefing therun --

2 uh - on the ATM and for the ATM background, •
3 everything Just went perfect. When I
got finished, I ran - uh - uh - building -
5 corrections - uh - item 5 on the shopping
', list and 82B I got exposures at all
7 settings: 24h, ... 2, and i. ,.

'_ 230 15 55 39 CDR CDR out.

,; 1230 15 56 31 CDR CDR again. I also gave - uh - 56 a

,: patrol short. Thought they might like ,_
_ that. .i!

"._ 16 25 28 SPT Okay, we're on channel A to - uh - give -4

_ a Mh87-3B, which is evaluation guide
<9 _7 number 2. This is the SPT. Let me go
o- I,_ back to guide number i and comment on
_9 something that I Just .ran across. I
-J 20 don't know if I mentioned it the other
_- 2_ day or not, but the tops of these food _
22 trays are absolutely lousy. All three O
N _ of ours are malfunctioning to some extent ._ q
_f-_ -- Z_ or other. Either they open - _I " w_th __
/ 2_ great difficulty - Jack had to - uh - i
-- 2- about _ uh - take a _crewdriver to his ,_
,:. 2_ one day, - or they won't latch, or they
. :_ do intermittently and Just never function .
properly. The latch is no good.

" 230 16 26 05 SPT , Now on to guide n_ber 2, having to

do with the parameters of the wardroom.
_ I mentioned Just briefly all sorts of
..... again today. N@z SPT's stuff is
over there between the - uh - PLT and
• CDR. He has to - to transfer across
them or around them to or something
_r every time he gets his food out. It
would be a lot simpler if he had the
_. plane where he eats. Uh, of course
• you all need one place to dispose of it,
and t_ere's no way to get around that.

Dump Tape 230-03
/_ Page 2 of 3

230 16 27 43 SPT Waste management compartment, ceiling/floor

proximity - all that stuff is satisfactory. •
I think it is satisfactory to have the
floors to come out as far apart as they
are. Ingressegress are okay.

230 16 27 56 SPT Sleep, trash collect - sleep compartment -

all that looks reasonably good. However,
all the stuff that you need to have stowed,
you need to have little compartments
or cubbyholes or things for it. It's
a nice Job packing all that amount of
clothes into that little tiny spot, but
every t_me you pull out one, why you pull
out a whole fist full. We need to have a
spot where we could stow things. There's
that one big locker up at the top that's
got Velcro around the sides, but I think
it would be bettwe if it %_re divided it
into four - four smaller compartments or
at least two or three compartments so
that various things could be put inside
them. And we also need to have, - uh -
Velero tied to those things that need to
go into them. For example - no - uh, for
example, that can of, uh, 133 equipment
with the large, - uh -"uh, syringe and
needle and stuff. _ll that stuff is
floating around in there, and I 're had
to Just tape it down. It should have had
some Velcro attache(, so that you could
put the stuff where it went - where it -
where it belongs.

230 16 27 59 SPT Experiment compartment rates with pretty


230 16 28 04 SPT Forward area dc_e - it's obviously not

arranged for anything in particular.
It's Just a big volmne. If you're
gonna do flyaround excercises, why you
need that volume. If you were going
to do experiments or sumething like
that, for the most part, why its very
inefficiently arranged. There's no
resson to have that big nolle. It's
Dram@ Tape 230-03
Page 3 of 3

fun from the staudpoint of arobatics.

It allows you a little room to do •
tumbling, flips, rolls, and dives
and so forth, but it's not functional
from the standpoint of making good use
of the volume.

230 16 28 32 SPT The airlock is arranged satisfactorily -

no complaints. Noise levels are all
satisfactory everywhere. Illumination
is _11 too low. Uh - we need, I would
thing, few places where we could get a
higher illlrm_uation for any sort of
fine work that's necessary. We don't
have all that much reading to do, but
occasionally there are a few things
that require close ex,m_nation, b_a -
working on same device or something of
that nature, and - uh- we don't have
any locations llke that without bringing
down one of those portable lights and
sticking it over where you want. So
maybe that's the solution actua]ly. It's
a lot of botherto go bringone of
those big lights around. At the moment
the illumination levels are all low.
They're adequate except for fine work.

230 16 29 31 SPT That's the end of the SPT's evaluation

guide number 2.

-i .... D_ Tape 230-04
Time : 1735-17_3 C_T
Page i of 2

230 17 38 25 PLT Okay, space fans: this is Jack on

channel A. Debriefing the last ATM
runs. The last run was !6h4 run, 16h4.
That's rated uh - JOP 9 is, - uh -
JOP 15A is 15A twice, step 25. They
came off - uh - about the way you wanted
them. In fact, exactly the way you wanted
them. I used the, uh, same pointing
coordinates that, - uh - AI had, - uh -
had set up in the - uh - in the - uh -
previous rev. Roll of 10800 down to
minus 1.9 and right to a plus a fourth
count five. Okay, now I have some time,
at the e_d of the rev, to - uh - go hack
and pick up something that I didn't earlier.
It's on rev number 1. I had earlier
given you a little conversation about,
uh, brightening the - uh - uh - gap in
the lighting around the limb on the XUV
monitor from - uh - the 1215 rev. This
concerns the shopping list item ntmber 6,
which I pointed out that there were, uh,
two gaps, - uh - in that area and - uh -
-P I had thought that prehaps - uh - the
other gaps that, uh, other than the one
that I picked, would also have been a
good one to go to. And - _h - discussing
with 0wen and looking at the XUV monitor
and - uh - at photographs on the XUV MON,
why, uh, we decided Chat the, uh, the gap
in the limb brightening that was selected
in - uh - shopping list, item 16 on the
first rev was - uh - uh - very much
acceptable and probably better than the
other one anyway. At the conclusion
of the, - uh - rev this time, I had to
time it. They said they go back and
to - uh - uh - pick up - uh - the part
that I missed on the first rev. Namely
the, - uh - shopping list item 16 which
starts at - uh - lO minutes remaining.
So that's what I did. I went back to
the, - uh - same pointing coordinate. I
roll about subcenter a little bit, in order
to, - uh - get something on our background

Dump Tape 230-04
Page 2 of 2

conditions which went near the gap, -

uh - into the slit and also into the •
field of view of S055 and, - uh - uh -
I, uh - preceeded to, uh, put 56 in
the filter four and so forth and, uh,
I wasn't able, quite, to get a, uh,
8 minute exposure. I got 7 minute and
38 seconds before the, uh, ESF got it,
but I think you'll find that acceptable.
So - uh - we have completed, - uh -
the first rev, - uh - in regards to coronal
hold ntmlber B, as - uh - you had requested.
Uh - if I do ever get time again I'll -
I would .like to go back to that same area
and pick up - uh - another frame on
the - uh - second gap on the limb
brightening in that area. If I do I
will - uh - if I do get time I'ii put
feed back down and do that. Otherwise -
uh - that concludes the briefing -
debriefing on - uh - 1644 rev and -
uh - looks llke we're all up to date
and - uh - we'll catch you next time
_-- around. Thanks a lot fellows.

Dump Tape 230-05
Time: 2052-2129 GMT
f 8/18/73 . ..... ;-
Page' 1 of 3 ..........

230 20 52 h5 PLT Okay. Well, we can take a look in on this

scene and see what's going on in Skylab
today. We've been here about 22 days now and
this is our first real day off. We have to
accomplish a few chores that - uh - have
been outstanding for sometime. We had
thought we would show you one of them. You
notice we have here Captain Alan Bean getting
a haircut. A1 is the commander of this
flight, the leader of this mob. Every
mob's got a leader, you know. _he guy who's
working on him is 0wen Garriott, mad scientist,
disting_shed professor, from Oklahoma.
Looks like it's going pretty well. A little
hair getting•around but we've got a blower
up here that Owen is using now to brush the
hair into and it - uh - 9--

• 230 20"53 h7 CC ... The VTR is ... today. The ... Just
wanted to sure that wasn't it ... on

_" CDR Thank you for reminding us, Story. .

CC All righty.

230 20 5h 37 PLT Yeah. Well, what's going on here? We

thought we'd show you a few scenes from
Skylab. Here it is the 22nd day of
flight. It's our - uh - first real day
off and we thought we would show you one
of the things that goes on in here on a
day off. We've needed haircuts for quite
a while, so that's what's going on. Here's
Captain Alan Bean who is the - uh - the
leader Of this mod. Every mob has a leader
and - uh - distinguished professor and
math scientist, Owen Garriott, trimming his
hair. Doing pretty well too. He's a
flicking off the hair up with that little
blower up there. I might show you the tools
of the trade used in Skylab, much like you
might use on Earth - a little comb with a
razor in it. It seems to be working quite
F Dump Tape 230-05
Page 2 of 3

well. It's Just a plain old hair comb. We

also have some bandage shears, which - they
come out later when we have to patch him up.
Well, I can see it's not going to be a
professional job, but there's no waiting
when the price is right.

230 20 56 24 CC CDR, Houston. On the ATM console, we'd like

uh _ ..,

CDR Well, if you want to.

230 21 Oh 22PLT Yep.

230 21 04 40 PLT Well, here we are again, space fans. We

thought we'd drop back an - uh - see how it
goes after a while. It looks like - uh - it's
getting cut pretty short. A1, of course,
has always had his hair trimmed rather short.
In fact, in the Navy they used to call his
"skin head." Now we call him Captain. 0wen
is doinga greatJob. See we have all the
comforts of the modern barbershop; music in the
background. We're doing this in the - uh -
waste management compartment. Thought it
would be less of a mess this way. One of the
advantages, of course, of - uh - having your
hair cut in zero g i_ that you don't have
to sweep the floor. The hair doesn't fall
down. It doesn't even get on your shoulders.
It gets up in the a_r sometimes and you Just
vaccum it up like this. That's what I'm
doing - catching thi_ loose hair with the
vaccum cleaner. Doing a nice Job, Owen. You
might wonder why ge chose Owen to do this

230 21 05 47 SPT Yeah, why?

PLT Well, we figure you could always trust a

barber with a moustache.

SPT You know, I think I could learn to .... -

f Dump Tape 2B0-05
Page B of 3

230 21 06 Ol PLT Well, we'll come back and cheek on them

a little later and see how they're doing.
You know there aren't many folks that get
their hair cut at 18,O00 miles an hour.


230 21 24 19 PLT Well, here we are folks. Let's take a look

at the finished product - and see how its
going. Boy' That's a real improvement,
Owen. You did a great Job. A1 - looks like
that ought to last you a couple or more
weeks. We've got - uh - uh - another 5 or
6 weeks to go. Looks like Owen is next. You
may wonder why I'm wearing this funny cap.
You may think it's for communication. It's
not though. It's for protection.

230 21 2h 56 PLT I'm not going to let these bums cut my


Dump Tape 2S0-06
Time: 2138-2226 GMT
Page I of 4

230 21 38 h0 SPT Okay, this is the SPT talking about

v the last orbit. We did find the sec-
ond bright spot. It was much brighter
than the - uh - first bright spot used
which - uh - faded from a peak and sen-
sitivity of say 1500 and detector gray grat-
in view. In other words optical 6, down
to about 300 or so by the end of that
orbit - second orbit. I drafted completely
the building block II and i0. I then -
uh Just - uh picked up another bright 'spot -
uh - and ran a building block ii and a
modified i0. Its intensity was about
1500 counts. Pretty good at times. And
it was also - uh - perhaps worth noting,
that its physical location was off the end
a filament at H-alpha. There was no
H-alpha signature, but it was - say an
arc minute or so away from the silament.
More or less - uh -in the direction the
end of that filsment, - uh - suggesting
the possibility that it might be along
the - uh - magnetic neutral line itself.
f- And - uh - whetherthat'strue for
bright spots in general or even this one
in particular, I don't know, but it - uh -
uh - did appear to be related to the fila-
ment since it was along the extension of
the f_lament llne. End of message to the
ATM PIs and planner_.

230 21 39 58 SPT SPT, out.

230 22 17 19 PLT Hello space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is ATM debriefing on the
past run, - uh - number - beginning at -
uh - 21:2_. Ran off everything Just there -
uh -Just the way you like it. %'e - uh -
looked at the - uh - XUVmonitor - uh -
for the - uh - for the - uh - per - per-
sistant scope -persistant image scope,
and decided that your - uh - coordinates
had to be changed a little hit. We re-
versed all the signs, of course, 10,800, -
uh - minus 259, and a plus 558 for - uh -
Dump Tape 230-06
_ Page _ of 4

bright, but - uh - we changed the - uh -

up/down to a minus 70 because it appeared
to both Owen and myself that the - uh -
55 - uh - would not be - uh - taking data
in the coronal hole ff we took the coordi-
nates you gave us and so we - uh - moved
up a little bit. We - uh - attempted to -
uh - check out the position with the uh -
uh - number 3 detector near the end of the
run, but - uh - weren't able to get it
because we were too close to two parts
of the sunset. But we're confident
after looking through the persistant im-
age scope that - uh - we improved the
pointing, as far as the coronal hole was
concerned. So, the numbers we're going
with - uh - are: 10,800 roll, up/down mi-
nus 70, and right/left is plus 558. And
we'll he checking in with you on the next

230 22 20 06 CDR Stand by. I'll float down. No, you Just
keep doing anything. You run the ,..
r blockers, dive, stand in the middle, Just
do whatever you want. Just don't get
going too fast, so we won't bump into
each other.

230 22 20 17 CDR Do whatever you llke. Oh, yeah, we take

turns. I'ii - uh - I'll come down here -
soon as I take my thing off, I'll come
over here and, and kind of shine on
whom ever is doing something, with the TV,
try to hold it steady. And - and - uh -
after a few minutes, somebody - less than
a few minutes - somebody come over there -
there to replace me, and the other one in
a little while. So everybody get a
chance to do it. Just keep doing it, and
we'll get enough. I'm on A channel record.

230 22 20 h9 CDR Okay, go to VTR ON. You ready.

230 22 21 14 CDR You're now inside - uh - the experiment

compartment of our Skylab space station.
You can't tell it when you're inside, but
we're going 18,000 miles an hour and we're
270 miles above the Earth. We go around
Dump Tape 230-06
. Page .3 of 4

once every 93 minutes. But when you're

inside things are different. As you
can see, I'm floating. I'm not touching
anywhere. Uh - that's one of the things
that makes space sort of interesting.
It not only makes it interesting when
you're doing your scientific work, llke
we do on these medical experiments, not
only makes it interesting when you're
sleeping, like we do in the compartment
behind you, or in the wardroom, or the
head, but it's interesting when your
time's off and you got a little free
time on _our own. If you'll go upstairs,
we'll go upstairs now, let's take a look
at - uh - ome of the things we can do,
with zero gravity, when we're trying to
relax, take it easy.

230 22 22 08 CDR This compartment is much bigger than

below. It's larger than a large room
in a - your house.

•f 230 22 22 40 CDR No, it's okay. He'll get it mounted.

Think I'll take time out and make it

230 22 23 i0 CDR As you can see, it's a very big room. ,

It's about 20 feet in diameter and it's
even higher from the hole in the command
module down to the hole in the floor.
So there's a lot of things you can do.
For example, you can push out of the
hole in the co_-_nandmcdule, from the
c_mmand module area, and perform rolls
or tumbles all the way down to the floor.
You can go as fast as you like or as slow
as you like. We've got 25"stowage lockers
around the periphery of the vehicle.
And if ou give yourself a little
push, the same forces that will slide
your car to the outside of a turn, will
give you some traction so that you can
run around these lockers.
Dump Tape 230-06
_- Page h of h

230 25 55 CDR We can do stunts up here, that

_ists, and acrobats, and divers, •
have never been able to do on Earth.
Let's try a few.

230 22 27 05 SC ... Madrid for 13 and a half min.


Dump Tape 230-07
Time : 23h7-0126 OMT
_ Page 1 of 4

230 23 51 20 CDR We're on record .... Ready to go.

CDR Wish the hand mike worked. Okay.

230 23 51 54 CDR I'm going to eat.

CDR Huh?

230 23 52 07 PLT l0 o'clock, it's dark outside.

CDR Uh- huh.

ODE What the heck is going on - I Just got

tangled up.

CDR It can't be that pick up.

CDR Okay.

250 23_52 B4 PLT ... that's the spot.

CDR 0kay. Wait, what 's all that light

_- doing in that one corner. We need
that light dimmed. Hey, i didn't

PLT (whistling)

230 23 5h 14 CDE I_'m on A. Yeah. Okay. Yes/u, don't

say too much. Okay. Well, I -

CDR Where am I - am I in the picture?

Holding too high. Don't move it now,
I've got it Just right. Am I in the
picture- completely?

CDR Okay

230 23 5h 53 ODE Why don't you tip it down, Just a

little. Wonder how it got there?
•.. Okay.

SPT 0kay, are you guys ready?

ODE Not yet, not yet. We found a

bright object.
Dump Tape 230-07
Page 2 of 4

230 23 55 12 CDR Okay, looks good Jack, come on in.

Wait a minute, let me see where I
am. I'm right here. Wait a minute,
wait a minute _ we gotta have some

CDR Okay, Just come on in, O. Wait a

minute, wait a minute. Start her
running, O. Let me know when you
got it running.

230 23 55 42 SPT It's running

CDR Okay, good; come on in.

230 23 55 53 CDR Okay, here we are back in Skylab.

We're above the earth now, 270 miles,
and we're going 18,000 miles an hour.
And it's time to clean up. We've
had same hard days up here, "we worked
hard. Normally we take a - ih - a
washrag type bath with a towel and a
washrag, in w_st_ _r,mpr_tment there
but it's Saturday night and I think it's
time to take a shower. So Jack's
gonna give us one. Let me zhow you how
we do it. First of _ll, we gotta get
some water from some,_nere. We use this
device right here. _'t's not unlike a
squirter that you on your f_m_ ly
sink. Matter of fact, this nozzle
design was taken from a fsm_ly sink
squirter. You push the trigger the
water comes out. Okay, how about some
soap, Jack, you're gonna need that.

PLT Got some right here.

230 23 56 44 CDR Okay, here's some soap. It's

special. It won't clog up the
filters. We catch every bit of the
water, put it back in a bag and
throw it out into the spacecraft
down inside the big tank below us.
This soap is a special kind. Push
here and comes out there. It's a

f- liquiddetergent.
Dump Tape 230-07
P_ge 3 of ._

230 23 58 01 CD% And then lastly, how do you get

the water off of you? We got a
vacuum-cleaner type syringe. Got
a suction on it, water will come
off Jack down to here and into a
bag. So his procedure is this.
Ee's gonna get inside, bring up
his shower, then he's gonna
use the squirter to get wet, soap,
vacuum to get dry. And wet, vacuum
wet, vacuum, umtil he's used up all
the water he's got, which is up in
this little tank right here, which
is about three quarts. So, we'll
leave Jack to his own devices, here.
Don't forget to to take off your
clothes, Jack. Leave Jack to his
own devices and see how it comes

230 23 58 05 CDR We'll be back in a few minutes

to see how it's doing. Okay,
Owen, cut.

SPT Okay, it's off.

SPT It's off.

230 23 58 23 CDR J_ck, ... I'll come back ...

230 23 58 hh SPT There you go.

231 01 21 35 CDR You got your towel?

231 01 21 42 PLT It's running off.

CDR Okay. You don't want a dry

one now, do you?

PLT ... dry.

231 G1 21 53 CDE Remember that's looking down

your bucket, so you got keep
it Up a little high til you slow
down. Okay. Otherwise they're
going to see your pants. You gotta
/- keep that up a little high, or we'll
see you got your pants on to
Dump Tape 230-07
Page h Of

begin with. Owen! I got to

call him on comm (whistle) God,
he's always got something he's
gotta be - yeah.

CDR Here he comes. (whistle)

SPT ... Which one? Okay.

231 Ol 23 20 CDR Okay, spaeefans here we are again.

Jack is just finishing up his
shower. Let me start that again.
Here we are, spacefans. Jack is
- Just finished his shower, he's
taken quite a long time, roughly
- roughly 35 minutes. He's - it
did/%'t take that long to wash,
because he's washing not only
himself but the inside of the
container so the water won't all
get out when he pulls the down.
It Just takes time. Come on out,
Jack. How did it feel?

PLT Great ...

CDR Great. (laughter) I want to

congratulate you, too, on your
new record - world record-breaking
shower. (Laughter) It took 35
minutes which is - really is
about 15,000 miles, so I think
he's taken the longest shower
in the history of the world.
(laughter0 if that's any
consolation to you. You look
clean, though.

PLT Well, in this place, you can't

help but get clean somehow.

231 01 2h 30 SPT I'll go turn it off.

231 01 25 02 _LT Is it off?


Dump Tape 231-01
Time : 0155-0305 GM2
Page 1 of 3

231 01 56 B2 cDR Hey, you guys talking about the ... in

there ?

PLT Yeah .... I Just put it in TV, 0wen.

Went over there to check the TV.

CDR All right. That's true. A good thing

to do.

CDR Jack's in there.

CDR You got a towel? You got one?

CDR You got everything you need to be happy.

PLT Yea! Yea!

CDR Clean that ...

PLT Anything on?

231 01 57 i_ CDR No, they'll be on in a minute. O. - Owen's

going upstairs right now.

PLT You've got the ...?

231 01 57 18 CDR We're ready now. T_dng's going to blink

on and we're in biz I'll tell you one
thing that'll have to blink on - that's
if I plug it in. Okay?

PLT What 'll blink on?

CDR ... you know, when the thing comes on.

231 01 57 42 CDR I'Ii have a video. A little thing in video.

CDR At the engine type performance by Jack

Lous -

PLT Ought to ... about six times.

CDR All right, let's go. Kick her on.

CDR No. Wonder why it's ...

F" PLT Hey - hey!

Dump Tape 231-01
Page 2 of 3

PLT It 's on.

231 01 58 35 CDR Okay, we're back again at the shower. It's

been 35 minutes and - uh - Jack is - hasn't
spent most of that time washing - he spent
a good percentage of it wiping up the water
that had been inside. Not wiping up, but
using the vacuum. Uh - He first vacuumed
himself as you recall, 2 or 3 times and
then he came and vacuumed the inside of
the - uh - of the tank. So how's it doing
in there, Jack?

PLT Great. I 'm already coming out.

CDR Come out, then.

CDR You look good.

PLT Oh boy, I feel better, too.

CDR Clean Marine.

PLT Yes, sir.

231 O1 59 07 CDR I want to congratulate you too, Jack, on

your new world recor_l - uh - it took about
B5 minutes and near as I can figure, that's
about 15,000 miles you travelled, so you
may have had the longest shower (laughter)
in the history of mm:kind.

FLT It was ... shower.

CDR It was, huh?

2B1 O1 59 26 CDR Okay, that's it. (Laughter)

231 02 45 13 CDR This is the - this is the CDR - uh - I

Just attempted a photograph with no luck
at all. The area was overcast except for
a small hole off to the northwest. I
took a picture of the hole right on time
• as suggested by the pad, but I have no
hope that - uh - it will result in anything.
I Just pointed with the 500-millimeter
- uh - nine - 300-millimeter Hasselblad.

D_np Tape 231-01
Page 3 of 3

But - uh - I'd saY it was not successful

and should be done over again sometime
with a better window.

231 02 45 h3 CDR CDR out.

231 03 01 56 SPT Info for the biomed people, M092 PI's

in particular. Dr. Johnson ... (loud
music) The serial numbers on our blood
pressure cuffs used on the LBNP are
as follows: serial number II is the
one currently in use and has been for

231 03 02 15 SPT We have serial number 5 standing by in

case we have a back-to-back run and the
first one is sweaty. However - uh - we
haven't had to use it for sometime. We
may have used serial number 5 soon after
- or early in our mission up here. But
if so, it was only for a run or two and
- uh - I cannot recall for sure whether
F or not that we did. So serial number ii
is the basic one th'_t we are using now;
5 is stand by.

231 03 02 40 SPT SPT with informatio_ for the biomed people

at JSC.

"_b_" _?_'-199 _ r"_
• _.Fe 1 of I
8Iio 173 //

,<_ 12 _7 05 ,_PT ,"_legPT on channel A, recording a note

to - _h - Jack }'inF ru_d Jae_ ni!ev over
in - Uh - :_u_olle_f_.!rs-o_'f_ce nt
Jobmson _paee Center. T"n - Just thought
I m_gtt s_ge_
"' • -÷ to you fellows the
_OSSl _.__._._Znat ti_e - %th - ven- uh -
•,r?ose n,_[, are _dentJfled _s helnF - uh -
sort of a specie! day on g]'ylah, - uh - for
ex_J_ple, toc]_v was _ed _uras, snd - uh -
I'm sure he ks,s others listed. Tq_ - mirht
be _DDro)_rlate to h_ve some little mention
or - uh - short note msde - s_ort note
made of t_eir contri_utlon to
_ylab, _ %th - _Pylab in _oundup. T don't
know - uh - whether you Drovide any of the
inrnlts to _oundu_, but - uh - i_
you u_ do, vhy - uh - perhaps you
eo_].d cons_er that. Yf not, DerhaD_
you eoul_ get _n contact _¢Ith the e_itors
over ,,he_e 8nd %t_ - make that - that
su_estlog_l 19 77 _
PU%IIc _ffalrs _ffice at Johnson, from
the e_.
D_np Tape 231-03
Time: 1347 to 1445 GMT
Page 1 of 3

231 13 50 27 PLT Okay, space fans; this is Jack on

Channel A. Debriefing the last ATM
run, which - uh - began at - uh -
12:54. We got some'TV down-links to
make up my observing time. We ran
off the - uh - next three building
blocks, Just as everybody had hoped
we might. And I _ot that completed.
So there's no unusual - nothing
unusual _o report there. As I mentioned
on the TV down-link _!ready, that I saw
a very, very tennuous, faint prominence
at 050 extending approximately 60 arc
seconds off the llmb. Wewere able to
Just barely detect it here by sharpening
up our contrast hrighterer. Apparently
it was too faint for you to get with
your ground equipment. We'll keep
_ watching that. One other thing I 're
noticed - uh - is in the corona. I
daily - in the morning making a sketch
on our transparant sketching disk, a
sketch of the corona. And nnless I
missed it yesterday, there appears to
be a - a - uh - sort of a brightening
at about 300 on the - on the Sun. The
brightening that I did not record
yesterday, it looks like it may develop
into a - a ray. It is - uh - more
northerly than the pronounced ray that's
been at 270 for some time. This one
is - uh - approximately, as I said,
east northeast or BOO on the Sun.
Just a little and a
extension out into the corona and - uh -
we'll keep watching it and make some
pics ef it. Perhaps it'll develop into
something - uh - uh - that we haven't
seen before, in the last few days.

231 13 52 45 PLT So that's all I gat to - uh - report

on and - uh - see you next rev. Thank
yOU •
D_np Tape 231-03
"- --Page 2 of 3

231 13 55 04 PLT Okay, here are the PRD readings. CDR,

201; SPT, 083; PLT - 201, 083, 184.

231 13 55 38 PLT And - uh - here's Jack for one more

note for the - uh - ATM world. I
noticed when the Sun went down this
time that 82A - uh - door's tailback
is - stays white. I'll try to go to
CLOSED 8_nd see what happens. I think
I already tried that and it worked.
Also, the - uh - exposure - uh -
talkback stayed to gray.

231 13 58 46 SPT Okay, SPT on channel A, getting set

for the S063 run.

SPT First photograph is 14:01:30, 1 second.

231 14 00 13 SPT Too d_mn good.

SPT Son of a bitch.

231 14 Ol 25 SPT Okay, transcriber, please cut out my

last remark. I forgot I was on
channelA - in RECORD- so it could
be amitted: stud scratched 9r_m the
record. I gotta figure out what's
going on here.

231 14 04 57 SPT Okay, here's the debriefing of the

attempt of S063 for Drs. Packer and
Wally Teague and Jack Lew in Johnson
Spacecraft Center. I Just have been
set up for S063 in an attempt to
photograph the - uh - twilight horizon
with Nikon 02, film cassette BV-13.
I have the timer all set up. After we -
st - managed to get the windows opened
and s]] aligned, I found that there was
no convenient place to mount the bracket.
I simply had to go handheld on the thing.
And then, in putting the timer on, it
may have been that the knob on the back
of the camera body was slightly out of
position T. It was not over into C,
which I believe means continuous, but it

f .
-- Dt_p Tape 231-03
Psge 3 of 3

might have beenslightly out of T.

And when I turned the timer on, the
camera went into a continuous cycling.

231 lh 06 16 SPT Now, I only had about i0 frames left

to begin with, and by the time I had
it stopped, it was essentially at the
"end of the film. So, therefore, I had
no film remaining from the cassette
Bravo Victor-13, with which to take any
photographs. Therefore, we're writing
this run has been - uh - unsuccessful.
And I would like to have it rescheduled
ags/n at the next opportlmlty. And for
231 lh 06 51 SPT the flight planners, I would like to
have a bit more time for preparation for
S063. I think - uh - I hurried too much
this morning, although that was not a factor
in my - uh - messing up the opportunity.
Uh - We'll Just have to reschedule it and
do it again right the next time. And with
information for the S063 PIs, Wally Les4_ue,
and Jack Lew.

231 14 07 31 SPT Message out.

231 14 19 28 SPT Okay, SPT, recording on channel A, with

additional information for S063 PIs and
the - uh - Wally League, Jack Lew. Uh -
with Nikon pl - uh - still using the old
cassette CXI2, whicl we intend to change
out promptly, uh, there may be about - uh -
six or eight colore0 photographs of the
sunrise. Uh'- They were done - uh - at
infinity, f/l.2, and either 1-second or
i/2-second - uh - exposure - uh - with -
uh - no filter on the front and the -
uh - 55-millimeter visible lens. So -
uh - we'll take a loc,k on this cassette,
to see if we managed to get any.

231 lh 20 06 SPT Uh - this is the cassette that is now

functioning at the moment, in terms of
the frame numbers; so - uh - don't know
• exactly what frame these will be on, except
that they should be at the end of the roll.

_' 1502-1620 GMT
8/19/73 (,h
Page i of 2 _I
231 15 _ 03 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack - uh -
with - uh - one cc_me_t on the - uh - A_M
_aBa that's currently in prOgr_B. I
started it, and I gave you a full start -
uh - Just before - uh - ESR, so - uh - I.
stopped it and then I started it over
again, and that's the reason for a few
extra frames getting shot off.

231 15 37 19 SPT This is the SPT on channel A recording

information about the 14092,93, run on
the PLT

231 15 37 M1 CDR

231 15 38 53 SPT Just to.doublecheek - I wanted to -_e

sure you it.

231 15 _] 56 SPT And -uh - another -,_ - -uh -

we want to - uh
DumpTape 231-01+
_-'- Page 2 of 2

231 15 57 58 SPT


23.1.16 17 15 SPT

_: i _*D OF TAPE -i
r,J: !


.'_ _.

.... - i
,. ! 0
+--- :._i

Dump Tape 231-05
Time : 1639-1704 GMT
8119/73 .......
Page 1 of 3

231 16 41 03 SPT (_ay, on channel A, SPT recording

information about the - uh - visual
observations and -uh - photography
of - uh - Straits of Magellan. Uh -
this information goes to the EREP
officers. And - uh - any other
interested in the visual observation.
Uh - it would have - your forecast
was not. complete but everything looks
pretty good. Uh - it looked like -
uh - to the west of the Andes. Uh -
there was probably nine-tenths cloud
covering and to the east - uh - more
llke - uh - three-tenths, two or three-
tenths. And also, there was a great
deal - good deal of snow -11 over the
mountains and it took - uh - fairly
close inspection. In same canes to
distinguish the clouds frc_ snow. I
expect the photographs, with the
Has_elblad, which is the only thing
I used, will be - uh - much better
information then that which I mm
able - uh - to relste - uh - verbally.
Uh - for example, I couldn't see
that there was any particular depression
to the - to the Andes. Although it did
look llke - uh - tLe terrain was fairly
low - uh - with - uh - a couple of
ridges extending east-west. Uh - the
canyons - uh - near the Santa Cruz
River, did not' particularly unique. Its
Just that the terrain c_e fairly rapidly
from the Andes, apparently. The cloud
pattern that - uh - was, as I mentioned
before, principally to the - uh - west
of the Andes with relatively little
clouds to the - uh - east side of
the Andes.

231 16 41 48 SPT Pardon me.

231 16 42 03 SPT On the - uh - uh - sighting a waterfall

we took that there did appear to be a
fair -mount of the land that had - uh -
D,anp Tape 231-05 ---
Psge2 of 3 . -

washed down out of the mountains,

and could be seen - uh - as a brownish
coloring as it - ul_ - ran out into
the ocean .... Santa Cruz River hut
from several of the other rivers
around there also. And looks like
there might have been a flow pattern
from Pacific into the Atlantic also.
I don't'know whether that - uh - flow
reverses itself everyday or whether
or not there's sort of continuous
flow with the current. But it looks E
like there might have been a flow o
from the Pacific toward the Atlantic _q
to the Strait. And - uh - that's about -_
,,11 the visual information I have to ,_
report. Uh - the photographs I took
before - uh - should be quite a bit
better. And I did slip over %o - un -
the other STS window - uh - ... it
will be number 4, I think. Uh - took
one photograph - uh - up to the north
along the - uh - ... to the Argentina,
which - uh - might also be interesting
terrain photograph.

231 16 43 0C SPT End of message to the - uh - EREP

officer and other interested in vis,,_1

231 16 50 21 CDR Okay, this is the CDR brief - debriefing

ATM run. Uh - I started a little bit
before 6, at sunrise as I mentioned to
you on, by the way, this is for the
ATM science troup. Start - uh - before
detected surnise. I got a quit doing
that ... Uh - and - uh - I started
a little bit before sunrise. I Just kept
x_,nn_ug - uh - on the advice of y',33
and the Cap Comm, as you know. Every-
thing else went normal. I went down
at - uh - 82A. We're shooting wavelength

shortage experiment _0 seconds. And I

think in one case, somewhere in there,
I made an exposure that was not 40 seconds
long but was in fact probably 20 seconds
Dm_p Tape 231-05 .....
Page 3 of 3

'long. This clock counts backwards

up here and when I subtracted 30, I
then subtract another 10. And - uh -
I went around the wrong way mentally
on %he clock. So, for example, if I
start at 45 and counted down to 15, I
should have stopped at 5, but I made
it - let it go 15, 20, 25, so I stopped -
at 25. 'So actually we got 20 second
exposure. But you'll be able ... that.
I think the rest of it went real well.

231 16 00 h5 CDR Uh - that's for the ATM last run. CDR, _


231 16 59 57 PLT Ray, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A. Subject is M_09, battery '-

231 17 O00B SC ..,

231 17 00 05 PLT Battery 7 started its recharge at

17:00. Battery 6 terminated at that
stone time. And the appropriate PSF
throttlers have been topped off.

231 17 00 22 SO So long, Lou.

Dump Tape 231-06
Time : 1831-2043 GMT
/-'_ Page I of 3

231 18 30 54 CDR Okay, this is the CDR debriefing the last

ATM run. Everything went well - uh - e_ept
that apparently I didn't do - uh - the third
S054 - uh - exposure, Which was an M20F64.
I thought I did hut I guess I got docked
up in that - that demonstrateion there
to the ground TV down-llnk. So I went
back - I wasn't sure whether it was a 6 or a 2,
so I did a - and 6 and a 2 and - uh -
it went bask to - uh - ... sun center.
Then I went back to building block 2 and
I had already a 10F6 256, and so I tried
to get in the 30564 and couldn't make
it before - uh - we went - uh - into
darkness, - so I turncated that and - uh -
that's where we stand.


231 20 37 23 PLT okay, space fans. This is Jack on

channel A. The subject is T020. We're
about to beg_n the _ma. Al's go_ _h_
backpack mounted. He's -uh - on the FCMU.
He's made his thruster checkout. The - uh -
camera has been checked out, and we're at
the point where we're ready to undock
with the FCMU. So I go down here
and I - uh - release the lower latches, and
you do as I say. Okay, we're in RELEASE
Now what you need to do is raise the
dock/ng latch, and I onlock the FCMU RELEASE.
(_ay. Okay, squeeze the FCMU RELEASE,
grip the handlebars, and torque up and
out of the mounting fixture. I'll position
you in the center of the workshop. They
haven't told me to turn them on yet
for some reason. Oh, it must be they _nt
tO save film since we don't do it until -
uh - we start our first run. Okay, there
you are. You're looking good, AI.
f_ Dump Tape 231-06
Page 2 of 3

231 20 38 48 PLT Ckay, here's what we're going to do. I'll

position you in the center of the workshop.
verl -verify seat height adjustment. Uh -
what you do di - uh - come over here with
me. This is where I mess around with
you - uh - foot height, okay? Okay.
I'm going to get out of the way of the
thrusters, if _ou don't mind. And c_m-mnd
a plus - wait a minute after you co-_ud
this - during when you - uh - @_m"nd in
plus - Z translatelon you verify the
shoeplates do not slide forward on a foot
controller and that the tendency to pitch
the toes up or down is m4ni-_, Okay, -
uh - do a plus Z. Okay. Now do it - Try
it again. Don't - don't do it, Just -
Okay, I wanted to - verify that - uh - your -
uh - toes don't pitch up or down necessarily.
How do you feel? Do you feel @omfortable -
uh - pushing now without - Do you feel like
you're - uh - when _u push - -

231 20 40 Ii CDR ... need to be tsll*.r.

231 20 _0 13 PIT You need to be taller. Okay. He needs

to he taller. I pulled the release -
seat height. That'_ so herd I've got
to hsve three _ands to do that. A little
tell. Okay, there's one right in the
m_ddle. In fact, I could - uh - I got
some mQre yet. Now how does that feel
when you do a plus ZY Does it feel like
you want to - uh - rock your - uh - rock
your feet to give y,_ur some - uh -
coz_e_ts you don't want like - uh -
rotational c_and? Verify that the
shoeplates are not _liding forward.
Push down and see i_ you slide forward.
NO, they don't slide f_. They
don't rotate either. Okay, now let's do
& minus Z and verify that they do not slide
forward and - uh - that the tendency to pitch
your toes up or down is min_-ml. Do it
up and do the same thing. Do it ...
0k_7, straight up. It looks llke the
adjustments sre pretty good, A1. It
]x_9 Tripe 231-06
Page 3 of 3

doesn't look like your - uh putting

any pitch c_ds in when - uh -
You feel like your not doing anything
hut plus - uh - Z, huh? Okay. Well, ...
mightbe ...

218 20 _I _7 PLT Yeah, the - uh - settings we got - uh -

are those that were- uh - origin-lly
set in as per checklist. We have no
change thus far in the - uh - the - uh -
rotation of the thrusters or in the - uh -
position of the foot controller, from
that which is in the checklist. Okay.
I'm supposed to work these with both
hands to m,_k_,, sure that they - up and
down is - is about the same. I'm supposed
to work the *** which is a fourhanded
operation. I'm supposed to verify if
the forces up and down are about the
same. The left one was. Beats me.
It looks like the right one is okay, too.
I don't know. Maybe there might be
some launch problem or something.
Ckrv ...... ._ - _._" - -_.,_ don't need to cha_ge
the forces on the - uh - foot controllers.
They seem to be equal in both directions
on both feet. You reed to verify that
the toe-ln adJustmen_ is comfortable.

218 20 _3 20 PLT Okay, I'm going to voice record the

height adjustment ic ...
Tape 231-07
Time: 20_2-212_ C_ _" _._
_-_. P_e 1 of 20 *

231 20 1_2 ).2 Fr_,T Okay.

PLT I'm supposed to work these with

_oth hands to ._ke sure that the
upper belt (static) about the

PLT Supposed to work these N this

is a four-handed operation.

PLT I'm supposed to verify if the

force is up and down or about
the same.

231 20 _2 50 PLT The - the left one was. Beats me

it looks like the right one's
ok_7. too. I don't know - _aybe
there' d be some launch problem or
something. Oksy, we - uh - we
don't - uh - need to change the -
u - forces of the - uh foot
_ controller. They - uh - seem to
'be eq..1 in - uh - both directions
on both feet. You need to verify,
the controlling adjustment as
comfortable. Okay. And I'm going
I;ovoice record the ... adjustment,
be's got it at 50-50 in the seat
now, A1. Do you want that changed
at all?

CDR ...

PLT Now this thing is really slld up

on your back here.

CDR ...

231 20 h3 32 PLT And - uh - nov this snap has come

lose and it - uh - looks llke what
• you've done is you've tightened up
the shoulder strap and - uh - uh -
well, this Is - we're 2 inches above
_p Tape 231-07
Page 2 of 20

your now, and - uh - it says

to be one. Now if you feel you
comfortable that way, I'd
ree.--_._ndleaving it that way.

CI_R ...

PLT Okay.

PLT I'd do it in three-handed operation.

CDR .., for - uh - 8 minutes.

231 20 _ 19 PLT Now that's about an inch, a little

more than an inch, really. " Yeah,
it's a little more than an inch
but - uh - I think it's going
to be okay. About an inch and a
_If. Does it feel comfortable for
you? Okay, now I have a long strap
here sr_where, which I don't see

231 20 _ _ PLT t_ - yeah .... what I'm looking

for. What did'Ja say came off?
NO, that e--_ lose, is what happened.
I got to tighten it up because I've
tightened the - uh - the back

PLT Okay, now you gotta come back down

here and we're going to - uh -

CC Skylab, Houston. We've got ...

8 m_nutes here to G,,_,and ...

PLT Just a m4-ute - now we can

PLT ...

PLT AI, ...

231 20 _6 06 PLT Tell him I'm going to have to

modify this.
D_p Tape 231-07
Page 3 of 20

PLT _ow, I'm _tting it on my

hack ... It didn't say that but
I'm gonna hook it to the rear
braker, hut I can do that if you

CDR ...

PLT Right down here. Nope, it ' s

going through the _ack or -
hs_k_pack. How the purpose of
thls is to keep - -

231 20 _6 _ PLT Yeah, _oy that thing is hot.

CDR ...

PLT No, not the _attery it's the

- uh - the connection - uh -
ma_be they got a heater in there
or something. That's what they
got I _etcha, the heater where the
_ - uh - the - uh - where the uh
back PSS meets into the - uh - uh
_bilical going down to foot
... is hot! Now _hat's something
I never knew about. Did you ever
know about this?

CDR .. °

PLT ... propellant

CDR ... 30 seconds or so.


CDR ...

231 20 h7 36 PLT I don't know but boy that's

hot. That's what it is.

PLT Here let me give you something

to grab on to. Come Over here
a_Idha_4 on to -
Dmnp Tape 231-07
Page _ of 20

CDR ... about that?

PLT . Yeah.

CDR Cause that thing is hot ...

231 20 _7 50 PLT Yeah, that doggone thing

doesn't help.

CC Hello, Houston - uh - how do

you read?

SPT .ee

CC Ck_7, stand by.

231 20 _9 40 CC PLT - uh - Houstou. We ...

electrical ... on that. We would
not be surprised ... Over.

PLT Okay. Thank you very much.

CC Okay°

PLT ...

231 20 _9 _7 CC I'm sorry if that was for me,

Jack, I didn't get it

PLT ...

231 20 _9 56 CC Roger. We are few seconds and

I'll let you know when you can
get it back.

PLT Okay, here we are hack again,

space fans. Uh - we - uh - Ikm't
do that, AI. Oke_. I didn't
know if you sew it or not. Uh -
we have - uh - had to check with
Houston on - uh - the temperature
of the Solenoid ... it's quite
hot and - uh - the - uh - only
that it's - uh - n_minal. It's -
uh - being ...
Dump Tape 231-07
Page 5 of 20

CC PLT, Houston ....

PLT " 0kay. We got our tape recorder

back, he says, and we' re ready
to go again.

PLT Take up on checklist here at -

uh - Gkay - uh - now we verify -
•.. head adjustment comfortable,
voice record the ... _e've done
that.- uh - at - uh - 50 at ...
Right? And - uh - now the - uh -
open your cllp, AI. Verify a
thruster block adjustment, stabilize
test power were desired. Initiate
upon Z translation and note eny
pitch and roll due to - uh - CZ
offset. Adjust the thruster blocks
as required to minimize pitch and
roll due to CZ off set, repeat.
Okay, now l'm going to stabilize you
and you're supposed to - uh - make a
_- plus Z - uh - few -

CDR ...

231 20 51 58 PLT Oh, I see. Okay, that way -

very well.

PLT What head on that thing there.


CC ... 25 seconds from - uh - G,_,,

L0_. We're going to see you at
Vanguard at 21: 33 •••

231 20 52 29 PLT Okay, now -

231 20 52 33 PLT Due a plus Z, pure plus Z,

nothing else.

231 20 52 _5 PLT You're pitching down huh?

D-nT Tape 231-07
Page 6 of 20

PLT Oh, okay, give you a pitch

down so we got to - uh -
rotate the thrusters a little
bit. Uh, - we got to rotate 'era
this way. Okay, now I'm going
have to go and get - uh -

PLT Hang out of the - uh - thing,

there will you? I gotta get the
pliers cause - uh - they - uh,
ther_ we go, I don't have to get a
pliers. Okay, I'm going to rotate
'eraplus - uh - down to - uh - that
was at 7 how about if I go. to 9?
Hard to know. I got to 9. Okay,
the left one's at 9. let me get
the right one. Okay, Houston -
uh - that gave him a little bit
of a pitch down when he did that
- uh - Z translation. He did - uh
- up Z that's plus Z, I helieve.
Is that the way the action says
AIT Plus Z he did and he got a
little bit of a pitch down so
I've adjusted the thruster
position from 7 to 9. Now we gotta
try it again.

231 20 5_ 0_ PLT Give me a minus Z? Oh, Okay.

He did a minus Z to begin with
and he had a pitch down, RightY

CDR ...
PLT Okay, now's he's going to do a
plus Z Yeah

PLT He like ' s it. He like ' s it,

se_s perfect. Yon got - you
got a little of - hit uh - left
yex, hut I don't think we can do
anything about that.

PLT Okay. Okay, the - uh - thruster

blocks are set at 9. The thruster
blocks are set at 9, I had to
voice record that. Okay, now we're
going into run 1, and - uh - don't
Dump T_pe 231-07
Page 7 of 20

begin any maneuvers at less

than 300 PSI. Uh- _e've gone
over the rest of the ground

231 2- 55 OT PLT Okay, and - uh - we want to

_olce record uh at - uh - l_m
on_ has started - uh - PSS is
reading - uh - Let me go find
that in the _e.

231 20 55 26 PLT ... run it throueh there on

your left side. PSB is
starting out at 2_00 psi. And
- uh - we want to verify _'re
in frame rate 2 and we ere
verified. And - uh - that my
DACe remote controll cable in
@ _etter place. Just hold on
there for a _-ute, A1. Hold
on to the ...

7f_ FLT Okay, we're set on 2 with that.

Sure wish there was a better
place for that. but I think right
there will hsve to do.

PLT I can't bring it over here.

PLT I got a short strip here, I'II

hold it up.

PLT Then _e go around without few

extra straps.

231 20 57 26 PLT Okay.

PLT Okay, I'm going to describe what

goes on. I read the - uh - cn,,,_ts
that ought to he - uh - pertinent.
Okay, we're going to gO and do
attitude ehan6e and hold
meteors o

PLT Alright, after I gi_ you the

MARK. Right? Okay. Now l'm
Dump T_pe 231-07
Page 8 of 20

going to go - take you out

here and position you head
toward T027, facing the ...
Oke_. Now I'm going to have to
position you up - -

CDR ...

PLT - - here or so.

PLT What way_

PLT Okay, let me get my foot in

over here sc_ewhere .... in
the triangle out I'll use it

231 20 58 5_ PLT Don't break that TV camera. You

feel comfortable here? Okay,
-letme stabilize you. You feel
like you're horizontal and all
that ?

231 20 59 15 PLT Okay, now I go over here and I

- when I say MARK.

PLT Are you ready_

231 20 59 28 PLT Okay, MARK; camera's on, thls is

D,,m_er 1 You can hegin the

PLT I know about the lights in the

back. Yeah, I hear it x,m-ing but
- in a grinding light. There's
a hole in the side, too, but it's
not a_y place I cam see it. Okay,
I've Just got to position you
again. Okay. Camercas are ON.

231 21 00 i0 CDR MARK.

231 21 O0 I0 PLT MARK. Maneuver heginn.'

PLT Okay, he's pitching at about

- uh - 10 degrees a second, I'd

Du_ Tape 231-07
Page 9 of

se_. Pitching up, looks like - -

looks 1_e he got a little yaw
to the left or it may have _een
induced to begin vith. He's
_1_st 90 de_rees nov to Where
he wants to stop. Okay. He's
stopping his


231 21 OOS_ PLT MARK. He's stopped his me_euver.

Stand by for ten. Okay, he's
stabilizing himself. He' s
d_ifting downward in the Workshop
a little bit.

CDR Ten seconds.

PLT Ten ten seconds.

231 21 O0 _8 PLT MARK. He's beginning his -

his d_nward pitch. He's getting
_k a little loWer in the vorkshop.
He's about - uh - 3 feet off the
deck noW, as - whereas he started
- uh - about 6 feet off the deck.
He has a little yav to the light,
now he'e almost to a 90 degree
position, vhere he be_n. And
he's gonna stop his maneuver now.


231 21 Ol l_ I_LT MARK. Okay, he's - uh - yaw so

he's almost face up nOW; he'S
stabilizing himself. Okay, that's
about i0 seconds, AI. Okay, he's
- _ - you tell me when you're
ready for camera's off.

_R Okay.

231 21 01 36 PLT MARK. Cameras off. Okay, I

came back out here aud I do this
all over again. _ got it right
hoe, right?
Dump Tape 231-07
Page I0 of 20

PLT I'm going to wait for you to

give me that stabilizing - uh -
when you feel llke you've
stabilized. Th_t'll be - -

CDR ...

231 21 _ 05 PLT Yeab. Okay, now I have to - uh

u voice record this pressure here.
The pressure is - uh - 2300
PSI. The camera is checked to
_e off. And I already stabilized
you here. You got a little quote
for the - uh S019 ...

PLT Okay, you're pretty stable there.

Now what l'm gonna do is try to
fasten this thing to me.

PLT It broke.

PLT AI. we gotta figure out a better

way. Come over here and held
yourself for a minute, will ya?
Hang on there. I've gotta get
this camera so it's on me.

231 21 03 4_ PLT Now I'll see if it's any hetter.

A better way than - instead of
having to run over there everytime.
I'm goana have this thing where I
can fake it.

PLT _ay I'm Just gonna pe_-ently

afix _self right here, AI. Okay,
let go, here we go again.

231 21 0_ 31 PLT Okay, here we go with - uh -

would you call that a successful
maneuver, AI? Okay, that was
successful _neuver. We're - uh
- back facing the film vault again.
I've got A1 stabilized for a second
m--_uver, pitch up. Okay, AI.

231 21 04 49 PLT MARK. Camera's on. Okay.

Dump Tape 231-07
Page 11 of 20

231 21 0b 56 PLT MARK. Maneuver beginning, he's

pitching up. Pitching up. Okay,
he'S al_ost 90 degrees now.

PLT MARK, oh, excuse me. Stand by.

231 21 05 13 PLT MARK. That's the mark. Okay,

hels stabilizing, wait I0 seconds.

PLT I will

231 21 05 23 PLT MARK. Ten seconds.


231 20 05 27 PLT Oksy, MARK.

PLT He's starting his maneuver back.

Pitching - uh - down. Seems to
be holding his position quite well
this time. Yaw to the right a
little hit. And he's -
f --

231 20 05 _2 PLT MARK. He's continuing to y_x to

the right. He's stabillz Ing himself
now. He_s also gotta a - a little
roll left, drifted up in the
workshop about - uh - 2 feet
a_ove where he _e_n. How he's
correcting his roll, and - uh -
okay, camera's off. Okay.
Successful m--curer. Had two
successful pitches. And - uh -
looks like you do quite a bit of
.tumping with your feet when you
put those - uh - - uh - controls
in, A1. Is there - uh - some
particular - uh - control which
is more difficult to put in
than another?

PLT OE_7. l_,ll_nghis seat up is - ub

- ub - I noticed that he puts
a lot more force or acceleration
into the - uh - into the - uh -
leg motion. He really Jerks up.
Dump Tape 231-07
Pa6e 12 of 20

You can really see his - uh -

feet Jerp up when he does that.
How about any others, AI? Is
the down okay? 0kay, it' s only
when he tries to translate
upward that he puts a real Jerking
motion. Now this is a roll, A1.

CDR ...

231 21 07 01 PLT Roll right and then roll left.

Uh - held pitch and ... It doesn't
say which ray the pictures go -
shows -uh - ... we gonna have
pitching up toward the camera or
facing up toward the camera for
this. The - uh - pictures, a
little amhigious. And what we want
you to do is to roll. Okay, we'll
fix you on the - uh - ... of the
workshop. And - uh - you backpack
__ is horizontal to the deck now in
this new position. And - uh - I
stop you here.

231 21 07 _8 PLT Stand by. Camera's on; camera's


231 21 07 57 PLT MARK. There the roll maneuver

begins; he's rolling right. Say
left yaw or right? He gave it a
little right yaw there on - you
didn't mean to, is that what you're
saying? He meant - he gave it'll
a little left yaw take it out, he's
-!_ost 90 degrees - looks like a
nice, nice roll maneuver.


231 21 08 22 PLT MARK. He's stabilized at his

90 degrees. Now he's gonna -
Dump Tape 231-07
Page 13 of

CDR ...
PLT Ok_7, he's rising slowly, that's
- uh - i0 seconds. Ten seconds.

231 21 08 34 PLT MARK. He's starting hack - uh -

rolling to his left, looks like
he's yawing to his left a little
too; he took that out. Giving
it a few short burst, now he's
- uh - yawing to his right. What'Ja

C_R ... floating up

SPT He's floating up and - uh "- there's

nothing to do about it it seems llke.
But - uh - - I'll let him float till
he gets his maneuver complete, and
- uh - then I'ii go and grab b_m.
he's - uh - yawing - uh - still
ys_ing. He's almost 90 degrees
I - I'd guess you'd say it's
about 5 degrees a second, roughtly.
Ckay, now he's stabiliz-ng _4mself

231 21 09 13 PLT MARK. He's stabilized. Let me

know when you're ready to turn
off the camera.

231 21 09 22 PLT Camera's off. Okay, that was

_,,m_er i. Now he's floated up
about - uh - _ feet from where
he began. Directly he's upward
in the workshop and he was facing
up to begin with. Now I 'm gonna
pull him down and we're gonna do
that again.

231 21 09 50 PLT I have to get down myself here


PLT World famous TV book is floating.

Put that hack. I 'm gonna hand ...
for the kid ... anywhere.

PLT _ay.
I_ Tape 231-07
Page 14 of 20

PLT Actually it's the face down

maneuver, now that I look at
it. I don't think it -_es a
lot of difference. It seems
like it would be a - I think
this would be better.

_R soo

PLT Ck_. Well, I'm gonna start you

a ltttle lower this time, A1.
I'll get you - uh - pretty much
on a plus - minus Z. If your
backpack is - uh - parallel with
the deck.

231 21 ii 00 PLT I didn't get the pressure there.

PLT Pressure there is 2,000 pounds

now. DAC is not running. Now
I position you. Getting ready for
_- the second - uh - roll maneuver.
Rolling right and then left. That
- uh - first was - uh - successful
-_uver. Okay, that's - uh -
pretty stable right there, AI. When
you're ready we'll get the camera's

231 21 ii 34 PLT MARK. C_era's on, number 2.

PLT It'S running.

PLT Okay,. Go ahead.

231 21 ii 51 PLT MARK. There he goes. Second


PIT Rolling right.


231 21 12 18 PLT MARK. lie's there, And I

noticed he's got a little bit
of left yaw in. Stabilizing
himself, he's pointing his seat
Tape 231-07
Ps_e 15 of 20

right into the film vault,

looking up. Ten seconds is up.

PLT G4.--e a mark.

PLT Ten seconds

231 21 12 _2 PLT MARK. Maneuver's beginning. Yawing

back to rolling back to his -
uh - left. You're not floating
up in the workshop so much this

PLT Looks like you pitched - uh -

down a little hit, AI. Yeah,
he's pitched down about 20 degrees
from where he began. Okay, he's
- uh - stabilizing himself now.


231 21 13 16 PLT MARK. He's there. Okay, camera

_-- off. Okay, it's stopped running.
kay, that's - uh - two success
maneuvers, AI. Now we' re going
to - uh - yaw - yaw maneuver.
And I th4nk he ... over there.

PLT I Euess I Just gotta read the

pressure after each - uh - set
of _=-euvers. The pressure is
2,000, reading 2,000 PSI. The
em._ral s off.

PLT How you llke that position?

PLT Peachy keen_

PLT 0kay, you're gonna - uh - you

know what you're gonna do_ Yex
right then left. Pure yaw.

PLT What a minute. Don't - don't

love _'OUlld.

PLT C_-era' s on. Okay. Yaw maneuver.

Yawing right. _ - uh - stand
_ by not MARKING yet.
Dump Tape 231-07
Page 16 of 20


231 21 Ill.39 FLT MARK. Beginning to yaw right.

He's having to give it - uh -

CDR Right ...

231 21 i_ _5 PLT It gave him a right roll, he's

trying to correct that roll. Okay,
no_ he's - uh facing the food lockers.
Gone past his 90 degree yaw right.
He's - u- uh - he's - uh - corrected
the roll hack the other way. Now he's
rollin - uh - to his left, yewing
hack - uh - to the 90 degree position
he also floating downward, T
noticed. Now he's trying to correct it.
He's gett'in his roll outa there.
Okay, the roll is pretty much out, he's
still drifging down, he's about a
foot and a half above the workshop floor.

PLT Looks like the - uh - he moves

around a little bit in the saddle
when he - uh - works his - uh - feet.
He's having a hard time stabilizing this
yaw maneuver. Ckay, we're going to have
to start over. Turn camera's off.
Camera's off. Camera's off. Okay,
we got the camera's off. I'm having to shout
at AI, Just because he can't hear me,
he's got his ear plugs in. I know it
I'm telling the recorder.

231 21 15 52 FLT Uh, - Okay, we're gonna have to

repeat the maneuver because it Just
- _ - didn't wind up right. Okay,
this is going. And - uh - he's
vertical now facing the - uh - I'm
8onna raise you a little higher, A1.

PLT Okay, he's pretty - he's stabilized

now - uh - he's about four - four to
five feet off the deck. And we're ready
to begin with ca-_ra's on. Okay, this
is number 2. On your MARK.


231 21 16 39 MARK. Yawing right, ya -

CDR ...
_,_ Tape 231-07
Page 17 of 20

231 21 16 41 PLT Okay. He's yawing right, and

it gives him a roll right everytlme.
He's having to take that roll out.
Now he's - uh - ... 90 degree yaw
a little bit. Trying to take the
yaw he's not floating down as much
this time. Got the roll out'a there,
but he's going back the other way.
Rolling hack to his left now. He's
stayed in the proper direction with
the y -


231 21 17 02 PLT MARK. We're going to call that stable,

he's got about a 15 degree left roll.
Uh - that's i0 seconds, AI.


231 21 17 13 PLT MARK. There he goes. Yswing

_--_ Back to his left, taking h4m a left
roll. He yaws pretty fast, he's
there already. He probably yaws about
- uh 15 or 20 degrees a second. Okay,
he's taken out the - uh - the roll,
gett'in back to ... at the minus Z SAL.

231 21 17 36 PLT MARK.

PLT When you're ready, camera's off. Camera's

off. Okay uh - A1, one suggestion
I might ,.-_e fr_ watching you is
that could try a little - uh - lower
rate on the yaw, cause you really get
Over there in a hurry. Okay this is
going to _e run number 3. That was - I'd
call that successful don't you?
Oks_, we had one - uh - successful yaw
maneuver. This will be the third
yaw; it'll be the second successful one.
If you don't move around. Okay, you're
stable when you're ready.

231 21 18 18 PLT MARK. Camera's on number three.

Dump Tape 231-07
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231 21 18 23 PLT MARK. There he goes. He's yawing - he gets

that - uh - right roll in there
everytime when he yaws to the right.
He's a little slower yaw rate this time.
And - uh - now he's yawed 90 degrees.
He's going past a little hit, now he's
correcting it. He's yawed - rolled to to
his left again, now. Stable in yaw.

231 21 18 50 PLT MARK. He's there. Okay, giving h4mself a little

pitch here - he's floating up
• toward the workshop.

PLT 10 seconds, 10 seconds.

231 21 19 03 PLT Gonna get stabilized before he goes.

Okay he's stabilizing. His pitches
look good; his roll is good.

231 21 19 i_ PLT MARK. Yawing hack to his left. That

gave him a left roll, 90 degrees
he's going past his yaw, now he's
_--" stabilized his yaw, he's got his yaw
exactly 90 degrees. Pitch is good.

231 21 19 32 MARK. He has another left roll in

there, again. He's -uh - stabilizing
himself now. Okay, camera's off?
Okay, camera's off. Okay, that was a
successful nsmeuver. He floated
upward about - uh - the 6 foot level
and - uh - l'm gonna check his pressure
here. His camera is off. And the
pressure is reading - uh - 1600.
One thousand six hundred. Okay, AI, now
we've - uh - got to do a single action
translation maneuver. Two of era.
l'm going to - uh - take you over to the
-- uh - uh - _MD, here, drifting over
to get my foot locked in over here. Are
you having _ny difficulty getting
com-_nds in, AI? I noticed when you
give a Z comm-ud -

CDR ...
Dump Tape 231-07
Page 19 of 20

PLT One - uh - ycah, I _ade that comment.


CDR' ...

231 21 20 59 PLT He ss_s it's - uh - very _comfortable.

It - it hurts in the crotchs it's
u_comfortable. And it moves around
all the time. I can notice when he
moves his legs, why the - he - uh -
you know he side saddles whenever he
pushes one leg down the whole thing is
not stable or rigid to his body and the
straps really don't seem to do the Job.
All I can do is try to tighten them
up some more, AI. I'll try to tighten
up these straps a little bit. The straps
are a lousy arrangement, they - uh - keep coming
loose. The whole harness is - uh - loose all
the way, it Just keeps loosening up, the
clamps and the buckles don't hold. Now,
AI, the reason I wanted to keep you there
- - while I moved the TV, I Just wanted to get
it out of the way. I can't afford to
lose that m-r4y. Put it over here by the
other one. Bad deal, if one goes, we
both get it. Don't come over here by the
TV .... hydraulic line into one place.
NoW my gull-durned DAC tape cable is gone
w_, up there. Okay, we' 11 get that.
Okay, we're doing all right here, space
fans. Proceed through this - uh - T_O
•.. back into place here. I reckon I
ought to get some - uh - Now, I wonder if
there's anything you can do about that
yaw and - uh - yaw rollT

SC ...

231 21 23 06 PLT This thing is loose.

SC ...

PLT Gkay, AI, we're gonna do this translation

maneuver now. And - uh - your objective
is the - uh - minus Z-SAL. Shoot right
above in between the SAL and the water
tank. That's the level I'm gonna
Tape 231-07

_-_ Page 20 of 20

start you out at. All right - uh -

okay he's gonna shoot for the - uh -
FMU number - uh - 2 and - uh -
_ec&use there's - uh - an obstruction -
uh - yeah, pretty well stabilized now.
Now - uh - let's get the cameras on.
Okay, cameras on.

231 21 24 13 PLT MARK.

PLT Okay, this is number one. Where

the camera is. Ckay, A1. Okay - -

Dunp Tape 231-08
Time : 2051-2233
Page i of 20

231:21:04:ih This time segment is a verbatim duplication

to within D_np Tape 231-07.

231 21 24 ll PLT MARK. Okay this is number i - where ever the

camera is - okay, AI. Okay, I got to
stabilize him again - gotta stahilze myself
first .... gotta find a place to put my
foot. Do what? Higher? Like this? Pitch
up. That looks like he's

231 21 24 53 PLT Let me know when you're ready.


231 21 24 55 PLT MARK. There he goes. Service translation.

Okay, I notice he's got a little bit of
a pitch down and he's got a - uh - roll
to the right that is a CDR downward as he
moved. Now he's correcting that. He's
moving at a rate of about ah - a half a foot
a second l'd say. Three feet from the
FMU Three feet - two feet - okay, he's -
uh - stopping his translation now.


23i 21 25 30 FLT MARK.

__LT Okay, when you're stable we're gonna turn

the cameras off. Mar - cameras off. Okay,
your camera's off so is mine. Okay, I'm
gonna start you floating in this direction,
then I 'm gonna go over there. I hit my
nose, I'm sloppy today. Maybe that's it.
(_ay, how do you feel? Okay, let's get the
cameras on.

231 21 26 28 PLT MARK. Csmeras on.

PLT This is number 2. When you're ready.

I'ii stabilize you - you look like you're
pretty good. How - how do you like to be,
any different? Okay, let me know.

Dump Tape 231-08
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231 21 26 43 PLT MARK.

PLT There he goes. You liked that one? There

he goes hels - uh translating ah - ... this
time, there's no roll or yaw. It's a - uh - a
good translation three, AI. Looks like you're
going where you're aimes, anyway.

PLT Four feet. Four feet. Three - no

four feet, three feet. Two feet. Okay he's
stopping his translation. With - -


231 21 27 l0 PLT MARK. Translation has stopped. Okay,

he's stabilized, sh

2B1 21 27 18 PLT MARK.

PLT Csmeras off. Okay, that's got it. Two

succesfUl - uh - translation maneuvers.
Okay, now let me look in the book and see
what's next.

CDR ...

PLT Yea.

231 21 27 35 PLT Okay, and the pressure is - uh - 1500. Okay,

now facing the - uh - uh - forward - forward ...
area. Go back to th_ ssme place - ... over
here by - uh -

CDR ... the same place, it always start there

and go to

PLT Oops, that is right; you're correct.


SC ...

PLT Yea, okay. Then you rotate to - uh - I

thought you said you wanted to go over
.there. You grab on to that because I'm
floatin. One gripe I got about this food
locker here, there's nothing to hang on to.
IkunpTape 231-08
Page S of 20

Do you want me to put that in the habitability?

•.. to pass tath along to the habitability
guys. Theres's nothing to grab onto in the
food locker or the film roll area .... , I didn't
want to do that. Okay - l'm gonna position your
feet toward the plus or minus Z SAL and then
you're going to ah - pitch - uh - pitch up,
thrust downward - pithc up thrust down and - uh -
pitch down. Okay, l'd say your feet are pretty
well pointed, how do you like that? Let's get
the cameras on.

231 21 29 22 PLT MARK. Cameras on, this is number i. Coming

to stabilize you again. Okay, let to. Let
go .... Stabilized.

231 21 29 39 PLT MARK. He's pitching up. There's a pitch up.

Moving very slowly, l'd say his feet knees are
pretty much pointed at the FMU. He's translated
only about foot and a half. Now he's going
toward the - uh - FMU. He got hroll going, and a
right yaw. He's actually -
uh - moving up toward the - uh - water tank.
Now he's bring ... down. Now's he's pitdhing down.
He's ___÷.a little ri_ohty_, ._-_t. Lcoks _=_-
in that transaltion he might have - uh -
got a little attitud_ - uh - maneuvering
there he didn't want to get. Okay, he's at
a pitch 90 degrees now, and he's - uh drifting
toward - the - uh FMU. He's - uh - a little
- uh - higher than he started but he's
reaching out with his hands now floating into
it. And - uh - grabbing it.


231 21 39 35 PLT MARK. He's there.

CI)R ... off.

PLT Csmeras off. Okay.... we sh - float you the

other way. Do you feel comfortable at the
rates you're going? I thc,lgbt that was

PLT Put your hands out -

Tape 231-08
Page h of 20

PLT - - grab yourself. Free float over this

cx,-,my area over here.

CDR ...

PLT Okay, here we are again, space fans, over int

the starting point. We're gonna do - uh -
the number 2 - uh - tow action translation
maneuver. I'll get your feet pointed at the
- uh - SAL, A1 and - uh - then you let go.
Okay let's get out cameras on.

231 21 31 40 PLT MARK. Okay, I give him a n1_nber 2. Mode

camera. And you let go. And I'II stabilize
you one moment. Okay, you stabilized.


231 21 32 00 PLT MARK. There he goes. Had a hard time getting

that - uh - pitch uthis time. But - but it's a
... pitch

231 21 32 09 PLT Okay, he's stopped th_ pitch. Now - he's

"_ translating. Looks like you got a little
pitch up on that tr_n-lation that you didn't
want there, AI. And now he's pitching down
while he's translating. He's - uh -
ma_ntalng his - uh - height above the deck - uh -
very well as - his yaw si about I0 degrees
yaw right. But he's - uh - moving at rate of
about ah - a half a foot a second. Now he's
got a left - left rool in there. But he's translating
all right, you'll have to g
hit, AI.

CDR Okay.

PLT He's having to translate up a little bit he got

shot a little lower than he wanted to. Now
he's reached up touched it. He's at FMU 2.


231 21 32 h9 PLT MARK.

PLT Stabilized at FMU 2. Cameras OFF.

PLT MARK. Okay, that's two successful - uh - translation

Ik_p Tape 231-08
Page 5 of 20

maneuvers. Now let me look to see what's

next. You probably know better than I.

CDR ...

PLT Okay. Start - is that the same starting


CDR ...

PLT We started a over - uh - over the coffin over

there. Want me to float you in that

CDR ...

231 21 33 16 PLT Okay, l'm gonna float you kind of head

first there and then - I gotta get over
there. An observer's Job wasn't what
it was cracked up to be in training.

CDR ...

231 21 33 30 PLT I'm working hard, there's Just no

place to hold yourself.

CDR ...

PLT Yea, when you got samething to grab onto

that might be a good idea. Let's try that.
Okay you're gonna - go toward that duct over
there by the food freezer. Okay, you're
gonna thrust - and then you're gonna pitch
down and then you're gonna thrust up - when
you get about half way and - uh - go up to FMU
n_ber 2 again. Okay, you're already a rolled
a little - uh - yawed a little, you don't want that.
You want more like this. Okay, I didn't read
the pressures, Just a minute. I don't know
if that's the ... ah - yea probably. Al, you're
driving 1500 pounds - don't need as much gas
with this gear - that's one thing. Okay, - uh -
when you're ready I am.

PLT Okay.

231 21 34 39 PLT MARK.

D_mp Tape 2B!-08
Page 6 of 20

f--_ PLT Okay there's a number i for that camera. And for
that camera. When you're ready. Want me help you?
There he goes.

231 21 35 O0 PLT MARK.

PLT He's on his way thrusting down - maintaining

his height above a 4, now he's pitching
down. He's - uh - stopping his at this time. He's
over the - uh - crew
quarters hatch. And he's yawed over to his
right a little more than he wants to be, but
he's gonna - he's getting that out. Yawed back,
aud he's translating toward FMU 2 now. He's
riding a little high with his feet but that
doesn't matter he's reached it. He's - uh he's
grabbed on to

231 21 3h 39 PLT MARK.

PLT Okay camera's off.

PLT MARK. Okay. Successfully performed that

.... Okay, you've got visibility there? I go -
/-_ you have -" I haven't got a hold of you. You're
on your own. Okay. Tais'll be the seoend Dog
leg maneuver. And - uh - AI's gonna stabilize
himself again. We're supposed to be tv- ing now.
Well, 0. is supposed to come down here. All - we %e're
supposed to get it for that 2 axis manuever
too, and I went right by it. Okay. We got plenty
of gas.

231 21 41 07 PLT Give me a MARK. Okay we're res1_,Ing the dog

leg maneuver.

CDR ...

PLT Yea do it. I'ii turn it down there.

CDR ,,,

231 21 _i 25 PLT MARK.

Dump Tape 231-08
Page 7 of 20

PLT This is the second dog leg maneuver, coming up.

l'm having to help you here, AI, you're getting
too close. I had a - you were b_ping that thing.

PLT Let's stop the camera. Stop your camera.

PLT Right. You were - you were lower that time thau
you were before.

CDR ...

231 21 41 56 PLT Yea, that - that'll clear you. Okay, when

you're ready let's get the cameras on.

231 21 42 06 PLT MARK. Cameras on n_ber 2. Your cameras running.

213 21 42 17 PLT MARK. There he goes - translating in a second

dog leg maneuver. Okay, he's - uh pitching around
oops he got himself a - uh - a 90 degree right
yaw in there sc_ehow. But I'm confident he can
get it out of there he's floating on his back
z _ over to the forward hatch, about 4 - feet abouve
• the hatch. Now he's yawing back to his left,
getting his feet down in the plane of workshop
floor. Nice Job, A1.

SPT ... 14 minutes.

231 21 42 55 PLT Floating down a little more than he wants to.

But he's arrested his - uh - downward - drift.
He's translating over to FMU 2 which was his uh -
objective. He's there he's hanging on to it.

231 21 43 07 CDR MARK.

231 21 43 08 PLT MARK. Csmer's off. Okay. Now I'm gonna reposition
him. Now we're gonna back and do - uh - 2 axis translation
m-neuver, okay? This is - pitch up - full form
the BM - MDA. Ah, l've got to get loose.

PLT Get Over here and grab him. Say, I got ya.
Now I'm gonna point you - uh - feet over toward
the - uh - under the airlock.

SPT ...
Dump Tape 231-08
Page 8 of 20

PLT Okay, he's gonna get out there in a minute, 0.

We've already got this on film. Let's not put
this on film, AI. They've already taken that
anyway, haven't they?

PLT They'll probably take it. You want to stabilize

yourself or you want me to do it? Okay, well -
on my mark camera's on; ready?

231 211 44 ii PLT MARK. Okay this is a nt,nber - ah - 3 - maneuver.

Okay that camera's running whenever you're ready.
N1-,_er 3 - uh - correction, transaltion maneuver -
(]kay - you're Just missin' the foot locker with
your feet. Doin' a great Job,. Okay he's - uh -
pitched down - so he takes his FMU 2 p he's got
a little right yaw in there - which he doesn't
want too much but he's essentially parallel
with the deck. Keep your feet down A1 you're
gonua hit the hose. Okay, attaboy! You're
doing Just right. Okay, now he's driftin over
toward FMU number 2 in about - 4 inch per second
or so - reaches out and grabbed FMU number 2.

_ CDR ...

231 21 45 04 PLT MARK. He's there - atand by for cameras off.

231 91 45 07 PLT MARK. Camera's off. Okay - I go over here and

grab him - an/ float ILim over this way - and then
I go over here - and wait for him so I can catch
him. This is where the - observer gets to be both
the catcher and the litcher.

CDR I'ii Just start a pitch up .... back.

231 21 45 29 PLT On your back? Okay - I'd llke to pull you over
this way a little more. Okay you want to get -
turn on the camera? Standy by.

231 21 45 52 PLT MARK. Camera's ON. This is no particular

maneuver he's Just gonna do a pitch up for the
benefit of the - T20 guys. We got the camera
_m-lng - I didn't give you any hand signal because
I couldn't reach that far, but this is a pitch up
He's about 4 feet above the eres quarters hatch
with his head down now, feet pointing straight up
D_np Tape 231-08
Page 9 of 20

toward the workshop hatch. He's rotating at

approximatly uh - uh i0 degrees per second. Got a
little bit of a float upward. Okay he's made a -
Almost a 180 degree - uh - pitch m_n_euver now. He's
- looking down facing the - crew quarters' hatch and
he's stabilizing himself in that position. Now
he's going to - uh - yaw around to his left a little
bit to - uh 1 - face - uh I- the workshop hatch -
Just doing dind of a - uh - of a free - free maneuver
- now he's pitchin' up again, he's gradually
floating up he's in the plane of the dome locker.
You know, where there's - uh - ... parallel to
the - the - uh - the - crew quarters - to the
workshop hatch; he's grabbin' on to the handle
hold up there. Okay, now he's stabilizing himself
up by the worksho p hatch with his feet pointed
down toward the crew quarters hatch, facing the
food lockers and he's gonna perform a translating
- in uh - in this direct - that's toward the food
lockers and me. Here he comes ; he's translating
downwards and very slowly but surely. You can
see the maneuvering wiggling around on him a little
bit as he puts his foot controller inputs in. But
_" he's - uh - controlling them completely with his
feet, leaving his hands free to grab or touch
whatever he - uh - is going to or whatever he's
carrying. On his back he has - uh - a battery
which - uh - runs the solenoid valve - uh - for
the - uh - for the propellant supply and uh - also
has a bottle of nitrogen on his back which - uh
which gives the thrust for the - for the thrusters.
Uh, the next m_nuever is a - uh longitudinal dogleg.
You already did the two doglegs? Next thing is a
t treble recovery.

_DR ...

PLT Camera's off.

231 21 48 23 PLT MARK. Okay, well, you wanna - -

SPT ...

PLT Okay, 0. Thany you.

CDR ... Owen

PLT Okay, I'll do that.

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CDR ....

CDR ....

PLT Hold on to that. Thanks O. There's probably

same room left on there we can put anything on
there we want. Watch your hands; don't - Watch your
hands; don't get it on this light. Let me look.

231 21 49 29 PLT Okay, the light's on. And I read your pressuer
to 1999 PSI so there's still plenty of gass in
the bottle. Okay, uh - we're supposed to be finished
with thsi. I 'm supposed to be doing coolant loop
inspection at uh - 22:30 which is ho minutes from
now so that that means we got to uh - take some
time to uh - secure this thing. So, I'd say, what?
20 more minutes.

SPT ...

231 21 50 13 PLT Okay, we can change out the bottle you know. Oh,
these uh straps are - straps are no good for this
thing. Gee, they Just - yeah. That's a lousy
strap arrangment. Straps don't hold. i _u_ _v
keep tightening them up all the time. Whole
maneuvering unit is - loose on his uh - loose on
his - butt and loose' on his back. The thing
woggle s around.

SPT ...

2S1 21 50 47 PLIt's uh - uncomfortable, too. Okay, this is

a tt_bel recovery. You ready for that? Okay, I
got you. Oh, didn't come over, huh? Darn, must
of hit the wrong switch. Okay, we'll get this
light on again. Yesh, sure did. Th_n_ you for
getting it. So far I think we've made every
procedure and got evarything that's right. Boy,
there sure is nothing around this doggone food
locker for you to hang on to. Pain in the neck. Dumb!
No, .there's nothing to hang on to there either.
Nothin' to hand on to there either. Okay I'm
goana give you uh - three - axis uh -nope.
• Where you want - where would you like to start?

CDR ...

J_ PLT Why, you'd like to do it veritcal? Okay. Let

me see. I'm gonna - don't turn your camera on

_i_ ¸
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yet - I'm gonna give you a - a this - this, a that

- Okay? I tell you
that darn backpack is swinging all over. Swing
it, man, swing it and standby for camera's on.

231 21 52 52 PLT MARK. Camera's on. Okay, I give you a i - and

a i for that guy up there, wherever he is. Okay,
I'll stabilize you here. Okay, give you a pitch up,
roll, and a yaw maybe didn't give you enough.

231 21 52 21 SPT MARK.

231 21 52 22 PLT MARK. That's all it had. Okay cameras off, AI.
Yeah. Well, being by the time I got them ,11 in
that's all it had. Okay, I'ii get the cameras on.

231 21 53 42 PLT MARK. 0kya, that's ntsnber 2. (Whistle) Okay,

here you go. Okay, there we - gave him a tumble;
w_'re doing tamble recovery. I gave him a roll,
pitch, and a yaw it looks like he's - uh - got
the pitch stabilized - and uh p the roll pretty
well stabilized- well it's because he's getting
a little roll-

231 21 54 12 PLT MARK he's got her stabilized - and uh - he's

wound up - uh - head down toward the uh - BMMD
- Csmera's -

231 21 54 22 PLT OFF. Okay, your camera's off.

CDR ... spot ...

PLT You want do another ramble recovery? Well, we

might have to - we m_ght have to have 2 of the
solar square. One successful, that's ,]l we need.
Okay - let me look at the pressure. Uh - the
pressure is uh - still i000.
off a fruit can. Lool_ at that. Found that in my
mouth. See that piece of metal. Looks like a
silver off that alumints, can doesn't it?

SPT ...

231 21 55 28 PLT Oh, we got to do a minimt_n foot control input

sometime too with uh - got ah - you gonna do
Dump Tape 231-08
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crew's discretionary first? 0k_y.

C_R .. •

PLT Minimum foot controller input.

PLT Okay, we want - I want to take some pictures of

you then when you're doinfg the uh - baseline
maneuver. Let me put this little sliver of metal
on pice of tape. Well, we t_Iked to the food
guys about that way long time agoe and they
never did anything about it. Trans - What's the

231 21 56 20 PLT Must of been sanething that got blown around in

uh - in the maneuvering unit. And I caught it
in my uh - frontal cavity. Hum?

231 21 56 39 PLT Oh, yeah. Have that to position uh - Hash marks

stabilized - supply valve closed. Let me get
that first - Uh? No, I got it closed back here.
here. I move the DAC - and do it in this manner -
eomncect the power cable from the left hand DAC
the FMU DAC. Okay s T _me over here - tufa off
that television, take these painful goggles off
for a minute. I get" the cable from this DAC
- here - don't do it. I'll plug it in there - Oka'[,
connect power cable uh DAC uh - 2.8 feet per
sixtyth 2.8 - that's E.8 - 60th set - 1/60th
set - and 24 frames a second. Man, we're really
gonna burn up the film on this one. Okay, we
stand about 6 feet from the ASMU, a_m the DAC at
ah - AS_ between uh - the feet - photograph your
foot movement - I do at ra - must do it the right
here, huh? What did you say? l_ight here. I
don't remember Lou ever showing me that• What?
Okay, get your feet down llke this• L_ke so. Can
you do that? Not much to grab an, is there? Okay,
uh - perform the uh - oh boy okay, per - here's
what you're gonna do 5 each of the plus and minus
roll, pitch and yaw. 5 each of plus and minus
translation, okay? And I've got the ah - the DAC

231 21 59 h4 PLT Okay, he's doing - his uh - foot controller input

so we're taking pictures of it. Cam see the uh
maneuvering unit moving all around when he does
Dump Tape 231-08
Psge 13 of 20

that. Now he's doing the toe down maneuver.

Now he's doing the uh - translation. That it?
Okay, that's the end of the foot controller input.
I conncect the power cable back here. And uh - I
come OVer her, try to let loose of all these wires
that are floating around, and uh - I reset thsl
DAC to a different seting again. Ouch! Ah, excuse
me there space fans. We're through. Make sure
there's not any more of that metal. Okay, that's
it, at uh - probably go back to 2 - I go back to
uh - F2, set 5 feet to the 60th. Crawl back in here
and close the circuit breaker. Okay, when I close
the circuit breaker, up here - right there - and
uh - we had a thousand pounds there. Now you
can uh - I take three PA - PAO type photos with a
Nikon and you fly any maneuver desired. And we use
the FCMU DAC only. We don't only use the other one.
What's suggested is to uh - fly uh - M509 type touch
and go maneuver - fly around dome lockers is
optional. I described the maneuvers being performed.
After that why we turn off the FCMU and the DAC and
uh - use the subJectiTe rating form. And the
hour now is 30 minute_ from my next performance,
/_ and probably from yours.

CDR ...

231 22 02 hi PLT Yeah. Right. From _here to here? Oh, heek. Thai
vertical strap is all - all _oofed up, too. I'm
tellin' you, this is a crmmny strap arrangement.
Okay, I guess this go_s back in here. It comes
loose every time you move. Okay. Let me get the
handles up for you.

CDR What ?

PLT Want me to get the handles up for you in the

downing station. Watch head. Yeah. Yeah. Okay
we're getting ready to use your DAC to do this,
so don't forget to tul_ it on. Oh, you can turn it on
any time you're ready to go.

CDR ...

231 31 03 56 PLT Uh-huh. Okay, he's gonna fly a M509 baseline

_-uuever. He's uh - hanging on station in the
M509 _rith the uh - handle bars extended. Wait
Dtunp Tape 231-08
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a minute. Yeah. You're right. Did I miss

that or ain't that in there? Must be in there;
Lou wouldn't forget that. I thought I was
gonna find it without a mistake. It's another one
of those mistakes that uh - didn't uh - cost
anything. By gosh, it ain't in here, Lou. Okay,
there he goes. From the M509 release the handle
bars. He stabilized himself. He's yawing to his
right. Now he's completely yawed over the crew
quarters hatch, and he's looking up at the banjo,
on his way to the banjo. Okay, he's doing pretty
well uh - he's on his back now uh - lookin'
straight up the workshop hatch - CDR Just about
3 feet from the dome lockers - You're getting
too close to the dome lockers. Okay uh - now you
gotta thrust up. Stay away from the overage food
- okay now he's pitchin himself uh - down. But he's
near vertical with the workshop now. He's yawed
a little bit to his left now he's uh - approaching
the ... area.

231 22 06 ll PLT Okay, he's hanging onto the banjo for dear life,
And the kid is all snarled up in his danged
umbilical. Here he comes, space fans. IFn? C_%
him! On his way down. Stuff blowin' all over.
Okay, he's on his left side now. He's ellheading'
toward the FMU - he's uh - still uh - he's in
about the plane of the uh - dome lockers or water
t,n_ arears for the moment. Looks like he's
translating okay. And uh - he's coming head down uh
facing FMU 2 uh - looks like uh - he's
comfortable. The observer is wandering around
getting a few photos. Tryin' to stay out of his
own - might keep from hanging himself on his own
rope. Okay, he's on FMU 2. He's thrusting away
from there now. Alqd he's tranlating directly
upward in the workshop, but now yawing to his left.
His position's vertical. Now he's gonna bang uh -
water tank 5 over there with his right foot. And
the dome locker above it. He's uh - he's having
trouble getting away from there. Okay, uh - looks
like he's doin' a little better now = his straps
keep cnmlag loose. He's fae down - Okay, uh -
drifted over to the uh - lod - dome locker hh2 -
uh - in the process of getting over to where he

SPT you going ...

D_p T_pe 231-08

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231 22 09 51 PLT Okay, uh - he drifted over and grabbed on to h14,

Kind of a random, unplanned maneuver here uh -
having trouble uh - getting himself uh - on the
way to where he wants to go and uh - kinds drifting
around making corrections. Now he's going back to
FMU 2 to start over again to see if he can do any
better from there. He's uh - in a position 2 over
there. Now he's Just pushed himself off with his
hands in the general direction of h04. Let's see
if he can uh - correct himself on the way over there.

SPT ...

CDR You have no axis control .... one axis.

231 22 l0 59 PLT Okay, the thing that's getting to him now is he

only has 1 axis translation - up and down and
that's it, and uh - what's happening there is he's
trying to get out and go where he wants to go,
but he can only do it in one axis. Hold yourself
there, A1; don't move. Hang on. I'll unt-ngle
you and get that dang thing out of the way. Getting
,/_ all fol_l_d up in wires and stuff.

231 22 ii 34 PLT Okay, you're free now. Let me get this out of here.
C_ay, he let himself loose; he's in the middle of
the dome. Where you going to, AI?
L_R ...

231 22 12 49 PLT Now he's floating free and loose again - and uh -

CDR ...

231 22 13 01 PLT Okay. Okay he's going to work in the lower area
and try to uh - we - w_ 're getting in trouble
down here. Can't get to where he wants to go is
the problem.

CDR ...

231 22 13 25 PLT Attitude hold is great but he can't go anywhere,

he says.

(_R ...
D_mp Tape 231-08
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231 22 13 46 PLT He says as far as going places are concerned, he

likes the HHMU better because he can at least go
somewhere. The roaching nearly - as far as holding
attitude is contro - is concerned, uh - foot
controlled manuevering until is better because he
can - hold his attitudes the way he wants to, but
he can't go anywhere.

231 22 14 16 PLT So for uh - translation uh - going places uh - if -

the foot controlled maneuvering unit is better
than HHTMU, but that ain't saying much. Look at
the camera and smile, (Laughter). Okay, three he
goes; he's uh - pitchin' up - he's trying to fly
up to the banjo area again. He's translating up
there slowly. He had luck going there before.
Okay, he made it to the banjo. End of film light
on the DAC in there, A1; you might as well turn it
off. Okay, we had end of film light on the DAC.
It's the uh - uh - FCMU - I don't how much film
is left on this other one. It's probably quite
a bit, so there's no point in _inn_ug it off.
Yeah, we've got a hal_° a load in this other one -
_ dome camera; we'll uh - not take any more with it,
as suggested in thc pro=_dure.

231 22 16 03 PLT Even with the peanuts out of the way. You gotta
come closer. Ccme or down to me, if you can. We')l
you've got to be closer; you don't fill the picture.
That's better. Got ya, feet first. Okay, he's
pitched down now. The long axis is in the plane w_th
dc_e lockers. He's looking at the uh - downing -
M509 downing station like he wants to go there,
Head in that direction, A1. He's heading right at
it now and he can't see it very well. He's really
got to pitch his head up to see it. And the
darn back pack is a - is a - you got to grab onto
the uh - green locker in order to get over there.
The back pack is up _-ound his uh - b_p pad now,
it's uh - ridin' pret'_y high. Okay, we're gonna
dock the FC_J. I'm gonna put this camera away.
Al's got one more picture in here. I'll take
a picture of your head. This is for your uh -
memoirs. Let me focus it in good. Now, look at me.

CDR ... That's the last one.

231 22 17 58 PLT I can take scme more if you want. I had - I

Tape 231-08
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Just had it charged up and I didn't want to leave

it. Okay, we took a bunch of Nikon photos uh -
of A1 uh - flyin' around. Now we're brea_n' out
the uh - checklist again. He's over here in the
uh - - docked area. And ah - I'm turning back to
•.. number 1 back here. Where it says uh - T20 shut-
down. Move test pilot to the mounting fixture gra -
grip the handle bars, AI, and hook into the lower
231 22 18 40 PLT No, you don't pass it around down here. Lower
latches. Watch it down here. Okay, hold yourself
down if you can there now. Let me see what I
gotta do. Okay• I go a mid. Now you open the
FC - uh - MU release, engage the docking latch
and lock the U - FMU release. Lower the docking
latch. You must be fastened in there now. And -
ah - we're closing the propellant valve. And - ah
- I'm reading over here - ah - abotu _00 psi remsining.
Okay - ah - now I got to stay clear of the thrusters
and - ah - you open - you - ah - I got the valve
closed, you open your little - ah - propellant
/_ _ activate the thrusters, bleed the manifold.
Deff +_o _i_ = _.+
..... ...... You + _p .....
_ .... and ".-ca/l
take our stuff off. Ah - discord earplugs and
clean earmolds, leave CB stud the battery open. And
- uh - 1 reckon you lust ge5 out of that backpack,
A1 and get off of thlt. And - 8/I - you can og
your merry way. And - ah - I'll take care of teh
rest. CB hat open. I gotta go to work on the
cooler move, but it's gouna work all right. Okay
- ah - rotate the T-handlon the right side
of the docking light, lock. You got that? Dismount.

CDR ... lock ... position up and down.

231 22 20 32 PLT Oh, man, these goggles hurt, they're painful.

Okay, we're going to - uh - turn off this
recorder. That's the end of
T020, Lous. See you later. Al's going to debrief.


231 22 29 _8 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, debriefing - uh - the -

uh T20 run - T21 run. Let me make sume general
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comments before I go right into the debriefing.

We got two major probl_s with this type of _,nlt.
One, I think we can solve; the other I don't think
can be solved with the configuration that we've
got, and that's it. First, the one that you can
solve. The - uh - the - uh - the thing is entirely
too loose on you. The backpack, if snug it in real
tight, along about 5 or l0 minutes later, under
this zero-g condition and moving around and the way
the straps are built and the low friction in those
buckles, - uh - it's loose again. You don't
notice it, but all of a sudden you determine th=t
maybe for the last 3 Or 4 or 5 minutes it hasn't
been working right, that it has been slopping
all over the place. I don't know how much trouble
that gives yoU actually in flying it, but you Just
don' t like it.

231 22 30 52 CDR It's - uh - not - uh - it - it'd be like drinking

a car that was all b_hity and the shocks were
gone and - uh - the springs were out of the seats,
you were going over rough roads and every time
f _ you hit a bump you nearly fell out of the seat.
It's !_e t_--kinga _._ ovcr - -_h - rought comz_r_
and the Jeep were bad shape and you were going fast.
Everythings loose; i_'s not a solid-feeling backpack.
The seets is Just the same, only a little bit wors._.
You tighten it the max you want, because it hurts
in the crotch - uh - when you pull thathing
up tight. And don't let anybody tell you it
doesn 't.

231 22 31 29 CDR That's not Just a one-g effect; when you've got
that thing tight on you so that so that it's kind
of rigid, no matter how tight you put it it
doesn't seem to ever get rigid. It hurts, and you
don't like it, so you release it. So you try to
ride sidesaddle. Now, another thing that h_ppens
when - ever when it is tight and you thrust
up, that means you're pulling that thing up
into your crotch, and that hurts. It Just - it's
terrible, terrible design. Oh -

CREW ...

231 22 32 05 CDR - - what you're going to have to do is - uh

we're going to have to pad this thing somehow
and - uh - so that you can pull yourself down
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tight on you it and it won't hurt you.

In other words if - Just because you're in
zero g doesn't make any difference. It feels
Just like it does at one g, in the trainers;
you Just can't tske it. It hurts too much down
there. My bottom right now has been off of it
for l0 minutes and it still hurts, I imagine
it's going to hurt the rest of the day. Now in
addition to that ta - continue to talk about
restraints. Oh - that - uh - restraint comes
loose. The webbing is Just too thin for the
buckle. It doesn;t have enough friction. And
when you tighten it up and it's loose again.

231 22 32 44 CDR Now in addition to that point on the - on the =

restraints, when you do tighten it up, it still
doesnt hold you right. Why not? _ Because you
got all the straps either on your lower side
or the back. You got nothing in front. So
your body flexation, which is a bunch of them
up here in zero g, tend to - to misalign
your c .g. in - in the maneuvering unit.
f _ When you move your feet around to fire the
thr_ste_, _t mov*_ t,le m_leuve__ng ,_'_it-_111
over the place. The maneuvering unit doesn't
have any tendency to stay attached to your
butt when you push do,re. When you pull up,
it tends to move back. When you pick up, it
tends kick off your _:ar. Kick back. In
other words the mmmeurering unit moves as much
as the little pedals _.

231 22 33 31 CDR You put i0 pounds of force on the pedal, that's

i0 pounds on the maneuvering unit; it Just
moves away from your butt. This thing is like
being on a rickety automobile or a rickety
ben_-_le machine - uh - uh machine like you
might se - uh - in a cartoon where, as they
go over the bumps, the wings flap or the - or
the - uh tail sags. That's the way it feels.
And that's the way it looks. I'm sure on
TV when I'm firing the thrusters and everything,
you're seeing the thing Just move a11 over.
Nothing rigid about it. You can't - it's a
non rigid flying machine. It isn't even as rigid
as that - rigid as that Goodyear rubber airplane,
or whatever - Firestone or whatever - you -
inflatable airplane. At least when they inflated
Dump Tape 231-08
• Page 20 of 20

it, it was stiff. Now we've got to come

up with some restraint so that this thing
locks in to one another.

231 22 3_ 21 CDR Now I might guess that what you're

going to have to do for Jerry is come
up here with sc_e sort of metal stiffener -
uh - with screws or sc_ething and you attach
them to that hackplate and then you attach
them to the seat, and that makes that
one rigi6 str_cture. You lock it in - screw
it in tight. It -

End of TAPE


Dump Tape 231-09

Time : 2233-230 GMT
231 22 31t 13 ODE At least when they inflated it,
it was stiff. Now we got to come up
with Some restraints, so that this
thing locks in to one another. Now
my guess as to what you're going to
have to do for Jerry is e_me up
here with some sort of metal stiffeners,
with screvs or sor:ething. Ar.d you
attach them to the, a£ the hack plate
and then you att_-ch then to the seat
and that r_a]=esthat one rigid structure.

231 22 34 36 ODE You lock it in; serene it in tight.

And then you come in there with some
sort of straps that fit over his
thighs and do%m het,,,eenhis Jegs and
grab on to ÷_ _* - uh - restraint
there in front of it a_d mnhe the _hole
thing one rigid operant!on. This "_-hole
flexible thing is a _ _n. doesn't
have it; it _...... +_-_'_ It Just
can't even be =_c"_± _-_a_ correctly.
It can fly, but _t :_,_"_ _ess. _'_o
w_nts to". It Just doesn't hsve
a gco_ fee!. It - it's ne_ the k!nd -
you don't "'_ to h_'ze a -_-_e

_ _.r-_ axes of rot-

ation .... No swsat. You probably saw
it in the movies. I can pitch up
rotate, stop, t._ a.s_:..t
_ _ • e, do any of that,
no trouble. It is much better in the
, _ not ne-_ as _oo_ as C"_'s
or direct or r_te _rro in _0_O, but
you can do it. It might even be as good
if it got to be a rigid vehicle, whore
• you were strapped in. You might
find out it is good enough; here it isn't.

Dump Tape 231-09

page 2 of 19

231 22 35 48 CDR But don't forget. All the vehicles

we've been training in - uh - in
the simulator have geen rigid. Uh -
all the - _ - air ben-rings -
And then when you go to 6-degree-of'
freedon, it's rigid, too. So every-
thing's been rigid except here, _zhen
you get in it. It's unrlgid. Now,
this isn't sot.,thing that wasn't
pointed out prior to flight. It's
been known. And the answer was:
Don't wor_"j about it, when you get
to zero g, everything is going to
be okay. It ain't, and if you can
see the movie, it isn't.

- ' ..... _,, -. s t_ ........ - these

translations. "- " .o_a_n
you can do it. • .i
._n._it may eno up
being as good as a - u_h - as anybody
e!se's _._,,_n_o. Ho';_ver, it_
trsms!atie_ is a cc_!ete borbeut.
/ _ You could never u_e it to _-N'A. It's

u_::cce;t .... : - u[" - =c_r severul

reasons ,.._'_"" I _;on'_ _e into, but
it is .......... ÷abl_ _'_ snd I w_u_d
rather have the _[_"V!=_;A than this

231 22 36 48 CDR _?ny? _ecause at lea'_t I can translate

son,where. _t is harder to hold
attitude in the _b_J, but at least
if you e_ once hold attitude you might
be able to turn her _irect!en an_ fire
that direction. If you're not, if
you're _o-no_
" _ side_a&,s, you can stop your
sidew_#s notion. If /ou are going front
- fo and aft - you co_ - ,_h_n you come
out of it - uh - you can if you're
head_ towards the target and starting
to drift off to the side, in the Lq_"J
•you can put your hands to the side and
correct it. Or you csn put your hsnds up
and down and correct it. You o_ot a fightin_
Dump Tape 231-09
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chance. ]{ere, you got no chance. And

particularly inside this vehicle; it is
awfully small. It is not like the
6-deEree-of-freedom path where you are
flying around the outside of the - that

231 22 37 37 CDR The spacecraf_ you are flying around

the outside of isn't hardly as thick
as this. The length of it's almost
this width of it I guess. "_nis is
minus about - 6 feet, plus about 15 feet
in diameter here, and you are sup_posed
to f]y arourS in it. You can't do it.

..... _'-_'" tO --'-.'t..-'",.." this

are nice end solid. ._m_dthen you

tra ........ _'_ cn![: direction the vehicle
will Zo either ,,:_or _?;_n. and then
• _. when you _" 4e_e th%t, it makes you do
a ;^-_ ............. _n that r,].ane.

231 22 38 li CDR Zut if you start ts dr__ft out of that

plane, y_u're sun]:. And that's of
co ............. :_ ....... =re. _.=..
•;hen you _-= st:_illzo4 and he_d for
the - for the - uh F_nJ or tc_rzrds
the SAL, forget it. If you start to
drift up, you say _ Just hope I get
there before I drift au,ay. Pecause
you know - that's i%. N_¢, once - boy,
if _'ou want to o_t__--- in +_+_++_-+
plane -_,%ie _ izn't realistic -.A, it's
unsafe E'/A_ it's an unsafe prestumption,
unacceptable assumption _A you can
do it.

231 22 38 43 CDR But this doesn't mean the complete

control ._._neuverinz unit can't he
changed. It c_n be invented to have
6 de-tees of freedom, really, instead
of th-_ _ rotation and t_o +_
........ -_ "
lon -
one tr_ns!at_on. Uh - and it would
have to be acceptehle. No_ if you want
to talk concept? The concept is the
Dump Tape 231-09
Page _ of 19

vehicle is n_ Is unacceptable. V,%ether

or not you could _et one that had
6 degrees of freedom and controlled by
your syme - it would be _eceptable.
I'd say that's certainly possible. You
could take one - m_ke it somehow, put
the thrusters at the e._. - around the
c,g like 509. Have control with your
foot - m!Fht be okay.

231 22 39 20 CDR I noticed there was a definite advantage

to reachin_ out and - end grahbin_ on.
I'm not sure we - thaT, a vehicle where
you had foot coztro! in,zte_:_o_ _ _
control, ""'_ _,.....
the thrusters all
around your e.g,, wouldn't be a bad
thing. _Thls
• is S_=.c<....._
"-_:'_ yOU coul_
use jo ...... _ y_- been
all on Earth a__ __ your _'"
_l_e, sO intuitive
operaticn of your feet are gonna let
yOU _•.y. Completely ridieu!cus.

231 22 39 _'v, ....

_-_ Sk_'", _e__'s _o_ down one by one no_;.
/_ _ Are you bo - let zs - let ne first -
I ......
,._._ to _c- _._-=,-'_this ra__n_
.... car._

- :...... o..... glve ....._,_ ratings.

$'cu razin£s in here for +_-'_..,_..
_n. b-,-_ you r_zings
if you h-=i to use it a.z ... okay? One:
Uh ....
_nd _ a__ was the pitch maneuver.
I'd have to give th_-% - a 3. Performance,
a 3; inside here, 'cause if - if you
screw lu up, it _ _ -'* _ _
bit of difference. Your ....
n_to ....
Outside, i'd give that _'_n.n_:,
_" - a - .°.

231 22 40 36 ....
_= Okay? ;a_
_" - not to~_a,_e.
_" _'_ Could not t_ke
c._,_ncecf _'_.._hitch ___.._='_v_r_
going wrong
and your translntln_ off and getting away
fr_..the "-_-_" " :_" "_
9 cuts!de and the 3 inside. Ck_', Let's
talk about the - the ya;r m_.euver; and
the roll maneuver. S_T_e thing; 3 inside,
9 outside; 3 _nslue,
_ "_ . outside.
o Okay,
let's talk about the trs_nsl_tional
maneuvers. All the translational maneuvers
were S, because inside I take that back.
Dump Tape 231-09 ......
Page 5 of 19 i ..... ,

_31 22 hl 05 CDR The translational maneuvers - uh -

yeah, I'd say they're 3-1/2. The
workload was satisfactory level
sometimes, sometimes it got away
from you. Uh - Outside - uh -
translation, I've got to give it a
I0. No, was not controllable. Uh,
The minute you got somethin_ going, you
could see drifts going, building up
other axes, and if the target wasn't
close enough, you'd go off. If your
garget that close, you'd stick out a pole
and ... You dive across; it's safer
to dive across. I can come closer to
hitting the target diving across. I can
c_me closer to hitting the target diving
; _cross here in a suit than I c_u in that -
maneuver fruit. I could do a much better _
_o i _ob getting from point A to B inside this
_ ! volume than I can with the manuvering 0
-_ Unit. I'd rather he outside going those
_ _ short distances without the maneuvering
- unit than I would with it. I'd be a lot :
/_-_ safer off. I've go* te _ivc it a _,
not controllable.

231 22 h2 06 CDR Okay, couple maneuver, I was able to -

to stablize the tumblel But after the
end of the tumble, I was drifting off
in several directious. It didn't -
I'd used all my gas tryinz to stop it
and get golng the riEht way. I've got
to give it a - an unacceptable. As
you know, in the tumbling maneuver,
we try in the 6 deo_U'ee,all you do is
stop the tumble. That's easy to do.
The problem is now do you stop the rate,
you got when you got them? Big

231 22 h2 34 CDR Okay_ now let's go back to ... I think

we've talked about it. The whole point
is EVA this is not an acceptable
•machine. Definitely isn't ever close to
Dump Tape 231-09
Page 6 of 19

acceptable. There is no way you can

go _JA without a machine that can go
6 degrees. If you do, it's - it's wrong;
it's bad; it's unsafe.

231 22 42 52 CDR Are your body and feet properly restrained

by the straps? _o, feet were. Body
was not; we discussed it.

231 22 42 59 CDR Is the controller pedal action or feel

satisfactorj? %<u - It's - it's excessive
here - uh - in - uh - zero g without a
suit. Now ho_¢ it's gonna be _.ith s suit,
I don't know. But the forces are r.uch
too high here. I to Dush nueh to
hard here. That ouzht to be changed for
Jerry. Or you ought to cone up with a
pad that beats your butt to death up here,
pulling up and pusn!n_, do_n. It hurts
not good. It's way excessi_ to what
you get. You put a huge force up and then
s_ you b_re!y _-- -_ _-.... T,_
.... o_:_s o:. .... l_ttle forces
t ...... a_e up very _'_-_- The relationship
betveon the force _jou Dut in and the
velocity you get is ""___ ou_ cf h_on_:,
w'_,,._ out of !_.'_ I r._everkne:; _a...._ before
until no_¢. But be!n- in hare, light
forces do the 40_. it _-_-__ _ to me we're
_oing to hsve to co-e up _itb a light
force nzchfne t_ do the ,_ob. _o msybe you
don't re_.!ly w_nt a foot-cortro!ed one.
_[a}'beyou ".'antone thor's a tee control;
so_e',.:h_._e _ -e-- -_.
_-c'lc_-. _. - __:.

but!oc!t:- _.._

m_v_ent, we _,t with
_rour toen, it "t's _::' toe = :,_e. if

faster t'_c;n th_, _+ter of f _-.... u

231 _o 4- o_ :-_ D:. c-_ntroli_r fcr,-_ _.r.,_ ..... _-

to be too hic_h? Yes. Travels, i don't
:uno,,. -_ _ the _
-o _=_
......that are noticeable,
and they are _:_- too high.
Dump Tape 231-09
Pa6e 7 of 19

231 22 hh 33 CDR Do thruster pairs appear to be

generating equal thrust as indicated
by differences in noise levels,
responses, and cross-coupling? I
don't think so. ! think they would, if
you could put them in. i_ut llke I say
the forces are so out of proportion to
the velocity and cut of - an_ Just all
this loose ... around - l=,e - like they
could nut
. in uu_
_''+ rl_.i_.
• 2- The m_-qeuvsr!ng
unit shifts; it moves some_¢here else.
It doesn't stay rositioned. !t'_ riiid.
It goes sozewhere else. As it moves,
then _t makes one fire lon T - one foot
fire longer than the other. This is
for pitch, ya%', roll, or anything else.
It Just - it's not a rigid body; it's
got to be.

231 22 h5 16 CDR Are the control responses steady variable,

or erratic? The control responses ere - _h
- variable. If you _/_e a small maneuver,
you _-_-h+_ call thez steady. Z_a!l pz_c._
up down. Now when you t_j to do any _ge
= ...... :, or l!_:e th_ one _ou need to do
the two-_xis zaneuver, or the _co
_ _ _e_.
They're not, because the vehicle _ov_s _l!
over the place, mhat could _e corrected.
__ call _-__ erratic.

23! _2 h5 h6 C_ Describe the nature of control inputs.

Oh, no - no other way. _'asn't able to
modulate; the whole thing is loose.
It Just can't be done, is ._j cplnion
until _s - is ...

231 22 h5 59 CDR Are control responses satisfactorj for

..... s .....
_... Lqq - Eo,
and Y'!l tell you w.hy. T_ - the hmr.._ony
is poor. ! sent a little bit of force
give you _ ......
pretty good yaw -.a._.+_- It
takes % whale of a lot of force_ to get
you roll rate and it takes - in there
between *_.oe.
...._, sozewhere for pitch.
N_, the thing that I no_!ced after
flying it a ......
e, if I had to yaw, I
Dump Tape 231-09
Page 8 of 19

_ust barely - I was very _Infers. If I

had to yaw, I gave it all I had for several
seconds. And pitching seemed reasonable.
If we could somehow get them to have the
feel that pitch does. Pitch, you seemed
to be on and off - uh - about the right
amount of time for the velocity you get.
Yaw - too, too sensitive; roll, not near
sensitive enough. The - the relationships
_ere .poor. Now, I didn't notice that in
•_he" 509 - the backpack. It had pretty
good harmony and - uh - there's something
to be said there.

231 22 46 56 CDR Position change? No, position change -

position change, Just forget it. You flo_'t
have position changes worth a darn in here.
Uh - Too much force too. The harmony bad.
Ks I said, too much force for the - for
the motion you get ....

_ 231 22 h7 13 CDR Does cross-coupllng due to any of the

following factors appear to be excessive,
tolerable, or neglble for each - pitch
due to translation? I/n, - It's okay. I
don't think those are the things that drive
you crazy. The things that drive you crazy
is - are the flexibility. Things that roll
in the translation, yaw; you can llck those
if you Just - were had a rigid body, you
vere strapped in it good and - uh - harmony
_as a little bit better, and the forces
were a little bit better on the seat. I'm
not going to answer B, D, and D. I Jr%st
did and all them.

231 22 _7 28 CDR Do any of the following items appear to

significantly affect commanded responses
in cross-coupling? Body motion is lot - you
bet. Body notion Just drives you nutty.
Backpack motion? I don't know if it affects
_t or not, hut it drl - it bothers you.
It must affect it soneway. Your body is
limber up here. You're not a rigid body
up here. You're relaxed; you're not

Dm_p Tape 231-09
Page 9 of 19

"_ "'" " wal_/ng around here wit_ a tight gut.

You're Just relaxed and the thing Just
kind of slops around.

231 22 48 13 CDR Thruster set impingement on the body?

I don't know.

231 22 48 17 CDR What was the order of task dif -

• difficulty? The most difficult, by far,
was the - as far as having acceptable, was
dog-leg maneuver. Reason being you had
to do lots of trusting that means -
ment yon slopped around a lot. Put in a
lot of forces, hurt you on the rear and
and then it 81so caused you to get off in -
uh - in translation in the Y-Y direction,
which you can't control. Incidentally
as you know. So, Z-Z, you could catch on,
and X direction sometimes yon could - uh
could make out. But that was the worst.
• The next - hes - worse one wss, obviously the
two axis. Cause you have to pitch up.
That Just gave you more time to - to get
her in Y fouls you up. All the rest of the
maneuver was about equal. The essiest was
the pitch; roll was fairly easy, Just low
authority. Yaw was sensitive and also
when you yawed you'd and that was trouble-
some. Right yaw gave you - left roll I
believe, but l'm not sure. It will show

231 22 49 30 CDR Was time to perform maneuver too high or

too low due to high or low rates or
attitude control problems? Altitude
control problems caused you to have prebl_m=.

231 22 49 39 CDR Were the n_nber of control inputs high,

normal, or low? 0ccanlonAlly - I think
they were a little high. They were high,
hut mostly they were in n_mber - but mostly
they were high in - uh - l'd say - Wait
a minute. Let's do some thinking, say
this right. They were high in forces.
NOW in yaw, you didn't need m_ch force,
hut the littlest yaw you put in got you
going pretty good. So you had to put in
a lot of them to kind of keep stahlized
Tape 231-09
f _ Pa_e i0 of 19

; _ " " " _: " "" " 8hal i also caused a roll. So you had
to put sune roll corrections. So - there was a
lot of - there was - a lot more thruster
firing than you'd like. Inadvertent
eomm.nd - Although I don't think it's
that serious. Inadvertent c,,,_,,,_nds.
a few at the first; towards the end, less
because I remembered how to do" them.

231 22 50 31 CDR Did the control logic present any

si_ificant problems? No.

231 22 50 3_ CDR Were thuster sounds useful as a piloting

cue? Definitely, one of the best.

231 22 50 38 _R What parts or features of your body or

the ms-euvering system were used as visual
reference points? Nothing mY body except
my toes, when I was doing the translation
m-neuver now that I can translate pretty
much in the general direction that I
-_ wanted to. I didn't have any trouble
being off. I headed for somewhere in my
X-axis ... The problem was - uh - as I
put that in I would introduce some slight
Y-axls and then that was it. Or I wouldn't
be stablized in Y completely when I started.
And that was the end, boy; forget it.
Then it was after that it was every nsme
in the game. We were al I over the workshop.

231 22 51 18 CDR What parts or features of the 0WS were

used visual reference points or cues?
All of it_ it was all around you, and no
trouble upside down, right side up. I
tried to use mostly the FMU-2; I used the
SAL same and I used the - uh - film vault.
the John. But that's it.

231 22 51 36 CDR Were lighting and shows a si_ ficant

problem? They don't even - they're not
even noticable compared to the ones
we discussed.

231 22 51 48 CDR Were the forces and dynaml cs resulting frca

either p]-nned or unintentional contest
with the 0WS as expected? Pretty much, but I

D_ Tape 231-09
f-_ Page n of 19
" . • ? .... - - . * - ,

•" " "contacted the 0WS more than expected.

Particularly with the feet. If your feet
are in front of you and you are moving
somewhere, your - your kind of stuck. If
you're translating directly toward your
feet, you can stop. But if you're sort of
floating - uh - you're kind of out of luck.
Piching down doesn't help cause then your
• head hits the wail. Pitching up would hit
toes faster. There is no way to stop the
tran_iation your - once you get the least
little - little bit of tr, n-latiou in
here you don't want, you're s,mk. You'll
notice from the movies Just flying
around the workshop, as long as I stayed
in one plane I had it made. But the minute
a drift started building up in the Y, that
was it. The whole thing went to heck. I
could roll to try to take it out, or I
could Just fire one thruster using that
technique not usefUl. It's no wonder we
f-_ always worked on the alr-bearing. And -
and - uh - task in the 6 degree of freedom
was - was as it is. You don't - it doesn't
Bother you to be translating much. You
got plenty of room to be rotating around
and fake it working. But, in here, forget it.

231 22 53 07 CDR Were the forces and dyn_m_ cs resulting

from either - Okay, do you think any
procedural ananilies that occurred might
have influenced task performance?
Absolutely none.

231 22 53 16 CDR How would you rate the relative importance

- uh - of the FCS_J for the OWS maneuver
tanks? Fast controller configuration
operating characteristics? I'd call it
- uh - bothersome for the simple reason
it takes too much force. Bothersome to
signif - No, I'd go to significant

231 22 53 37 CDR One what degree of translation control?

Significant hinderance unsafe. Not in here,
but unsafe in the real world, EVA.

_ 231 22 53 53 CDR Visual reference. Uh, Nothing, everything

Dump Tape 231-09
Fage 12 of 19

: . • _:".. '"_m:sgreat. No - no - ybu kn_,,th&rewas

no problem.

231 22 5h 00 CDR Control response. I'd have to give that

a - uh - a - uh - both_rWom_ _) signlffeant"

231 22 54 12 CDR Unstabllized control system? lld have to

• give that a bothersome, Not a big deal.
I don't think - l'd have to give that -
change that to - to - it's a factor, but
half-wsy between factor and not bothered -

231 22 54 B3 CDR Hsnds-free operation? Good thing. That

was useful, veryuseful.

231 22 54 38 CDR Equipment location? Terrible place to

have it, down there between your lees,
You can't get at it, dumps into things, hard
tO adjust, you can't get the thrusters.
Now, I didn't any better on your back.
/_ So there's no advantage to having this
image between your lees when you've _ot
.11 the gas on your back. Forget the thing
between your legs, put your thrusters on
the gas on your back. WeVve got two
disadvantages where the other Just had
one. Now they've got a big disadvantage,
too. They've got these two hand
controllers out there in front of you.
That's - uh - bad news. Se_,, to me
that what we'd like to have is sort of
flexieble hand controllers. The hand
controllers that are down by your side.
You could very easily mount hand
controllers on the side of the - of - t_e -
uh - 509. Next time I fly it I'm goP_na
fly it with them down. And Just fly'em
there - not out in front. Then you cean
Dump Tape 231-09

_-_ Page 13 of 19
_.C.._.S,_ .. _._ _,_<:_: :._.
_.. ... . _. _ . • .......
, ._:._ :'. -_< . ,i... ._...z_.:.. L " .. .. _....
-"-"':'." • ', _ _" : " ""_ :-%_' _ave your hands free. You don't haveto-. " : " _: " •
your hand controllers out parallel with
the axis as you do. We learned that in
the LM. Didn't have any troubles flying -
-- LM docking, that is.

231 22 55 41 CDR FC_,_ configuration. Uh, _h - acceptable -

..... not unaceptable. It's unsatisfactory
• because it's not a rigid body. The whole
..... thing is flexing. It's like an inflatable
alrp_lane with the air three -quarters let
out. It Just - got to get some rigidity
in this thing, Don. you gotta get some
nuts and bolts and some rods and figure a
way for Jerry Carr to bolt this thing
together. And then figure a way to strip him
in so they heave together. So be's one
rigid unit. This whole idea is - backpack
envelope, too big.

231 22 57 17 CDR Piloting proficiency. Do you think that

the time you spent on the training
simulatorswas sufficientto permit you
to develop and exercise your skill for the
planned maneuvers? The answer to that is
yes. But the simulator that we had there
did not permit you to understand the
problem. If we'd put this on - T20 [sic] on
the ... at Martin, Denver. we would of seen
i_,edlately this drift problem and would
have realized that we - in the size the
dimensions of the workshop we could not
do the Job. That would have been obvious
from the very first day. Yt's Just he
minute you get any out of - maybe I'm wrong
here. Maybe if we had it up there, then
we could develop procedures, protection
that would m_ke it satisfactory. 9ut the
ones we have now are not acceptable. They -
. •" they teach you how to do it within the limits
of their capability and if you don't want
to worry about Y translations, which is
not a real-world consideration in the real
world - WVA - way - A world _s Just as
important as the other. But if you want,
for simulation testing purposes which
I don't agree with a bit - but for simulation
Dump Tape 231-09

/_ Page lh of 19

testing p_rposes, I guess you'd have to

say - uh - that they might he okay.
One thing is true, I don't think - uh - we
ought to waste too much with the - with - _h -
uh - well, I don't know - I don't know
the answer. I'm going to have to tape
more about the simulator thing.

231 22 57 50 CDR Do you feel that the training and experience

you _eceived in performing the planned
maneuvers was sufficient for the discretionary
maneuvers performed in the 0_? No;
there is nothing sufficient. You can't do
them. You can't do good baseline maneuvers.
I'd like - I want to see somebody do the
baseline maneuver.

231 22 58 08 CDR Do you think that your experience with 509

or with Skylab EVA operations assisted or
influenced in any way the manner in which
you performed the[sic]? I didn't go EVA
the first time. I go EVA here in another
5 or 6 days. It t_kes experience for 509?
Definitely. It should. Got a good feeling
for maneuvering around here. But probably
one of the biggest factors is the Just the
fact how you goof around in here without
any maneuvering unit. You can see what's
possible. And then when you get a maneuvering
unit,which holds you back it holds you back
to an unsafe degree, you don't llke it. As
I said, if Y were going EVA, I'd rather
have nothing than that unit. That's that

231 22 58 48 CDR Do you notice any influence of long-term

zero gravity psychological [sic] effects
on your ability to operate the FCMU and
perform the task? Yes, it's better. I'm
not worried about being on my side, upside
down, any of the attitude you rate. I
think you are much better acclimated to
fly that machine here than you would
ever be if you stuck it in a real good
simulator on Earth like you do at Denver
because there the gravity - I noticed
Dump Tape 231-09

/-_ P_e 15 of 19

.... " "=: %ha£"fn 509 I blew:basellne _aneuvers "

in 5'09 upside down. No sweat, Try that
somewhere else.

231 _2 59 21 CDR Conmuent on the expected and unexpected

_Ifferences betveen _"_20[sic] operations
in the OWS and the alrbearing and 6 degree
in the following areas. Okay, task
performance. We've already discussed it.

231 22 99 36 CD_ _il_workload, much higher here. Why?

Because if you tried to solve the Y
problem, and we don't seem to be able to -
_Iso it is more notlcable, the mismatch
of the yaw, pitch, Knd roll is more ut -
not/cable because you don't have it
an_here else. We got it here. You don't
have the bendiug we've got anywhere else
fn here. It's all that - task performance
is much more difficult.

231 22 59 56 CDR Pilot workload, much higher for those


231 23 00 O0 CDR Vehicle characterlstlcs, ratle for those


2Bl 2B 00 0B CDR Pilot in - cues, much better here much

better here. You don't have to - you
know hwere you are, you know how far
you are fro= - except you never really know
how far _:our backpack is from something
that you can't see there, or how far your
foot unit is, cause you don't see too well

CDR Discuss the relatlve i_portance of the

followin_ simulation artifacts. Jack,
have you _ot your schedule there? Look
Euad see where I'm suppose to be when. T
may have to stop brel_Ing to go do that.

PLT ...

231 23 00 02 CDE Yeah, I don't have A_T4 rl_=nt now, huh?

Dump Tape 231-09

_-_ Page 16 of 19

CDR Discuss the relative importance of the

.. following simulation artifacts. Degrees
of freedom. _4e got - If you want to learn
to fly this machine, you got to get
something like at Denver for coming in
and out. _"ne others are good for warmup.
Beginning, and before you go to Denver,
hut 2orget it for otherwise. I Just
_personally don't thinkyou can ms/-_ethis
acceptable with the degree of freedom
it's got. Audio visual cues acceptable.
Gravity vector orientation acceptable.
Body suspension, good. Operating envelope,
poor. For the simple reason that with
those degrees of freedom in a smaller
envelope, it will not cover. If you can
somehow stablex to several degrees, llke
they do in - uh - - uh - 3 degrees,
as you do at the airbrearing tables, zreat.
.-- -_ It's easy to do, let's fly to it. No
sweat. Extraneoys noises, no trouble.

CDR Using your EVA experience, discuss the

relationship of the visual, invironmental,
and airbreaking ... to the actual EVA,
conditions and possible maneuvering tasks.
We've discussed it, already. The problem
with going EVA, first of all, you're in
suit, which I wasn't in today. You're - uh -
don't have nearly as good visible cues•
You're uptight. Uh, You're in a hurry.
Everything said its going to be a lot
tougher to do in EVA, if the vehicle we
got here isn't good enough to do a EVA. So,
I think that says it, right there.

CDR Discuss the following operational factors

procedural anomalies• I don't know any!

CDR Equipment modification we've already

talked about what should be done.

CRE"_ ...

CDR Huh/ ... procedures. Have all the procedures

--_ been set up and stowage?
Dump Tape 231-09

Page 17 of 19

but doable.

CDR C_maunications, acceptable.

CDR Body foot restraints. We've talked about


CDR Influence of surrounding light, no


CDR Volume, very much of an influence.

231 23 02 32 CDR External, we've discussed It. External

dlstrubances, none. Just turn if off the
air; it's a waiste of time. Jack can't
stabilize me well enough to overcome the
forces of the ... The air is so down- far down
in the noise, forget it.

CDR Jet Impingment, I don't know. I didn't

/_ see O. was doing much but it could have.
It was high in the HH_ but I don'tknow
about his.

CDR Contact forces dynamics. We discussed

retrieval - it was - [Yawn] time consuming.
The most time consuming part of the whole
day was Jack getting me, and puting me
back in position. I think maybe we've
got to find out a way where - uh - Just
put me back in position, and leave me and
let me get stablIzed and he sort of go
over to where l'm cominc. And that way,
when I get there, he can bring me back,
instead of havin_ to repositlon himself
- two or three times a pass. Have him
Just head me back over there soon as !'m
hooked on. And he heads bac_ to where l'm
going to be, at the end. It works from
that position. Don't you think that's
better, Jack? Too much trouble. L%, now
you're going to have to hold me for the
pitch, ro_l, and ya'_; but that's okay:
that hasn't been trouble, if you don't
move away, you Just stay there.
Dump Tape 231-O9

Page 18 of 19
[ , . . . • .

_' " " ' '_" ..... CDR Trelnihg adequacy/s_kill carryover. "I"#e " " '" -.
already discussed the training. Was
adequant for the simulators we used. Maybe
more than adequate for the simulator we

CDE LonK'term simlLlators we used. Zero-g psy

• -psychological [Sic] effects. You're
going to be less satisfied with the
perfgrmance of something llke this. The
lOnger you're up here zoomln_ around on
your own, the more you're going to want
something better than that. It's llke
b_-ing a car, and it can't "perform as
we a8 you walking, You can the car and
walk, In the manueverings, you Just
can't perform as _ood as you can Just
hand over h_nd.

CDIR Other zero-g experience _. Well, add something.

• _ 231 23 Oh 25 CDR This does it. Okay. I believe that's it.

And that ought to - uh - we ought to have
covered everything, Don. Now, that's a
pretty rough - uh - comment, but I don't
think - uh - I don't think it's - uh - out
of line. I think it's - uh - realistic
appraisal of T20 [sic] In this enviornment
mad T_O [sic] in - uh - in the EVA enviornment.
It seems to me _e got to to make some
changes in this think before we fly It
agaln, as far as the straps are concerned,
and rlgidize. I'Ii start working on it in
some of my off hours _nd try _nd something
better. You got to start working on them,
too, and get sor.ethin_ up here better. Put
a drswlng on the teleprinter and some good
words, on the te]eprinter, on how to
stabilize, do it. And I wish we could
• " '" ' " figure away,'_p herd_to get some rlg_'d .....
me_bers between that backpack and the
seat pack; and 6at the straps around to the
front, I don't think we ought to fly this
thir_ again, until we Eet som.e straps that
go over my leg and %ttach do,;n to the
front. All this business about it works
great at zero g is not a fact, We're

Dump Tape 231-09

Fage 19 of 19

.., "- . "......

- . ..... = _o_gtohave :to=" "
-get "teailst_e,
" "........
as far as straps are concerned. And hang
ourselves in this thing. And, Lou, good
procedures. And - uh - looking forward
to getting some changes up here, so that
we change it and give it another go. I
think we might be able to do a better Job
- uh, more reasonable Job, if we can
rigidlze this thing. We'll see how we
feel about it then. You're going to
_e6d - it seems to me noticed we have
this run, and a - a - and a suited run.

231 2B 06 02 CDR That's not near enough for'evaluation.

And my suspicion would be that - uh - if
you could - uh -, you'd like to to get
yourself another -, at least another unsuited
run, but only after we somehow rigidize
this thing. CDR, out. Now, all that
information goes to Lou Ramon, o_ T20 [sic]
Don Hewes, Technical Investigator - and - uh -
Primary Investigator anyone else at the T020

231 23 06 33 CDH CDH, out.

DumpTape232-01 / ._.?_
: 0042-0218
GMT _ _- _
8119173 I/"
Page .1 of

232 O0 42 40 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A,

debriefing the last ATM pass which quit
here at 00:40. Uh - this is the one in
which inserted an extra building l0 to
look at active region at 96 - uh -
which is undergoing a -uh - transient
in the XUV right now. Uh - the - uh -
there are two bright points to the
north, apparently the sane polsrity, which
then - uh - show loops extending
down to another - uh - location, now
forming a brihht point to the south,
some - uh - 1 to l-l/2 arc minutes
awsy frim the - uh - two brighter
points to the north.

232 00 43 26 SPT Now this is referring to the picture

in the - uh - XUV MON. And - uh -
starting Just about - uh - oh,
2 hours ago now - uh - there was what
appeared to be a bright loop extending
from these two northern points
f around to the - uh - more southerly
- uh - - a look expadn_og ont toward
- uh - west limb and growing in size.
A couple of arc minutes long now. And
within the last - hh - hour - uh -
there's llso been another loop
formed, also out to the east, between
these two brighter - o/i - points.
And so it appears that there's a
whole structure of arches now
forming - uh - between these - uh -
uh - two - uh - bright points.

232 00 _ 08 SPT and the whole - uh - -J.b.

- the whole
evolution has occurred within the last
2 hours and - uh - the - K rather
expect that there is still some
further evolution to continue that
we could be observing. Now in that
last orbit, which - uh - uh -
started at 23:48, I did thke one
Dump Tape 232-01
Page 2 of 4

15-minute observing interall there

to do a building block I0 - uh -
located in this active region. I
did not ... mirror auto raster,
but also grating auto scan - uh - centered
on one of the - uh - brightest
points at the - in the northerly
pair of brihht spots.

232 00 44 55 SPT In H-Aplha, there appeared to be two

bright spots in the northern region. The
one to the south is not visible in
H-Alpha. So I picked the brihhtest one
by picking it up on detectors 1 and/or 3,
and into the grating auto scan there ...
auto raster and I believe it was two active,
one long, ,.. Perhaps your telemetry
will show all that.

232 00 _5 lh SPT Uh - I've got a couple of segments

of this evolution on the - on the -
uh -VTR.

232 00 45 27 SPT ... at least get a gllmnse ff what. th_ -

uh - uh - event looked Ikke by - uh -
taking a look - uh - uh - these se_nents
of the BTR. And I think it would be
rather interesting tc have been sitting
right on active region 96 during mirror
occasional - uh - uh 0 well, there had to
be a time ... because we're running
pretty short on film now. We're only
down to - we'_e down to 140 frames ....
suppose giees you very much in mode autos.
But - uh - at any rate I think we ought to
be observing this - _h - event at this
field. A one-of-its kind that I've
observed and ... up there.

232 00 h6 08 SPT Uh - now the next orbit we start the

0123. Has a building block 6 in it
- and'then a 2B on active region 93. So
there's one brief interval in there that
might be able to cut out without
Dump Tape 232-01
Page 3 of h

affecting the JOP 9 sequesce. Could

cut out this 0 uh - look at active
region 93. Man, we could do it later
or wait until tomorrow. We'll have to
talk to you abQut that on the ground and
this is the end of the debriefing and -
of the preceding orbit for the ATM nine
driven planners. SPT out.

232 02 00 13 CDR Okay, tiis is the CDR on the effort I

Just made to locate the Antipodes Islands.
No luck at all. It was scattered to
broken, and I expected to see them,
because - uh - it looked like a trick.
It would be possible if ouu could simply
see some of them down through the clouds,
but not a single one was in view. CDR out.
That goes to RETRO, I believe. It
doesn't go to RETRO. Believe it goes to

232 02 O0 38 CDR CDR out.

232 02 O0 38 PLT Okay: space _a_ _h/s is Jack on ch_--_-ue!A.

Thss is for the ATM boys. Debriefing the
01.23 run. We - uh - ran your - uh -
J0P 6. We've only gone IA without a hitch.
And we omitted the TV down-link. We substituted
- uh - target 96 fol target 93 to run
the building block lO. We got that done
and - uh - we got - uh - some - uh -
information on the VTR on - uh - target 96.
We - uh - didn't - weren't quite able
to complete a - uh - second mirror auto
raster on target 96.

232 02 16 15 FLT We - uh - after running building block lO

- we reported - uh - the - uh - ATM
a little bit to - uh - take advantage of
the XUV enhanced area, that - uh -
... transient area that 0wen had noticed -
which was not far from - uh - active region
96. , but we wanted to make sure
that - uh we pointed it properly. So we
had to offset from active region a little
bit. We gave the first hO lines of the
Dump Tape 232-01
Page _ of 4

mirror auto raster and we gave

an active 1 long. We had to
secure the - uh - auto raster's, port line
in order to have enough time to
press on to the JOP 9, building block 2,
which I Just finished Just before
effective sunset. So it looks
like we got everything you asked
for, plus a little bit more on that
XUV transient area that Owen noticed.
And we'll be back in about half hour to
get another JOP 9-

232 02 17 36 PLT See you later.

• i
. • __

Dump Tape 232-02

Time : 0310-0312 GMT
,_ 8_20_73 I " " _

Psge I of i

232 03 i0 58 PLT ... space fans. This is Jack on channel A,

debriefing the last ATM run for all the ATM
boys back there. I Just ripped off a JOP 9,
,n building block - uh - ... had requested, and
we're securing our ... for the evening.
Here are the latest - uh - frame counts.
H-Alpha, 2060, S056 is 1689, S082A is 47,
S082B is 134, S052 is 2466, S054 is 2312.
And we' re looking forward to working with
you tomorrow. See you in the morning, gents.

232 03 Ii 44 PLT Good night.



• b

| I
Dump Tape 232-03
Time: 1112 to 1206 GMT
Page i of i

232 ii 14 07 CDR CDR on the ATM. - uh - I'm doing job

on this item 13 and, at the same time
I'm doing a mlrror auto raster and I
will do a grating auto scan. I've gone
down to the bright XUV point. That should
be a mag - magnetic UV point on the
x-ray monitor. The coordinates ake:roll 5h00;
- uh - dowm, 534; and right, - uh - 185.

232 ii 14 37 CDR And - uh - I - I could peak the UV

up from - uh - 200 or so all the way up
to 1200, which isn't that spectacular but
it was a spot that I hadn't seen there
before. So it might be something.

232 Ii 14 48 CDR CDR out.

232 ii 33 27 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the - uh -

ATM run. Uh - I already discussed the fact
- the ..._ hy th_ _y. L%- - ! _-!rezdy
discussed the fact of uh - where I'm pointing
during - uh - the suggested building
block item 13.

232 ii 33 43 CDR I gave you ll-minut_ - uh - exposure

on that; and everything else - uh -
went Just like the pad.

232 ii 55 50 CDR PRDs, the pilot is ±93 - 193 for the PLT.

232 ii 56 34 CDR 087 - 087 for the SPT'S PRD.

232 12 00 05 CDR Okay, CDR's - uh - PRD reading is 211, 211

for the CDR. End of the PRD message
that goes to whoever's interested in
radiation dosemeters.
Dmnp Tape 232-04
Time: 232-1316 to 232-1343 GMT
Pete 1 of 8

232 13 16 49 PLT Good morning, space fans, this

is Jack on channel A. The subject
..... this morning is S019 for our friend
Karl Henize. We are about
to c(.._,_ce to bogin the start -
. the uh - S019 ops pad which is
'_- starting at 13:17. Our field
is 423. Humidity is minus 10.5
and yours is minus 8.9, so th
Delta is a m_nus 1.6-1/2 and
I have subtracted 1.6 fr_n ev3ry
rotational setting. The first
rotation is 301.9; therefore, tilt,
22.4. _ doulbe check those
for me again. 01.9, 22.4, there
_Ill be no widening at all, so
these will be 90-second exposures
_a my watch. Okay, we got the
film cassette - or canister 003
in here. The frsm counters are
reading zero now. The temperature
of it at - before I took it out
of the film vault, for your
"- _ information w_s uh - 73.4 degrees
Fah_:euh_i_ w_ r_ on a digitsi
thermometer. And let ' s begin
this first one. T_e off watch,
time is 13:17 which is the
start time.

232 13 18 28 PLT Okay, we go to SLY.DE tt_'A'l_AC'r_u,

pick up a slide, _tand by to open
the shutter.

232 13 18 47 PLT MARK. Sh"u'i'A'_l_

OPE_, frsme
number i, field 423, a 90-second
tmwldened expocure. Now these
are going to be 90 seconds as -
on my watch which is not equ_l
to the - uh - time on your -
uh - timer. As I recall, I
am not sure what the time _s
on your timer for that and -
Dump Tape 232-0_
Page 2 of 8

uh - I suggest that if you

want it to be the same On your
timer next time that uh -
yOU psi down time on there

232 13 19 30 PLT The prism is out, verified and

the focus was set to prism
out prior to run, so it looks
llke to me that everything is
,11 set up and ready.
Oke_, stand by to close
the shutter -


and _'ii set up for a new One
here. It is field number
20 - 423 and the rotation is
302.9 and we'll try to feather
in now at 23.4 302.9. 23._.
There. Double checked
. that 3029 23.4. Here we go;
stand by, SLIDE RETRACT_u.

232 13 21 29 PLT MARK. S_U'A'A'_OPENED. Frame

number 2, field 423, a .@O-second
exposure at ROTATION of 302.9
and TILT of 23.4. Okay, - uh -
stand by to close the shutter
On - uh - field 423. 90 second

232 13 22 59 PLT MARK. SHb'._I'_R CLOSED, CARRIAGE

REIT_CTED. Next _ne 305.7.
Okay, we get that set and take
sow of 2 on the next One.
Okay, 2 is set in and once
again this is going to be a
90-second unwidemed exposure.
305.7 checked and 2.0 checked.
Okay, we got to SLIDE HE'TRACT,I_D
get that wide open shutter -
Dump Tape 232-0_
Page 3 of 8

232 13 23 b6 PLT MARK. SHUTTER OPENED, frame number

3 on - uh - field Hike T
Alpha 90 seconds, unwidened.
Here's a screwdriver. We using
this, C.?

232 13 2_ 29 PLT Hey, AI, on an unwidened

exposure did Karl say anything
_hout the timing on them? You
don4t have a timing deal you know.
That's what I'm doing, too, hut
that's not equal to his - uh -
little deal up here. I'm
-, a 90-second one a true
90-second one, and - uh - I've
asked for the information and
if he wants it to - uh - be
something different - yesh. _A-_es
you run behind though.

232 13 25 i0 PLT Oks_ stend by to close shutter.


- RETRACTED. Next. one is 305._,
305._ anS 0.i. 0.I i".s_t _-
cheek 'era305._, 0.i start&
by to - uh - open the
shutter, go slide _'etractive.
Here we go.

232 13 26 02 PLT MARK. ,_D'.rJ.'.CR01_D, tr_e

_-,m_er _, field MiLe 7 Bravo,
90-second m_wideneC. We're l,,-_tn_
2 minutes behind. Might pick
up a little hit - _e're not
going to catch up. Okay, the
next one I cs_lculat_ to be
rotation of 155.6. Twelfth
or 11.9. That's th_ next one;
that's not this one. This is
before our - uh - NU on "the
panel is running a minus 10.5
end you have minus 8.9 so the
difference is - uh - 1.6 which

Dump Tape 232-04

Page 4 of 8

I've - uh - minus 1.6 which

I've subtracted off every
rotation. Okay, stand by to
close the shutter on field Mike 7
Bravo -


RETRACTED and they are all
unwidened. Let's go to the next
one, 155.6. 155.6, 11.9, -
set and double check that 155.6,
11.9, here we go. Brand by, Karl -
an open shutter.

' 232 13 28 20 PLT MARK. SHUJ/_I_:R OPENED, frame D,,mher

5, Golf 68 field and the 90-second
unwidened. One and I'm ... half'
behind. Terminate last exposure
at 13:38:30, it says. It's
film canister 003 _hich is what
ye're doing and then we can
put the prism in for the next
go around. Okay, I calculate
the next ROTATio_ to be 156.6,
same TILT. Okay, this
particular one is field Golf
68, ROTATION 155.6 TILT 11.9
90-second unwidene_. Stand by
to close the shutter.


R_'IIFACTED. Okay, we're
whistling to the next one which is
156.6 looks llke i_'s
designed for a dummy like me.
C_ay, it's set, 156.6 double
checked, 11.9. Stand by to
open the shutter. We go to

232 13 30 14 PLT MARK. SRU_TER 0PENED_ frame

number 6, field is Golf 68,

Dump Tape 232-0_

Page 5 of 8

90-second mlwidened and the

ROTATION is 156.6 and the TILT
is 11.9. Go on to the
next one. I tell you, the
action on this 509 business -
Okay, stand by to close the
shutter on Golf 68, 156.6 and
11.9, 90-second unwidened.


and _e go to the
next one, a 155.6 - back to that
one, 155.6. And change the
TILT a little bit ; there _e go.
12.9 ... that baby up one
degree. Okay, there we are,
155.6 end 12.9 is doulbe checked.
Stand by to start this one.
I've got the SLIDE I_I_HACT_D
end in fact, SEO'I'A'_:ROrbED.
Stand by -

. 232 13 32 21 PLT MARK. Frame number 7, field

Golf 68, 90=second u_lwidened;
ROTATION 155.6 end TILT of -
uh - 12.9. Verified. How
are _e doing on time here?
Well, we ain't goin_ to catch
up, but we're going to _e a
little closer.

232 13 33 19 PLT Now I'm supposed to term!-ate

the last exposure at 13 :38 :30.
I interpret that to mean that -
uh - if I don't hav_ a _,11
90 seconds .in, to go ahead
and close the shutter anyway.
On the other bard, _f I had
more than 90 seconds, what I
would probably do is curt off
at 90 seconds, but it's a little
ambiguous in that I could -
uh - leave that 90-second exposure
D_np Tape 232-04
Page 6 of 8

x-,-_inguntil 38:30, get

something ready until 90. C_ay,
stand by to close the shutter
on - uh - Golf 68.


RETRACTED. Next one is 117.0.
Set in and 30.6. There we are,
double check that one, 117.0,
30.6. Stand by to open the

232 13 3_ 32 PLT MARK, SH_'I'I'_:R

OP,ZNED. Frs_e
number 8. Field is Golf 75.
A 90-second unwidened exposure
at - uh - ROTATION of 117.0 and
a TILT of 30.6.

232 13 35 51 PLT Okay, stand by to close the

shutter on Golf 75 at 117.0
end 30.6, fr--_ number 8.

232 13 36 03 PLT MARK. SHb'rf_h_CLOS_, CARRIAGE

RETRAC'J_:_. S_ep _long to the
next one on 118.0. Her in
and r uh - 30.6 r_Ins on 18.2,
check and 30.6, check. Okay,
here we go again. SLIDE RETRACTED.

232 13 36 26 PLT MARK. SHb'I'A'_R

OPENED, frame
_mher 9. Field is Golf 75,
90-secoud unwidened exposure
at - uh - ROTATION of 118.0
nad a ATILT of 30.6.

232 13 36 57 PLT Looks like we're going to Just

---_e it. _ have 2-1/2
m4-utes to go.

(Tune )

232 13 37 35 PLT Caution tone from the aA',_A ...

flow, again. Okay, here we
go; stnad by to close the
shutter on Golf 75 at 118.0
and 30.6.
Dmnp Tape 232-04
Page '7 of 8


RETRACTED, Go to 117.0.
Craz_ numbers. Here we go.
117.0 and 29.6. Back off
on that. Crazy numbers
again. Okay, there we're
set. Slide retracted; check
those n,tmbers. 117.0, 29.6.
Stnad by.

232 13 38 27 PLT MARK. SEU'I'A'ER

OPENED. (Tone)

232 33 38 3b PLT Frame number i0, field Golf 75,

ROTATION 117.0 and - (Tone)
the TILT is 29.6. A
90-second Unwidened exposure.
Now let me cheek the time here.
And I've got down here take a

CDR Jack.

PLT -- Yes.

CDR What _ed ...?

PLT Bed A.

CDR ...

I_T Bed I.

CDR ...

232 13 39 22 PLT Okay.

232 13 39 59 PLT Well, (Tone) there's - uh

- 38:30 on my watch, Karl, so
we'll close the shutter.

232 13 39 _b, PIT MARK, SHD'A'A'_'_CLOSED. The

And- (tone) that was a -
uh - 75-second exposure
D_p Tape 232-0h
Page 8 of 8

on _eme n,,mher 10, field -

uh - Golf 75. Now leeme check
my watch compared to the mission
timer here, l - uh - thought
I had it set up properly.
Well, Karl, my watch is _,4nute
slov so ve've - uh - Now
_e've gone over one minute intp -
uh - into - uh - past the
CLOSED - uh - time ¢nt
the last frame. Therefore -
uh - we effectively went to -
uh - 13:39:30 on the last frame
(tone) instead or 13:38:30.
So your last - uh - exposure
there is - uh - is oing to be
in question. That's uh - uh -
exposure number - uh i0, field
Golf 75, ROTATION 117.0 and
a TILT of 29.6. So - uh - you'll
want to take a close look at -
uh - frame number I0 to -
uh - see what that extra minute
-_ of exposure past the termination
time did. Okay - u_,- I'll
put the little Imob back in
stowage and - uh - close the
film hatch, and - uh- proceed
on with the rest of the -
uh - temporary securing
operation on soIg.

232 13 hi 23 PLT So that concludes - uh - (tone)

frame number starting at 13:17.
And - uh - I'll be back with you
at about - uh - 16:_5.

232 13 hi 36 PLT End of message.

_D 0_ TAPE
: D_np Tape 232-05
Time: 14:16-15:13 GMT
Page i of 15

232 14 17 23 PLT (_ay, space fans, this is Jack, on

channel A. And the subject is the
TV63 video test, which is now in
process being - uh - loaded on the
VTR. The serial number of the camera
in use now, is serial number 3002.

CREW ...

232 14 19 51 PLT Okay, space fans, here we are again - uh -

back in the - uh - TV 63 video test using
the second camera this time and the
serial number is 3006. This is the one
we had the problem with during the - uh -
rendezvous, and - uh - we worked on the
color wheel a little bit.

232 lh 24 05 PLT And - uh - this is the end of the mes-

sage on TV 63 test. And I think the
people would like this er a - Dave
Brooks and the ...

_- 232 14 35 38 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A,

debi_efing the i_ th_ is j_t Euu_L
to finish - about to finish at - uh -
14:35 ... Okay, the _op lines went
as planned. Now, on this - uh -
particular rev, it started at 13:47 Lulu,
we were supposed to go back to - uh -
bright spot number 1. Now I had one short
building block, a building block l0 on
bright spot l, at the end of the last
orbit. And the coordinates that I used,
at the end of the last orbit, were
minus 5398 roll; dowz, minus 157 and right,
plus 131. We got a debriefing we could
verify it from the grDund. Now, at the
convertion of that, I found that that was
really not the bright spot I'd intended to
point at. It was a bright spot, but it
was not the best one and not the one I
was - uh - wanting to study. Now, there-
fore, at the beginning of the next run, I
•slightly redefined that bright spot num-
ber 1 position, and - uh - I'll tell you
Dump Tape 232-05
Page 2 of 15

the results of that - uh - I guess, -

uh - here next. The bright spot 1 final
coordinates are minus 5391, roll;
minus 144, down; plus 98, right. Now
this is - uh - very little different,
on - are minute or less from the
other - uh - bright spot, originally
defined. So, the - uh - mirror auto
raster should not be comprised in any
way. And so, then with the new - uh -
bright spot coordinates, I completed
steps l, 3 and 4. I thought this was
preferable to make sure the 82B data
was - uh - really optimum on - uh -
that - uh - bright spot location. I
also reversed the left and right between
steps 3 and 4 because I found that there
was another bright spot near this one to
the left and I didn't want to put the
828 slot ov - uh - slit on this other
bright spot, - uh - when they thought
they were getting background or contrast
- information. So, I instead, on step 3,
moved te _° _'-_ 5 --°
then on step 4 moved to the left 5 are
seconds where 82B had - uh - been omitted.
Had 82B been running both times, then of
course it would have made no difference.
And then I had a few minutes left so I
gave another mirror auto raster, grading
zero, and got down to about line BS. So
that should - uh - further verify that
there was no "compromise to the original
mirror auto raster made at the end of the
last orbit, and should also give you some
information about sLny - uh - chauges that -
uh - may have occurred to the bright spot
or - uh - surrounding regions during the
hour and a half inter%ening. So, I think
that it was a good stuyd of bright spot
number 1 sund - uh - you should use these -
uh - final coordinates as the - uh - uh
position of the - uh - the bright spot in
•which all of the central - uh - work was
done. And we're Just now finishing up -
uh the next - uh - uh building block 2 for
JOP 9 on the end of this orbit.
Dump Tape 232-05
Page 3 of 15

232 14 38 32 sPT End of this debriefing from the SPT.

This information went to the - uh - ATM
PIs and planners.

232 14 48 27 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on chan-

nel A. The subject is _87-3, evaluation
guide number 2• This infor probably goes
to my friend - uh - professional golfer,
Robert Burn. Okay we're going to - uh -
evaluate - uh - various compartments in
the spacecraft• First placement is
general arrangement and orientation of
the compartment.

232 14 48 59 PLT Starting with the wardroom. I like the

wardroom fairly well, except for - I don't
like the - uh - pantry area. I notice
that every time 0wen wants to get his
shower he has to - uh - stumble over A1
or myself to get to it, cause it's
directly cross the table. His uh - uh -
food should have been stowed over - uh -
where he could reach it. Would have been

232 14 49 25 PLT The waste management compa_tment - uh -

general arrangement - uh seems to be
satisfactory. The - uh - John on the wall -
uh is - okay - uh - setup. The - uh -
urinal drawers work well• Uh - the one that
I - uh - had to pull out and the one A1
p1_1]s out, though - uh - conflict with
the - uh - foot restraints. I think we
discussed that before.

232 14 49 52 PLT The - uh - sleep compartments - uh - seem

to be arranged satisfactory. I've got no
complaints about that. I - uh - sleep well
every night. And, - uh - able to keep all
my gear in here with - uh - minimal dif-
ficulty. Uh - light is not a problem.
Trying to sleep, we turn out all the
llghts, - uh - except we leave some on
up in the - uh - uh - airlock area. Uh -
the baffles above my head - uh - doesn't
pass any air to speak of. Believe I've
discussed that, also. But it remains flat
Dump Tape 232-05
Page h of 15

against the ceiling. Blocks out the

light all right, but doesn't let any air
through it. I - tth - keep my - uh -
little - uh - curtain half way open in
the evening - at night, to prevent - permit -
permit ventilation - uh - through the
compartment. The air coming up through the -
uh - vent duct in the floor - uh - flows
fairly rapidly. It's uncomfortable to have
it pointed at you. You have to have it
pointed away and - uh - otherwise, it -
uh - it's too drafty. Experiment compart-
ment - uh - arrangement uh - seems to be
okay. Uh - it's kind of crowded in between
the ergometer and the - uh - and the - uh -
ESS panel. A - uh - sure is a crowded
area when you get the shower erected
but - uh - we know that wasn't originally
planned to be in there, and I think it
was a good location for it - uh - uh - as
an after thought. I guess that's all I
can think of on the - uh - experiment
z compartment.

232 14 51 28 PLT Forward doom - dome area seems - uh - gen-

erally be arranged - Jh - satisfactory and
adequately. Uh - I'we got no major com-
plaints about the arrangement in there.
One thing about the lower are that the - uh -
poor arrangement is the - uh - the fact
that the - uh - the p._n is right next to
the sleep compartment. And - uh - it's
not that fact so _ch as the fact that
when - uh - anybody goes in there to - uh -
turn on the blower an_ use the - uh - waste
management system at night, it wakes
everybody else up. Aud that - uh - thing
makes a fair amount oi" noise that - uh -
and - uh - tends to wake you up when
somebody goes in there and uses it.

232 14 52 i0 PLT The uh - airlock itself• Uh - it's

arrangement is - uh - seems to be
satisfactory. Uh - during the EVAs,
why - uh - tend to float around in there
and - uh - grap on to whatever you can
grab on to. Uh, there 's usually other
Dump Tape 232-05
Page .5 of 15

items and articles floating around in

there, too, and you seem to kick 'em
and bump 'era. And they're hanging on
tethers and getting wrapped up in your
legs, and _rrapped up in one another.
And - uh - so, it's - uh - it's kind
of a - uh - bowl of spaghetti during
EVA but - uh - we've been able to manage with
it all right. But I 'm sure there are
sc_e improvements that can be made to - uh -
to store equipment better in airlock
areas and - uh - keep it from dangling
all over and provide places for people
to hold on to.

232 i_ 52 56 FLT _)A/STS area is - uh - arranged in a

pretty hodgepodge fashion. It's - _h -
looks more like a boiler room than a
spacecraft. Next time we build s_mething
like that we ought to make it so - uh -
things are ... in better and there's not
so _y nooks and things for stuff to ge_
- lost into, so many head knockers and sharp
objects - uh - stlckinK out from - uh -
lack of - uh - things to grap on to and to
fasten yourself down to. The - uh - the
only arrangement of the - tth - MDA is
probably - uh - more hodge pod_e than - uh -
any other _rea in the space craft, in my
opinion. I - uh - in - uh - going from
the - uh airlock to the co_m_smd module,
uh - seems like the - uh - orientation
that you go through there - that I go
through there anyway, always winds me up -
uh - uh - ... motion ... motion directly
at the - _h - little %_ble that's on the
ATM. I've always got to - uh - grab a
hold of it or rotate out of the way in
order to miss it. Easy to kick the ATM -
uh - panel when you're going by. And - uh -
so our arrangement in the _DA - uh - could
have been better somehow.
Dump Tape 232-05
Page .6 of 15

232 lh 5h i0 PLT Volumn of the carpartments is - uh -

adequate I think, except for possibly
the airloek compartment. That could
have been bigger. Uh - when you're
sitting in there, why - uh - it gets
pretty crowded with all that in there,
too. And - uh - could use more room
in the airlock. The - uh - rest of the
compartments, - uh - the voltmm seems
adequate. I wouldn't make - uh - sleep
c(_npartments any smaller than they are.
And - uh - I - I can't think of any - uh -
neither the waste management, they shouldn't
be smaller, neither should the wardroom.
Uh, going in the wardroom, you always
have to scoot around the tables or over
the top, if there's somebody in the way.
And - uh - so you don't have that any
smaller. The - uh - the - uh - commander -
uh - pretty much blocks the entrance to
the right side of the ward room when he's
going in.

_°°_ _J'__v_'n
_v_ P_ The - "._,h
- volumn uf th_ _A i_ - uh -
probably about right, but - uh - it's so
_ : cut up, it's hard to - uh - hard to really
evaluate the volunm in there. The vol_n,n
_ . is - uh - in my case, is unusable because
it's - uh - uh small sections of voltmm
tucked - uh - down behind boxes and

.. around boxes. And a lot of the volume

in the MDA is not available for use.
The - uh - ceiling - floor proximity is -
. uh - adequate in the - uh - preparter's
_- area. I'd say it's about right. Got no
-- complaints about it at all. I'll fre-
quently - uh - grab on to ceiling - uh - in
it to get around - uh - in a vertical
..... . _ manner-manner and - uh - more frequently,
• _ _ uh - in a horizontal manner. Uh - so - uh -
- in that case, why the - uh - ceiling proximity
has no - uh - bearings on the situation.
•- However, when you're in there working - uh -
the - uh - experiments or setting at the
,. wardroom table - uh - it's necessary to be
verticle. And - uh - you won't want to make
..... the head clearance any shorter than it is,
Dump Tape 232-05
Page 7 of 15

although what we have seems to be

adequate. Having floor proximity is -
uh - not applicable in the other

232 14 56 28 PLT Ingress/Egress provision - uh - they're

lousy in the MDA. Uh - just grab
whatever - uh - seems to be sticking
out. More often than not it's - uh -
the - uh - table - uh - work table at
the ATM. So ingress and egress in the
MDA is - uh - not _ood. Uh come out of
the command module - uh - the only thing
you can do, Just about, is push off at
the hatch and - uh - float - uh -
actually to the first thing you run into.
And there's no hand over hand way to get
around in the MDA to speak of. Putting in a
little handrail the crew quarter's hatch -
uh - getting into the - uh - going through
the hatch, to grab onto when you come
down from the dome and - uh - fling your-
/_-_ self into the - uh - lower compartment.
Benn nice to have, b_% not required.
Uh - getting in and out of the - uh -
waste management comp_rtment is - wh -
sort of a stunt becarse - uh - once you
get in there - getting in and out is
okay, but getting in there is not too
good because - uh - there's nothing to
lock your feet in to. Your feet Just
slide all over the f3oor, you sort of
bounce, rlco6het from wall to wall.
And - uh - you know the best way to
restrain yourself in there is to - uh -
you'll probably think to - uh - put
your - uh - knee up _ainst the little
handrail there and yo1_ back against
the tissue uh - wipe g_ispenser area and
kind of wedge yourself to - uh - do
what ever is necessary. Other than that,
uh - you Just drift around in there•
and - uh - you have to wedge yourself
•with your feet and hands between the
wall, in order to by yourself. So,
it's wh - getting in and out is all
right but once you get in there - uh -
it's anybody's guess as to how you're
D_np Tape 232-05
Psge.8 of 15

going to handle the situation. Uh -

getting in and out of the wardroom has
been discussed. Uh - if - uh - the
Sl°T and the commander is seated, why -
uh - the only way is to get over the table,
there's no way to get around it. Their -
uh - their backs are pretty much up to
the wall.

232 lh 58 33 PLT Egress/Ingress - uh - into the - uh - forward

dome area is - uh - satisfactory. Coming
from the airloek, of course, they - uh -
push off. If, we had the ...... why -
uh - that'd be a perfect way to do it,
but we no lo_ger find it a necessary unit
s-ridundesirable to have it in the way.
In_ress and Egress out of the airlock -
uh - are satisfactory. In fact, got a
hamdrail to the air lock to - uh - take
care of that problem.

232 lh 59 Ol PLT Trash collection provision uh - it's uh -

_ _ satisfactory in the wardroom. Uh - it's
not satizf_ctory - -i_- ia Lhe - uh - -
there's no trash bag 9 uh - uh that we
haven't used in the - D_h - experiment
compartment. We always have to - uh -
go over to waste mans_ement then or
into the - uh - the wardroom to throw
things away unless we put a - uh -
fold the ba_ up and h_/%g on the wall
which is what we typically do. Uh - a i
little trash bag deals in the - u_h -
sleep compartment are good. Uh - it
takes a while to fill them up, I guess
I've only used one so far. And the - uh -
one in the head gets used a lot - uh -
but it's adequate. Uh - we never use
the one in the forward dome because
they' re never near you it seems like.
There aren't any provisions in the - uh -
airlock or the RDA. You reall_ dox_'t
need - uh - any in the zirlock but - uh -
we'd like to have them in the MDA and -
-uh - that was an omission, An oversight
..... that we should have taken care of earlier.
But - uh - %lh - what we've done is to
install a bag in there and to - u_h - dispose
Dump T_pe 232-05
_, Page 9 of 15

of our waste In a temporary storsge

bag, which we have to dump out every
once and a while. But, uh - I llke
the - uh ~ idea of having trah bag -
uh - behind lockers, not away llke they
are down in the lower compartment.
That's the way they ought to be all over.
In - uh - a little rubber - uh - split
rubber - uh - ceiling devices are - uh -
. _ are working well. Uh - stuff doesn't
never get out when anyone puts something
in the can. They get a little messy
sc_etimes when you - uh - put s_nething
dsmp in there. Dh - they get wet.
Particularly the ones in the waste
manage or the - uh - food compartment,
where you - uh - cut the tops off your -
uh - food bags and stick them ill there.
They usually got some residue on them
and it gets kinds sloppy on the - %th -
: %he,_ilttle- 1_h - split rubber entrance

f_-_ to the - uh - trashbag.

232 15 Ol 05 PLT Okay, - uh - storage voltm_e and access -

uh - we're limited on storage volume
in the sleep compartment. We could have
used a little more s_orage volume for -
uh - odds _ud ends that - uh - tlnally
come your way, as fa_' as clothes and
shoes and biomed stuff and - uh - uh -
the tool caddy and all that. Cause you
want to stow your parsonnal tapes, and
the - uh - music tapes, and shook or
two and - uh - there as no good storage
for the tapes in the - uh - the - uh -
sleep compartment which is where every-
body stows their's csuse they got
extrsa in the - vh - now that the ward
wardroom tape recorder's broke, why there's
no sense in having your tapes in there.
The tapes Just drift around in the - uh -
locker. Uh - should we slam the door,
you could break one very easyily. And
_ _'yOu_'can never can find the one you want
unless you go through all 18 of them.
Uh - what you need is - uh - sc_e little -
uh- thing you can install in the - uh -
/_ _ the - uh ~ locker in the sleep compartment
D_np Tapes 232-05
Page.10 of 15

to keep your tapes in, so that you

can - uh - get at them and also, so
you can know what you - they are. I
was thinking of us having a - uh -
catalog - uh - for each guy to use
independently - uh - in the - uh -
sleep compartment so you know Just what's
on each tape and grab the one that he
wants. Or have some better way of
marking them. The tapes come up and
they're u_marked. Uh - except for the
ones that were launched, the others are
unmarked. They Just - uh - come in a
cassette l, 2, or 3 indications so
there's no way of knowing what's on
them unless you go through everyone of
them. You can't file them like you would
at home in a - uh - in a cabinet, and
Just look at the pages of them, like you
would at a book to see what the title
is. You got to, uh to go through the
whole - the whole stash. So _ sug-
- gestionis that you figureout same
-._y _-_ - "_h - contain =_-'"these t_e_
and s_ne way to mark them on the OUtSide -
uh - so that you knOW what they are, _ith-
out having to go through the whole heap
and have them float all over and then they
float out of the compartment. You find
1 or 2 that drift, during the day, some-
where around the workshop. The rest of
the stow ... like we said, we could use
more stowage are in the sleep compart-
ment. They're - uh - the - uh - the
lockers that we do have in here that we're
not using, are fall of trash bags or some
other thing like that, that you don't use
very many of. Uh - and so - uh - you
Just don't empty those lockers, they're
not available for personal use. There
is no good way to - uh - stow your
clothes at night. Uh - you can't stow
everything on these little - uh - uh -
rubber towel holders because - uh - it
floats all over and - uh - it Just kinda
gets in your face and everywhere. And -
uh - so you need somewhere to stow your
clothes. It would be nice to have a
Dump Tape 232-05
•_ Page ii of 15

locker to dump those clothes into. And -

uh - normally, what I do, is I roll up
my shirt and stick it behind the SIA and
the light, wedge it in there. And my
trousers, I roll them up, uh - throw
them in the trash compartment. And
then I got T-shirt - uh - a pair of
skivvies, I usually stick in the towel
holder and they float around. And the
shoes I - uh - still got a - uh - ...
back down here with extra clothes in it
that we brought up and - uh - I got that -
uh - bunched into the deck and uh - out
of the way of the vent so I get s_me
fresh air and I usually stick my shoes
down there wedged in somewhere. But
uh - really not enough stowage area in
the sleep compartment. Looks like we
got enough over there in the - uh -
ward room. We're regularly using towels
and things outa there. And - uh - uh -
f some of those lockerscouldbe used for
other things. Uh - I've stowed the
T 00200 in one of those lockers instead
of folding it up every time and putting
it back where it belongs, so, I take an
empty locker and I stuff it in there.
Now there aren't too many storage - uh -
provisions - uh - 8x_ required in the
pad area. The - uh - compartment where
you keep the fecal - uh - used fecal
bags is a little too small. It should
be emptying that thirg all the time,
seems like it's alwa_rs full. And - uh -
so that could have been a bigger area.
Everything else ... In the experiment
compartment, you don't stow much extra
stuff there either. T/n - and stowage
volume that we do have appears adequate.
The area will get things outa there
all _ight when you need them• Up in
the - uh - forward dome we started to -
tth - use that extra stowage space up
there. That's stowage seems to - uh -
uh - adequate. Uh - the extra things we
brought up however, are - uh - stowed
somewhere on the wall or tied to this,
-_ that, and the otherthing. And we

, i
Dump Tape 232-05
Page 12 of 15

don't really have a place to put

them like extra uh ...... and - uh -
that kind of stuff is a kind Just
splashed down wherever you can find a
place .... is.completely full. We
got one more bag in there than the
sched called for. And - u_h - if you
need to put more ... bags down in there,
you can probably improvise a way - uh -
but - uh - the - uh - storage are that
we have planned is - uh - completely
full. Uh - we could go around, I
noticed that the - uh - the cable that
uh - is - uh - fastened to the dome
extends all the w_y around. Although
the cable that's fastened to the wall
to hook the other end of the ... bag
to is completely filled up. Oh - if
you need to use more prime area you could - •"
uh - take it down there and improvise " _
some way, using the cable that goes
around the d_e, but - uh - somehow
/ • figure out a way to attach it to the
_'all, I thi_, wlLh_uL any - uh - problem.
Stowage provisions in the - up in the
MDA - uh - are - uh - we usually stow
everything up there "_e need. Uh - one
thing that we don't have up there that
we need is - uh - a tissue and wipe
dispensor. One thing I think they should
have made with these - uh - clothes is
some handerchiefs. You gotta go out
of your way to blow your nose, you got
to pick up a tissue. You don't do that
on Earth. You walk - I walk around
with a hankerchief in my pocket. When
I got to wipe something off, I pull it
out and wipe it. Here you got to go
around and get a tissue from somewhere.
Now there aren't any up in the _DA.
We had to take a box up there and -
uh - tape it to the wall. So that's -
also an oversight in the _OA. ' " -" _'-
. ; ..
232 15 07 18 PLT As far as stowage provision is con-
cerned volt,he and access, you can get " "_
to it if you can find a way to fasten "-
D_mp Tape 232-05
Page IB of 15

yourself to s_nething to get in

there. There's just not - no way to
hold yourself down unless you wrap your
legs around something. And - uh - uh -
haven't actually had too much occasion to
get things out of stowage in the MDA.
Uh - but - uh - here again, all the
stowage is arranged in real hodgepodge
fashion and - uh - lighting is all
different directions and - uh - when you
go up there you really got to look
around to find out where you are before
you can find what you're looking for.
Uh - depends on the orientation, you
hit the MDA at - as to where you think
you are. Seems like everytime I go up
there still - uh - unless I enter it
the same way everytime - uh - I'm
always a little confused as to whether
to go right or left to - _h - to
find what I 'm looking for. And I
always gotta go in th,_re and find
/ - uh - EREP stuff and uh - and then
i can locale myself with respect co
that, or with respect to the ATM panel.

232 15 08 17 PLT Uh - there's not much stowage - uh -

volume in the airlock and there ain't a
whole lot required in there - uh - except for the
stuff that we take out EVA, we naturally
have a place to put i_; instead of
hooking on to. everything; so its in the
way of your feet, kicking it around
and banging on tethers, and - uh -
getting wrapped up in your legs sad - uh -
your umbilical and wrapping itself
around other articles that are also
fastened to the tether. It's a big
- uh - rat nest in there during EVA, as far as
stowage is concerned. Temporary
equipment restraints - uh - we should've
had more s_ring bungees and we shouldn't
have had those sharp wires on them
cause those are eye catchers. We
found that - uh - with time and use that
those bungees, those little wire hooks and
- the ones from the cc_and module are real
/ good, but the ones that were built with the

Dump Tape 232-05
•_ Page 14 of 15

_orkshop - uh - they're starting to

stretch out. And every once in a
while they get loose - go snapping
across the room and we're lucky so far
we haven't put out somebody's eye.
And on some occasions we're hit people
with them, and if we hit em in the eye
we would have been in trouble. They - uh -
tended to come loose sometimes because
the - uh - hooks are getting bent and
straightend out like - uh - straightened
out fish hooks.

232 15 09 27 PLT And we should have had those springs built on

the doors without having to improvise
and - uh - and - uh - hook them on
there as an afterthought. We should
have had - uh - some kind of little
stowage bungee or - uh - a stretching
device attached to every-every locker.
Every place that - there's a flat
place, we should have had something
r there to stow things underneath.

232 15 i0 02 PLT The - uh - other temporary equipment

restraints - we use the short straps
quite a hit - the loI,5 straps - uh -
we seem to use them, too. Although the short
straps are nicer. B_it - uh - it looks
to me like their favorite is the - uh -
spring bungees, cause we yanked them all
out of the workshop. They're all
fastened somewhere arid we still don't
have enough of them. So - uh - that's
something that - uh - we ought to -
next time around to ~ uh - provide - uh - more of.
Uh - temporary equipment restraints in the
_DA are essentially nonexistant.
Whenever you go up there and try to
fasten something down there's Just no
place to put it. Now you got to - uh -
take springs up there and hook it under
anything. The question is not - enough
equipment restraints up there for temporary
use. Temporary equipment restraints
Dump Tape 232-05
_ 15 of 15

in the - uh - airloek are nonexistant.

We discussed that already. We need
something other than tethers dangling
811 over. Now I've got to go and work
on the ATM and I'll come back and - uh -
finish this later.

232 15 ii 06 PLT So - uh - this is the temporary end

of this message, end I'll be talking
to you later, Robert.


o.•• •
-_ IA_npTape 232-06
Time: 1620-16_6 C_4T
Page i of 5

232 16 22 01 PLT Hello there, spsne fans.

This is Jack with - 1111
S019, for our friend Karl
_rZE. We're about to start
the - uh - second run today.
RUZ is minus 19.5 - ub -

as oppsed to your minus 9.0

and, so, - uh - my plan
is to - uh - make the
correction of - uh - subtractlug
•5 from all the rotations.
And therefore, the first one is
set up at - uh - at 297.5, and
uh - _.e'llget going here
prettyse - soon on a - uh -
270-second exposure with the
SLIDE I_,'RACTED,lever set
at 270 and this will be a
widened exposure. The
prism is in, by the v_y, and
the focus is readjusted to
prism in. And - uh - pretty
F- darn quick here; it's going
to _e 16:-_3. _ler__ 60 on
my m-_k. Crank the crank.
I've gone to SLIDm. _'r_ACTED
and I'm coming back around.
232 16 23 i_ PLT MARK. SHUTTER OPENED. The
f_ame, number ii. A 270-second
widened exposul-eo_ field _35,
rotation 297.5; TILT, 11.9.
All wlndows and everything
uh - verified to _ closed.
And, Karl, I didn't have time
tO - uh - douse the lights and
- uh - get derkened after
the setup to - uh - see what
the spacecraft dirft was on
this because I Just now -
uh - gof off the ATM. But -
_. Tape 232-06
Page.2 of 5

uh - uh - it doesn't matter
anyv_r becuase you want unwidened
exposure - uh - regardless.
So - uh - that's the way we're
going to do it.

232 16 26 -53 PLT Okay Karl, stand by to

te.r_nate - uh - our first
exposure here. This is - uh -
fram ii - uh - field 435,
270 widened. Two ... a
hundred here.

232 16 27 07 PLT MARK. SHU.A-A._:R

if you want, here's a 270-
second unwidened exposure.
So that's going to he on
my watch, 270 full seconds.
I'm going to - uh -
to open the shutter.

232 16 27 27 PLT MARK. SHD',-,'_R

Frame D_,mher12; time has
started. Filed 435,
a 270-second unwidened exposure
this time. 270 seconds
should be precisely h-l/2
minutes. We're going off the
air for while - uh - while
this timing out. See you later.

232 16 31 55 PLT Okay Karl, we're getting

ready to terminate this -
sh - exposure.


RETRACTED at h minutes and
30 seconds. Okay, let's
go to the next one. I get
317.3 on that computation.
317.3. Increase numbers.
Dump Tape 232-06
Page 3 of 5

Here we go. And 2h.8.

2_.8 is set. Now let's
check them. 317.3, 2_.8,
270 seconds, the lever's in
270. The rest Of the_e will
be widened. And go to
_rank. Sta_d by to open the
shutter on a 2T0-Beeond

232 16 32 _9 PLT MAP/(. S_'I"_ OPENED. Frame

n,_er 13, field 425, a
270-second exposure. And -
uh - we'll go off the air
again for a little while.

232 16 36 36 PLT kay. Here we ere. Just about -

t_ - ready to termlnate exposure -
_I - hi,tuBer13 on - uh -
field _25; a 270-seeond exposure.
And then we're 8oing do a 90 and
a 30, on the same field.
Stan_ by.
232 16 36 52 PLT MARK. SHU'I_R CL0_:D, C_RRIAGE
RETRACTED, lever s_t to 90.
Go to SLIDE RETRAC'._ED, crank
the crank. Here she goes;
stand by.

232 16 37 (}6 PLT MARK. Sgu'i_R OFFNED. Frame

nt_ber iI_, field _25_ a
90-second exposure. Rotation,
317.3; TILT, 2h.8.

232 16 38 18 PLT Okay. Stand _r to terinate - uh

this exposure, freme number I_.

232 16 38 26 PLT MARK. SEuu_'_R CLOSED, CARRIAGE

RETRACTED. And now, we got a
30-second one on the same cQe.
The lever's in 30 and I go to
SLIDE P_-rRACTED. I crank the
crank. Stand by.
Dump Tape 232-06
Page .4of 5

232 16 38 38 PLT MARK. SHb','rzROPENED. Frame

number 15, field 425, a
30-second exposure. After
this, we got to 346.4 and -
uh - 2.0. Okay, stand by
to terinate the 30-second
exposure on field 425.

232 16 39 06 PLT MARK. SHU','I'zR

ROTATION, 346.4. Okay, 346.4.
Set and 29.6. Set. Okay.
let 's cheek those. 346.4 and -
that 's wrong; that' s why
check them. It's 2.0.
Where'd I get that number
anyway? I got that off the
thing above. Another pad.
How about that? 2.0. Okay,
now %_ got her set. Time
says we' re Just goana make it.
3_6.h, 2.0. I put the
lever in 270 and I go to
SLIDE RETRACTED, and cr=-_ the
crank. Stand by, that'll
work out Just right.

232 16 40 35 PLT MARK. SHB'A-A_:R

_,,ml_er16, field 847, a
270-second exposure, which will,
according to my watch,
terminate right at 16:45. And
I'll go down and check my watch
to "-=1re sure that we get
that turned off at exactly the
right time. And I'm going off
record for awhile.

232 16 44 01 PLT Okay Karl, here we are again, -

uh - about to terinate - uh -
270-second exposure on field
847, frame number 16. Wemt
down, checked my watch and

Dmap Tape 232-06
Page'5 of 5

we're gonna-_ke it Just

right. We're gonna be
early. Stand by to close
the shutter.

232 16 _ 26 PLT MARK. SHUTTER CLOSED. And -

uh - time is - uh - 16:_4
and 28 seconds when we closed
that, so - uh - we're 30
seconds ahead of the Sun.
I'ii dust go to CARRIAGE
this time, and leave
the - uh - lever there. We'll
get this - uh - mirror back
in and - uh - close the door
and get the film hatch closed.
And - uh - we'll go off the
air for noW. This is -
uh - the end of S019 ops for -
uh - this particular pass.
I'll be checking with you later.

232 16 h5 01 PLT So long.

Dump _e 232-07
Time : 183_-2017 GMT
Page 1 of 8

232 18 35 06 SPT Okay, this is the SPT with information

to Drs. Bklchanan, Michel, Rtmmlel, and
Mike Whittle - uh - relative - uh -
exercise and water consumption loss. I
checked my body mass carefully both
before and after - t_h - wearing - uh -
shorts and socks tri - and the triangle
shoes. About a 5-count average with
6.0h8 on the BMMD. After exercise the
body mass was 6.026. I haven't put
this on the conversion chart yet, but my
Euess is it's s_ne place between 1 and
2 pounds. And - uh - all of this, of
course, was lost within about an hour.
T - uh - did more or less my standard
work rotultin: 30 minutes - uh - ergometer,
peddllng; putting out 2300 w_tt-mlnutes.
And with the mark l, 60 repetitions of
A, 60 repetitions of Baker, and hO repe-
titions of Delta. Now of this - uh - my
guess is 1 to 2 pounds of water loss.
My gUess is I lost about 75 percent of
it on the ergc_eter and 25 percent of
""" _....
_ -- _'' _........
_==_ I. if az*yShl ng, there are
a couple of factors that might change
it a little bit. For one thing, I probably
still had a little hit of sweat in my
hair and on my shorts; but, of course,
it could - uh - uh - would tend to
under estimate the amount lost.

232 18 37 01 $PT l also did not have a fan on me and I

did tend to sweat heavily. Both - uh -
uh - I've always done that on the ground
and am still doing it up here. And -
_h - since I did not have a fan, -
uh - I was a little warmer. I don't
think this affected my sweating very
much. It might have kept me a little
cooler, but - uh - I would have probably
sweated nearly as much - uh - even with -
uh - a fan on me. Oh - I do - uh - uh -
I am surprised about one factor and that is the
D_p Tape 232-07
Page 2 of 8

- uh - uh - lack of any salt remaining on

your body after the - uh - sweat has dried.
Now after the workout, it's - uh - my normal
procedure to - uh - get a wanhrag and towel
to wipe off as'much sweat as possible. But
you can't get it all off and none of us
have ever noted any - uh - remaining -
uh - salt on our body after the workout.
So I don't know - uh - it seems to
be unusual to find so little salt remaining.
Ira - I do notice, however, that the
- uh - sweat from my brow does sting my
eyes slightly, and it also has a salty
taste. So - uh - perhaps it 's normal,
but it - uh - seems to be a bit unusual.
So that's - uh - uh - about the amount
of - uh - water lost - uh - for what is
a - uh - reasonably typical workout, and
- uh - I'd be interested in any comments
- uh - you might have. Fir@t of
A11, I would lke to know the amount of
- uh - weight lost in pounds that
corresponds to those - uh - uh - two differ-
ent B_4D readings to the nearest
i/i0 of a pound, please. And any
other con_ents you might have about it
would be appreciated.

232 18 38 53 SPT The mess_e goes to Ors. Buchanan_

Michel, Rummel, Mike Wittle, and - uh
- uh - anyone else interested in the
- uh - exercise or .- uh - water balance

232 18 39 II SPT SPT, end of message.

232 18 40 08 SPT Oh - SPT again on Channel A. Uh -

that last message - uh - relative to
- uh - exercise and weight loss should
also go to Dr. Bill Fullerton; Bill
Fullerton, also.

232 18 h0 18 SPT End of addition.

232 18 51 24 PLT Okay, space fans. This is the PLT on

- uh - channel A continuing M487-3 for
Bob Bond_ subjective evaluation guide
/ ..... nmnber 2. The subject is - uh -
Dump TApe 232-07
Page'3 of 8

continuing on, personnel mobility

aids, I think the - uh - there aren't
very many personnel mobility aids in the
w_rdroom. It's Just- you sort of
grab on to the table and ceiling to
get around ther. Uh - that seems to
- uh - do the job pretty well,
although they could have a handlebar -
uh - here and there, which would help
some. Waste management compartment :
I think we've got adequate holds _round the
sink area, but therr are not enough handholds
- uh - back in the fecal 0 uh - dryer area.
Sleep compartment - uh - you've got
to use the ceiling to get in and out and
- uh - they should be adeuuate in ther.
Experiment compartment - uh -
uh - There aren't any handholds in there,
But we do use the ceiling a lot
snd whatever's available. I think that
the - _11 - mobility aids there are
adequate. The forward dome: We don't
- uh - have the fireman's pole turned up
any more. The handholds a uh- there
are no handholds around the foot lockers
and hie film vatLlt, where you need some,
and - uh - so - uh - we have an
inadequacy in that area. We have a
n_mber of handrails - uh -in which - uh -
seldom get used because we're seldom
in that area. In the airlock w_ have
adequate mobility aids, probably
about the best there is to - uh - We
spend very little time in the airlock itself.
We're mostly in transit when we go to the
airlock and the handr_,ils there ar_
used extensively. As we mentioned before,
there are no suitable ones - mobility
aids in the - uh - MDA. You Just sort of
grab whatever you can and - uh - very
inadequate - uh - mobility sids - uh J-
availability in the - uh - Mi - STS. Personnel
restraint devices - uh -

232 18 53 30 PLT Stand by i.

2B2 18 55 h4 PLT Okay, here we go a_ain on personnel

._ restraint devices - uh - Mh87. Uh - the
D_np Tape 232-07
Page h of 8

best restraint devices we've lot are the

triangle shoes and - uh - the more of them
we've got located around, the better
we do - uh _ we have - uh - qu/te a bit
of it down in the experiment compartment,
and - uh - so that's the best restraint
device there is. Uh - we're not using many
tethers - uh - at all except to - uh -
to - uh - hang on to things and £o EVA,
but when we're nto hanging on to ... we're
hanging on to equipment against the
rlp tethers. So - uh - the best
personnel restraint device we've had is
the triangle shoes. _h - I used the
- uh - leg restraints - uh - along with the
triamgle shoes ... the toestraps in the
wardroom and - uh - I think they do a very
good Job. Uh - Personnel restraint devices
not employed much are-the sleep
c_mpartment. You Just sort of drift in
there ... without f_temlng yourself dowa.
The worst place - one of the worst places
;f is in the - uh - head. The restraint
de-v-icesare inad_qu_t_ Lher. You always
hoist yourself between the walls to do
the Job. Uh - uh - ulu - to retrain your-
self there should be cutouts in the floor for
your triangle shoes. The - uh -
toestraps are inadequate becusme they don't
fit over the triangle shoes, even the
•.. ones. Oh - e_n_n though you can
get your feet under them, why the
bottoms of the triangles are so slippery
that - uh - if you put any force at all,
your feet slip out. Uh - so - uh - we've
got inadequate restraint devices in the head.
The only one that's sdequate is - uh - the
handhoods and the feet restraints that
keep you dc_m when you're on the - on
the one - holer. Tee - uh - it's - uh -
in f_ct, a very annoying thing to go in
there and try to do your work, to - uh -
to - uh - change your urine drawer out,
.to - uh - uh - change the fecal bags ...
and put them in the fecal bryer. You're
Just continually floating around there.
You cnn't sven hold yourelef down to
Dump Tape 232-07
Psge 5 of 8

write scmthing. You've got to push

yourself against the wall in order to
write on the little chart we've got
in there. And it's a very inadequate
poorly designed from the restraint
device standpoint. Uh - the - uh - alrlock
module doesn't have any - uh - personnel
restraint devices and probably doesn't
need any. The other place that the
restraint de,Ices are poor is in the
- uh - %_ - MDA. We've got a good device
i_ front of the _J_P and in front of the
ATM panel with the triangle gridwork.
However, any other place that you w_ut to
work, you've got to wrap your legs
around things. If you want to tske TV
out the window, pictures with the
if you want to work on S192, or if you
want to - uh - work on the VT8 or do
the 1_fS or any other place you
_t to go in the MDA, there's Just
nothing to grab on to. You've got to
.... find - find your - same place to wrap your
legs _und studso - tm - MDA-wise,the
restraint devices are somthing that h_s
to be impoved on also.

232 18 58 06 PLT Thermal comfort. The temperature h_ been

quite satisfactory ir here. It was a
little warm in the workshop when we first
got here, uut the sail took care of that.
It gets cool in the night when ye're
aleeping and most of the stuff's powered
down. We'll wind up putting a little
extra blanket over our legs in the
mornings. The _A is alwasys quite cool, a
and it's unccmfortable to come up here,
matter of fact, for me anyway, without
any - uh - or in m_ underwear, which
is sometines the way wou work up here because
you h_ve to work up here before you go to
bed. And you come up here to get the
pads and then some other things. So the
MSA is a little cool but tolerable, in fact
sometimes a pleasant place to come when
things get e little warm down in the work-
shop. Whenever you get the high intensity
Dump _e 232-07
Page 6 of 8

lights on doom there or mi_e_oon

while we're working, it seems to get
a little warm down in the - _h - thf - _ -
workshop area. The sleeping compartment 's
been cooling off at night with the
ventilation - _ - the boower. Other-
wise, thetemperature is quite comfortable,
I think. The ari is very dry, althogh
it's a little too dry to suit me. My
lips - uh - still are - uh - are uh -
dry. They haven't really cracked or
anything, but they're a little chapped and
- uh - required putting s_me oiutment
on them. And - uh - I still get a lot
of dry nose, but that's starting to
go away, but it's taking a awful long
time to get acclimated to the dry climate
up here. Although I'll have to admit
that it's comfortable to he able to work
out and not sweat too much and dry off
in a hurry. It's probably better to have
it the way it is then b,-,Id like say in
Houston where you sweat all the time.
/ SO_ thermal-wlse: I'm qn_te _tisf_ed -__th
the - _h - the way the workshop is set up.

232 18 59 58 PLT Stand by i, please.

232 19 05 08 PLT Okay, this is the PLT again on M_87-3,

evaluation guide nt_nser 2. As I was saying,
the thermal comfort is satisfactory, I think,
in here. It's uh p as I was aaying, the
dry climate is a little dry for the nose
and so forht, but for the rest of the
things you like to do I think it's better.
You don't sweat much up here at ell eecept
when you work out, and when oy do, why
you dry out ral quick. If you hang thisgs
up to dry, why they dry out rapidly also, so
fr_ that point of view, I think it's good.

232 19 05 42 PLT Noise level is quite low. It's higher in t

the STS area than anywhere because the fns
on the tool sieves are sunning but
otherwise it's quite quiet. There is no
oh_ectional noise. It Just hmns along
with a very comfortable noise level. It's
_p Tape 232-07
.f_ Page 7 of 8

not objectionable at all. That's

throughout the whole spacecraft and
even the mol sieve fans - when they're
not running, you miss them, so I don't
have any complaints about the noise at all.
It gets a little noisy when oy turn up the
EREP stuff because there's a few coolers
and so forth running but for the short
period of thime we use those , it's not
objectionable either.

232 19 06 28 PLT Okay, illunaiation seems to be generally

a little bit low. It could be higher
everywhere, I quess,although we're able
to accomplish our work with the ill_-,_uation
that we have. Frequently you get out your
flashlight to look at something more
closely, you've got to look down sume-
where in a nook or a cranny. So if you
want to do a lot of reading, you won't
like this light very much. Just to work
_ around in here and th_w switches and so
forth, it seems adeuuate; but if you want
to read a book or something, it's best
to find yourself = near the window or
something like that so that you've got
illumination. But for Just working
and moving around and doing your Job.,
why the ill_nination is adequate although
it could very easily be higher and m-_e
everybody happier.

232 19 07 36 PLT If you want to work cn a piece of

equipment, you have to get down in it -
in a nook and a cranny - in a nook or a
cranny you have to get your flashlgght
out for sure because .more often than not -
not only is the lighting a little low, when
you do get over to the place to work on
it, why you block out the light that
there" is. It's unconvenient to have all th
those portable lights around everywhere
.-.hook 'eraup everywhere, so I don't think
we're ever used those. I've never
seen anybody use one of those portable

232 19 08 ll PLT Well, I think that's going to conclude my

L "

Dump Tape 232-07

Page'8 of 8

briefing for today. If I think of anything

more on these subjects, I'll put them on
tape, but that will be the end of my
message fr the pilot on evaluatin guide
n_ber 2, M487-3. Enjoyed talklng with you,

• ._ _ Tape 232-08
Time: 19:29 to 21:05 G_T
Page 1 of 3

232 19 29 45 PLT Hello there, space fans. This

is Jack on channel a, debriefing
the last ATM run for the Atom
[sic] boys. This is the 18:28
run. Short debriefing this
time. All came off, Just as
advertised. Don't think I made
any mistakes. So nothing - uh -
significant to report. Got
it all end - uh - see you next pass.

232 20 51 01 PLT Hello, there, biomed space fens.

This is Jack, PLT, on channel A.
We're running on M092 -
a 093 on Captain Alan Bean. Just
measured his left leg and it is
12 and 7/8 1 measured his
right leg, too. And that is
13 3/8. Talking to you later.

232 20 51 32 PLT kay, his left leg_and is

trailing ... 4.5. His right leg
is Alpha-_ebec 3.2.

___ _0 5h _5 PLT 0key, the BPMS serial number

is 011.

232 20 56 20 SI_ ... debriefing the last ATM

pass here which Just finished
&_out 20:55 Zuly. Defo._tion
goes to the ATM P:s end
planners. And - vh - nothing -
uh - particular to note about
the pass, with the following
exception. I did, because of
one ... block, ha_ to cut off
55 after 50 light, instead
of the i_,l_ sixty inroder to
get the last JOP. And - uh -
X-ray experimenter_ will know -
will notice that I sometimes
went Over 40 kilometers by
perhaps a m_nutes at these high

Dump Tape 232-08

Pete 2 of 3

Beta angle with the X-2

affected by dropping a little
below bOO kilometers. But
are - that may not be so true for
some of the XUV experiments which -
uh - I do not try to annotate
f%,II d_ta below that altitude.
Now, one of the things that I
think would be of interest,
particularly interesting, }_RL
experimenters but perhaps the
rest oas well. While we were
pointing on the limb, I -
uh took the opportunity to leave
the white light display on I -
uh - monitor and - uh - cheek
for any disturbances produced
by - uh - closing - uh - some
other doors for another door.
In the first place, I noticed -
uh - by looking at the white
light display, when the XUV ...
changes from long to short, there
-- is no vibration noticed on
t_e XUV white light mirror _ on the
slit mirror. However, when it
chsnKes from the short _o long, as
it does in an auto - uh - program,
there is a - uh - large vibration
of the slit mirror. It appears
to be - uh - uh it appears as a
wavy line, vertically like a
corrupted edge during the scan of
the - uh - monitor. The - uh -
eight of each cycle is about a
quarter of an inch. And there
are some 20 c_cles from top to
botts. That's a 5 inche scope.
And - uh so each scan is 16
m(nutes ... That apparently is a
mech=n_cal vibration frequency of
about 1200 hertz. And I expect
- that - uh - that - uh ...
people should - uh - decide whether
or not that's a very close

Dump Tape 232-08

Page 3 of 3

approximation. The amplitude

of the oscillation is about
5 arc seconds and that's out in
2 or 3 seconds. There was no
apparent effect when the
S056 mirrors - uh - directed
a filter close and there was
no effect when the 82A doors
were cycled opened or closed.
No affect on the mirror was
visible. So - uh - that may
be of some hlep to you on -
uh - ... disturbances analysis.

232 20 59 36 SPT End of message to the ATM

PIs and planners from the SPT.

D,-npTape 233-01
Time: 0000 to 0139 _4T
Page 1 of 3

233 00 00 51 PLT Hello there, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A. I'm gonna debrief the - uh -
the - uh - out the window settings for
the Great Barrier Reef ... Australia
and ... New Zealand. This is probably
for the EREP office anybody who is
interested in visual observation. I
have noticed difficulty in finding the -
uh - Great Barrier Reef. I noted the
ve_iation of coloration in the water
Of the shoreline out to the reef.
Near the shore it was tan and brown.
It went outwards - uh - uh - due to
depth and the - uh - lesser amount of
sediments the water became bluer. It -
uh - went from brown to - uh - kind of
a aqua blue and then went to a deeper
blue before it got out to - uh - the
reef. I was - uh - unable to - uh -
to detect any current flow by using -
by looking at wave refraction patterns.
i_-_ I didn't notice any wave refraction
patterns. I saw several - uh - uh -
river flowing ... sediments ... that
were - uh - along the coast and
emptying into the ocean. For example -
uh - I pin -pointed three of them in
particular. The first of which was -
uh - emptying into a - bay which is
between Rockhampton and the Cape. The
second was - uh - emptying into another
bay between the - Gladstone and Rock-
h_pton. The third one was emptying
into a - uh - an area - beautiful -
uh - ... bay which was Just North of
Maryborough and that was - uh - muddying
up that water .... was a covered with
clouds. I was able to, however, see
one - uh - ... of lend getting out from
under the clouds but on this part of
land there was a volcano - it was
covered with snow. It was one lone
volcano, it was a very beautiful sight.
I took a close-up picture ... pictures
of that. However, I was unable through

Tape 233-01
Page 2 of 3

the clouds to see any other - uh -

volcanic activity in the area. And
I was unable to, due to clouds see
the - uh - depression in the center of
the - uh - North Island. Now - uh -
I was also unable on this day that I
was - uh - viewing it at New Zealand
• to - uh - detect the current ... along
the coast by - uh - ... the water color
to se_m_t ... It had much the
. same - uh - uh - characteristics as
that along the - uh - shore betveen the
Australian coast and the Great Barrier
Reef. Uh - as you went out toward -
from the shore the water became bluer,
of course, and I saw - uh - many - uh -
•.. in the water a panel where the - uh -
eedlments had - uh - caused the water -
"uh - to appear to be a different color,
like ... in the Bahamas area. So I
w_n't able to detect paneling alc_g
that coastline by ..., because of
the - uh - coloration of the water.

233 O0 Oh 07 PLT If you got anymore questions - uh -

must - uh - give me a call and - uh -
otherwise that concludes message on
the - uh - visual sightings fro_ the
vindov today on the Barrier Reef and
the - uh - southern tip of the North
Island of New Zealand.

233 Ol 23 13 CDR ... I want to make sure that - uh - ...

and so I decided ... to give them a
patrol short ... but I noticed ...
shopping list item ...

CDR Hey, it's the CDR debriefing ... for

the pad got the 6 minute exposure ...
I got a ... on the right ... on the
left ... I only had time for about ...
Everything ... from our point of viev
the ATM has been going real wall. We
think the pads, particularly lately,
Dmnp Tape
_-_ Page 3 of 3

• ! have been ... as far as the total A_tmt

of work to do during that orbit ... I'm
personally very happy wlth ... we were
rushed ...

CDR Out.


_'_ •r•
_- Dump Tape 233-02
Time: 02h8-0506 GMT
Page i of 2

233 be h7 33 CDR This goes to & uh - E@IL. This .....

is the CDR reporting the results
of 60R-I. Tank 2 had 5 parts per
million; t_nk 8, 3 parts per
million tank 9, no detecable iodine.
That's 5 parts per million 2; 3 parts
per million tank 8; zero tank 9-
That - uh - message should go to EGIL,
• concerning the housekeeping task

233 02 57 3h CDR This is the CDR. I wanted to - uh -

record some information for S019.
T had on my pad this evenili4_an S019
film stow, and I don't believe there's
way to do it with the present
configuration. So I did not. CDR
out. That goes to Karl Henize, I
believe, and others interested in

233 03 02 19 PLT Good evening, spacefans, this is

Jack on - uh - channel A debriefing
the last ATM run at 02:15. You getting
time? We ran'off the - uh - JOP 9,
the - uh - 15 Charlie and the 2
Bravo. And we're in the process
of firing down for unattended. Most
everything came off - most everything
came off the way you'd hoped
it might. - Uh - though I've
noticed that in - uh - firing down
for unattended that - uh - the -
uh - water detector whether flag
was in - uh - mechanical reference
- uh - which I did not notice
when it came up on the panel. So
everything that was taken at - uh -
for 55 is 102 - uh - 102 off.
I am now in the process of - uh -
z-lnning 55 by itself until - uh -
•.. in - uh - optical reference.
All zeros and - uh - Sun centered


Dt_p Tape 233-02

,_ Page 2 of 2
"'_ " ": "": "" "" ..... " " "" _ """ "'_ ": "':: : " "_'" " ./: :_-"_'" "-" "'" ""-" "" "" :" _"<''' i" " • " ;"::

•" "" " " " " "' " ''uh'- JOP 9 building block 2. ...... " ..... '
In order to - uh- help round out
the - uh - ... solar lens setting
... data. Unfortunately, we won't
have the opportunity to go back
and get the rest of those settings
but - uh - hopefully - uh - be
• able to get something off
of what we did .... H-alpha
1376_56 is 157; 82A is 82_;
82B is 860; 52 is reading
2092 and S054 is reading
1914. Thank you.

233 03 0h 20 CDR Uh - this is CDR. This is

information for biomed. Today
when I did M092 1 used position
5 in the saddle. Uh - I think
_t was a little bit far out for
me and l'm going back to
position 6. This goes to biomed.

233 03 04 32 CDR CDR, out.

Dump Tape 233-03
Time: 1220-1321 G_
•_ Page 1 of lO

232 12 19 53 _%SYf PRD readings - The PLT is

_ 7203,203 for the P - for
the PLT.

233 12 20 27 SPT 093 for the SPT - 093 for

the SPT's PRD.

233 12 21 41 CDR CDR debriefing the A_4 pass.

Went entirely nominal, belive
it or not. Everything worked
out Just as planned. CDR
out. ATMpass.

233 12 22 23 SPT 45226, that's 226 for the CDR's

PP_ and all PRD locations are the
same standard ones they've been
all along here. End of
message for those interested in
rsdiation doses and PRD readings.

233 12 23 06 SPT Uh - One more comment on the

end of that last message. I

and logging these PRD readings

if they would - uh - let me
know that the readings have been
recieved every day, and that the
numbers are satisfactory and that
they are deriving meaningful
information from - uh - all this
stuff that I'm sending up -uh -
sending down. Uh -would you -
uh - uh - please -_h - identify who
is receiving it and that - uh-
that - uh - it _s being usefullly -
uh - used? This is the real
end of message on - uh - radiation
Dump Tape 233-03
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233 12 30 30 PLT Good morning, space fans.

This is Jack on channel A.
The subject this morning
is T992. This information
goes to - uh - Bob Nute of
NIu_A; Bob Randall, Ames
Research Center and - _h -
It's Just getting dark and
uh - we' re going to - uh -
first off do some star-to-
star - uh - impressions, star-
to-horlzon sightings on two
stars. Uh -the stars called
out are Diphda and Dubhe.
May have to decide that Dubhe
is not a good star. But - uh -
before it gets completely dark,
we're going to - uh - take some
zero bias sightings and - uh -
then we'll be ready. Temperature
of the dosimeter is - uh - 6 -
-- correction of the slation is 67 degrees
and - _h - d/opter _etting
is a minus 9.5. And - uh -
let's pick us a good star.
- Uh _ Fcmalhaut _ "_z[ttle
lower than it use_ to he but -
uh - it's the brightest one
up there. So we may also decide
that Fc_alhaut's a good
one to put 9n the horizon. And
the window protector is out.

233 12 32 Ol PLT MARK; the first zero bias•

000 - 0.001. Crank out a
little bit. Do it again.

233 32 25 PLT MARK;0.00.

233 12 32 42 PLT MARE; O.00_.

233 12 33 05 PLT MARK; 0.004, one more.

233 12 33 30 PLT MARK; 0.00_. That's 5.

Dump Tape 233-03
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PLT Okay, now - uh - it's

not quite dark yet. The Sun
is still shining on that -
uh - discone anterma. I'm
Just barely now being able
to pick up the horizon. They
want to lay the stars on the
horizon and time two stars;
Fomalhaut's going to be a good
one - uh - Diphda's not even
up yet. Let me see if I can
find our friend - uh - our
dimly-lit friend Dubhe.

233 12 35 32 PLT WhatY

CR_ ...

PLT Yep.

CRE_ .to

PLT Underneath that spacer.

CR_ ...

PLT It's in there.

CREW Put it under a spacer in there

somewhere. Is it spacers ...

233 12 36 3h PLT Well, there's Dubhe; I see her.

Diphda ain't up yet. Yeah,
there she is, way _ow%u there.
New she's starting _o rise.
NOW it's getting dark here now.
Stand by to put it on him.
Okay. Let's see if we can see
anything through this here
sextant now.

233 12 38 04 PLT ... about 5 degrees now, the

horizon. Stars are cattywampus
from where they used was a few

Dump Tape 233-03
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days ago,

PLT Okay, there's - uh - Dubhe.

And we're going to put Dubhe on
the horizon, And .., best
you can do is Just kind of
nestle it in there, because -
uh - there's no well-defined
horizon. Sort of nestle it
in that kind of white glow
that - uh - is I - I know on
the horizon,

PLT I can see some stars through

that _hite _low on the
horizon, so _ know ih's not the
real horizon. Okay, here we go
to Diphda. _tand by for
the first mark.

233 12 39 32 PLT M_RK. 0 - correction, 8.5hi and

the _reenwi_h mean time is
something like- _h - uh -
12:39:50 -

233 12 39 52 PLT _/_[. Okay, no,_ ye're gonna do

this agiau.

PLT Rising fast• St_u_[ by.

233 12 40 17 PLT MARK, Number 2 is 10.18ho

PLT 8tnad by.

233 12 _0 38 PLT _iRK. 11.036 and 11,028, that's

mark number h.

PLT Stnad by." _

233 12 _i Ol PLT MARK. ll.91_; that's five.

FLT Stnad by -

T ",
Dump Tape 233-03 E
Page 5 of i0

233 12 42 01 PLT MARK. Number 6 is 14.238.

233 12 42 24 PLT MARK. 15.196 - correction

233 12 42 46 PLT MARK. 16.162.
233 12 43 05 PLT _,IARI(. Number 8 is 16.981, 8 or
9; we'll call it 8.

PLT Yes_h, I might have been putting

her the airglow horizon, l'm not
sure - bet I was. Very, very
well-defined airglow horizon•
At least I think that's what it
is. It's pretty tough to tell.
Yeah, there's stars below it,
so that _rast he it. Start
over again.

233 12 44 39 PLT MARK. 22.574. _ -.

233 12 44 53 PLT MARK. 23.043.

233 12 45 07 PLT _,ARK. 23.498.

233 12 45 17 PLT _M/_K. 24.010.

233 12 45 27 PLT :.L_RK. 24.251.

233 12 45 40 PLT MARK. 24.924.

233 12 45 5 PLT MARK. 25. - uh - 695.

233 12 46 ii PLT MARK. 26.110.

233 12 46 25 PLT MARK. 26.628.

233 12 46 43 PLT _,t%RK. 27.395.

233 12 _6 55 PLT MARK. 27.965.

233 12 47 08 PLT MARK. 28.373. That ought to

be enough. Let's see if we can
Dump Tape 233-03
_._ Fage 6 of 10

find Dubhe now. There it is,

right up there .... find
Dubhe. I thought ... was
right above you, but at the
moment, my rant age point.

PLT Okay, there's Dubhe.

CREW ...

PLT Nope, it 's right above the

airlock there.

PLT Oks,7, stand by for MARK on Dubhe.

233 12 50 59 PLT MARK. 38.673.

233 12 51 17 PLT MARK. 38,085.

233 12 51 32 PL_ MARK. 38.007.

PIT Where'd she go?

233 12 52 i_ PLT MARK. 36.!_6.

233 12 52 31 PLT MARK. 35.446.

233 12 52 45 PLT },M_RK. 34.930,

a33 12 52 58 PLT MARK. 34 - 3_._72.

233 12 53 09 PLT MARK. 34.082.

233 12 53 20 PLT ._RK. 33.720,

233 12 53 37 PLT MARK. 33.21h.

233 12 5h 28 PIT MARK. That'll be enough of

them, 31.754, Okay, now.
Let's find ourselves our friend -

:i:_gkay, there she is. Let me

•_ see if I can get her in
the sextant.
Dump Tape 233-03
Page 7' of i0

PLT I doubt if I can find this thing.

CDR ...

PLT Yeah.

PLT Well, I got Miss Dubhe.

If I could only get her in the
sextant, I' d be happy.

233 12 57 45 PLT Can't get her located in the

sextant. Stand by.

23B 12 59 0B PLT Well, space fans, the Sun's

coming up_ - uh - and I
haven't located - uh -
Dubhe again in the sextant.
The two - the problem is when
the star gets well above the
horizon, it's difficult to
pick it out. Uh - The reason
is is cause - uh - the
stars - uh - sextant - uh -
s_s a lot more stars than
the - tLh - than the - the
n_2-_edeye nn:_.irou just really can't
_ick tht _" ._t-: t,:,o "_iI. You
use the fi!-ers, :.ore difficult -
tub - It lochs iihe to me that
that's too many sightings to take
in the short period that we
got to work in. So we won't have
from complete sunrise to -
uh - sunset to sunrise because -
uh - it starts to get ligh
before sunrise.

233 13 07 16 PLT Okay, space fans, I might be able

to give you a few more makrs
on - uh - Dubhe before Run -
Sun - complete sunrise here.

PLT Uh - I belive I'm not ...

PLT Now Dubhe' s below the airglow

horizon. It ain't gonna work.
Dump Tape 233-03
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233 13 08 49 PLT Well, I _ess we're going to h_ve

tO wind up the operation
with the sighting of two stars.
Now I'll tell you what the
difficulty is and I think I
mentioned it before. The
difficulty is one of - uh -
acquiring a star when it's %Tell
above *_
_o_e horizon _nd _.ritha -
uh - few checkpo_'n_s around.
Uh - You can see stars in there,
but you don't know - uh -
the one you're seeking for
because - _ - the - uh - sextant
gathers more light than your eye
c8_% and - uh - therefore, you
see more stars through the sextant
than you do through the - uh - with
the n_ed eye. :_ow I'll try it
agian. Uh - Perhaps I can get
a little bit on the next night
r_v after the sta_imeter,
but I don't know. But - uh - it
might take - uh - more - uh - It
might take longer tb get the
nuu_ber of sizhtlngs you w_nt.
We got - %th - I0 marks on each
star, which is _ start. And then
we'll go to the stadineter operation
now as soon as the horizon gets
w_ll defined enough on every si_e.
Uh - For example, it 's not going
to OCCur right on the time you
suggest. Uh - Let's se_, I
think you sUggested doing o_r sightings
_t 13:05. Well that's unrealistic
because there ain't any horizon
out there to work on. You can
only during the midpoint - uh -
of daylight with that stadimeter
because otherwise the horizons
are so Unde - so much - so
• undefined, that it's - uh -
Dump Ta_e 233-03
Page .9 of i0

possible to see what you're

doing. So we'll go off the
air low nc_ and wait until the
horizon gets good for the
st adimeter.

233 13 i0 27 PLT Uh - An - i_o. And the - uh -

temperature of the sextant
is now - u_h - 77 dezrees.

SC Hey, AI ...

233 13 13 O0 PLT Okay, TO02 again. I noticed that

your - uh - pad calls for -
uh - stadimeter up until 13:_5
roughly. And - uh - that
should be fairly well-defined
horizon during the day. Now the
other way to do it, is to -
uh - get them during the night.
Uh - I got a hunch that stadimeter
readings during the night here - is
gonna be better than those
du_ing the day, no - tth - the thing
you what to plan on is to - uh -
get them all around the midpoint - of
- uh - daylight or darkness, because -
uh - that way you get well-defined
horizons to put end to end or - uh -
next to each other. You wait until -
uh - close to sunrise or sunset,
why - uh - the horizons are so
diffuse that, although you may get
two good horizons, the third one
won't be any good at all in the -
uh - up side becuase - uh - it's
Just - _h - too diffuse to
match up to - uh - a more well-
defined - uh - horizon. But -
uh - seems like I was - uh -
considering doing some of this at
night, although I don't think
I've doine it yet. I tried it and
it looked llke it would be easier and -
uh - more accurate - uh - even in
the daytime.
Page 10 of 10

233 13 i_ i_ PLT So - uh - I'll ."ignoff for

a little while and I'll pick you
Up in - uh - few minutes, - uh -
when the horizon gets better
for - uh - stadimeter in the dayoime.


"_i ?- ! •


, o r

Dump Tape 233-04

Time : 1337-1533 GMT
Page'l of 9

233 13 38 43 PLT (_ay, space fans. Here we are, back

again - uh - T002 - uh - 6 Alfa. And
we're performing operational - uh -
stadimeter sightings. This will be
the second set of sightlngs. The -
uh - time since the last set has been
about I0 to 15 minutes. Uh - my
A_4 operator informs me that we have
30 minutes of daylight left, which
means about 15 good minutes of - uh -
6 - 20 minutes of stadimeter time left,
so this will have to be the second -
uh - phase of sightings coming up. I
got two well defined items and one
bad oae at the moment. It varies.
It - uh - changes as you go. There's
always at least one bad one when you
find horizon, it seems like.

233 13 40 12 PLT MARK. That is 3.995.

233 13 41 36 PLT At the moment, the center horizon is

so well defined that it m-kes it dlfficult,
uh - with relatiQn to the two out-
er horizons, to -.uh - find out where
you are. Don't mean to be doing ,II
this complaining. It's nothing really
complaining; it's Just that - uh -
I want you to know that - uh - it's
not like _ classroom situation up here.
It's considerably different. Everything
is less well defined.

233 13 42 21 PLT MARK. 3.918. It's a matter of inter-

grating the total picture. You can't
Just take the horizon. You've Eot to
take the blue above the horizon and
the black above the blue and kind of
all fit to6ether somehow l_ke a puzzle.
And one time, maybe the white horizon
will - uh - r_tch up very well, other
t_mes, like right now, you can't match
the white horizons at all. You got
to kind of match the blue band in with
the black and - uh - kind of get all
the boundaries sort of looking like an

I_,_ Tape 233-04
Page 2 of 9

integrated picture, without relation

to - uh - a specific - uh - one of
those - uh - horizons. You got to
take 'em 81] together•

233 13 43 19 PLT MARK. 3.956. Okay, I'ii be back in

about i0 minutes to - uh - make a few -
the fin - the final trade of sighting
them as operational pass. And if I
have time, I might try to get some more
stars at night and see if I can make
hO sightings on two different Stars.
Uh - and I would love to see how the
rest of the housekeeping stuff goes.
And I'll be checking in with you in
a little while.

233 13 53 32 PLT 0May, space fans. Here we are, back

again for some operational sightings on
the - uh - horizon. Uh the last set of
the first past. It looks like the
horizon's off already so diffUsed that
it's going to be - uh - umusable.
Okay, the _rizon is sO diffused _-_ _'-
impossible to tell where it is. How
muchtime before uL sundown, 0.?

233 13 54 35 SPT 15 minutes.

PLT T_-nk you. Okay. And my ATM operator -

uh - tells me that - uh - it's still
15 minutes .to sundown. There really
isn't very much operational - uh - time
available during the daytime for the
stadimeter, nor during the Dight. You
have to pick some time in the midpoint
of darkness or the midpoint of daylight
to do your best work. Tell you what I'll
do, I'll give you some sightings here,
to the best I can do it, with what I
got to work with, which ain't much and
you'll be able to get a feeling for
the problem. You can put it anywhere
and it look all right. Looks Just as
bad anywhere is what I mean.
Dump Tape 233-04
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233 13 55 41 PLT Call it a mark. 2.143. Okay

I'll take - crank this thing way
off and try to come back to where
I was and see how I can do. Tell
you, if I depended on this for my
way to get home, I'd be mlghtly
worried right now.

233 13 56 28 PLT MARK. 1.962. Crank it off again_

try to get in there.

233 13 56 05 PLT _RK. 2.164 call that. Okay.

That conludes the operational
stadimeter sights, the first
set - uh -and what Id like you to
do now is - uh - to look at this
d_ta, and see if we ought to modify
our procedures or it this is what
you want to keep doing. Uh - my
suggestion on - uh - if we were really
going to do operationally, is to limit
our stadimeter sightings to - uh- plus or
m_nUS - uh - uh - 15 minutes,
with a plus or minus i0 to 15 minutes
at midpoint of - uh - daylight or
plus or minus - uh - 5 to i0 minutes -
uh - midpoint of darkness. Uh -
however, I'ii - uh - keep doing it
your way if you want, but - uh - I don't
think I'd do it that way operationally
because - uh - ut _ould - uh -
I'd be concerned that I wasn't
getting good enough data to get ,
ho_e on. And I'd be very reluctant
to rely on it at all. So,
I want some feedback on what we're
doing and I'll expect to get that
tom.row. And this concludes - uh -
T002-6 Alpha for now and - uh - if -
uh - things work out right I"ll try
to get some more - uh - star
sightings on the next dark side pass
and see if there's any way to get the two
Dump Tape 233-04
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stars. But - uh - it'll all

depend on how the other - uh -
part of the flight plan works out
this time.

233 13 58 36 PLT That's the end of message for now.

233 14 i0 59 CDR Okay. This is CDR, getting

ready to begin - uh - S019. Uh -
NuZ 9.2, we - the best estimate
we have up here now is minus 9.1, so
they'll stay the same. 295.4,
26.1 to set in, star-field 417.
I 'm now going go over and pick up
a picture. No, I can't do that
because I haven't opened the hatch.
Open the hatch, pick up the picture,
go to stowage. Standing in stowage
now waiting too open the shutter,
aud I'm going to opne it at 14:12.
I'm going to give you a 270 second
exposure. That's a widened and it's
going to be frame number 17. So, _
/_ I'm going over here now, so I can
start right ont iem. Okay. Everything
is in readiness. Stand by.

233 14 14 12 CDR MARK. Okay. Here it commenced.

Frame 17, star-field 417.
Interesting coincidence. 2954.
Everything's running along Just
right. I'ii he off the comm for
a minute. This information, of
course, goes to Karl Henize and
other interested S019 parties, such
as Walby Teague Whitie.

233 lh 15 59 CDR Okay. We're back to S019 again.

We're getting ready to close the
shutter on this 270 second exposreu,
field 417. Stnad by.

233 14 16 Ii CDR MARK. Okay. SHUTTER is CLOSED,

Next, we go for a 270 second, at a
Dump Tape 233-04
Page 5 of 9

different field. And I'll reset.

345.7, 345.7, 10.8. Rather
simple readjustment. Okay, 10.8.
I now read you 345.7, 10.8 and it's
a 270 second one. First, I go over
and pick up the slide. Got that
done. I noticed that it's a little
bit different today probably cause
it's cold. NOw I get ready to - uh -
close - open the shutter. I'm well
on my mark. Field 845. Stand by
for a -_k.

233 14 17 09 CDR MARK. Frame 18. Going off the counter

270 seconds.

233 I_ 20 53 CDR This is the CDR, back up on

S019. We're nearly finished.
Getting ready to close the shutter
on expected exposure start field
845, 270, and we're going to give
you a 90 in Just a moment. At
frame number 018, stand by for a

233 14 21 12 CDR MARK. CLOSED. _Ow, we're going for

a 90 second. It's set. Turn over
to the m_nus i0 percent. Pick up
the frame. Brin_ it back to CLOSED.
Stand by for the mark.

233 14 21 26 CDR Mark. Frame 19 ; 90 second exposure

in progress, on field 845. After
that, we must go to a new setting.
Be off the come momentarily. Stand
by. We're ready to c_nplete.
l'm gonna close the shutter on this
90 second exposure..

233 14 22 48 CDR MARK. SHb'A'l'_ll

CL0_ED. Okay, we go to
k-new one 642. And ii.i Okay,
642, II.I field 614, I
helive. Okay, I'm gonna go over and
pick up a friendly little frame again.
Dump .Tape 233-04
Page 6 of 9

I've got it, and return it to

the CLOSED position. And I'm
standing by to move to the open.
Stand by.

233 14 23 43 CDR MARK. We're opened on a 270 second

exposure, frame 20, field 614.

233 14 27 24 CDR OEsy, this is CDR. We're getting

ready to finish the 270 second
exposure, frame 20, field 614.
Stand by for my mark.

233 14 27 41 CDR MARK. SHU'rA'_ is CLOSED. Now

going to anew field, which is
73 rotation and TILT of near 13.5,
Okay, 73 and 13.5. Very choice
location for field 627. We're
gonna give a 270 second exposure
on this cause we like it so much.
Stand by as I pick up the new one.
Go by to the CLOSE and we're
standing by and waiting. _ise
_ is 14:32. We should have time
to get this exposure in. Stand by.

233 14 28 31 CDR MARK. 0@i, 73.0, 13.5. 14:32, 23

should have no trouble meeting
that restriction.

233 14 32 08 CDR Okay, CDR again. We're approaching

the time when I close the shutter.
We made the 14:32 restriction or missed P

it by about - uh - i0 seconds•
But I think we' ii live through it, maybe,
I hope. Stand by.

233 14 32 30 CDR MARK. SHIJ'I'I'_:R

is CLOSED. We're in
sotwage. I'ii Just set in in
CARRIAGE RE,'_ACT_:,,at the end of
the h-11 g-_. It'll he 32:30 or
so when we close the tent. So that
_=_e ... problem.
Dump Tape 233-0h
•_ Page 7 of 9

233 14 58 02 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, in regards to the

coronal transients. We went
to the roll and the - uh - up/down
left/right per - uh - instructions.
Before we' d done that, by the
way, this is the ATM run before
we'd done that, we looked at the
whlte light coronagraph, and sure
e_ought, in that area, you could see
a big round bubble. Uh - it was
about - uh - 7/8 the diameter of
the Earth, or about three quarters
the diameter of the - uh -
occulting - uh - occulting disc.
So - uh - it's a nice
dis continuity out in the corona•
We - uh - took some data . We gave
a little continuous on 52 until we
had to move off and point at it.
We stopped in the continuous,
moved off and we pointed in that
vacinity. You cannot see it on
H-Alpha. We haven't looked real
hard yet, in the _XUV, but we are.
We run - uh in the process of
l_,-ning a 5 minute exposure on 82B.
83 is not runing. We're doing
an active one long, which we
looked - uh - at _he - uh -
JOP A then decided that might
be what 56 needed and we're running
an M03 - -

233 14 59 19 CDR M30S256 because it looked like

that was what maybe 56 wanted to dO
from these indications. Adn
we're presently out there taking
some data at the moment.

233 i_ 59 30 CDR CDR out.

233 i_ 59 h0 CDR Also - uh - SPT suggested we put

the white ligh coronagraph cn -
Dump Tape 233-0_
•/--_ Page 8 of 9

uh - the VTR, so we gotta a

couple of minutes of that on there
I think you'll enjoy.

233 lh 59 50 CDR CDR out.

233 lh 02 2B CDR Also, we're gonna give you a

little XUV M0N on VTR. _e'll
integrate 5 to i0 seconds see
if we can ... I'ii give you
4, 61 81 i0 integrations.

233 14 ii 53 CDR ATM run again. _e went back to

the center - the uh - the
disturbance in the coronal looked a
little different, so I took a
couple of frames of WLC I ran a
standard and when it- uh -
had - uh - taken a couple of frames,
I shut it off.

253 15 _i 26 CDR This is the CDR, debriefing early,

some of the A%_4 runs. This is for
/_ the ATM science room. I've
already talked about whet we did
with the - uh - white light
coronograph, what we did with the
cQronal transienta. I've been
rUrm_ng building block ii. It
replaces building block 2, htLilding
block ll JOP i ... step 2. And,
I'm going to be able to get in
- everything except a final c_plition
of 54 filter 3. it's l_mning now,
but it won't run out until after
effective sunset, if what I
understand from the ground was to
Just let it run. So we've got
everything there. I threw in an
extra mirror auto raster on the
network cell that we've been wurklng
on, so that you make sure you have
that, I got three grating scans,
so I think you'll have enough to do -
uh - Just about anything you want. Now
Dump Tape 255-04
Page'9 of 9

I'm gonna b_ve to run the

last - uh - exposure on 82A_
wavelength short. I'ii run
it Just before we get into
the - uh - the effective sunset
and that'll space it out Just
about as much as we can.

-------Bump Tape 233-05
Time. 1708-1720 G_4T
Page 1 of 3

233 17 07 h0 PLT Hello, space fans. Th/s is

Jack on channel A debriefing the
last A_ run starting at 16:15.
We had a - uh - revision in
the pass through Hawaii. I got
your building block 2 at the
beginning of the end of - uh -
of the run and in the middle I
got - uh - the - uh - JOP
Bravo and the J0P - JOP 12 Dog.
Ub - everything came off - uh -
pretty much as advertised, in fact,
exactly as advertised. And -
uh - one - uh - c_e thing I did
that was a little different -
uh - that J0P - uh - 4B, building
block 33B where you - uh - are
asking for - uh - H-alpha 1
pointing - uh - it's - uh - since
the 82B was omm4ted, I did not
change the poiuting there. I Just
kept the pointing I had and - uh -
/-_ ran the AUTO RA_'I'5_in - uh -
5_ 56. So - un - _na_'s the
only differnce. Due to the fact
that the 82B wasn't _nning,
there's no point "_o - uh - pointing
at a dark element in the filament.
So - uh - if that nears a c_mplaint,
_e it the way you want it and -
uh - we' ii se you next re. Thank you.

233 17 13 32 SPT Okay, the first message is for

the ATM science room. Pl's are
flattered in relation to the
_,11 limb coalignment_ which
vma accomplished on day 233, 13:30,
about _ _urs ago. Here are
the results. At the upper llmb,
plus 1005, plus 1005, plus 1008;
at the lower !_m'b minu 89h, minus
89_. At the left limb, _4-us 920,
D_p Tape 233-05
Page 2 of 3

minus 920, minus 920. At the

right limb, 82B w_s plus 971_
55 is plUS 975. The
mirror positionis now 1032. The
coslign position, in other
words, SLIT CE_EER, is 1032.
That's - uh - a shift of about
5 arc seconds from - uh - in
other %_rds, from line - uh -
9 to llne i0. And - uh - I double
checked it a couple of tlme,s
snd it reall_ h_s - uh - apparently -
uh - uh - moved into l_sitlon
relative to 82B _ about the
arc seconds. So - uh - _'ii
be using SLIT CA_TER as 1032
from now on.

235 17 i_ h9 SPT End of message from the SPT

to the ATM science room Pie
and planners.

233 17 15 13 SPT The next messa6e relates to the

first studies of the - uh - _h - raZe
EYro pack temperature variations.
I'Ll give you the results of the
first hour. Uh - to begin
with, the - uh - voltage
measurements of the first - uh -
three or four are not as accurate
as I would like for them to be
because - uh - I . uh - my
teleprinter un-llnk pa_ missed
the first zero - correction the
first two of the expected voltaEe.
So as the expected volts4_e
of 2.95, mY copy - uh - looks
as if it reads 95 vol_s. So,
_herefore, I was only readin E
volt_e to the nearest 0.i volt.
So.I - _h - will not h_ve the
resolution that you woul_ probably
llke to have on the first three
D_'T Tape 233-05
Page 3 of 3

measurements. _o at times zero,

the voltage measurement was 2._0
volts, and the temperatures are
as follows: X-5, 69.0; X-6,
68.7;Y-5 is 69.0,_-6 is 69.7,
Z-5 is 69.0,and Z_ is 69.3.
Now 5 minutes later I'm Just goin
to give you the - uh - Xt:
2.7 volts, 70.4 deErees. At
i0 minutes: 2.8 volts, TI.7
degrees. At 15 minutes: 2.94 volts,
72.6 degrees, At 20 minutes:
2.97 volts, 74.4 degreeso Twenty-flve
minutes is 2.97 volts, 76.7 degrees.
Thirty minu_es : 2.97 volts,
78.0. For X-6: 79.2; Y-6 -
correetlou, Y--6is 5: 79.2, 81.4.
Nope, let me change that now.
I'll reread here.

233 17 17 _3 S_Ib At 30 minutes, the voltage was 2.97.

X-5 and X-6 read 78.0, 79.2. Y-5
and 6 read 81.4, 80.9. Z-5 and
i _ 6 read 79.5, 79.6. At 45 minutes:
2.98 volts, 80.3 degrees. After
I hour, 2.98 volts. X-_ and X-6
read 82.3, 85.5. Y_5 and 6 read
86.8, 86.8. Z-_ and 6 read
86.0 and 84.7. And - uh - I'ii not
call you up for l_ter readings, which
will be made every 3 hours or so
more or less indefinitely up to -
uh - 36 hours. Lnd of message and this
message goes to - let's see, whoever
is associated with the - uh - rate
gyros. I know it goes to the ...
I know it goes to the Marshall - uh
personnel, and - uh - whoever's
Interested in the rate 57/co perfor_,ee.

233 17 19 13 SPT End of message from the SPT.


larrupTape 233-06
Time : 1905-2020 GMT
#-_ 8/21/73
Page 1 of ii

232 19 08 02 SPT Okay, recording on channel A, SPT with

information for Dr. Bill Thornton and
anyone interested in the BMMD - B_4D
calibration. Okay, Bill, I ran the
subject's stability test Just a little
hit ago. We ran it during the solar
inertial time, during the daylight,
so there's no ... And here are the
numbers: with 131 belt; 6.08, _76,
465, 087, 265, 301. Of course the
first three digits were not repeated
at the end. The next with both belt
and shoulder harness: 6.08299, h43,
351, _02, 280. Now up to this point,
I'd had my buttocks pulled to the back
of the seat by the - the - uh - 131 belt.
And so I was not squashed down in the
seat the way we normally ride it, but
instead was pulled up toward the hack
of the seat. Now on the next sequence
I released the 131 belt, stuffed it -
F- sort of rolled it, and stuffed it under-
neath my shorts so _ to keep it from -
v uh - flopping around, the same way l'd
rolled up the shoulder harness for the
first sequence and ran it again. But
now I slid down to the bottc_ of the
chair - uh - the way I normally do -
uh - the - uh - w_7 we were instructed
to do - uh - for the normal body mass
measuring, so continuing now I'm going
to give you six numbers because I think
you may want to thr_- out the first of
the ... a little erratic or perhaps -
uh - uh - for some reason. I'll give
you six numbers: 6.06992, 6.07563,
685. _61, bOO, 805. Now the next
sequence was wlth moderate tension.
The first one was supposedly m_,
maximu_ with moderate. 6.06242,
6.o7_75, 913, 285, 9_2, 937. Again
I gave you six numbers. The next
sequence with minimum tension : 6.09365,
"0.1060_, 0.07778, 0.06821, 0.0906l. And
that's the end of the subject test, and I
hope you can make some sense out of those, Bill.
Dump Tape 233-06
/-_ Page 2 of ii

2B2 19 09 0_ SPT SPT, out.

232 19 _ 30 PLT Okay, space fans. Uh - here we're back

again for the - uh - resumption of the -
uh - Orville and _ilbur show - M509.
We've got the - uh - pilot all strapped
into the machine, and we're ready to
undock. Ready to undock, AI? Okay.
And - uh - he's at the time line on your
wrist there. Okay, release the paddle
locking pin. (Whistling) Okay, you
ought to be free. He's un - unlocked
sad - uh - drifting out from the A_4U -
or in the AqMU. Pulls on handrails with
beth _-_ds. I go to ID i. I'm in ID, I;
receiver, NORM. He flies clear of the
donnlng station, and he's verifying all
of his - uh - THC com-_nds at the present
time. I'm lowering the donning station
handrails. Right in the middle of the
workshop, he supposed to do his checkout.
Floating abov_ the crew quarters hatch
about 8 feet, facing 43h in an upright
position. Let ms know when you're going
into your stunt. Okay, I verify that
the - uh - i; ID, i. What are you doing?
Okay, he's - uh - doing his arm motions.
Doing his leg motioy!s. You in CMG, AI?
He's in DIRECT. Doing limb motions,
CM ID, i. Don't worry about m_4ntaininE
a precise attitude and to minimize time.
Moving his - uh - limbs at a natural
rLte, and - uh - now he's translating
back to the - uh - to his right, to the
center of the _rkshop, still in an
upright l_osition, about 8 feet of the
deck. When he m_de the llmb motions -
uh - those in one direction - uh - c_e
motion in one direction Just - uh -
moved the whole apparatus - uh - a little
bit. When he moVed his limb back, why he
regained his original position. Arms
out - up at 90 degrees from his side. I
heard the C_4Gs a going. Now arms up
90 degrees - uh - to his front and up.
f-.. Dump Tape 233-06
•_ Page 3 of ii

We're getting some thruster firings

now. Arms - uh - from the hand control-
lers out to his sides - uh - laterally
90 degrees, legs out, rlght leg forward
is - uh - We're getting a little thruster
firing, and he's translating forward now -
translating toward 43_. He's - uh -
checking that out with the - uh - THC,
so his legs - uh - out forward gave _m
a translation - uh - gave him s_e
thruster firing and translation toward
_S_. What mode are you in, Al?

CDR What?

233 19 _8 3_ PLT What mode are in? Okay, he was in _G.

He's going to RATE GYRO now. He's in
RATE GYRO, MODE. Moving hie heed gives
him a few _ll - uh - firlngs, moving
his arms out 90 degrees to the side gives
him multiple firings. Okay, moving his
_ h--dS from the - uh - hand controller
up over his head gives him - uh -
multiple firings. And the translation
is - uh - forward. He's translating
forward, and now he 's - uh - regaining
his position; approximately 8 feet -
uh - over the S149 ... station. 1_31t,
he raises his hands over his head. Mul-
tiple firings again and - uh - forward
translation. Now he's taking that
translation out and - uh - backing up_
multiple attitude firings. Translating
1_ack to the center of the _rkshop_
rate gyros. He's moving his legs forward_
he'e moving his right leg forward. FALl-
til_le firings again. There's another -
uh - forward translation, maybe a little
bit of left translation this time. Both
legs forward now gives him some multiple
firings and _ven a gre_ter forward trans-
lation at a higher rate_ maybe a half a
foQt a second. Not more than a half a
foot a second. Now he's stabilizing,
looking at his ... - uh - cuff checklist.
Now he's - uh - floating downward and -
uh - aft a little bit. You're _upposed

Dump Tape 233-06

Page _ of ii

to do that in MODE - in CMG now,

AI. Uh - did you get it in CMG?
Okay, you got that in all three
modes, did you. Now he's back
DIRECT. Uh - you going to do the
baseline -_euver? Okay, he's -
uh - trans - uh - rotating and
translating toward the - uh -
donning station. We're going to
CM ID, 2. We have a flashing SYNC
light. Now we're - uh - in ID, 2
and we're getting a steady SYNC
light. He's - uh - facing the -
uh - Do you like that hand controller
like that, or do you want me to raise
the arm? The arm was down in the
intermediate position. Now he has it
upward in the - uh - 90-degree position.
But the left hand - the left arm - He's -
uh - translating toward the - uh - donning
station. The handrails are down; he's
facing the donning station, about 2 feet
from it, drifting slowly but surely
toward it in - uh - DIRECT. Don't let
this hand controller hit over here.
Give it ... couple o_ ... with R-I.

CDR ...

233 19 51 23 PLT Okay, he's stabilized now at the -

uh - uh - donning station. We're in
ID, 2, at your request, and - uh - he's
getting ready to apply the baseline
maneuver in DIRECT. Stand by. Let me
check the - uh - bottle pressure. The
bottle pressure is reading - uh - 1350.
This takes 1050. We'll have to - uh -
change out the bottle probably after
this. Okay, here he goes with the
baseline m_neuver.

233 19 51 53 PLT Data mark. Backing off, rotating right,

nice translation; 4 to 6 inches - uh -
p_r second. Rotating to the right at
about - uh - l'd say - uh - 5 to
i0 degrees a second. He's - uh - mode -
• Dump Tape 233-06
• - Page 5 of ii

uh - 90 degree yaw - 90 degrees of

his yaw so far. He's directly over
the crew quarters hatch. No apparent -
uh - apparent cross coupling with that
m-meuver. Nice, slow, steady maneuver
under complete control. Uh - now he's -
uh - facing the banjo. He's - uh -
stopping his - his yaw. He's stabilizing
his yaw. He's picking up a little bit.
He's still translating in a nice rate;
approx_tely - uh - _ to 6 inches a
second, still. He's - uh - above the -
uh - plane of the dome lockers now, about
feet from the - uh - banjo .... his
attitude a little bit. A little ... now,
stabilizing about 2 feet from the banjo.
Head even with the banjo. Now he's
leaving that position, backing off, and
ha's rolling to his left. Not much
translation, putting a little transla-
tion in now. He's - uh - rolled - uh -
,f"-, about h5 degrees. Translating a little
faster now, probably - uh - 8 to 12 inches
per second. He's sort of - uh - He's
stabilized his roll _ow. He's in a
45-degrees left ban, in the plane of
the water tanks. Nice translation rate.
Okay, now he's giving a little more left
roll in order to wind up at FMU 2 - uh -
in the horizontal position. The ... is
running parallel with the - uh - the
deck. Okay, he's reached FMU 2. He's
stabilizing h_mself with the thruster
firings .... over. Okay - uh - now
stabilizing at FMU number 2. And -
uh - the position we all - uh - know
and love so well, position ... 2.
Now he's backed off, he's translating
toward position number 3, up by _04.
He's got himself a right roll going
about h5 degrees of ..., and ha's
hacking off very slowly. Okay, now
he's - uh - Just about vertical in the
workshop, almost - uh - he's directly
over the exerciser or - uh - a little
ways - uh - away from - uh - PSSs -
i %

f--. Dump Tape 233-06

Page 6 of ].l.

two PSS racks. And - uh - now he's

in front of the film vault - uh - up
to the level of the water tanks. Now
he's facing 404 very neatly. He's
translating in at - uh - a nice, slow
rate, 8 to 12 inches per second. He's
facing 402; he's checking ... with the
204. He's - uh - stopping, stabilizing
his translation now about I .... Oh,
you got me. About i foot - uh - facing -
_h - between the leading edge of the
hand controller and the - uh - dome
lockers. Now he's translating around.
He's been translating around for about
SO seconds now. Translating around the
dome lockers, main - maintaining a
position about a foot from the dome
lockers, upright position. Every once
in a while he gives it a little right -
a little right thrust, a little aft
thrust, a little right yaw .... out
front of - uh - locker 420. Trans-
v lating about 4 to 6 inches per second.
Watch your head. _Iow - uh - approaching
the - uh - condensate tanks. And
approaching now - uh -432, still in
that nice upright position, about a
foot from the locker. Stopping at 432,
•.. position. MODE. DIRECT. Now backing
off from 402 - correction, 432, heading
toward down the - down toward the donning
station. Yawing to his left, trenslating
now very slowly. And he's - uh - almost
directly over the crew quarters hatch now,
and he's - uh - got his full yaw in and
he's helping it yaw so that he's facing
the donning station, ... pitched down,
translating about - uh - 6 inches a
second. Now about 5 feet from the
donning station, coming in at the
desired attitude. And - uh - after this
we - _h - turn off the DAC. Okay, he's
nulling out his rate, and - uh - which
is what you'r_ supposed to do and - uh -
hut stopping the translation !_rimarily.
Reaching out on grabbing on to the do_uing
station where he w_ll stabilize himself
f'_ and - uh - get the DACs off.
f'_ i
Dump Tape 233-06
Page 7 of ii

233 19 57 47 CDR Hey, Jack, how much more of this ...

233 19 57 57 PLT Hand movements and C_G. Okay, what

he's going to do now is - uh - go to
the GMG MODE and do some limb motions.
We're gonna get the cameras back on
for that. Okay, we're going back to
ID, i for that. It'll be an ID, i for
the - uh - limb motions, l'm going
over there and try to give you - uh -
play-by-play description of what's going
on. Let me make sure I'm set up right,
first. Okay, he's doing the limb motions
and - uh - the CMP maneuver - CMP. And -
uh - I can hear the - uh - _Ps - uh -
correcting and occasional - uh - occasional

233 19 59 00 PLT Data mark. Right leg out. You - uh -

thruster firing. Both legs out, a few
more thruster firings. No apparent
/_" translation, however. Right arm's out,
_._iti_!e firing. Right arm out - ,Ib -- :
from his side. Now his right arm over
to his hand controller. Two thruster
firings ... both arms up. Longer
thruster firings ... both arms up.
Longer thruster fires, he' s translating
down with a very slow rate. MaintAining
attitude, right arm up from the hand
controller. Several - uh - thruster
firings. What mode are you in? He's
in rate gyro mode, I guess that's the
reason for the thruster firings. Right
translation downward. There' s - uh -
now he's yawing cc_ing back - uh - looks
like he's - uh - coming back to the
donning station, now, and - uh - we'll
get the DACs off.

PLT Ok_. The DACs are off.

CDR ... getting a little better.

PLT C_ay. What are you going to do next, AI?

Uh - we've got - uh - 500 pounds.
Dump Tape 233-06
Page 8 of 1.I.

233 20 01 29 PLT C_ay. Okay, now he wasn't at the - -

the reason he repeated the arm man-
euvers was because - uh -before you
go let me find my place. Okay? Be-
cause he - uh --did the arm motions
with the - uh - left arm rest in the
intermediate position. He wanted to
repeat them with the - uh - left arm
rest in the full up position, and
that's what he did. Now, those are
all done in ID_ 1 and - uh - we
had the - uh - cameras on and - uh -
nOW he's - uh - steady at the donning
•tation. He's on the baseline maneuver.
The backs are off. We're not going to do
a changeout. At the m_ent, we have
500 pounds left. And you're going to
do what now, AI? Okay. He's going to
do the C_fG baseline. Now, that's supposed
to take 700 psi, but we've got anly 5.
Says 5 in yours? Okay. That's direct.
Oh -oh okay, that includes it, Okay,
_ he _ust finished direct, now he's -
-- Okay, he's going _o go into baseline '
,_neuver. We are in - in ID, i. We're
going to 2, again. Tpa - limb motion
_ere done in i, and - uh - baseline -
official baseline ma_leuver was done
in 2. This one will also be done in
two. Backing off the donning station.
In a moment, am _oon as I {et the
camera running - - There he goes.
C_,er_s are on; he's backing off.
He's in the CMG mode. Making a yaw
to the right, directly over the crew
quarter's hatch, 5 feet above it. He's
got about half of his yaw in, translating
up to banjo.

233 20 O_ _5 PLT Okay, he's translating over FMU number 2.

On She inside over the crew quarter's
hatch, moving stesdily towards the - _h -
desired area. When's the - AI, did you
get the flash out? Oh, there it is.
Okay, he's translating up toward the
40_ now. Okay, stabilized now in front
Dump Tape 233-06
Page 9 of Ii

of - uh - 404, which is - uh - where

he wants to be, about a foot away from
it. Nice - uh - steady attitude, he
translates to his right, now. A little
half thrust. I can hear the - I can
hear the CMGs running. He's got a nice
yaw going. Backs off a little bit, he's
flying at about - uh - 8 to 12 inches
from the - uh - dome lockers. He -
uh - comments that he's flying a lot
better today. The restraint is much
improved. And I've also noticed, by
the way, that when he - uh - makes -
uh - the thruster firings that the thing
doesn't move around on his back. He
seems to be quite stable with this
restralng mechanism. It's a good
one. Uh - glad you came Up with it.
And - uh - I recommend that you - uh -
go ahead and - uh - train that way.
We'll leave the restraints right on
there the way he's got them now, and -
uh - Jerry can fly it. that way when he
gets here. Watch your head, Al. Okay,
he's -uh - passing mlderneath the - uh -
condensate tank. Floating - uh - very
slowly, It takes hin: about 6 seconds
to pass one dome locker. And now he's
uh - stopping in frcut of - uh - 432.
He stopped in front of h32, he's backing
off and down, yaw left. Nice steady
yaw to the leTt. I can hear the C_4Gs
running. Okay, he's got 90 degrees of
his yaw in. He's rolling a little hit
now in order to get into the proper
donning station attitude. Now he's -
uh - directly over the - uh - crew
quarters hatch, about h feet off the
deck, and - uh - now facing the - uh -
donning station. Just had a pitch
down_ I can hear the CMGs. He null -
nulls out his yaw, translating ever
• so slowly, 6 inches per second. Okay,
about 2 feet from the donning station
now. And - uh - stabilizing in front
Dump Tape 233-06
Page. I0 of Ii

of the - front of the - uh - donning

station, no more than 2 inches from
it. What are you going to do now,
AI? Okay, he wants the data mark
until after he's pitching up. Now
turn around and park it.

233 20 09 ll PLT Yawing to his left, he's Just a couple

of inches over the deck, having to raise
'em in order not to touch. Yawing to
his left, lO degrees a second -maybe
less, 5 to l0 degrees. I can hear
the CMGs running when he torques 'era
around. Huh? ... you gotta yaw to -
yaw a little left. He's backing in,
I'm giving him a ... Okay, translate
to your right a little bit. Okay,
and now dowa Just a little. Yaw to
your left. That's it. Now stop your -
uh - translation to the left. Go back,
directly back. There you - you hit it.
Oh, okay. We - uh - ... him right in
there with no problem at all. Now
we're going to - uh - strap you in
there sad lock you.. Pull ..., let
it go. There we go. You are in,
_gee. I'm gonna turn off the
cameras. Turn off these lights
momentarily. One makes ... out.
We're now going to - uh - change
the - uh - the PSS. And we'll
change the battery also. And we're
going off the headset for a minute, so -
uh - we'll turn off record. Don't go
away, little lady, we'll be back.

233 20 16 31 SPT Okay, debriefing the last ATM run.

Uh - we - uh - went through - uh - all
of the building block 27's as listed
plus one extra. Planning to shorten up
the time intervals a little bit and -
uh - instead of six I got 7 of those in.
Oh - we got a number - stead by. Now,
we got a number of short segments on the
VTR of that XUV transient on the - uh -
r-- Dump Tape 233-06
Page 11 of ii

northwest limb. And at the end of

the orbit we got one - uh- about
45 seconds segment S052 and S - scan
which - uh - threw the cycle through -
uh - all of their - uh - time exposure
lengths. And - uh - since there was no
S052 run on the entire pass - tlh - we
thought it important to get at least a
few things - uh - uh - with possible
correlation for the XL_ transient. And -
uh - that was the run which Just ended
at - uh - 20:i_. Information goes to
the - uh - ATM PIs and pSAn_ers in
ATM Science Room.

233 20 17 30 SPT SPT, end of message.



Dump Tape 233-07
Time: 1847-2054GMT ............:
•_ 8/21/73 ............

_-_ Page i of 9

" 233 18 47 00 PLT Hello, space fans, this is the PLT i

on channel A. The subject is M487-1
Bravo. Measuring air velocity Just
before M509. The air velocity of
the M509 Donning Station was a half
a foot per minute. At FMU 2 was
a half a foot per minute, ... was
one foot per minute, the cc_mander's
think compartment feet, above the
- uh - vent the air velocity was
95 feet per minut_ ... 95 feet z
per minute. End of message. ..

233 18 55 i0 PLT Hello there, space fs-us, this is

Jack on channel A. The subject
_- is M509 and the continuing episode "
_ _ _ of ... is now begun.

_ 233 19 08 05 This time segment is a verbatim

i_ to 233 20 28 Ol duplication within I_imp Tape 233-06. _!

233 20 28 01 PLT Okay, space fans, here we are again

/_-_ - uh - M509-3. We Just changed out the
- uh - syllables and the - Orville
here is ready to - uh - be unhitched.
We'll free him from his garage. Okay,
you're - uh - you're loose?

CC ... we're 15 seconds til LOS ...

over Guam at 20:53.

PLT Okay, we're going through the touch

and go maneuvers. Direct, I think.


PLT Okay, he's translating up to banjo.

PLT Okay try to get a picture of him up

there. He's translating up to the
banJ o, ...

4" \

_.._ Page 2 of 9

233 20 29 54 PLT Touches banjo, got a picture of him

touching banjo. Okay, now he's ..•
FMU 2. He's a little - tth - the plane of dc_e
lockers translating down in front of
the - uh - condensate tank above out 3 feet
from it.

233 20 30 21 FLT Ee's slowly but surely down to FMU 2.

Okay, he's - uh - stabilizing himself
- uh - near FMU 2 getting ready to touch
it. Touch it again: I need to take
your picture doing that, A1 .... a
picture touching the - uh - dome locker 404.

PLT Okay, He's - uh - getting in fromt of dOme

• locker 404 now, touch it again.
PLT Forgot to what?

-'- PLT Okay. He forgot to give you your data

m,_k in the other two places. So - uh -
"" "_ he's - uh - forgotten to give you data
/r-..._ merk at _he banjo and cam FMU 2. _u_
he did give you one at 404, and now he's
proceeding around to 432. He reported
• earlier that he - uh - feels more
comfortable today in flying the machine
than he has ever. P_rt_y due to the fact
that the restaints are better, and - uh -
partly due to the - uh - learning curve.
•. llke he trained•

233 20 32 47 PLT In front of 432, got his picture taken


PLT Now, he's coming back around to - uh -

the Donning Station. And I 'm putting the
camera over here. Okay - uh - slowly
translating into the - uh - Donning Station.t
What you gonna do now, AI?

CDR ...

233 20 33 45 PLT Okay. Now he's gonna do a rate gyro

baseline maneuver. He's completed touch
and go's. Stabilized at the Donning Station,

Tape23S-07 i
Page 3 of 9 ........

..................... clara mark. Leaves ... go with his hszlds.

Rate gyro, he backs off. We are in ID 2
that' s verified. Okay. He's translating
up to the banjo now, facing it. Stabilizing
in front of the banjo, backing off back
and down. Now he yaws to his left. Tape r -
•.. He - uh - over on his left side now.
The plane of the water tank. He's over
the - uh - crew quarters hatch. Okay,
he's in the plane of the FMU now, he's
drifting - uh - forward and upward to reach
it.... as you can have _m-gined, possibly
here I hope ....... he stabilized FMU,
now he's -uh - moving translating to his !
right, hls back,rollingright. Back up and
rolling right _ _5 degrees of roll in now.
i Still facing to - still facing the F_U
:, however he has not yawed yet. However, I'm
_/ confident that he will .... before he
_: _- says he's feeling very comfortable in the -
today and - Just like he really knows how
- to fly it now wa compared to - uh - earlier.
He feels like - uh - he's - uh - benefit -
_-. " benefitedfrom the trainingof the earlier
runs. I think ... even better. Atta
boy Orville. There he is. He's right in
front of 40_ about a foot away from it.
Dropping his yaw in the translation.

233 20 37 0B PLT Data mark in yaw to - translation to the

right. About a foot and a half from the dome
locker, giving a little forward thrust
to get closer. Yawing ever so slowly
to his right, and that's the translation
around the dome lockers. Okay. Translating
about a foot away from the dc_e lockers in
an upright position. No difficulty whatsoever.
....... Okay, now he's backing off from
- uh - 4B2, yawing to his left translating
toward the crew quarters - toward the
center of the workshop .... slight very
slow translation rate. He's yawing to his
left, now pitching down a little bit to
- uh - approach the Donning _qtation at the
right angle .... in now he's drifting
over the crew quarters hatch about 4 feet
above it with his feet• Now stopping his
Dmnp Tape 233-07
.F Page 4 of 9

yaw reducing his - uh - forward velocity,

coasting neatly down and forward about
4 inches to the second .... Now he's
right in front of the Donning Station I
think this is ... hand controller, facing
it, he reaches out and - uh - touches it,
after going to - uh - HHMU, correction
- uh - direct. Okay. Now we do the
reverse baseline, looks like here, AI.
And uh we're in ID number 2 that's
verified. Wonder how we're doing on the
cameras, they still got film in era, I
guess. Okay, when you're ready time is
- uh - 20 minutes til - uh - c_plete
quit time.

233 20 39 50 PLT Okay .... from Donning Station and ...

yaw right, reverse base line. Going
up to - uh - 432. Okay, he has 90 degrees
of his yaw in i directly over the - uh -
Crew quarters hatch, about 4 - to - 5 feet
above the deck with his feet. Continuing to yaw
/_. and - uh - on top of yew, now bp'.q
facing 432 and - uh - probably pitched
up altitude. I'd say about 20 degrees
pitched up. Now he's - uh - taking the
pitch out, pitching aown, forward no
cross coupling noticeable. Uh - good clean
mode, periodic multiple firing to the rate
gyro ... although I think that's ...
the hand and foot. Now he's - uh - about
a foot and a _alf in front of dome locker 432.

233 20 40 47 PLT Data Mark. Translating to his left. He's

got a little higher yaw rate than the
translation will - uh - would like at this
time but he's taking out his yaw now and
he's - he's translating to the left. Till
he - uh - gets in the right position
with the dome locker at which time

Dump Tape 233-07
._ Page 5 of 9

he'll resume - uh left yaw, which he's done

now, as he's under the condensate tank.
He seems to be getting a little ahead
on his yaw. Now he stops his yaw again
and let it - let the curvature of the
dome locker ... with his left back a
little bit, a little more, now he's ...
his yaw, around the locker. Now ye's
yawing to his left and he's almost
directly facing the dome locker at this
time going to h0h, about six inches away
from the dome locker, translating very
neatly as the _.. going ..° in the plane
of the water tank, the ... thrust ...
off the dome locker - six inches away.
Periodic firings to - uh - keep the yaw
rate going. And - uh - translating -
uh - giving it some right translation
to stop, translating.

233 29 42 13 PLT Data Mark. Moving - uh - backward and

down, mostly down. Yawing to his right
now to - uh - face F_.YJ2. Back pack seems
_ very stable on his b_ck today I don't
see any of that - uh - wiggling around
when a thruster's fired. Everybody likes
that better. _md now he's in an upright
position facing _4U __ ... a little above
it. Now he's rollins to his left and he
•.. over the DO6 - uh - stowage area and -
uh -norne
with the F_.,"J, facin C it, he's almost in
position to - uh - call it ... NOW he's
there, he 's Data qara .... it, translating
to his right, rolling to his right. No
noticeable cross coupling in that series
of - u_h - controller input. _'[hat'sthe
rate g - well it's hard to tell, rate gyro
takes that attitude ...... so ......
you cannot detect the cross coupling very
well. Although you do hear some - uh -
thruster firings when he translates.
Unable to tell ... input there attitude
input through the rate gyro system.

Dump Tape 233-07
Page 6 of 9

He's translating up to the banjo - i/h -

in the dome locker plane at the moment -
uh - facing the banjo - uh - looking up at
it a little bit, where he's going to
pitch up some more. There, he's giving it
some up. And he's nearly stabilized - uh -
in the banjo area. Okay, stop at the
banjo area. Translating ... and - uh -
yawing to his left, translating backward
downward a little, downward translate ...
is - uh - pitched up at the banjo ....
Coming in a littl_ higher this time then
he usually comes from the - uh - dome
locker of course, because he's coming from
a higher point. He's over the ... hatch
about ten feet above it. And his - his
transfer from the banjo he says to the
docking station was about as comfortable -
a comfortable rate he would llke to use
during an EVA. Now he's floating above
the docking station about a foot from it,
facing it, and he goes to the direct,
reaches out touches - grabs hold of the
/_ - uh _ station. A_nd - uh - no-.--.-_'re
going to - uh - do the - uh - the -
uh - maneuver that wns uplinked. We got
600 pounds, A1, 600 or 700 pounds.

233 20 45 h7 PLT Okay, addition to M509-h maneuver is

adjust the seat to ... all maneuvers,
we've done that. Al_-eady do the following
after reverse baseline rate gyro. Okay,
takes about 211/2 minutes and 800 psi,
so we're going to he nip and tuck on the
uh - the - uh - uh - PSS. Data the flag,
I got a flag to data. And ID towards the
1. We've been in normal ID-2 up to this
point. So this is the flag 1 and the
MODE is DIRECT. Fire to the center of the
workshop at Data Mark. Uh - it doesn't
say.. Fire to the center of the workshop
and face whatever you %_ant to face ....
in the center of the workshop now, space-
fans. I think we won't have enough gas
or time to do the - uh - discretionary
maneuvers. Okay, the first thing -i/h -

Dump Tape 233-O7
._ Page 7of 9

yOU do when you get here, AI, he's gonna

face the minus - m/nus-Z direction. I'm
Just talking. Okay, AI_ MODE DIRECT ...
contact for one second, coast five seconds
and stop and data mark. One - one second,
coast for 5. Backing up now and he's stop-
ping it.

233 20 _7 35 PLT Data _rk. Okay now, thrusting forward for

one second, coasting five seconds; he's going
forward and he stops it. He's stopping it

233 20 h7 50 PLT Data _ark. He had to give it a little up-

thrust to maintain attitudes. Okay. Thrust
plus Y for same - uh - deal 1 second,
coast five, stop data mark, plus-Y.
Okay, stabilizing ... go plus Y. No appar-
ent - uh - cross coupling, going to his
right going to his right towards the food
locker now stopping it. D_ta Mark. Now
go back minus Y. Okay, he's th_Isti_g
to his left no cross coupling noticed.
/_ _ He's coasting to his left dropping it a
llttle pltch down in there, ... stopping
it. Okay, Data Mark thrust - uh - plus Z
for 1 second, coast for five. Okay, he's
going plus-Z no downward, he's about three
and a hlaf - three feet off the deck wlth
his feet, stopping it, no apparent cross
coupling Data _,_rk. Now minus Z 1 second.
He's uh - stabilizing his attitude now.
Yawing to his left a little bit, you don't
want to that, AI. Okay, he's repositioning
himself now over the crew quarters hatch,
feet about oh, 2 feet above the deck stop-
ping himself -

2BB 20 49 23 PLT Data Mark. He's yawing to the right. You

got to go minus Z, now he's facing the
minU_ Z _ giving a minus Z thrust, i sec-
ond, okay, he's going up. i secOnd thrust,
Coasting upward over the crew quarters
hatch and he stops it. Looks llke you had
a little forward translation that time, A1.
On the thrust up you got a little bit of

Dump Tape 233-07 ............... _
_-- Page8 of 9 ..........

............. forward translation. Okay' _he stopped.

: Now - uh - want to do the same thing with
811 attitudes - uh - you Want to do a plus
yaw for i second, coast for i0 seconds,
stop. Okay, he's yawing to his right, so
he's facing - he's going to be facing the
dome lockers, correction the - uh - food
lockers. Okay, he's stopping his yaw,
he's R1most facing the lockers, he yawed
80 degrees, I think. Okay, Yaw back,
i0 second coast, data mark. Okay.

233 20 50 33 PLT Data Mark. Yawing left, coast for i0 seconds.

Okay. He's facing FMU 2 .... he stopped
it. Okay. Data Mark. 0kay, you want a
• : plus pitch ... i second, I'ii give you a
: _a_k. Okay, he's pitching up, he's gonna 11
face the dome hatch, at 9SI0. Okay, he's
stopping at ten and he's facing directly
& upward. Data Mark. And give her a pitch -
-• down, A1. Data mark he's pitch down for
i second and he's coasting .... down.
I0 seconds, i0 second, Okay. He's stabiliz-
/_-\ -" Lug his pitch. Data i_rk he:s noL ... ",_'_
pitching down, he's about 5 to l0 degrees
•.. straighten it up. Plus roll next, A1.
Okay, about 2 feet ... crew q1,_._ters deck
facing E_U number 2. Plus roll there he
goes, he's coasting: 5 seconds. He's -
uh - on his right side now continuing to
roll. Ten - I0 seconds. Okay, I'd say
he's about 30 degre'_s head down. Data
ma_k. Stabilizing ... Okay, 1 second to
the left, left roll no apparent cross
coupling in there. About ten seconds,
okay he's stopping his roll and he's got
about 20 - l0 to 20 degrees to go, yet.
Data Mark. Okay, and that's about it.
The only other thing left is the crew
discretionary maneuvers - uh - if you
have time cud gas. Uh - I'm getting
around here to look.

223 20 52 52 PLT _y gas is - uh - Just about zero. It's .

below the green.

D_np Tape 233-07 ....
_ Page 9 of 9

233 20 53 02 PLT ... Okay, he's gonna do a discretionary
•,/ maneuver ...... so I'ii put it on ID-3
_-_ for this he's pitching up, He's pitching
up now ... he's pitching up not too far
from TO20 head up - head's down directly
now over the crew quarters hatch. This is
a discretionary maneuver and l've got it
in ID-3. He's stopping his - uh - pitch
so he's face down, looking right down the
crew quarters hatch. Rolling around so his
feet are facing the Donning Station now.
... frc_ the observer. Okay, his feet
are facing the donning station, and he's
looking straight down. Now he's pitching
down a little bit more, he's approaching
the Donning Station upside down. He's
... forward. Direct or rate gyro mode,
AI? Must be direct. Huh?
233 20 54 O0 PLT He's in direct. Approaching the donning
station upside down with his feet -_ost
level with the ... under the water tanks
and uh - ... controller ...

f .

-_ Dump Tape 233-08
- Time : 2135-2240 GMT
Page i of 2

233 21 36 02 CDE Okay, this is the CDR, and we're

getting ready to - uh - flip Owen
Farriott, the SPT, under the
M092 treatment. I Just measured
his left calf at 12-3/4 inches, that's
12.75. The blood pressure cup
is number ll, same old cup.
Saddle setting at 6, right at
six. And the leg bands are per
your specifications. Namely, and
this is the last time I'm gonna
report this. TS for the left.
AQ for the right. And it's also
the last time that I'm gonna
report the friendly little BR4S
cup unless it's something besides
Ii. So, if we're going to standard
way, we'll give you, and the same
thing with the - uh - to the
saddle. If it's 6, ll, and those
two ones, we'll Just let it go.

233 21 37 44 CDR Owen's left leg - correction, right

f leg is 12-5/8 inches, 12 and 5/8.

233 21 51 15 PLT C_ay space fans, this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the A_M
run - uh - that started - uh -
at 21:07. We've _ot a real time
update on the - uh - ATM schedule
at that time, and - uh - ran off a
building block 2 x oll, minus 2400 and
so forth, which you know about. And
then we did - uh - J0P l, Echo's on -
uh - and we completed on down through
the last one in ii m_nutes there.
One thing we had to do at the - uh -
on the last one was to - uh - cut 82B's
exposure from 6 minutes down to 4
minutes and 50 seconds, in order
te - that's 4 minutes and 5 zero
seconds - in order to - uh - stay
outside of the - uh - _S. And
we'll pick it up at 22:29.
I_ Tape 233-08
Page 2 of 2
:F _

233 22 22 25 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We

Just finished M092 run on Owen
Garriot and passed it with
folying colors, as you saw.
We're now - uh - checking out
the M_g. And the CAL N 0 CO
2 2 2
breaker is 1439. CDR out.

233 22 27 46 CDR This is the CDR. The gas pressure

for the CAL N H 0 is 1396.
2 2
233 22 30 53 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. The
cabon pressure is 5.518.

233 22 32 16 CDH Okay, the following is cabin air

at this moment. Percent 0 ,
65.81; percent H 0,12.96 ; percent
CO is 2.41.

f 233 22 35 -8 CC SEylab; Houston. We're through

Carnarvon and Honeysuckle for
13 m_nutes. And we'll be dumping
the data voice red,order at
Honeysuckle at - uh - 41.

Dump Tape 233-09
Time: 2305 - 0058 GMT
8/21/73 ..........
Page 1 of 9 .....

233 23 05 13 CDR Okay this is M092 information, CDR :

speaking. Uh - we Just finished the
171 on - run on Owen. Went completely
norminal. I'll read you the blood pressures
manual, blood pressures in a few moments.
The only thing that was a little bit
different uh - Owen took off the blood
pressure cuff before we checked the
isolation .... it looked good. Blood
pressure cuff was a little bit wet ....
percent 02, capillaries 6h.66; percent
H20, 4.03; Percent C02, 2.48.

233 23 13 08 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, and this is

going to be about T20_ should go to
Lou R_mon, Bruce McCsndless, Ed Whitsett
and others interested in not T20, 509 ....
M509. Debrief. Have _ Card in front
of me. I'll go through it and then I'll
make scme casual comments afterwards. _:i
Could you fly the ba,_eline maneuvers
_-- satisfactorily in all modes? Yes, Any -
modes deficient? Nn. Wh_rb n_q ._a _._,,_ u
_ No remark,except I'm still convinced
direct's the best. TKq - CMGs stable, rate gyro's
the worst as far as _etting all over
the place and you rock back and forth;
direct, I could fly it so much better
today than the othei days. Uh - let
me Just say whoever invented that new
restraint did a good job. It onlymashed
one thing. We need the pad that seat
past with .... The thing that we didn't
realize, it's obvious now that we're here
is that you've got to pull down as hard
on that as you do at one g. And man,
you know how it feels in one g, if you
have to sit there very long. Now the
same thing is true with T20, so when we
fly it, we're going to have to have
restraints on there, better than 509.
And better - better than the new improved
•509 because - uh - I mean if it kept as
rigid as that they'd be good enough, but
I suspect two couple of straps Just aren't
. o

DumpTape233-09 .......
Page 2 of 9

going to keep you rigid. We got to

have something rigid on the TO20 from
back to - uh - bottom, if it's supposed
to do the Job. Okay, much better with
that new restraint. I felt like I was
strapped in I didn't - every once in a
while the back pack would move relative
to begin roll. But most of the time
when I was doing little ..., paying
attention, it really hung on there ...
The next time I fly it, and I hope we can
get to fly it a couple more times - uh -
I'm going to put the ... pad on it and
then the crotch - strap it even tighter
and I think it will be even better.

233 23 15 02 CDR Did you feel comfortable flying some

modes faster ... then •others? Yes/u,
you feel more comfortable, I believe •_
flying a - direct, because you don't feel •_-
like you're using gas, you put in a good i
r- solid DIRECT and you keep rotatinguntil
_ it's spent. And so I think you tend to
fly direct a little faster. The CMGs,
probably next fast for the same reason and
last is rate gyro because it - Just
makes so much noise .... everything you
get. Were thruster sounds a useful piloting
cue? Same answer=y,,s. Should any maneuvers
be changed for the _ext mission? Uh -
no, but I think we _ot to work on the
restraint moge. I think maybe with
improved restraints that the whole name
of the game can ohs_ge - uh - a little bit.
I don't think we're going to find -
suddenly find out the HHMU is the answer
to our prayers, or that direct is not
the best. But - uh ..I think new restraints -
improved restraints will help the Job
along. Let me mention something else
about the se three ... The restraints -
are made out of thin webbing. The buckles
• are - to me - look like they are designed
for a thicker webbing. So you end up, if you're
tight at the first, it - uh - very shortly
after the run begins you're loosened
D_p Tape 233-09 ....... _--
_. Pa_e3 of9 .........

because the backpack has vibrated

around with thruster firings you've
vibrated around and you've sort of sneaked
out of the harness. Now this isn't
true if you're flying an airplane of
course, because you don't more around
that _ch. You don't get the const_ut
vibration that the thrusters give to
this. And - uh - also the webbing in
an airplane is much thicker - it's
harder to get through. Now I don't
know if you can bring up any additional ... t
but if you did what you'd want to do is -
bring some up that were thicker. I guess u
you can Just keep these - what I did was
ti - pull them tight snd then tie a knot
in them. But it might be better to get
some sort of clip and bring it up so you
pull it tight and then clip it. Holds _
them good and tight but the knots will do. c
If we ever build another one of these, we "_
want to buildit with thickerstraps,
._ or elsethinner- uh -buckles, sothat
- together theyhold_ _a_y
_I tightl_-on their

233 23 17 05 Did your performance improve noticeably or

workload decrease with each successive
run? Not particularly todya, but I noticed
that my proficiency was way up today.
Uh - I think that Just flying it the last
two days had helped, T-20 helped; but
mostly I think the restraint helped. It
felt more like the simulator because
it didn't wobble around on you. You
felt like you were flying a firm machine.
Before we've always felt sort of loose.

223 23 17 33 Did you tend to become bored or tired

_uring the baseline maneuver? Not
particularly. If I did, I tended to fly
Just a little bit fzster because that's
what you'd do in real life. I don't
think we'll find I'm too much faster_
but it felt good to me. I didn't
try to fly as close to things. I don't
think you would. What's the use of
Dump Tape 233-09 .....
Page 4 of9 _

getting six inches from something? Stand

back. Give yourself some room. Controllability.
Did different acceleration levels ...
in different axes bother you? ... the
body? Not particularly. Did different
acceleration in different axes bother you?
No. Sane question, but meaning 1 ...
- the first is translation, the second is
rotation .--. No, not partieularlly I - I
think it's okay. Now we can stand a little
more in - in CMG, I think in ... pitch
and yaw but you accept it. Did you have
a tendency to pulse the EHC (as in Direct _bde)
when in Rate Gyro and CMG modes? Probably,
although I didn't notice it so much.
The first time I'd do it, well I'd
recognize it, then I wouldn't do it the
rest of the time, until the next maneuver

maybe, and then I wouldn't do it. Did you

make simuHarcous multiple axis rotations?
Generally not. In which mode was this the
easiest? Direct was easiest, next CMG. and
sometimesrate gyr _ Rate Cc_man_.- Rate

233 23 18 53 CDR Did you feel like you might loose control
for some maneuvers? No. And some modes?
No. Did you feel that the Rate Gyro Mode
attitude rate and displacement dead bands were
so tight that normal limb motion caused
excessive thruster activity? I do feel
that way. Don't like it. Because you like
the dead bands, seemz to me, a little bit
tighter than they are now in Rate Gyro.
What you do, you find out that when they
are, you hit the stops back and forth
too much. Rate gyro .Is Just a ... for
my money. Did you inadvertantly contact
the OWS? Yes, one time with my toes going
up to-the Banjo. Did you sometimes use
your legs or hands to push? No, not today.
Is automatic attitude hold needed for the
baseline maneuver? Definitely not. Was
the solid feel and absence of deadhands in the
CMG a significant advantage? It was a
significant luxury feature. Is proportional
rate command needed? Nope. Was the ...
nonlinear RHC for Rate Gyro mode needed?
I think it is if you are going to do Rate Gyro

• r
Dump Tape 2BB-09
Page 5 of9

because without it you get - have

difficulty moving small ... or, I think
it's needed if you ended up with that system.

233 23 20 15 CDR Do you feel that a rate greater than the 5

degrees per second maximum rate in the
CMG mode is needed? No, I think it's okay
- it could be nice, but its okay. Did
you - do you feel that the rate as, as
20 degrees per second Rate Gyro mode is needed?
No, I think, - no, I don't think so, I don't
think so Is 6 Degree of freedom control
required? 100 percent required. Yes.
Desired? Let me answer. We'd give up
any ... too dangerous. What was most
outstandingly different between on orbit
and 6 Degree of Freedom Simulator operations?
I guess the, uh - today I - the other
day I would have said the looseness of the
straps the - the rickedyness of the total
feel as you flew around. Today was
fairlysolid. Today I would be, uh, I
don't know. I guess I'd have to say
- here today I really for the first time
felt like i was flying. I felt like I
was part of the machine. Before I was
always kind of sitting on a machine, or
strapped to a machine. Uh, I felt that,
uh - the same way you feel in an airplane.
You don't, you don't look out to see
if your wing tips are in, but you - you know
you're in the machiFe. The wing tips are so
big, the landing gear is so far below
you. You're part of a machine after
you've florin it several times. And
that's the only way you can fly well.
You - you roll it. You - you - perform
the strafing run. Eventhough the
airplane is doing it, you do it.

233 23 22 23 CDR Today was the first day that I honestly

felt that I was flying a - around.
Instead of me on the maneuvering until,
the maneuvering unit flying around and
me holding on. I never had that feeling
in the 6 Degree of Freedom Simulators, and
the reason is, you got the gravity vector.
f- And the gravityvectorthere makes you
D_mrp Tape 233-09
Page 6 of 9

always hanging onto the machine. Flying

the machine and hanging on it. Here for
the first time, I and the machine, we're
sort of together. I think the restraint had a
lot to do with that. What was most
outstandingly different between on -
orbit and air bearing operations? 6 Degrees
of Freedom. No doubt about it. The
fact that when you get moving, you keep
moving by the way, one of the things I
did, I got up there and flew around for
a few minutes with the KHC in the partially
down mode. That was a sheer accident.
I didn't realize that it was down. I
kept saying, Wh'_hy am I getting these
unusual thrusts during thehand motion,
and the leg motion?"

233 23 23 h0 CDR Finally, I believe Jack said something about

it. So I lifted it up, and I realized
_mmediately that it had been interfering
with the Jet, and that uh - that was the
problem. I had no, uh - no desire to
keep it down, I didn't even know it was
there. That's why I went back and did
the arm - limb motions again for you. To
to give you better data. Now today a
couple of times I also forgot to put
to ... the mark button, but I think you
can sort ot out because I did most of the time;
80 percent of the time at least. Is
there a big difference between standing
On the rigid Degree of Freedom Simulator
and floating on - orbit in terms of response
of the system and feedback of accelerations?
Definitely. Much more difficult to fly.
Wait a minute. Response of the system
• and feedback of accelerations.

233 23 24 20 CDR Uh, I don't think so. I think that you

learn to fly real well, on the Simulator.
I think the Simulator's good to learn
to fly real well. Now you don't need
to learn to fly real we 1 except for
procedures. Because you can fly this
thing the first time you without really
try. No trouble in 811 modes. The only
thing that's difficult, I think, is
Dump Tape233-09
Page 7 of 9

..... learning how to fly around the baseline,

getting the data; and learning the procedures
of how to do it. How to read the checklist,
where you are in the workshop. If you
went out and did it cold without the
Simulator, you'd screw it up even more than
you tend to anyway. But the only way
you can learn the procedural part is to have
a Simulator and do it over and over.
But as far as flying it, you don't really
need it for flying it. Flying is so much
different in terms of - you don't have
the gravity victor. I remember flying the
HHMV or any of those others. Getting over
on m_ back and having this problem. Here,
no. Just look around and you're Just as
happy. Did you have a tendency to become
disoriented? No.

233 23 25 23 CDR Let me mention a couple of items here before

I forget. We got tc do TO20. We got to
come up with ... so that a guy flying can
feel he's pal_ of a machine. _._4'
now. It's like he's on pogo stick. And
being on a pogo stick, you know you don't
feel good. You gotta be strapped in.
You gotta be part of it. We gotta rigidize
ourselves to that seat. We gotta pad
it, and then we got_a rigidize that back
to our back, mad th_ back to the seat.
That's the most impQ,rtant thing. Of a]]
the things we've got out here, we got ...
clamps out here, we've got screws, nuts,
Bolts. We could fix this damn thing some -
how. I don't know the easy way, but you
all came up with an outstanding ... It
seems to me if we could do that to TO20,
we'd have a couple of good maneuvering
unit runs.

233 23 26 i0 CDI_ l'd like to fly 509 again or a couple more

times. T020, seversl times too. We
• got time. If you don't want me to fly,
if you feel ... if you feel that you
could get more benefit from having Jack
or co-pilot try it, do that. Whichever
-. A

_ Dump _ape 233-09

Page 8 of 9

you think is best. Or both. But uh,

it looks like we got plenty of nitrogen,
and it looks like we're gonna have
the time.

233 23 26 B4 CDR When S073 fell out the airlock, we had

a Jettison it, that gave us a bunch of
free time. And I'll tell you, we're
working a lot harder up here than
anybody thought. And as a result, they
are looking around for things for us
to do. We've been doing some experiments
up here uh - but I believe yours would
have the higher priority. For examples
we've been running some calibrations on the _94D
we've been doing same, uh - house leaning
and s_ne maintenance and asks and my guess
is yours would have a higher priority
than both of them. But I don't know
the answer, and you'd have to coordinate it.
But I wouldn't hesitate to say that I
don't think the possibilities of doing a _
better Job are dim. Doing a better Job
as far as evaluating the system. It seems
to me, Cd, Lou, and Bruce, that we
could even look at it a little bit closer.
Things looked good today. This was a good
run. I think we owe it to the ... restraint.
It was a whole new vehicle. We might be
able to sel that - sell that, uh - new run
by the basis of Just the fact it was so
different with thing strapped to us. We
gotta do T020. Let's go fly TO20, til we get it
fixed. CDR out. This goes to 509, Ed
Winston, Lou Ramon, and Bruce ... You
might send a copy of it to one ... Carr,
and ... CDR out.

233 23 29 19 CDR This is the CDR, recording ... about the

Bicmeds. It doesn't have anything to do
with experiments. But it may be interesting
to note this information. I'll tell you
something interesting. We don't sweat
too much. When we do sweat, we don't
have body odor, and when our bodies ...
And last, uh cleaning my ears out up here I've
noticed that you don't have much dirt in
_-_ Dump Tape 233-09
page9 of 9

them either, much wax. I guess you

measure what you got .... a lot of, of
%lh - dirt materials. CDR out.

233 23 30 26 FLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on, -

channel A for the ATM guys, debriefing
the 22 - 20:30 jop, we got the JOP, we got the JOP 15
eharlie, step 1 to cancel out the -
atmosphere Extinction JOP_ JOP 7, in
the place we substituted a 82A photo
and Shopping list item 13, that is, at
the following points: roll, minus
2h00, on the llmb at - it was up near
•.. the right/left was plus 458.
I took 82A, WAVE SHORT ... 20 seconds
as you're requested. At the same place
... shopping llst 13 for S056 with f_iter
3, and also caught a MIRROR AUTO RASTER,
pointing all balls, all detectors off.
So that takes care of the ... rev and
we'll see you at ...

2q4 00 57 27 PLT Hello there, space fans, this is Jack.

We thought ATM pass began at 00:03. We
pulle@ off both JOP 15 charlie without
a hitch. Got the TV down link. And
when I got to observing time, I tried to
improve my technique for finding a bright
spot and I think I _'ound one and when I
got there, what I did was to give you a
modified shopping list item 8, leaving out
82B because we're a little short of film.
But the roll on this was 10BOO. Left/Right
was a minus 322. OT/DOWN was a plus 236
I gave you a 55A GRATING AUTO SCAN on
detector i and gave S056 a single frame
LONG. And that was on the bright spot
only, not on the region ... because I only
had about i0 minutes to hunt - and
photograph and I maXimized detector 1 on
gaining ... to pinpoint the bright spot.
So that wraps up this ray and I'll see
• you tomorrow. Thank you.

23_ 00 58 55 PLT Good night.


Dunp Tape 234-01
Time : 0245-0248 GMT
Page 1 of 1

:" "_ '234 02"45 29 CDR This is the CDR. 'This _s informati0n
for biomed. Today, during the 170 run
for - 1 run for 0wen Garriotts I took
the manual blood pressures and I forgot
to send them to them. Here they go. At
21 minutes I took a - ... he was indicating
122 over 79; 16 minutes, 175 over 89; -_.
ii minutes, 199 over 91; and at 6 minutes,
206 over 84. I feel that these are fairly
accurate because I not only got them
coming down through, but then when I got
a - a reading I would toss back up slightly
above it and let it come down through
again. So, - uh - my feeling is that
these are pretty representative numbers
of what his blood pressure actually was.
These go to biomed.

234 02 46 II CDR CDR out.

234 02 47 27 PLT Okay, space fans. This is - uh - Jack

"_ on chan- -

234 02 46 34 PLT Hello, space fans, again. This is Jack

on channel A. The subject is - uh - /_MMD -
uh - read - calibration readings. This
goes to - uh - Bill Thornton. And - uh -
step number 5, my readings were as
follows - uh - there's a step ntmlber 5
on the cue card - 6.995, 6.997, 6.997,
7.003, 6.992. Step 6: 6.998, 7.000,
6.988, 6.996, 6.993. Step 7: 6.992,
6.999, 6.994, 7.000, 6.994. Step 8:
6.995, 7.000, 6.998, 6.993, 6.990.
Step 9: 6.999, 7.003, 6.997, 7.002,
7.000. Okay, that information -uh-
bic_ed-wise - goes to Bill Thornton
and Dr. Mike Whittle. This is - tth -

234 02 48 05 FLT Thank you.

Tape 23_-02
Time: 0326 - 0337 GMT
Pete 1 of

23_ 03 29 28 SPT Okay, l'm going to be recording on

channel A with message - with a -
a message or messages that go to the
uh - PAO crew. This is information
that I had intended to record on the
video tape recorder, but I ran out of
tape. And so I want to record this
on channel A for use of the PA0.
And so it'll be necessary for them to
get a high-quality - uh - copy of this
- uh - voice transmission, so that they can
tie it in with scwe of the down-link
video. So this should go to - the in-
formation should go to Dave Brooks.
The information should go to - uh - stand
by. Well, to Dave brooks and to the -
uh - PAO personnel. Make sure it does
get to the people who see responsible fc_
- uh - the down-link video.

23_ 03 30 51 SPT Let's take a look at some of the images

which have been send down from the Skylab
spacecraft. First is a white light cor-
ona_1"apl,. This b_n_ to be in _ve-
lengths which are visible to the b-_-
eye, but they provide images that can
very, very infrequently be seen from
the Earth. In this case the solar tele-
scope has a _-,_er oT discs out in front
of it which block out the very bright
light from the disk of the Sun and only
allow the very faint corona to be seen.
This can only be seen from the Earth's sur-
face a few times per year at very special
locations when we are fortunate enough to
have a total eclipse of the Sun. As a
matter of fact, there won't be an eclipse
within the United Sta_es now for several
years, I believe.

23_ 03 31 37 SI°T In this case, however, we can see a very

good eclips of the Sun - uh - .11 e._e time,
2_ hours a day for days on end, right here
• in Skylabo And we've been busy recording
these photographs, following the behavior
of the corona - uh - for over 2 months now
I>I"T Tape 234-02
Page 2 of

- tth - - uh - the first mission and our

- _h - mission now. And we've Seen some
very interesting things. We've seen
transients occur. One week there's been
a whole gas bubble being blown out away
fr_n the Sun. And it's fanned out in a
big - uh - arch-like loop. And this'll
extend far out into the corona. And
finally the g_s will Just break out
through the confinement of the magnetic
field and be blown out into the wind, and
eventually it'll reach the Esrth'e
environment. As a matter of fact, when
it does, it frequently causes things to
like aurora.

23_ 03 32 28 SPT Now another instrument that has been

fascinating to observe here on the
Skylab is a view from what's called
cur extreme ultraviolet monitor. This
- uh - monitur views the Sun at wave-
lenghts only some 20 times as - uh -
- 20 times far shorter than wavelengths
_,, are oui_ _ _sponds. _nese
very short wavelengths - the Sun looks
quite differenct than it does in visible
light - the way we s_e with my eye.
Instead of a more or less uniform disc
it's very ... with a_tive regions provid-
ing much of the radiation. And so it
looks very blotchy _Id - uh - hatchy
where these active r__gions occur ....
are little bright points which have
recently been discovered.

23_ 03 33 15 SPT And the other thing's called coronal

holes, which are dark areas which have
only been surmised or hinted at until we
had the oppor tun_ty to study them in
rather great detail for the last few
months. And then we've even seen ...
transients with our XUV monitor. As a
matter of fact, we saw one this afternoon.
•.. there was a large - uh - cloud of gas
going away from the northwest limb of the
Sun. And it stretched the field lines and
caused a large - uh - loop - to exist.
And - uh - it continued to carry right on
out into the - uh - space beyond.
Dt_p Tape 23_-02
PaKe 3 of

234 03 33 55 SPT So this has been a very valuable thing

for us to use and - uh - in our studies.
But we also have a couple of other instru-
ments which are s_m_lar to those used
in ground laboratories. These are called
hydrogen-Alpha Or H-Alpha telescopes, be-
cause the light waves recieved comes from
hydrogen atoms which are emitted by vibrating
hydrogen atoms from the solar - uh - _hvomo-
sphere. Now - uh - these telescopes are
used because they shaw a lot of the fine
detail on the Sun. Not only the Sus spots,
but alos filaments end prominences, as
they're c_lled, of the llmb of the Sun, and
a lot of fine structure in the network on
the Sun's disc. And when we wnat to point
at small details for these particularly
interesting things, then we use our H-Alpha
telescope for pointing the large array and
then our X-ray and ultraviolet telescopes
for taking of detailed ... at wavelengths
which we do not receive c_ the ground.

234 03 3_ 55 SPT Now, another very interesting even that

we've observed - several occasions now -
are flares. And flares are very energetic
events. As a matter of fact, in X-ray
wavelengths - uh - from one little spot
on the Sun, covering Perhaps a fraction of
i Percent of the tot_l area of the Sun, is
generated i00 to i000 times as much energy,
at X-ray w_velengths, as is generated from
the entire Sun. Ans so these are really
enormous events end -uh -very energetic
things. And we've had the good fortune to
see several of them - uh - on this flight.
When they occur, we very quickly point ,11
of our instruments over to that spot on the
Sun and then begin taking pictures
very rapidly at all of the appropriate
wavelengths. And then when we get these
pictures back home, it'll be of great
interest to the solar physicists to try to
understand these hatter - Just what releases
this - uh - energy - uh - what causes the
trigger to be set off. And - uh - it can
even - uh - not only will tell us more about
the Sun, but it has potential applications
Dump Tape 23_-02
Page _ of

for uaderstanding better how do we ...
these sources of energy here on Earth at
some later time. End of message to the
PAO group, and make .mAre the message gets to
Dave Brooks also, so he can alert the
appropriate people in PA0 that there is a
voice tape which can be used - uh - with
the previously down-linked television photo-
graphs - uh - to - uh - contact him with
this discussion that l've Just made. So -
uh - be sure and get this information to -
uh - Dave Brooks first thing, and then it
can - uh - uh - ultimately sent over to the
PAD people.

23_ 03 36 _8 SPT End of message from the SPT.

Dump Tape 234-03
• Time: 1151 - 1153
• / 8_22_73
f-_" Page 1 of 1

234 ii 51 31 PLT Good morning, space fans, this is Jack.

The subject is M509. Battery recharger
on BAT 6 was started at 11:50. This
lure to go to Lou R_,on.

23_ ii 51 _3 PLT Th-n_ yOu.


Dump Tape 234-0_
Time: 1223 - 13h3 GMT
_- 8/22/73
Page i of 13

23_ 12 26 13 SPT 213 is the pilot's PRD, 213.

CDR ...

SPT 098 is the SPT's PRD, 098.

234 12 28 57 SPT The CDR's PRD is 239, 239, all

the locations are standard.

234 12 32 15 SPT The following comment is

for Drs. Buchanan, Rumme,
Miehels, and Mike Whittle.
I appreciate your comments
about the - D_h- reduced data
here on the BMMD exercise information,
a 1.2 pound DELTA across the
excercise interval. Uh - aKree
that - uh - obviously much went
into evaporation. And my guess
is probably two-thirds of it
evaporated sad only one-thlrd was
removed by washrag - uh - after
/_ the exercise. So - uh - T
thou_ht that point was - uh -
underatood, that - _h - most
of it was certainly evaporated.
Uh - howe_r, as to whether or
not 1.2 pound DELTA - uh - is -
uh - not too large, I suppose
depends on your poirt of view.
It is - uh - my understanding
that the fri@ndly nutrition
people - uh - had e)_pected or had
plarAued no correction to all for
any amount of water lost due to
sweating. And - u_h - since we're
talking about 500 to 600 centimeters
now of water unaccouuted for every
day s this is, I pres1_me, a ma_or
DELTA and their calculation. And
that's the reascm for wanting this
message addressed to Mike Whittle
• _s well, to make him aware of the
D.,..zmpTape 234-04
Page 2 of 13

sort of DELTAS involved and

to ask that - uh - e message
be sent up to us - uh - from
Mike for someone else in that
area - uh - letting us know
how they intend to accoutn for
the amount of water lost - uh
during sweating.

234 12 34 22 SPT We'll have more on this message

in a moment, I've got to stop
for a moment now.

234 12 42 28 PLT Okay, here we are again, Space fans,

_rlth the T002-6 - uh - we're
taking some stadlmeter si_htings.
The time on day 234 is 12:42:40 -

234 12 42 _0 PLT MARK. And I'ii try to get you

three stadimeter sightings here and
uh - we'll - uh take three more
a little later on but they will not
be at 15-minute intervals cause
that's Just too long. We don't
have that kind of time up here.
Get a good horizon - stand by for
a m_kr.

CC ... PLT ...

PLT Tell 'em I 'm busy.

234 12 43 19 PLT MARK. Okay, the first stadimeter

mark is 4.110. Get another one
here. Turn it off a little bit
and tun it back up.

234 12 43 _6 PLT MARK. 4.115.

CDR ... CDR ... PLT ...

234 12 44 II PLT MARK. That's three, 4.108. Okay,

I'll be back in about 5 minutes
•to - uh - take s_e more of these.
_ D_mlpTape 234-04
Page 3 of 13

PLT ... get back on the -

234 12 48 12 SPT Okay, this is the SPT back on the -

uh - recorder and - uh - complete
my comments realative - uh -

PLT ... Oh, I - I'm using the headset -

I 'm sorry.

234 12 48 32 SPT Okay, these co_nents again go to -

uh - uh - Drs. Buchanan, Michels,
R1m..el and - uh - Whittle, and I
completed my comments relative to
that weight loss doing exercise.
Uh - the problem only really
pertains to the - uh - for the
exercise people - uh - but
uh - as for comment about the
desirability of a walking type
machine onboard, my personal view
is, that there is no particular
advantage to having one - uh - the
ergometer - uh - essentially
exercises about the same srto -
set of muscles - uh - your leg
msueles for the most part, althongh
the wa1_ing machine might be -
uh - uh - a little bit more exercise
for the remainder of the - Of the
torso. But - uh - the wn1_ing
machine - uh - requires your body
to be moving around over a larger
volume, whereas the ergometer can
stabilize you to one position on the
chair. And it semns to me that -
uh - a treadmill type device is -
uh - not that _ch of an
advantage. Uh - it depends - uh -
somewhat on Just what you have in
mine - uh - Just somewhat to what
you have in mind. If it's a unique
design that perhaps - uh - would
provide a little more v_riety for
the exercise or a litle more interest
. Dump Tape 234-04 , _ .......... .---_
Pageh of 13 ............i___

......................... to the subject, why it might

' be worth considering,but - uh -
I personally don't see anything
bascially wrong _ith the
ergometer and the - uh - w _alking
machine or treadmill would have
to have some significant advantage
I wu.,1_ _- u_ --_fu_e
you would want to have it - uh -

234 12 49 46 SPY Uh - end of message - uh - to -

uh - the poeple mentioned before i
from the SPT.

234 12 42 19 PLT Ckay, space fans. Uh -here's Jack -_

again with the TO02, the - _,
_ _ uh - the stadlmeter sightings.
_" The time now is - uh - 12:52:30. I

-- :: 234 12 52 30 PLT MARK. And I - uh - plan to - uh -

," _ start a set of these every 12-10 _
to 12 minutes as opposed to - uh -
---_ 15-minute intervals - uh - in
order to get a secent horizon.
- Stand by.

234 12 52 5_ PLT MARK. That was 4.053 - uh - off

a little bit.

23h 12 53 26 PLT MARK. 4.019. Okay, I ran it off

again now. I'ii even 'era up.

234 12 54 57 PLT MARK. 3.991. Okay, we'll take the

next set in about - uh - oh,
7 or 8 minutes starting -

234 12 56"22 PLT And we'll go off the air for a while
here. I'Ii let the recorder run.
Don't go away little lady. I'II
_ be back.

234 13 O1 12 PLT C_ay space fans. Here we are back

• again on TO02 stadimeter sightlngs.
Uh - uh - on my mark the time is going
to be - uh - 13:01:25.

_- Page5 of 13 _

23h IB 01 25 PLT MARK. What I'm doing now in

spacing these - uh - stadimeter
makrs to - uh - to start a
sequence - uh - every i0 m/nutes -
uh - roughly starting at - uh -
40 minutes remaining on the
time remaining clock on the
ATM t_m_r _ 30 m_nl/tes
then 20 mir_ites. So there's about
20 minutes remainiug and I think
in about 15 we're going to start
losing the horizou, so we'll l
work - try to work on this
schedule - uh - today and - uh -
if we can - uh- stretch it out
a little more to - as a result of

what we found out today, why - we'll

do that the next time.

23h 13 02 0O PLT But - uh - I think 15 minutes

is too long. The horizon is still i_
_ well enough ... awayto get s_e _
. _. _ _ reasonable - uh - data. _ ....

23h 13 02 23 PLT MARK. 3.967. Okay, let's crank it

off of there a littl_ bit and
try another one.

234 13 02 56 PLT MARK. 3.976 - 8 - 3.968 and here's

the third mark. Crank it off a little
hit. Bring it hack in there.

234 13 03 26 PLT MARK. 3.96_." 0k_y, that's -

uh - three sets of taree operational marks.

Each - Dh - the first makr

meaning - uh - spaced - uh -
lO-minute intervals and - uh - I'll
stand here and watch the horizon
for a while. And - uh - meanwhile -
uh - the way I 'm making these
stadimeter marks to - uh - kind
of integrate the whole .horizon
picture. Dh - the horizon -
.the white - uh - edge of the Earth
that - tth - you see varies - uh -
from horizon - from side to - from
Dump Tape 234-04 ...... T
Page6 of 13 ........... _ :

East to West or whatever.

We'll call it side to side on
the horizon. The - uh -
Yt depends on - uh - how many
clouds you got 8nd - uh -
what the buildups are llke
and how much cirrus you have
and - uh - and so forth. In
places the cirrus is very -
uh - regular. Other planes
there's high cirras and its
whispy. And you Just - uh -
can't find a good well-defined
horizon. Dh - so that's
what makes it difficult to -
uh - match up horizons.
_ _ For example, as I look out to --
.- ! my right now, the - uh -
_' white - top of the cloud horizon - .
-:: _ uh - very well defined. I you look -_-
_ straight out the - uh - to !
_ the white top of cloud horizon, 5
_ .....
- that's well defined, and as I look ""
ou_ to my leY_ iZ_s very - uh -
portly defined. So you have three
different kinds of - uh - white
horizons or top-of-cloud horizon
right there. Now another - uh - feEture
of the horizon is that - uh - we
have this - uh - thin layer of blue
above it, which is the atmosphere.
And even that is -uh - apparently
ecm_ewhat irregular - uh - it then
- uh - it self diffases, of course,
into the black, and it's a very
gradual diffusion. It's not -
uh - well defined. So if you have -
uh - two well - uh - two - two
boundaries which are both not
well defined. So you really can't
line up any white boundaries or
any blue to black boundsmy.
What I've been doing is - uh -
kind of integrating the whole white
to blue to black - uh - picutre.
You can call it kind of sandwich like
and - uh - and - uh - kind of useing

D_p Tape 234-0_- _...............

Pa_e T of 13 ...... :__',

............................. a little Ju ent - uh - try ............

to match them all up in the
optimum way not using any c_e
particular - uh - part of the
horizon but using the whole -
uh - white, blue, black - uh -
uh - as a reference to Joing
together. And - uh - if th_
white looks a little irregular,
I'll kinda Jump to the blue-
black edge and try to line
it up, and then when I get it
lined up, I'll look back at the
white and see if it's - uh - pretty
well lined up and Just kind of H
: uterate in there until you _-
'= get - uh - what - you're feeling u_
for the best picture of the total
_ horizon as you scan i_ - uh - from :J_
' "_" left to center to right. And so
._ i
that's the way I've been doing it,
._ _ ! and it looks like tc me that's O
probably a_out the best way. 7,
Now I might - uh - uh - I ._
. " still want to do something _¢Ith v
that. Uh - we might - uh -
do even better than that because
uh - night horizon - uh -
often has the airg3 _ in it,
which is another reference point to -
uh - try to match up. 8o -
uh - Z think possibly, this
stadimeter can be s.q successfully used
at might as well as in daytime.
And - uh - that's all I'm --
going to say for nc_- on T002.

23h 13 07" O0 PLT I'ii be back in a little while -

uh - same subject to - tsh -
give you some sextant sightings
_ on --uh - stars Duhhe and Diphda.

23_ 13 l0 08 PLT C_ay, space fans. Here's anothe

• 6c_mment on 5002 - T002-6 with the -
] •


23h h
page 8 of 13 .... ,..............

................. -uh--st Imeter.

about 15 - uh - 12 to 15
•- ! minutes the horizon - uh -
became - uh - indistinct to
the point of being unusabl
for stadimeter sightings but
with 12 to 15 minutes - uh -
uh - day rem_ug om our t'i-_.
remaining clock in the on the
ATM. And - uh - that - uh -
the horizon indistinctness is -
_'. uh - not directly to my left
•.. completelyto my left. _
It's more - uh - at this time - _:
uh - out to my I0 to ll
_ o'clock position. I guess is which is .-
• ." - where the terminator is coming --
._ ' up fram.

"J "-: 23h 13 11 05 PLT So it looks ]_ke to me that ,U

'_L..- :' we ought - uh - work between m
:_" _ the ranges of - uh -. about - uh - ,
_" .. _0 to 45 minutes of the d_y -_
remaining and - uh - and - uh -
for a start and to concludeat
no later than - uh - 15 to
20 minutes prior to - uh - uh -
sunset or sundown time on our
time remaining clock on the ATM.
Of course - uh - the time
remaining clock on the ATM - uh -
has a whole lot more daylight on
it than we have on the ground and
so - uh -that's probably
additional factor that - uh - is
entering the picture here.

23h 13 ii. 50 PLT I think if we continat to -

uh - _e sta - stadimeter marks
at - uh - uh - starting at hO
to 4_ - uh - minutes and - uh -
conclude them at - uh u
15 to 20 minutes and - uh - take
our mid - middle series
of ma_ks at - uh - 25 to 30 minutes

II i
Dump Tape 234-04 .......................
" Pa_e'9 of 13 ........... :_

• time remaining on our ATM clock

that will - uh - come out as
best as we can and - uh -
having the - uh - maximum spread
available yet - uh - uh - having
uh - suitable horizons to make -
uh - uh - good observations on.
So I'll plan to do that in the
future. I'll start at 40 to h5
minutes remaining, get another
series at 25 to 30 and
another series at 15 to 20.

234 13 17 21 PLT C_ay, here we are again space

fans on T002-6 and - uh -
this is the sextant part of this -
;_ _ - these sightings. It's
.. starting to get dark. There 7.

,- aren't any stars up yet, but __

-_ _ they soon will be. There's a
. .- nudge on the window I got F
-: to get off. Window protector C
. ._/'_. _. ,,. and h_s been out .... ""

234 13 18 29 PIT Okay, let's take a few 05 settings.

Now the temperature of this -
uh - sextant, to begin with
here, is and- uh- ... remains
at - uh - minus 0.5. It's not
dark enough to see many
stars yet, but I got a - uh -
got the planet Jupiter up there
I can make some zero bias
settings on. Still waiting on
hime. Stnad by.

23_ 13 19 ii PLT MARK. 0.006. Now Jupiter make

a Brighter spot in the sky
than Fomalhaut does, aud I
can probably - uh - cause Of
the _way the optics are set up.
Get - Dh - a hail of Jupiter in
between the two Jupiters thst I'm
seeing - za zero bias.
Dump Tape 234-04 .....
Pa6e i0 of 13 .........

234 13 19 37 PLT MARK. 0.005. Zero bias nt_ubers .......

are a little bigger whe n you i
use - uh - a bigger - uh -
light source, it looks like to
me - or a better light source.

234 13 19 57 PLT MARK. 0.007.

234 13 20 16 PLT MARK. 0.005 and one more.

234 13 20 34 PLT MARK. 0.005. Okay, that's

the 05 stuff. Now I'll get Dubhe.
There 's Fomalhaut above the
horizon. And - uh - I see
Dubheup there. Dipkda's _.
not up yet. It's - uh - going
to be slow. Let's see if
_ can go for - uh - our friend ''
uh - Dubhe up there. Duphe is _
. -" between - uh - Jupiter and - _l'
" tub.- two stars real close _
i_: together. And it's closer to the -_
_ stars- starsthat are close
together• We don't have a very
well-defined horzon yet, but
so he it. Let's take what we've
got and run with it .... is on
in this business rdght here.

234 13 22 01 PLT Now there's Jupiter and there's

Diphda. I ... what the little
lady down there ...

234 13 22 09 CDR Okay, this is the CDR with some

information on the ATM background.
Uh - I Just completed the pass,
started late because of the
electrical problems. Got
everything completed nomim ,I Iy
except the - uh - 240 exposure
on 82B, JOP 120. Everything
else was nominal. Uh - I think
we can probably go back and get
that later on. For the ATM
science room.

234 13 22 32 CDR CDR out Excuse me, Jack.

. Dump. Tape 23h.-0h- __
Pa¢e 11.of 13,. ...........

PLT That's all right,A1. Now

tOday we'll make sure we get
it down on the real horizon
and not in the airglow.

234 13 23-53 PLT Still cranking away at Dubhe,

prying to get it down on the
horizon. Looks like she ought
to be there pretty soon.

2B4 iS 2h 43 PLT We're still got a light on the

discone antenna out there, and
it makes it slmost impossibleto
see the horizon. Thunderstorms
moving away dwon there. ..L

23h 13 28 i0 PLT Okay, space fans. We're still

waiting for the Sun to go down. O"
,? This is one of the disadvantages :J
.... of -uh -this operation is that- %
-" • uh - you really don't have - ! r
• uh - 30 to 35 minutes of darkness
/_" uh - because the S_m is still up -
up here. It's reflecting off •
the - uh - window and off the -
uh - sextant as I hold it in the
window, and I Just canpt -
uh - make any sightings. This
horizon isn't well defined enough,
so it's cutting down our time
significantly. Tight's still
shining the discone antenna and -
uh - I see that other solar
panel there. Very a - dimly there's
a dimly - uh - dim horizon out
there, but its not good enough for
taking marks. I can't see that ...
to tell exactly where it is.
Sometimes I think I see it, but then
I - uh - see shadows on the Window,
too, and - uh - that's contradictory
information .... coming up over
there. We got Duhhe but we don't
have our horizon.
Dump Tape 2B4-04
Page 12 of 13

23B 13 30 52 PLT Now things are starting to

get better. I still can't -
uh - distinguish the difference
between the airglow horizon
and the real horizon,
however. I'm going to have to
wait a little. Not dark
enough yet. Occasion_]ly we get
so dark that - uh - we all
the stars and can't find out where
we are. That happens, too. I
think - uh - this is the pasit -
position we got caught in
yesterday where - uh - it wasn't
quite dark enoug yet, and I
mistook - the - uh - real
horizon for the airglow horizon and
later around as it got darker, I
noticed it.

23_ 13 31 37 PLT Or rather I mistook the airglow

horizon for the reul horizon.
I'm all set up and ready. I got
Dubhe and I got same kind of a
horizon out there, but I don't
know which one it is. I can see
stars below the horizon that I'm
looking at, so that obviously
must be the - uh - airglow
horizon. The airglow horizon is
very well defined. It's a
light ring - a light-colored ring.
Above the real horizon, its sort
of a cream-colored-pale cream-colored
ring and - uh - below that
ring it - uh - the white diffuses
gradllally to the black of the Earth.
You can see the light from cities -
uh - below and the thunderstorms
and fires and so forth. But -
uh - its difficult to tell exactly where
the horizon is because the white
diffuses into the black and we're -
• uh - getting some reflection from
somewhere. Maybe we've still got a
little bit of - uh - crescent -
Dump Tape 234-04
•_ Page 13 of 13

crescent sunset - uh - reflecting

off everything. That's what it looks
like to me. I can still see the
discone out there and the solar
panel. Go some light on them.
It's really going to get dark.
That cuts down - that cuts -
really cuts down your time. If
I had some numbers for the airglow
horizon, we could use that. Maybe
you guys could could come up woth
some answers to _rhether or not it's
okay to use that airglow horizong.
I've still got Dubhe there.

234 13 35 47 PLT Well, I'm gonna have to get going and

get something done here.

234 13 36 25 PLT We still don't see a well-defined night

horizon below the airglow. Maybe,
the smart thing to do is to get
going and to put it at the base
of the diffused light layer and call
/'_ that the Earth hurizoa.

23h IB 39 ii PLT Now off to m_ left Z can see a

pretty well-defined Earth horizon.
Maybe I've got to wait till it
tweaks over to - uh - where I'm


Dump Tape 23_-05
Time: 1341 to 1419 GMT
8_22_73 ............ -_
Page 1 of 6 ........... J

23_ 13 47 36 PLT Okay, space fans, here's a ...............

few marks on - Duhbe's on
the horizon.

234 13 47 h0 PLT MARK.

234 13 47 48 PLT 28.702.

234 13 48 07 PLT MARK. 27.821.

234 13 48 27 PLT MARK. 27.249.

23_ 13 48 48 PLT MARK. 26.901.

23_ 13 49 12 PLT MARK. 25.839.

234 13 _9 33 PLT MARK. 24.861. \

1234 13 50 25 PLT MARK. 23.00 - corrections 23. - 2.996. _

23_ 13 51 01 -PLT MARK. 21.872. i,'_

234 13 51 15 PLT MARK. 21.272. ?

_-- ,._-, 13, 51 _ _""- Sk_ia'o,_his is Houst , through

Havall for 5 m_nutes. Over.

234 13 51 25 SPT Okay, ...

234 13 51 27 CC . so where your - -

234 13 51 28 PET MARK. 20.751.

234 13 51 29 CC - - got _Ime on your h,nds there,

preparations for the E_EP ... - -

23_ 13 51 32 PLT 20.751.

2311.13 51 33 CC - - Thye're fairly mirror ones ...

take up on it or not. Over.

234 13 51 36 _A' C_ay Jack's on cb_--*.lA recording

end A1 emd I sxe doing 151 right nov,
so, why don't we wait a While?
i ¸

/_ Dump Tape 234-05

Page 2 of 6 .......... ,--;
.............. i

234 13 51 46 PLT MARK. 20.035. You have to be a

contortionist to do this Job. ........

234 13 52 01 PLT MARK. 19. 331. See if we can go

for Diphd_ before it gets daylight.
Okay the ... Mphda right over there.
Must be about - tth - 18 degrees
above the horizon or so. Don't
know if I'll -_ke it or not.
It's starting to get light. Sure
is hard to find these stars in
the sextants.

23_ 14 03 53 PLT Well, folks_ I looked down there

for a long time but I never could
: find another star that I could _:
positively use identifying the
, . sextant. There _ust - unable ._:
to do it and I was wondering - uh -
I worked on F_-_lhaut for awhile _
- "_ "but it got too light to see that -
an_ - uh - I - uh tracked - uh - ,_
_ to get back to Diphda hut I
couldn't positively identify it in
the sextant either, so we're Jus_ "
gonna have to try different time.
And - uh - that's the way the
ball bounces.

234 14 iO 08 PLT - Here's a little more work on TO02

on the last pass. Uh - as you
knOW we only got one star positively
identified and marked and - uh -
the difficulty is not making the
mark. That's easy, once you
identify the star. One problem is
that - uh - first-the first star
you select has got to be - uh - uh -
on the side of the - uh - pointing in
the direction where - uh - the night
horizon hexes - uh - well defined
at the earliest possible time. In
this case it - uh - it - tth -
in from the left and gread_-_ly
pr0ceeded around to the right. So you
we_c,e a lot of time waiting for a
well defined right horizon. The
Dump Tape 234-05
- P_e' 3 of 6 ..........
......... _--

air@low horizon - uh - appears well .......

before the - uh - earth horizon
does and so you could get earlier -
an earlier start if you can use the
airglow horizon. But - uh - uh -
I'm not sure that anybody know -
uh - the - the altitude - uh -
on that succesively. Uh - the
other problem, the one that _e've
discussed before, and that - ith -
it's - uh - difficult to locate - uh -
down by stars if the sextant ... has
lama_ks around it that are
visible with the naked eye. Uh - Diphda,
for _ample, is a star that - uh -
doesn't have recognizable "-
languors around the field of view of _
the sextant. Uh - Dahhe, on the
other hand, though it is _4mer star
does have - uh - hit points around _-
and was relatively easy to find on a couple _
_ of occasions at ... It has _upiter near :
it now and it also has that - uh two - __
uh - stars close together, which are
near it. Therefore, when you take
your eye out of the sextant to read
the numbers, or to search for the
horizon with thy other optical ste_f,
you can come back to it, because
in the same field of view you can
both see Dubhe and the two stars
near it. Or you can see Dubhe and
Jupiter. You can't see all - uh -
three of those checkpoints at once.
Dh - at least you have checkpoints
near by that you can see in the
field of view of the sextant.
Diphda, on the other hand and
the star that's out by itself
over there, you can't see it in
any other checkpoints. At the
same time, the sexLaat. Uh - it
appears to me what would be an
optimum would be to - uh - enlarge
the field of view of the sextant,

Dump Tape 23_-05
Page _ of 6 '............. !_ '_

somehow, so that you could

see other checkpoint around
the stars like Du_he - corre._ion
like Dighda. Now, another
problem that I mentioned before
is this and that is that the - uh -
sextant carries more light than
the naked eye does, and you can see
more stars with a sextant than
you can with the naked eye. Therefore,
when you look out with
you eye to - uh - find a - uh - •
star, why - uh - you see ...
stars. Wherein you - uh - use
the sextant, why - uh - you might !
see the star you're looking at but
it has so ninny other stars around _,
=- it, that you can't see with the
naked eye, that you can't -.
positively identif_ in that manner. _ -
Now one - uh - solution to that
_ problem is to use filters, so that
you can filter out all the light _
that you - uh - can't see with
the naked eye so that you have
the same presentation through the
uh - sextant as you do with the
naked eye. I tried that with the
filters that we ha_ in the - uh -
sextant we're using, and with
both of the filter -with either
one of the filters _, yoU can't
see anything. So - uh - the
filters in the sextant that we -
uh - have right now possibly
would be changed to smmething else
which would - uh - give you the
same - uh - uh - light gathereing
uh - q_ty as the naked eye does,
so that the - uh - the out the
wlnduv presentation and the
sextant presentation would be the
ss_e. So, there's two considerations
here. One is - uh - filters - uh -
and the other is the field of view.
• • , Q

Dump Tape 23h-05 "' _- ............. _

Page 5 of 6 .....

And in the - uh - we also

discussed the idea of taking the
first star, such as in near
the horizon that appears near the
center. Now, - uh - T think
the next time that - uh - we do
this, that IIm going to pick
Fomalhaut and - uh - possibly
Dubhe, or l'd like to pick - uh -
one of the stars in group like -
uh AI Na'ir, for example.
And I think I could do a better
Job because - uh - I can find
Fom.lm=ut more easily than I
can Diphda I can find Dubhe more 5.
quickly than I cottldfind
Diphda simply because there's -
there are more checkpoints. View
that are more visible through "
the sextant and with the naked
eye. Now, a man could happen to
be a contortionist, and - uh -
I f_,11yagree With the _rineigl
- of - uh - uh of rotating the
sextant around the Window. However,
when you get some of these stars
that are at high elevations like - uh -
Diphda was getting to be there - uh -
and when the horizon has - uh - is
complete by 90 degrees - uh - exay
it's - uh - sometimes - uh -
pretty difficult to - uh - Just
purely rotate the sextant, and -
uh - find that - uh - star
your looking for. I'm getting
better at it and I'll try to improve,
bUt sometimes you Just have to
cock yourselves - yourself
around and - uh - use the sextant
and window. Uh - or when, for
example, the horizon is either low
Or high in the window, and the
star's a long way from the horizon,
wh_ then it becones - uh - diffcult
vu_ Tape 23)-_o5

............. to - _ - resort to turning ........... =

yourself m_ounc!, instesd. So -
uh - I'ii give this another
try and - uh - pick so_e other
stars which are mot easily
recosnizable, if you don't
mind. And - uh - _'ii
• nh - _ve it a whirl e_ain, I
t_4nk _e'll have better success.

23_ i_ 16 23 PLT That's the end of the message.



• C


_ - Dump Tape 23_-06
Time: 1453 - 1547 C_4T
Page 1 of

234 14 53 35 CDR This is the CDR _ debriefing the

ATM run. It's not quite over
yet. Uh - I haven't talked to well
because I can't find a good
network cell. I picked out one
that I thought would be acceptable
I think I can find it again.
but it's Just not the classic kind
of cell you _t. But I _,_,.v=
looked all around and roll angles
and this is around the Sun. Then
I really discovered a cell that was
not exact ... ben_ was well
defined. And some days up have
you can't, today is Just one of
them - the last time - uh - because
of the delay trying to get it,
I've not been able to do the last
step, which is step 4, on the ..
exposure on 56, step 3. So we'll
pik right up there tcmorrov, right
on the - uh - beginning of the next
run, if we can find _he cell where
it had been. We're not going to
take time to locate ... we're going to
be eve_ further behi,.d if we don't
have any ... probelm other than -
uh - doing it that _ay.

234 14 54 40 CDR ' Dh - CDR, out. ThaJ.'s the ATM ...

234 lh 57 50 SPT Okay, information goes to the bicmed

people M092 171 from the SPT
about to run - uh - _092 171 on
the PLT. On the - uh - calibrate
I did notice that the systolic/diastolic
pressures were slightly out of
tolerance. Instead of reading the
128 minimum, they were actually
reading126 - uh - 125 and 26.
Now the - that' s right, the
mlnlmuB was suppose to be 127,

D_p Tape 23_-06
Page 2 of 1_

and in high they were actually

reading was 125 and 26. In
low, the minimum was 68 and
the - uh - ESB was actually
reading 67. Also, the body
temp, minimum was supposed
to be I0_, it was reading more like
103. 8o it was sl_ghtl_
out of tolerance on the calibrate
high and low. The - uh - legband
are the ones that are standard -
uh - for the PLT per your uplink
pad, at Baker King on h_s left
leg, Baker Uncle on his ri£ht;
on the left, 35 on the right.
His calf sizes ere as follows:
11_ 3/8 on the left, 1M 3/h on the

23_ 15 I_ 3G SPT Okay, this is the 8PT, recording

on ch_-el A relatively to the
/4092 run on the PET. I Just took
a m-_lal blood pressm'e
meam_re_e_t here and I got 115 over
80, whereas the ESS, at the same
time, _as getting about 103 over
70. And it looks to me like all
of these pressures are rllnn']ng -
uh - at least particularly this
systolic are _,nnlng too iov.
And occasionally, Jack was shoving
about 98 to 100, like it is 100
right now. I have a hard time
_lievi_g that. I think that - uh -
the _m,,=l results of the 115 are
more typical and mo_e - uh - more -
uh - accurate +-_=- the ESS at
these low pressure settings.

23_ 15 20 20 Sl_ 0ks_, SPT back on channel A. One

othel" snoemly we have noticed adn
that appears that the --uh --

Dump Tape 23_-06
Page 3 of

temp measurement is either eratlc

Or Imoperative. Maybe it Just
Jack's - uh - temperature sensor.
I don't know. But - uh - when he
had it in his mouth, it was 103 plus
which is unreasonable because be
does not have a feaver. And he's
nOw taking it out of his
mouth, hut it's still reading 102.7,
which I would also considered
unreasonable in asmueh as I have the
temperature here about 68 degrees.
SO, I don't know what's wrong with
that body temp. I'd appreciat any
comments you might have about wehterh
or not you thine this is Just his
own _ sensor or _h_t. I do
remember the last - uh - reading
I h=_ _ uh - was a reasonable one,
was my own set of electrodes and
texperature sensor, 98+. SO,
perhaps we can change his out. But -
uh - let us know what you tb_nk.
/_ If you're not concerned about it,
we sLrem_ •.

23_ 15 21 56 SPT C_e more word for t_ M092/171

people. Uh - we did use cup ii
a_ain and - uh - Just as A1
reported - uh - what I ran yesterday,
I'm not going to report any longer
on the - uh - legban,ts used or
the cup used. It's always going to
be II and it's gonna be Baker - King,
Baker - Uncle o_ Jack, Jus_ the
ones that have been called up
for his - uh - uh - leghands
unless there is scae- uh - change.
And - uh - we'll let you know if
we _o change any . Similarly the
saddle is - uh - set again at
position 7. Uh - before the run
starts, the hip bone is slightly
outside of the iris but as soon as
we get up to 30 millimeters or so

F \
Dump Tape 23_-06
Page 1_ of 1_ ................ _

" it pulls your torso right

down into the tank and - uh -
the iris comes right at the
tOp of the hip _one. So, we
believe that tb be about
the right saddle position -
uh - for Jack to use and we will
again - uh - continue to - uh -
use saddle position number 7
with no further comments unless
there's some reason to change that.
23_ 15 23 Ii SPT End of this particular message
to the - uh -92/171 PIs.
. 23_ 15 30 30 ,"_"A" Okay, the N2, 02, CO2 pressure

bottle *'atei_37, 1_37.

23_ 15 38 52" SPT ... air pressure of the - _

_ceerc_t this =orn_ng at 5.h50
-- • psi. b,50 percent 02is 66.h0. :
Percent water at 2.89, Percent
CO2 is 2.10. Now it's changing

Just a little bit. You've

-_e it 2.08 for the CO2.

. Ik_p Tape 23h-07
Time : 1606-1738 GM_
Pagei of 4

23h 16 07 07 SPT Okay, more information on

the 171 run we Just completed
are Just - uh - in the rest
period at this moment, by
the PLT, giving some blood
pressure measurements. From
the event time, I read 20 minutes,
manual blood pressure is 132
over 80, ESS was 116 over 55.
Time remaining 16 plus 30,
manual is 180 over 80, ESS
is 154 over 67. At Ie.45
time remaing manual is 205 over
75. ESS ready 179 over 53.
At 7 plus 45 time remaining
manual was 220 over 70.
The ESS read 179 over 53. At
5 minutes, Just as he was
quitting manual was 215 over 60;
the ESS read 192 over _5- So,
the number ... - uh - ESS
are lower systolic today than
usual and I think it's because
Jack was very carei_/i to keep
his left arm danglin completely free
and quiet any time the blood
pressure cup was - uh - inflated.
Personslly, I cannct do that because
I need the left arm for stability
on the hicyle. But Jack managed
to do it by - uh - uh - mostly
his head, I supposed. But, at any
rate, his left arm was
free doing these - .ah- ESS cup
measurements. And i presume that's
the reason they're lower, but they
still do not match weel the mauuml
measurements. I have no to doubt
the manual measurements. I think -
uh - they were taken reliably.
And that's the end of these comments
to the 171 PIs.
Dump Tape 2B4-07
Page'2 of

234 16 08 59 SPT SPT out.

234 16 12 35 SPT Okay, the percent 02 is 55.45; percent

water 3.94: percent CO2 is 2.06.
Part of the MI71 data.

234 16 15 39 SPT Okay. Another cerementthat Jack

Just made on the - uh - possible
reasons for more shallow breathing.
He suggested that it might be
related to the dry atmosphere
that we're in. And - uh - such a
dry atmosphere tends to - uh - make
your throat dry - uh - and feel a
little bit raw. - uh --make your throat
a little bit. An_- uh - he
thought that might - uh - contribute
toward more shallow breathing.
If - uh - Ed Michael, if you have
any co_ent about that, why - uh -
we be pleased to hear your view
,_ on that, as well as, the
l_OSsibility that i mentioned on the
tape yesterday_ that part of it
might be related the fact that we're
supporting part of the force
exerted on the pedals by a counter
force with our heads against the
otherhead. And that downward
compressions on the chest might also
contribute to the more shallow
breathing. End of this message
to the 171 Pis.

234 16 21 O0 CDR This is the CDR and information

on the ATM science room. Uh - I've
completed the pas that should ahve
been for - that was - that began
at 14:14. In addition to that, the
very first thing I didwas the last
item, which was JOP 12D, step one
on the previous pass that I had
_Ittee because it started
late hunting for a proper call.

D_np Tape 234-07
Page 3 of 4

So, essentially, we 're caught

up now. The only problem I see it
is to try to make sure that we
continue to follow the same cell.
Now the cell that appears to be
is starting to break up. It
doesn't a good defined outline anymore,
however, there are tern Ix_ints near
it. Another problem that -
uh -hasn't been considered and would
have really dealt misery if it had
not been for the fact that we kept
the point at the cell at all times,
is - an initially the cell was
at minus 8007 rool, 2.6.aud a
i00 - uh - that's 2.6 down that'd
be a minus 2.6 and minu lO0. Now
when we came around the next day
pass, at the same spot the roll
ready minus 5255, the down was 257
and the left was 095. Now I don't
think these the othcr two are too
/_ bad because of rotations, but his
roll changed without me changing
it, is a little bit strange.
Now, maybe it does that every night, I
don't know. I tried to lock on a
star this pass, get a real good one;
could never get a good lock on a star.
So we'll point it r_.ght at the cell
and then maybe tomorrow we'll see find
it and see what our roll is then.

23_ 16 22 34 CDR CDR out. That information is for

the ATM science room.

23h 16 51 25 PLT (_ay, apace fans, this is Jack

at channel A. The subject is
M509 for Lou Ramon. They Just -
uh - filled some - uh - topped
off some - uh - PSS bottles, and
the pressures are as follows :
number 2 is 2500; namber 3 is lhO0;
Dump Tape 234-07
f'_ Page 4 of 4

sad number _ is 2700. I

guess we're gonna leave them
llke that unless you call for
something different. So, if
you want something other than
that - uh - please let us
know. End of message.

"_" _'18 09 i0 CDR I'm waiting on the count, i

23_ 18 09 12 CDR This is CDR, for information t

"" for S019, Dr. Karl Henize.
Might he one of the prime ...
/'_ Wally Teague. The Nuz on
the pad was 9.1. The new Z per
the ATM was minus 12.2. Minus
12.2 subtracted from a minus 9.1
yeilds 3.1 so - plus 3.1, so
I changed the rotations to, for
example 283.5, 23.8 TILT,
field _23, 270 widened exposure.
Uh - we'll _egin in about a
m4nute and i_ seconds. Incidentally,
it will be frame number 22
when we push at in. I'll be back
in about a minute.

23_ 18 ii O0 CDR Okay, the time is right. It's

11 minutes after, 18:11. Let's go
ahead and start with first exposure,
270 second. Standing here, I've
picked up & frame, reedy to open
the shutter. Waiting, preeions
second. Stand by.

23_ 18 ii 20 CDR MARK. SHD+.L'J.',':.

0P_smO. 270 second
exposure, frame _2.

231+ 18 1_ _ CDR _, this is CDR. 8tnad by

for closin_ the shutter. It's
been a 270 second exposure on
field _23. I'm 4--_diately
after this, going to _ve you
a 90 second one, so stand by.

23_ 18 15 lo CDR MARK. That was th_ completion of

that exposure. We;re now going for
& 90 second c_e. Pick up frame,
stand by to open.

23_ 18 15 2'{ CDR MARK. OPEN SHU+A_A_.That wa

a 90 second exposure beg+h',n'lug.
Tape 23k-08
Page 2 of 3

It was frame 23 field _2 -

_23, frame 23 on field _25.

23_ 18 16 _ CDR okay, stand by for a mark.

23k 18 16 47 CDR MARK. SHUTTER CLOSED, nov. Okay,

_e're going to a new one, 23.4.
Rotation and 19.3 TILT. That's
it. Okay, This is gonna be a
270, so stand I_.

234 18 17 21 CDR okay, I'll go pick up a frame.

Got it. Stand by to open the shutter.

23_ 18 17 26 CDR MARK. SHUTTE_ 0P_ED. Going off

the count. 270 second exposure,
field 550 •.., frame is 2_.

23_ 18 21 05 CDR Stsnd by for a mark, as we close

shutter on this field, field 555.
23°4 rotation 19.3 TILT.

23_ 18 21 i_ CDR MARK. CLOSED. Now we're going

to go rot a new one, _T.6.

234 18 21 30 CDR And TILT of i_.4.

234 18 21 45 CDR Okay, stand by for another exposure,

_7.6, 1_.4. Gonna pick up a
new frame. Stand by to open shutter
on my m._k.

234 18 21 59 CDR MARK. SHU'I-rE2

QPENED. F_e 25,
field 605. Be off the _ for
a while.

234 18 25 41 CDR okay, here cr_Ps S019, shutter

@losed again. SO, stand by. Been
a 270 exposure on field 605, frame 25.

23_ 18 25 54 CDR MARK. OPENED. Go to the last one,

Whi@h happens to be 54, too. That's
_e of my favorite n,__r.

23_ 18 26 O_ CDR I _on't believe it.

_ ._...41 ¸

. r

Dump Tape 23h-08

/'_ Page 3 of 3

23_ 18 26 09 CDR I tb_nk they Just didn't see it.

23A 18 26 19 C_R Okay, let's got at 270.

CDR Okay, pick up new frame. Standing

_y to put it in.

23_ 18 26 30 CDR MARK. It's in. T-_ng a pic. Call

back later. Taking pick
D,_ber 26, field 612, 270 seconds
and we've got til 32 and that's
about 5 minutes fro_ now so we've
got it _a_e. _ pad.

23_ 18 30 07 CDR Okay, stand by for the final closing,

this time at least of the S019.
Shutter 32.

23_ 18 30 25 CDR MARK. CLOSED. Gone to CARRIAGE

_l_a_E4J and gone to hatch alosed.
Now, retracting the machinery.

/-_ 23_ 18 30 53 CDR I tell you one wa_ you could Jam this
thing up and that's trying to re_ract
it when it wasn't at zero, because it
there Just isn't that any sort of
clearance in there. If you ever did,
you'd have to run all the way back
out and then zero shaft and tilt, -
ub - rotation and tilt. Cause
you might get Jammed in there
cockeyed, a_d rub.

23_ 18 31 21 CDR Yeah. That's good. Everyt_-Es good.

O., we did it, you know that.

23_ 18 31 32 CDR Y_ know us by now.

23_ 18 32 06 CDR Clsoe, nice and eas_. Everything's

Just perfect.

23M 18 32 11 CDR That's done. Okay.

23h 18 32 13 CDR BoIg, is in the bag.

r_u (_ T3PE
2= _._

Tape 231,,-09
Time: 1457-1624 GMT
8122173 __
/-" ,P.e4_e
i of 5 ....: ! : i

234 _14 50 50 SPT - 0kay, information goes to the biomed ........

:" ] people. M092/171 on the SPT. About
to run a M092/171 on the PLT. On the -
uh - CALIBRATE I did notice that the
i SYSTOLIC, DIASTOLIC pressures were
slightly out of tolerance. Instead
of reading 128 minimum, they were
actually reading 126 -.uh - 125 - uh -
126. Now the - That 's right. The
minimum was supposed to be 127 and
in HIGH, they were actually reading
_ 125 and 126. In LOW, the minimum -
was 68 and the' ESS was actT*_lly w,
' reading 67. Also the BODY TEMP minimum ,i
h_ , was supposed to be 104. It was reading __
_L,• more like 103. So it was slightly out _
_ "_ J of tolerance on the CALIBRATE, HIGH and
c- ( LOW. The - uh - legbands are the ones
!9 i
AM that are standard for _he PLT per your '_

<_-_ ='; up-link pad. That's Baker King on his O

_-_ ;_ ' left leg, Baker Uncle on his right. ,_

_ 36 on the left, 35 on the right.

;: :23_ Ik 58 57 SPT His calf sizes are as follows: ik-3/8 --
. _;. _ on the .left, 14-3/4 on the right. --!

_- 23h 15 17 32 SPT Okay, this is the Sl_f recording on

.... chaxhuel A relative tc the M092 run :

. . on the PLT. I Just took a _nual -_

blood pressure measurement here and .
I got 115 over 80, whereas the ESS at
the seine time" was getting about 103
. over - uh - 70. And it looks to me
like all of these pressures are running -
uh - at least, particularly, the systolic
are x.,nning too low. And occasionally -
uh - Jack was showing about 98 to i00
like it is i00 right uow. I have a hard
time believing that.

234 15 18 02 SPT I think that - uh - the mam_,-1 results _

. of 115 are more typical" and more - uh -
more - uh - accurate than the ESS at these -
uh - low pressure settings. :

• ,., i i t i

_ump Tape 234-09

Page 2 of5

234 15 20 21 SPT Okay, SPT back on cb-nnel A. Now one

other anomaly we have noticed and that
appears that the BODY TEMP measurement
is either erratic or inoperative. Maybe
it's Just Jack's temperature sensor, I
don't know. But - uh- when he had it
in his mouth, it was 103 plus, which is
unreasonable because he did not have a
fever, and he's now taking it out of his
mouth and it's still reading 102.7, which
I would also consider unreasonable in as
much as our ambient temperature herin is o_
about 68 degrees. So - uh - I don't
know what 's wrong with the BODY TEMP. I 'd
appreciate any comments you might have about
whether or not you think this is Just his
own - uh - temp sensor or what. I do
r_member the last - uh - reading I had -
uh - was a reasonable one with my own -
uh - set of electrodes and - uh - temperature -
uh - sensors, 98 plus, so - uh - perhaps
we can Just change his out.

234 15 21 15 SPT But let is know what you think. If

you're not concerned about it, we aren't.

234 15 21 57 SPT One more word for MG92/171 people. We

did use cuff ll again - uh - and Just as
A1 reported - uh - when I ran yesterday.
Uh - I'm not gonna report any longer on
the - uh - legbands used or the cuff
used. It's always going to be serial ll
and it's going to be Baker King Baker
Uncle on Jack, Just the ones that have
been called up you - uh - his legbands
unless there is some - uh - change.
And - uh - we'll let you know if we
do change any. Similarly, the saddle
is set again at position - uh - before
the run starts. The hipbone is slightly
outside of the iris, but as soon as we
get up to 30 millimeters or so it - uh -
!_111_ your torso right down at the top
of the hipbone. So we believe that to
be about the right saddle position for
Jack to use, and we will again - uh -
Dump Tape 234-09
/--, Page 3 of 5

continue to use saddle position number 7

with no further comments unless - uh -
there's some reason to change that.

234 15 23 ll SPT End of this particular message to the

92/171 PIs.

234 16 07 07 SPT Okay, more information on the 171 run

Just completed. We're Just - uh -
in the - uh - rest period at this moment -
by the PLT. You'll need some - uh -
blood pressure measurements. The EVENT
TLMER read 20 minutes. MANUAL BLOOD
PRESSURE was i32 over 80 ; ESS was ll6
over 55; time remaining, 16 plus 30;
MANUAL was 180 over 80 ; ESS was 154
over 67. At 12:45 time remaining,
MANUAL was 205 over 65; ESS read 179
over 53. At 7 plus 45 time remaining,
MANUAL was 220 over 70, ESS read 179
over 53. At 5 minutes, Just as he was
quitting, MANUAL was 215 over 60; ESS
read 192 over 45. So, for some reason,
the - uh - PSS numbers are lower in
SYSTOLIC today than usual. I think it's
because Jack was vers- careful to keep his
left arm dangling ccmpletely free and
quiet any time the blood pressure cuff
was inflated. PersoDally, I c_nnot do
that because I need the left arm for
stability on the bicycle. But - uh -
Jack m,naged to do _t by - uh - uh-
mostly - his'head, I suppose; but, at
any rate, his left arm was free during
these ESS cuff measurements, and I
presume that's the reason they're lower,
but they still do not match well until
the manu_1 measurements. I have no
reason to doubt the zlanual measurements.
I think - uh - uh - uh - they were taken

234 16 08 54 SPT Okay, that's the end of the comments

to the 171 PIs. SPT out.
Dump Tape 234-09
f-_ Page 4 of 5

234 16 12 34 SPT Okay, the PERCENT 02 is 55.45. PERCENT

water is 3.94. The _CENT C02 is 2.06 -

part of the i - MI71 data.

234 16 15 38 SPT Okay, another comment that Jack Just made

on the - uh - possible reason for more
shallow breathing. Uh - he suggests
that it might he related to the dry
atmosphere that we' re in. And - uh - such
a dry atmosphere tends to - uh - make your
throat - uh - dry and - uh - feel a little
bit - uh - raw - hurts his throat a little
bit and - uh he thought that might con-
tribute toward more shallow breathing. It -
uh - Ed Michel, if you have any more comment
about that, why - uh - we'd - we'd be pleased
to - uh - hear your view on that as well as
the possibility that I mentioned on the tape
yesterday that part Of it might be related
to the fact that we're supporting part of
the force - uh - exhibited on the pedals -
uh - by a counter force with our head against
the overhead. And that downward compression -
on the chest might also contribute to the
more shallow breathing.

23_ 16 16 27 SPT End of - uh - this message to the - uh -

171 PIs.

23_ 16 20 59 CDR This is the CDR and information to the

ATM science room. Uh - I've completed
the pass that should have been - uh -
why - uh - I did - that began at 14:14.
In addition to that, the very first
thing I did was list the item which was
JOP 12D, step 1 on the previous pass
that I had omitted because I started
late hunting for a proper cell. So,
essentially we're caught up now. The
only problem I see is to try to make
sure that we continue to follow the same
cell. Now the cell, it appears to me, is
starting to break up. Uh - It doesn't
have a good defined outline anymore;
however, there are - uh - checkpoints
near it.
- _" Dmmp Tape 234-09 .......
Page 5 of 5

23_ 16 21 40 CDR Another problem is - uh - to consider -

uh - it would have really dealt misery
if it had not been for the fact that we
kept pointing at the cell at all times
is, _nltia//y, the - uh - the cell was
_t a minus 800 -

Dump Tape 23_-10
Time: 1945-2142 GMT
81173 ...........
/,-., Page1 of 9 ........

234 19 45 22 PLT and the hands vary on the XUV monitor on

the llmb. And then I came inside the limb -
uh - 8 arc seconds. Again as indicated by
the - uh - 82B pointing system. And, at
that point, the- uh - roll _s a m_us 10061
and - uh - the up was plus 4. I initiated -
_h - the building block I0 at that point.
It was ther that - uh - you - uh - noticed
that I was - uh - in amp 10V 64, versus amp
10S 64 on S05_, and - uh - I thank you for
picking that up and - uh - calling my attention
to it. I - _h - chan@ed the amp 10S 6_ and
I was able to run - uh - that filter, although
there was not time before sunset to run -
uh - filters 3 and 6, on S05_. I - uh -
cut the - uh - frame at the time when I -
looks like I moved off 5 frames and - uh -
the - uh - program mode. I also, I got most
of an act - uh - active one lone for S056
and - uh - it took me a while to _oun_ the
' grating around to zero so - uh - I probably
didn't get a whole lot .at - uh - On SO55 A.
I th_nk I got - uh - it went - uh - to effective
at nbo_t% llne 30, at the morror auto raster.
"_ So I'd consider JOP 2A Imcomplete on that
active region. And - uh - shrive Ol at the
monent, can be only z'ound by - uh - using -
in the XUV monitor. There is no si_ature,
so far, in H-alpha. And - uh - that - uh -
concludes this run and - uh - we'll - uh -
press on from there later. One other thln_,
however - and that O_her thing is I've made
another sketch of the corona from the S052
display, and I noticed that the - uh - that's
separate fr_ yesterday, of course, is that
we don't see that - uh - loop in the corona
on the - uh - northeast limb. But - uh -
the only other difference that I note is
that - uh - the southwest limb at abont 0 -
correction i00 or ii0 degrees, at any r_te,
about _ o'clock around north, the - uh -
we're pic_n_ up a stresmer there that I
did not sketch in yesterday. Yesterday, I
Dump Tape 2S_I0
Page 2 of 9

noticed _ust - uh - a little brightening in

that area that does not extend out - uh -
more than the half a filter radius from the
llmb. Whereas now we're pickin@ up a streamer
that's - uh - off - uh - to the edge of the
monitor. So, that's the only other - uh -
observation I can make at this point and
• that we'll pick you up on the next pass.
Thank you.

23h 20 31 23 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack on

channel A, The subject _s M131-2. And the
subject now is Dr, Owen Garrlot. Today is
23h, And he's,gonna answer the debriefing
questions first and later on s_uetime today
I'ii read do_ - uh - the data when I get
a chsz,

234 20 32 O0 SPT Okay, the degree of difficulty ground based

trials. I'ii tell you, there's no problem
in - tth - reaching a decision, except that
you are less confident that the - uh - de-
cision is a sound one.

_._h _0 3@ _8 SP_ Expe,_en_ _ny eonf!_ct__ sensory _-es? No.

" I would say no you don't really have - uh -
clues outside of the" ones related to your
bed_7. Just sort of - it's all we've got to
go by. And - uh - Just kind of make some
esti_te of where the various references
were with respect to my body coordlnance
and try to do it with - tub - respect of that.
No other - uh - confusion. Positive sense
of the upright? No, I Just - the only thing
that ever was close to that was when we tipped
from 30 - 30 to h2 degrees. I di_ have a slight
sense of tipping forward - pitching forward
as _f I were sort of .going to fall on my
nose, or in that direction but, of course,
it wasn't very much of that ... and I knes
that here _s no essential differenJe in
orientation. •Just a slight sense of the
fact that you were tipping for a bit, down.
Judgement influenced by _uditory cues? .No.
There were not any significant ones. Target
appears stable? Yes, it was stable, but it's
Dump Tape 234-10
Page 3 of 9

a lousy set of - uh - Eoggles. Th_'_Is not

a single vertical line. It's about 2 Qr 3
different lines. And it's not atall distinct
and well focused. I noticed no other direction
or velocity or apparent movement of the line.
No other comments.

234 21 16 49 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack on channel

A. The subject is S019, pad number - uh -
2625. Time is 21:17, day is 234. And we're
all shuttered - uh - we're all set up now
for - uh - the first field, field 457. The
NuZ on the pa_ is minus 9.1, the NuZ cm _oard
is mi_%us 7.2, the correction is minus 1.9,
_hlch has been - uh - taking them from all
rotation. Therefore, the first rotation
is 78.8. I have a corrected tilt of a 6.4
and very shortly we're going to begin - uh -
the run. This information goes to Carl Henire.

23_ 21 17 50 PLT Ok_, we've got the film level in - uh -

or the widen level in 270. And now we're
_ going to go SLIDE RETRACTED. Pick up a slide:
and stand by to open the shutter. Okay, at

234 21 18 09 PLT MARK. SHUTTER OPENED. Frame 27, field 457,

at 2_0 or 70 xecond exposure. 270 exposure,
field 457. And we'z_ going off record here
for a little while.

234 21 22 i0 PLT Okay, Karl. We're - wh - getting ready to close

the shutter on field _57, - uh - frame number
27, a 270-second exposure - uh - close to
your 270 seconds. Now I - uh - _et the crank
cranked around to zero. And - uh - still
about a few seconds late so I cranked it
around to about 5, so you'll want to get the
e_ct exposure length with this one from the
time pad but it's pretty darn close to the
time. Standby.


And we'll do the 90-second exposure now.
Lever to 90. Same deal. CARRIAGE--SLIDE
Dump Tape 234-10
P_e 4 of 9

RETRACTED. Crank the crank. Stand by to

open the shutter.

234 21 22 57 PLT MARK. SHUTTEE OPEN. Excuse me, SH_'_'_R

OPENED, frame 28, field 457, 457, a 90-second
exposure. As I was saying, in that earlier
270-exposure, when I opened the shutter, I
uh - had not cranked the - uh - timing mech-
anism around, although I caught it immediately
after I opened the shutter, and I - uh -
cranked it around to about 5, O to 5 somewhere,
so - uh - a real close - uh - 2TO-second
exposure on your - uh - timer. Although
to get it precise, within a second you'll
want to take the time hatch off the - uh -
off channel A. So - uh - now we're in the
m_dst of - uh - frame 28, a 90-second ex-
posure, field 457. Rotation is 278.8. TILT
is 6.4. Stand by to close the shutter.


30 seconds on the same field. Next we put
the lever to 30, we go to SLIDE P_ACTED,
we crand the crank standby to open this one.
Goes by in a hurry..

234 21 24 30 PLT MARK. SRTJ_'ALER,OPENED, frame 29, field 457

and 30-second exposure. Now the next one -
uh - with a correction of a minus 1.9, we'll
go for 44.1 and _2.2 in rotation. But this
is field 457, 90-second exposure, frame 29.
And we're about to terminate it. Stand by.


Put the lever to 270 before _e forget set
the rotation to 42.2, correction on that
crazy number. Tilt/rotation is - uh - near
in and out. It works good now and then.
Nice and smooth and ... 42.2 is set, rotation.
And now we're going to set 11.0 on the TILT.
There we are. Okay, we'll doublecheck then.
42,2 and 11.0. They're both set in. And
we'll start a 270-second exposure. We go
to SLIDE RETRACTED, crank the crank. Stand
By to open whutter.
Dump T_pe 234-10

/_ Page5 of 9

254 21 26 _9 PLT MARK. SHUTTER OPENED. Frame 30, a 270-sec-

ond exposure on field 609.

234 21 26 31 PIT And we'll go off the - uh - air for a little

while, but don't go away, little lady. We'll
be back.

2S4 21 28 08 PLT Okay, space fans, - uh - this is Jack,

cozening on channel A a_ain. We're in the
midst of S019, but we're going to mix a
little biomedical d_ta in here. The
subject is M131-2 on - uh - Owen Garriott.
Here are his readings on - uh - day 2Sh.
Time was roughtly - uh - 20:00 to 20:30.
when this wa s acccmplished, 20:45 or so.
And - uh - chair at 30 degrees. This is
chart number l, chari at 30 degrees. Uh -
this goes to Jerry Homiek, by the way,
and others interested individuals of the
biomed world and - wh - in respect to the
rotating chair. Chart number I; chair,
30 degrees, Using otolith test goggles.
Here are the readings: Five internal and
then flve external on _ne BFT. I'ii read
pitch and roll en_ go right on down the
line: 14.0, 70.9; 17.0 and 69.5; 15.0
and 70.2; 14.0 and 68.8; 15.1 and 69.6.
External: 18.2 and 70.9, 15.O and 73.3,
iT.0 and 72.5, 17.4 and 71.9, lh.h and 71.O.
Now, stand by to close the shutter on frame
number 30, soIg, field 609, 270 - second
exposures. Stand by.


And we'll now go to the next ... to be 5T.9.
ROTATION,57.9.... that in ... 2.7....
back off from that and some up on it for
increasing numbers. Okay, double check 'em:
57-9, and 2.7. Stand by for a 270 - second
exposure. We got to SLIDE REI'RACTED. We
eran the crank. Stand by to open the

234 21 30 39 PLT MARK. SHUTTER OPEN; frame 31, field, 625,

a 270 - second exposure.

Dram@ Tape 234-10
f_ Page 6 of 9

PLT Now, to go on with the biomed data -

change subjects. Back to M131-2.
Chart number 2 on 0wen Garriott. Chair at
30 degrees with rod and sphere. Here we
go with pitch and roll. Internal: 197 and
184, 195 and 187, 192 and 188, 194 and 188,
196 and 189. External: 191 and 186,
194 and 186, 193 and 187, 197 and 190,
195 and 190.

234 21 31 41 PLT Chart number 3. Chair at 40 degrees, rod

and sphere. Pitch and roll. Internal:
200 and 185, 199 and 186, 198 and 187,
203 and 187, 198 and 189. External: 181 and
188, 184 and 186, 185 and 187, 187 and 188,
189 and 188. Chart number h, chair at
40 degrees, otolith goggles. Pitch and roll.
Internal: 14.2 and 71.2, 16.0 and 68.6,
15.2 and 69.1, 13.4 and 69.2, 16.6 and 68.5,
External: 19.0 and 73.2, 17.1 and 73.2 -
correction - 73.4. Line n,,mher 3, external:
15.7 and 71.0, 16.2 and 71.3, 14.0 and

234 21 33 34 PLT Next is chart number 5. Litter mode,

32 degrees, rod and sphere. Pitch and roll.
Internal: 92 and 16:, 91 and 158, 85 and 161,
84 and 162, 87 and 162. External: 175 and
188, 172 and 182, 168 and 179, 170 and 183,
170 and 184. Ch-_t 6, litter tilted to
41 degrees, rod and sphere. Pitch and roll.
Internal: 90 and 165, 90 and 162, 89 and 159,
89 and 156, 89 and 158. External: 171 and
190, 166 and 188, 163 and 186, 166 and 185,
164 and 185. And - uh - that concludes
those readings - uh - for biomed. I'll
answer my questions later. Break, break.
S019 is now the subject. Stand by to
close the shutter on frame number 31,
field 625, a 270-second exposure. Stand

234 21 34 31 PLT MARK. SHD'A'A'_R

And now we'll go to the next one, which
is 70.4. ROTATION, 70.4. That's it. And
TILT, 14.1.

Dump Tape 234-10
f-_ Page 7 of 9

PLT Okay, double check, 70.4 and 14.1.

270 seconds, the lever's in 270 nag - uh -
I can't believe it. We got - No, we got
sunrise, there's plenty of t_. It's only
01:35. We're right on.

PLT Okay, SLIDE RETRACTED, crank the crank,

lever's at 70, and wide open shutter.

23_ 21 35 22 PLT MARK. SHUTTER OPEN. Frame is 32;

field, 55, a 270-second exposure. Okay,
we're going to have to - the right amount
of time to complete this, about 30 seconds
a minute early, Karl. We'll let her run
and ... we'll go back to M131-2, - uh - and
I'ii answer the debriefing questions - uh -
on my own run. This is Lousma, PLT,
answering questions fo r M131-2, Question
m,mher i: Describe the degree of difficulty
relative to ground based trails in making
spatial orientation Judgment.

234 21 36 05 PLT Well, l'd have to say that it's a - a

little more difficut_v to - uh - know
exactly -uh - hwere the X-axis is. It's
easier to know where your backbone is. I
found that the ... you straph _urself
into the seat, which gives you a sort
of a one-g cue on th_ seat of the pants,
around from - across the back, makes it
easier to find your backbone. When you
first try to find the X-axis in the
external mode, it's relatively easy. But
when you get to the fifth - fifth meas-
ment every time, why you're starting to -
I feel like l'm starting to lose it.

234 21 36 44 PLT So, there's a little more difficulty

in the - in the -making the Judgment.
Did I experience any conflicts between
sensory cues , particularly when making
Judgments with respect to the external
frame of references? If so, explain.
Dump Tape 234-10
i-_ Page 8 of 9

PLT No, I did not find any dlf - conflicts

between sensory cues. I didn't feel
any sense of rotation or vertigo. Dh -
I nerely tried to picture in my mind
where my backbone was, and I could feel
that pretty good because of the proximity
of the chair. My rear end and my back.
I had to remember some of the cases
where the X-axis was when we ware external.
And so it made it a little more difficult,
but - uh - there weren't any conflicts.
Did I at any time experience a positive
sense of the upright?

23_ 21 37 38 PLT Yes, l felt a visual sense of the upright

as it -As I've discussed before, the
upright is what we're used to training
in in the one-g trainer. So, visually
there's an upright. If I were suspended
free in space without the fastening down
of the - fastening - being fastened to
the chair, why - uh - I - uh - would
p probably not have particular sense of
upright ... with ntv eyes closed. I'd
have to - uh - open - uh - open my eyes
to - uh - get a sense of the upright with
respect to the geometry of the inside of
the spacecraft.

23_ 21 38 12 PLT Were your Judgements influenced by auditory

cues or other envior_mental factors? The
answer is no. Did the line target appear
stable and under your complete control
during _he settings? The answer is yes.
It was stable; it was under my control -
no apparent movement. Additional cn_ments
and observations - I think l've already
made additional c_mm-nts and observations -
in answer to questions - uh - i and 2 and 3.
So that concludes the debriefing and the
data for Owen's run and the debriefing of
the qhestions for my - my own run on M131-2
for Jerry Homick.

Dump Tape 234-10

Page 9 of 9

234 21 38 55 PLT And we'll change the subject now to

S019. We're about to close the shutter
on frame 32, field 55, a 270-second
exposure. And we're going to give it a
CLOSE right ontime; 21:39 is the time,


RETRACTED. And we' ii go on and - and
back at the checklist for what to do next
The - the - uh - Retract the mirror and,
after setting total rotation and tilt -
Guess maybe I'll do that on the headset
in the event that the bolks are more
interested nowadays in what happens to ...
the mirror when we bring it in. Okay,
the TILT is - uh - zero .... is zero.
ROTATION is proceeding to zero at a
reasonable rate - and - uh - Just about
there. Now - now we're at 0_0, we'll take
the mirror in.

f 23h 21 40 01 PLT i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i0, ii, 12,

12 and a b-!f_ 13. It's all the w_- i_.
Came in very smoothly. And we'll close
the SAL DOOR here. Door closing, i and 2:
Verify clear of obstructions. The mirror
is in, so we'll CLOSE and LOCK .... Okay,
the door is closed and locked. And we're
going off the air. _nis concludes the
message and S019. _nd we got all the frames
in that were requested on the pad. And the
info goes to our friend and associate,
Dr. Karl Henize.

234 21 41 Ol PLT End of message; thank you.


-'_ - --_ Dump Tape 23h-Ll
Time: 2228 to 2328 £_

Page i of lh

2B4 22 30 09 CDR This is the CDR, and this information is

for biomed. I'm getting ready to answer
some questions for the MI31-10GI test.
Did you have extensive rotating or other-
wise moving during the test? Definitely
at certain times I did - uh - although
I think I did rather poorly, I don't know
how much of that is sleepiness - _rowslness
as I took the test. How much was - uh -
uh - lack of practice on this for quite
some time, I don't know. But - uh - I'm -
my feeling is I p_obahly did poorly. I
noticed that even in the stop position
I think I looked at the line, it appeered
to move rlght. I felt myself I had it
right by it but the data made it show
otherwise, or it confirmed it.

23_ 22 30 54 CDR 2. Did the llne target ever move in a

direction other than expected? Yes.
One time when I was -- uh - I don't know
what I was doing, _I of a sudden it
J_ped a couple of times_ rotated each
...... whlpp
and then everything after that was okay.
Addltionsl comment. Uh - I don't think
you'll have any problems - uh - getting
my - uh - uh - data correlated with the
things we took before flight, s/though
we didn't take anything close in, we
did take slot and - uh - I guess there's -
uh - hope that you w_ll be able to get
same useful data I assume that you feel
so too or you wouldn't have suggested it.
CDR, out. That information is for the

234 22 32 14 CDR CDR recording - -

23h 22 32 14 CDR This is CDR recording - this is for

biome.d I'm reading answers to the -
uh - MI31 - done earlier, I believe.
Describe the degree of difficulty
•relative to ground based trials in
making spatial orientation Judgement.
Dump Tape 234-11
Page 2 of 14

I think it's more difficult - uh - for

the same reasons I said last time. And -
uh - especially because of the fact that -
uh - you have no gravity vectors you
have - you have a difficult time remem-
bering - which way, not your backbone
is, that's pretty straight forward but
which way the vertical is relative to
it. You can do it mechanically by
remembering where your back bond is sad
that so many degrees have past. But
if you try to visualize it in you
mind ... at least it did to me. Did you
experience any conflicts between
sensory- ? Definitely. The ... telling
me where the vertical - space craft
vertical was and my idea of where it was
in my mind's eye often times they were
... In the internal frame - no, ev_ry-
thing was copacetic .... Did you at
anytime experience the positive sense of
the upright? Yeah, I usually have a
positive sense of _t and - uh - maybe
I - I may know it's _rong, but I seem to
have a sense of it. Were your Judgements
influenced by auditory cues or other
environmental factors? I don't think
so ... Did the t_rEet appear stable and
under your complete control during the
settings. Uh - ell it was out of focus
alot as I was drowsy. Uh - it didn't
seem to move, it _as more that I couldn't
get it in focus often in much the same
as you have when you're driving late at
night and you need to go to sleep. Things
don't focus too well. Additional comments
and observations. None of - uh - none.

23& 92 34 08 CDR CDR, out.

23_ 22 39 _i SPT 0kKy, this is the SPT recording on channel A

with information for E. Gibson and A1
Holt and anyone else interested in the
design of a portable telescope to be
brought up on SL-4. And it is necessary
that this information he gotten to them
as soon as possible. I won't make it
over there this evening _ let's see I'm
F Dump Tape 234-]-1
P_e B of lh

recording this at 22:40 Zulu, 17:40

tonight; so sc_etime tonight. Could
be called out to their home telephones
or - uh - whatever way it can get them
as the - uh - _t should be transmitted.
Now Ed and A1 end others, I sm sittin_
in front of window 24B that's the STS
window 3, right now. And it does
appear to be a convenient window -
uh - in which to mount a portable
telescope. Now there are number of -
- places to mount it. There are
two - MY head is pointed incidentally
toward the workshop and m_ feet are
pointed toward module, and my shoulders
are sort of overlapping the - panel 225
the 02N 2 control system end my right
shoulder is up against the circulation
fan. And I can get down in toward the
window Just - uh - uh - well I can't
squeeze _ll the way into the window.
But with the telescopeI expectmy
shouldei_ w_uld sto_ j_t about th_
front of this 02N 2 control panel. Now
as far as the mountlngs for the telescope
are concerned the ssme moUntln_s that
we've talked about before still -stil
appear to he optimum.

234 22 hi 24 8PT You may remember these was an old

condensate tank that at one time -
Dh - for launch had been placed over
this %rindow. And there are four ...
fasteners still avsdlable for mounting
that telescope. The ... fasteners, the
Irpper two towards the workshop are in
a longitudinal beam end the other two,
at the bottom of the window, are in
sort of a transverse beam running
elrcumferentially around the MDA. And
so these four ... fasteners - llh - could
be used for the design - uh - for - for
mounting of a porta_ie telescope. Now
you'll went to remember that there is
a handle up here at the top of this
window - end by top I mean the end of
/-_ window towards the workshop, cause that's
the way my body is oriented right now.
Ik_p Tape 234-11
f-_ Pa_e .4 of 14

234 22 42 14 SPT Toward the top end of this window

there is this handle that opens the
shutter over STS window number 3 stud
whatever mounting brackets you have
it had ought to be able to - %th -
clear that handle. And - it would
have to be able to clear the handle,
as a matter of fact the design should
enable you to open and close that -
out window with the telescope installed.
Now the telescope I think should come
straight out avay from the wfndo_ and
then it'll have to have a mirror at
the front - front to fence it over
towards the Sun. And as I recall we
angle it about 35 degrees, it's either
that or it's complement, but I believe
from this window it's 35 degrees towards
the Solar direction. So they'll need
this little mirror at the front of the
telescope, and then the - long path will
come right straight out toward the
observer. I noticed in the pad ...
19 Lu 26 inches - -

23h 22 43 12 CC ... the next couple of days in fact -

u_ - one was observed in Alaska - -

SPT I think that's a little bit too long.

CC ...

SlPT It seems to me like about 15 inches is

as far out as it ought to come.

CC ...

SPT 15 inches out from the window will bring

the ... level with the ... handle here.

SPT ... it's possible _here the telescope

can come out further then that, but it
_eems to be undersirable unless there are
very strong opitica/ reasons for wanting
it to be that long. I don't think it's
desirable for it to be longer than about
15 inches and that would bring the eye-piece

Dump Tape 2B4-II

Page 5 of 14

right out about - uh - p_rrellel to

this blue handle on panel 225, and that
would seem to be about the - uh -
optimum location.

234 22 _4 05 SPT As far as ... are concerned let me tell

you how _y body is ... to locate ...
My feet really straddl_ AFT light
fixture number 4 t_A light or MDA
light number 4. As a matter of fact,
that light doesn't work right now,
anyway. I don't know whether it's going
to get fixed or not but at the moment
that's where my feet are located. ]_y
left foot is down on the left side of
it, and goes all the way to one of these -
close-out covers above the ATM panel.
And so it's possible that a foot restraint
could be mounted right in there.

234 22 44 41 SPT I think it would be desirable if there

was some sort of little shoe thatyou

could put your fool into. Over u_ bi_=
right handle side, m_ right foot Just
tucke_ in between a _ouple of these air
duct pipes and I doz 't see any convenient
pla_e for a foot restraint over there.
Quite truthfully I don't think you have
to have a foot restraint, because - uh -
Y can brake myselft _ith my legs and
shoulders and arms zight in here quite
soli_Lly. But it would be deBirable if
you could get one to have at least one
foot restraint - it would be above the
PC_PM number 2 and - uh - uh - not in the
way that my body is - uh - to - uh -
allow my body to be oriented as I'm
presently describing it, and with my
head up towards the - uh - workshop here.

23_ 22 _5 25 SPT Now let's see if I've answered most of

these questions. Optimum length - I've
• Suggested 15 inches being desirable ....
angle is sort of picked if you come
out ... STS window towards your eye, and
I think that's the desirable way ....
alignment screws if it's attached to
D_np Tape 234-11
f Page 6 of 14

the ... back to fasteners, then you

can use any sort of an alignment screw
that you would want. It would be a
question of how it - the alignment screw
would be attached ...

234 22 45 50 CC Skylab, Houston ....

SPT - - but I think the desirable thing

is to tie in to those - -

CC ...

SPT - - uh - stand by for a moment, I have

to answer that.

234 25 47 2O CDR ...

SPT Okay, l'm on the hot line ...


SPT l'm continuing with the suggestions ...

relative to the telescope .... restraints
F" we did - uh - I haven't mentioned them.
Basically, I can see a spot for that
one ... and not too many other ...

CC Skylab, Houston one minute to LOS ...

again in ...

SPT - - locations, but I think that that

one shoe would probaoly be adequate.

234 25 47 h6 SPT The design - now, scmething pretty simple

I think is adequate. Uh - as fas as the
H-alpha is concerned, we've had no
indication that there's anything - uh -
marginal about our H-alpha telescope put
on board. The - uh - ... have been
working well, the ... mechAn_ sm has
worked fine the vidicons have given us
no problem and it seems to me like the
onboard H-alpha is apt to be in pretty
good shape. On top of that there is
relatively little time, during the
sunlight pass, to come over here and fool
around ... Now it's true that there's a -
there might be a little bit ... on your
Dump Tape 234-11
f-_ Page 7 of 14

flight, Ed, if you don't get more film

up. If you do not get more film and do
have extra time, then the ability to
•.. might be of - of an advantage that
we do not have here with these telescopes.
But - uh - as you can tell we've - uh -
been working at a great rate, consigning
a lot of film and - uh - we do not have
time to devate to any other activities
while we're - uh - running these JOPs.
So unless you - uh - can ... the - uh -
Dtm_ Tape 23h-ii
Page 8 of lh

free time available to come over here

and use this telescope more. I don't
think - uh - that you %rill have much
time for fooling around with the optical
H-alpha. And at - uh - at the moment
and - the - uh - At the moment it looks
like our present H-alpha telescope Is
going to he working well. A1 Bean Just
the - uh - very pertinent comment that
the image is pretty small - uh - when
viewed - uh - through the - uh - eyepiece.
I don't think you're going to be able to
get the resolution - uh - w_th - that we -
that we can with the 5-inch monitors over
here. And so that's Just something to keep
an extra H-alpha telescope, but at this
stage if you're in a hurry to get the
thing, I'm inclined to think that the -
uh - uh - alignment telescope we are
looking at the c_et will be the one
of most - As far as its use for JOP 13
is concerned I don't really have any
way to know right now bacause we have
-_+ +.... _^_ a _? 13. We ha;= _uu
had time during the first film load to
even attempt one. l'_'e
are certainly
hoping to Just as soon as we get these
rate gyros in on thF next ... But as
to whether or not we'll find it of value
or how much value ... only be speculation
that you can ra_ke as well 8_ I can at this
point because we both are starting with
essentially zero experience in performing
JOP 13. I'm very hcpe1911 that we will be
able to do it rigght on our gyros,
but we'll have to see, so if there are any
other questions that you want to ask in
the morning before the ... TV, please - uh -
give us a e_ll and see when in - when in
schedule we can have a few minutes to talk.
So - uh - I think I better stop here so
that the transcribers can get this word
through the mill tonight. Now this
information goes to Ed Gibson, A1 Holt,
and any others interested in the design
of the portable telescope for the SL-h flight.

234 22 50 hl SPT SPT out.

Dump Tape 234-11
F Page"9 of 14

CC Skylab, Houston. For the PLT in

reference to his request for private
phone comm tonight. Your wife's
not available in the earlier part
of the evening and we've got the
comm coming up on the EVA and ... the
S019 ops, It's Just ... We'll
try again tomorrow.

234 22 54 58 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording the

131 data on the CDR that was - uh -
taken earlier this morning. It is
the - spatial' localization mode, 131.
Data pertains to the measurement of
the CDR as - uh - obtained - Dh - the
observer being the SPT. Okay, on
test i: 27.0 24.0. No, let me change
that, Start over. I'm going to read
i0 pitches and then I0 roils on test i
for the CDR. 27.0, 24.0, 21.0, 14.0,
12.5, 16.0, i0.0, 16.0, 16.5, 13.0. Next,
the rolls: 73.7, 74.3, 73.1, 72.6,
F 73.3, 76.2, 74.7, 72.9, 75.8, 78.6.
While I'm on this page, I'll also read
you the PLT's data _iso taken today; also
observer, SPT. And this is still for -
for test I. I'll give you I0 pitches end
then I0 rolls: 19.0, 19.0, 20.0, 15.0,
15.5, 15.0, 13.5, 9.0, 13.0, 14.0; 72.5,
72.7, 72.3, 71.3, 71.3, 71.3, 71.3, 70.7,
70.9, 70.9, _2.0. I_ext will be test 2.
On test 2 for the CDR. I'll rezd you
i0 pitch, then 10 roll: 181, 182, 187,
182, 180, 201, 197, 197, 200, 194; 174,
174, 17h, 175, 17h, 181, 177, 179, 180,
181. Now for the PLT. Ten pitches: 205,
207, 208, 211, 212, 204, 210, 211, 213,
212. Now i0 rolls: 185, 184, 184, 184, 183,
183, 183, 182, 183, 182. Next is test 3.
First comes the CDR and there'll be i0 pitches
followed by i0 rolls: 187, 183, 184, 182,
183, 192, 192, 194, 194, 194; roll: 176,
179, 176, 177, 173, 186, 184, 184, 184,
186. Next data on the PLT. Pitch:
206, 205, 209, 211, 213, 192, 194, 194,
198, 198. Now the roll: 179, 178, 174,
173, 174, 188, 183, 183, 180, 181.

Dump Tape 234-11

f.- Page i0 of lh

CC ,o •

234 23 O0 28 SPT Okay, now test number 4 - test number 4.

The first data comes on the CDR. Pitch:
22.5, 17.0, 18.5, 18.O, 17.5, 24.0,
2h.5, 17.0, 15.0, 13.5. Roll is 73.8_
74.7, 72.6, 72.9, 72.2, 75.o, 74.3,
75.1, 75.3, 73.9. Next is the PLT
information. Pitch: 12.5, 9.0, 13.5,
12.0, 13.5, 22.5, 17.5, 19.0, lh.O,
17.0. Roll - that is roll: 73.0, 72.4,
73.3, 73.0, 73.0, 77.0, 76.3, 77.9,
78.3, 78.0.
Next test is test 5 in full on the CDR.
Pitch, 10 numbers: 117, 116, 116, 117,
117, 186, 185, 187, 189, 194. Roll :
166, 165, 165, 165, 165, 186, 182, 187,
189, 186. Next on the PLT. Pitch:
118, 117, 115, 116, 115, 183, 181, 180,
182, 181. Roll: 167, 167, 163, 164,
164, 184, 183, 183, 182, 182. Next is
test number 6 on the CDR. Pitch: 114,
118, 117, 117, 117, 190, 192, 194, 192,
....i. _,, _7, 166, _6_, _:_ _o_
188, 192, 195, 196. PLT, pitch: 115,
125, 123, 122, 122, 181, 181, 180, 181,
181. Roll: 169, 163, 167, 166, 167, 182,
183, 181, 181, 179. That completes all
of the 131 spatial localization data on
the CDR and the PLT from this morning's
run. Would Dr. Jerrj Hallock [?] or someone
associated with 131 please give me a verify
on the - uh - one of our up-link pads
tomorrow that the data has been received
satisfactorily 8rod that no repeats are
necessary. Any other questions about it
col/id also be sent up at the same time, and
we think that takes (-arc of the data.

234 23 0h 47 SPY End of message for the MI31 Pls including

Dr. Jerry Hallock. SPT out.

Dump Tape 234-Ii
Pageii of 14

234 23 07 29 SPT Okay, SPT recording on channel A with

information to the EREP officer. Uh -
relative to the handheld photography
of yesterday of the great barrier reef
on the northerstern coast of Australia.
Uh - I did have - uh - good photographs
at the beginning of the opening at the
window. I got - uh -several good -
uh - uh - Hasselblad photographs in
particular - uh - of these reefs;
however, I did not see many of the
reefs extending farther to the - uh -
south. Uh - uh - I haven't checked the
map - or I don't have a map which shows
me the extent of the reefs. I had the
impression that they covered a larger,
longer portion of the coastline - uh -
than - uh - that which I was able to see.
I suspect they really did only cover -
uh - the section which was visible
because there were not too many clouds
to the south; it wa_ Just that I couldn't
see them. So I suspectthat I did -
uh - see - uh - most of the extent of
the reef. Now my guess as to the extent -
I - would be s_neth!ng like 500 miles.
Uh - it seems like ! had the opportunity
for - uh - a couple of pretty good -
uh - Hasselblad phctos which would not
have overlapped. Aud so my guess is
s_nething like a 500-mile extent. As
fas as the color of the water is concerned,
of course, it's vet# easy to see that they
are reefs because it turns into the very
typical like green - uh - coloring. Uh -
uh - Just like it does off the Keyes,
for example, when we get into very -
uh - narrow - uh - very shallow waters.
Uh - I suspect the photographs will have
to be used to - uh - be more specific as
to how well water depth can be estimated
: from color. But certainly - uh -
subjectively, it can't be done. As far
as current flow by observing sediment
plumes - I think we're talking about
current flow from the - uh - The next
statement asks specific about riverboard
Dump Tspe 234-11
/-_ Page 12 of 14

sediment plumes along the coast. We

were too far off the coast to see any
of that. We must have been a couple
of hundred miles or so off the coast
of - for much of that pass and I didn't -
uh - notice any opportunity for observing
the riverboard and sediment plumes.
And I also did not notice any refraction
patterns in the water. So I really
think that a good part of this
interpretations is going to have to be
done with the photos after we get back.
And general comments, particularly, I'd
like today that when we were - uh - taking
a look at Rio. It's difficult to find
a target as small as a couple of killi-
meters - uh - a little small - uh -

23h 23 i0 35 SPT And make - uh - usefulvisual observations

about it in terms of such things as
coloration, sediment plumes and so on.
And at the same time, get any sort of
f_ pno_ograpny. Un - I reallydidn'tsee
this - uh - this site at all until it
was already pasted us because of the cloud
coverage to the south of Rio. And -
uh - even had it been a perfectly clear
day which as it turued out, it really
wasn't, I think - uh - it's - uh - a
little too much to hope for to get
both - uh - photography and useful visual
observations of targets as small as a
couple of kilometers in ... However,
we'll keep at it and we don't wsnt to
discourage the discussion on the pad.
it's Just that I'm - uh - not too hopeful
of being able to provide you with answers
to a large fraction of the - uh - questions
that you sent up on the pad. So - uh -
uh - keep'em coming EREP and we'll have to
take a closer look of f the - at the
photographs when we get back, and - uh -
see - uh - what sort of useful interpretation
we can make. Incidentally, I assume that
you do have copies of - uh - that book
which we have on board a little notebook,
Dump Tape 234-3-1
f Page 13 of 14

which was prepared by sc_e of our

friends up at Goddard, Dr. Paul Lohman,
Dr. Herb Fry [?]. And I noticed many
of the targets that you are asking for
are also covered in there both geographical
trzgets and the - uh - same of the
meteorological phenomena. When possible,
of course, uh - uh - to have targets that
are listed both places it seems to be
an advantage to do that, because it -
uh - for - uh - uh - that makes a higher
the probability that these targets
will be of interest to a larger of number
of people and - uh - receive a greater
number of people and - uh - receive a
greater amount of study. While I'm on
that subject, I also was wanting to
m--_e sure that you did plan to expose
all of our 190B film that's onboard. I
did see - uh - had the impression that
we didn't come to anywhere near exposing
half of the 190B film during the first
part of this mission. And - uh - if
_ th_L:s so i wonder if you are planning to
expose all the film, and if not why we
don't - uh - take that-camera and put it
in the SAL and - uh - do some photography
over the - uh - that are of particular
interest - uh - for this photographic
coverage. So if you could - uh - con_ent
on that sometime in the next few days, I
would appreciate it

234 23 13 03 SPT This message goes to the EREP officers and -

uh - SPT is - uh - concluding.
Dump. Tape 23)4-11
F Page lh of 14

234 23 24 36 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the last ATM
run for ATM guys. The run was started
at 21:h8. I did all of your J0P 4 Bravos,
and the filament that you referred to -
filament 42 is kind of busted up right
now. It's broken up into three dark spots.
And since we don't have any R-alpha, I'll
describe to you the filaments, and you can
look back at sc_e of your more recent H-alpha
photographs and know what I'm t_1_ing about.
Now the roll that these photos were taken at
was close to 00 from north and at the top.
I went down to 220 at 0.8 and picked up
filament 47 and facing m3 in the monitor
in the Sun orientation I mentioned, fila-
ment h2 was three black spots on a horizontal
line left to right. The building block 36
Alfa was taken on the middle black spot - the
black spot in the middle. There was no need
to worry about roll orientation because
82A and B weren't running. The building
/_. b]nek q_ B_avn w_ ts_n in tb_ ]pet. ,.o
spot - that's left. The first building
block ll was taken on the right ... spot
and the second building block - and
final one - was taken on the left ... spot.
In the first building block ll, S056 hung
up PATROL SHORT in FILTER 3. However, it
worked good after that.

234 23 26 h3 PLT And this concludes the debrief for that run.


Dump Tape 235-01
Time : 0003-0207 GMT
8/23/73 ..........
Page i of 7 ....

235 00 03 17 SPT This is the SPT on channel A

with a message for Story Musgrave -
Dr. Musgrave, Dr. Bill Thornton,
Dr's Rummel and Michael, I think will
be the four most interested in it.
The message relates to use of the
restraint harness which Story designed
for work with the ergometer. And
which is - not been of very much
service to date. /L1.Bean rode
•.. yesterday, and made made
comments which he's transferred
on the real time link already to
the extent that it works pretty
well for him. In my own case ,.
today, I Just got through more or
less running my standard protocol.
Which l've been doing for the last
- uh -oh, I0 - week or I0 days.
I start off with i00 watts for
2 minutes; 125 watts for 3 minutes;
150 watts for 25 m_nutes ; about
/-_ _350 watt minutes over a period of
- u/i - },,_i_"_L huu_-. Nuw, i
found that using the restraint
system, I could not have delivered
that much work without the use
of my arms. But let me go back
a step and explain what I normally
do. Normally, I sort of divide the
upward force between my head and my
arms, and my torso position relative
to the pedals is about the same as
in riding a bicycle in one g. In
other words the line up vertically
through the pedals goes in front of
my pelvis, and would more or less
intersect my chest if I were bending
over the wheels a little bit. Now,
on the erg_neter, with the r -
harness system the way it is, A1
has already mentioned that somebody
put a tripler on that front strap,
that goes down in front of the crotch
and attaches right in front of the

Dump Tape 235-01

Page 2 of Y

bicycle seat. And that triplet

m-kes the material so thick that it
will not fit into the slot.

235 00 05 20 SPT And so therefore, there is no way to

restrain your waist harness back to the
seat, and when you pedal without
your hands on the handle bars and you
pull up that - uh - restraint
system in the front and the hack,
it pulls your pelvis too far
forward and my shoulders were too
far back with respect to the
ped,ls and I could not get a good
angle for the delivery of - uh -
work into the pedals. So, what
I ended up h_ving to do, I did
not use my head on the overhead,
but I did have to use my arms
forward on the handle bars to pull
my chest forward. And this
allowed my pelvis to sort of
/'- pivot hack and again place my
torso in a - in sort u£ a
normal relationship to the
bicycle pedals. And I then delivered
the - uh - standard amount of
work that I've mentioned before,
although my heart rate was a
little bit higher say 3 to 5
beats per minute higher today
when I finished then it was

23500 06 28 SPT The number of times I tried

releasing my grip on the handle
bars and each time I did so, my
pelvis rotated forward, my shoulders
back, and the load on my legs
became very significantly harder.
I - uh - uh - I don't know
whether 50 percent is the right
term, but it as a lot more
work for me to deliver - to
deliver the necessary torque to
the handle bar - to the pedals,
- Dump Tape 235-01
Page 3 of 7

f when I released my - uh - hands

from the handle bars. I wasn't doing
all that much work with my
arms. They weren't under a lot
of tension, but it was Just enough
force to pull my shoulders forward
and get my body at the right angle
with respect of the pedals. And so
I re-11_ think - uh - that there's
- uh - nothing basically wrong
with the restraints. Except that
it can't be used exactly the way you had
it designed, Story, particularly
it Just doesn't place your body
at the right angle with respect
to the - to the pedals. Now it's
been mentioned to me that our heart
rates are a little higher and our
respiration was a little faster here.
I suggested yesterday that that
might be due to extra compression on
the chest - uh - when we put our head
on the overhead and push down. Now,
if that should be tr%le, then the
harness system has the same objection
/_ because you are placing your upper
body under co_p_=o_ion with th_
shoulder h_rness as - as y_
pedal. So that's Just sort of a
second order thing right now, I
guess. The first thing is to re,me
the harness, to see if it'll work.
But it didn't occur to me that my
shoulders and chest was under some
fair amount o.f compr_ssion as I was -
uh - pedaling within the harness.
SO - uh - perhaps that's of some
use to you, Story, and - uh - uh - may
shed a little more light on some of
the difficulties the SL-2 crew
had discussed - uh - had when
they tried to use the harness system.

235 O0 08 12 SPT End o.f message to Musgrave, Michaels,

R,-"m_l, and Thornton. _T out.
Dump Tape 235-01
Page h of

235 00 09 08 PLT Okay, folks, this is - uh - Jack

on channel A debriefing the 23:25
- uh - ATM run which is Just
about to be finished up here.
You probably know - uh - we had a
star tracker update - uh - in
the middle of - uh - JOP 15 A
which change the ... from 10,800
to a minus 10,615. But verified
on the - uh - not much we can do
about that, he told me later where
it was. I did that for the
following JOP 15 A step 2 building
block 33A and - uh - I looked
at the XUV monitor it looks like
we're still well within coronal
hold with that that ... then roll.
The first JOP 15 A went - uh -
as advertised and so's the second•
We got em both done for the
guidance ... and closed the star
tracker door at 23:50_ 23:56. C-_e
down to ... time there and - uh -
I did as your suggested and - uh -
I'm *,,nn_n_ - shop_in_ list it£m
16 right now on - uh - active
region 01. I - uh - fQund that
by - uh - going over to the limb and
- uh - getting a updmm of 0 and - uh -
I maximized detector 3 at the 253_
•.. position and it zurns out the
maximum - uh - intensity occured
at - uh - 9 to i0 seconds off the
limb and - uh - I Just ... scae - uh
- rolling about ... _mre .•. m-Yimize
... It turned out that the roll
is - uh - i0,000 and 65 so - uh -
we're a little bit off the llmb
as suggested in the shopping llst
item running the - uh - filter
•.. and the 82B ..• short - uh -
both for i0 minutes and one thing that
neither of us like very much is
that i inBdvertently was starting
56 and 82 together got the 82A
switch instead of the B switch
and - uh - so I left off one side
Dump Tape 235-01
_. Page .5 of 7

of 82 A and ... remaining sorry

about that, but - uh - that's the
way it goes, I guess.

235 O0 ii 52 PLT I'ii try to keep my - uh - big

t_wmbs off of the wrong switches.
As time goes on - uh - it seems
like with all the action I 'm
getting on the A_4, that - uh -
I am making fewer mistakes ...
when I learn how to point better and
•.. the detectors to - uh - ...
up the pointing and so forth and - uh -
so the mistakes should be fewer and -
uh - so I'm looking forward to
working with you tomorrow. That
concludes - uh - my ... ATM - uh -
_ork today and - uh - we got one
more pass at 00: 57 •

235 01 55 2h PLT Good evening, space fans, this

is Jack on channel A. The subject
this evening is S019. We're - uh -
/_, settinR up to do the run on pad
- uh - 2630. D_ A23_, the time
is presently 13:55 -'_5 MARK.
Correction. that was - uh - 155 -
0155, 0156 coming up now.
Day 235 it is now, by golly.

235 01 56 00 PLT Mark it. 01:56 day 235. We're

going to do - uh - this run at a
Nu z of a 3.6 which was - uh -
Just recently updated by the
stsr tracker and - uh - since
the pad called for a Nu z of minus
9.0 no Correction is necessary
this time to the rotation. So
- uh - we're gonna be ready to
begin at our 158 tim_ rotation
is set in - uh - now and
double-checked at 279-1 to tilt
12.8, 270 second exposure, the
lever is set at 270. The film
hatch is open and we are Just a
marking time right now. All this
Dump Tape 235-01
F- Page 6 of 7

information goes to our

friend, Colonel Henze. And he's
probably Just as happy as we are,
we got the SAL in the AM dump
working again. Short nights, these
nights, Carl - uh - can't get
a whole lot done looks like it to me.
Seems like they're running around
- uh - 3 minutes ... 20 minutes h_re
- 21 minutes. That's not very good.
They'll get .... The prism is
in by the way. No change from the
earlier run today.

235 01 57 _6 PLT Double-check my watch Just to make

sure that - uh - l'm coming near
the time.

235 01 57 52 SPT Jack, can I work in a brief

message here?

PLT GO ahead, O.

.SPT Okay, here's the er_me e_mte_

readings for the ATM PIs and
planners. H-alpha reads 595,
we think it's probably empty.
X-ray tele 56 reads 537 ; 82A
reads 2; 82B reads 15; 52 reads
1775 and 54 reads 1!20. That's
the end of the messege for the ATM
PIs and planners.

235 01 58 19 PLT Back to S019, we' re ready to

go. Slide retracted. Crank
the crank, stand by to open the

235 Ol 58 32 PLT MARK. Shutter OPEN. Frame number

33, field is h37, a 270 second
_xpo._ure. Wardroom _indow is closed,
STS windows are closed we're all
in good shape, and perking along
• here and - uh - since we've gotta
wait a long time I'm going to - wh -
turn off the recorder, hut - uh -
Dump Tape 235-01
Page 7 of 7

don't go away; we'll be back.

235 02 02 05 PLT Okay, here we are back again

with S019 ready to terminate
frame number 33, field 437,
a 270 second exposure. Stand by.

235 02 02 25 PLT MARK. Shutter closed, gears retracted.

Okay, same field a 90 second
exposure. Winding lever is now
put in 90. Go to slide retracted
and crank the crank. Stand by to
open the shutter.

235 0_ 02 38 PLT MARK. Shutter CLOSED .... retracted

put that widening lever in 270
right now and leave it there for
the rest of the time, so we won't
forget it. Make note of rotation
at 46.2. Machine is working very
well, nice and smoothly, h6.2 is
set in, 14.7 coming up. 14.7. Okay,
/_ double-check ... 46.2, 14.7, here
we go, go %o slide projected, crank
the crank. Stand by. to open the
shutter, ...

235 02 0h 50 PLT MARK. Shutter OPEN. Frame 35, field

612, a 270 second exposure. And
we're going off the air for a
little while, but don't go away.

Beep ..... 8 beep... 9 ....


Dump Tape 235-03
Time: 1245 - 1335 GMT
Page i of h

235 12 45 i0 PLT Good morning, spacefans, this is

is Jack on channel A debriefing the
first ATM run of day 235. The run
started at 11:48. And Owen got off
the guilding block 15 Charlie and we
didn't have enough time to get the
12 Delta done, so that will have to
be picked up some other time, otherwise
it came off Just as you hoped it
might. And we'll be seeing you at

235 12 52 51 CDR There you go. CDR, S019, sta_d by

for a mark.

235 12 52 56 CDH MARK. That's the beginning of

field 469, 270-exposure, widened, and
frame number 38. Rotation 259.1,
tilt 1.6. Pad NuZ minus 8.8. We did
not get a com - far update this morni g
and so the computer still indicates
8.8 and that's what we'll use for these
runs. And I'll give you a call here
at the end of time of 270 seconds.
CDF, out.

235 12 56 34 CDR Okay, CDR. Stand by for a mark as I

close the shutter. This will be the
end of field 469, 270-second exposure.

235 12 56 50 CDR MARK. That's it. Now we're going for

a 90-second exposure. Okay, now go for
to pick up a new picture, come back to
the closed position, stand by for a

235 12 57 02 CDR MARK. Okay, we're beginning a

90-second exposure.

235 12 57 22 CDR I don't think anybody - Who does

this CBRM capacity? I don't see it
on here any more. Say it again?
0kay, that 's for Jack. Let me give
it to you. Here you are, Jack, here's
your 70y. Okay, stand by, we're gonna
close the shutter on the 90-second
exposure. Frame 39.
Dump Tape 235-03
Page 2 of 4

235 12 58 40 CDR MARK, closed. Okay, lwt's go to the

new one which is about llO.1. Rotation
ll0.1, tilt 30._. Okay, it's gonna be
70, no doubt, yep, Field 107, rotation
ll0.1, tilt 30.4. Here I go pick up a
new frame and get into position for
the next. Stand by for my mark.

235 12 59 22 CDR MARK. Field 107, frame 40 .... By the

way, that's a 2?0-second exposure.

235 13 02 49 CDR Okay, CDR again, S019 standing by for

a mark to complete the exposure -
270-second exposures. I'll be closing
the shutter, stand by for my mark.

235 13 03 13 CDR MARK, shutter closed. We're now going

for a 90-second exposure. I'll rwind
and then - now, I'll pick u! a new
picture, go to the position ready to
open the shutter, stand by

235 13 03 28 CDR MARKField 107, 90-second exposure.

/-_ Frame 41. I'll Just remain on the comm.

235 13 04 4B CDR Okay, stand by. We're gonna close the

shutter for _ 9Q-second exposure.

235 13 04 _9 CDI_ MARK. Notice we pick up a picture now,

go back to close because we got a
30-second exposure. It doesn't ts_e
long for that thing to travel. Stand by -

235 13 05 01 CDH MARK, shutter's open. tame 42, field

107, 3G-second exposure. Going to a
new field in Just a moment. New field
Just a m_nent. Stand by for a mark.
Shutter closed.

235 13 05 31 CDR MARK, shutter closed. Okay we're going

back for a 270-second exposure. We're
gmin@ to a different field, 120.4 rota-
tion 5.6. Okay_ that's it, 120.4, 5.6,
field 151. Now I'm gonna go pick u! a
slide, come back to neutral. It will
be frame _3 on field 151, 270 seconds.

235 13 06 17 CDR MARK. I'II be off the comm.

• i

Dump Tape 235-03

Page 3 of k

235 ;3 09 56 CDH Okay, stand by, we're getting ready to

complete a 270-second exposure on field
151, frame 043. We'll follow it im-
mediately by a 90-second exposure.

235 13 l0 l0 CDR MARK, that's that. Okay, I'm gonna pick

up a new frame because it's awful fast
for 90-seconds. Okay, stand by, here
we go -

235 13 i0 25 CDH MARK. Frame h4, field 151, 90-second

exposure on the way.

235 13 ll 12 CC Skylab, Houston; 1 minute to LOS. We'll

see you over Vanguard at 13:34, that's
about 23 minutes from now. We'll be
doing a ...

235 13 ll 39 CDH Stand by, we're getting ready to close

the shutter.

235 13 ii hi CC And Skylab, Houston. For your info,

on the rate gyro ...

235 13 ii 45 CDR MARK. Hadn't seen that one. Picking

up a frame. Now we're gonna go on to
30 seconds. Stand by for a mark -

235 13 12 01 CDR MARK. That's a 30-second exposure,

frmae 45 on field 151. Sunrise is
gonna take place in a minute, so we
got it make. Stay on the comm. Stand
by for a mark when I open the shutter -
close the shutter, that is.

235 13 12 31 CDR MARK, shutter closed. Carriage is

retracted and Delta hatch closed and
that's it for S019. That information
should go to Karl Henize and Wally Teague.
CDR out.

235 13 18 35 SPT The SPT on channel A with PRO information.

The PLY reads 222, triple 2 for the PLT.

235 13 19 13 SPT 102 is the SPT PRO, 102 for the SPT.
And incidentally, 3 or h days ago we
asked for some feedback as to who is -
who was getting these PRD ratings and
-.* %.@

Dump Tape 235-03

r-_ Page 4 of h

whether or not they're useful to any-

body and what's he done with them. I've
not yet heard from anybody aa to weth-
er or not these I_RD values are even be-
ing received. Would you please get
some sort of a note up to the SPT on
the teleprinter regarding their use and
so on?

235 13 22 36 SPT PRD for the CDR is 252, 252.

235 iB 29 28 PLT Hello, space fans; subject is M509. The

charge of battery 7 was initiated - that
is - terminated at 13:15 and the final
bottle was topped off - all three bot-
tles are topped off at around 2500 psi
at this time. And for Lou Ramon, M509
message out.


Dump Tape 235-04
Time 1352-1452 GMT
Page i of i

235 13 53 58 PLT Okay, space fans, this word is - uh -

for the biomeds. This is Jack speaking on
channel A. The subject is - uh -
M0921171 run on 0wen Garriott, and
uh - his legs measure - both are
12-1/2 inches. We're using the blood
pressure cuff No. 011 and - uh - using
the saddle position No. 6, his left
legband is Charlie Sierra 3.8. And
his right legband is - uh -Alfa Quebec 3.2.
235 13 54 50 PLT And uh - we're going to turn this off
now, but we'll be back, so don't go away.

235 14 18 59 CDR ATM Science Room, uh - this is CDR.

Uh - I got everything done except the
final 240-second exposure on 12B I th_nk
it was and - uh - I got the other two, the
i0 second and the 46, Just ran out of
time - uh - Owen Garriott II try to
get that - or Jack will try to get that
later today.

235 14 19 19 CDR CDR out.

235 14 35 33 PLT Okay, this is Jack on channel A again

- uh - we will continue with a - we
Just c_npleted the _092 run on Owen,
which came off, of course, and ... and
- uh - no problem, and - uh - we're
continuing to give you - uh - MITI at this
time, and -uh -measuring the calibration
- uh -bottle of N2_ 02, CO2 has reached

235 14 49 31 PLT Okay, here we are back with MI71 - uh -

calibration, the - uh - cabinet pressure
is -uh - 5.426. The - uh - percent 02
is 66.6. Percent water is .... 95 and
increasing_ 3.0 now of water. And the
percent C02 is 10.04.

Dump Tape 235-05
Time : 1521-1634 GMT
6-_ Page i of i

235 15 21 46 COB Hey, Bruce.

235 15 21 48 PLT Okay - uh - space fans, this is Jack on

channel A_ back to _[171. The - uh - We're
shutting her down now and - uh - -

CDR ...

PLT - - percent 02 is - uh - 65.49.

CDR ...

PLT Percent - uh - water is - uh - 4.07;

percent C02 is - uh - i0.01.

235 16 18 27 COB This is the CDT and this is information for

EGIL. I performed housekeeping 7D.
All three t_nks are as they have been
throughout the flight. While I was at it,
I took a look to see if I t_ough they
had any sort of possible coolant oil in
them. Uh - SUB 1 looks a little bit oilier
than either SUS 2 or %'he ATM coolant loop.
Kuw_v_r, uh - i don'g think that - uh - uh -
uh - I don't think that's really a problem
for the simple reason that you can't get
in and look at SUS 1 t,nk_ as easily as
you can the other two. And so from the
angle you're lookin_ at it, I think it's
conducive to making it appear - uh - uh-
oily filmed. My opinion would be that it
looks oiller_ but [l_ohably is not or if
it is, it's Just a small _mount, to
be not - uh - uh - critical, or - not
- uh - uh - interesting.

235 16 19 24 CDR CDR out. That goes to EGIL.

235 16 34 09 CDR This is the CDR for the ATM science room.
I went back and completed - uh - JOP 12D
and Just to be sure, I did exposures 10h0
and 240 s I] at the same spot with the
proper motion, and I think that combined
_r/th the ones I did earlier will give us
the data they want. CDR out.


"-- Dump Tape 235-06

Time : 1730-1913 GMT
Page i of 4

235 17 29 20 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack on channel A

debriefing the last ATM run - uh - which
began at 16:30. Uh - we had A1 go back and pick
up that - uh - 240 second - uh - 2 minute, and
h0-second exposure - uh - on the ...
calibration on 82B. Uh - so we got off to
a little late start. Oh - we went down
through - uh - Job 2 Foxtrot, building block
10, and - uh - we also did ... in building
block 19, and - uh - we got into - uh -
near the end of the orbit - or at the daylight
pass - uh - into the - uh - another building
block 10. Uh - we started a little late so -
uh - with S054 we got the - uh - first
two- uh - uh - chips which were M, I, O,
5, 6h and M, 3, O, 5, 64, but we - uh - did not
get the M, 6, 0, 8, 64. The - uh - MIRROR
AUTO RASTER ran into the effective sunset
about line 15, and I let it go till 30, and
S056 - uh - hit effect sunset at - uh -
frsm_e 5 - correction - uh - filter 5-
Oh - on - uh - its ACTIVE 1 LONG. It was
f-_ still on FILTER 5 - uh - when I came
up to sun_L, _u iL gob mosb of ib_ pict_'e_. ""
So - uh - there's a little bit of the tall fo
that we didn't get. Oh - we did not get the
- uh - the - uh - second - uh - step h
building block i0. So - uh - we got a little
bit left out there, and - uh - we'll start
over again at 18:04.

235 17 31 16 PLT Thank you.

235 17 40 16 SPT Here's the SPT with some information on

the calibration of the S_ in the head.
So this is - uh - intended for - first of
all, Dr. Bill Thornton and MO7h PIs and
anyone interested in that .... on the
SPT day 212 - ... no, no, no - wrong -
wrong - Just a minute. Okay, the day is
235- day 235. Start time is 16:55; the
end time is 17:21. The SMMD in the head.
And - uh - the first sequence is for zero
grams. I'll give you six numbers and the,
last three numbers for the last nine
measurements in each weight: 1.96639, 6hO, 601,

, ,- i i i -r
Dump Tape 235-06
Page 2 of 4

645, 593, 670, 572, 643, 623, 599. 50 grams:

2.04148, 141, 193, 121, 209, 161, 133, 212,
154, 144. At i00 grams: 2.11394, 415,
388, 305, 416, 382, 423, 355, 330, 470.
At 150 grams: 2.18420, 402, 366, 432,
465, 426, 373, 411, 405, and 400. At 250 grams:
2.31831, 714, 678, 795, 754, 730, 835, 790,
736, 802,. At 350 grams: 2.44370, 345, 451,
493, 486, 511, 401, 373, 399, 421. At 500
grams: 262, 267, 154, 121, 208, 085, 269, 305,
253, 261, 301. At 750 grams: 2.89481, 509,
600, 500, 531, 507, 485, 520, 510, 470 -
correction 471 is my last number there for 750.
900 grsms: 3.04706, 660, 742, 724, 710,
744, 680, 690, 737, 827. At zero grams:
1.96624, 566, 594, 641, 601, 615, 653, 630, 601,
641. That completes the calibration of the
- SMMD in the head. And - uh - I'd appreciate
comments back, Bill, that the measurements
%_re received and are satisfactory.

235 17 44 i0 SPT End of message to Bill Thornton, M074 PIs.

/_ SPT out.

235 19 01 22 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack on channel A

debriefing the last ATM run which began at
18:04. Well, they r_m off - uh - J0P 6 and
- uh - JOP 17 Alfa. And - uh - I got a bright
spot - uh - for J0P ]7 Alpha that - uh -
I ghought was a good one. It peaked up,
very well on the detector. And - uh - the
only problem Was that wasn't real close to
the pole, but it was the nearest one to any
pole that I could find. And the coordinates
for that were as follows: roll, minus 8427;
up/down was plus 393; and the left/right
was minus 206. Okay, then I ran off the -
uh - TV down-lind and the next JOP - 17 Alfa
which was - uh - i0 seconds left of the ...
pointing Deleted 82B on that one - uh - doesn't
look like there's much left to 82B. And -
uh - went to step 6 - uh - to wind up - uh -
75 are seconds in this case cause out grating
- uh - zero - uh - position - uh - slit
center position is now 1032. And - uh - I maximized
the detector again, and - uh - I got a good
- uh - signature on the detector. So we got
pretty well - uh - pointed on the bright spot
/'_ again, I believe. And - uh - the uh - brand
" D_,_p Tape 235-06
Page 3 of 4

at ~ uh - building block 36 Alfa, we - uh -

had a hangup on ACTIVE 1 LONG, and - uh -
in FILTER 5. And so - uh - I turned it off
and - uh - got you in PATROL, SNORT, but
- uh - I didn't have time to get the PATROL NORMAL
because - uh - the ACTIVE 1 LONG hangup - uh-
delayed everthing. And - uh - the 55 MIRROR
AUTO RASTER - uh - went into - uh - effective sun-
set at about - uh - line _0, although I ran
it - I let it run out to - uh - out its line
60 during sundown. So - uh - that pretty
much completes the - uh - pass. The - uh -
ATM is set up for a minus 5h00 roll. As I
was rolling it - _h - it got a little bit
off of Sun center so it's not exactly in
S%m center, but it's - _h - within a few are
seconds of it and - uh - were set with 5h
and M, 3, 0, P, 64 and the rest of - uh - the
unattended powerdown - uh - checklist has been
completed. And we'll let you run it for
a while and see you back - uh - at O0 ... 33.

235 19 Oh 51 PLT Okay_ one more item for the ATM guys. I - uh -
took a look at the - uh - whitelight eoronsgraph
display and - uh - made my daily - uh - sketch
of - uh - what's going on there and - 11h - about
the only thing different I see from - uh -
yesterday, is that - %Lh - out there - uh -
300 degrees - uh - we're getting - uh - at - uh -
brighter area and it looks llke there's a
ray extending out there - uh - . Ther was
yesterday also but it wasn't quite as large and
it - uh - looks it's - uh - spread out so the
brightness is wider. It covers a wider area.
And we have a longer ray now than we did yesterd_-,
- uh - about the same time.

235 19 05 33 PLT And - uh - that's the end of message.

235 19 09 07 SPT Okay, this is the aPT on channel A. We're

beginning to record the information on M092/171
on the DCR our friend, AI, is in the t_uk right
now and he has on the standard leg-bands that were
preseribed on your up-link pad: Charlie India,
Charlie Queen. Okay, let me change that. It's
/_ Charlie India and Alfa-Queen on his right leg
Dump Tape 235-06
/-_ Page h of h

that you specified. And his calf sizes

were 3 inches on the left calf, 13.3/8 inches
on the right calf. The serial on the blood
cuff is still ll and we'll, from this point on,
quit reporting those things because their
gonna be standard until otherwise changed. And
- uh - the saddle is in position number 6.
The last time it was different. It was 5,
We decided that was a little too far out, and
we think saddle poition 6 most closely
approximates the ground - the position of the
body in the tank. 8o we'll leave it at saddle
position 6 - uh - until further - uuless other-
wise notified.

235 19 l0 12 SPT And I believe that's all of the information

you need to - uh - work on at the moment.

-. / _ Dump Tape 235-07
Time: 19:39 to 20:55 GMT
Page i of 2

235 19 40 03 SPT Okay

235 19 40 09 SPT SPT on channel A, recording the information

about the 171 run Just about to comenee
on the CDR. The ambient cabin air pressure
is 5.423, 5.423 psi. The present is 66.10.
The percent water is 3.57. The percent CO 2 is
1.91, 1.91.

235 19 49 55 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A, with

information for S063 PIs and Wally Teague
and Jack lew. I've Just checked out
Nikon 02 without any film in it. I took
out BV02 and - uh - put it back. I beleive
it's M34, where it was supposed to be in
the film vault. And I would not try to
use that remaining - uh - ten frames.
I don't think - uh - i$ -uh - worth
trying get at myself.
Now - uh - Nikon 02, when I first slugged
into the timer, I - 1_h - set the - uh
controls on the back as they are supposed
f-_ to be with the - _h the control_ _
the back of the camera, the SCT control,
set it as it is supposed to be,
and the timing on to-? of the camera
set to continue as it's supposed
to be and plugged in the timer, and
put it on 1 second. And - uh - on
first couple of times, I might
have tried it, let's say, 5 times
initially. Oh 2 of those attempts,
it took 2 frames instead of 1.
I don't know whether that's is
the fault of the timer or the camera
but I was using - uh - timer 01 at
that point. However, after that timer O1
functioned quite normally. And
I tried in all the settings that I could
- uh - manage and everything worked
Just _ine. I put these control on the
back, SCT control, slightly out of
.detent, the way I found it when I took
i0 frs_es the other night and it still
only took one frame. So, I'm inclined to

Dl_p Tape 235-07

Page 2 of 2

think now that - uh - it was not my - uh -

having set the camera up incorrectly
the other night but was a real malfunction
probably in the timer. But - uh - I
don't know tha_ - uh - true. It simply
behaved very normally today, after those
first couple of frames. In the first
couple of tes- tests, I did, _pparently,
get two frames out of it. But after that,
it's worked - uh - just the way
as advertised. The timer 02 - uh -
had a dead battery in it and I think,
it is because at some point_ probably
m_self, probably I was the one who
had left it - uh - on instead of off.
And it could have been it's setting
in the film vault for quite a while
in the on position, in the 1 or 2-second
- tub - exposure position rather than off.
So, I've replaced that battery, and I
think I only have one replacement,
incidentally, so - uh - both of the
/_ timers now have - uh - their batteries - uh -
only good batteries - _h - in the use.
I would send up a couple of more batteries
on SL 4. Uh- but - after putt_ing in a
new battery in the timer 02, plugging it
in Nikon 02, it all fUnctions quite
normally. So, I'm inclined to think
at this point, the timers are working
correctly and the camera is working
correctly. And we'_-e - uh - probably
in a good position to go ahead a_d - uh -
use more film. And I suggest that double
check setting again before making use of
it to make sure that it's all exactly right.
T on the top, T on the back and the
timer where I want it - uh - in the off,
normally, and then turn it to the upper
second exposure. But it seems to be working
oks_ now and - uh - I think we'd be all
set to go ahead and - uh - use them again.
Earl of message to the 806B Pis and Wally Teague
and Jack Lew.

D_np Tape 236-01
Time : 13h2-1347 GMT

/._ 8/24/73
Page 1 of 1

236 13 44 31 SPT Okay, PRD reading - uh _ Jack, PLT, reads 7237;

let's make that 7231. 7231 is the FED for Jack.

236 13 45 04 SFT And the PED for the SFf is 19111; ill the last
three d/gits for the SPT.


D_mp Tape 236-02

Time : 1552-1716

. Page 1 of 70

236 15 53 3_ PLT 0h - you're - uh - finished with the

SUB power activation, we go on with
the PCU activation.

SPT Ckay, I'll stand by - -

PLT ...

SPT - - until power activation complete.

236 15 53 47 PLT PCU MODE to ABSOLOTg. Wait a minute,

wait a minute. I had a SUIT PRESS light.
I had a warning tone. I've got the ...
light on and the REG 1 LOW PLOW light
on and the SOP FLOW light on and off.

SPT Yeah, I didn't notice it either, hut

it was ...

236 15 _ 53 PLT A LOW _'A' FLOW light on, panel lighting

on. Okay, now - got to flip the page -
_- Ooops-a-daisy. How, where'd you ssy "_; "
we are, 0.?

236 15 45 05 8PT PCU MODE SELECT, ABSOLUTE, verify.

PLT Gkay, I believe we have to turn off the

DAC here.

' ALl right.

PLT Cksy, we're going again.

\ "'i_

236 15 45 13 SPT PRESS select, OFF, verify.


_A" PLOW select to IVA.

236 15 45 18 PLT IVA.

' Okay, I'm coming to IVA. There it is
now. Wrist disconnect, ENGAGE.

.. • ° • ° .
• .° . J•
Dunp Tape 235-02
Time: 02:16 to 02:20 GMT
P_e .iof i

235 02 16 _0 PLT We're at 75.4 rotation and 10.3 tilt.

This will be the final - uh - the final -
uh - photograph for today. And 'wetre
going to finish well - uh - before the
sunrise time of 02:19. So there's no
problem. We're getting them all in.
And they should consider this pad the
2630 pad complete. We'll stow this - uh -
film this evening, - uh - repressurize
the - %lh - instrtmlent_ take the film off,
and then bed it down again and then
leave it in LOCK.

235 02 17 41 PLT Okay. Stand by to close the shutter on

the final frame - frame 370. Field ... 57;
270 seconds.

235 02 17 52 PLT MARK. SHU','f_SCLOSED. Want to Just go

is 02:18. So we'll get things back in
here; rotation, tilt, - zero and zero.
Okay, there's zero - zero .., Eleven,
12, and an easy 13. Okay, there we are.
/_ We got her in ... _y friend. ADd w_'l]
close that FILM HATCH. Put the lever
to STOWAGE. And he'_ sitting there in
STOWAGE with the FILM HATCH closed, the
way you like it. And - uh - I think we'll
go off the air. And this is the end of
8019 for this evening and we'll be back
whenever you s_7.

235 02 19 05 PLT So long.

Tape 236-02
_ Page 2 of 70

PET It is.

236 15 45 27 81_2 Don EV glove.

PET Okay.

236 15 45 57 Sl_ Rolling gauntlet over wrist disconnects -

we're Just gonna be checking'era again
in Just a moment.

PLT Yeah ."

SI_ Might as well lea_'em up a little w_.

PET Maybe my gloves are locked.

236 15 _q541 SPT PGA cllvert,

er valve, vertical.

236 15 46 52 PLT Okay, they're locke_ on, also. Now

diverter valve is vertical.

236 15 46 54 SPT Ckay, don helmet, align and lock. Do f

_-_ not rotate after attachment.

236 15 47 44 PLT Okay, mine's on and locked.

SPT PRESS selected to BOTH.

236 15 47 54 PLT BOTH.

•SPT And verify flow.

236 15 47 49 PLT I hear flow.

8PT Got a flow? REG i LOW FLOW light iB


236 15 48 05 PLT Off.

: SPT LOW VENT FLOW light is off.

236 15 48 I0 PLT Off.

SPT Lower SEVA protective visor. Now it

doesn't say snythlng about that SUIT
PRESS light 8nd tone. But ass_e We
should have it.

° o°
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 3 of 70

PLT Yep.

SPT You have a SUIT PRESS, don't you?

PLT Yep.

SPT Now - now I think our voltage in my

headset is a bit low. The VOS works
oEay but the volume's a bit low. Is
that easy to change?

CDR You bet. Now you're EV-I? '-



_w.. Yes. At the moment, I'm EV-I.

CDR Now, you're hooked up for EV-2, O.

Let me think. I'll work on it.

SPT All right.

CDR They both run through T.'Yne anyway.

So I'ii go turn down the intercom
VOI_ on m_ne. _.

PLT Okay, let's 6o on PTT checkout here, O.

CDR How's your intercom, Jack?

PLT I'm hearing you pretty good, AI. You

can turn it up a little bit. It won't
hurt my feelings at all.

CDR Well, I can't do that. I think they're

both on the same. So I've either got
to turn it down or up.

PLT Well, turn it up. That'll be fine.

CDR Okay.

SPT Okay, DAC, off. PC checkout, EV-I

and -2 - Note: cuff gage inaccuracy,
lights have 5-second delay. PRESS select
to REG 2; tone, SUIT PRESS, REG i LOW
FLOW, possible LOW V_T FLOW.

CDR How's the volume now?

" . . o o ".. .. '. , " _ - . :

Dump Tape 236-02
Page _ of 70

' It's still not loud eno,,£h for me.

CDR Howls it now?

8PT A little more.

CDR How's that?

_i' That's great.

CDR 0Ea_,- now how's - Can you stand that,


PLT Yeah, I think that's fine, AI.

CDR C_eydokey. Everybody' s happy.

SPT I think that wss my screw up on p_nel 6.

I was looking back through the book.

PLT Yeah, I thought maybe it was put that

way a long time ago and - uh - shouldn't
of been, maybe. :-

SPT Well, I don't know. SD-IT PRESS, REG i

LOW FLOW - works now anyway.

236 15 49 59 SPT MODE SELECT, DELTA-P, monitor cuff gages

verify SUIT PRESS light off at 2.8;
so we're cc_ing up in pressure. Okay,
now why are we getting that feedback?

CDR Because there's a comm box on over here

\ I'm getting ready to turn off.

SPT Ckay.

SPT AI, you've got your co,,, box on down

here, probably.

PLT O_ay, I'll check it, A1.

CDR Need to turn it completely.

236 15 50 52 PLT MARK. The PRESSURE light, off. Ckay,

it isn't tight, that's why. It was
already off before it - uh - I'm Just
getting it ; it went through 3.

• . . - . °- ". ! -

• j: * ° • . " . " °
IAmIp Tape 236-02
Pete 5 of 70

236 15 51 13 PLT Okay - uh - I've got 3.3, and - -

SPT I've - -

PLT - - h.

SPT - - got 3.h also.

PLT Okay, that's right. Now it's stable.

SPT In next step cuff gage will decrease

i and cycle before stabilizing, 5 psis
-mhient only. J

SPT Okay, PRESS select to REG i_

236 15 51 35 PLT L REG i. REG i LOW FLOW, c_ and off.

. I

236 15 52 02 SPT Ckay, PRESSURE select, BOTH, verify

no change in cuff gage or displays.

PLT C_ay.
.-f-_ 236 15 52 12 PLT Mine went locked at 3.8 and I got no

_i _ Okay, mine's 3.7 and I have no change.

In next sequence terminate the 02 flow
FLOW lights will light. Monitor
cuff gage for max decay of 0.8. We're
gonna go FLOW select off, then PRESS
select off for 1 minute. And be sure
\ to mark on the minute there.

PLT Yep.

PLT Okay, FLOW select and then PRESSURE -

and then the PRESS select. Okay,
I'Ll stand by for your m_k.

SPT Okay, -

236 15 52 _5 sPT MASK.

CD'R Looks like we're going to get out Just

the right time of day, gentlemen.

. • - . ° _ J - •

i ." {
Tape 236-02
Page 6 of 70

PLT Good.

CDR You can - Owen will get out, and then

you'll get out; no TV. You'll go
look at the places, come back and in
that - then the night, you can get the
TV out and all that other stuff out.
You'll he ready to go bright and early
the next morning. Right now, we're
got 50 minutes of daylight and I
_ess_ it's going to take less than 30
' to do what we've got to do. And even
if it took 40, it still gives you
i0 minutes.

236 15 53 29 PLT Twenty seconds, 0.

CDR So I think we're in excellent shape.

PLT Pressure's going up instead of down.

SPT Mine went up slightly.

SPT Going back to the c_,_-,-_nd

module for
a minute.

PLT C_ay. that's it. PRESSURE select,


CDR Let me know when y'all are ready.

SPT C_ay, on IVA and BOTH.

PLT Same here.

SPT Change - cuff gage stable again


236 15 54 33 SPT C_ay, AI, we're supposed to notify

you that - uh - the _ integrity
check is complete.

SPT - - ... to read all - uh - procedures.


Tape 236-02
Page 7 of 70

CDR Okay. Stand by then, and we're going

to give you a reg check. You should
not get a LOW FLOW, okay?

SPT Just a minute; I'm not quite back down

to mnhient.

CDR Got a LOW FLOW down there?

SPT Just a minute.

CDR All right.

236 15 55 05 SPT Okay. I'm - uh - at mubient and I

have a SUIT PRESS light. Okay?

_R Okay, but no LOW FLOW.


CDR Okay, let me give you another one

here, and see how that works out.
Still no LOW FLOW, I bet.

_" SPT Nope.

CDR Okay.

236 15 55 33 SPT Both of those are open.

236 15 55 35 CDR EV-I, while he's doing that, would

you care to turn off both high - or
the high entensity light?

PLT Yeah, I'll sure do that, by golly.

Do it right now.

CDR Okay, and when you're downstairs, I'll

tell you the other things.

PLT Okay •

236 15 56 13 CDR And there he is, f_,11y configured.

SPT I'm supposed to be up there at the -

Well, I'm - I'm gonna wait here until
we get these entry lights.
Dump Tape 236"02
Page 8 of 70

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, go ahead and get them, I#m - uh - -

CDR C_ay, turn the - uh - 0H la - entry

lights on, Big O.

236 15 56 36 SPT They are.

CDR Would you then cs/e to - uh - ask Jack

to - uh - turn off the thermal control
system duct fans CBs • 12 of them.

SPT Thermal control - Let me yank me a

little more _bilical down.

PLT Okay, we'll get you a little more out

of here.

SPT Okay.

236 15 56 55 CDR What's your _ilical number, 0.?

F SPT I don't know .... trn - -

CDR Got it up there, Jack?

' This is Jack's right here. Looks like.

CDR There you go, Jack.

PLT C_ay, th-_k you .... umbilical? There

it is.

CDR Okay.

236 15 57 14 PLT Looks to me "11._e it maybe - it's

twisted here.

CDR That's you I'm getting in now.

PLT Yeah.

CDR Let me know when you've got those and

I'll give you the next one.

PLT Okay, tell me again what they are,

would you?

. • ,j • . • '
o. - •
Dmap Tape 236-02
Page 9 of 70

CDR I sure will; here it comes. The -

uh - thermal control system duct fans -
Oh, CB, 12 of them open. That's on 61h.

236 15 57 _5 PLT CEay, they're all open.

CDR Okay, now on 68-66-16, lighting switch,

13 of them, off.

SPT In other words, it's darker than

shit down there.

236 15 57 58 PLT ALl off.

CDR n_ay, as long as your doing that, why

not take panel 630, lighting switches;
three of them off, and that's probably
the wardroc_.

PLT Urn-huh.

CDR And then - uh - after he gets up here,

Big 0., you might want to turn off the
f OWS entry light.

SPT Okay.

CDR I 're got your things in at - where it

belongs, there.

SPT Anything else.

236 15 58 20 CDR No, that's it. Now EV-I rotate to EV -

EVA position, feet towards _DA. All

CDR While you're doing that, I'ii try to

get out of your way but - -

SPT That's all right.

CDR Some of these mnbilicals for the Big

Jack. Get on ... channel, little baby.

236 15 58 36 PLT Something floating around inside my suit

and I caught it in my mouth, a little
rubber thing.

Tape 236-02
Page I0 of 70

CDR Uh-oh! Wonder what it is?

PLT (Laughter) I don't know. How do

you look at it?

CDR ... like he's gonna. We can always

run the suit integrity check, break
it, run the int - integrity check again,
if you find that you - you don't like
the taste of that.

CDR ... --

PLT ... to like. It's rubber. A little

pc[ece -

CDR It's about the size of a half an asprin.

PLT I wonder what it came out of?

SPT Let me look at it.

PLT It doesn't look like ... does it?


_R ... packing or something. Looks

like ... It doesn't look like a part.
It looks like maybe some of those white
things they might pack a helmet in
to keep it from breaking. Do you know
what l'm t_l_ing about - styrofoam things.

PLT Yeah.

236 15 59 22 CDR Okay, Jack, let me read you some goodies


PIT All right.

CDR NOW did anybody turn the lighting

0WS ... --

SPT No, I tried to get to it.

CDR All right.

PLT I - I can get it• O.

. = .
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 11 of 70

SPT Oka,7.

PLT I'= right in front of it.

SPT Go ahead.

PLT Okay, that's - -

Q)R Prepare to move - -

PLT - - off.

_R I - OWS hatch, Jack.

PLT Here I is.

CDR ... EV-2 LSU - I've done ... stow aft

ccaparbment. Okay, move to STS end
then I'll give you the hatch closing
procedure when you get there. Owen,
slip around here a minute and let me
look at you. I want to see how hendsc_e
look. ;

236 15 59 54 SPT I know it's in. You want to check these


CDR You better believe it.

PST Did he trim his mustache for this?

8PT Sure I did - -

CDR I don' t know.

_A' -- - 2 weeks ago.

PLT It's blocked end it looks so good. And

it's _ust incredible a guy can look -

SPT Oh, you can ... my mnbilical ... when

you can get a moment.

PLT _ay, I'm here.

236 16 00 01 CDR Okay, that's done.

• • _. °
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 12 of 70

i PLT Watch your feet over there, 0., on

your left.

SPT All right.

CDR You in LOCK there?

PLT Will you roll my cuff back up there,


CDR Yeah,_l want y'all to check them; I'll

Just check them for you - -

SPT Yeah, I've checked them twice already,

J. And ... procedures and - and I thine
Jack is going to check them again.

CDR Okay, Jack, you ready for me to read

that to you.

PLT Sure.

236 16 00 3_ CDR Inspect hatch seal for obstruction.

PLT Okay, let me do that•

SPT Jack'll have to pu33 them down.

PLT Well, then let's leave them.

CDR One each way.

PLT I want to make sure that you're in

good shape, Owen.

SPT ... proceed the config.

CDR How's it look, Big Jack?

PLT Well - uh - Skipper, it locks like it's okay.

236 16 01 00 CDR Prepare to check the hatch handle, open.

PLT Well, maybe you can take my u_hilical;

that's the only obstruction we've got.
And - uh - -

CDR Okay.
_.p Tape 236-02
Page 13 of 70

SPT I'll stick most of it in here, even

though it says put in aft compartment,
I'll stick it in here - -

PLT Whoops I Wait a minute. Let me have

a little bit of it back. It went around
the - around the hatch.

SPT Okay.

PLT Ckay_ -

236 16 01 16 CDR He can get it out later ... no trouble,

stick it in there. You won't have any
troube sticking your umbilical back in
when you come in.

PLT No, I don't think so either. I know,

let's get it on the "right side of me;
there we go.

CDR Okay. - -

/_ PLT ...

CDR - - ... HATCH HANDLE is OPEN now, okay?

PLT It's in OPEN.

236 16 01 35 CDR All right. Release 0WS hatch from wall.

Close hatch while entering aft lock.

PLT Okay.

236 16 01 46 CDR All right. Now HATCH HANDLE to


236 16 02 05 PLT Yeah.


236 16 02 08 PLT _LOCK.


236 16 02 12 PLT CLOSE.

• , • + . - + . , _ + °

• .
_p Tape 236'02
Page 1_ of 70


236 16 02 i_ PLT LOC_.

CDR Asst_ae EVA position, feet towards _A.

And let your friendly - let me scoot
hack. Stay right where you are a

SPT Let you get over. I didn't do this last

time and I always felt bad about it.
One thing I would really like you to
check is my helmet, all the way around,
because I couldn't see that xhen I put
it on and - uh -

CDR Okay. All these connectors are good.

PLT _hat's a good boy..I think the helmet

is the least checked item ....

CDR Okay, okay, good. Let me look around.

Looks nice and flat and tight.

236 16 02 55 PLT C_ay. Let me roll these cuffs down then;

all right. Let me look at your diverter
valve, Owen, as I get close by.

_A' Ckay.

PLT I'ts vertical.

SPT Okay.

CDR One thing I didn't check on Jack was

his SOP connections. Let me look at it.

236 16 03 21 CDR All right.

PLT Man, this is living.

PLT Okay, 0., I'm goning to stay back here

and - iAh - Can you pi_11 your umbilical
so's you don't kick - -

PLT Okay.


. i . . ; .
T_pe 236-02
Page 15 of 70

! PLT - - Well, you're kicking right now

with your knees.

236 16 03 32 SPT Yeah, I can - I can see it there. I

thine I'm being careful of it. I
didn't hit it, did I?

CDR Okay - -

PLT No, not quite; I'm Just watching it.

CDR - - _,_ forward hatch closed. Check EVA i

and 2 suit - connector. I did. Ya'll
look at your connectors on those panels
now and make sure you're happy. The
black line should be 90 degrees frc_ -
frc_ the other blank line.

236 16 03 53 PLT Black llne 90 from the other.

CDR That's where they should be. So thine

twice before you move anything.

PLT Yeah.

CDR Everything should be there, but look

it over closely.

PLT Let's go the ... out of the ... in the

plot, Owen. Then rotate it that way.

PLT And ... the black line _ Oh, I see what

you mean. That's - -

SPT Yeah.

PLT ... roll ... slot right there.

SPT Understand, yep.

; CDR Everybody happy with their equipment?

SPT Yep.

236 16 0_ 21 CDR All right, l've got a little suprise for

snmebocly here; it's known as a tree.

r_ • - i _°. -

°" - •
• •L
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 16 of 70

PLT That's no surprise.

CDR It's got all sorts of film on it.

PLT That's the tree I've been waiting for.

CDR It's - five - four items - one, two,

three, four It_ns there and two there;
that's six items, Owen? Is that ,11 you

sPT That's all the cameras we could have

stowed _t one time.

CDR All right. And then let's don't install

any more then. I am now going to
release foward hatch - No, I can't put

236 16 0_ 53 CDR That's it right there. PRESSURE

doublecheck all this.

/_ SPT Dowe have that tab on the uh vent valve

in here?

CDR I - I screened it for you, Just right.

_ Okay.

CDR I want you to verify scmethng an_ it

stowed, lock. Oksy. And it's open.
We opened the pressure release valve.
Which I did.

CDR And rotate this around to the up position

Okay, let me make sure. Close hatch, and
hatch closed. I don't like that. I
didn't inspect it good enough. I'll
: inspect it again.

sPT Uh AI, here's a little thread floating

by, you might want to throw that out.

Tape 236-02
, Page 17 of 70

CDR Just hand it to me and I'll throw it

out. Just float it this way. Thump it.
I got you. Thrown out.

236 16 06 03 CDR (_ay, now I've got to lock your latch -

hatch. Ya'll can't come out until you
inst-11 that equipment. Okay. That's

SPT It's a fair deal.

CDR C@ay, that looks good. Now let me double

check everything here. Close hatch,
hatch handle closed. It is.

CDR Tnata11 the uh tree And let me - give me

a c,11 when complete - -

SPT It !s complete.

CDR All ri@ht, that's good news. Okay,

uh is everybody happy with their
wrist tethers on right army

PLT That's right I have one there with the

two in it.

CDR Okay. Verify FLOW selector to IVA.



236 16 06 46 CDR Pressure select, reg i.

PLT In both.

CDR Take it and put it in reg i, please.

SPT Okay, in reg I.

PLT Reg i.

CDR Pressure select DELTA-P. And verify

suit press light off at 2.8 - 3.1.

• . . • . ,
.L . _- J !. ." •= :
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 18 of 70

SPT In work.

CDR We're right on time schedule, gentlemen.

PLT Is this the one they read up last

night or a new one?

CDR It's uh - what you mean?

PLT Time schedule you were t-l_ing about.

236 ii 07 14 CDR Uh - we're going to be getting out on the

rim they suggested, only a little hit
late hut that's what we wanted to do.
Everything is Just perfect. You'll
have enough daylight. We got 35 minutes
of daylight right now. All that Owen's
got to do is get out and get restraints
and get you out and you go to two -
to two places which I'll read. ANd
come back and we 'ii put the rest of
the stuff OUts and then we'll be able
to take TV of you and everything when _
Jf you did it.

236 16 07 36 CC _ylab, this is Housotn through the

Vanguard for 9-1/2 m_nutes. Over.

CDR Okay, erythings is going Just perfect.

We've got 35 minutes of daylight,
we're now pressurizing suits inside
the lock compartment. We're going
to depress in a few minutes. That will
give us about 25 m_nutes to dO those
... Job. We'll he hack and in the
next daylight pass we'll do the Job.

CC eee

PLT Okay, ...

CDR Okay.

SPT All right, where ...

f .

• .
]_p Tape 236-02
Page 19 of 70

CDR C_sy, is everybody happywith their suit?

SPT Not yet, Just a minute, I'm not quite

i_,11y pressureized. C_ay, I'm stable
at 3.7.

CDR Okay, pressure select to BOTH. Verify no

change in cuff gage or displays.

236 16 08 2_ SPT I'm in BOTH; stable at 3.7.

CDR 0kay,'%he - -

PLT BOTH at 3.8.

CDR All right. Pup SOP 0_ valve to OPEN.

And verify value lock_d in detnet. Both
cheek each other.

CC CDR, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

236 16 08 38 CC Roger. We're going to go ahead and

force the contingency sample on
mcmentmn now for you based on your
uh reference to opening the hatch,
in the near future. So if you'll stay off
the DAS for a minute -

CDR Okay, off right now.

PLT Okay, 0wen, where it apprears.

It mppeared to my right.

PLT £II right.

PLT You see mine then I'll have to turn

right the other way to see yours ...

PLT (_ay, your in the green. You got about

about 6,000. Let me check your valve.
It's open and uh - -
D_._ Tape 236-02

_. Page 20 of 70

CDR Into detent•

PLT Into detent.

236 16 09 09 SPT Do I turn back to my left to check

yours ?

PLT Yeah. Your're going to get wrapped

up if you don't.

SPT Okay, "that's good. I see it. 6,000,

in the green. Into detent. Okay, SOP
to detent, AI.

CDR Okay, now we're going to do the flow

check. EV-I which happens to be Jack.
SUS 1 02 supply valve on 317, Closed.
Monitor pressure ga_e to make sure it's
27 to 45 on your medi_ pressure
gage. As soon as you uh - see that
occur, then go ahead and uh put
the flow ....

/ 236 16 09 58 CC Uh AI, we've got that in; the DAS is


CDR Tb_-_ you ....

SPT I think that it would be ...

CDR Uh - well the 13 is uh -

SPT Okay it's looking . ..

PLT Okay. That's m_ne. Right. Okay,

I uh turn the flow off and do what?

236 16 i0 34 CC And notice your medium pressure gage

on the SOP and if it between 27 and
: 45, put the flow back ON again.

PLT Okay. 33 ...

236 16 i0 46 CC Uh CDR, Houston. We have a panel

reconfiguration for you.
Dt_p Tape 236-02
Page 21 of 70

CDR Jack, were you on 3177

PLT Yes, sir.

CDR Okay, that's good.

PLT And I put it back on and the SOP flow

light went out and uh when the SOP
was working it was in the green.

CDR Okay." Owen, do the same thing on 323.

SPT C_ay.

CDR Okay, go ahead, Bruce.

236 16 Ii 06 CC _ay, on panel 203 we'd like you to

turn the sieve B fan off, that's uh
sieve B fans power @witch OFF. Over.


236 16 11 23 CC Okay, and panel 207 we'd like you to

/ inhibit the following caution and
warning switches. Emergency sensor
i and 2, that's two switches, and
emergency power I and 2, tht's two
more switches.

SPT ..., AI.

CDR Okay, Just a second.

SPT Yeah.

CDR Okay, we've got both of those, Bruce.

236 16 12 23 CC Ckay, then down in the lower right

hand corner on 207, the three switches
: associated with caution and warning,
that's caution and warning power 1
and 2 and caution and warning signal
conditioner. Over.
Dtmrp-Tape236-02 22 of TO

CDR Okay, check your wrist [sic] rings.

Wait. Okay, got %hem?

PLT Check.

236 16 12 41 CC And uh now I wo%Lld like to Ix_wer down

uh the number 2 part of the caution and
warning system and the n_nber 2
_,ergemcy system by - on panel 202.
We've got uh s row of caution and
warning circuit breakers. We'd llke
to opera the six circuit breakers
associated with the number 2 syst_
as you go across the whole row. Over.

_R Okay, I opened up the caution - Here's

what I opened, emergency 2, caution and
wsrning 2, siEnal conditioner 2,
e_ergemcy 2, caution• and warning 2,
and caution and warnin 6 2.

236 16 13 29 CC Roger, that's it. And uh while you're

out of contact from us, - -

CDR How about - -

CC If you need it Powered eown a little more,

_h you can drop 550 watts in the ds_cime
by turming off the EVA lights ; and
that's on panel 202. Uh two circuit
Breakers, EVA lights number i uh -
to open. Over.

CDR ... connections in there, gang.

CDR Understand_

CC That's of course - that's of course in

your option uh we don't want you to do it
; _OWo

ae e

CDR Check your PCU connector.

CDR SOP connector - -

Tape 236-02
Page 23 of TO

236 16 14 09 _A_.' Just a minute. Jack, your feet are ._,,,: ,.....
down in there. I'll come up your way.

PLT Yep. That's a better way to do it.

_ay, O, your red one is - key is
locked, your blue one, the key is
locked and your time connector is also
locked. Your water is - key is
down. We already checked the SOP
connection. Take a look at m_e here;
woul_ ycu?

SPT Okal, it's down.

PLT ... are down. Neck ring is down.

PLT C_ay, we checked them, AI .... the

cRmera ...

CDR ... they SOPs and tie wrist connector.

Everybody' s happy.

SPT Everyone's happy. --;

236 16 14 50 CDR Okay, I Just closed this valve. If

cuff gage drops below 3.6 during depress,
lock c_partment depress valve CLOSED
VALVE OPEN. I tulderstand that ; do yo
•mderstand your part?

SPT Yep.

PL T Yes, sir.

CDR Okay, 311. Forward hatch PRESSURE

If LOW VENT FLOW light comes on before
depress complete take your flow select
and put it in EVA NORM. Okay?

SPT Understand.

236 16 15 17 CDR Cuff gage may read 4.1 max DELTA-P.

• • • ° _ ° .
]Am_ Tape 236-02
Page 24 of 70

SPT _ay.

CDR Okay. Lock compartment depress valve,

OPEN, EV-I on 318.

PLT Okay, come around ... up.

CDR _ay, we're are now depressing the lock

department. So you can start your
time Housont.

236 16 15 40 CC i Okay, Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute

and 30 seconds to LOS over the Vanguard.
Next station contact in 7 minutes
through Ascension at 16.2. Out.

CDR Roger. Did you get my c,11? We're

depressing the lock right now.

CC Roger. We copy.

CDR I'ii monitor the pressure of the forward

compartment. _;

SPT Okay. We're about in h psi.

236 16 16 ii CDH That's good. I noticed that you are;

I noticed that everything in here is
up. So everybody's happy.

PLT Think the workshop will stand up? The

workshop is ...

CDR Yep. OWB side .3, forward side .h -

i Why the OWB is down a little bit, I
don't know. Probably Just the gage.

SPT Yeah, we could be - yeah, we could he

dropping this fast if there's a very
big leak in here.

CDR I know it. Okay, we're getting a

little ice on the screen as usual.
When it's .15 you might remove the

• j - •
D_p Tape 236-02
Pa_e 25 of 70
236 16 16 43 PLT Hey Owey, Owey, do you feel like this ':
is the first inning of the second
gave of a double header?

CDR I feel like its the encore. You guys

_id a great one last time and this is
_ust the encore, to show it wasn't a

PLT We will - -

... it's a ... a long time between

CDR That's Okay; you're not rusty. In

fact I think you'll hold them down
better. Just listen and - Sorry, I
th_1_ht y'=11 were the problem in
that ec_aand module.recontig; It was
m_ own fault.

_PA' We didn't know you th_1_bt it was our


236 16 17 15 CDR I did think it was.

PLT I wonder would they have done better with

veterans in this business, 0.

SPT I don 't know.

CDR Who is they?

PLT I don't know. I never have identified them


CDR Okay. Okay I show you about a 3. - 2.8.

Everything else is holding up.

sPT That's where it is.

236 16 17 33 CDR I going to open the window - -

PLT Make sure that valve is all the way open

will you please.

T_e 236--02
. Page 26 of 70

_R This nne?

PLT ...

CDR Yeah.

PLT I think it is.

CDR Yeah.

PLT Yes I guess they Just look like that.

SP_ .ee

PLT Not quite vertic vertical.

CDR (Sigh) (Sh/stling) Everything looks


236 16 18 09 CDR We're out in plenty of time, Jack, in

2_ minutes - -

PLT Ckay, good.

/ CDR Over 20 minutes to m_]_e the scene.

PLT ...

CDR Them hack in, and we'll get everything

else. Be ready for the next dsylight
and you'll spring out like a hlrnny.
I'ii do the mickey mouse in here. You
still can't make the second conneciton
remember, until the 37. You can make
the first connection anytime, but I
have to do sc_e foolin6 around in here
to do it.

PLT Is this per instructions.

236 16 18 39 CDR Yeah. We'll having a little wait time

but I guess that's okay considering the
nice Job that we got planned.
Ta1_e 236-02
P_e 2T of 70

CDR We're going to get the some good :EREP

after this and maybe even an occasional
JOP 13, if we can -

PLT Sure, if the rate gyros work.

SPT We have equated on doing our night passes

_!o here.

236 16 18 58 CDR That'll be good. Yep, that way we'll

fill up everything and we won't
even hear you when we're asleep.

PLT You're the guy that calls it. all.

CDR Depending on this JOP stuff.

CDR Everything looks goo. Spring the


CDR (Yswn) (Whistling)

236 16 19 48 CDR Boy, it looks beautiful out the window todmy.

S _ Nice bright Sty.

PLT Caught the ..., huh?

CDR Yeah. Hey, that's what I was looking at.

I need to set up a chart so I can tell
you where we are.

SPT Now that was _ust Vanguard, we passed;

wasn't it?

CDR Uh, I don't know.

SPT I think it was

CREW oee

236 16 20 06 SPT Hawaii or Vanguard. They were probably

dumping until Hawaii again or something
litke that, or GI,_,,maybe.

CDR These little foot restraints in here are

nice. I recommend bringing them up.

• • o, •
Dmnp Tape 236-02
Page 28 of 70

236 16 20 23 CDR _ little red book • wherever it floated ....

to. There it is. You got to have every-
thing up here or you're in deep trouble.

CDR Let me know when you're ready to hatch


PLT Well, we are but the pressure is .5.

CDR Okay the time right now is GS_ about

16 smethingg. At 1325 we were at 55.7.

CDR (Loudyawn)

CDR Boy it mskes me yawn when the pressure

changes llke that• 55.7, 1325. 55.7.

236 16 21 29 SPT Now were we supposed to take this cap

off after the pressure got so low?

CDR Yes. When the pressure gets down to

a very nominal - ah - .3, you're low - -

SPT Okay. _ne 's - -

CDR Whatever you want - -

SPT Okay, .5 we're going to try to take it


CDR Okay.

St'l' .. •

236 16 22 46 CDR Time, from 13 - 1325. 1325 to 1625.

CC Ah this is Skylab, this is Houston through

Ascension for 7 minutes. OUt.

: CDR Okay, air cabin is - correction - The

lock is almost down to zero press. We're
going to open the hatch in 3 or _ minutes.

PLT Okay. I 'd like for you to give us a

mark when you're donw so we can start
some clocks down here along with you.

" + . " _ +
I •
• + • . .:
• + .,
__ +:i
Dump Tape 236-02

Page 29 of 70

CDR Okay. Will do.

CDR You gentlemen are going to be flying over

Africa during the first part of the EVA.

SPT I would say that left gage is reading at

about .15 now, would you, Jack? Or did
you see it.

PLT I can't compare ...

SPT Well there was a little difference in the

lock thean the air pressure gages but the
lock's reading about .15 as the air is
rea_ing about - -

236 16 23 35 CDR Okay. Why don't you start watch for

beginning of EVA?

SPT I'll do that.

CDR How beginning. EV-I - EVA hatch retainer

sl_ring loaded to engaged position. Verify .

PLT It is

CDR Hatch handle lock - UNLOCK, and hatch

handle - OPEN.

PLT In work.

236 16 23 53 CDR When you open it make sure that it goes

fully clockwise.

PLT Okay. That a boy; it does.

CDR Okay.

CDR ... I'll give them the m-_k.

CDR Here's a mark for you.

236 16 24 08 CDR Hatch is OPEN.

PLT A few odds and ends are going in that


°. ,: . •
Tape 236-02
P_ 30 of TO

CDR Okay. verify hatch handle fully clockwise.

Open hatch_ engage hold, open rod.

PLT In work.

PLT (Laughter ... end screwing up.

SPT Yeah.

CDR Strike over it.

PLT ...

SFT and odds _nd ends is out.

I_LT And the hold-open rod is engaged and l'm

on ,_ way out.

CDR All right. Would y_u care to check your

MODE SELECT to ABSOLUTE ; both of you.

PLT Okay. Stand by. I'll put - -

/-_" CDR You may have a possible cuff gage decrease.

236 16 24 53 PLT Okay. I stabilized at 3.6.

CDR Verify that our pressure selector is in BOTH.

SPT It's in BOTH, and I stabilized at 3.55.

Verified in BOTH.

CDR FLOW select - EVA norm o

PLT Stand by. EVA, Norm

CDR And you should be stable 3.6 an_ 3.9. So

I'm a little puzzled why you're a litte
lower than that, O.

SPT Well, Just a moment. It's about 3.5 now

it' s eom_ng up slightly.

CDR All right, that's good news. And along

with the other good news, ... over here.
Dump Tape 236-02
Pa_e 31 of 7_

SPT I have an EVA ...

236 16 25 27 CDR Now, let me tell you what to do - -

PLT Go ahead, 0.

SPT ... umbilical free

PLT All right.

CD R Okay. May I suggest this? The following:

EV-I, Egress AM and Ingress VF foot restraints

PLT He Just did.

CDR And clamp your own LSU at 9 feet. I know you

cam hack it.

PLT Okay.

SPT Hey we might want to get our gold visor down

here, a little bright up.

_T Okay.
236 16 25 53 PLT There's ole 149 sitting out there pretty as
you please, collection all the sunlight
and eveA'_thing else that's coming its direction

PLT That a boy, 0.

236 16 26 05 SPT ... Sure id open ..., okay.

PLy Now m-_e sure his umbilical is not hung up

i or anything. And I'm on - you want me to
gO OUt now, AI.

CDR Whenever he's done, would you steer and go

out. But you may want to im_11 out from your
,_,_ilical initially. And then translate to the
0-7 handrail with back to MDA, left arm to FAS.

SPT D-7 is above your head.

- . °

• ° . o- . o
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 32 of 70

236 16 26 42 SPT Okay. Now you could go either above or

below there.

CDR No, no he shouldn't go OUt yet, he should Just

be there a minute.

SPT WEll we got to have D-7 ...

PLT ...

CDR Normally - next time we go out you'll connect

" the box to his wrist gear, hut now we don't
Care to translate now, Jack? Along D-2
handrail, leading with right shoulder to the
AM trunnion area.

SPT D-2 or D-7?

CDR D-2.

SPT Okay, we don't see 1-2. It's probably

sr,,ewhere underneath the limb expericment.

CDR Okay. Not a bad idea.

SPT Okay. I can't verify that that's D-2 but -

PLT It's above my head.

SPT Watch out for your cable here...

236 16 27 26 PLT Oh boy: There's the world.

S_T ... says D-2 on it.

Dump Tape


. --- • ,
Dump Tape 236-02
_-_ Page 33 of TO

CDR Okay that's the one

PLT I'm going right past the ... experiment.

236 16 27 37 CDR You got 15 minutes to do this cable.

PLT Okay. I better get out of here, then. You

mind if I Just wA1_ forward to the tz-m-ion?

CDR I wish you would. And be careful because the

I_DA panel are thin - could be bent while
moving into position.

PLT Okay.

_R Carfully position self between t_mnion

and MDA.

236 16 28 06 PLT Okay. There I am l_etween the t_,_uion and


CDR Okay. And when you get yourself in the proper

/_ position, observe - and when you want me
to give you any more instructions let me know.

PLT Let me check m_ little tool everhere and see how

it's going to work. Oh boyl It's Just

CDR Okay. Let me read sc_e works to you.

SPT ... you already got the tool on the connector;

don't you? -.

PLT Yeah. But don't worry I won't turn it

up (laghter).

CDR Okay. I'ii read it, I'll read it but it

doesn't apply. Observe 8130 connector - -

PLT 813 Alfa, that's it.

236 16 28 35 CDR Cable plug removal on the tz-_nnion plate.

• Pry other cables out with tool if necessary.
Will that be necessary_

PUP 0hl Not to get it off it won't. And it

_-_ probably won't to get it on.

• °.
Dump Tape 236-02
]Page 34 of 70

CDR And as you know, that's below the left plug.

CDR Are you still there, Bruce? Connect the EVA cables
blsh, blab, blah• Okay you know what you
got to do there•

236 16 28 58 CC ... over Guan, where we'll dump the tape

recorder. Over.

CDR Okay. Jack's out of the out at the tl_mnion.

He might want to say a few words about it.

PLT Okay. I walked out here to the t_mnion and

Just like we run this in the water t-n_ I
facing connector 8130A and the tI_mnion box
is shading the Sun from my eyes. And my tool
fits on here very well and it looks like I'll
he able to do get in position and do the Job
next dsylight pass with no problem. The wire
bundles will not be in the way to get them
connected. Also, I don't know if they will
be enough to insert the new connec - connector
but the trunnion situation looks pretty much
as advertised. I got good stability out here.
And I can do the Job as appears with no problem.

CDR Okay, Jack. Before you - -

236 16 29 _5 CC We copy you. It looks good• Going over the

hill, and GIIAn at 17:06. Out.

CDR Okay. Jack - -

PLT Where is that hill that they were talking

about. Looks like _I I clouds and water.

CDR Now, before you head back, how about looking

to see where you think you're going to
route that cable• And if you Just crawl back
you'll he able to see if you - if it's Just
right. So when you're ready if you translate
to the WCIU area using D-I and the dual handrail.

PLT Yeah, it looks like to me that we can go

behind some of these trusses and it won't
he exposed to the EVA trail whatsoever.

236 16 30 22 CDR Okay_ you got it psyched out well Just head
on down that and think about it as you go.

Tape 236--02
Ps_e 35 of 70

8PT What were the word that it se/d; it said

something about ... or some truss.

CD_ O_ay

SPT _hat - what are those words yoU ...

PLT The word' s good

236 16 30 38 CDR Translate to D-I handrail close to FAS and

get other end of the EVA cable from EV-I,
he get that fro_ you, _=_ng sure the EVA
sable assembly go_s over to_ of the AM truss.
Make that AT51truss with the D-I handrail
on it. Would you believe what the ...

SPT i I'm looking for D-l, there is an obvious

I straight line path down there but it - the
words don't make an-awful lot of 5ood sense
to me Just at the moment.

CDR Well he's got to - he's got to come back

SPT Yeah.

CDR So, womewhere D-I must he, and I think we're

coming up on Africa now, gentlemen.

PLT There 's ... experiment

SPT Yeah.

CDR I think D-I Is the one right behind you here.

PLT Okay this is a D-7, the one I whet out on

is I)-2.


PLT Right down here by your right leg I suppose

in D-I, but I'm not certain.

2B6 16 31 35 SPT Okay, now what does it say to do now?

CD_ Make sure that the cable goes over D-I.

. . • - ° ° •
Dump Tape 236-02
Pa6e 36 of 70

PLT That's over this one, 0. Over the top of it.

CDR Translate to D-I handrail close to FAS.

PLT AIl right.

CDR Get other end of cable, which you don't have,

obviously. Making sure the EVA cable assembly
goes over top of the ATM truss - -

PLT I think this is the only - -

CDR _ ae .

PLT - - EVA handrail that's not'numbered here,

AI. I think it 's D-I.

CDR Okay well, anyhow --

PLT ... go over the top of that.

CDR -- think it throu_ and you might be able to

find out if that's the one that one that -.
will m_e a nice clean shot.

PLT l'm go,ha zip you right over like this, O.

SPT Yep, that 's the way --

CDR Yeah, I'll tell you what do, tranlate to

the WCIU area using D-I and the dual handrails.

236 16 32 07 PLT Yep. Okay l'm on my way.

CDR Okay, I'll check Arfica for you to see if is

that is safe enough for you to look. And - uh -
would be might be it is very safe for you
to look at --

SPT AI, - Jack, I don't know whether you want to

go on that side or the other.

PLT Well, I want to try to get up head first here, O.

CDR Uh - Wants to have his feet toward the friendly

- uh - center work station and his head toward
the CSM, as he said the other day. But --
Dump Tape 236-02

_ Page 37 of 70

PLT But, I --

CDR I have to admit that's right.

SPT Yeah_ I think somehow or other that cable

should not go over that, Jack. It should
have come straight down.

PLT I think - yeah, it goes over - brobably goes

over this thing here.

SPT Yeah, then come right straight down through

there, not the way you whet.

PLT Well, yeah; I have to feed that through, O.

SPT 0kay, that's right.

236 16 32 54 CDR You're in the right'position, 0., because

I can see you.

PLT That's right. He's in the right position. Let

me get in from the other direction - uh -- ;

CDR Why? Don't you like that?

PLT Well, that way I can carry the cable with me.
I won't have to string it.

SPT Yep.

CDR You I mention some words to you, when you

f_ n_11 y get there.

PLT There ain't any other connectors in that area,

by the way; that - that's about the only ones -

236 16 33 16 CDR Okay, let me read what it says here, Just for
fun. Disconnect P-I from J-3 using cable
plug removal tool on the WCIU; lower connector
when in normal EVA position, feet toward center

SPT Okay, you're doing fine now, Jack, and the - uh -

little - uh - p.lm. on that footplate are at
your back now. You're not rubbing on
against them or anything yet. You're in good

_ shape.

• . *. ,-'
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 38 of 70

236 16 33 h7 PLT Oksy, here I is.

SPT Get a feel for the problem.

CDR When you got a feel, come on in because we

got to get this stuff out. And it's not a very
long night period.

PLT Well, I ain't got a feel for it at the moment.

CDR All right. Let me read you some good words

some more. Disconnect P-I from J-3.

PLT Okay, I got J-3 in on - uh - Yes, here is

P-I, too.

CDR Okay, and then it says, connect P-h of the

EVA cable assembly to J-3. And then connect
P-I to J-3 of the EVA cable assembly and lock.
Notify EVA-3 to proceed with rate gyro 5 and 6
CB ... and etcetera. And that's what I'ii do.
We'll be in good shape, gentlemen. We've
got approximately - to help your thinking - 53
• minutes until I can inhibit momentum and that
means we got 58 minutes until you can _e that
connector you are on at the moment.

236 16 34 47 PLT Okay, I got it. I'm gonna get it.

_ 0_.
PLT Let me see if I can find an even better
position; l'm - I'm having a little trouble
stabilising myself. But I got myself wedged
in here pretty nicely now. Yeah, I can grab
and rotate in here with no problem. I think
I'ii come in from the top.

CDR Just like you did then?

PLT Yes.

CDR Okay, that way you won't have to fool with

the cable any.

_ Right.

PLT Or is there anything else I can look at while

• . . -
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 39 of 70

you are here (lau_ter).

236 16 35 27 CDR NO. Whydon't you come back in and let's get
on with the program.

PLT Okay. Okay.

SPT He'd be in good prime shape for this Job. It's

going to be long. This part won't, but the other
i will. _mning back that 149.

PLT I can see it's gonna get dark after a while.

Boy, it's pretty down there in the terminator,
you know it? Look at that big ole solar
panel down there, goll-eee: Earth gets
more blue and blue and blue and Just the
tops of the clouds there are lighted. You can
see some kind of pinksh - uh - - oh - on some
of the clouds, the way the Sun hits them Just
before it gets into the terminator. And then
it Just gets pitch black. I guess I gotta
get back in there now?

236 16 36 19 CDR Yeah. If you -

PLT Okay.

PLT Okay, now I get to stick the umbilical inside

the MD area air lock instead of behind me.

CDR Good.

236 16 36 3_ SPT Uh - probably should have put it behind me. "-

CDR No, you did the right thing.

PLT _ Let me stuff it out of the way, this one here. :

CDR Stick it right in that stirrup now that's easy

to do.

SPT Yeah, but not too easy to pressurize the SWS.

CDR Yes, it's even easier. Everything is easier

pressurized, serog included.


• T •
Dump Tape 236-02
Page _0 of 70

CDR Remember that!

PLT Yeah (laughter) use working frc_ .....

SPT _ add new experience and such.

CDR D-m- right ! My EVA experience will tell me


PLT But book learnin6 - morale building stuff is

- uh-- working up here, 0.

SPT Yes "

1_ (Laughter)

236 16 37 02 PLT I - I read RII that trap; don't tell me that


CDR Well, it works.

SPT It works on s_me people, AI. .._.,_

CDR (Laughter) works (laughter) works on everybody.

PLT There you go.

SPT You want to know what I think of that?

CDR Yeah.

SPT I'll tell you later.

FLT/CDR (Laughter)

CDR Okay.

SPT While we're on record (laughter).

_S ( Laughter )

SPT Yeah.

236 16 37 15 CDR Okay now, you ready Jack?



CDR Okay, now let's do something like this. Lemme

_ go to the next page. Okay, now; Owne, would
Dump Tape 236-02
Pa_e kl of _0

you care to extend the boca, both of them..

Extend -_8 retrack to verify that they work.

SP_ Yes. I'll do that. Where am I gomaa get

out, AI.

CDR You're gonna get - uh - unstow SI_9 - that's

ridiculous; forget it.

SPT Bet it would

236 16 37 h7 CDR Here's wh_t you're gonna to do. Unstow the %"3
tree and pass to EV-I when he finishes the boom

PLT Okay.

SPT It - it checks complete

CDR Okay, stand by for ¼he V8 tree.

SPT All right. I 'm floating by.

_ 236 16 38 00 CDR Okay, float by. So that the little tip light
(ls,,ghter ) ...

CDR Watch you head.

PLT 0k_y, now don't let go of this thing.

236 16 36 09 SFT Okay, I'll try not to if you will not let
go until I'm read_.

PL_ I may not let go of it then.

SPT; And can you reverse it ... the handle before

yoU hand it out.

PLT - Well let me get around here where there is

a little bit of room.

SPT Okay. Well, ... right here.

CDR Alws_s wanting special treatment. Even after

I gave him that positive mental attitude ticks.

SPT Well, that's the way your checklist reads,

doesn't It?
Dump Tape 236-02
Pa_e h2 of 70

CDR No, it doesn't say.

SPT It doesn't? I have it, Jack.

PLT You got it.

SPT I have it.

PLT How're you doin'?

SPT Okay, _ Okay.

236 16 38 34 PLT There it goes.

CDR All right, Jack, while he's milling around -

or floating around, why don't you get the tree.

PLT Okay, got it right before me. I'ii bet he'll

want the handle on _chat, too.

SPT Probably - -

CDR Probably will. Got a bunch of - prima donnas; _-

S _ what can you do!

SPT I thought your chec_l_st said that. I was

only trying to follow your che-_1 _st. I
didn't really want it that way. You know I
wouldn't missread it. You know me. You
know me and mistakes.

PLT Never tolerate' em.

CDR Okay, Jack while you'll ... - -

PLT Hold on now.

236 16 39 0h CDR - - with nothing to do, let me know and I'll

tell you where to find the CAC, after you
finish that Job of course.

236 16 39 16 PLT Jam it in there, 0; you got it. Okay, here's

another one. The handle to you.

SPY I have it.

PLT You got it.

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CDR Hey, Jack, grab the old DAC and when you're
ready, I'll tell you how to set it up.

PLT (Laughter) We're gonna go through that again,


CDR Yeah.

PLT I've grabbed it.

CDR Okay/ fill, 500, 6 frames per second

PLT f/ll, 500 and 6.

CDR Okay, infinity--

PLT Just a minute, Just a minute.

236 16 _00l CDR By the way when we Eet to night we'll have to
change this, but we won't be running this till
daytime starts. But I'ii try to keep up
with this and the TV for you. All of us can
f try. -_

PLT Okay, there's infinity, f/ll -

CDR 500 - 500, and 6 frame.

PLT Okay. here's the 500 - 24, 12, 6.

CDR Okay, now, while you're there why don't you

Just float out a little bit, install DAC on
F-6 handrail below clothes line clip and lock.
LOck towards EV-I. Now, you Just hand that to
O. and I - I read it wrong.

SPT I can - Just - Just a minute, Jack. I'll get


236 16 _0 51 CDR Hand it to the Big O.

SPT Okay, it goes way down here. I'll have to

put it htere.

CDR F-6 below clothesline clip - and lock.

Lock towards EV-1.
Dump Tape 236=02
PaSe kl_ of _0

CDR Jack, while you're there connect the TV l_ower .......

cable to panel 320.

PLT okay.

CDR Let me know when you are ready for the next

PLT Look at them in there .., that checklist.

CDR I don' t think it 's strange. Right aft - I 'ii

- I think I'Ii have a little butterscotch
pudding gentlemen_ lemm_e know how it is out .-.
there. No, I 'm saving that for later when
you a_e really sweattin'. I'll Just cool it right
here; maybe have a sip of my cherry drink.
That's a good idea. Sure wish I could pass
it out.

236 16 _i _7 SPT Okay

236 16 41 48 S_T It's locked and it's set on red.

./_ CDR Okay that's not a bad place to have it. NOW -

PLT AI, I - I don't know what happened with the -

TV power connector, but - uh - it sure comes
off awful hard.

CDR I son't know either, but - we'll stand by

'til you - do your thing.

CDR You ... think - you may want to think about - .

whats goin' on in there? Lemme look in am
maybe a picture's visible, Jack.

PLT Okay.

236 16 _2 23 CDR I'ii tell you one thing you might do to

assist yourself is to get ready to put
your visors up in a few moments.

PLT Okay.

CDR Now that's not your Pr0tecter visor.

FLT Gold visor.

Dump Tape 236-02
page 45 of 70

CDR Now you got to pull out on one ; is that

the problem?

236 16 42 42 PLT Yes.

CDR That's strand, isn't it?

PLT Sure is.

PLT *_* that, happen? Hope the other connectors

aren'_t like that.

236 16 43 59 PLT That's a pretty good tug hut it's off.

CDR I'ii tell you maybe the vacuum out side and
the pressure inside did it. You probably
should have remove that tap. That's a
pressure - sealing tap. I bet that's what did
it. No, that will bop it off.

CDR Okay, Jack, now that you've done that -


PLT But I gotta hook up this other one. r

CDR All right.

236 16 43 18 CDR We're now in night gentlemen. We have

32 minutes of nighttime, so we will get the
rest of this done in 32 minutes.

SPT Here's a note for Don Lind: on the drum closest

to us the bands looks s.ilver, gold, silver, gold,
silver. On the next drum they look silver, -
gold, purple, then a d_rker one that sorta
looks gray aud then gold. And it's got the -
two strips that Jack put on them there, obviously.

236 16 43 41 PLT Okay, I got it hooked up there AI, ..

: CDR Okay, L_-me mention some things like verify

the F/S is in FC. I know you know how to
do that.

PLT Throw me - uh - unhinge the - uh - the camera

here now and I'll take a look at it, right?

CDR But don't point it near the Sun.

Dump Tape 236-02
P_e b6 of Y0

236 16 43 55 CDR Disappearing anyhow.

CDR Okay, when it's in FC -

PLT Wait. I've haven't got it loose yet.

CDR All right. By the way are your EVA lights

PLT I noticed that they were.

CDR All right. That's good

CDR I don't know who has that on their checklist

hut somebody must.

SPT I can see one.

PLT I haven't turne_ them on last night - or

this morning rather. -_"

CDR Okay, that's who's got it.

PLT Ah - there's some down there, two. Okay.


236 16 44 24 CDR This is such a controlled operation, at the

mc,,ent! It's inconceivable.

PLT Hey, way - (laughter) It's the way you planned


CDR I know it. You wait '%ii we pull this entry

off if you think this thing's moving. :

236 16 44 41 PLT ... get it, 0! 0kay, boy. Now what do you
want on this?

SPT Hey, AI?

CDR About a full closed.

236 16 44 46 PLT Full closed (laughter).


• J . ° . -

__ : .j
Dump Tape 236-02
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CDR Ha! Hal

PLT Full closed. All right, go ahead, AI.

CDR Now (laughter) place the TV on the F-8

handrail 6 inches from bottom, lock towards
hatch. But before you do, let me recommend
one thing: try to set it X, 60; Y, 180;
Z, 315. 60, 180, 315. Pretty light out here
for _,rk, isn't it?

PLT Yes. CAn't see the horizon coming now.

PLT Takes a long time, l've noticed.

236 16 45 30 CDR Wonder why? Maybe the people in Alaska can

explain it.

SPT Oh, you t_Iking abQut your time-remaining


CDR No, no, I'm Just - Just shooting the shit.


SPT Watch your language. "

CDR Just chatter.

PLT Have you got one tey?

MS (Laughter)

PLT What's the limit on it.

(Laughter) "_-

PLT I guess (laughter) I guess ... They have to

have a language for that. (laughter) 60, 180
and - 315 - 315.

236 16 45 56 CDR That's right, and then put it on the - uh -

F-8 handrail 6 inches from bottom, if you feel
like it. If you don't, well - put it there


. . . • E
Dump Tape 236-02
_-_. Page _8 of "_o

PLT (Laughter) Oh boy.

CDR When does the hard work start.

236 16 46 26 PLT I got it right where you want.

CDR 0kay, now lemme read you a few more tid

bits. Tidbits say: - uh -

PLT Let's put it on and get the settings set.

CDR Get to it. Both crewmen verify TV is not

looking at the Sun. TV field of view is - TV
1/2 angle field of view at 22 degrees.

236 16 46 47 SPT Well, it's pointed at the center of the ATM.

I cannot verify the falf angle.

CDR Sun should not be i_ this filed of view -

okay, TV poswe ON, Jack.

PLT Okay.

236 16 _6 57 PLT There. It's ON.

CDR Okay, now - check your average switch to

average Owen.

SPT Average - okay.

CDR Linear to linear.

SPT Linear.

CDR Zoom 25

PLT 0. can get that.

SPT Okay, Just a minute -

236 16 47 16 SPT Zoom is on 25.

CDR F0C to 15, focus, that is.

236 16 47 21 SPT Focus to 15.

CDR Okay, now, EV-I slowly move the lever to 22

while EV-2 observes monitor. If Sun in field

. . ° _ ,. - _
Dump Tape 236-02
Pnge _9 of 70

of view, immediately go to

PLT Whoa ]

SPT Is that too much?

PLT Okay, now close it down a little bit. Oh,

wait a minute it locked up. Okay, now open
it a little bit. Open a little more - little bit.

CDR There. it is.

236 16 47 49 PLT Hold it there. Think it's gonna come straight.

Aw - went out!

CDR We're gonna hay - we're gonna have to turn

this thing - -

PLT I'm coming in.

CDR We're going have to turn this thing off before

we go to free drift, l've gotta put that
f down because - the - I'm moving further _.
away because we stand an excellent chance of •
drifting into the Sun.

236 16 47 58 PLT How that don't look too bad, O.

SPT 0Eay, you tell me when it's there.

PLT Uh - you could tighten it up a little bit, a

little - a little more ... it open.

SP_ Open. I had this dark when I had the shutter

; over here. Wait'll I get settled.

CDR Give it sc_e m-_gin now.

SPT I Just barely tracked off of FC

236 16 48 18 CDR You ought to move it away from, the Sun

there. It's too close because we are going to
drift a little, bit and it can bomb.

PLT Well, you can always close it.

SPT How do you like - -

/ CDR Nohody's goin' to be watching it, see?

SPT How do you like that, Jack?

• o . - . o o . " o . " _ " -

Dump Tape 236-02
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CDR Don't cut it, 210.

PLT I think you could open it a smidgen more --

SPT We're not - we're not pointing it, AI; We're

Just - working on the - uh -

CDR I think you ought to see --

SPT ...

CDR - -how far you think it is from the Sun

because it's gonna drift around. We'd
like to have it off the Sun some amount.

PLT Oh, it's off the Sun. It's - uh - in fact

we z_ay have to ... the ATM before we have it
in view. Okay, how's that?

236 16 _8 55 PLT I think that ought to give'em something to

work with.

SPT All right. We may have to bump it around _.

a little bit crawling in and out. That's the
end of the s11n_ight now, anyway.

PLT Yeah. The center of the field of view, AI,

is - you see the dog bone right in front
of the sail mount point?

CDR Yeah.

PLT Well - it's - uh - a little to the right of

•.. a little bit toward that triangular

236 16 _9 15 CDR Let's do a little thinking now. Maybe this

thing right now ought to be pointed up, lets
don't put it that way. Point this thing up
where you are going at the - uh - at
: the - uh - trunnion -

SPT Okay, Just a minute - -

PLT It - It won't hook up there AI.

CDR It won't do it. No wsy to do that, huh?

- . o _ ".. • "• _ q ° .
Dump Tape 236-02
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PLT There's a big - there's a thing on that ETS -

I don't know what it is. There's a big bump
out here- -

CDR Yeah.

PLT - - right in between.

236 16 _9 42 CDR I'll be darned.

SPT Well, you're gonna get the other one.

CDR Okay, I was gonna way how about down at •

the other place?

SPT Yeah, I thinE, the other one's - -

CDR Why don't you center in on it and then we'll re-

position this TV wh'en - before you go do the
other thing.

SPT Yeah, I think it's close enough right here,

f- isn't it, Jack? Looks to me like its pointed _!"
right there.

PLT Yeah, I thine it's about right. It might be

pointed a little bit low.

SPT Okay.

CDR Well, let's try to do the best you can and then
-- U_ --

236 16 50 05 SPT I wouldn't fool with it 'cause I thine you're

close enough to the center of the field.

CDR All right, would you - uh - you happy

with the universial mount on the DAC?

SPT It's - It's close - As long as somebody

doesn't knock it off, it'll stay there.

CDR Okay, now may I suggest that [EV-] 2

unstow the sail sample clip board and pass
to EV-I.

SPT What you gonna do with it, by the way?

Du_ Tape 236-02
_ Page 52 of 70

PLT He's gonna adjust it.

236 16 50 29 SPT Then what's he gonna do with it?

CDR He's going to give it to EV-2 who's

gonna put it somewhere.

SPT Okay.

CDR Now the F-10 handrail, do you see that?

SPT F-10 ?

CDR F-10.

_°T Sure that's i0? Now, I don't see. It

should be --

CDR eee

SPT - - box i0.

CDR No, it says F-IO handrail on STS - F-10 on


SPT ... one that we tied the -

PLT That's over by the window there.

CDR ... to the strap.

SPT Yeah. - .

CD_ Okay, what you wanna do is to attach pack

the U mount to F-10 handrail with lock pointing
away from STS window. Remove the tether
•' and verify sail sample's in the _mllght.

PLT Remove the tether, huh?

CDR Once it, - once it's up there.

236 16 51 15 PLT Okay, there isn't a tether on it. May have to

to use your own tether there, O.

BPT I don't have a loose tether; this is the one

that's got my tool on it.

- r * _j * , °
Dump Tape 236-02
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PLT Uh - uh.

CDR Well, there is an extra one in the locker.

PLT Well, let me get that. I'm on my way.

236 16 51 31 PLT Think you have some settings I need to

put on here, my friend.

CDR Yes, I do. When you get it out, I can tell

you some very interesting settings.

236 16 51 37 PLT i got it out.


CDR How about 255, 0 and 180

PLT 255, 0 and 180, huh?

CDR *** think you might find that amusing. Give


PLT Give me a psp t,1_ 255, 0 and 180.

_" CDR (Laughter) You had your pep t-l_. "

SPT Yeah, but it didn't last very long. It

need reinforceing

CDR (Laughter) They always bite the hand that

feeds them. Well, I've been --

PLT Repeat the setting.

CDR - - m_ing you guys re_ astronauts, and you're

giving me a hard time. Making you old heads.
255, 0 and 180. You're m-_ing me an
old head!

236 16 52 22 PLT Making you gray-haired.

: CDR You're not kidding.

SPT We're goin' to have to hurry; we're going to have

to hurry.

PIT We'll m_ke A1 gray headed?

SPT That's the - way! (Chuckle)

• . . ; o
Dump Tape 236-02
f Page 54 of 70

SPT Hustle; come on, hustle.

SPT (Laughter)

PLT That's okay. I got them fit exactly right; now

give me a tether.

236 16 52 46 CDR You got 22 minutes before you're - you're

supposed to head for the trunnion. No,
you got less than that 'cause you have to hand
out that box to the Big 0., which I'ii
tell you about in a minute.

PLT Well, the only tether that I got here is this

•.. tether.

CDR No, No. Don't use that. You got another

spare tether in there somewhere. No, no. It's
on the box.

PLT Okay •

_ CDR Why don't you Just hand it out and - Owen h-ng
onto it. No, that's a bad idea. Could
you disconnect your wrist tether and use it?
And then get Owen to hand you back your wrist

236 16 53 16 PLT At the risk of losing my tool -

SPT I wouldn't do that, AI.

CDR Oh, I thought Jack had two of them on. No, "4
I wouldn't do that. You're right.

CDR Uh - Let's -let's do this. Let's - go to

the next step which is this - -

PLT Okay, I got a- - no, let's not do that either.


236 16 53 32 CDR Okay, why don't you reattach the - uh - the

little bracket to wherever it was. I knew
we should have had even an extra one.

SPT You know', we could do this by hand as reliably

as I think pulling, that tether off out there.
Dump Tape 236-02
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CDR Okay, why don't you do it and-

SPT All right

PLT I'll be able to fasten it right now.

PLT Is that what you're gonna do, O.

SPT I don't know whether - am I going to

fasten it or is Jack goin' to fasten it?

CDR Uh - either one of you that wants. Which is the

better? ,

PLT I can slip out there I guess.

236 16 54 02 PLT Oksy, - uh - you want the lock toward the MDA
or the trigger?

SPT W_t for AI.

PLT Yeah.

CDR Oka_, may I read it again. Attach to F-IO

handrail with lock pointing away from STS

SPT I got to find F-10. Apparently that went out

there, Jack.

PLT Don't put it where we can't take pictures

out the window now. Now you want - you wnat
to stick it in there like this, O. The lock
toward you or away from the window? Okay?

SPT Yeah. Just a minute.

PLT Just grab underneath it here. Hold it.

cDR I'ii look out the window to make sure Just

like Jack said; that's a good point.

236 16 54 50 PLT Yeah. Okay, I'Ii give you a little umbilical

here, O.

_ CDR ...

• o. . • .
• • , _ °
Dump Tape 236-02
f_-_ Page 56 of 70

SPT I don't want to drift over against this DAC.

There' s the problem.

PLT Tell you, you w_n-a get over there and let me
bring it to you?

236 16 55 00 SPT I think l'm Just about clear now if I can

stay clear of that DAC.

CDR I wonder what STS window they got. I'm looking

OUt _oth that's closest to you, I thought.

PLT Kay, you're clear of the DAC.

SPT All right

CDR Nice lighting out there. And you got all

those places in the dungeon [ ? ].

PLT Yeah.

236 16 55 2_ SPT I have a feeling that this one by this window is

... don't you. _"

CDR Look and see if you think that area will be

in the Sun.


236 16 55 34 PLT REchecE the settings on there, 0. when

you're out there.

CDR I can read them to you when you think you

_re ready.

CDR Yeah, that's right by this window, Big 0.

SPT Yeah, well, it's nothing you can do with it,

is it?

CDR If I were you I'd move -

SPT Right, right there is where it's going to


PI_T It's going to be underneath the - it's going

to be seated by the - -

Dump Tape 236-02
Pa6e 57 of 70

CDR That's a bad place.

236 16 55 50 CDR Move it, further back toward the - the

FAS if you can.

PLT Well, I can move it back this far.

CDR That's it, huh?

PLT Yes.

PLT Oh, it's going to be underneath the that -


CDR Jumping up under the ... too.

PLT Yeah, it's going to have to go ... way.

CDR I think move it back there far as you can

and than sort of ex"cend it out.

PLT All right.

f_ SPT That'll upset the settings. _"

236 16 56 12 CDR Now those setting aren't going to be to good,

like you point out.

PLT No, I think on that - handrail there is only

one set of settings you can have. Now --

CDR Well, clamp it in and we'll look at it again.

PLT Sure that's the one? Now it ain't - that

one up there, huh?

CDR Is there - is there one further out of the way?

PLT Yeah, there's another one up here - uh -

236 16 5.6 37 SPT That's - uh - the pim.

PLT That's it. He's got the right one.

CDR Now clamp it on and let's look at it a little

bit. Then I'ii ask 'em for another
reco_endation if it's in the way.

PLT We had a better place for it right - look

/ in here.

• _ o ° .
Dump Tape 236-02
F- Page 58 of 70

PLT So look at it - that's not even directly

facing the Sun.

SPT ...

236 16 56 58 CDR M%Tbe they wsnted it at an angle. Somehow -

PLT I don't know what else they've ...

CDR 0wne's going to get. Now is he supposed to have

the _ uh - lock pointing away from the window?

236 16 57 08 SPT 0kay, that's the way l've got it.

PLT Now, it's not - okay.

236 16 57 18 SPT There. Get a start right and get it point --

CDR ... you don't lose "it. That could get a bump.

236 16 57 22 PLT Okay, 0. Hand it to me and I'll - uh -

and you can get yourself in position with
both hands and then I'ii bring it to you. _;

CDR Why don't you help 0. position --

PLT Don't let go; don't let go.

CDR Now lew--e tell you --

SPT OkaT, got it?

PLT I got it. _

236 16 57 33 CDR Grab Owen's feet and Just hold him in position.
There you go. Good positioning.

PLT Now, what's those numbers again, AI? :

- CDR Okay, let me read them to you once more.

PLT Don;t let that get -

"CDR How about 255, 0 and 180 - why don't you put
your feet up and let -Jack hold your
feet ?

_ 236 16 58 Ol SPT Crank it down where I can see where it's

pointed and everything.
Dump Tape 236-02
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CDR Okay, let me tell you,_ we got 17 more minutes

of night.

SPT Okay.
PLT Okay, 0., you on?

SPT Yeah.

236 16 58 2_ PLT Okay•

236 16 58 33 SPT I have it.

PLT You got it.

236 16 59 29 SPT Okay, mirror's locked•

CDR Locked, locked. Now Just slip - have you -

have you slid it a_ far as you can that way?

SPT Not quite.

CDR Okay, how long is that handrail? Maybe if '_-

you slide it --

SPT ... as far as it can go, right there.

236 16 59 52 CDR Okay, it interferes somewhat but not too bad.

SPT It is not perpendicular to the Sun.

PLT We better ask 'era about that.

CDR Let's leave it that way and tell them it's ""
i not perpendicular and ask them if that's
what they want. They may want a certain angle
on it, 0.

SPT Okay.
; CDR Is it locked?

236 17 00 02 SPT As good as these things ever lock, which isn't

very good.

CDR Have y'all found - an an improved spot?

• ,_ . - j - .
Dump Tape 236-02
_ Pnge 60 of 70

236 17 O0 II SPT No, .11 1 can do is slide back and forth

along underneath your window. And none of
those spots are really very good. I think they're
.11 right if they don't obstruct too much
of your view.

CDR Okay, let's go to the next step.

236 17 00 32 CDR Next step coming up, gentlemen.

PLT Let's _ have it.

CDR It's an important step. Perhaps the most

important. If I could Just read it to you.
Okay. Pass the EVA tern - cable assembly to
EV-I. By that I mean, hand him the box end so
that you can tether that box end to him.
Using his hook, which he never had. No, htere's
a-hook - -

SPT No, there's a hook on it. That's right.

CDR Okay. ;

236 17 01 06 CDR That's right. He's gonna - Jack's going to

relieve the brass end and hook that brass end to
your - uh - other sleeve. That 's it.

CDR Okay. Then you will have the hook - he will hand
you the box; you will hold the box.

SPT That 's right.


CD_ And you'll only have to hold it for about

13 minutes and then it's going to he day time.
Jack's going to be on his way.

236 17 02 00 PLT ... in release. Take it out of the handhold .

SPT You want me to float up in there so you can get
i it on my wrist?

_PLT Okay, whay wrist you want it on, 0_?

S_ Have to go on my left wrist.

PLT Oksy.


o .
, - : - ,, - . _ -
Dump Tape 236-02

61 of 70

236 17 02 27 PLT Okay, attached and secured, okay.

SPT I'm gonna moce hack here and I'll take the box
if you want me to.

PLT Yeah. Here you go.

CDR OEay, now check that we've taken eve_hin out of

the lock compartment that we want to, is that

236 17 02 46 PLT Yhea. I_=-,,escan around here to make sure.

Everything but the kid.

CDR Okay, when the kid goes out, he's going to go over
and hang on that handrail I mentioned, which was
the same - uh - D-7 - wh - handrail with hack to
I_A, left arem towards FAS and - uh - Owen's
going to hook the t_im-ion end of the loop on
the left wrist - or you're gonna grab it in your
hand, whichever you want. Reco-_end you grab it
in your hand as long as Owen's tethered to it and
holding the box. ;

PLT Yeah, might be good idee unsnarling this thing

first ...

CDR *e* had a knot.

PLT Coiled up.

236 17 03 32 CDR Hond on.

PLT 0Eay. Why don't you kind of p111 on your end a

; little hit -

SPT .- All right.

PLT - - very gently, and I will get some of the - uh -

kin_ out.

SPT ,.. out of this thing.

236 17 03 58 PLT *mm you went to rotate around this thing in this
end here .... stick in the cable. Probably ...
break a wire - -

• - . -- ,_ o" - , •
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 62 of 70

CUR What you might want to do while you're waiting

is take those little green ends off, if you

PLT Yeah.

CDR So that you got four fully exposed ends.

236 17 04 20 PLT Just had a little cap on it, huh?

CDR Yeah ..

PLT Well, I wonder where to put those. Put one in

my pocket over here.

SPT But we hadn't tho_sht about that.

PLT Yeah, you don't have to think very long. Find

one of those pockets, there's one.

236 17 04 47 CDR Ain't any big worries?

PLT ... that earlier.

CDR Yeah.

PLT Before going EVA.

CDR That 's right.

236 17 05 23 PLT There's one of them. You got the other one 0.?

' There's only one cap over here. I brought it up
\ to you. I've bot taken the cap off yet.
PLT Oh, I'ii get it.

SPT Right there it is.

236 17 05 42 PLT Got it off.

SPT Okay, now go back down.

CDR When you get that, why don't• you go out and -
and we got a ro,,g_tly 22 minutes until we can -
uh - do this - uh - well.

• ° 4 o-
Dump Tage 236-02
Page 63 of 70
F" , .

SPT First connection?

CDR No, the first - first connection shoUld be done

good - as sonn as Jack can do it.

PLT Why don't I go up and do it?

CDR Why don't you go out and dot it?

236 17 06 33 PLT Well, I can to see anyway.

CDR Okay. Are you ready for me to read that

procedure to you?

PLT Uh-huh.

CDR All right. I know you know it, but Just to

play it straight.

236 17 06 _6 CC CDR, this is Houston. We'll be dumping a

data voice tape recorder this G1,,m pass. And I
have a new window pane time for you. It's 17:26
Zulu, and if you'd like me to repeat the daylight
S remaining minus _2 minutes time, I've got it
here. Over.

CUR No, - uh - 17:26 through 17:36, is that what you

said? 17:26 through 17"36. Is that what you

236 17 07 25 CC Uh - that's correct, AI.

CDR Okay, and we're going t_ be ready to go. We got

everything out. All the f_1_m standing sround.
We 10ut out the little samples - uh - _lon samples
into position. They look good. They're not
perpendicular to the S_nl ine. If you want them
perpendicular to the S,,n1_ne, we can make it that
way. Also, it interferes slightly with - uh -
window number - uh - uh - window number 3, but not
: excessively. Now - uh - we've got the - uh -
cable - EVA cable out and attached to 0wen. Jack
is going to be ready to go out in a few minutes
and go to the - uh - spot where he can - the

Dump Tape 236-02
Pa6e 6_ of 70

t_-Innion and do the Job. We found that the TV does

not show that spot very well because there's a b_p
and ECS hump between the mount and that point. But
it shows the second connector point, which is down
by the WCIU, so we'll have good TV there, but not
for the first part.

236 17 08 35 CC Oh, Roger. We understand. And in fact I think that

was basically our intent and it is great.

PLT Want me to go up there, AI.

SPT I can see very well.

CDR 0kay, let 's go.

236 17 08 46 CC Oksy, and for Jack, on the way by the sail samples,
if you could square 'era up perpendicular to the
S1mllne, we'd appreciate it. Over.

S- I"


Dump Ta]_e 236-02
Pase 65 of 70

PLT Okay.

CDR Okay, lefts - _h - want to do that

now, on the way, or what?

PLT Well let me reach over here and -

CDR Okay.

236 17 09 02 PLT I'll -_e it parallel to this panel with

the little bump on it.

SPT I can sorta tell you - Make it parallel .'-

to the back of the ATM. That's 6omethin$
you got good reference to.

PLT Yeah, that's what I was looking at earlier.

SPT Okay.

PLT Yeah, make sure I don't kick the TV

there, O.

236 17 09 13 SPT Okay, you got about a foot clear. Now

kick your feet.

PLT I got big feet, though, so watch it.

PLT Now how do you like that, O. ?

236 17 09 22 SPT Uh - you're - you're okay. That's pretty

close. That 's good.

PLT Okay, good.

CDR You ready for me to read to you, Jack?

236 17 09 31 PLT Yeah.

CDR Would you care to - uh - oKAy. Uh -

egress the ATM, translate to the D-7
handrail with back towards HA and left
arm towards FAS.

236 17 09 50 PLT Okay, I'm at B-7. Can you get that

from between my legs there, O.

Dump Tape 236-02
Page 66 of 70
SPT Uh - it's clear through your legs. Okay.
It's out of your legs.

CDR Okay, get the tether box end. And you

can either tether it to yourself or
as loag as it's tethered to Owen, you
can take it in your hand, if you like,
and - uh -

236 17 i0 01 SPT Wait a _linute. These got to up and m_e

the tx,mnlon connection first.

CDR That's exactly right. You got the box

end, and he's got the other end.

SPT That's right. And I'm keepin' it.

236 17 i0 09 CDR You bet.

CDR Okay, translate alohg D-2 handrail leading

with the right shoulder to the AM trunnion
area carrying the other end from the
box end.

SPT Right.

236 17 i0 19 PLT Okay. I'm doing Just that. Say, look

at the Sun come up. Oh, that's pretty.
It's a very bright above the - uh - planet
Just above the - uh -

CDR Um-hum.

PLT border between the black and blue.

CDR Okay, let me read you another note.

It says, "Caution: MDA panels are
very thin and could be bent while
moving into position." Carefully position
self between t_nnion and MDA.

236 17 i0 _4 PLT Okay, I'm going passed my friend Don Lind's

experiment here. And associate, back-up
pilot. T_ng care not to rub on that.

SRT Ought to get this kink out of your

umbilical here. Can you stuff some of
your umbilical in?

• . • • - . . . J °
Dump Ta_e 236-02
/__ Page 67 of 70

PLT A little bit.

SPT Okay, I got to p_ll a little more out.

236 17 ii 08 PLT Okay, here I am at the tx_mnion. It's dark

on the my side of the tx_mnion here ...
the handle by the t_1-nion.

CD_ Okay.

PLT Now Y gotta locate myself - west - end of

the ... fork.

CDR Okay, let's wait until you got good visibi-

lity on top of that panel and I 'Ii read

PLT Okay, now I w-nna take this little hook

kind of - Just moved - uh - out of my
hands for a moment.

236 17 11 34 CC Skylab, this is Houston. One minute to

_- LOS at Guam. Next station contact at _"
33 minutes through the Vanguard at 17:44.

236 17 11 43 SC Okay, Bruce, I'm sitting up here on the

side of the docking adapter. Off to my
right is the trusty command and service
module and l'm facing the Sun. The
horizon is - uh - upside down as I sees
it. The Sun has Just come up with a
beautiful orange glow over the horizon
\ and a light-blue band above that and a
i d_rker blue diffusing into the very ...
blacks that is up here ... in ... to get
light to take this connector off. I
can see it very dimly at the moment with
the EVA lights. And - uh -l've already
; been up here and tried this out on a
reconnaissance pass and looks like I
can get through ... and stabilize ... with
no problem. In the meantime_ if you
don't mind, I'll Just kind of enjoy the
view. It's a beautiful sunset - or
sunrise and you can see that ... thin
sickle or crescent-shaped horizon - light
/-_ on the horizon spreading out_ becoming
wider as it expands around the globe.
Dump Tape 236-02
Page 68 of T0

it's getting more altitude as the -

as the Sun comes up, the black band
gets wider and wider -

236 17 12 58 CC We're going LOS so we'll see you over

the Vanguard.

PLT (Chuckle) Okay. See you later. What


CDR 30 minutes

236 17 13 07 CC 17:_4 which is 31 minutes and 32 seconds

frc_ now.

PLT Okay. Well, better ... stand by then.

CDR We better. Way to do it. Only one way

to do it. That's the way.

CDR How about a little ... PMA over there,

Big 0!


PLT Positive mental attitude.

CDR/PLT (Whistle) (Laughter)

SPT ... !

PLT (Laughter)

CDR 0wen, golly

SPT A1, baby, that's what we got all the

time. We don't need any (laughter)
external reinforcement.

PLT Boy, I got a bright shaft of orange light.

Is it -

SPT Yeah -

PLT Sun came in the morning looking out at

me then went out a little; now it's

_. . • /

Dump Tape 236-02


coming back again. Sneak a peak around

- - ; .: J -
Dump Tape 236-02

z nge69 ?o

coming back again. Sneak a peak around

there and see the top of the Sun come
over the limb.

236 17 14 Ol CDR 121 of night rpm-ining, of course, with

this friendly little gouge here.

PLT Are you going to read on, or do you

want me Just to do this?

CDR Okay.- Let me say the words then.

Disconnect the 8130 Alia connector
using the cable cord removable tool
on the trlmnion plate.

236 17 14 31 PLT Okay.

CDR You done it?

PLT No, I got the tool on it and I'm


- PLT It turns.

CDR (Laughter) You're _11 right, Jack.

PLT I got it off -

CDR Okay, now -

PLT - - without bre_ng a pin or anything.

CDR Okay, now connect the EVA cable assembly

to 8130 A plug and connector and lock;
in other words, make both connectors,
m=_e sure mnle and female, and make
sure they're tightly locked.

PLT Okay, does it say which one first or

it doesn't matter, huh?

CDR Does not say.

236 17 15 07 PLT Okay. I think I'ii elect to do the

loose ones first.

Dump Tape 236-02
70 70

CDR That's a good idea and that'll prevent

you from accidentally bumping the one
rigid one there.

PLT OEay, now these are pretty stiff. There

ein't much - uh -

CDR Now ...

PLT Pretty good stiff ... bundles.

236 17 15 22 CDR Now, you remember they point - when - I

mena, Rusty pointed out that to make
those connectors sometimes it's easier
to use the tool.

PLT Uh-hu_. Okay, I got the slot on the -

on the new one. Now IP-..e find the fix
here so I'll know w_ere the slot is on
this one.

236 17 16 07 PLT Okey, the alignment m_rks are on the _.

4/ blind side.
236 17 16 12
236 17 17 00 This time se_nent is a verbatim
recording of the same time segment
within Dump Tape 236-03


D_uap Tape 236-03
Time : 1716-i_58 G;72
Page i _f 55

236 1T 16 12 PLT But never fear. I've found it. I

got it cn, now I'll just have to tape
it doom.

PLT Snap. (Laminater) It's on. Okay, the

• little - the little - u_h - pan I can
see in the hole.

SPT Excellent.

PLT Okay, now let me get the biggie.

SPT We just had a clock failure of our -

uh - AL_ panel 212 clock.

PLT They don't ma/_e 'em like they used to,

you know.

SPT Might be a connection bet_Teen the external

connection and the internal failure.

PLT You're using your heaa a_in. IL'_ one

of those they hadn't thought about,

PLT Let's look and see, where the heck _

are, relative to the world.

236 17 17 03 PLT I want to have this thing ...

SPT Hey, I need another ... over Just a

little bit with the lever. Now it's

PLT ... should be on ... and I want 'era

all to be zero. _md they are.

SPT Oks_-, nov the - uh - key - Io - located

at 3:00, as I see it - for the biggie.
And I get _ lines all lines up here.
I set about to put this in here.

236 17 17 30 SPT I got it; I got the key.

Oumo Taoe 236-03
-_ Page 2 of 55 . " ........... T -

...... SPT Been a long ... on the thing you turn.

236 17 18 28 PLT Got approxi._tely 58 minutes of daylight


PLT Well, there's one hour.

SPT Proximation - approximation.

236 17 18 42 PLT Well, it's within about 3-1/2 percent.

SPT ...

236 17 19 06 CDR How're you doing, Jack?

PLT Oh, I'm doing okay. I'm doing all

right. Get a little better position.

CDR It's tough going in, or what?

'' PLT No, when I get it in there - uh - I

can't get the - uh - thing rotated
beforeit flipsout.

CDR 0kay.

236 17 19 28 PLT Just let me wor_ on it awhile.

CDR Okay.

PLT Gets part of the _ire ht_ndles out of

the way. Wants to - uh - going" catty-
wsmpus all the time.

PLT Oh. Might have it. Might have it.

I got it.

CDR Is it locked?

PLT It's locked. I can see the pins and I

saw the ... center.

CDR Outstanding.

PLT My initial problem was - uh - whenever

I get the slot lined up - uh - with the
key, you know.
DumpTape236-03 .......
_. Page3 of 55 ....

CDR Aha -

PLT I'd push it in, and - uh . when I went

to rotate the - u_h - big neural -knob
the whole darned thing'd sllp out all
the time.


PLT So, I - uh - got - -

CDR ... _

PLT - - and I didn't bend any pins.

236 17 23 23 CDR Verify that both are locked, and then

precede [sic] back to the - When they
verify they both are locked visu_ly -

PLT Okay, verifying that.

CDR Okay. Now that they're all -

FLT LOOKS -IKe _ney're all -- they're all -

all the pins are in there, A1.

CDR All right. Now the thing to do is be

very careful, a:_ you come back to the
F_. So that you don't put loads on
the line you're gonna be floating along
next to. _md pick up the other end
fromOwen. *

PLT Okay.

CDR But be earef'_l not to put strain - Owen,

watch Jack - -

SPT He's not even touching it.

CDR Excellent.

SPT He's not touching it.

236 17 24 16 CDR We got approximately 6 - -

SPT Is my gold visor up?

Dump Tape 236-03
• '4
.page of 55 .......

CDR Yea, it's dowIl. Your gold visor's -

down,it's the normalbrake, i

PLT Okay. l_ov, _¢en, see where I'm gonna go.

SFI' Okay. _,_oops' Stop your foot is hitting

the DAC ... now - uh - yeah.

SPT Let me rotate your feet over here, like

this. Let's see _e want to go over this.

236 17 24 28 SPT Now I can give it to you right there, as

a matter of fact, if you - -

236 17 24 40 CDR Let me read you some words.

PLT ...

SPT Okay.

CDR Translate to D1 handrail, close to FAX,

and get otherend of EVA cable from ZT-1, ;
making sure the EVA cable assembly goes

handrail on it. - Over top - -

236 17 25 00 PLT All right must be this one here.

SPT ...

CDR Over top of A_.4truss -

PLT Yeah.

CDR With the D-1 hand_-ail on it.

PLT 0kay.

CDR Translate the WCIU area, using D-I

and dual handrails, position self.

PLT All right. I'll take this off now,

if you're ready for it, Jack.

CDR Are you ready for it?

PLT Yeah. I 'm ready.

DumpTape236-03 ..........
/_, tpage 5 of 55 ....... _ --'

CDR Okay, you've got the - uh - have

you got -

PLT Yeah, I got it.

CDR 0k_y.

PLT It ain't gonna go anywhere anyway.

CDR No, I know it.

236 17 25 2_ SPT Okay. Now, watch your feet back


PLT Okay.

SPT Now, you can go right on down.

PLT ... the thing automatic you might

want to get the little VTR going.

CDR Okay.

236 17 25 33 CDR That's a good idea.

PLT I'm holding your _eet. You all set?

PLT Okay. You might "cant to -

SPT Wait a second - wait a second, let me

get this VTR on.

PLT Might as well get the DAC going, I

suppose. Is there any time for the
DAC_ particularly? <

236 17 25 _5 CDR Right now. Turn her on.

PLT All right.

CDR Now, when he gets there, he's Just gonna

go into i_old, so we'll turn it off. But
it 's running now.

PLT B1 to B_.
Dump Tape 236-03
Page6 of 55 .............

CDR Let me read it, if I may. Translate

using B1 and dual handrails.

FLT Okay. Now you try to come in from

the top.

236 17 26 16 CDR When you're on the ray, you're gonna

want to observe the routing, move the
box. I{ow let me give you a feeling
for things. In another - Let 's see,
I can - I can - inhibit this thing -
I will inhibit this thing. At 173436.
By the way, now's the time to go, end
dowa. 1726 to 36. For ten minutes here, •
try to go head end down. OkaY.

236 17 26 40 PLT Okay, I'll hold my breath and shut my _

eyes. "

• CDE All right. _ow at 3h, whichis about _-

•i 5 minutes from now - 6 minutes from _-
now. I'm gonnago to - uh - TACs
/_ only, 5 minutes after that, I'm
gonna go to - uh - I'm gonna do these
other things and then which is when
you can connect. You've got roughly
lO minutes to get into position.

236 17 27 04 PLT Yeah. I'm there now, AI. __

CDR Get all set and zeady, and when

you're all tucked in and ready, f'll
turn off the - uh - the recorder so
ve'll have plenty of - none of you
Just setting [sic] there.

236 17 27 15 PLT Might as well turn it off now.

CDR Okay. You might want to turn off the

DAC, Big O.

SPT Okay. I'm not sure it's even turned

on. I'm looking for that green light,
and I can see no blaze.

236 17 2_ 23 CDR Okay.

Dump Tape 236-03
/_ _Page 7 of 59

SPT There's supposed to be - uh - green

light up by operate? Isn't it?

CDR No, it's right on ... in.

CDR Yeah.

CDR Turn on the engine ... from the bottom.

SPT Front.

CDR Bottom front.

SPT Yeah, I've looked there. I've pushed

this button several times, and there's
no light. Was it checked before we
came out?

236 17 27 _2 PLT Yeah. It worked.

CDR Well, you can look at the connectors

and things.

PLT You might not be able to see the light.

236 17 27 51 SPT I have no idea if it's running, or not.

CDR Can't hear it, huh?

SPT ...

PLT Day remaining is h2. We'll get _hat.

We'll have TACs firing, so - uh - be
alert for it, and it's going to be about
6 minutes, 30 seconds from now.

236 17 28 ll SPT Okay, I can feel the vibrations.

CDR You might want to turn it off for

a while.

SPT Yeah.

236 17 28 26 PLT Light's over on the other side of

the limb.

CDR Good place.

_ Dump Tape 236-03 ....
Page 8 of 55

CDR You gentlemen have been outside

approximately 38 minutes - 3h minutes.

SPT Gotta do something to slow down a bit.

CDR You'll get slowed do_rn when you start

fooling with that lh9 back and forth ...

PLT You're right.

236 17 28 53 PLT Okay, Jack, now the routing on that -
uh - cable looLs pretty good.

CDR They' re gonna be off the _VA pad and

under ... Oh, sad Rusty had mentioned
one time, he thought it might be
interesting to kind of put it under a
couple of - uh - it's over there - yeah.

SPT Good.

SPT Yeah.

cu_ Me might wan_ co get zna_ done.

PLT He's got it done ....

CDR Once again, you're way ahead of the

game. Okay, I'm still stsmding by,
gentlemen, for the 34, which is about
5 minutes from no_¢. _q_en that occurs -

PLT I go to work, huh?

CDR No, you gotta wait a additional 5. I

have to inhibit the - uh - _G, and
go to nominal HTs, we'll get some firings,
and then 5 minutes later we go free.
And that's when you - uh -

236 17 29 40 PLT I'm not leaning on anything that's

gonna stick a hole in me, am I, 0.?

SPT Okay. Uh - your back is up against the

foot of - uh - that - uh - sail. But I
don't think that there's anything too
sharp there - as long - uh - you know, I
don't - I don't see how you could cut
yoursuit on it. -_
DumpTape 236-03

_. _Page 9 of 55 ........ : -i

236 17 29 56 PLT I haven't made any cuts, have I? .........

236 17 29 55 SPT No. Oh, no.

PLT Okay. I'm gonna work right in this

position, I think.

SPT Okay. It looks like a good spot.

PLT }low about my legs down there - around

something they got them stabilized,
so I can't mov_ -

SPT ... only on your right leg. Your right

leg is on one of those supportsaround
thst - uh - center work station. And
, it's okay,it's not sharp.

• SPT But - uh - by your left toe, you hadn't

:. ought to kick too far forward,but I
_ think it 's all right.

, PLT Okay.

236 17 30 17 CDR Let me read you what you're going to

be doing, although you're not going
to do it now. D_seonneet P-1 from J-3,
using the cable plug reraoval tool on
the WCIU's, lower connector, when in
nomral feet position _oward center
work station. Which I assume is true.
Connect P-4 of th_ EVA cable assembly
to J-3 on the WCIU lock and P-1 to J-3.
In other words, the same thing you did
before, and then you notify me.

" 236 17 30 46 PLT Yeah.

CDR I do my thing.

SPT You knc_ we haven't had any problem

with c_mm, but if we should have a
lot, the comm ... reads near - _.That
you think, we oughta wait say 15 minutes,
then make the connection, or come inside?
We drifting free now?
DumpTape 236-03 ................

Pagei0 of 55 ........

CDR Mope, we won't be drifting free

for another I0 minutes.

236 17 31 18 CDR I - uh - think maybe your right,

Caqen. Let me do some looking here.

PLT Nhere are we, by the way?

SPT I don't know.

236 17 31 52 PLT Must be over the vicinity of S/_40A.

SPT What time is it, Jack? Is it past that

window? _

CDR 31. No, you got another 3 or h m_nutes.


CDR May I look out for you - see if I can

see anybody. I caa't see anybody. _'-

CDR Well, I "know you' re there. -:

do this Job in two minutes.

eB6 17 33 29 PLT }{ey, does the sail look any different, 0.?

SPT I haven't - uh - put my head around

to take a look at it. I'll go do that
right now.

SPT No. Looks Just about the same.

PLT Okay, gentlemen, I'm getting ready to

do the Job. 52010. _ow this isn't
the one that you work on, Jack.

PLT No. I'm sitting here; I'll wait till

you call.

CDR Got another 5 minutes, or more.

236 17 3h 07 PLT Kind of a dull view right here, over

looking at this dumb box with these
connectors in it. Can't see much else.
DumpTape236-03 _ .......
Page ii of 55

...... SI_ The guide Wires are tight. And the sall
booms are pressing down against the top
of the - tub - parasol.

PLT Did the sall ever get completely - uh -

you .know, get is it st_ll ... loose like
it -

SPT Uh - yes. It's still a little loose.

0vet on the edge that I can see, it
looks llke the - uh - parasol extends
beyond the sail, about a foot and a
half, all the way, from the outer tip
to the inner tip. They Just run parallel.

SPT Okay.

PLT And the trailing edge, nearest me,

they are Just about equal in length.

SPT 0kay. - -

SP ...

CDR _[e need some TACs firing, gentlemen.

PLT Okay, I'm going to _atch for that.

14hat's the right side look ...

SPT I can't see the light side.

PLT Okay. F

SPT Uh - from here. i heardone, Didn't

seea light
flash, i

236 17 35 18 PLT No, but I heard something - uh - noise.

I felt something ... the spacecraft;
it might have been something else.

CDR It was probably the caging - Just

didn't fire TACs yet.

PLT Is that one?

CDR Haven 't seen any.

DumpTape236-03 _.
_._ Page12 of 55 .....

SP Okay.

CDR _"ne
re 's -

PLT ... those little plu_es, I think,

go out to the side.

CDR Okay.

PLT A little white flash - another one.

CDR Okay. Now this thing should damp out.

236 17 36 09 PLT And, incidentally, one useful cormuent,

perhaps, those TACs firings did not
disturb the parasol or the sail, in
any way, at all. There was not the
slightest - uh - shiver.

CDR Good.

SPT I wonder what dead bands %_re in.

PLT ... flr_d, t'nuash.

SPT It might not have been the one this

way. It was the one that goes out -
uh - toward the science wing.

PLT We don't have any that point this

way. They point out - uh - tangentially,
and then straight out. •

SPT Yeah.

SPT ... good ...

SPT What time's the ground coming up?

PLT 0h, I'd forgot.

236 17 37 ii SPT Shouldn't be too much longer.

PLT What, did you get to TACs that whole ...

SPT Yep.
/_-_ Dump Tape 236-03
IPage 13 of 55 .... i

PLT No, no, _m're TAC and in SI.

PLT TACs, SI. TACs only S!.

SPT ...

CDR Huh - huh.

236 17 38 01 CDR The thing gave you the kick though,

was I went to nominal H cage.

SPT And you have the C_4Gs - uh - inhibited.

CDR That' s right.

236 17 38 ii PLT We have to wait till it stabilizes,

that 's all.

CDR We've got 38 minutes of daylight.


236 17 39 40 CDR J, I'm going to enable C_4G control a

-'_ m_mlte.

CDR Okay.

236 17 39 50 CDR Give 'era an extra minute, and then

I'll do it.

CDR l-_oreinterested in getting good and

stabilized, than I s_u anything else.

236 17 40 ll CDR There's 52011 .... 5000 - 5, 0, 0, 0.

PLT M ... control.

236 17 40 35 CDR Okay. Here comes a slight rate

transient, gentlemen.

CDR Okay, the rates came up.

SPT Now you notice the shadows - uh - on the spacecraft.

236 17 40 54 CDR Wonder why we did that _ole big shebang?

Dump Tape 236-03 _ _ _
_ Page
14 of55 .....

SPT I think we did it to put the CMGs

in their nominsl configuration, first
of all -

CDR Uh - so when I do it the next time -

CDR That's right then you do it again,

to damp the rate good and steady,
cause it's good and steady in CNG,
than it is TAC.

SPT Okay.

236 17 41 13 PLT I can see the shadows moving on the

side spacecraft, Just ever so slightly.

PLT Yeah. They ought to come back to a .L

true -

SP ... one three - ,_

SPT Yeah, it's - their stabilizingnow.

--- Therethey go a_ain.

CDR 52013 - enter 50010 - enter - clear.

30113 ... 52013 euter. 50010 enter.
Allow ... to settle and rates to
stabilize. Okay?

CDR Rates are stabilized very good.

236 17 42 ]3. PLT You're looking at BX dot, Y dot, Z dot?

_KPT That
's right.

CDR I'm now gonna go - -

236 17 42 20 CDR Okay, we're going to stand by gentlemen, and

Jack will be in business in a few minutes, but
not yet. Okay.

PLT Yeah.

S_2T Yeah.
Dump Tape 236-03

CDR _'_e'renow on stand by, now I'm gonna go - to

Zeta X. Let me see _zhat the rates are in a
minute. I wanna see what they do.

CDR Okay MODE _[ITCH, TO _A/;D BY. CLEAR. 52010,

enter, clear. 50000, enter, clear. 52023 enter.
Okay we should have a slight rate trend in now
with this ca_e. Okay?

SPT Yep.

UDR See if I do?

236 17 h3 05 CDR Yeah, I do. Fretty good one.

CDR Okay, now let's get these things off, so you can
go to work. 30026, enter. 30131, enter. 30127
enter. 30052 - 30052, enter. 30067, enter.
30051, enter. 30053, enter. 30106, enter.
30166, enter. Okay, Jack, disconnect T-I from
J-3, and all that other business.

-- PLT Okay.

SPT Gonna get the TV on?

CDR Get the TV on, bu: you get working. _Te'll get
the TV on. Get the camera on 0.

SPT Alright.

PLT ... r

236 17 44 32 CC Sky!ab, this Houston through the Veto.guard for

Ii minutes. Out.

SP ...

CDR Oka_r, _2 Just went ot stand by, we Just disabled

all the RATE GYROS. Jack is in the mist of -
uh -disconnecting, and makeing the connections,
at the %;CIU.

PLT Okay, Brace, I'm do,ca here looking at I;TCIU,

with all these connectors and I - uh - Just got
Dump Tape 236-03
Page 16 of 55

the - uh - and victim loose. And in a few

minutes the good lord willing, and the creek
don't rise, _e're going to have this hooked up.

CDR Say, Jack.

PLT Yes, sir.

CDR _/_, one question for you. Ho it wasn't for you,

let me ask the ground.

236 17 h5 15 CDR Houston, do you show all our RATE GYROS off,
or can you see 'era?

CC That's affirmative, we can see them, and we

show them all off.

CDR And how's our attitudes and rates, by looking

at the command module? It'll save me going
over there.

CC Looking good, AI.

236 17 45 47 CC Right now your only off about lO degrees from

SI, _-I.

CDR I can't believe that _ent on so easy.

CDR Which axis?

236 17 h5 57 CC In the Y axis.

CDR Okay.

PLT So far I've got B-h hooked to J-3, and I can

verii_j that - uh - the pins are in, and now
let me get the other - uh -

SPT We got 3 out of h here, Bruce.

CC Okay, we want h out of 4, though.

PLT ... You guys are never happy.

236 17 _6 23 CDR We got the VTR going doom here. You have real
time on the ground?
Dttmp Tape 236-03
Page 17 of 55

CC Negative.

CDR Okay.

236 17 46 48 PLT Okay, we got 4 out of &, Bruce.

CC Beautiful, Jack, now what?

PLT ...

CC Say where are wm here, rebound there.

CDR Okay, way don't you get back in the FAS now,
so that I can run through the rest of the pro-
eedure, please.

SPT ...

SPT You don't have anything more I can look at,

while I'm out here?

236 17 h7 05 CDR No, your over South America on the way back in
• - uh - you might take a look and make sure the -
uh - cell sample isn't blocking the window, in
respect to $2-30, photos or ... photos.

SPT It's not blocking the _rlndow, it's - uh - looking

right at the sun, and - uh -

CDR Is the corner of it shady there, Jack, I couldn't


PLT - uh - there's about - uh - 1 inch, there's a

triangle of the corner shaded and the - uh -
the - uh - it's about 1 inch - uh - uh -
segment. Yeah.

236 17 47 _0 SPT Yeah.

[?] Break, break. Break, break.

CDR You don't need to wait until Jack gets back to

the FA_ you can go ahead and press on, while
he 's moving in.
Dump Tape 236-03
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SPT One thing that might be of interest to you,

Bruce, - uh - when we went through TACs control
here, a little while ago, we did fire a few
mibs, of course. I could see them - the blue
extend out about 20 feet, or so, and there _,_s
absolutely no perturbation near the sail, or the
parasol, when the TACs was fired.

236 17 h8 25 CDR Okay, and I was, in fact, doing that Job. I

disconnected the CB's, connected the signal
cable. And now I've got got the CB's on, and
we'll see what happens.

SPT ...

CC ... on tiltimeter_j, A1, and your 1 degree off

and X, and h degrees in Y right now.

236 17 h8 h3 PLT Thank you.

SPT Boy, _re can see the whole southern part of

South _merica.

- PT,_ _......
. +_4S.Ve__
r __aU_ b_j _w_ _**_ _z'e

236 17 h9 00 SPT Can see clear over to the Andes. And we're
crossing the Eas_ Coast of South k_erlca.

CC For the CDR, on telemetry. Your six pack is

looking good, anl the GYROS are matching each
other. •

236 17 _9 ii CDR Good news. And now I'm gonna power up the (_,IG

SPT Well, 0., I guess I'll come back and - uh - we'll

flop. Okay?

PLT Tall is taking on a little tannish color, on the

top, I notice.

236 17 49 30 SPT But the lines are still tight, and - uh - appears
to be in good shape.
Dumo Tape 236-03

f_.% Page 19 of 55

SPT Oh, there's one little corner of the that sail

sample _hich is shaded, but the - uh - it's,
Just a little tris_ng_ular section, and - uh -
the altitude - uh - on the the height, on that
angle, is about - uh 1 1/4 inch. And it's sides
sre _bout - uh equal.' Equalateral tri_gle and -
uh - the site shaded is about - uh - give the
square root of two, and add Bruce, and you'll
have it. (Laugh)

236 17 50 09 CC Okay, Jack, hey there's no problem on that - uh -

we're GO _rith it just like it is, with that
little bit of corner shaded. Over.

PLT Okay, good. And we had to straighten it up a

little bit, to get it perpidular to the Sun.
But it's in good shape no_t - -

236 17 50 23 CDR Yea. IIold on - - hold on a second.

CDR 0wen and I have Just got the C_G on, how does it
look? And also ! put the - uh - X-Y _:Z RA_E
GYRCkq on the rack on. Are they eoLling to see

CC Okay, AI. We tracked you on te!e_etry, as they

came on, they're looking beautiful, we're _raiting
for the 90 second tilae out.

CDR Okay. Give me a call.

236 17 50 47 CC We'll do Just th'_t. •

236 17 50 56 SPT Okay, Jack, can you come up to the FAS here?

PLT Do I have to?

SPT Yea, you have to.

PLT Do I have to, AI?

CDR (Laughter)

PLT Huh?
Dump TaDe 236-03
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CDR It's in your blood, huh?

PLT _@egot - -- we were born to fly in space.

SP ...

CC CDR, Houston. _Te're ready to go ahead with the

- uh - redonnancy management on the PATE GYROS.

236 17 51 14 CDR Okay. I'm ready, too.

PLT This is gonna take a while.

CDR Now I know how Weeb Ewubanks felt with one Joe
Namath, I've got a coupl e of them, out there in

236 17 51 29 SPT You won't raise our salary though. No wonder

I couldn't step anymore umibical ... you weren't
coming any further _fny don't you forget it for
a while and rest.

236 17 51 49 PLT The poles are bent down real nicely in that -

CC CDR, Houston. For your information, we are

sho_ing attitude error X minus 2 1/2, and Y is
6, Z estimated to about 3. Over.

CDR I'd say 2 to 3 feet - uh - over#lap there in the

failing edge, O.

236 17 52 06 SPT On my end here?

PLT No the other end.

SPT Oh, I can't see the other end. Yea. But on

my side, over here, it's about a foot and a

PLT Yes. The - uh -

236 17 52 18 SI°T The shadow of the sail is not quite parrellel

to the edge of the parasol. It widens out as
you go back.
Dump Tape 236-03

Page 21 of 55

CC Okay, AI, we - uh - see some ... still in _G

enable, we're going back to the real solar
inertial attitude, and it' s looking beautiful.

236 17 52 34 PLT This box is all set up the way you wanted it,

SPT I oughta stay out here, in case we have to change

the box, right?

PLT Yes.

236 17 53 h5 CDR That must the coast of South America, we're

passing here, Jack? I can't recognize that big
bay do%m there.

PLT Yeah. I think we went around the bottom of it,

and we're coming up parrellel to east coast,

CDR Yea.

236 17 54 57 PLT That's what we're doing.

CDR Yea.

CC One minute, 30 seconds to LOS, next station

contact is Ascension in four minutes.

236 17 54 07 CDR Looks like we're in a - uh - outer left flank -

left bank, Just flying over - uh - the east
coast of South _erica. •

PLT Makes you feel like your flying an airplane,

when you get outside here. Doesn't it?

SPT Except the airplane is not responding to that

left flank - -

PLT ...

CDR I'm not sure exactly why - uh - when I selected

SI, that I didn't get the ... start to drive
to zero. I've got pretty near zero on the X
but not on the Y.
Dump Tape 236-03
]Page _2 of 55

236 17 5h 3h PLT They should're.

CDR Here it comes ... Okay, her it comes.

FLT Okay.

PLT Good.

236 17 54 47 SPT You got a Y rate, that's in the right direction?

CDR Let me look.

CC Skylab, Houston. The acquisition of ... t_kes

a fair amount of time, to settle down, so Just
be patient with it. Over.

236 17 55 02 PLT It's confiningnow, Bruce. It's real good now.

It was 98 percent, and it's now 80 coming in.
X is at zero. So maybe it's owrking Just right.

236 17 55 17 Sq°T I don't /<nov if you can see it, Jack, there's
a new !_oon - that's got a cresent Just abo%tt
five or i0 degrees of longultude wide Just coming

PLT Yea.

235 17 55 26 SPT It's the same w_[ the Earth looks z_ith that
sunrise and sunset, only bigger.

236 17 55 53 PLT O., are you - uh - keeping my umibical, no I

ss not. *

SPT I stuffed about half of it into the box.

236 17 55 40 PLT iL_ybe some of it came out again.

SPT Okay.

PLT That's alright, Just leave it.

PLT There's a strange _hite llne, right down the

water, where you're looking.

PLT That could hve been a wake.

236 17 56 09 SPT Maybe it's the tide!

_ CDH Okay, let me tell you _hat to do, to get on with
D_mo Tape 236-03

/---_ Page 23 of 55

SPT Hey!

CDR Okay, are you ready to go out there big 0.?

SPT I've been waiting for Jack to get back here,

5 - l0 minutes, lie's hard to get back in,
alright, but I guess with a Job like, that we
can't complain.

SPT Okay.

CDR Nice job, Jack.

236 17 56 25 PLT Had a lot of help.

CDR Let me know when you'll have s_,'appedpositions,

and are ready to go.

236 17 56 32 PLT Okay, 0. why don't you Just let me scoot by, and
I'll stuff my o%_i umbical in there.

SPT Okay. I'll start on out then -

FLT Since you already did it once -

SPT - and - uh -

PLT Can you loosen yourself?

SPT I may not have - uh - got enough of my _n

out - tub - oh, ]'re done something there.

PLT Hit the VIR.

236 17 55 46 SP _quat's the status on the VTR there, Al?

PLT VTR is - I'll turn it off as soon as - I want

to get 0., going out - - unless y'all have got
it out of position.

236 17 55 56 CDR Yea. He's on his way now. And I don't think
it 's out of position.

CDR Alright.
Dur_ Ta_e 23_-03

Page 24 of 55

PLT That a boy O.i

CBR ...

SPT ...

SPT We're planning to crawel back in there, Jack_

to see what we can do about urdbical's.

CDR We're in solar inertial attitude, gentlemen.

PLT Okay, I'll try to watch you there.

236 17 57 17 SPT Okay.

CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension with

a lO 1/2 minute pass for you. Out.

236 17 57 33 SPT No. I gotta get around your umbilical - -

CDR Blocking htis side Bruce, everything's settled

down and _'re pressing on with the rest of
_ theEVA.

CC ...

SP Okay, A1 we sti21 ...

SP ...

CO ... about one degree and your settling down

nicely, We're d_/mpingthe data _ight recorder.

CC Okay.

PLT Okay, let me get back in here, and stuff some

of this stuff back, it's be a big spaggetti
bowl. Which AI don't mind much, but we don't

236 IT 58 09 CDR Now the Quad's look?

SPT Well let's see see if I can figure out which

quad is _hich here.
Dump Tape 236-03

Page 25 of 55

236 17 58 17 PLT If you are on the Sunslde, which you obviously

are then that ought to be in the commander's
window, so that ought to be quad D to the
command }rindow's right.

CDR Look it up on the top.

SPT = QuadA on thetop. !

PLT C_ad A is what it is. And some

of the insulation on the outisde
oe quad is sort of chipped away,
it looks like. But the quads all look
to be in good shape. And do_nq on
quad B, the paint and stuff is
chipped away all around the quads,
and the nozzles, themselves all
look to be in good shape.

236 17 58 53 CDR Okay, Houston, I think I wwill

float in the command module,
and turn off the PSM helium and
fuel _nifold, if that is okay,

236 17 59 l0 CC Roger, A1. That's good with us.

Go ahead.

236 17 59 22 CDR Just a minute, 0., I'ii be with

you. I want to get rid of this
tool here so it doesn't dangle
all over.

236 17 59 27 SPT Ain't no hurry. It's a straight

drop, straight do_rn into the
water from here, from about
235 miles.

PLT (Laughter) It's a long step down,

isn't it?

SPT (Laughter) It is.

PLT Ah, this is tremendous.

Dump Tape 236-03
Fage 46 of 55

CDR I say, is this the time to turn

off the tape recorder - VTR?

PiT I'm - uh - I don't know. _en's

- u/1 -

SPT _,Tell,I might tell them - -

PLT ...

SPT - - _hat they did.

CDR Okay. _at can you tell me?

I'll - I -

236 17 59 56 SPT Okay, can I - uh - get more of

my c_m umbilical, no_, Jack?
And I'll go on down to center
work station.

PiT Well, let me find it here. Okay,

number 9 umbilical coming out

/_ CD_ Okay, both those switches are OFF

and talkbaek's barber pole in
the compound module.

PLT I'm not sure _rhat _e're -

CC ... copy that, AI.

PLT Hey AI, _rhat _[ere those - uh -

settings again on the TV XYZ ?

CDR They were - uh - 60, 180, and 315.

236 18 -- h- SPT Okay. I'm done at the center

work station n_¢, AI.

CDR Okay, whenver Jack's ready to

go, I'll start reading.

PiT And - uh -

CDR While you're there you could -



r_ --
Dump Tape 236-03
/_ Page :97 of 55

CC Jack, this is ... Over.

PLT Yea/_, go ahead.

236 18 00 52 CC We want the TV settings for the

F-8 }u_-ndrail at X equals 60,
Y equals 180, Z equals 315. Over.

PLT Thank you.

CDR Big O. - uh - what you can do

is clsnp o_n L_U and- uh -
verify A_,_ position at GOSh.

SPT Okay, the latter is verified and

I'm clampin_o it. Stand by.

CDR Okay. And open 54 handle to

open the door, and lean hack
to clear boom, and Jack _rill be
in business in a fearminutes.

•/-- 236 38 nl 28 _....

. _.....
_, now 5his was _ae door that
was reported to have not latched.
Okay, the - into the foot restraints.

CDE Okay, keeping the foot restraints.

Do this.

PLT _,_at are we supposed to _rlth the

DAC rightnow? •

CDR Run it. Okay, that's what you

should do.

SPT Just a second, there. Was not the

S054 door reporte6 to have not
locked mechanically? And only
ties in with the - uh - magnetic

236 18 02 Oh CC Uh - that's correct Owen.

SPT Okay. Well, the flag is up and it

certainly doesn't tug open. So it
looks to me like it's looked
D_npTape236-03 ........
_, Page28of55

• mechanically, the way it should be. _.........

SI_£ We got a white flag on the door

and it does not - uh - tug open.

CDR Jack?

PLT Yeah.

CDR CE_2ER BOOM, EXTEND to 1 foot,

deploy boom hook, and verify boom
hooks unlocked.

PLT There, boom .... Put the - uh -

flotation collar on now.

236 18 02 40 CDR 0nstow 54 from VC TREE by pushing

b utton and turning handle
count er-elockwi se.

PLT 0., your umbilical came unclamped.

/_ SPT It did?

CDR Say, Bruce, how about giving our

- uh - congratulations to Rusty
on a - uh - and the - and the
men - and - that worked with him
that developed tLese procedures
because they worked out just
perfectly today. We had no problem.
_md I guess we ought to thank -
uh - Tocco and his boys doom there
for making sure all the parts of
the _Ires were connected correctly,
'cause it looks like - uh - at least
frc_ what I'm looking at, at the
moment, they' re all running correctly.

236 18 03 19 CC Okay, we'll do that, AI. Rusty's

back there in the back row and
Rocco's sitting in the viewing
room and - uh - they're both


/-_ Dump Tape 236-03 ........
!Page 29of55 ....

- SPT My regrads to Rusty and the Colonel.

PLT What number was that, O. - uh - Al?

CDR S054.

PLT That's for suitcase.

SPT Yep.

8PT Yep. And the 5h door was - uh-

locked normally.

236 18 03 41 CC We copy, 0wen, and we had a

problem with it on the mag latch
at the end of SL-2 EVA, - uh -
the last EVA - uh - the EVA there,
and - uh - we want to have a
positive report, one way or the
other, after your first EVA.

8PT No, we didn't touch the door on

our first EVA, Bruce. That's
the reasonI was - uh - Just
checking it. Can't hack it.

CDR And - uh - how's the checkout

going with the other rate gyros,
down there.

236 18 04 37 SPT - uh - I have a quote for yoU

that says they're absolutely
impecaable unquote. (Laughter)

CDR That's ... Good enough.

PLT That's a pretty big word.

SPT Yeah.

PLT Okay. I got S054on here.

CDR ...
Dump Taper 236-03
Page 30 of 55

PLT It's a mere ... to be - uh -

locked under the boom.

CDR Okay, well why don't you push it

out to,cards (h:en? So he'll lean
back and miss the boom. I hope.

236 18 Oh 37 SPT Yep. Send her do_al, Jack.

PLT Look at that go. Right at him.

CDR And Owen _hen you receive it,

would you Just temporarily stow
it on the hook to your inmediate
right, which I'm sure is deployed.

SPT Yep, it is and I'm ready to do that.

PLT Just give me the word there,

profe s s or.

SPT 0kay, _ 're coming.

PLT T'll a_op it ri_,b_ in your

strike zone.

SPT That's just where I want it.

236 18 05 05 FLT Hit him in a baA place, right

in the hands. (Laughter)

PLT Stopher. •

SPT ...

FLT YOu got her.

SPT Check okay.

PLT Hang on to it.

CDR Got ii minutes of daytime

remaining, gentlemen.

SPT Okay, take her back.

f _ Dum9 Tane 236-03
Page _i of 55

PLT Okay. I'll take her back a

little ways.

236 18 05 35 SPT Give me a couple of feet.

PLT Um-hm.

CDR Okay, I won't say anymore. Just

-- get out the old one, attach it
to the hook, put in the ne_ one.

PLT Bring back the bacon, right?

CDR And then when you've done that,

let me know and I'll talk about
L: latching.

PLT Okay. Okay, he's down there.

He's got her latchedon the - uh -
hook, and he's in process of
getting the - tub,- the - uh - used
_ oneout.

236 18 05 57 SPT How many picutres are on that,

from h to 5 thousa_ud or what -
how many is that'.'

SPT How many _aat? "_h, plctures. I

thin}: it 's 6 thousand.

CDR Six or eight.

SPT }Ira?

CDR 72?

SC ...

CC ...

CDR Go ahead.

236 18 06 15 CC Roger. l[e'd like to get the -

uh - computers su¢itched to AUTO
on - uh - panel 130. there,
at the AT}4.
_ DumpTape_6-03 -........ _r
F age 32 of 55 2

CDR Okay. !

PLT Give me the word and I'll

send her down, O.

SPT Okay, bring her down.

PLT And _hen you say, I'Ii stop


SPT Stop. 1

PLT Stop .... about - uh - 7 to 8

thousand pictures of the Sun under
that boom. Doing to bring them
home, that's only a few of them.

236 18 07 07 CC Okay, i minuteto LOS. Next _-

station contact in a minute and a c
half over the Canaries. Out.


_-_ PLT Okay, C_en's - uh - hooking on

the- -

SPT Okay, Jack. - - uh - S054. TaP_e

her back, You're okay on the stern.
The other way .... work to bring
it back which is _at I'm doing.

SPT Coming up real ni.-elon on this hopom.

CDR Okay O, it's all 54, verify

alignment stripes as base of mag
and reeeptical are flush.

PLT Okay, it in work.

CDR And of course you push button and

turn handle clock_rise to lock, and
there is a }_G LATCHED flag.

PLT Okay, here comes this one up to

me, and I'm going to - uh -
throw it on this little rack.
Owen's getting a new and putting
it in. No, no. Hand on to it,

Dump Tape 236-03 ........

you dummy. Okay.

PLT I wasn't ts/king to you O.

236 18 08 23 SPT I figured that.

PLT I was ta/king to n_yself, there.

SPT Okay.

PLT Never call an Okie a dummy.

You won't last long. Okay, this
one is on the rack and it's
verified to be locked in.

CDR Okay, what did you want to start [

thinking about at 56, Jack. Put
it on the boom.

PLT Okay,A1, I've got this one in,

latched. I've got a LATCHED flag
on the m_gazine and - uh - double
_" white showin_.

CDR Excellent. Now close the door.

PLT In work.

PLT Okay, I got the next set of -

films, S056, loaded on the boom
here - uh - and _-erified to be
locked on. Okay, 5h door is

CDR Okay, your white flag visible?

SC White flag visible.

236 18 09 20 CDR On panel 160, P01CER, 2 _ABLE

is required. They may be still
already be ENABLED.

PLT Row is _ABLED.


S056 and I'd suggest the LOW RATE.
Dump Ta_e 236-03 i ........
/_- Page 34 of 55

PLT Uh huh.

CC Canary and k'sdrid for the next

7 minutes. Out.

CDR Okay, Bruce, are you going to

be dumping this T_R? I want
to P_ow whether to Just leave it
run or cycle it for the most
interesting - uh - parts of the EVA.

CC Cycle it for tne most interesting

parts, A1. Looks like you got
about 3 and a half minutes left on
it. Over.

CDR Okay, I'll turn it off and I'll get

him translating out to the Sun end
and - uh - some action out there.

• CC Beautiful.

._-- CDR Oka_.

SO Okay, Owen's rotating the canister

around now so he can get to the next
- uh - one of the - uh - solar
telescope's that's out there. And -

236 18 i0 23 CDR You got 56 on the move? F

PLT I've got the new load on the boom

for the - uh - S056 telescope and -
uh - looks like Owen's Just about
got it rotated around front of him
where he can get it out.

SPT I'm about half way_ Jack. It's

a slow rate here I've got to - uh -

CDR Let me look up some numbers for you

Dump Tape 236-03 ........
/---_ LPage 35 of 55

.... SC I noticed the DAC is running. The

way you can tell it's runnin_ is
that it wiggles everytime it takes
the frame. Little vibration.

SPT Yep.

PLT And I hope the pictures come out

okay. -_aey did last time though.
Pictures of PTA came out vei_j nice.

PLT Boy that - _e're out here in broad

daylight, but that sky is black as
black can be all over.

PLT Why don't we add a couple of hours

on this EVA, Bruce. -"

CC Okay,your'reabout an hour and

27 minutes into it at this time.

_-- PLT We'retoo fast.

236 18 ll 26 CC Excuse me. N_ke that an hour and

_7 into it.

PLT Well, we're getting ahead.

CDR Ehat don't you see if we - -

CC If we told you _e were 4 or 5 hour
into it, would it make you happy?

PLT Sure.

SPT (Laughter) I got a _yatch too.

SPT _hat is the roll rate in - uh -

HIGH position do;nu here, Bruce?
Does somebody have that number

CC We'll have that number for you in

a second.
Dump Tape 236-03
- Page 36 of 55

SPT I was Just wondering whether there

was any reason to - uh - remain in
LO_._or }fnether or not HIGH was an
except able rate.

CDR Probably is. I just invented that

to you.

SPT Yes°

CC Okay, O_zen. Ue're in times i - uh -

with it's 3 and a half degrees a
second, so - uh - HIGH rate's

2B7 18 12 31 SPT Okay, so it does - uh - it is

effected by the - uh - switch on the CB.
I wasn't sure of that. Good enough
use HIGH after this.

CC Roger.

- PLT That - uh - cable hook-11_ fOr the

gyro's - uh - for the six pack
worked re_l good - uh - Bruce. The
only one I had to work on a little
bit was the - uh - big one up in the
trunnion. I it turns out that
every time I - uh - got the - %uh -
slot and the key lined up that - u_h -
when I - uh - went to rotate the p-
uh - the - uh - outer shell, the
locking shell, that it - uh - it
would float out again. It wouldn't
- wouldn't ever hold; so, I to
reposition _n_{selfup there a little
bit and - tub - work on it for a
while and - uh - and - uh - then
it went in real nicely.

236 18 13 33 CC So, it sounds like wound up - uh -

working real nice though.

PLT Sure did. Boy, the guys did a great

Job on that - uh - not only on - uh
procedures but also on hardware.
Dump Tape 236-03

/_-. page 37 of 55 .........

..... We got it st_-ung behind a

couple of trusses here; so it won't
get in the _¢ay.

SPT Okay, I'm at 56 and I'm unlocking

the door.

PLT Okay, C_en's - uh - got that

telescope rotated around in front
of him. He's unlocking the
door and opening it.

SFT Okay, I'm ready for your -

PLT Waiting for A1 to give him

some more proeedurael word.

ODE Okay, shoot it down there to him - - _

PLT Okay,here'scomes- - U

CDR - - and when 0wen's.gets it, he

Just leans back, gr_bs it, puts

PLT Okay, I actuate the boom, and

here she comes, O.

SPT Ok_.

PLT Owen lean's way back, so that

thing can come right up in fron_
of his nose.

236 18 15 40 SPT Uh - I wouldn't _ant to fall

off those - uh - foot restraints,
it's a long drop.

PLT (Laughter) 0h, I got your umbilical

here. I 'iI grab yo_.

SFT That's - uh - good. Stop her there?

PLT There you are. You got it.

CDR Okay, put it on the hook; get

out the new - er - the use one;
_ Dump Tape 236-03 .........
38 55

stick it on the boom; give it ......... :

back to

PLT Okay, Owen's t_king that new

load of film for - uh'- Pull her
back aw_ys, _ud S0-5_ off and I'm
going to retract the boom ... - -

SPT Wrong way a_ain, Jack.

PLT I'm retracting the boom out of his

waya little bit.

236 18 15 17 CC Skylab, this is Houston, a little !

over one minute to LOS at Hadrid.
Next station contract in 26 minutes _:
through Guam. It'll be dumping :T
the data/voice tape rec order at
Guam. We'll dumping the vidlo ta_
recorder in about h and a half hours ""
i when you come up on the States for
.... thetime.Out.

CDE Okay,thanks,Bruce. That's.kind of .....

what I _:as wondering, and I appreciate
you keeping me informed there I
was punehin G th_ D_q - uh - to get
those rate _yro's back up, on what
wa_ going o_ a_ far as attitude w_s
concerned. Thar_-ks_I _ust _ouldn't
ans_ler then.

CC We - _e - uh - a_L_ired your fancy

finger _ork there on that D_. You
put the ... in something llke record
time, I think and we're Just keeping
you up to date, and Z _ras &etting a
steady flo_{ of "nfro from - uh -
the ... d_m here.

CDH Okay.

SPT You got the upper ... (Laughter)

236 18 16 18 PLT Sounds llke they got a little

status thing going on down there.
Dump Tape 236-03

_-_ Page 39 of 55 --

...... CC You better believe it. ..............

PLT (Laughter) We don't up here, we

Just de whatever the Commander says.

SPT Okay, Jack, couple of feet this way.

236 18 16 36 PLT Okay, (h_n's got the - uh - ...

the - u/l - exq0osed film out no_¢. lie's
going to load it on that boom. A
little more.

SPT "A little more," he says.

PLT That 's good.

SPT Okay.

PLT And I'm going to bring back the - uh -

.., usedup film. He's going to put a
new load in - uh - S0-56; so that's
going to be twc of them loaded now.
: Two down and _out one, two, three, - -

_PI' U1(ay, ...

PLT Four to go. Okay. __._ down,

four to go.

SPT ... six thousand or so frames fo_

Jim Hilligan.

PLT Yes, here comes about six thousand

more frames we found all on different
wave lengths, frequences and - uh -
L-band and so forth. Scmebody's
going to - tub - have a little bit
of work to do.

236 18 17 23 CDR Going to be sunset in a little bit,


PLT Coming up on sunset, the bess says.

Old rapid-digit Beau, we call him on
the DAS there.

Dump Tape 23o- 03

age of55 .... -,

CDR Dazzling diget s ................... ,

PLT Dazzling diget s. (Laughter) Sounds

like he's eating in there, the rascal.

236 18 17 h6 CDR I'm eating peanut butter.

SPT Klaagh! You can have it.

CDR Peanut butter and biscuits.

PLT Okay, I got this off here. Now I -

carefully put back - where it goes.

PLT Okay. I got it in place. It's

verifiedto be locked. -_

CDR Good show. While your doing that r,

Jack,if yOU w_-nt to startday
dreamt ug about something - -

PLT Again?

PLT Okay, that's the one that's right in

front of me here• Okay, S056 is in;
white flag was visible, and the
trigger vas latched•

236 18 18 39 CDR Okay, let me read some _ords here•

You engaged the lock-lock, I g_ther.

PLT Okay. %rnich lock-lock you mean. On

thehandle? -'
m CDR Verifywhite flag is visable,and
engaged lock-lock on hart - it doesn't
say on handle, but - -

PLT Okay, that's right. I did that.

CDR It was locked and lock-locked, okay?

Close the door and verify white flag.

PLT Ve rified.
Dump Tape 236-03
Fage41of 55 .....

236 18 21 Oh SPT Okay. Purr her back couple of feet. _r u

PLT Moving and working well.

SPT Uh uh.

PLT I_at did he say about these gS_o's

no%r_ thst they're -u_h - smoother
and better than the one's that
were working.

SPT Oh yes.

CDR They said that they _ere perfect.

PLT They used a different word than

perfect, but impecible.

CDR Impe cihle. Yes.

PLT _"ney must .be very confident, pretty i

early in the game to be making a
Judgement of that sort. Csm not
be rescinded. The sun is going down.

SPT Up with the visor.

PLT Yeah, look at that sunset. Boy, it's

pretty. That cresent gets _aller.

236 18 23 0 SPT Okay, Jack let's send one out a -_ays.

PLT Okay. •

SPT Enough.

CDR We' re dumpin_ momentum.

PLT Good_ I didn't _rant any of that


SPT_ Okay, ta/<e her back, Jack.

PLT Locked, uh?

Dump Tape 236-03
_ Page42of 55 .....

SPT Yep.........

PLT Okay.

CDR _'lay to check,

236 18 23 6h PLT Bet you H-eiDha is next.

CDR Bet you' r right.

PLT TFnat a guess.

CDR H-alpha l, it says there.

PLT The only one left.

SPT Java i, 3 - as a matter of fact.

CDR There it is. 01d ...

236 18 24 _9 CDR Okay. 52 is in and the white flag's


CDR Okay. LeL _:e _'_d _,ou _om_ mu_'_

words. Verify the white flag visible,
which you did. _uat's all there
is to do. C lose 52 door; lock it;
verify [sic] flLght - white light
visible on the door.

PLT Okay. It's in work.

CDR And then go to ll-alpha l, Just

like you said.

256 18 2h 53 CDR Jack's putting H-alpha l; he's

checking it's block to the boom
and he's getting ready to fire it
towards you.

FLT Okay, _e 're rotating. Okay, I

got a lock; verified to be closed
and locked.

sPT Okay, We're at H-Alpha i.

Dump Tape 236-03

_ Page h3 of 55 ..........

CDR Jack _.rillsend you a present,

Sl_f_ Okay, J_ck, send it.

PLT }{ereit comes.

PLT Look at all the film _ze have to

b urn up now.

SPT Didn't thir/< anything wrong _rith

the last load.

PLT A_Iy_-Tay,
you lean back here, the sail
te.kes on 811 u_lusual color at night,
a psle blue.

SPT l_m.

PLT Looks kind of - ... horizon

shining on it.

SPT Uh l_uh.

CDR I'r_ Going to see if I can get 3_ou

on this TV Box here, O.

SPT Stand by.

CDR Just keep _¢orking. I'll try to

get it set up e_ if I do before
yo_- - •

236 18 26 27 SPT !UeK.

CDR- - travel along.

PLT Let 's see what happened.

236 18 26 33 CDR It may work and it may not.

PLT Oh, I' have to be in your -

CDR Yeah. I'm Just going to give it

a go here.
Dump Tape 236-03


PLT Okay.

CDR It may - -

PLT We ain't getting much out here.

SPT Okay. Take her back, Jack.

PLT A couple feet?

Yes - -

PLT Ta_ke it hack a couple of feet?

SPT Yeah. I'm trying to read the


236 18 26 50 PLT Okay


PLT Up to it, 2 hours .... 2 hours.

it ain't too good.

PLT Not too good, uh?

Not enough light?

CDR The light's not - okay. It's the

fact that _e can't get - can't •
get you really get in the frs_ne
verj well. You're over the corner.
It's not - it's better to shoot
what we got.

PLT Okay. Did you - qo in the game, I

guess, for this one. Be nice if it
_re, but it doesn't see to be.

236 18 28 38 PLT Are we coming down over the

Phillipines, Al?

CDR I'll check in a minute for you,

Jack. I been - working on other
problems - hut I'll give it a check.
Page 25 of 55

SPT Okayj send it do_nq a %_ays, Jack,

SPT That 's good.

_PT Hey, it'B ... is still rlunning.

I though we had ch_ed it.

CD]_ Yeah. I'd better, hadn't I.

SPT 0hsy. Take it you back.

PLT There you go.

Sl_ I_ight just want to t_l'n off the DAC.

PLT Here, let me get this package off

first, and the boom in.

PLT Okay. Here it is before me.

236 18 29 20 SPT Okay.

PLT Watch. Hs_g on, Don't let go,

PLT 0ha_, I've got them locked ..,

CDR Okay. That's gocd. I{o_are you

doing down there, Owen?

sPT I'm about to put it in.

CDR Jack, you _ "_a,_':', to cheek the __r

and see ?:[hatkind of a picture it h_s.
If it's got a 6oo_ one, }_e can get C_en
coning up and out to the _qtuaend.

PLT A,:r,it doesn't have much of a

picture. I'll h_ve to chance the setting
on it a l_ttle bit.

236 18 30 03 CDR Okey. And I'll _atch the day ti_e

stud _e'll close her down again.

PLT How much day time do _,'ehave?

CDR We've got 19 minutes of night.

Dump Tape 236-0_

PLT 197 Okay.

SPT Okay. II-Alpha is in mud lock-locked.

CDR Okay.

CDR Read _Th_,tI ug,y. Veri_z _hite fla_

in visible; engage lock-lock.

SPT_ I'm lod_ing for a white flag. You

don't have much of a %ghite flag here.
_I'd better re-do it. I don't see
the white flag.

236 18 30 33 CDR It says verify white flag - -

SPT Oh, there it is -that's right.

CDR Yeah.

SPT It 's visible.

CDR Close H-Alpha door and do all that

other s_urf, ana then go to SLy* _d
after that' s done.

SPT Okay, I - we're going to be ...

CDR Okay. Don't start back until where

you tell me, 0wen. I'll give - -

SPT All right. P

PLT I can see him working away down there.

I'll have to replant it through if
we want to get him out - going out the
- uh - Sun end.

CDR Why don't we repoint it? Do you

think you can ta/qe some good pictures

PLT Yes/1. I think, so.

SPT If they' re not any good we could wait

until I'm out there and Sun's up, or
Dt_ Tape 236-03
Pa_e h7 of 55

236 18 31 ii CDR I.lhichever you think's best. T,Te

don't have have that ]_mch film

SPT Yes, _ll we got the - about the -

no I'm talking about the DAC. You're
talking about the DAC, huh?

CDR I'm ta]/_ins about the TV, but the

DAC, yes. Here's an f-stop setting
for the DAC, they claim.

SPT Darn thing ain't running now.

CDR Okay.

CDR Might want to crar_ it up for a

transfer, Just see how it works.

SPT _,_ell,yes_h. It goes to the _hite

positions on there, I think.

236 18 31 33 CDR No. There's no DAC night position.

SPT ';_llt
e. _-h-i-t-e.

CDR Yeah. Yes/q_ yellow, actually, but

we're not there yet. That'll come
next. Jack, did you retract in _4kLlly
the center boom - and folded the hook.

PLT Uh - yeah. w

CDR Okay. 1,rnatyou may want to do now - -

PLT ... in work.

CDR Okay. T.rnatyou may _ant to do nov

is _ork on the DAC_ s.ud let me tell
you what to do. Remove it; set it
at 5, 305, _nd zero.

PLT You remove it first.

236 18 32 07 CDR Okay. Then I'll tell you what to

put on the exposure.
Do.rap Tape 236-03 ...............

/_ Page 48 of 55 : ........ [--

PLT The batteryhas crampedout.

CDR You got to be - It's brand new.

It'sa brandnewbat. i

PLT flowmany did we bring?

CDR One for - one for each EVA and

we didn't use the first one.

236 18 32 21 PLT So, we brought three of then.

That's right. This is a brand
new one .... put the button ...
It says here it's used up.

CDR What do you mean? There's a little

indicator onit?
PLT _gazine. Supply, we're in zero per-

CDR We used up the whole nag at 6 frames

per second,huh? Surprise we hit . -_
z_x'u _*d x-ez_inin_. ~

PLT Yes.

CDR That's okay.

PLT That 's what it 's for.

PLT Well, A1, we ought to put it som_-

where. We put it back where it was.

CDR Sort of in an exposed pesition there.

I don't know whether there's any
better one that's less exposes or
not. The one second

PLT I could - uh - waltz back in the

air lock .... - -

CDR ... delayed time, while Owen does

his thing.

236 18 28 30 PLT Okay. While Owen does his thing

now and - uh - we can get a picture
D_p Tape 236-03
Page49 of 55 ..... ----

of them coming out of the - and --

up to this llhtle handrail and then
I'll have to - uh - repoint.

CDR Okay. You talking TV now?

SPT Yeah.

C_)R Okay - -

PLT Okay. _ow, if there's no other

operations for me at the control
panel, here, I do not - -

236 18 33 45 CDR Yes. ROLL _3LE and you align

Sun end. ROLL II_HIBIT. 82 DOORS i
OPEN. .;

PLT Okay. Just a minute. Let me do :..-

this. .

CDR Okay. And when that's finished,

you just wait there a minute and C:!
I'll run my checks but I was
/_ waiting for you, -

PLT Okay.

PLT Okay. _ne nag',= back in the air-

lock, A1.

CDR Okay.
PLT Okay. Stm end is aligned.

CDR Okay, Sun end aligned. Uh - how

about - uh - ROLL E_HIBIT?


CDR How about 82 DOORS OP_I? That's


PLT Okay.

CDR Ten seconds delay until the lights

come on. Let me know when the
light 's on.
Dump Tape 236-03
Page 50 of 55 ..............

PLT Okay. I pressed it OPEl]. They're

in the process, I assume. Probably
see the flags in there. A is OPEH.
B is OPEi_.

CDR Okay. That's goo_i news. ',T_vdon't

you put the PO',_]R, 2, to Z:HI31T?


CDR How if - uh - you'll just _ait a min-

ute, I'll do my thing.

PLT Okay.

236 18 35 15 CDR AI r_de Fi3ml ]{-Alpha i to P_ET.

16 grand. That'sright. H-._LPI[A 1
CA/4EP_ POWER svitch OIl. H-_LPHA
NIGH_i I]_ERLOCK s_d_tch to OVEP_RIDE.
H-ALPHA s_itch I,L_AL for 60 seconds.
Okay, it Just took i.

PLT It'll take one ever"I 6 seconds.

ub_ OKay.

CDR I'm holding it in "_L<N,and it took

another one. Seems to be _zorking

236 18 3_ 23 CDR Well it didn't do them in 6 seconds

but it did them -
SPT I[ow many did it t_ke?

CDR About 8.

PLT Oh, _¢ell, close to 6. Be about

7 and 1/2 then.

CDR Okay. Let's Just sa'j it didn't

ms_ke it. I'm going to let it go -
I'm going to give it another I.
I want to get them - -

PLT Okay.

SPT Supposed to be 10 frames.

Dump Tape 236-03
Page 51of55

CDR Yeah. ............

PLT That's supposed to be 6, wasn't it?

CDR H-alpha 1 c_mera P(_;;_ switch OFF.

CDR Okay. FiLm ray - to X-ray telescope.

Done that. Push reset. 6000 sud-
denly appears in the _rindow. Camera
POWER s_riteh ON, cmmera airlock
open. Frames remaining decreases
by 1. It did. Csmera airlock m ritch
CLOSED. C_nera POWER switch OFF.
And that's that one. Go to next page,
where I'll do some more. Film reset
to WLC. _.r,.C
one of my favorite ex-
periments. Reset, 8025. _[_IIIPOkS_.n_
switch to STANDBY, then ON. HODE SE-

PLT It sure is.

_ /-_ 236 _g _7 37 o_ _tsr_ fr__mes _'_ _'_ _nd _........

by i0. Verify and go to STOP. In
OPEP_%TE. Hasn't changed a thing in
the way of frames.

SPT It counts dovn fairly slowly, I ex-


CDR It hasn'tmoved •

SPT As fast as it can, it's suppose to

take, I think, L_3 seconds to get
3 frames.

(DR Okay. It got i, 2, 3 -

SPT It might be a long wait again. I

get 27 seconds on the first exposure.

CDR It 's taking time.

236 18 38 h3 CDR Well, I'll Just kinda press on.

Film RE_-T to X-ray SPECT. _L_I_ET.
6000. Ta_e your range SELECT to

DumpTape 236-03 ..........

Page 52 of 55 "


at 16. Stop/start to start. Frames
remaining decreases by 6. Start.

CDR It did. That's complete.

CDR You asleep up there, Jack?

PLT Almost.

CDR _4e too.

CDR Unclamp your own LqU, you're getting

readyto bailout.

SPT Okay. Just come up and transfered

a while ago.

CDR Okay. .:

CDR Got the TV adjusted for Owen's exit. .=:

PLT Okay. I've got Owen in the picture
now. I can _et him as he _t_ _
to the gold handrail in the way he's

CDR Here we've got 9 minutes and the Sun

will probably come up early.

PLT Okay. _"q_atdid it, O. Start off,

babe. F

SPT Okay.

236 18 h0 19 CDR I'm going to stop now. We've got

enough frames.

SPT Okay.

CDR Let me see what else it says to do.

Let me -

PLT Okay, I've got you coming up, O.

Just keep going.

SPT Okay. I don't know whether -

Dump Tape 236-03
Page53 of 55 ..............
....... h _

CDR Why don't you go back and come up

again or did - or are you too far -

SPT No. I can come back.

CDR Hey, don't go too far. _Te've only

got a few minutes, O.

SPT Hey, do you want me out to the center

work station or what?

CDR Come out of the center _rk station.

D m
236 18 h0 h0 _L_ Okay, C_zen. AI, you stay there at the
VTH and I'll tell you when to turn it
off and I'll leave ... and stand by.

CDR Okay. It's on right now.

PLT Okay. Herehe comes. ""

CDR Okay.

PLT O%-_v; 0_en' _ 1_ing +_he center t'c.rk

station, he's going to crawl tmder-
neath the base pl_te for the sail
and _m/<e his _zay np to the Sun end.
There he goes I.

PLT Attaboy_ O. Oka/. Stop right there

8_nd tlLrn arolknd, [:_!.
CDR Okay. Give me a second. It's off.

PLT Oka_v. Wait a minute there, O.

CDR Take some good pictures, maybe.

236 18 hl 13 PLT Yeah, _._'ve got t¢ _et some good

pictures of O. _et_In_
_ _" _ around it.

PLT If I can get over here and take it.

CDR Over the top of the t_rin _Dole, O.

SPT Okay. I don't Itnow _hieh the top is,

but I went the only logical way.
D_p Tape 236-03

/_ P_e 5h of 55 ........

CDR Go over the top. - ...........

SPT ?[o, I _._entover the botto_.

CDR You're su;2posed to go over the top.

236 18 hi 27 SFT Okay. I'!i come back. I guess I

didn't take the most logical way.

CDR Say _hen.

PLT I think it's ve_"j well pointed no}r.

CDR Do you want it on?

PLT Yeah. Let me turn it on,

CDR Go ahead, O.

SPT Okay, I'm going. -

236 18 42 01 PLT Okay, Oh_en came back, and he had to

._- go around the top of the sail instead,
so th_t:sthe way he:s going n_ if
you can see him_ right +_r_,_
e in front
of the picture. He's heading out
t_rard the Sun end of the telescope,
hsnd over h_nd along the hs_udrail.
Umbilical trailing behind. There you
see the rear vie_ of _n oke Okie.
North end coins south. Okay. Now he's
out to the Sthl end. Give you t_le old
_.billcal, there, 0.

SPT Okay.

CDR I want to get _ couple of pictures of

you, Big O.

SPT All right.

236 18 h2 hh CDR So Just kind of mill stood. Let me

know _hen to turn off the thing.
Dump Tape 236-03 ........
Page55 of 55 ...........:_..



236 18 h2 47 This seg_ent is duplicated

to verbatim
236 18 h3 02 within Dump Tape 236-0h


• O
ape 236-o O
Page. l of 12

236 18 39 51 PLT *ml clamped!

CDR Me, too. Unclamp your own LSU; you're

getting ready to bail out.

PLT Okay, it's come unclamped quite a while ,


CDR Okay.

236 18 40 02 CDR *** now the TV adjusted for the - Owen's


PLT Okay, I got 0. in the picture now, and I

can get him - uh - as he gets up to the
dome handrail now and repoint it.

236 18 h0 i0 CDR Okay, we got 9 minutes and the Sun'll

_' probably come up e_._y. Okay. That did
It, O. Start off, _abe.

SPT Okay.

CDR I'm going to stop now; we got enough frRmes.

Okay? Let me see what else it says to do.

. PLT 0kay, I got you coming up, 0. Just keep


SPT " Okay. I - don't know where the - uh -

CDR Why don't you go hack and come up again

or did- or are you - uh - too far?

SPT No, I can come back.

CDR Okay. Don't go too far; we only got a

few minutes, so -

236 18 _0 37 SPT You mean you want me out of the center work
station or -

CDR Yeah. Come out the center work station.

•' f

,/_-"_ _ Te.pe236-O4
Page, 2 of 12

PLT Okay, O. - uh - AI, you stay there to

meet ... and I'i! tell you when to cut
it off and I'll repoint and turn back in.

236 18 40 _4 CDR Okay. It's on right now.

PLT Okay, here he comes.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay," Owen's leaving the center work

station; he's gonna crawl underneath
the - uh - base plate for the sail -
uh - and take it way up to %he Sun
end. There he goes. Attaboy, O.

236 18 41 03 PLT Okay, stop right there; turn it off,

AI. "

CDR Okay, give me a secDnd. It's off.

PLT Okay, wait a minute, AI - uh - O.

PLT 1,11 hold it here.

CDR Get some good pictures maybe.

PLT Yeah. We got to get good pictures of

O. getting around it - so I can get over
here and turn this thing - -

236 18 41 18 CDR Go over the top of the twin pole, O.

SPT Okay. I don't know which the top is

but I went over the only logical way.

Ye .
CUR Over the top.

SPT No, I went over the bottom.

CD_ Supposed to go over the top.

_ Dump Tape 236-04
Page03 of 12

236 18 41 28 SPT Okay, I'll come back. I guess I

didn't take the most logical way.

236 18 41 _2 CDR Say when.

236 18 _i 53 PLT Yeah, I think it's Just very well

pointed now.

CDR Okay, you want it on?

PLT Yeah," go ahead and turn it on. O's

is up - -

CDR Okay. Go ahead, O.

SPT 0ka_, let go of it.

PLT Okay, 0wen came haclt and - uh - then's

going around the top" Qf the - uh - sail
so that's the way he's goin' now and
you can see them right there in front
of the picture. He's heading out toward
the - uh - Sun end of the - uh - solar
telescopes, hand-over-hand on the hand-
rail, mnhilical tailing behind. Now you
see the real view of an Ok - 0key [sic]
North end goin' south. Okay, now he's
out to the - uh - Sun and. Give you a
little umbilical there, 0.

236 18 _2 37 SPT Okay.

CDR Want %o get a couple pictures of you r

Big 0.

SPT All right.

CDR So Just kind of mill around. Let me

know when to turn off the thing.

CDR When you're in the foot restraint, I'Ii

turn off_ and I'll turn off when you
start to measuring with 49 and the boom.

236 18 42 53 .SPT Okay, I'm in the foot restraints.:

Dump Tape 236-04
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CDR Okay, it's off.

SPT That yours off?

CDR Yeah. I Just turned it off.

SPT Okay.

CDR Now Jack -

PLT Lemme fix his umbilical where it needs

to be now. I'm - uh - kind of out of
the foot restraints (chuckle) here.
Bad as the TV.

CDR Okay, you're going to have to r_,nage

it, cause the Sun's coming up in a min-
ute. Why don'tyou':
PLT You're p1,11ing it b_ck then.

CDR Why don't you put - put it where it

should be - yeah. 0wen, lean the other

236 18 _3 22 SPT Back up here?

CDR Yeah. I'm not sure I can get this


PLT I see you over there, now.

CDR Okay. May - may not work, but we're

gonna give it a hell of a go.

PLT Yep.

CC Skyleb, this is Houston through Guam

for 8 and a half minutes up.

236 18 43 41 SPY Okay, Bruce, we're about half way

through with the film exchange now.
We've got all the center work station
exchanged and we've got all the cameras
there checked out and moved out to the
Sun end now. We're Just getting to work
._ on S149.
"v •

Dump Tape 236-04

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CC Roger. We copy you and you've got

about 2 minutes left on the VTR and
we'll probably be dumping the data
voice tape recorder this site. Out.

CDR 0kay, Jack, let me tell you where to

put that TV. Put it back to the f-setting
and pointing like you did because it's
Just about sunrise.

PLT 0kay. Me get around here and do that.

CDR Okay, and we'll get 0wen coming back,


236 18 44 19 PLT Okay, I'ii go all the way closed and

a little bit opened and when the Sun
comes up I'Ii - -

CDR Okay, 0., let me r_d you a few

procedures, young man.

SPT Okay. Now I'd like to ask Jack a question

here. It looks to me like to get this
149 crAnKed closed, you could not do it -
uh - from these - uh - interim foot
restraints - uh - I had to kick out of
those and get behind the experiment. Is
that the way you did it, Jack?

236 18 4_ 35 PLT Yeah, you might have to take one foot

loose up there, 0., and reach around

SPT Yeah. Looks to me that's better - have

to kick both loose.

CDR And, Bruce, all the - uh - experiments

that we - uh - films that we transferred
at the center work station, the four of
those, checked out okay.

CC Okay, we copy that, AI.

236 18 _h 55 PLT Look at the thunderstorms on the

horizon, Owen.
f'_ Dump Tape 236-04
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SPT Yes, I saw 'em. They're really amazing.

PLT ... weird. Looks llke the limb of the

Sun with a bun - with a bunch of
prominences - -

SPT ... That's right. It's a close


PLT Close comparison.

PLT How you doing there, 0.? Can you

work from that position?

8PT I'm golng to have to scoot hack a little

bit more even, I think.

236 18 45 19 SPT Okay, now I'm a lit,_le bit better

positioned, I thin_, to crank this ...
machine - -

CDR 0kay, let me tell you some good words.

/--_ Cra.k slowly clockwise, hut first you
have to remove restraint from the 149
cr=n_. R_ember we agreed that you
were gonna snap a tether on it.

uFf That was after I got it ... cranked


SPT That 's true.

236 18 45 55 SPT Few thunderstorms down there on the

Earth; see 'am flashing away.

PLT Sun is Just about to come up.

SPT Might get our gold visor down, Jack,

PLT Good idea, 0wen.

CC 0wen, this is Houston. We noticed there

is not talkback indicating opened or
closed on the 52 aperture door. Have
yO u -or A1 done smyth!n 6 to the S092

Page 7 of

SPT Well, I've not from out here.

236 18 h8 25 CDR Yeah. I have. I opened it andclosed

it. Ah - Yes, I think I did. Let me
look at my procedure.

SPT Hey, Jack, where is that little lock

on this handle?

PLT There should be a little - uh - knob

sticking right in the end of the handle
that you can pull out.

SPT Yeah, but not in the crank end. It's

up by the shaft, isn't it, where it

236 18 _6 51 CDR No, according to thls, I don't touch

the door, let me - _"

PLT Right there in the end of it.

_ CDR - - the door is indicating open; let

me close it.

SPT You mean over here?

PLT No. It should be in the end there.

CC Let's leave it along, A1, the present

configuration. Over.

CDR Okay, the door - I put the MAIN POWER

back ON.

SPT Yes/u, I can turn it.

PLT Okay.

CDR And the door shows gray - which is

open - -

PLT And the other one.

CDR - - and I - I don't think I opened it,

and normally it should go closed any-
f--_ way when the main power goes off to
Dump Tape 236-04
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236 18 47 20 CDR Uh - it's sti_ll in FAST SCAN, and I

interrupted it by going to STOP when
we used up i0 frames. And EV [sic]
so - -

CC Ah - CDR, this is Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

CC Roger. If Owen's clear of the 52 door,

we'd like to have you close it from
the panel.

SPT 0k_y, I'm clear. That's three turns

on Sl_9. Four.

236 18 47 58 CDR Well, I still indicate OPEN here. I'ii

put - Let me put th_ EV [sic] AUTO DOOR,
E_ABLE - He's clear',of all the doors and
we'll get this thing closed.

_I' Hey, I Just noticed on the - one of

the 8149 panels - it's the one that's
toward the lower end - There are four
little brown patches. Two of them are
peeling Ul_ right now. One of them is
about to pop off. It's sealed halfway
up right now.

CC Okay, we show the S052 door closed.

236 18 48 36 CC ... show it closing.

CDR Okay, we agree. What I did was go out

close the door, and now I'm going back

CC Okay, and last pass ... was Vanguard.

We showed that you had a caution and
warning, although we couldn't tell
what it was that you reset over Madrid.
Was that ACS MALF or CLUSTER ATT that
we expected? Over.
•L .j

Dump Tape 236-04

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CDR Punched MEMORY RECALL, and got no

recall on it, so it must've been one
we inhibited. Although, that should
give us a MAS'i'_I_ALARM. I had no
indication on the panel other than
the MAST_ ALARM, which I checked
and got no indication as to what it
was •

PLt i0, i0 •

236 18 49 21 CDR Does that TV look okay, Jack?

PLT Uh - well I don't have it on Owen right

now, but - -

CDR I mean I want to _-_e sure the Sun

isn't hot.

PLT - - I'm adjusting i_ right now to

point it to where it was ...

CC CDR, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

CC Roger. We need that EVA AUTO DOOR switch

to the INHIBIT position vice the STORAGE
posltion. Over.

CDR Okay. That's where it is. I moved it

to _ABLE and back to INHIBIT.

CC Roger. We saw a caution and warning

over Vanguard that you reset over
Madrid, but we couldn't tell what
it was. Was that one of the ACS
MALF or CLUSTER ATT lights? Over.

236 18 49 55 CDR It - uh - I don't know which it was,

Bruce. I went over and punched MEMORY
RECALL and nothing c_ne up, although
the MASTER ALARM was on, so I Just
turned it off. So I don't exactly know
what it was.
romp Tape 236.-o_.
Page i0 of 12

CC Okay, mighty fine. Thank you.

CDR Now, one of the things that we noticed

on our checklist - it says before we
finish closing out, we've got to get
a GO from you for ingress and secure
to make sure that the da - uh - the -
uh - rate gyros are all working. Have
we a GO for that?

CC Roger. You've a GO for that.

CDR Okay. We're not there yet, obviously,

but - uh - Just wanted to get it out
of the way.

236 18 50 33 CC Understand, but the_gyros are there.

SPT Which gyros are we ._ing now?

CC You're still on the rack rate gyros.

We're watching the six-pack ones for
a rev or two here to see how they track
during the dump m-neuvers.

CDR I see.

CC And actually, they're doing quite

well. You've got a minute to LOS.
The next station contact in half an
hour over the Vanguard at 19:22. Out.

SPT We better be finished by then.

PLT In a hurry, Al?

CDR Nope.

236 18 51 12 PLT Owen's still cranking the Slh9 closed.

He's doing it very slowly so he won't
mess up the gear train. And I see
that the petals are all closed, and
he's - uh - Just cranking a little
more to make sure the locks get set
on lh9.

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CDR And when you've done that, Jack, you

should zoom out the boom, Owen, will
attach tether, and he'll crank the
clamp crank counterclockwise - oh,
it's not clamp.

SPT Okay. Now that same handle is as far

as it wants to go. I never did find
the lock on it.

CDR The fact it was flipped over, I think,

locked it, O.

236 18 51 59 SPT I'm going to see if I can get this thing

on undone from m_ foot restraints. I'm
not sure that I can.

CDR First put on the te_er.

PLT That's right.

_ PLT Still there, Bruce?

CC ... still here for a couple of seconds.

Make it fast.

PLT Ah, I was Just going to tell you what's

going on. Owen's hooking the S149 to a
tether now, and he's - We're going to
bring him back in to get it our of the
way, and then we're going to put it out

SPT ...

236 18 52 32 CC Okay, Doc, good. You got Just a little

bit less than 2 minutes left on the VTR.

PLT Okay. We'll use it. Thank you.

SPT Okay, I've got the 149 tethered to me.

A1, there is a lock on this little gem.
If I remember how it works.

PLT All you got to do is ... up the ...

there, ...
Dump Tape 236-04
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PLT It - crank it - uh - counterclock, huh?

SPT Yeah. Yeah.

PLT Now that - that loosens up the -


236 18 53 26 SPT Yeah. I see.



Dump Tape 236-05
Time: 1853-2025 GMT
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236 18 53 51 PLT Here comes a boom at ya.

SFT Okay, now I'm trying to think about this mid-

dle button up here. That? There is another
middle button which is a lock for something.

PLT That's for locking on the handrail.

SPT Yeah.

236 18 54 18 PLT Hey, Owen, if you look at the end of it - it's

not the crank end of the 1 the back of the 149.

SPT Yeah.

PLT See that little- uh - that little - uh - disk

that's about 2 inches in diameter?

SPT Oh, here, yeah.

236 18 54 18 PLT Yeah, that - that comes on and goes on the

end of the handi_e.

2_6 18 _h _2 _T Should it be over there?

PLT Not now, no. When you put it out again, it

should be.

SPT Oh, okay.

PLT Yeah. I saw it

236 18 54 32 PLT Here comes the boom.

SPT Okay, Just - uh - hold her there a minute.

I'm - I', still figuring out about this otner -
uh - latch that they mounted on at the last

PLT That's not got anything to do with the boom.

There's a skinny part above that that you un-
lock - lock on the boom with.

236 18 54 _6 SPT Yeah, but what's this other lock that I remem-
ber they put on at the last minute for?


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PLT That's to hang it on the handrail and - uh -

around it here so that it doesn't get loose.

SPT Oh, okay. Send her on down then.

PLT Here she comes.

MC Well, let's see - -

236 18 55 O1 PLT Pretty view with the sun - uh - low - You can
see all the - the shadows that the clouds make
on the water.

SPT Boy, this is a pretty view. Son of a gun!

PLT Ain't it though?

SPT I tell you - -

PLT You can see the light shining off the water and
kind of reflecting, and - uh -

SPT I can see the - uh - whole horizon relfected on

my solar panel.

SPT Ha, that's clever.

PLT Here it comes, 0.

SPT Okay, stand by.


SPT Come on.

PLT Okay.

236 18 55 30 SPT That's good right there.

236 18 55 31 PLT Okay.

PLT As you get closer to the terminator you can see

the Sun Just barely touching soem of the clouds
and it makes'em - uh - sort of pink and orange
color at the top.

r- SPT Okay, it's locked oa the Sun end boom and my

tether is released.


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PLT Okay, here she comes. You ready for me to take

it back?

SPT Yap, ready to take it back.

236 18 56 18 SFT Have that connected in the right orientation, do

you think?

PLT I think so.

CDR Okay. Let me mention a few items that you're

bringing back, Jack.

PLT Okay.

CDR Where you might _ant to put it as long as you

brought it back.

236 18 56 hi CDR What you might want to do with it, remove 149
from boom and p]ace on F7 handrail. And then
you get out the VS tree and fire it towards the
/_"_" big O.

PLT Let me get r_y tether on this thing.

CDR Okay.

CDR ... satisfies that we're not - your're satis-

fied that we're not doing anything bad to the
television, huht
I_LT ... points out where it was.

CDR Yeah, I Just wanted to _e sure that you'd

looked at it and _ere satisfied.

236 18 57 25 PLT Yes/a, I did.

236 18 57 26 SPT Hey_ I see a little island up here, I wonder if

it's not the Azores.

CDR Let m_ tell _ra x_here _e are, we are approaching

South America for_ the west and - uh - you've Just
got a glimpse of the New Hebrides and perhaps from
your vantage point, if you look to the right at
.-_. this point you can see North Island and South
Island of New Zealand.
Dump Tape 236-05
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236 18 57 46 SPT That's what it is. I didn't realize we were over

Australia. But you - that's North and South Island
then, yeah.

CDR That's right.

SPT Oh, boy.

CDR Just check with your friendly travel guide. He'll

keep you informed.

236 18 59 06 SPT We're up a lot higher than usual today, mush better

CDR Uhhuh.

SPT (Chuckle)

236 18 58 13 CDR Taking the high ground. How do the top of those
solar panels look?

SPT Uh - they look very nice. Uh - Just as uniform

as can be, everjthing in order.

CDR Shiney blue?

SPT No, they're sort of black.

CDR Shiney black?

2B6 18 58 28 SPT They're shiney black then with light in between

them and then in every - uh - l_ttle segment there's
about - about a 18 - uh - 24 inch square - there's
a little blue - or correction - brown strip that
runs down the middle or each of the segments.

PLT Okay, what do we want now? The - uh - VS tree?

SPT Why not.

PLT Okay.

236 18 59 _8 SPT That's all you got.

2B6 18 58 51 CDR That's it, unless you want to send him the TV or
" Dump Tape 236-05
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PLT Okay, I'll unlock it and hang on to it. Row we'll

put the feet down toward the MDA here.

PLT Locked.

236 18 59 31 PLT Okay, it's in there as closed and the handle is

squeezed and the lock is in the lock position. Here
she comes, 0.

SPT Okay.

PLT Stand by.

SPT That 's good.

PLT There you are.

236 19 00 36 SPT Okay, you can pull it back.

PLT Okay.

SPT This VS tree is perfectly positioned with respect

to the foot restraints.

PLT Good.

236 19 00 55 SPT VC tree wasn't quite so good.

CDR Okay, if you heve him locked you got to pull back
a little out of the way. You might want to pull
it a little bit more so the umbilical doesn't bang
around on it. *

CDR Okay, big O., you're supposed to get off your duff
there, remove slack, clamp EV-2 LSU at approximately
35 feet.


SPT Okay.

CDR And EV-2 - uh - how about egress the VT foot re-

straints and egress - ingress the VS foot restraints.

PLT I'm on my way.

_-- 236 19 01 39 CDR Okay, see you in a few minutes.

Dump Tape 236-05
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236 19 01 41 PLT I'll bring this boom all the way so the Sun doesn't
get on it.

CDR Way to do it.

SPT There he goes over the edge.

CDR And you're providing him slack no doubt.

SPT Yeah, I've got him clamped off here at B5.

CDR Now when you _entlemen get there i'd prefer that
you give yourselves a quick PCU and suit press
check, you've been out a long time.

2B6 19 02 00 SPT Okay. I'm holding 36 and I've got no lights.

PLT And I have about the prettiest view concievable.

CDR That's what big Jack said.

f -_ PLT I have about a 2T0 degree view of the horizon from

right here.

CDR Does it look round?

PLT It looks round _s can be. The whole globe - _t

looks Just like a - a 270 degrees of a full c_rcle.

PLT this has got to be the best view of all.

CDR Yeah. •

PLT You know what I wish?

PLT I had a fish eye from here.

2B6 19 02 B2 CDR When you're ready to start work and no hurry, un-
lock and open S082A container door. No hurry, Just
let me know when you're ready for your next instruc-

PLT All right.

PLT We ought to think of something partiotlc to do or

something while we're doing this. When the ground
comes up.

2B6 19 0B 17 SPT I can even rmember this is these right here fantastic!
Dump Tape 236-05
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236 19 03 23 PLT Symmetry ... the B solar panels are, uh, in the
field of view. And 270 degrees of the horizon.
Sun reflection in the water, Clouds, you can see
whole - whole ...

PLT 82B, uh?

CDR Did I say 82B?

PLT I don't know didn't you?

CDI_ No, I said 82A,

PLT Okay.

CDR I had to look _yself.

236 19 03 52 PLT Goes to unlock.

CDR Okay,

CDR Remove 82A, that's the container door - remove

82A from container and stow in teed stowage con-

PLT Boy, it pops open at you,

236 19 04 09 CDR That's right. You've got a little bit of - m_re

than a vac in there.

PLT How did you kno_ that?

CDR Life - I know those things, Oh, I had to kno_,

those things.

236 19 04 20 PLT I wonder if there was any coment about it?

CDR I don't know.

PLT Oh -

CDR Okay, now are you ready to open the 82A ATM door?

PLT Nope.

CDR Okay.

PLT What do we got to do the rest of the day?

Dump Tape 236-05
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SPT Well, we've got a hell of a ...

PLT You've got to be kidding!

236 19 0h 53 CDR Let me tell Jack what's he's doing the rest of the


236 19 04 57 CDR Jack is doing this. Post VA which is a couple of

hours, then he's going to eat. Then he's going to
do a little more of 516-Post EVA, then he's going to
do doing housekeeping, post sleep activities, A_"_4,
post sleep activities and SO - no that's Owen ....
S063. Here comes the big Jack. Post-EVA TOO3-5,PT
and FH M074 CAL.

PLT TSA. (?) We're going to tell them to get us some

work to do. Tell them tomorro's a day off.

CDR Okay. If you guTIs would quit goofing off we could

get somework done up here. God dogs.

PT.T Oksy. I'm reedy to open 82A.

236 19 05 31 CDR Okay. Open 82A %TM door, push button and rotate
handle to unloeF, move locking handle to release

PLT Okay, the front door is released and swung open.

Partially ... used meg and pull handle by pressing
button and complete removal. •

PLT Hey, this won't open all the way. Just a minuse; I
want to see why.

236 19 05 57 PLT I guess that's all the further it's supposed to

come. Okay.

CDR Partially remove, fold handle then completely re-

move •

PLT Okay.

236 19 06 07 CDR Now the thing to do is look at the canister you're

going to put in see which way the arrow is and then
_ look at your hand so that you can see - you can
pull it out and align arrow to arrow without flop-
ping hands outside the ...

Dump Tape 236-05

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236 19 06 17 PLT Not a bad idea.

236 19 06 19 CDR And as I recall you do it palm up or something, I

can't remember. But it works right.

CDR When you stick it in the container you must make

sure that it goes completely below the container
seat. I will go in and feel locked as you know,
but it must go down to the base of it. Cause it
is below the level of the seat of the door when it's
going to be closed.

236 19 07 04 PLT It looks like it's firmly in.

CDR Okay, then, close the door and as you rotate the
door to lock, ... the lock - lock - lock - uh -
observe that those - uh - little - uh, bolts don't
Just bend the can, that they actually go into the
holes themselves.

PLT Uh-huh.

CDR Okay, then let me tell you what to do. Close and
lock the 82A container and tell me when it's com-

PLT Complete.

CDE Remove 82A fro_ temp stow container, install part-

ially extend handle and push fully into receiver.

236 19 08 02 CDR Verify white flag partially visible as you shove it

home, before you do the locking handle down. The
Locking handle inside the ATM, not the locking
handle on the - uh - ... itself.

CDR Hey, Jack.

PLT Yes.

236 19 08 21 CDR Why don't you turn around and look at me and I'll
take you're picture there. Let me get out my
camera. Hold on.

CDR If I can get a picture of you up there.

236 19 08 37 CDR Tried to get some of Owen but I Just don't think
they did a good job myself. I was not satisfied
with those pictures. Let's see what I can do
with these.

Dump Tape 236-05

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236 19 08 59 CDR Okay, hey, good show, Jack. That's going to be


PLT How about this, space fans, ... ?

CDR No, no. Okay, let's get you - This is going to

be good.

PLT Part of the command module there.

CDR It's going to be good, Jack.

2S6 19 09 19 CDR Okay. Now pull your visor down. I can see the name
Lousma on your suit, so that'll help. Now, wait a
minute - wait a minute. Just don't go nowhere. I
want to make sure that this is right. It's a good
picture. 0., remind me to get some pictures of
you before you come in.

SPT Okay.

_- _ CDR Hey, that's good. Wait a minute, Jack. Let me Just

get - uh - this thing set. Okay, I've got this on
12. i Pu_ow _hat ain't the answer.

PLT Okay, now let's see where the lighting should be.

CDR Too much light.

PLT Try this.

CDR Alright, wait _ minute. •

PLT You could try 16.

CDR Maybe this - maybe it doesn't work.

236 19 l0 26 PLT Uh - release the little button so the white thing

shows - on the side, you got that?

CDR I did that and then you were out of - It shows -

no matter what I do it shows too much sun I don't
believe it.

CDR Yeah. Because if I'm time of one second - how'd

that get there?

236 19 l0 44 PLT That's where the ... was last used.


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236 19 i0 46 CDR Supposed to always be put back to 500. Same way

with that - - Uh -

SPT I used that for S063 last night and - uh - used 1

second time segment.

PLT 250 is as good enough with that 55 millimeter lens,

it'll give you a better depth of field.

SPT I was using the other lens, though, in other well

we don't have the other lense words, configured the
way it is - -

PLT Huh? I was talking to A1.

SPT Yeah.

CDR Okay, let me set 250 on here, Jack.

236 19 ll 09 PLT 125 matter of fact. The only reason we use 500 with
F that 300 millimeter - uh - so that we don't _ove
the camera.

CDR Now, how about doing this, Jack? How about floating
like you where before with your legs out behind

PLT About like this?

236 19 ll 37 CDR Yeah. But don't kick - yeah, sort of like - let
go with one hand - let go with your left hang.

CDR Just hold on. Got to kick you're feet out to your
left. That's it. More out to your left and then
let go of one - There you go. They still need
to be further out if you can get them and let them
trail behind you.

PLT Like this?

CDR Behind you is better - no, other way.

PLT Okay. Let me kick them up there.

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CDH Yeah. Yeah. Let go of your left hand. No, not

back far enough.

236 19 _2 lO PLT Where do you want me to go?

236 19 12 ii CDE I want your feet to go back. Your umbilical's

preventing it. See how - like that. Get your
umbilical out some more. There you go, kind of
further back than that.

PLT Okay. I get you now.

CDR That's it, that's it. Now kind of come down.

PLT Wait a minute.

CDR Wrong way.

PLT Like this?

CDE Like that. Oks_r, now back - see if you can back
_ up a littlemore. I know it's stupidto say that
but - but that's the name of the game, I guess.

PLT I musn't hang on to - -

CDR That's left hs_d - left hand out.

236 19 l_ _6 CDR Okay, now vait. We'll get a couple of Hasselblads

of you. With a new setting 250 at h.

CDR I can't believe it's 250 at h. *That's probably

cause there's so much black, I gues s.

CDR Okay. Get to that position again, Jack. Let me

get the - let me _et the focus.

PLT Looks to be about 8 feet.

2B6 19 iB 35 CDB i00 millimeter lens I am not sure we can shoot it

with the Hasselblad.

PLT Oh, yeah. I think so.

CDR I'll bet we can't.

_-- PLT i00 millimeterain't much.

CDR I'll bet this isn't going to do it.

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CDR That's good, that's good. Okay, that's enough.

0kay, 0. _ you ready?

PLT Thank you.

PLT Yeap.

CDE Okay. Did you open the other canister?

256 19 14 02 SPT Nope.

236 17 lh Oh CDR Okay. Open the other conister, please.

SPT 0key doke.

CDR Remove from containers tow - stew in temp container.

SPT In _ork.

CDR Okay.

CDR Shouldn't have had that i00 millimeter on there.

PLT The only other thing we got's an 80.

CDR That's what I shoulda I could have changed. It

isn't change though.

236 19 I_ 58 PLT Take it from the command module.

PLT Let me know when you're ready, Q.

SPT Okay.

PLT Yeah, as a m_tter of fact that camera's the com--d

module, A1.

236 19 15 l0 SPT Okay. It's ll in temp stowage.

CDR Okay, open the ATM door.

SPT In work.

236 19 15 20 CDR Okay. Move locking handle left to release m_g,

fold handles - 2 of them.

SPT Hey, Just a minute, it's Ja_ned- -

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CDR Okay, just reading ahead for you.

SPT Doesn't - doesn't want to open.

CDR There's a lot of stow problems out there.

236 19 15 35 PLT Punch out the buttons and open the doors.

SPT Well the handles rotate to it, but that door is it's
stuck shut.

CDR _m_ _ing.

236 19 15 48 SPT TAke it away, I - I latch and latched it a couple

of seconds.

236 19 15 57 SPT clear to unlock.

SPT Here it comes.

PLT Good.

CDR Attaboy.

SPT It was stuck though.

PLT Gees, I'll be durn. Maybe some of the ceiling ...

stuck to the ...

CDR If you can get a gllmpes of what might be - uh -

stuck it, Owen, so we can repor_t it.

236 19 16 22 SPT I think it was Just the edge o the door fit very
tightly up against the other edge and the heat
clycling may have Just sort of - uh - glued it to-
gether and it Just took a hard pull to get it off.

CDR Okay. Now that it's done - uh - remove partially

used mag by folding - no, move locking handle left
to release mag first.

SPT Yep.

CDR Okay, then you got to pull it out and fold the
handl twice. Then otice the arrows, notice your
f-- hand and then pull it out; insert it into the
canister, without - uh - Juggling it too much.

236 19 17 58 CDR Master alarm again. Let's see what we got. ACS
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ms/. Now why would we got one of those?

PLT How's our attitude?

CDR Perfect.

CDR I don't know why. Maybe I'll Just take a look.

CDR 52003, clear 52003, clear. 50000 ...

CDR Look at the DAS? All 4's.

PLT Like a star tracker.


CDR That's it .... the son of a gun.

SPT We don't have CMG SAL

PLT Yeah, we do. But why?

236 19 18 06 CDR It's something worth a damn. That's why.

236 19 18 lO CDR Kin. Let's see where these CMGs are.

CDR Number 3 you can't read because it's got th%t one
_gainst the top, the other's zero, and the other's
against the stop. The CMGs look like they're in
zero but it s_ys H- X,Y,Z are

PLT What 's HT reading? F

CI)R Zero?

PLT HT reads - - -

CDR No HT read - uh - 94.

PLT Okay.

CDR And it's all in the Y-axis.

PLT Okay.

236 19 18 39 PLT And how did our attitude look on the X sun sen-
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CDR Perfect. Everything' s perfect.

PLT Well - uh - are we, do we have CMG control enabled?

We presume we did, didn't we?

CDR Yeah.

PLT Well ... so then, let it go.

236 19 18 57 CDR It may have and we Just don't even know it.

PLT Yeah.

CDR Maybe it Just - I wonder why. Maybe it didn't have

a good momentum. Maybe it didn't have the - uh -
one of the axis in plane.

PLT Yeah.

f SPT Well, the Y axis is the one you get like in a

ZLT maneuver.

CDR - yeah.

SPT And uh,

CDR Just keep working - You got your stuff done out

SPT Almost.

CDR Okay.

SPT I can put the other on in now, I'm not going very

236 19 19 25 CDR Okay. I've noticed.

236 19 19 27 SPT ... meter I should have put a great big vent in
one of those - uh - must be the starting turbine
exhaust or something like that. I think back on
the AFT end of the workshop. Boy it really - it
smacked it.

CDR You can imagine what it must - the force of it

must have been on when that thing-

SPT Yeah.
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CDR Just heard them on that cow,hand module.

236 19 19 51 PLT Sort of ... snd not covered. Part of the ... on
the workshop is not covered now. It's like a part
from a sort of a triangular part.

PLT That's - uh - X is squard away here.

236 19 20 i0 CDR M_vbe they didn't know where the P axis was - axis
was and they got out of the plane and dumped funny.
I'll be that's what happened.

PLT Yeah.

PLT Didn't dump right because it wasn't - wasn't known

where it was.

CDR They should have known they got the co--and module
right over there to tell the, and then noun 20 -
still do have Noun 20.

f-- 236 19 20 58 SPT Okay. That - tills door is really in.

236 19 2ii4 CDR install partially extend handles, depress release

buttons, push in firm verify white flag partially
visible and move 82B ATM locking handle right to
lock position sad verify white flag completely
visible, which you did. Now you've go to elo3e

236 19 21 27 SPT Okay. Now I'm 1;tying to find out where this thing
is binding. And it looks like _hat the - uh -
there's a rubber seal underneath the door that's
Just as - uh -uot quite flat enough and it - -
that rubber seal is binding a bit' causing it to

CDR Are you going to be able to close it?

236 19 21 h8 SPT Well, I've already done it, a couple of times.

CDR All right. Good.

SPT Okay ...

/-- CDR Reposition clear and standby for check, Big 0.

CDR Start hunting for your - -

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236 ),9 21 59 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Vanguard for 9 - 1/2

minutes. Out •

CDR Okay. For your information we got another master

alarm which I checked to see if . .. turned out to
be a CMG SAT. I checked total momentum is running
around 94 percent and the Y - uh- momentum is a high
one up around 96. So, I guess somehow during the
night pass it didn't know exactly where it was and
didn't dump precisely.

236 19 22 38 FLT Okay. We've act all the film exchanged, new. Just
waiting for the film checks on 82A and B out at the
Sun end.

CC Okay. For the CDE, we see a couple of lead fire

from CMG SAT uh - the momentum running high, we be-
lieve it's from the crew activity associated with
EVA. Over.

CDR Okay.

PLT Don't move around so much out there, 0.

236 19 23 03 SPT I can't do it, _t's not my fault. It's all that
oXygen you're pumping over board, Jack, that's
doing it.

PLT If you'd quit b'reathing why that'd solve it.

236 19 23 12 CC Okay, for the CDE again. Uh - we want to reemphi-

size that this nothing to d4_with the _o pack.
Uh - we're very happy with the rate gyro six pack.
We've watched i_ through R maneuvers 1 dump and
returning to SI. At this time we're going to enable
3 rate gyro red_ndancy management. Oh - in all
three axes using the 6 pack g_ros as the two con-
trolling ones and the 3 good rack gyros - uh - as
the ones held in reserve but still spinning. We're
also going to shut down the unused gyros out on the
rack. For your information, we believe this is the
first time since day 1 that we've had 3 rate gyros ...
_ud there all axis. Over.

CDR Taht 's agreed.

.... 236 19 23 57 CC Correction that's 76 days since we've had that con-
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CDR Okay. We're glad to be part of it. I'll tell you.

SPT Say, Bruce I Just gotta make one cogent here be-
cause this is absolutely the most beautiful view
that I've ever seen. Sitting up here on top of the
STMyou can see the horizon through a full 270 degree
arc. There's a Sun reflection out over the Pacific.
And we're Just now crossing the Andes - uh - coming
across form the Pacific on the the South American
coastline. And the Andes are a sharp relief down
below with some cloud cover. It's Just utterly
amazing view.

236 19 24 33 CDR Why don't you tell them about - -

CC There's a whole room of people here that wish they

could be up there with you to see it in person.

236 19 24 38 SPT Well, I thought views out of the wardroom window

or out the STS windows was something but it really
can not compare with the peaceful view that you've
_. got sitting up there on top the AIM sun end _th
a visor full of - uh - virtually 200 - 180 d_grees
of visor available, and you can see the horizon Just
from 270 - all the way around. One other cogent,
I guess back to business here a little bit. 'l"ne
82B door - the outside door was very sticky _rhen I
went to open it. Uh - I had to - after unlocking
it - uh - tug on it several times to get the door to
open back up. _d also on closing it was p_tty
sticky. But it did close satisfactorily. I think
it's a little red rubber ring t_at goes all the way
around the outside edge probably thermally it
tends to stick to the canister itself. It takes
a very hard tug to get it loose.

236 19 25 35 CC Okay. We copy all that, Owen. And I realize

you're not up to it right now, but let me give
you a word right here on the SI 49 handle. L_ck
subject, and then if we're in contact when you get
to it, we can talk it through if there are any
more questions.

236 19 25 49 CDR Where's the 82A door.

236 19 25 50 SPT The 82A doors is open.


236 19 25 52 CDR Okay. It it coming closed?

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236 19 25 53 SPT Not yet.

236 19 25 58 CDR It it now?

SPT Nope. Oh, that door. Looks like 82A door may
have hung up here, Bruce.

CC Bring up both - -

SC ...
236 19 26 ll SPT If it is hung up, that's the ramp that I'll
be removing a little later, I guess.

SC Why don't you nudge it a little?

SPT Yeah, I could, but I hate to.

CDR Hit it one; I'm trying to close it.

236 19 26 25 CDB Let me try to open it.

SPT The little talkbacks don't work when you're


._Tm_ I I sure .... I _-_ & _am_-_

_--- _,=_=.
_ .... Look _U

that pretty little aqua-blue lake down there,

Right in the middle of the Andes, in the middle
of all that snow covered area.

SPT I don't see the aqua-blue. I see all those

salt flats up there to - uh -. Oh, that's
the one you're talking about up there.

236 19 26 51 PLT No, there's one way down to you're - uh - left

a little more. "Very, very small area. Just
an aqua color. Look at all the varying shades
of browns and tans in the mountains there.

SPT That's right. And, remember we saw that salt

bed up ther, or either that or it's a glacier
I'm not sure which.

PLT Yeah, I wonder if that's a glacier. All the

varying shades of brown in the mountainous
area ther.

CDR How are the doors, Owen?

236 19 27 17 SPT 82A is still open, 82B is closed.

S 4

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PLT Big fire down ther.

SC Yep.

CC 82A is open and B is closed, 0wen?

SPT Right.

236 19 27 29 CC And, uh, for Jack, we realize we're second

guessing you here, but looking at the telemetry
on your mile there, looks like your - uh - the
temperature _cross your water oxygen is up a
little. We suggest that maybe you'd want to increase
your cooling flow.

PLT ... do that. I'm - uh - I've - uh - got out

of the path a little bit, and I'm Just hanging
onto the B-2 handrail looking up toward the
command module so I can take advantage of the
good view. You don't pass this way very often.
You might as well get out and look around a
/ little, and it really is inspiring.

236 19 2_ 01 CDE Hey, Bz'uc_, do fou have any advice on the 82A
doors? It doesn't seem to want to go closed.

CC Please stand by. We thought you're problem

was getting it open.

SPT Oh, we're talking about the instruent door n_r.

Oh - the instrument aperture. I've got the
EVA doors fully closed and locked. A1 was
Just going through the checkout of the instruments
and he was going to try to - uh - I guess you
did open and close the doors, didn't you, A1.

CDR I opened it; I couldn't close it. And now it's -

it's open.

SPT That's right. B closed and A - 82A did not.

CC ... You sure that you got the right letters.

SPT Yes, positive.

CC Okay.
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236 19 28 44 PLT Wait a minute. I'm looking at the 82A hatch.

Nope. I'm glad you mentioned it. The 82A, the
82B ... It is the 82B that is still open.

CDR Okay. Everythings okay, Bruce. The doors are

tight closed.

CC Okay. Let me get off that one.

CC There are 2 that are labeled 82B up there ....

no trouble.

236 19 29 08 CDR Let's see if we can make this other one work.

PLT Must be one - -

CDR ...

236 19 29 22 PLT You copy that?

CC Say again.

CDR Reset to re - -

SC Copy the door configuration. We're checking our

telemetry, and I've got a quick word for Owen.

SPT Go ahead, Bruce.

CC They ... locking procedure on the Slh9 handle. The

handle itself turns freely. However, there is a
large harrow kr_ob which has a l_ttle wires tether on
it, and the idea is that once you get the experiment
cranked into the position you want to leave it, you
pull the narrow knob loose from the supporting silver -
colored brackets, and then you stick it in the end
of the handle and the length of the w-ire keeps it from

SPT Okay. I thinkwe understand.

236 19 29 55 SPT We got it inside, Bruce.

CC Okay, 82B1 just opened and elosedA1.

-_ SC Skylab, this is Houston. We show the 82A door neither

open or closed. The timers is timed now. We are
going to reset the power from here and comand her.

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CDR Okay. That's a good idea. We got the B doors

closed we think.

SC Perfect.

SPT B2 is not.
SPT 82B2 is still open.

236 19 30 29 CC We have a minute to LOS here at Vanguard. Next station

contact-in ii minutes at the Canaries at 19:41. And
for the CDR, the window is closed. Out.

CDR The windows is closed? You mean the doors closed or

the heads-down window or whatever it is?

236 19 30 45 CC Roger, the last.

CDR Okay.
SPT Okay, B2 Just closed.

CDR Okay. That was the UV m_n. Now we got everything

/ closed or what?

SPT Yeah. EveryLhing_s closed now.

CDR What a pain.
CC (Laughter)

SC Okay, did you - have you cycled the experiment?

236 19 31 00 SPT Yeah, everythings okay.

CC Okay, CDR, this is Houston. We have not yet reenabled
poweron i. P

CC Okay, CDR, Houston. All the doors are closed. We show

your configuration is satisfactory. Over.

236 19 3120 CDR Okay. I think maybe somebody needs to take a look at
these - uy - talkbacks that are suppose to show up on
these - we've had about 3 or 4 time holder uppers while
we tried to figure out why the talkhacks didn't do like
the checklist. For example, 82A and B instead of going
barber pole, are presently in the white configuration.
So it's probable that we - it was working right except
the checklist suggests it's going to go some othere
direction and never gets there.

CC Okay.
SPT Okay .... expect to remove some next.

CDR Okay, Just cool it.

PLT You won't get it done during the dark - dark.
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SPT Is that right?

236 19 32 00 CDR He will if the lights are on lake they're supposed

to be.

CDR Okay, Owen, I have a panel I'm going to roll to

3000 arc minutes, so, please be careful.

SPT All right. I am clear.

236 19 32 12 CDR Cannster roll. Plus 3000 arc minutes. I think

I can hack at. Extension is at minus 7; I've
got a long way to go.

SPT You know, up at the center of this thing there is a

little knob that's all wrapped in silver aluminum; a
couple of them. Did you notice these, Jack?

PLT Yeah.

SPT I wonder what they are.

PLT I don't know.

236 19 32 36 CDR They might be vent valves. There's some vent valves
up there.

PLT They don't look like that.

CDR EVA lights on up there, Owen?

SPT I don't see any.

CDR I wonder why.

PLT Mine are on here.

SPT Uh - it maybe too bright. I can see where the bulbs

are, and, I can't whether they're lit or Just - uh -
a yellow color.

236 19 33 05 PLT That's the one the ground turned on the last time.

CDR However we - I should have asked them. If I hear from

them again, I will.

PLT We're going to - be makinBermuda pretty soon,

aren't we? Do we make Bermuda on this pass?

CDR I don't know. I haven't been working it. I'll

look and see for you though.

236 19 33 20 PLT Oh. Don't worry about it. I Just thought

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maybe that's the next change to

tell them. And, we might be
able to work in the dark that way.

236 19 53 35 PLT You there?

SC That's it, babe.

CDR Okay. Now let me see what I'm

supposed to do, S056 door open.
Here it comes. Is it coming?

PLT Yes.

CDH C_mnen on talling, banging and _,,

all that other good stuff, and then
I'll open and close it a couple of times.

PLT All right. Presently no banging,

236 19 33 58 CDR Okay, here it comes closed.

_--_ Observe any possible stops.
You're going to remove the hot

to the one under the stop.

SPT Okay, now for about the last 12

inches of travel, there was a
slight amount of Jerkiness, but
it was not associated with the rim,

CDR Badnews.

236 19 3); 25 CDR How about opening, same thing?

SPT Nope, smooth.

CDR We over South America now, gentlemen?

PLT Yes, sir.

SPT Question passed.

PLT No, we're still over it.

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SC Okay. Close it one more tine

nad then open it and then you can
do the job.

CDR Okay here it comes open.

PLT Okay.

236 19 34 56 CC Got 15 minutes to flip over.

PLT Okay, there was a slight amount of

drag. 15 minutes. Going to take
longer than that on each.

236 19 34 50 CDR Okay. And then ... like to see

what happens in the dark. My
guess is you'll be able to see
even if the lights don't work it's
so light in here.

PLT ... Almost no moon.

CDR No moon but lots of sun.

SC Let me check our trajectory filament.

You guys didn't give us any work
to do when we finish this thing.

PLT Where are we going to break the -

uh - the east coast of South America?

236 19 -_5 26 CDR We should have brokem it Just t_en.

PLT Where abouts ?

CDR Oh, where. I'm looking on mY charts.

PLT Where are we now?

CDR According to this one, which is about -

we should be coming right over - -

PLT Uraguay ..

236 19 35 40 CDR Yeah, no. Upper Brazil.

SPT Oh, up that high, huh?

f --
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PLT Yeah, there's the Amazon down

there, see 0.?
Look out towards the sun and down.

PLT Yeah. I see the Amazon over there.

SPT Man, what a big river.

PLT Yeah, it's big.

SPT Wow!

CDR Got to be big to see if from here,

doesn't it?

236 19 35 54 SC Yea/u, look out the window. You

can see it out there, A1.

CDR I'm going to.

PLT The sun doesn't bother you.

236 19 36 06 CDR Two things are _ery ... whoever

stays in next t_me. You need to
get a rubber band to put around this
book which I've got that's great,
and the other is this little hook -
tether thing. A_nd that way you don't
loose the book. I tether it to me
and this little hook holds on.
Then I can move around with all this
other stuff and the book kind o$
stays around with me.

SPT Okay. I'd like for you to rotate in

some more in the direction that you
are rotating.

CDR I'll be glad to go it if you'll stand'


SPT I'm back.

236 19 36 31 CDH Okay. Here it comes. If you'll say when.

SPT Stop.
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SPT Boy, that took the paint off.

You notice that Jack, and the
paint floats all over.

PLT Yeah, I did.

SPT That thermal paint is very


PLT It's ver much more brittle now

it's been in the sun so long.

SPT I bet that's true too ... There's

paint flying around loose.

PLT Throw it away.

SPT I wish I could.

236 19 38 08 SC We're going to go over the Cape Verde

Islands here, in about another
2 or 3 minutes, gentlemen. You may
want to observe them, and then we're
going to go right on over the Canaries.
Right over Spain, Italy. Unfortunaetely
it's dark. We're going to go right
over Barcelona, Valencia, Zuric,
where do we come down at?

2B6 19 38 B9 CDR Oh, come right over Hanoi.

236 19 k0 45 PLT How you're doing, 0.? •

SPT I already got one bolt off and I'm

working on the second one.

PLT Did you get it taped to the plate?

SPT Can't do any taping until they all

come off.

PLT Oh, is that it?

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SPT Okay.

PLT Command module's spotlight is

picking up.

SPT Oh, is that right?

PLT Yeah. See this blister, too, between

the quads.

8PT How about that.

236 19 41 15 PLT The outer layer's peeling, like a

piece of in inglass on a stove that's
got too hot. It's a - you know what
I mean?

SPT Yeah.

PLT It's a - push back layers, there, and

the outer layers have broken some of
the surfaceon our - paintedup patches
about, oh, 4 inches across, are

200 and - 200 to 240 degrees

around they've flipped up and then is
gastened on to the surface for - uh -
some 50 degrees, then kind of curl
up Just like tha old ininglass used
to don on that old stove.

SPT Well, you ought to mention thatpto

them here in a minute.

236 19 42 03 CC Over the Canaries, Madrid for 14 minutes.

For the CDR, we're going to be enabling
the contingency - forcing a contingency
momentum sample, so would you stay
off the DAS for a minute, please.

CDR Sure will. We're Just about to get the

first ramp off S056 pack - package
experiment, Bruce.

8PT And afar as binding is concerned, on

thydoor, for about the last 12 to 18
.... inches of travle, the motion was slightly

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Jerky on opening and this

has been associated with the ramp.
On one of the openings I did
notice a slight binding coming off
the ramp, but it was pretty slight.
And the other - the only unusual
thing noted was a slight jerkiness
inopening and closing over the
last 12 to 18 inches.

CC We copy that, 0wen.

236 19 42 55 SPT And the other thing is there is -

all the paint on these nuts gets
scraped off and floating around.
I've not seen any of it floaint into
an instrument aperature. But it -
it's a little uncomfortable to see this
paint slip away and there no way to
take thybolt down without scraping
the paint off the edges.

PLT How's it going to float in - the

CC Okay. We copy, Understand as you

are putting the tools on ... that the
paint's coming off.

PLT Getting a beautiful view toward the

dark horizon, _here the Sun's going
down and all the different huesrof
blue in the clouds down there. It's
a beautiful, beautiful fiew, beautiful

SPT Why don't you tell them about the

command module, Jack?

236 19 43 43 CC Roger. And for the CDR, the DAS is yours.

CDR Okay.

PLT We're lucky guys to be living in the

lnad of ooportunity where we can-
can do this.
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PLT Had some comments about the

command module, Bruce. Looking at the
skin on the Command module between
the guads. The quads I have in mind
are the one - what's the one right
over the hatch?


236 19 44 09 PLT A and D, those are ones I c_n see.

The skin aapears to - in places looks
like - I was mentioning to A1 -
Remember on those old time stoves
we had ininglass, and when it got
real hot, and old some of the layers
would peel up. Now, the outermost
layer is very thin on the command
module, and it's now thee's a liitle -
sort of almost circular shpaes which
are completely broken loose from the
skin and curling up. They're about
_ h inches in diameter - or 3 to 4 inches
in diameter and they're detaches for
about 200 degrees of the circumference
and then they're held down by the other
i00 or so degrees. And I guess I can
see about - Uh, about a dozen of them
between those two quads. Doesn't look
like a hazadous situation, by any
means, but I Just thought it would be
interesting to ._uote since we don't
get very many service modules b_ck.
NOtice it particularly, toward the
quad A in the lleft firing thruster.
The one that fires toward the - that
particular VHF antenna.

236 19 h5 41 CC Okay, that is _ eon_nand module minus

Y, you say?


CDR D quad would be to the rig_htof the

hatch as you look at it.

PLT Yeah. Well D quad is on the left now,

it'son your left elbow. Right?

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CDR From ,e it's my left elbow,

B's on your side.

PLT Yeah - well, it's on your side.

CDR Okay.

CC Okay. Okay Jack. B quad is on the

plus-y side, the PLT side of the
command module. Over.

PLT Okay. Well, this is on the minus-Y


236 19 46 38 CC Okay. so you were describing area

between the Alfa and Delta quads to
us and we'll make corrections appropriately.

PLT Yes. That's correct.

CDR Had it right the first time.

PLT YEAH. I thought I did.

CDR Oh well, don't - why worry.

PLT All right, I don't care.

SPT Okay, I've got one ramp off, I'm

trying to get over here and get it
pinned down und,_rneath the tape -

CDR Excellent, excellent. Let me know

when you're out of the way and I'll

SPT It's gonna be a while. Got to get

this tape got two hands full is the

PLT It's starting to get dark, Bruce.

We're - we seeing stars out there - -

CDR Let me ... Just a second, 0.

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CDR Uh, have you got our EVA lights

commanded on this time, Houston?

CC We haven't touched them, A1.

CDR Well, I remember last time, you know,

we didn't have any at the Sun end
and then ya'll did something the
ground and they started working on
the Sun end. We always had them
up here at the FAS area and center
work station.

SPT Okay, there goes some of those little


CDR Not my little gems.

SPT ...

236 19 47 4h CC We haven't touched them A1, they ought

to all be on. And for TV camera
thermal mangement, we'd like you to
do the foiiuwiug. 011 pau_i 202 11, Lh=
airlock module television power circuit
bres_ers airlock module to OPEN and then
allow the TV csz_era to cool do_ for
15 mnutes 8md after it's cooled,
when you desire: tkh - reclose that
circuit bres/ter on 202. _is lets you,
inside turn the camera on 8_nd off, stud
the crew outsidt need not be bothered
with it. And you still have about -
tub - 1.9 minute_, le_ on the _E at
your option. _-er.

CDR Tell him okay, would you? I mean - okay.

PLT Okay, thank you, Bruce.

CC Roger.

SPT Okay, I Just kicked off the uh - uh 1 for

the uh - AM.

CC Okay.

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PLT (Laughter) H_w you doing there, o?

SPT See a couple of shims go?

236 19 48 52 SPT (Laugher) l, 2, 3, _, and a nut. Skip.

CDR All right, team -

SPT I have the nuts taped down, but the

nut came out from under the tape.

PLT I know it, they're awful hard to

manage. Clumsy gloves on. They're
going the right direction, though.

SPT Okay, close the S056 door, if you want to.

CDR Okay, be careful now, here it comes.

Okay, now let me see what's next.
The outlook now. Describe anything
that you see there, by the way.

SPT It - uh - closed Just the way it did

the last 12 to 18 inches.

CDR Okay, now I'm gonna go -

CC Uh - understand - uh - previously you

mentioned that was the last 12 to 18
inches, when it was opening. Over.

236 19 50 00 SPT That's true both opening and closing

on the last 12 to 18 inches near
the ramp, near the closed position.
There was a little bit of jerkiness,
but - uh - essentialy the same, obviously
there was no hang up on the ramp, since
the ramp is not there.

CC Okay, we copy. And - uh - I guess in

a nutshee, you could say that moving
the ramp does not appear to have made
any difference in the door operation.

SPT No, except I did notice on one of the

other openings,therewas a slight
Dump Tape 236-05
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binding on the ramp as it started open.

And so there was a possibility of some -
uh - uh - extra friction there - uh -
or I noticed it on one opening that
will now, of course, _not be present.

CC Roger.

236 19 50 41 SPT Incidentally, the engineers probably

remember that there are a number of
little shims underneath these - uh -
uh - ramps. And - uh - the shims
underneath S056 are now in there own
independent trajectory.

CC Okay. We'll watch for them when they

come over this evening.

SPT Okay.

SPT What ramp would you like to have

removed next,Al?

CDR i'm noping that you'll do this. 1;m

gonna open the 82A door and you can comen
on all sorts of things.

SPT All right.

CDR Is is opening?

236 19 51 23 SPT Very smoothly. P

CDR Okay, let me know, and I'll close it wehn

it 's full open.

SPT Full open.

CDR Okay .... don't work, I noticed it.

(Sneeze) sorry. HERE IT COMES CLOSED.
Let me know when it's closed. Let me
get this checklist right.

SPT Okay, it is now fully close/and it also

moved back and forth with a slight amount
of Jerkiness. I'm not sure that this is
_ unusual,it might ver well be the way
they were designed to run.
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CDR Okay, I'm gonna open it again. And

work on it again using the bolt opposite
the - uh - thingamujig in ...

SPT Okay, I'm gonna need it rotated more

towards me also. If you'll continue
rotating more in the direction that
it was - uh - coming in.

CDR Okay, watch yourself. How's this?

SPT Quite a bit more.

CDR Say when.

SPT Keep coming.

CDR Liable to go into the top here, Owen.

SPT How much room have you got?

_-_ CDR Thatsit.

_PT Uh, it'll be a long reach. I may have

to come out of my foot restraints to
get over there. Help! No, okay, I
can reach it.

CDR I'll ... if you want to do that - Okay.

PLT Sun's about to go down, Bruce.

CC Uh - this is Houston, did you call?

236 19 53 06 PLT I was Just saying the Sun's about to

go down. Owen's out there, taking the
ramps off, and having some good success.
He's got one and he's got one to go.
He's got the film replaced, and the
Skylab moves along, swiftly and silently,
smootly, like - uh - like a eomtinuing
travelogue. It moved relentlessly over
the ground.

SPT I think Jack needs a new writer.

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PLT Yeah, I wish there was some way to capture -

uh - in words or in photos what
you really see and fell up here, but
I don't know if there's anyway at all.

CC Skylab, this is Houston for the CDR.

CDR Go ahead.

236 19 53 54 CC Roger. We're coming up on nightfall

here and the momentum is still of
nominal. We expect you may - we' Ii get
some CMGs sats and see TACs thrusters'
firing. Over.

CDR Anythings I can do to assist?

CC Negative, just hang on.

CDR Okay.

_- PLT Still have my oxygen flow.

S_T Yu_'d 9_;u_ui_ rabLie the spacecraft as

the last resort.

PLT I wouldn't hurt the momentum, though.

CDR You may want to start getting your

visors up.


CC ... we got about a minute and a half,

til LOS her e. You next station contact
in 36 minutes - uh - through Honeysuckle
at 20:30, and we'll be dumping the
data voice tape recorder at Honeysuckle.

CDR Okay, what happened? Did the X-axis just

get out of plane here, as = uh - unknown
quantity during the drifting flight ow
what ?

CC Stand by.

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PLT That's due to this thrusting from

our EVA system, see -

CDR Yeha, I'm still puzzled about his

EVA SIS business, because we didn't -
we didn't have that problem last time.
It's puzzling me.

PLT Looked pretty random, too. There goes

a thruster firing burn.

CDR Yeah.


CC CDR, Houston.

CDR Okay.

236 19 55 24 CC We'd like you to monitor the X-axis

attitude error and if it starts apporaching
-_ 20 degrees,go to ATT HOLD TACS. Over.

...... _, I _ "_udarst_ud that one.

CC We show you at ll degrees now and it -

uh - wouldn't surprise us if you have
to go to ATT HOLD TACS, - uh - in
the near futre. Over.

CDR Okay, I'm indicating 12 degrees at the

moemnt, and I'll got ATT HOLD _CS
if that occurs. I thought maybe you'd
have a feel for it from - uh - the
CMG - 1 mena the MOUN 20's in the CMC.

CC Okay, and - uh -, A1, we want you to go

there before you get to 20, uh - if you
hit 20 without being there, we'll givyyou
a resey.

CDR Okay, I'll watch it. It's got 6 to go,

and I'll get it about 2 or 3 beforehand.

PLT There's a king-sized ... out there.

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Fage 39 of 56

CC Correct that, we go to TACs only if

you get out 20 degrees.

CDR Okay, understand. You know it's too bad,

we didn't build this with Just a little
control stick, we could flip this thing
and put it right back where we wanted it.

CC Amen, and we show 16 degrees, Al.

236 19 56 45 CDR It's moving out pretty fast, I'll go

TACS only right now, cause it's on the way.

CC Do it now, A1. Go to ATT HOLD TACS now.


PLT Well, we'll let them worry about it.

Seeing some light on the ground, O.
Big fires.

SPT Yeah. I guess - right there.

CDR See a lot of Dlus-X firin_ but that's what

we want.

CDR It's firing the right mib so everything

looks good.

PLT The Moon's coming up.

SPT Yeah.

PLT ... yurn ... to begin with.

SPT ,,, Ybysyak ,,,

PLT Yeah. (Laughter

CDR That was pretty; they sopped it. Okay,

Houston, looks like you stopped the
attitude now, everything's in shipshape.
Now we're going to use some TACS here.
Something didn't do right. Did you get
the ... m_neuver?
'_ Dump Tape 236-05
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CC You were selected. TACS and CG.

CDR TACS Just like they said. They're

gonna probably try to pick the best
time to reset it. Thank you.

PLT Did the light come on up there, 0.?

236 19 59 14 SPT Yeah, the EVA lights are on, it's -

uh - good. I can work still. Good, but
I can work. (Sight) I get a 60-degree
turn, every time I crank this thing.

CDR Did you have to come out of the foo


STP I am now.

236 20 00 18 SPT Got the first bolt, with only kicking

one foot out, but I'm going to kick
both feet out new.
PLT They coming loose okay, 0.?

SPT Yep.

PLT Good.

SPT They're going in there tightly. It's

an awful lot oi tursn.

PLT Yeah. •

PLT What we over, Al?

236 20 01 O1 CDR Uh - we're over Europe. You ought to

be able to look down and find the exact
spot - -

PLT A lot of fires down there.

CDR Uh - you're passing over Italy and -

uh - Yugoslavia, Hungary.

PLT Okay.

f -
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CDR Let me look at something here, see if

I can get a better handle on the time
for you, Jack. The time of that one is
18:04; time now is _ minutes, less
2 hours. You are not over the East pass
yet, you're now over - uh - the middle
of Russia. You - uh - the Black Sea,
should be - uh - to the south of you,
which would be to your right. Uh -
maybe to your left.

PLT It's black out there all right.

CDR To the south at any rate.

PLT Huh?

236 20 01 46 CDR You're trav- here's what - you're

traveling - look out, you're traveling
east, obviuously, so to the south is the
Black Sea, Sea of Azou, you're going to
be comingnear the CaspianSean soon. The
Yuritan [?] will be up at about S or
4 minutes, and then you'll pass across the
People's Republic of China, Tibet.
The - uh - Tak_m_kan Desert, Taklamakan
Desert and - and anyhow, you'll eventually,
in about 15 - 14 minutes, come across
the coast right at - right above
Hainana Just above Hanoi.

PLT Most of the lights on the groun_ look sort

of a orange. Kind of wonder if they're

CDR Probably are, in that part of the world.

PLT Yeah.

CDR That's not a city in that part of the

world, as you know.

PLT Yeah.

PLT Compeltely inverted now.

_ CDR Thatright?
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PLT I am, anyway. See they're standing ...

real well.

PLT Orion coming up.

236 20 03 22 CDR Yeah, Orion's been up very prominent.

PLT You can see it out the wardroom window.

CDR Yeah. I have a picture.

PLT Yeah.

PLT What an poortunity, this is really something.

CDR They're not gonna be able to dump this

momentum at night here, and tomorrow -
daytime, they're gonna lose some more.

PLT Yeah, they might have to do a nominal

momentum change, or something.

_ 236 20 Oh O1 CDR That's what they're going to have to do.

. . -e - .h....... im_
and Just start fresh. That's probably
what they're computing right now.

PLT They'll continue to get it screwed up

throuhg, as long as we're EVA, apparently.

CDR I don't think so.

PLT Why is that - what it has before -

CDR Cause they don't know where the X-axis is.

I don't belive they know.

PLT How could they not know?

236 20 O_ _ UDR Cause there's nothing zerosing it in.

What the hell zeroes it in, they don't
know half the time, anyhow when you ask
them for a star tracker update. Just
like it is.

PLT Well, okay, I see what you mean -

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CDR Well, we don't know, go over that way -

uh - i0 degrees. Why it means they don't
know where it is - lO degrees -

PLT What you're saying is the Z-axis is


CDR About the Z? Yeah. The X-axis out of plane.

PLT Understand, NuX - Yeah, that may be right.

CDR I should have give them a star tracker

lockon, and then they'd know something.

PLT Yep.

CDR That's what I should have done.

PLT Have a big city down there, now.

CDR Seem they can hit us from the command module.

PLT Yep, you'd think so.

236 20 05 25 SPT Well, coming down to the last bit on this

last screw. Better get back in the foot
restraint cause when they come out, get that
bolt out, gonna come all flying apart.

236 20 07 56 SPT You can always tell I got 'eraunder

my thumb now, if they don!t come out.

SPT This tape - may - mighta gotten dry.


PLT Huh? a I pulled the tape loose, you know,

about l0 minutes ago before I went to
get over these bolts and it might have
dried out.

PLT It won't stick?

SPT I doesn't want to stick very well.


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CDR Probably cold out there, and it

doesn't stick to that stuff when it's
cold. Take ... and put it in
your pocket.

PLT Yeah. It started to stick now, I think.

SPT I'll have to load it very gently.

PLT Yeah.

SPT Very gently. Almost went to sleep.

236 20 09 _3 PLT We don't lose that glow in the sky

over there, you know it? With the
horizon. Stays light all the time.
I guess it's Just the right combination
of - uh - of orbital plane and
daylight darkness, huh?

_ SPT Yeah, we're Just about tipped up as

close to perpendicular to the Sun

PLT You notice that blue - uh - crescent

on the horizon - uh - towards the Sun
area, has - uh - never - never left.

CDR And you can see how - uh - how the

ATM is - is looking. Almost right
at the horizon. •

PLT Yeah, uh-huh. It 's down through a

little blt, or -.

CDR Barely through it.


236 20 l0 35 CDR Yeah, we passed 2 or 3 days ago, the

minimum we get, the maximum we get
it 62 or sc_ething.

PLT Beta's going down now?

CDR Yep.
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PLT And will it come back up.

CDR No. It'll go thorugh zero and come

up the other way, hut by the time it
comes up, it'll be about time for us
to go home.

PLT Yeah.

236 20 i0 50 CDR It'll never get this high for us

a_aln. Get hti high going in the
other direction, apparently, because
of the time of the year, and all that

FLT Uh-huh. Soltices, June and December

are the highest.

CDB It does seem near, though to look out

there and see it pointed at the Sun
that's not on the other side of the
Earth, but sort of Just ore/ the
horizon height.

PLT Yeah, it's Just like being a - at

the NOrther lattltudes. Wat the Sun
go all the way around the horizon.

CDR uh-huh.

SPT Well, I guess that whatever you want to

do neXt, we car do. •

CDR Okay, how about getting in position.

How about waiting a second before you
get in position, though.

SI°T Yep, don't you want to close this

dorr ?

236 20 ii 34 CDR Yeah, and what I want to do first,

is check this back here. Okay, that's
good. Now, let me get o_t my book.
It happens to be right in front of me
here. Okay, here - here it comes, close
82A door. Coming closed?
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SPT Yep.

CDR Okay, tell me when it's closed,

observe and all that stuff.

SPT Closed nice and smoothly.

CDR Okay, I'll open it once and close

it once, and then I'll roll back
to 6780 and pick up again.

SPT Nice and smooth.

CDR That open?

SPT Open.

236 20 12 ll CDR Coming lcosed and I'm also at the

same time rolling the 6780, Owen.

_ SPT Okay,I'm clear.

pr.T _h_,_ _n _nvt. of _ts normal stowed


SPT Yeah.

CDR After EVA, get off position. Use

handrails at the right place.

PLT Okay,you ready? •


PLT Move it.

CDR Okay, that's it right there, Big 0.

SPT Okay.

CDR And let me now refigure.

236 20 12 49 CDR Okay, Jack. Start - uhclamp EV-2s

tether. Big O, egree VS and hit the VT.
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PLT Okay.

SPT Get the air glow up here Just a minute.

CDR Okay.

CDR Wouldn't want to interfere with this

time of your life, here.

PLT All fixed?

SPT Yeah, that's all right. I thought it

was aboe the horizon but it was
below it. The light ...

CDR Okay, JACK. What you want to do is

start easing the boom out that

FLT And I think I better wait until he -

gets his umbilical out of the way there.

SPT Yes]a,wait until I get down to the VT.

236 20 13 54 CDR I'm going to float into the command

module a minute and look at the angle
if you don't mind.

PLT I don't.

CDR I didn't think you would, considering

the reasoning behind it.

CDR (Whistling) Okay, what's going on in

here? That's why this co,and module
has a funny smell.

PLT Glycol?

236 20 14 29 CDR No, the fan in here has quit blowing.

The fan blwoing in here has been turned

CDR And os it's collecting - not that smell

of glycol but that smell of the stuff
we smell in the oxygen chamber.

r -- _ --
Dump Tape P36-05
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PLT I didn't ever notice that odor when

we crawled into it on launch day.

CDR It wasnqt there. Cause they didn't -

It's only when it's held up. Now
I'd like to know why the devil that -
that thing is like that. But we'll
find out in a few minutes another,
cuase I'm going to go over and check
that fan switch. I bet vehn we were
fooling around with those fans the
other day I didn't turn that one on.
Sounds like something I'd do. Man -
ain't even neurotic - I'm dump.

PLT - - fan is that, AI?

236 20 15 15 PLT Oh, to see if this faro - you knov -

over here when we were fooling with
those mol sieves and things.

_ PLT you mean the duct fan?

CnP V_h.

PLT No, it ain't supposed to be running.

I turned that off last ni@ht.

CDR Oh, you dfd?

PLT Yeah. Part of the procedures - or this

morning_ it was. •

CDR Okay, well, then -

CDR I'm going to turn it off.

CDR l't not normally part of it is it?

PLT Yeah, it's part of the EVa procedures.

CDR Wonder why.

236 20 15 33 PLT I don't know, I did it this morning,

though .

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CDR Why would they want - -

PLT Turned out all fans in there as a

matter of fact, duct fans and all
thos circulation fans.

CDR Wonder why?

CDR I'm going to turn this one on for a


PLT ... I guess.

PLT Got the boom, 0.?

SPT Yeah.

236 20 16 l0 SPT This is a Job for an impatitent person.

CDR Yeah, I 'm convinced - -

SPT Okay.

nothing effect on it compared to it

being out of the orbit plane.

PLT Yeah.

CDR But how would t_ey know? They have

no way to know.

SPT I'll bet you're right, Jack - uh - A1.

CDR You guys are Just trying to pass it off.

PLT I haven't been all random anyway,

We've been in all different orientations.

CDR That 's right.

236 16 _0 SPT _,,_,,_,_! Not going to be too good for

seeing those latches out here - locks.
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PLT It's going to be light in a minute.

What lock?

SPT On the boom.

PLT Oh. How long before sunrise?

SPT No long now.

CDR h minutes 39 seconds, which means it's

really about 2 minutes.

SPT Yeah. I'ii Just wait. Stand by,

Jack. Stop.

236 20 17 13 pLT Now there's kind of a red glow there.

You see where the Sun's going to come

SPT I'd say it's orange.

_ PLT Yeah. It's pretty. Must be a whole

lot of clouds in between there and
_h_ y_llow - _ - -

SPT Yeah.

PLT Further along the horizon.

SPT Uh=huh.

CDR Got a brand new load of film, g_ntlemen.

236 20 17 B2 CDR That ought to be enough to hold you

for another lh days.

PLT About right. Then they better get

some more cause we're going to press on.

PLT It's going to be a pretty sunrise on

aecoutn of all the clouds.

SPT We've Just warmed up. W'eve Jsut warmed

up and we're going to go hom. e

CDR Well, we'll ask them in another wekk

r" or so why they don't keep up here
another week or so. Extra.
Dump Tape 236-05
Page 51 of 56


CDR Little too early right now.

SPT Ask them if they've given any

serious thought to it. We're Just
getting good EREP passes.

CDR Well, if you don't stretch that ATM

film out, they'll want you to come

SPT Yeah.

236 20 18 19 CDR ATSm,lf light. Big deal! I'll check.

It's going to be all fours. I hope.
You don't want anything new. A]]
fours. I don't need - -

PLT Well, the Sun's going to come up

to the left of that spot.

SPT You're right.

PLT To your right there. I thought it

was going to come up in that kind
of reddish area.

236 20 i£ 43 CDR Let me suggest some things to you

gentlemen. You may find of
amazing interest. Right now, we're
approximately - we're 4 and h i_ 19,
that's 15 - two 15's - Europe. If you
look down, you ought too see Borneo,
New Guinea.

SPT There's New Guinea.

PLT Pitch black.

CDR Is it pitch black?

PLT Yeah, you can't see a thing.

236 20 19 17 CDR Okay. In that case, don't look down,

_ becasueeit's frightening. And you're
Dump Tape 236-O5
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coming up on Australia. You'll be

at Australia in h minutes and we'll
get Honeysuckle. We' 11 miss Carnarvon,
Carvarvom next pass. Big next pass.
Get Carvarvon and Honeysuckle. And
then if you flip back over here,
you'll find that yon're going to hustle
right over the Andes again.

SPT We haven't been out even 3 hours yet.

CDR I can tell you how long you've been

out. 3 hours and 50 - -

SFT How could that be -

PLT THis is only our third daytime -

PLT We vent out 16:30.

SPT What time is it now?

236 20 19 59 CDR Almost 20:30. Actually I guess this

is our _'our_n aayllgnt coming up

PLT ... Now Sun's coming up. It's a

pretty one.

SPT Yeah. Sure is.

PLT All thos clouds over there make* it

that way.
SPT Yeah.

PLT Visor.

SPT Yeah.

236 20 20 20 CDR How's the TV camera pointed, Jack?

Have you got good settings for day?
Is is pointed good for day?

PLT Yeah.
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CDR All right.

PLT It's not working, of course.

CDR Okay.

PLT I'm going to start it working in

a few minutes when 0. comes back.

CDR You going to tell me?

PLT Here comes O.

PLT Yeah. Come on like a light

switch. Bam °

PLT Let me turn off the flood lights.

236 20 21 03 PLT Oh, I've got to get that pictures.

Don't go anywhere, Big 0.

,_ SPT Get a good picture from there?

FbT Right now I can get a magnificent

picture from there, if I'm Just
smart enough to do it.

SPT Okay.

PLT There's always the question, Big O.

PLT Supposed you lean over this way P,O.

SPT All right.

PLT Wrong way. Your right. Your right.

That ain't your right, that's you

SPT That 's my right.

PLT Okay, lean forward then.

SPT JUST A MINUTE. I can't get my foot out.

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236 20 21 33 PLT Lean over toward the STS and look

at me. There you go. Further.
Just stay right there. It's going to
be a beautiful picture cause it's got
all that sunshine behind it. Just
wait a minute. It's going to be a
nice picture, 0. Stay right there -
don't go anywhere. It's hard for me
to hold myself up here and get this
focus adjusted. Okay. Stay right there.
Let me see how the pan looks. Exposure
Just right. Now Jsut wait there. I
want to get a couple more. Look
down. Furht er. Bood take.
Wait a minute. Just wait a minute.
Now wait a second. I want to get the
other camera. When you come back, I
want you to get up real close and I'll
get one of you.

SPT All right.

PLT Okay. What was that? Son of a bitch.

250 and f/4 was what I wanted.
Okay, O. Heryit comes, baby. Stay
right there. Gotta make you famous.
Even if it's only with your wife.

236 20 22 48 SPT That '3_1be the extent of it.

PLT I may give one of these to Linda.


SPT Okay.

PLT Okay. You look nice out there. There

you go.

SPT Okay, Jack, I'm going to givyyou some


PLT Okay. Gee, I'm like you 0wen, remember

where to stick the foot.

PLT I know this camera isn't taking pictures

right. I know it.
.'f-'_ Dump Tape 236-05
Page 55 of 56

SPT Unnh ... find it ...

PLT I had the same trouble, 0., yeah.

SPT ... hold it.

PLT Yeah. Hold too hard - don't let her

go. That would have spoiled your
day. You can put the other on if you

SPT ..°

pLT I don't know. I had a hard - I thought

for awhile that I wasn't going to
get it out.

SPT You didn't mention that to me.

236 20 23 58 SPT Tell you what I'm going to do, cause

if I put it there - now I have to
take it off before I - I'll put it
there, though.

SPT ... take those things off the other

end, either.

PLT There it goes, _hataboy.

SPT Okay, push it _ck and then try to

release it, and it'll come undone.

PLT Figures.

SPT God, that's beautiful.

PLT Ain't it though? Boy!

SPT I like to look right where the

darkness is merging into the light,
I mean on the Earth. Isn't that
pretty now, all thos colors?
Dump Tape 236-05
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PLT Now that's _ good shot, 0.

CDR Get something of you guys.

PLT Oh, we'll get some of you next time.

236 20 25 h7 CDB Okay. I thinkthat's a great shot

there. You can get shots here, yon
Just c8/i't get them at the other
station too well.

SPT Here's the end of the boom.


CDR Locked good and tight?

FLT Yep.

PLT I'll see - You've got the feet the

wrong way, I think, don't you, Owen?

SPT No, sorry - It's gong to rotate so

_ _ _ii_ t_ Le _ii _i_.

CDR Is it locked?

FLT It's locked.

CDR Take it away.

236 20 25 12 SPT Take it away, c_refully. •

Duap Tape 236-07
/'-'_ Time: 2038-21h6 _4T
Page 1 of 21

326 20 38 26 SPT ... and stuff like that. No, on the side
of the MDA and - uh - in fact you know
the little uh - EVA light that's right
by the hatch with the little - uh - -
PLT Yeah.

SPT Bird_cage over it. That little bird cage

%hose little wires on the bird cage and
the eight and everything, handrails are -
uh - are outlined or profiled in white on -
uh - on the fabric, on the gold fabric on
the - uh - side of the uh - uh - airlock,
The rest of the fabric is kind of - uh -
gold - uh - a golden color now. Where
it's shaded, why it's - uh - more white,
and - uh - it's so well defined that
you can - uh - ma_e out that little bird
"f _, cage - uh - profile and a little - uh -
a little clip right next to it, imprinted
it right on the - uh - right on the fabric.

236 220 39 37 SPT Right here on th south end of North Ireland

is a big volcano.

PLT Is that the one we photographed the other

day? It's - uh -

SPT Yeah. It's snow covered ....

PLT Yeah. That's the one we photgraphed the other

SPT Yep!

PLT You can see the shield area and most recent
flow. Very distinct from the rest of the

SPT Yeah. Looks like the rest of the uh -

flow around it is -1_ost completely circular.

PLT Yeah.
_-_ Dump Tape 236-07
Page 2 of 21

SPT Except there's one - uh - uh - flow going -

must be kind of morth - -

PLT OUt to sea.

SPT Yeah, out to toward - to the west of - -

PLT Very pointed volcano. Maybe that's the

tree line that makes that circle - eurcular

236 20 40 07 SPT I think it's the - uh - material in the flow.

That looks like that - -

PLT I haven't seen any ... down here. See

there's another - uh - couple big - uh -
volcanos with snow on them there _I,o,
a little furth inland. It looks like a
tree line ghough beeause you can see those
... are - theree's a _ery definite
dpm_kation between the green and the darker
color and then the snow. Pretty place,
frem here. Seen a lot of pretty places.
Lots of places you'd like to - uh - stop
awhile and visit.

236 20 41 00 PLT Well, I guess that's the last land we're

going to see for a while, O.

SPT Yep.

PLT How's the cranking going?

SPT Almost there. Okay. Those are opened.

Now all I do is pull this little plug out,

PLT Yep.

236 20 41 35 SPT Okay. Stick it in the end, huh?

PLT Hesh. Kinda of a rickity thing but - uh -

SPT Sure is.

PLT - - doesn't go anywhere.

Dump Tape 236-07
3 ot 2z

CDR Care to look this way, 0.?

SPT Yeah, Just a moment, I will.

CDR Make a nice shot. Kinda tip over front

ways ...

SPT Okay.
CDR ... up my range.

236 20 41 59 SPT That's it. Let's get to work.

CDR I'll read you the next step.

PLT What do you mean? That's the fun. You

mean the fun's over, we got to go to
work now, huh?

CDR Okay gang - l'm now going to - uh - turn

on this TV. Make sure that the TV is Just
/_ right up there, Jack.

PLT Take a loot at at

CDR Don't move yet - O.

SPT All right.

PLT Let me get the _m_illcals out of the

so we can 0.

236 20 42 23 PLT Okay, it's pointed right.

SPT Okay, l'm tak_ug a look at these samples

up here. All the samples look okay, with
the exception of the ones that are nearest
the ATM which have four little - uh - uh -
paper disks covering them, and - uh - two or
three of those are beginning to peal up. I
noticed on the opposite side, however, now
the one away from the ATM - there's the four
brown disks that are beginning to curl up

Dump Tape 236-07


CDR Say, Jack, have you - uh - retracted f_,lly

and bolted the hook?

PLT Yeah.

236 20 42 52 CDR Okay. Owen, Just a moment now I'm tu1_ng

on the T - Are yo ready to come back?

SPT I 'm ready to come hack.

PLT Wellj the TV isn't doing right.

CDR Right turn, right front - -

PLT Wait a minute. Wait a mind_ce,

CD_ 0_. O_ - -

PLT The TV isn't doing.right yet - -

CDR Stop. Stop.

-\ PLT - - got lines on it.

CDR OEsy, wait til Jack gets to adjusted.

PLT I don't know if there's adjustment that

can be made. It was working real good. Sepm_
,11 set the way it's supposed to be.

SPT It pointing the right direction?

236 20 43 20 PLT Yeah. I th_nk that's the - I don't thine

the lights get turned on that way, AI.

CDR Well_ it takes time to warm up.

PLT Never used to. You Just flip the switch, and
it makes a picture.

236 20 43 46 CDR Yeah, may not llke to but that's the way
it got it.

PLT I can go in there and cycle our switch.

Shall I do that?
Dump Tape 236-07
Page 5 of 21_

236 20 _3 39 CDR If I were you, I'd close down the aperature

suld bring it back open again. Slowly.
Probably flooded out and our automatic gain has
done scaething up to it.

PI_T No, it's lines like - uh - the horizontal

hold is goofed up.

CDR Let me check if all these things are on.

Television, they're--

PLT Yep. Doesn't - -

CDR - - all on.

PLT Doesn't make any difference to close it

down. You get the s_n,e deal.

CDR Well, you might try to cycle it. Hope

we haven't busted it. Maybe it's therm-11y
too hot.

PLT Good shape when yo turned it off.

236 20 4_ 16 CDR It went out of attitude, you know, about

20 degrees there.

PLT Yeah, but it was in the dark.

CDR Huh - uh, it was still in the light. Was

out 20 when I sent to SI.

PLT No, it was still pointed way away from the

\ Sun.

CDR Okay. Why don't you cycle that thing inside

then we'll - if it works or doesn't worE, we
gotta get on with it.

236 20 44 38 PLT I cycled it.

CDR How's it doing?

PLT Well, I'm not getting nothing to do it on

the monitors, Just a few lines - uh - going
.D_._._ Tape 236-07
Page 6 of 21.

up and down. Every once in a while, it

tries to cut off and come back in.

CDR Okay, let's run - with it llke it is. Okay,

is everybo_r ready?
PLT Yeah.

CDR May be thermally - ... trouble.

236 20 45 32 CDR Okay; come on back, Big 0. And ingress.

In other words, corn e back. See if I
can get a shot of you ccmin back.

SPT 1,11 turn arolmd, Just a second here, AI.

PLT You're getting up close to throw this - -

CDR 0kay, ... - - "

PLT - - umbilical behind me, right?

CDR - - look that way. Sum' s up.

SPT Yeah.

236 20 45 50 CDR Stow excess LSU in aft AM area, once you're


SPT Okay.

PLT There he is, right in there.

CDR Are you inside?

SPT No, I'm Just looking in your window.

CDR Oh - okay.

PLT Good Job, O. Nice going.

SPT Th-n_ you, Jack.

PLT Nice going.

Dump Tape 236-07
Page 7 of 2_

236 20 _6 23 SPT Well, let's see, we got to put my head up

the same ... don't I.

PLT Hey you're going between these umbilieals

here, let me - uh okay, ther you go.

SPT All right.

PLT Yeah.

236 20 46 38 CDR Jack_ _while you're waiting how about putting

•the FS to full CLOSED?


SPT Little bit of gear to bring back in, looks


CDR And - uh - if Owen'll turn it off when he

gets inside.

f _ PLT Okay we'll hit the switch for off.

SPT Okay, Just a minute. Hey- -

PLT Hey, you want to hold some u_hilical in

there. I don't know - uh - maybe
we'd he best if we - -

CDR No, no. Let me Just read it. That's what

he sould do.

SPT Yeah.
236 20 _7 08 CDR He should stow excess LSU in aft AM area,

SPT That's what I'm doing.

236 20 47 15 CDR Okay. Everyghing's going Just right. Casu-1

but controlled. TV power went off. Let me
know when you're ready for next step.

SPT Okay, we'll let you know.

Du_,_, Tape 236-07
Page 8 of 21

PLT Still - uh - throwing umbilical ha_k in there.

C_R Okay.

236 20 47 46 PLT Okay, I think that's A1] of my mnhilical.

CDR Okay. Now except the - first, unplug the TV

plub. You've turned it off, now unplub it,
if you would.

236 20 48 08 SPT Unplugged.

CDR Retrieve TV and stow it AM on handrail

next to hatch.

PLT Handrail next to hatch. Okay, there must

be several of those.

CDR And, Jack, while hers doing - while you -

after you hadn him that, woudl you care to
fold the DAC to the bule m-_ks, or have you
/ _ -l_eady done it?

PLT Goes up there on the - uh - -

SPT Yeah.

PLT - - handrail where those tethers are, 0wen.

8PT Yeah. I understand.

PLT Okay.

CDR Is the DAC inside or outside?

PIT It 's outside.

236 20 41.841 CDR Okay, fold it to the blue m-_ks and hand it
to Owen when you get a chance.

PLT Just a minute. Oh, it's inside, l'm

sorry . I put it in.

CDR All right, no trouble.

upe 2S6-oT
P_e 9 of 21

PLt I forgot.

CDR Okay, you're go_- pass first the VC tree.

PLT Hey, he's getting the TV.

C_R I know it, but you can get the VC tree.

PLT I 'm on my way. There you go.

SPT Okay.

236 20 48 57 PLT VC tree, huh?

SPT Yes, sir.

PLT Okay.
PLT Carefully and don't let go. Okay gonna have
to hold it there a minute, I've got this - -

f SPT I got her.

PLT - - monitor yet ot - -

SPT Take your time.

236 20 49 23 PLT Oh, I'll turn it around the other way, 0.,
so that that cable - uh - is pointing toward
the hatch. There you go. Got sc_e slack in
the cable you - you see what I mean, there?

SPT : Yeah. I thought there was room either way.

• I Just - maybe I better do it this way.

PLT Also you might want to uh - -

SPT Okay. Sliding down.

PLT - - you might want to go around the umbilical.

Wait a minute.

SPT Around the umbilical? Oh, Yeah.

PLT It went through that loop there and - uh -

that might hang it up. there you go. That's
f _ a bey.

Dump Ta_e 236-07
Page i0 o_ 21

236 20 50 i0 SPT I'll put it like that so I won't have to -

won't be so likely to hit it.

236 20 50 18 CDE Okay, I'm gonna give it a ncainal M0_'L_

[sic] CAGE clear.

SPT You got it? I have it. Okay.

CDR ... 03.

PLT Gave _e the wrong end. Keep from flopin


SPT Yeah. Okay.

236 20 51 07 CDR How you doing, Big 0.?

SPT M'.kt ng progress.

PLT O_y. '

f SPT Always the bad one.

CDR You got it in, babe.

236 20 51 16 SPT Okay, there's one stowed.

CDR Now you need the other one. Jack - -

BPT 09

CDR - - If Jack would be so klnd.

PLT Okay. You gotta be careful now, you don't

knock those things off.

SPT Yeah.

236 20 51 51 CDR When do you RELEASE the nominal H-CAGE or

does it do it itself?

PLT Uh - your CM- CMGs are probably - uh -

EHABT._ now, right?

CDR I assume they are.

Dump Tape 23_07
Page Ii of

SPT And so it'll be released - uh - in or at

oh, 2 minutes or so .... approximately.

PLT Got it?

SPT I have it, Jack.

PLT Okay. Watch the top.

SPT Yeah.

236 20 52 12 CDR Let's if they're going to the right places,

namely 22. Well, they're - it's hard to
tell with one of these things out.

PLT Well, I think we got everything in. Is
there anything else.out her, Al?

CDR I don't think there is. Look around

f--- though, we don't want to leave any -

how bout your bolts, how bout your tools,
how bout - uh - that' s it. Gentlemen,
let me suggest you check the EVA hatch seal
area for obstruction.

236 20 52 38 PLT I haven't got us locked in yet.

CDR And leap in.

PLT I'll ... and come in.

SPT Yep .... the afternoon.

Pl/f Yeah. Yeah.

236 20 52 56 CDR The time is now 4 o'clock, -Imost. You're

going to have been out about _ hours and
30 minutes.

PLT Well, not quite up to our average, but

maybe it's adequate for the day. (Laughter)
_Dump Tape 236-07
Page 12 of 21

PLT Oh, well. I guess not ,11 records are made

to be broken. Maybe next t_me.

236 20 53 31 PLT Oks_, the kid is in. Verify that.

CDR If the kid would the - uh - hatch seal area

and the dogs are fully retracted so that when
you close the hatch, the dogs won't bump
into the cell or seal.

PLT No, the dogs I can see are retracted.

236 20 53 44 CDR Okay. Then pull 'er in.

PLT Okay.

236 20 54 Ol _R Close the hatch until the retainer is

_ngaged, which I'm sure is pretty soon.
Looks like you're doing it way ahead of
the game. Place h6!d-open rod in spring clip
and strap. Hatch handle, CLOSED. Hatch
handle lock, engaged. Let me know when all
that's complete, so I can stop the clock and
voice record it.

236 20 54 21 PLT Stop the clock.

oR okny.
PLT And we want to - -

CDR Okay. That's about a _ hour, 30 minute and

20 second operation.

PLT Depress valve is still open.

236 20 54 42 CDR Okay, I'll read it. LOCK COMPARTMET DEF_ESS

VALVE, CLOSE, please.

PLT The other w_. It's closed down there. No,

closed up here. Closed up here. Closed
down there.

SPT Clockwise.

CDR You can look out the hole, and see

PLT That's what I'm doing right there. Okay.


Page 13 of 21

CDR Monitor PRESS LOCK for 2 minutes.

PLT Rotated it the other wsy5 d/dn't you?

SPT No, I was pulling out on it. I Just doesn't

push the button far enough, firm.

236 20 55 Ol CDR I'll let you know when 2 minutes are up,

PLT OkaydOke. Those dogs m-_e it okay

• .

F ¸

Dump Tape 236-07
Page i_ of 21

SPT Yep. This d,mn thing. Well s we've

got some good gyros now, Jacks so we
can really go to work and we've got a
new load of film. We ought to really
be able to m-_e sr-,e good science -
good progress.

PLT Yep.

SPT That was a lot of fun.

PLT Yesh. Boys I's sure glad I had that one

view coming over the Andes. That really
was, I think, the prettiest sight I've
ever had. Wasn't that beautiful?

SPT Fantastic !

236 20 55 4_ PLT Yeah. You had the "_ame view the orbit

f-_ SPT _eah.

236 20 55 57 PLT _11 the different shades of brown were


SPT You could take a Hasselblad out there

and take pictures.

PLT I 'd like to have a fish eye lens to

take in that panor-m-.

S_T Yeah.

PLT You can really Just - Just see all

over. Can't capture it on film, O.

236 20 56 _5 PLT We eat a late lunch and a late dinner,

we can - uh - get al1 our chow down
SPT Yeah. Have to do that.

PLT Have to get the chow down. Some of

that stuff we can't delay til to-
/f morrow too either like we ought to
get going on - ... do that one ATM
Dump Taue 236-07
Page 15 of 21

synoptic run tonight and i ought to

stow the film.

CDR Okay, gentlemen, can I ask you the


SPT I'll check it.

PLT Yeah. I have O. 5-

236 20 57 09 CDR ThatLs where it ought to be. Okay.

Now during this repress - -

SPT Let me doublecheck you for it, please.

CDH Okay, during this repress you may get -

uh - SUIT PRESS light will come
on - It will come on. CAUTION and
WARNING RAPID DELTA-P will he activated.
Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna
open for 30 seconds. Okay?

PLT Yesh.

CDR If I get my clock right. Well, that's


SPT We're in ABSOLUTE, aren't we?

PLT Yeah. Ohh, it 's blowing me. Blowing

me right to the other end of the

CDR That 's okay.

PLT Look at that. (Laughter)

PLT Blowing me to the - uh - into the

workshop now. There's my SUIT PRF_S
236 258 21 SPT Yeah, mine also.

PLT Man, it really lets in. Back to

"Imnst normal ngain.

SPT Okay, wait a minute. Oops!

Page 16 of 21

CDR 0kay. Now - -

PLT 4.1. Boy, that was quick.

CDR Okay, let me suggest other item,.

CDR OWs hatch opening.

SPT Guess I'm supposed to go up and do

that aren't I?

236 20 58 36 CDR Ev-2. _RTR_SE handle Imlock and hatch

handle to equalize pressure.

SPT Okay, Just a minute. I have a handle

here called HATCH handle and another
o_e called RELEASE -handle. T_I I me
again which one you want.

/_ CDR Take the one ca]]ed pRTR_SE, and go

to unlock.

SPT Okay. That is.

236 20 58 54 CDR Now take the one that says hatch

handle and go to equalize pressure.

SPT Okay.
SPT That is.

236 20 59 Ol CDR Cool it for a while.

SPT It 's blowing in.

CDR Let me know when - uh - you think

it's eq11_1.

SPT I still hear it blowing.

CDR This one's equ_1 with yours, so I'll

open it.
f-_ D=_p Tape 236-07
Page 17 of 21

SPT 0kay, it may Just be that inside mY

helmet now. So I'm not sure whether it
is, or not.

CDR Okay it Just -- I'll Just have to wait


236 20 59 _5 CDR Okay, let me tell you now. Okay, let

me check all the pressures are the same.
They look the same. I don't know one
looks a little higher. Let's wait a few
•seconds. Okay, got a release handle
,lnl ock.

SPT •.. it is tmlocked.

CDR Hatch handle to open. Push hatch handle,

open whenever you can. If you can't, Just
wait a few minutes .and maybe you can ...

SPT Okay, still can't push it open.

CDR Maybe we'll Just have to wait. Okay,

watch the tv, the monitor may be a
little hot. The VF tree may be ex-i
ceed/n 6 allowably touch temp. So,
Jack, if you'll move the VF tree, I
can open the hatch.

236 21 00 _0 PLT OEs_, AI. It's moved. There he is.

CDR Welcome hc_e. Poised on the end of the

CDR Your most faithful fans ; I never left
your side for a minute.

SPT Couldn't have done it with out you.

PLT Someday I want to meet the other one.

SPT 0_.

236 21 Ol 09 CDR It is hot.

SPT Is it?

236 21 Ol i0 PLT Still hot, huh?

Page 18 of 21

SC Warm, I can say it would he i0 or

20 degrees borer, you wouldn't hold it.

PLT Let's feel it.

PLT ... for a long time -

CDR Shoot, that think ... radiators. That 's

the hottest part. Soon as Jack - soon
as Owen can open the hatch, ... clear ...
Presa on.

236 21 01 35 PLT Here we go.

CDR You want to turn on the OW "flight

a,rr_liary first.

SPT I'm trying to move 'em down here, and

there ought to he _ entry light.

236 21 01 47 CDR And then if Jack will go down in the

_ lower compartment, I'ii give him some
• other clues he might find entertaining.

PLT Very well. Got your umbilical over

your shoulder, there.

SPT Yeah, Im all wrapped up in it. I

tho,,ght I might be able to get out of
it, when I got inside.

236 21 02 05 PLT There you go.

CDR I'll go down and help you do your LSU's,


PLT Okay, go ahead O. With - uh - that
can be yours.

CDR Go ahead, and I will try to do that,

for both of you. _mny smell in here.
Not sure why.

236 21 02 32 PLT Ooops, I didn't mA_e it. l'm free

f _ drifting.

_-'_ Dmnp Tape 236-07

Page 19 of 21

CDR Okay, let me give you a little tug -

push. Heads down, adios.

PLT Hasta le gusta.

CDR SO long, guys. (Yelling), (laughter)

236 21 02 47 CDR Look at that hopper, hey, what a show. _.... •

Yea. Need a flash for that. Okay, you
got plenty _hilical - both of you.

PLT (Latter) Oh, heck. Where the -

finally found somethiug to grab to.

236 21 03 19 CDR Okay, Jack, when you get d°wn stairs,

let me know.

PLT Oh, yeah, you want me to go down there

and get some lights and stuff.

236 21 03 25 CDR You may want to take off your hat ; you
ms_ want to go do that first.

PLT No, let's go do it. Go get some light

in here, and get to work.

CDR Okay, lighting switche - 13 of them,

on 616 ON. I'ii give you more umbilical.

236 21 03 37 PLT Okay.

CDR Okay, when that's complete, put ... 3,

in the wardroom ON, and put the thermal
\ control system duct fan CV, 12 of them

236 21 0h 09 PLT I don't think we lost a watt of power.

SPT Okay, we got ,11 that.

CDR Press on with your check your list.

CDR Turn on the high intensity LIGHT down

there, and turn on your camera.
/- -

236 21 04 24 PLT Okay.

SPT Keep your high intensity. Wonder what


D,_.[., Tape 236.-07

Page 20 of 21

happened to it?

CDR Turned it off. And give me a nodd when

l can turn off your LCG and things.

236 21 04 54 SPT Okay. It takes a while to warm up ....

PLT I turned - I pushed that camera button, ._

I don't know if that c=_ra is working,
or not.

236 21 05 07 SPT Oh, yesh, there's the green lightl I

can see it.

SPT What you looking for, Jack?

PLT Wanted to know why that light wasn't

shining very brightl, hut - uh - it takes
a while to warm up,. _ guess.

236 21 05 20 PLT Well, let's look at this checklist here,

O. Are you rea_47 to check the checklist?
Push button ON. Okay, pressure selector
OFF, tone, REG 1 LOW FLOW end LOW v_'£
FLOW, doff one glove. Pressure selector
OFF. We're still in EVA normal, aren't

8PT Well, yeah, but doesn't anything about

it. PRESSURE selector OFF.

236 21 05 47 SPT Doff helmet and other gloves.

CDR Re_er our intercom is hot _ke, for


SPT Yeah.

CDR Bang. Yes sir, Mr. Vice-Presdient.

SPT How'd the old fingers hold up this time,


PLT Better.

SPT Mine are a little better, too. But

/_-- they're still ... stiff.
_ Tape 236-07
Page 21 of 21

PLT Try to get the same work out, as last


236 21 06 44 SPT Good and stiff.

CDR Standing by for your c=l 1.

PLT Okay, Just a minute.

SPT Get back here.

PLT Okay, Owen, the next thing to do is - uh -

doff - stow helmet, doff wristlet and
stuff. Notify EV-3 to deactivate the
EVA panels.

CDR Okay, here it comes ....

236 21 07 47 PLT POWER OFF, and do riot proceed until complete.

PLT I won't

PLT ... tethers are still a little hit warm.

236 21 08 18 CDR Turning off your 02 supply down there.

236 21 08 31 CDR That's cause I turned it off. Everything's

nk,y. (Warning signal tone heep)

Dump Tape 236-08
Time : 22hi-0011 GMT

_-_k Page i of i

236 22 41 33 CDR This is the CDR and I'd like to voice record
some information. The PCU used by - used by -
uh - EV-I was 013. That's Jaek Lousma, used
013. He used umbilical 13. Now umbilical 9
and PCU 010 were used by the SPT, who was EV-2.

CDR Let me tell you the SOPs, please.

236 22 42 14 CDR 016 was used by the PLT or EV-I. And the
pressure remaining here is 6000. 013 was used
by the SPT, EV-2, and the pressure in there is
6000 also. CDR out. And that information
goes to - uh - EGILs I guess, I'm not sure who
picks up EVA.

237 00 i0 06 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack on channel A.

The subject is M509. Battery number 7 - uh -
charge terminated at 00:lO, day 237. This is
for Lou Ramon. That's the end of the message.

237 00 lO 19 PLT Thank you.

Dump Tape 236-09
Time : 22h2-2209 GMT
f"-" 8124173
Page l of i

236 22 41 31 This segment is duplicated verbatim within

to Dump Tape 236-08.
236 22 42 _0

236 19 27 25 This segment is duplicated verbatim within

to Dump Tape 236-05.
236 19 34 O0


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