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100th birthday
Over a week before Moore's 100th birthday, so many cards had been sent to him
that Royal Mail had had to introduce dedicated sorting facilities and around 20
volunteers were recruited to open and display them, at the local Bedford School. By his
birthday, over 150,000 cards had been received.

Mock-up of Royal Mail's Captain Tom Moore postmark, as used 26 April–

1 May 2020

Royal Mail announced that all stamped post between 26 April and 1 May would
be postmarked "Happy 100th Birthday Captain Thomas Moore NHS fundraising hero
30th April 2020". Royal Mail also celebrated his birthday by painting a postbox, near
his home, the shade of blue used by the NHS, with a golden balloon and inscription
on the side.

Hawker Hurricane LF363, one of the aircraft used in the RAF flypast (seen in 2011)

On the morning of his birthday, a Hawker Hurricane and a Spitfire from the Royal Air

Force's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight performed a flypast over Moore's house. In
the afternoon, a second flypast featured two Army Air Corps helicopters, a Wildcat and an Apache.
Michael Ball appeared live on BBC Breakfast to sing "Happy Birthday to You" to
Moore. Birthday congratulations were also made by Boris Johnson, Harry Kane, and Prince
Charles. Moore also took a video call from the Secretary-General of the United Nations António , 

Guterres .

Instead of the standard 100th birthday message from Queen Elizabeth II, he received a
personalised card, presented in person by the Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire, Helen
Keighley Bus Company named one of its Optare Versa buses Captain Tom Moore on
20 April, and reprogrammed the electronic displays to show a "Thank You Captain
Tom" message intermittently in between the vehicle's route and destination. A plaque
inside the bus gives further information of Moore's life and fundraising. Other buses in the
town, and across parent company Transdev Blazefield, displayed an intermittent "Thank You NHS" message. Alex Hornby, chief executive of
Transdev Blazefield, described the vehicle as the "pride of the fleet" in dedication to M

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