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‫‪Nursing Administration‬‬

‫)النسخة السابعة)‬


‫‪Nursing Administration‬‬
‫مع تمنياتي بالتوفيق والنجاح للجميع‬

‫قروب طور ذاتك ‪ ..‬مناقشة امتحانات البرومتريك والبيرسون فيو للتمريض‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Page 1‬‬

Nursing Administration
)‫)النسخة السابعة‬


1 Leadership

2 Communication in Nursing Services Department

3 Planning

4 Decision Making

5 Documentation

6 Reporting and Recording

7 Time management

8 Organizing

9 Controlling

10 Assignment

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• Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal.

• Is the guidance of a group toward achievement of objectives.

• Is the ability to influence others to attain and maintain high standard of
In Nursing; Leadership Is:

Needed in every nursing activity, every nurse whether staff nurse, head
nurse, supervisor, or nursing director can function as a leader to guide other
toward accomplishing a common goal.

Leadership Is Important:

Without a leader:

▪ vision is lost

▪ decisions are delayed

▪ agendas are multiplied

▪ conflicts are extended

▪ morale is low

▪ production is reduced
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▪ success is difficult

o Professional nurses are responsible to lead; patients, nursing team, health

team, and community groups.
o The team leader is responsible to coordinate efforts of different members of
the nursing team for giving high quality of nursing care.
o The team leader is responsible to coordinate efforts of different members of
the health team for giving high quality of care to the pts.
Qualities of good leader:

▪ Effective leadership is putting first things first.

▪ Have a clear forward vision

▪ Having Clear Values

▪ Knowledgeable and intelligence

▪ Able to Inspire

▪ Able to Lead by Example

▪ Take responsibility

▪ Courageous

▪ collaboration and community

▪ Continuously improve

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▪ Problem solving skills

▪ Effective communication skills

▪ Able to generate new ideas

▪ Good learner and listener

▪ Everything about great leadership radiates from character.

➢ Leader ship style:

o Leadership style refers to a leader's behavior.

o It is the result of the philosophy, personality and experience of the leader.
Autocratic style.

▪ Under the autocratic leadership style, all decision-making powers are

centralized in the leader, as with dictator leaders.
▪ Leader makes decisions without reference to anyone else.
▪ High degree of dependency on the leader.
▪ Can create de-motivation and alienation of staff.
▪ May be valuable in some types of business where decisions need to be made
quickly and decisively.

Advantages of autocratic Style:

▪ Less time consuming for decision making in emergency or crisis.

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▪ Useful when group members are inexperienced and the leader is the one who
has information and skills.
▪ Some people feel more secure when having fixed rules and only one way to
be followed.

Disadvantages of autocratic Style:

▪ Less commitment to organizational goal’s.

▪ Does not encourage individual initiative or cooperation between members of
the group, so frustration and confusion may arise in the group.
▪ No creativity to avoid making errors and being punished.
▪ Low productivity and poor patient care.
▪ Decreased feeling of responsibility.
▪ Low morale, feeling of hostility and apathy.
▪ Less job satisfaction.
Democratic style:

• The leader doesn’t take all decisions by him.

• The democratic leadership style favors decision-making by the group as

shown, such as leader gives instruction after consulting the group.

• The leader always needs consent and support of the group members.

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• The decisions of the democratic leader are not unilateral as with the autocrat
because they arise from consultation with the group members and
participation by them.

• The members usually participate with their leaders in Taking decisions.

• Democratic leadership depend on mutual trust between the leader and

members of this group.

• The leader gets his power from the group support

Advantages of Democratic Style:

▪ Encourage all employees to participate in decision making.

▪ Greater commitment of employee to their work, so it increases job
▪ Decision is made by group effectively.
▪ Encourages workers ideas, suggestions and creations.
▪ Good relationship between employee and leader.
▪ Security as the results of open discussion
▪ Enthusiasm and feeling of responsibility.
Disadvantages of Democratic Style:

▪ Lack of efficiency when group members lack maturity and skills.

▪ Time consuming for taking decision.

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▪ This style cannot be followed in emergency situations.


▪ Let it be’ – the leadership responsibilities are shared by all.

▪ Can be very useful in businesses where creative ideas are important.
▪ In which there is maximum freedom for the group members within
minimum leader control.
▪ Can be highly motivational, as people have control over their working life.
▪ Can make coordination and decision making time-consuming and lacking in
overall direction.
▪ Relies on good team work.
▪ Relies on good interpersonal relations.

Advantages of Laissez-faire Style:

▪ In limited situation, creativity may be encouraged (highly qualified people

plan a new approach to problem).
Disadvantages of Laissez-faire Style:

▪ Leads to disorganization and inefficiency.

▪ No unity to action which leading to decreased productivity.
▪ Group members will lose all sense of initiative and desire for achievement.
▪ No sense of group unity which leading to decreased productivity and

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The factors Affecting Leadership Style:

▪ The importance of the results.

▪ The nature of the work.
▪ The characteristics of the workers.
▪ The personal characteristics of the leader/ manager.
The Best Leadership Style:

▪ The best leadership style to be selected depends on the environment and

cultural climate in which the organization is operating.
▪ In many situations leadership is a mixture of the three styles.
▪ Democratic style may be proposed as ideal style.
▪ In some situations the autocratic or even laissez fair is indicated.

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Communication in Nursing Services Department

Out line
1. Definition
2. Purpose
3. Component
4. Types
5. Dimensions
6. Tools
Is the degree to which an organization permits, and promotes a free and
open exchange of ideas, information, thoughts, feelings or needs among
its members.
• To inform and add to the knowledge of the reader or listener eg.
Reports, stories and news.
• To entertain, amuse and hold a passive audience attention.
• To persuade, convince, activate or to reinforce.
1. Sender
2. Message
3. Receiver
4. Canal
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5. Feedback

Type of communication:
Verbal Communication:
Is the transmission of message by said, heard and written words.

• Use an appropriate tone of voice

• Give verbal encouragement
• Ask questions
• Paraphrase
• Reflect feelings
• seek clarification

Nonverbal Communication
Is the transmission of message by observation and sensation, also
called body language
• 85% of communication
• Paying full attention
• Using facial expression that show interest and concern
• Eye contact
• Using encourage gestures as nodding head
• Posture\ gait, touch

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Between supervisors and their subordinates.
For example:
The hospital director must keep personnel informed about new policies
and overall progress of the hospital.
Between subordinates and their supervisors, it helps administrators to
know what is going on. How effective the policies are? How subordinates
feel about their job?
Is exchange between people at similar level in the hierarchy?, it help to
coordinate duties, promote cooperation among personnel and
1. Time schedule.
2. Daily assignment.
3. Policies.
4. Manuals.
5. Reports and Records.
6. Rounds and teaching.
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7. Evaluation forms.
8. Conferences.
A device set up by the administrative office to be used for collection of
information, which considered essential, they include:
Is a meeting between two or more persons to exchange ideas, feeling or
information. It includes the following types:
Individual conference:
Between two persons, to discuss personal problems as in the performance
evaluation interview.
Group Conference:
Between more than two persons: eg.
Patient care conference:
To discuss patient problem and plan for nursing care.
Staff conference:
To discuss problems related to staff, explain policies and procedures.

Medical discussion besides the patient bed, e.g. nursing round and medical
As patient teaching:

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This takes the form of either on the spot education or organized classes for
patient and their families.

Manager-Employee Communication
** Congenial
** Show mutual caring without undue familiarity
** Be personal but not show favoritism
** Be relaxed but purposeful
From this relationship the nurse manger can be directive
3. Allowing employees all freedom & Flexibility in the performance of duties
as their competence
4. Good communication builds a relationship that strengthens the nurse
manager’s ability to motivate the best efforts of the team because they are
satisfied with the relationship
5. Supervisory relationship can be considered in four phases:
1: The Meeting phase:
Learn about the employees’ experience, skills, oriented to their jobs and
2: The Knowing phase:
To know the person capacity for doing assigned work, and how improve the
3: The Enabling phase:
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The manager uses the skills of giving encouragement and praise, pointing out
performance problems or missed goals, giving advice and instructions
4: The directing phase:
The manager enforces rules, sets deadlines, gives ultimatums ‫انزار‬, and takes
disciplinary measures as appropriate

Nurse Administrator’s Guidelines for Communication

A: Identification of Weakness:
*Effective use of information depends on effective communication links, every
administrator plays a vital role in this system.
*To assess and identify communication weak spots, review these questions:
-Do you receive information from your staff that is excessive, minimal,

B: Effective leadership communication:

• Nurse administrator hopes to convey her staff: standard of performance,
motivation toward effective functioning and acceptance of innovations
• The message are not only given but heard to success the communication
• Promote a responsive communication climate in the department where
staff members feel comfortable in expressing their reaction, attitudes and
• You can communicate clearly with your subordinates about:
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1. Forming a plan”why, when, how”

2. Be concise, emphasize on main points
3. Formulate messages in manner that is to be subordinate’s self-interest,
creating greater acceptance ”follow up”
4. be sensitive to differences in needs, experiences
5. Use conversational language
6. Be a listener as well as a talker, encourage criticisms
7. Use a variety of C. methods to reinforce an important message

C: The Skills of Listening:

• N.A learning to listen well the wards of staff members in conversation&
• Learning to read the manner of expression
• Able to keep contact & direct activities more successfully
• The effective listening is built on the practice of
Availability: active listening to statements
Attentiveness: non-verbal messages
Acceptance: as verbal messages
D: Using Feedback Constructively:
When incident occurs
• Suggest a private talk
• Present the fact, not an evaluation
• Give the worker time to draw her own inferences
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• Double-check the validity of your inferences

• Describe the impact of the worker’s behavior on coworkers
• Ask the worker for plans or actions that will be taken to correct the behavior

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It is a continual process that moves from setting the mission to setting operational

• It is always future oriented

• Planning directs mangers thinking toward what they expect to do, why it will
be done, where it will be done, when expect to do it, how it will be done, and
who is going to do it
Purposes of planning

1- Achieving goals and objectives.

2- It gives meaning to work.
3- It helps in coping with crisis situations.
4- It is cost effectives.
5- Discover the need for change.
6- Effective utilization of available personnel and facilities.
Developing the plan of action

Specifying the goals, objectives, and policies for carrying out recommendations
and suggested programs.

• Phasing activities so that resolution of problems requiring immediate action

leads to actions and measures for attaining long range goals.
• Indicating the individuals to carry out Each recommendations.

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• Specifying a time span for achieving specific objectives or steps in the plan.
• Providing methods for evaluating progress in meeting objectives.

Types of planning

• Annual planning
• Long range planning
Annual planning

It is planning for one year to describe the staffing operational costs

Long range planning

It is planning for 3 to 5 years for district health services for new facilities,
equipment and staff
Application of planning by staff nurse

1- Drawn the nursing care plan based on the patient needs.

2- Develop time framework for her daily activities.
3- Determine the equipment needed to accomplish the designed plan.
4- Determine the needed emergency equipment.
5- Determine the time needed to accomplish her special duties.
6- Update the designed plan and re plan for the new patient problems.
Application of planning by head nurse

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1- Develop the time frame for her daily activities (nursing round, participation
in the medical round, conferences, and committees)
2- Design the assignment sheet to distribute work to the nursing staff.
3- Check the nursing care plan for the nurse.
4- Determine the number of staff nurses needed to deliver nursing care.
5- Determine the equipment needed for the unit.
6- Determine the equipment which will be needed in emergency.

Function of planning:



• Strategic is determining the direction in which headed by organization.

• tactical its involves allocating resource that unable organization reach
strategic objective
• Plans are primary mechanism for guiding organization effort it should be
remember that planning to be effective ,it should be implemented
throughout organization
Strategic planning

Its requires and assessment of organization or departmental strength and

weakness before identifying opportunities and external thread

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Relation ship of sp. and performance:

Nursing directors are responsible for developing strategies that enhance

department performance

Management strategies:

1. Operation control:

• Improved documentation
• Census - based staffing
• Adjusted charges for nursing costs.

2. Performance monitoring:

• upgraded utilization
• Improved performance reviews
• Upgraded quality assurance
3. Staff development:

• Continuing education in cost control

• Continuing education for nurse managers
• Participative management
• Implemented clinical leaders
• Increased salaries
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• Recruited capable staff

Planning process:

It consists of:

1- Seeking common purposes and objectives

2- Identifying issues and concerns
3- Determining organization structure for planning
4- Selecting participants
5- Collecting and analyzing data
6- Assessing needs and resources
7- Developing recommendations
8- Developing the plan of action
9- Implementing the plan of action
10- Evaluating and reviewing progress

Developing the plan of action:

• Specifying goals objective and policies

• Phasing activities
• Indicating the individuals to carry out each recommendation

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• Providing method for evaluating progress

Evaluation criteria:

A plan is good if it:

• In line with a clearly stated objective

• Indicates the procedural method
• Can be communicated effectively
• Is operational professionally and economically feasible
• Represent an integrated whole and not an isolated entity
• Allows for alternate course of action as change occur
• wisely uses human talents, abilities, and skills to their maximum
Transition tactical:

• This administrator should take the following:

• Allow targets to ventilate their fears, concerns, insecurities, and grief in
an environment that treat these feeling.
• Focus targets attention on the future not in the past.
• Reward those who are supportive of the change and apply pressure to
those who are resistant.
• Assign roles, targets, and responsibilities so targets feel they are involved
and exercising influence.

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• Provide targets with the logistic, economic, and political resources

needed to chive what you ask of them.
• Identify anchors that targets can trust and who will remind constant and
provide stability.
• Provide targets with training in how to understand own reaction, as well
as the reaction of others, to the change process.

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Decision Making

• It is a cognitive process of sequential steps that can be analyzed and refined

• Decision making is choosing options that are directed toward the resolution of
organizational problems and the achievement of the organizational goals
Purpose of the decision making

The coordination of the goals and objectives of its members to deliver

optimal patient care while controlling cost.

Decision Making process

The basic methods for making a decision involves a sequence of six steps:

Step 1: Analyze and identify the situation.

As a manger you first clarify the situation you are trying to resolve

Step 2: Develop Alternative.

In every decision requiring circumstances, there are two possible action.

Step 3: Compare Alternative.

There are few cases where the nurse executive is lucky enough to have one
alternative that represents the likelihood of 100 percent satisfaction.

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Step 4: Rate the risk.

In rating the risk, you may use percentage or any other rating system you prefer:
grading from 1 to 10, using the academic A- F rating and so on

Step 5: Select the best Alternative.

If the previous steps have been done carefully, it is possible that the most likely
alternative will be self-evident.

Step 6: get into Gear.

After a decision has been made, it must be made operative. A subordinate must
take on the assignment of getting the people, resources, and so on, involved in
putting the decision to work.

Types of decisions

• Strategic
• Administrative decisions
• Operational decisions

It is made by top executives that commit valuable agency resources to achieve

major, long term goals.

Administrative decisions
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It is made by mid-level managers to solve unusual problems and develop methods

for improving agency function.

Operational decisions

Decisions governing day to day events that have been delegated to first level
managers and are made according to pre-establish rules and regulations.

Factors affecting decision making

• Internal factors
• B- External factors
Internal factors

It is includes variable such as, decision makers, physical and emotional state,
cultural, social and past experience.

External factors

External factors include:

1- Environmental condition
2- Time

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Vital aspect of nursing care:

Any things written or printed relied on as proof for authorized persons.

Documentation system:

 A number of documentation systems are current use:

1. Source – oriented record.

2. Narrative.

3. Problem – Oriented Medical Record. (POMR)

Source – oriented record:

Its traditional client record, each person or sections of the clients chart, for

 The admissions department has an:

o Admission sheet.

o Physician order sheet.

o Physician history sheet.

o Progress notes.

o Nurses notes.
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 Department makes notations in a separate section or charting traditional part

of the source oriented record.

 It consists written notes that include:

◦ Routine care.

◦ Normal findings.

◦ Client problems.


 Source – oriented records are convenient because care providers from each
discipline can easily locate the forms on which to record data and its easy to
trace the information specific to ones discipline.


o Information about a particular client problem is scattered throughout the

chart, so it is difficult to find chronological information on a client’s
problems and progress.

o This can lead to decreased health communication among the health team.

o An incomplete picture of the clients care.

o A lack of coordination of care.

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Problem – Oriented Medical Record (POMR):

 The data arranged according to the problems the client has rather than the
source of information.

 Members of the health care team contribute to the problem list, plan of care
and progress notes.

Advantage of POMR:

1. Encourages collaborative.

2. The problem list in the front of the chart alerts caregivers to the clients needs
and makes it easier to track the status of each problem.


1. Caregivers differ in their ability to use required charting format.

2. It takes constant vigilance to maintain an up to date problem list.

The POMR has four basic components:

 Database.

 Problem list.

 Plan of care.

 Progress notes.

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Data base:

 Consist of all information known about the client when the client first enters
the health care agency.

 It includes:

 Nursing assessment.

 Physician’s history.

 Social and family data.

 Baseline diagnostic tests.

Problem list:

 Problems are listed in the order in which they are identified, and the list is
continually updated as new problems are identified and others resolved.

Plan of care:

 Care plan are generated by the person who lists the problem.

 Physicians write medical care plans.

 Nurses write nursing care plans.

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Reporting and Recording

Definition of records:

 Records are administrative tools which are useful in many areas of


Importance of records:

1- To give good nursing care

2- To provide continuity of care and advice
3- As a basis of future health teaching to the family
4- To inform other health team members of the situation

5- For statistical purpose

6- For research purpose

7- For evaluation of nursing performance

Types of records:

1- Administrative records

2- Clinical records

Administrative records e.g.

1- Personnel records

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2- Employment records

3- Attendance records

4- Nursing hours records

Clinical records

1- Patient's record (case record)

2- Medical records

3- Census records

4- Family records

5- Personal records


 It is a way of communicating information meanings and ideas to others.

 Both the oral and written type of communication is used in nursing.

a. The oral reports whether through face are used in cases of emergencies.
b. Oral type of reports should however be kept minimal and be documented as
soon as possible.
Characteristics of a good report:

1- Real, true information must be written.

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2- Appropriate and understandable language.

3- Dated and timely.

4- Simplicity

5- Clear information, concise, accurate and comprehensive.

Types of report

There are two types:-

1- Intradepartmental.

2- Interdepartmental.


Intradepartmental reports are those exchanged between members of the

different categories within the nursing service department.

Intradepartmental reports includes three types:

o Shift report.
o Daily conditional report.
o Accident report.
Shift report:

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▪ It is an oral and written report given by the head nurse of one shift to the
head nurse and all the members of the oncoming shift.
▪ It exchanged at the beginning of the oncoming shift.
* Content

• It contains information about general condition and the specific nursing

care needed by every patient in the unit.
• B- Begins with the census.
• C- Admission, discharge and transfers.
• D- Critically ill and operative patients.
• Patients with deviations in vital signs from normal.

• A small report on every patient including:

◦ The unit & bed number.
◦ Patient full name & diagnosis.
◦ Nursing care needed i.e. laboratory test, and special observation.
• For critically ill or post-operative patients the nurse must be report:
◦ Patient complaint.
◦ Any observations.
◦ Special equipment used by the patient.
◦ Any diagnostic tests.
Daily conditional report:

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o A report from the unit /ward to the nursing office.

o It is written by the head nurse of each shift.

o It includes all the :

1. Pre- and post-operative patients.
2. Admission, transfers and deaths.
3. Acutely ill patients.
4. Patients having painful or special treatment.
5. Patients with elevated T.
6. Emergencies.
7. Depressed or suicidal patients.

Accident report:

A written summary of all accidents that occurs in the unit to be sent to the
nursing office.

The interdepartmental reports:

Interdepartmental reports are those exchanged between nursing departments

such as the admission office.

These include:

➢ The daily census report, an accurate number of patients on the unit.

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➢ This usually taken at midnight.

➢ It sent to the admission office.

Types of reports:

▪ Written reports

▪ Oral reports

Written reports:

▪ It is may include the following:

1- Statistical report
2- Financial report
3- Nursing care reports:
- Nurses notes
- Daily reports about condition of patient, care given, health
Oral reports:

▪ It is given when the information for immediately use.

▪ It may be based on material included in a written report.

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Time management

▪ Time is the most valuable resources that cannot be renewed or stored.

▪ It is the number of seconds, minutes, hours or days available to the manager to
accomplish a given task.
Types of time:

There are two types:

o Response time.
o Discretionary time.
Response time:

It is an administration's time. It is considered as uncontrollable as speaking

on the telephone, office visits, attending meetings and making round.

Discretionary time:

Discretionary time has to do with activities that suggest or ask for a response
but the leader has the option of deciding whether or not actually behave in
accordance with the request.

Definition of time management:

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It is the accomplishment of specific activities during the time available. It is

the planned organized and evaluation of when and for how long one do

Good time management is a skill that can developed and which contributes
to learner's success, it is also necessary for a practical nurses, so they can
better manage their time in the clinical area to meat goals.

Time management tools:

 Master list.

 Calendar.

 Prioritized task list

 Paper or notes.

 Telephone or address directory.

Building Blocks of Time Management:

➢ Goals

➢ Task List

➢ Time Management Tool

➢ Scheduled Planning Session

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Effective Goals:


 Specific

 Measurable

 Achievable

 Realistic

 Timed

The Ideal Day:

A Template for Your Daily Plan

5:30-6:00 am Commute

6:00-6:30 am Review Patient Charts

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6:30-8:30 am Rounds

8:30-11:30 am Lunch

Principles of time management:

1- To identify best time for working everyone has high and low periods of
attention and concentration, the nurse mangers must use their power times to
2- To try to combine activities.
3- To work difficult subject first.
4- To use distributed learning and practice: work in shorter time blocks with
short breaks between, this keeps manager from getting fatigued and wasting.
5- To make room for entertainment and relaxation, the nurse managers need to
have a social life, yet they need to have a balance in their life.
Types of time management:

The nurse managers can deal with three different kinds of time management:

1- Boss- imposed time.

2- System imposed time.

3- Self-imposed time.

Boss- imposed time:

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To accomplish those activities which the boss enquires and which the
manager cannot disregard without direct and penalty.

System imposed time:

To accomplish those requests to the manager for active support from his

Self-imposed time:

To do those things which the manager originates or agrees to do himself. A

certain portion of this kind of time, however, will be taken by his
subordinates and is called subordinate- imposed.

Time management style:

There are two styles:

o Mono chronic oriented people.

o Polo chronic oriented people.
Mono chronic oriented people:

In this style people are very time oriented, they like to do one thing at a time.

Polo chronic oriented people:

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In this style people can make many things at once, they can change plan
more easily than mono chronic.

Steps of time management:

o Times are allowed for planning and establish priorities.

o Entails completing the highest priority task whenever task is possible and
finishing one task before beginning another.
o Reprioritize based on new information.
Time management strategies:

o Minimizing time spent doing required tasks through establishing and

maintaining a routine to manage interruptions.
o Creating a new time when time is short through working faster.
Benefits of time management:

o Reduce frustration as many situations can be avoided with effective planning.

o Get a sense of achievement.
o Increase the energy level.
Definition of time waster:

It defined as any activities that have fewer benefits and generate less internal
satisfaction than another activity

Types of time waster:

It is classified into:

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o Internal time waster.

o External time waster.
Internal time waster:

Are those activities over which the nurse managers have a direct control. It is poor
planning, failure to setting the goals and ineffective communication.

External time waster:

▪ Are those activities produced elsewhere but which infringe upon the ability
of nurse manager to complete tasks.
▪ It is more difficult to control.
▪ Many example of external time waster, those are telephone, interruption,
poor communication and lack of feedback.
Elements of effective time management:

• Evaluation how time is used.

• Goal setting.

• Defining priorities.

• Scheduling of objectives.

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Organizing involves bringing all of the systems, resources, people, capital and
equipment into action toward goal accomplishment.

Organizing is a process of prescribing formal relationship among people and

resources to accomplish objectives.

Importance of Organizing:

1- Allowing work to be completed that could not be accomplished through

individual efforts.
2- Focusing on objectives and facilitating the attaining of them
3- Arranging positions and jobs within the hierarchy, defining clearly
responsibilities and line of authority.
4- Creating relationships that will minimize friction.
Principles of organizing:

Organizing principles provide a group of statements that provoke thinking

among administrators.

The following are the established principles of organizing:

1-Centralization versus decentralization:

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Is a degree to which authority is retained by higher level management the

organization rather than being delegated.


Is the condition that exists when a significant amount of authority is

delegated to the lower level manger in the hierarchy.

2- Chain of command:

The chain of the command states organization should be established with

hierarchical relationships within authority follows from top to buttom.

Principles of command:
A- Unity of command:

The employee has one supervisor and there is one leader and one plan for a
group of activity.

B- Span of control:

This principle states that a person should be a supervisor for a group that he
or she can effectively supervise in terms of numbers, functions and

C- Delegation of authority:

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For work to be accomplished, authority should be delegation is to assign

duties to someone else.

D- Departmentalization Similarity of assignment:

o Workers of similar activities are grouped together based on the likeliness

of personal qualifications or common purpose.
o Departmentalization specialize activities, simplifies the manager’s work
and maintains control.
Organizational Structure:

Its refers to the way in which a grouped is formed, its line of authority, span
of control and channels of communication.

Purpose of organization structure:

1- It reveals information about size of the nursing service department.

2- It shows the span of control of each manager in the nursing department.
3- It shows levels and layers of supervisions, and channel of communication.
4- It shoes the different functions in the nursing department.
5- It can be used for orientation of newly hired employees.
Classification of organizational structure:

Line organizational structure:

o It is traditional system used. It defines lines of authority on which delegation,

accountability, and communication patterns are based.

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o It is hierarchical and resembles a pyramid with the boss on the top.


o Easy to orient new personnel.

o Responsibility and accountability are clearly defined.

o Rigid and create engender passively and dependence in staff members.

o Weak integration of different divisions.
o Concentration of authority at the top make employee to refer problems to
superiors, and managers view them as incompetent, who perform under threat.

Line/staff organizational structure:

Line personnel are those directly involved in providing the service. Staff
personnel are supportive. Their services or advises enhance the abilities of
line personnel. A cooperative relationship must be maintained between line
and staff personnel if goals are to be achieved.


o Employees are less stressed.

o Authority and responsibility are clearly defined.
o Efficiency and simplicity of relationship.

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o This type may produce monotony, which alienate workers.

o Adherence to chain of command, restrict upward communication.
Adlloc organization:

A project team or task force of a group of diverse specialists who are

temporarily joined to perform a nonroutine task of a complex nature and
critical importance to the agency.


Creates flexibility and cohesiveness among workers than does line structure.


Decreased strength in the chain of command and decreased employee

loyally to the parent organization.

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1. Definition.

2. Characteristics of good controlling.

3. The importance of controlling.

4. Controlling Process.


Is the measurement and correction of the performance in order to make sure that
the organizational objectives and plans devised to attain them was accomplished

Characteristics of Good Controlling:

1- Reflect the nature of activity.

2- Be objective.
3- Be flexible.
4- Be economical
5- Be understandable
6- Indicate corrective action

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The Importance of Controlling:

1- Helps mangers to communicate with others both inside and outside the
2- Represent standard business practice.
3- Enable managers to know what is happening in the organization.

Controlling Process:

1- Establish standards for all elements of management in terms of expected and

measurable outcomes.
2- Make any improvements deemed necessary from feedback.
3- Apply the standards by collecting data and measuring the objectives of
nursing management.
4- Keep the process continuous for all areas including:
o Management of the nursing division, and subunit.
o Performance of personnel.
o Nursing process.
This may be expressed as a formula:

SS + Sa + F + C =I

Standard set + Standard applied + Feedback + Correction will yield Improvement

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Job description

It is a written statement of the duties responsibilities and organizational

relationships that are required in a given job.


1- To define exactly for a worker.


The worker is expected to job.


Standards he / she are expected to reach.

To whom

He/she is responsible.


Work he/she supervises.

2- To help clarify delegated functions and authority.

3- To determine the nature of development desired of a particular job.

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4- To provide information, including the tasks of the job as well as job relations to
other jobs.
5- To help guide work organizations.

Job description should be written under specific headings to make sure that all the
necessary information is given.

1- Job title:

Clinical supervisor, head of department.


The date is included because a job description is not final, people and roles
change and the job description should be reviewed and if necessary revised at least
every year.

3- Job summary:

This is a brief summary of the main responsibilities of the job.

4- Accountability:

This identifies the title of the individual to whom the employee is directly
accountable for performance.

5- Duties and responsibilities:

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This is the central and most important part of the job description.

This section is a complete description of duties and a responsibility required of the

job and is often referred to as the body of the job description, each duty must be
written in logical work order.

Principles of Writing up effective Job Description

1. Arrange duties and responsibilities in logical order and be clear without

reference to other job descriptions.
2. State separate duties and responsibilities clearly and concisely without going
into details
3. Be specific: detect the most specific words to show:
o The kind of the work
o The degree of complexity
o C. The degree of skill requited.
o The extent of worker's responsibility for each phase of the work,
o The degree and type of accountability.
o Use action words, as analyse, gather, assemble, plan, devise, confer,
deliver, maintain, etc and avoid vague words or generalization words
such as handle, assist, prepare, etc
4. Determine or estimate the percentage of total time spent on each activity and
indicate whether duties are periodic, occasional or regular.
5. Limit the use of the word "may" with regard to performance of certain duties
to prevent confusion.
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Uses of job description:

1. It serves as a basis for recruiting an individual to fill the position.

2. It is essential in selection and orientation of new employees.
3. For transfer, upgrading and promotion.
4. For employee turnover and internal mobility.
5. When managing changes in jobs and works.
6. In regard to employee safety, health and retirement.
7. It helps each worker to know clearly and without doubt what his/her
duties and responsibilities are and what he/she is expected to achieve.
8. It helps to; prevent arguments between people about "who should do
9. It helps to prevent both gaps and overlaps.
10. It identifies needs for training.
11. It is used as a basis for evaluating staff performance.

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Assignment is a specific role of each nurse in the provision of whole patient

care. It covers the twenty-four hours period of the day and seven days of the week.

Nursing care assignment is a sheet used to indicate total nursing care needed by
patients in the ward.


1. Serves as a work plan for provision of nursing care.

2. Provides for giving comprehensive nursing care to all patients in the ward at all

3. Increase the skills of nursing personnel.

4. Define responsibility of each staff members.

5. Provides for teaching of staff nurses and nursing students.

6. Prevents overlapping of nursing functions.

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Characteristic of good assignment:

➢ Should be done according to personnel abilities and patients needs.

➢ Should be written clearly, concisely and legibly.
➢ Should be posted in a place easily accessible.
➢ Should be related to previous assignments, in order to provide for
progressive learning experiences.
➢ Done on weekly basis and adjusted daily to meet changing patients needs or
changes in nursing personnel.

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Student’s Name:------------------------------------
Rotation --------------------------------------------

Patient’s Diagnosis Morning Afternoon

Assigned Special Assigned Special duties
nurse duties nurse

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Methods of assignment:

There are different methods of assignment used by the nursing departments/ units
as following:

1. Case Method.
2. Functional Method.
3. Team Method.
The case method:

• Enables one worker to give all the care that a patient needs.
• No gaps exist because the nurse know what have been done and what should
be done for the patient.
• The hospital needs all registered staff nurse to use this method of
• It may be used to advantages in coronary and intensive care units.

Advantages of Case Method

1. The patient centered method.

2. The patient feel more secure.
3. The nurse develops good relationship with the patient
4. The nurse feels more satisfaction. She can observe progress in patient
condition as a result of her care.
5. She can practice all tasks involved in patient care.
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Disadvantages of Case Method

(1) One to one ratio is sometimes unrealistic.

(2) Method is expensive.

(3) It need frequent supervision.

(4) It needs more equipment and supplies.

(5) It results in crowedness in area such as medicine and dressing rooms

The Functional method:

Is called efficiency method of assignment. In this method the nursing care is

divided into separate tasks.

These are performed by the varied level of nursing personnel, depending on the
complexity of each task in terms of judgment of technical knowledge and the
preparation of the individual staff member.

Each staff member is responsible for only task done during a given tour of duty.

Advantages of functional method:

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(1) Each nurse become highly skillful, she develops speed and efficiency in doing
her assigned task.
(2) She become more independent and needs less supervision.

(3) Inexpensive method.

(4) Small number of nursing can provide care to a relatively large number of

(5)Less equipment and supplies are needed.

Disadvantages of Functional Method

(1) Function centered method.

(2) Fragmentation and depersonalization of patient care.
(3) No one nurse knows or evaluates pt care.
(4) Poor nurse pt communication.
(5) It is difficult to define responsibility for error in pt care.

(6) Some aspects of pt care is omitted. (teaching)

(7) Nurse become less skillful in other tasks.

The Team method:

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This method utilize a heterogeneous team of nursing personnel to deliver nursing

care to group of pts.

The team leader is given the responsibility for planning, continuity and evaluation
of the nursing care of all pts cared by the team.

She supervises the team members in the implementation of nursing actions, she
also evaluates the results.

Advantages of Team method:

(1) Total effort of the group is better than that of each individual member.
(2) Professional staff members devote their time and energy to the care critically ill

(3) It promotes nurses sense of belonging.

(4) The method includes nurses in a group process.

(5) All nurses have contact with the pt; they share in the planning, and provision of
his care.

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Disadvantages of Team method:

(1) Most nursing programs do not prepare nurses for leadership roles.
(2) Nurses are more interested in developing clinical pt care skills than leadership
(3) Needs more equipment and supplies.
(4) With staff shortage it is difficult to properly apply this method.

(5) It need more time by the team leader to meet and share ideas and coordinates

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