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RSL Standardisation: Assessment and Commentary

Unit Number & Title MUSPRA 369 Digital Recording and Production

Assessment Decisions Grade Commentary

1.1 The learner has produced a clear and Merit There is a very good amount of
detailed rationale for the recording that detail in the learner’s work and
meets the criteria a. - e. elements of it approach distinction
standard (e.g., mic justification)
where a good level of
understanding is evident. The work
lacks the thorough/comprehensive
understanding that would move it
up to the higher band. For example,
the learner has focused on mics for
the resources and not fully
considered other items like the
computer/software, room, sound
isolation etc.

2.1 The learner has created high quality Merit All the A.C. have clearly been met
recordings and demonstrated an excellent (effective gain structure is evident
choice of microphones. The levels are in the recordings) and the
consistent and no clipping is evident. recordings are of a high quality for
this level. They are clear and clean.
3.1 The learner has demonstrated accurate and Working at There are effective edits of the
creative editing skills and effective use of a merit audio in the submission with some
the DAW. variance in quality (e.g., differences
in level and the care taken when
editing and bouncing). The
evidence could be more detailed in
its addressing of the criteria and 3.1
b., for example, is not explicitly
addressed by the learner in the
written work. It is important to
ensure all the A.C. are covered in
the evidence and the learner
should be asked to revisit the work
and make 3.1 b. clear.

3.2 The learner has provided an elementary Pass Clearly a basic evaluation but one
evaluation that considers the success of the that has met the criteria
recordings and identifies strengths and nonetheless. For Level 3, this is
areas for development. brief enough to flirt with
unclassified but the key thing is
that the results of the recordings
have been considered, decisions
justified and strengths and areas
for development assessed,
however brief, as the criteria asks.

Merit (with a minor amendment to 3.1

Overall Grade
required to avoid any issues with QA)

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