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Idea Generation

Short film 1- HITMAN

This is a short film about a rookie hitman who has just
accepted his first solo job because of a mouth-watering
payment. However, his novice-styled nature causes the serious
nature of hitmen to have a comedic twist with him being easily
panicked and forgetting to turn off safety on his weapon. The
Johnny English inspired short includes a unique antagonist
too, who will be designed to look much stronger, armed and
intelligent than his opponent. The hitman - who has a major
challenging not only successfully completing his job, but
planning the hit too, which at first seems so far out of his
depth and ability – making it look like a monstrous task.
Short film 2- STRANGER
This is a short film about a boy in his young teenage years
living with his mother in a run-down house. He wakes up one
night at 3am with and serious stomach cramps as he makes his
way to his mothers’ room to ask for help, he notices a noise
coming from his mother’s room- with the door already open. He
sees a tall black silhouette standing next to her, with blood
red eyes. The loud scream instantly makes the figures eyes
lock onto the direction of the boy who has no choice but to
run as fast as possible down the stairs. He must find a way to
save his mother- but the young mind is so engulfed with fear
the task is harder than it already seems.
I wanted my third Idea be more possible to do from home in
case the covid-19 restrictions do not allow me to film a
preferred idea. This is a Lego stop motion inspired by Robin
hood- in this case set in Scotland, where a group of 4 scots
steal from the rich- including the castles, mansions and shops
to give to the increasingly rising popular of people in
poverty- they gain a huge amount of support and are much more
liked by the poor than the Scottish government- who are now
alarmed by the groups crimes. A conflict grows between the
group and the government that the army gets called to go to
their hide out- where it looks like the end of the group who
are not heavily armed and look unmatched, until an army of
hundreds of the countries poor who have been helped by the
group arrive to try and stop any punishment for the group.

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