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1 ooduchion
Kexe ch is impåtant in both borinem and

acabma, he is no corverus ih the litevature on

hoco it Shoo be definal The main TeOson8 is
h a t oliffevent peopa can inleapet aeseaveh dteery
Houweves faom any definitioos thee appc03 to ke
confdmity hat
.eseach tsa
paoce% of erguisy arA meshgohbn
Sptemahc ard ethoolml and

Descach írceareA Khocslaage.

Hisst Pocoess of enoiay a invesigation Sgest

that DeKach alt about havirg a poedeter mind Sek

2oesopk ond then aiming to ansaea these Cestny

tooorsgh the gotheairg of ifrahon and ater aralyos

Serosptermaic am methodical irmply t#at

yoor escach UsE be Oetl dgapIKA an o hocgk

a Series o 8toges.
ialy descach Incacases knocoladge' caiel

eneraly peatig, veRAaKch is all about geneatia
anssoess g0estos to oduance knocolacdge.
The tedm Roscaxh corkK of to0 odda:

Kercach = Re + Sach.

Re means agaln am agairn ad Scach means

to fma out Somothir9. the föllocing is the pocce

Obsenves Coleehon of
dnla corconioos
Pesson Phenormera
Ogain and
Aralysjs ofab

hexef62 eK0ch mans to obseave the

pheromerno again a gAin foom ifexert diinenbo
The oesesch 6 a pem Od Obeh a peRson Obsea\e

TDpheromena gain ao again and collecG e data

ad on he bas)s of data he dsaton Some conclusoa.

koscasch s an intensine ano praporutsl Sach

d8 lcnocoladge and oderstanding of Secal a

phyocal pheno mea-. Reseaxeh is a Sctentfia achivi

onolertaKen to establish Somettirng,a foct, a hedy
a poinciple 8 an
applicahion is an aademè achv
Reseasch in common paaance eesA to a seaxch A

Knocslace Rescasch k a'ooerment, a roOvement

Foom the knocon to the ntnoo. t t s a

atvally a voyog af discoveby.

Definition of Resach
The teorm eKeach has bon def by
Soveoal eapery bohth a enomeaate bebco.

Acdding fo cliforo oooo eLcaxh aormpaiies

oefining a edefining pooberm Smuotig
byperihesis d sqprtal. Sdutiors, colachirg
Onganikipg ad evalvatiog cbBa, rmmking deochion
and a2$3 reoahing Corclosook, abo at ast
Coefolly listing the conaloioos deleamne
ohethes ey SH e f8smda hng hypothe%
Kdman and Hasy defire eseach as Sustema
effatto gain eu krocOadge.
3 Rexearch morg a caeful inestizorm
inguivy Spacially tteghout Saasoh
ne doct in ary boanch of knocdoge.

John est cefireR DeREA Tch B

t h e 9stemakc a d ohrctive analy a d
Secrding of conrolac obseTvahòs that may
luove Ho doveloprent of gerevali3 ahon, painci
ohetie esultE in poeoichon no posbly
ulbmahe Coniad a eveng.
Chanactevistics ef kescach

1 kescach is a Sptermahc ingoiay.

Rescach s an investhgathoo ito a Subyect

Socife Srod of knocolacye

3 kesaoch is ooestahen to esiabli8h hc6 dR
Poirci pla
Rescach is an biginal contaibuhion o he
caisiog Stock krooaoge makig

asppke of Reseaoch
T o gan farmiliasty oith a
phenomeroo o

o acheve neLo toSght into

T6 Pdtaay ocUrately the chadacteristEs of

pashicoar ilivloal Stuation d a goowp.
3 lo deteormine he foequency aith shch dna hig
ocw 8 orth Stmeting Cle.

4 To text a
bypothesih f a casal ehtoosbip
betweon vaabloA
SOsines Kescocb
Bosiness Roscaxch t'h defired ak 'he &alemait
a objcctiue poces o
Collac tirg, nardclirq, om{Y
and interpoeting hta fö afd in 98ving rmaogeaial
pooblenDs The roaragedal poobb ms con be lintod
Ho any
to any 6iM Sorcion
Hran CKOUIC0s Siran,
mas oting d ReD

8osines Asgaet Rexeach itaeA

Cononer behavioc &oying habiú, brand pwefeperces
Copspmes attitodes

timan kesovoce Employe ottdes, Slaf seBentioo.

material incanbives

oomotion Madia erLOrch, Psblie cbhons

&udies, podct secall tbaog
Pocwct Est mavKeû_ Cncapt &Buoles, padot
fironCa fdamztirg. bodae ig, efraery
conhirg9 %ftcocoa.

Bosines Rezeach 1 dafioed as the &emarhe

od objectie pooces agateaing, cboihq, ad
cbb dö ad n roking boKinem akaikbos
as a Spsemabé eorsy hat
Bosire8 ogcaxh
POOvicb infdmatb 7o guiole rarogesial
A boRrCs OCaseach metho i a aSygtemaie
and &iortife pso dedure e ohto cotlachon,

compiatbn ,aralysa , inteapetaton, and impliaaton

pefolnirg to any bokines poobhrm

2 Role f Botone Rencach

De2ison making is aloays -H2 ccA posto
and dgankatonad orctooing Daainion ano maker
ade expeæted to take -fre optmum deeision io an

oertain eovisonret this Stanon they take he

help oF e oOIPaTh to a hem in mating eCADN.

Aetally, bugnes WRCaCh ether paovides re indömal

DL abs trsdmation im eisha kody of krocslasge

any y b e k 2KCmch generatez tns8raton
help a decion rares i mauin9 he ophrmorm decn

n he Held bKreRs zeKorh,hin valubh

ins8maton h obtaina Ukirghe totlocoirg Shops

Poobam d oppdtunity blentfHcahbo
.Diogonogrq te pöolam doppetonry
SnCutng bukres searh b ezplole the Sáohions
Iropareeot prenled 8dotoos

Evaluate the efectienes of decisian mairg

Any deoy in the soblom entifrotion and Hotion
Ioplamentatbn; and the opphlonty ilenthficatbo
and ncasher
omy home haomtl to the dg.
Drgrosng invdOK Enploring te tituotion -to hoea
hetc inkight akocat the Stoahon.
APte7 the iaetifcab a dngnomk o/ he pRbi
&Kine6 ELach Sgeroah2ally concct eK2OKh
7o pekent a gdshon
Busipes seOKeoa chesh Corodet eeach in
Copsultahbn 0/th he deaidson makA Of the
conCoboed Bganikakion.

Hes aking ta: dlaeision, its efaetiienem

Sorretires ee redl to a aaohdr


Haily thexe axe

he a8, all afherm
LoEcd -b
attohmen, å to nmaimem
etuons OD
Cortaore estner. Those raid policy
belista a_sollousk. oas an

Pc2ibn elota polces oheh prode ae

to le ma sce tal and in tohat Orkr 3f pai8iy
c aging sebled polica: shat Size and te af
PaCKoging s to be d d8 maakotir ch polc
fochg oeb' polickos Howto potstèn a Aomo
POÝ vi -- V he Peyalad pace- POY in
the m2TLct
e the
Distoibvtion ated policB: ohat mos

impötart ao efchvenes honne oough hch

to moe the comporys Potduc to i etailos

Hoeo Shood the ponmchioD &hedods and ierde

he maragee efiienty
Aoveatising and pwmoton ebtood polcica:
mekage coovkd tnolre e coasbroc to by the

companys DoooG - ard in poefeverCe to thoe


Now lot us erarmine the lsoding typas of aaseor

oheb ae msuty most litoly to mao the rads

af the l e sccabu Sotore. Fise comp1'sCK S

main algeåis

ConAoCs Sosveys
tobvahional escasch
tAckeoti'sirg 8tucies
edlia Reseoxh
Opevahiops keseaach
ypes of Bosines Reseasch
506ine dCSeadch i Coducha ethes to Cpo
knocoocge d to fid &6ohibn to o
porhcubr padblam
and can be chsficd into ollowing type
0Basie/Pae Roxeanch
Bosc Regeach adsex mie dormemertol
DCthehon Concenog gef with pobbbms of immediot
Commexc potental. Henoe it is alld Porce mental
BCsRach, hebihcal eseach å pe esearch. BasL
oeILasCb is Comcted to veridy the accaptabitky ofa
given theßy ol 6 kroo mde aboub cestain CoDco

airos odovelop a booy of gereral kooge f*

e dcrglonolog thunman behavioa, by mean6 b
combinatbo f empeaical engoioy, and applica ton t hed.

Socc.e B boricbotjnes ekcacheO3 i6 eN

velG æ poblishal io a pee devieued jouoral md
a hae tmpact on brinexs Cormmunity.
32Aeach aae
pme eYamples of aao

Orcle ssanding the Cotome8 bupi perteon af

ahlire tereú doiog esthal Seoso

2aplbing the 8ala of eas thaoughB the aohda yaa

. Szamining he Soce maate duaing 2oyson

boco all te
Bat eotsrch In osreK % to Hdoct

kðt in bokiner emvionoert, It pok

the ig
busineA% Eviboomht s oa2la to
all he piers of
Pictue Owúves, envi sDnmer
T8rma Rormpleb
Ad), burne Sptem, M bone OnivOL.
Appld Resach
Appliad e3.aach fers to He paobbm,
thmulation of hypotrkihs, colochon of fc4 ard
e aralyoh a celt as iotesprhtia
oa data , a
Qfhe Same Aernate Stton ae
ten Speuifa
abng oh the POs ble octf Comes of_eoch alernah.

be the best alteanative is chosen. pplid

a dacimon mu
32seach s done coducted ohen
mace about a Specife al-ife problam.
ie in taking decisons d e
Thus baoause helpk
CommeC1al Conkdeat é i6 dgo aallcd' decisbrd


Qfme enaples o apmlicd TeIAaCh ae:

valatng the ipact of ocleatkg on he

Salos ofhe neoy Caunche Nyurrdai Vama

aoaing he diwali &eakon 201

&aluating the impoct af a companyh tainirg

Poogoa m on he pexfdiona af G emeloyes.
bantitarive a r Qualitatie Rexcrch
Brires 0CKcach 1k chmikd ib to ategde
Vi. Qontitahive a a l itahie A discoRs theu

aR beloco.

hot happenad (Qnntitotive)

and tbw it hoper in launlitate)
Quanntate deseah Th8 approaCh Uses gerealgo=
bad o he pooORE- baked s Qf e heshgatom
ik descaibed orth he2
Heoe, the e s e a h pooblem t
of 8Huation a a cohde, oithowt bosirgion
help the

TFits apprcach 16 characte rka by the

SHky of Jes vaoio hles and asqe number of

inbroad Sense, So os to find

Seneralle hs is dlone
Soaveys *hch
anshoeaR +o be GKcasch probem Osng

moe, hs
have pre-32t anBioevig alteona hveAfirthes
appooach Conkjdexea espCial setul hen codoctng
a ode imesteation7hat aontais many oni

Cg avomsot, COohng, PoegwencH of 02crar


aunliahie Research
oesach thaf is no
Itoay be defird a s ary

amenab2 to be Conduck boealy Oaio9 quanttota

fmmeskion in he phenomenon to
KOACa Cb. Reseasch
cata taich provide a detailad dekaipië
he Stcda, gotheaun
beton peopa and
Stcotionh and intexacton
of every,
a d detall"
thing poovisling depth
8uolitative 2AeadCh can give Some inaicaton a8 t

hy', How & sho ohappenings f o phoromann

coak dios oæd in Scial Sicre
Soalttahe debeaoch
spoeod to ofthex hobk lne
and latev on e

Commumathon a d evan mar

oatiorn, Pchology, mar
to arsbmer
oe hting
|-rment Stlies, espicially
pooouc ar 8eavice Jt ivikhizaty
behaviou,f8 neo

the ohy' and hoo af ooisin making in aditsn

6 cohat , Aheoe and cohe

Reachons aml felirgs

chorge t 8eil
kesponae foom Caishing and poten tral avstomes.

pl8atoy Rescoch
Saplootdy oescarch,ax the main add '2nta
Soggetks, i6 condueted ko eaplde o psoblem, at ig

pacliminaay 8hge. tog Some hasè iceo abrot the

Sotion at padiminoy Stoge of escach Shoy t
oKualy conolcted ioben here no aaliè they d

o e to gode v8 d ohen aoe oish to have Some

proiliina iokab to Urderstam the pooble to o
of hu
Studial, as dgp he appvoach oak aonivirg
gkoton mighB help in mdikying the dgral Obetive
fke Suly d might een aad to a neo pespanie

ather han h e
Eoie peacieved problm
Soploxatdy ercaxt i Ued b firalze e
9uestionroie Smat/ Lhatlo to envoe Coeage
af all pOsibities hat coY aoite tohish Jiliog op
uesomarne d cheoble dunin9 condt of tot-feberd
esearch. Snplclatödy amlis is GCorYoended fe
olosianing cestonpaoes, expicial & derdirg the
number o itero/ categeséA on ohth he data ig to be
F exomnpla, a Shist moodctuser Spcrs8eda
Sey to incl he peacentege Caecotie puachusirg
Sies of a Shiot The intervieoer Csecarce)
KRah sKed +o ecd e iaes o 6a8,40,49,44 a
inlcated b the enecohey. The enpldatdty Buney idak
of eaecoties indicate he
Hxt uite a
ooc Petange
SiRe as 89 and HICOhh weve erther impoted d ail8 - rmdde)

TEsinf8rotion led 70 ehorge the qu2ahoonare to ite

these pèrs

6Desciphve Rscaach
Io 3atal methak. we sBoly measo e
ito mean, median, moce, &D,
ocaton an) dispesion
coeffiiernt of vaduhbn, maas01 o &reonees. ek

Atl theKe meakO SeS

aoe Osea to descTibe he Cloactoia
Tos each ohch aims to doscobe
of chta an
of aata Thus any seseaCh
he ahove chosacteaiMes

Aohith irns desCoibe the aoe chaxactenk tts ot

Descaiptie fesanch d emetime
oata is labelod
en Stahcal aeseareh.
Dors aipstiue eaH i Satl o ankAe he cet

heIC, Khen and hoco. .

ho( & ohich), obat,
oler that i obes n anoer he 9ueston 'ohy
Shdt, dexriphie secorh deals orth Ceijhig
that an be maaKONd coonted Ais he mos
commny Ok esea»ch h kosines. Ths deLach
ib aooa cut 70 nveshgae he xeasonig logic

0f Ocuarerce of a aeJtarn Phenormeroo/ event

.Relationshp bi to & roe ctos

Sda f kecocame fempe xatuve
Compasiks0n af too mie ctas
Tdentiin9 the mosh impotant & common éck

peioental dl Cokwal Reseaoch

he casoal escaxch i6 Concear ortb
rdiog he doot cOOse of a Smptom f e2ampa,

h e &ale f a porodct is deelining, d f cosbmers

poefer a poodct oer oher Simiar poudcYore

moy like to tnoo the CaUse(s) he ame. Ths,

thib type of Study ecompasses Sitahons cohee

&uoy the impoct & influece of ore Sactot CcaUR)
Sooe other Facti Ceect e inluencirng kcfäs cood
be tne d rnde han one

E The tckdkiiuercing bouing behovba af 8em

The actoß ntuencirg he tvation Gf enpoye
Factob afahng NPA% of a finaial
2apoatoy Desbepnve Cascal
The problam i's Kescaches i aOADC The problam i
ambiaOOOs h e po0 blam
E- kcob the indiam claaaly efihed
Dd the produt adl pheh of
Foplation k tolaCR n e an
impci on a l tcoo a a n t sOf
i Oa ne-pacduCt h co1opany
f intacdoc irg A the prlethe eana (ca) is-
me HD churncs in h&t tearm ltávooaed bytbe
a packoqeof Aker lorg-tearoD PUstormeo in delbi
Qrd NCR.
Bobines Resaach Foocem
Rereanch ib all about tiolig methin
the absence of ohch ma dixtoot oua
to toke intoomed decisions Theoblity to are
infoumed decisiod is
gneated thoogh a &ytemate
Stoc that ia cordocted beccgh aaos inkerelated

Bosines Reseach proce%
The belouo fguve eapains the pooce of
orching a bosines Rexeach A wa2aroh desn
ithe datailed blepaint Used to goide a eeaCh
Sty tocack ig objechie. A Goed eeach is
Condocteo kirg 0 8teps aB olocog.
Teotifying and Definirg Paoblem

Planning the ReKcarch DeKan

Selctrg a kesaach Hethoo

Aralyorg Reseach adesan

Selachirg amplirg Poocadoe

Dae Collochorn

Evaluartirg ha data

r a l i s of data

bepaving he esarch vepht

Psekeni the eseach Oepost

ep 1: Tdertifyging ad desining e poblem d
ih esLaNCh pöoce B he
The initial Step
As bSira
identicahon of the pxoblm à oppdtority.
envionment Govere
ooy opexale in highly vdahile
vasious macxo envivonmental foct8s, they red t
constantly oses fheis ebhive wdth position and

dantiy ing vagious pobem aseas d oppctunites
tndder b Sostain
Hhey neato oik up on henade
Cormpetehvelt in the maxel A oe!l doired poothm

gives he vekcascher a
pvoper divection tå caupingu
investigahorn f he problam i> dafinal propaly, ie
ill be done thsocugh
***2noatdy keseasch, one auies 3et of questbrs
hat au to be answered n dder b Sodve the

poao ble lB) o idetdt the Sitvation t K

ondertaken h e hitial 3tages 6* eKaIch prccek

Secondasy daba analytis and pilot 8tude au the
most populasy tods in exploiatdy veseancb.

Poepaaing the Statemet of veseasch otechvex.

Orce he probem i% alaaly defined, H# becomes
cbrdotcly ekertal to delermine the objechiok
he Cach The objectives Othe ackach
Shoold be Sated in a firmal geseach Stakemend

vepeht The Statemenf of ohcctves shock be

a8poecke aß poksible.
Developirg tHypotthesisi A hypothekis, a Statma
based on Soroe pe asomptions about the
eaistence af eatènnhip
tso & mde vaziate.
hat can be testod
throogh empencal data. A
hyrothes% mares the Reseach queshion, cleaer
to he DCscascher

Step: Planning the oeseach desgn

Once he problem Opportunity idernh-fed
and defneol, he paoces ef eseach
despn begs
|Planninghe eAeasch alesan is a cwtal past in e
eseasch poOceKB t is he actual framedk t
eseasah,hat porovioles Specifhic detail vegaadicg
pooes% befolotoed In codochi9 he vekRah
Te escasch design inckoes all he detais gaacling
he seaich Such as hesehe of6matbn should
be eblaired om e irme and bcget alloted
codetingte excagch the appoopaiate Samplng
am roeasugneot popceses etc

p Selacting a TKcasch etog

Foter davalepirg an appaoprate vesaxh Plan
it-is impötant h e roascher -to selact aprope
oescosch Hethod. her a dHerant rretf.och of
Comehing a okeasch &tody TFe aw &ooreys,
Seconday alato shcohes,bsesvahon echptiywes, Capeioente
rmetoo The scasch metha k ahaoen based on

alorg ith h s . t h e
he objpcfeg of he Stecly
COst invaie in Condochng he Stody G avaiabilt
data f tinally he inpeltanae gency af
abcisions may aap coDsder .

SHep Analysirg the Peseasch Dekan

SeveralDEAeaNch dekgn a3a aailable JA a
ONCASchey to choose ormit i veau diicot to

Say that a pexhicoar wAch design hest A,

pesticoar buksnes Wsasch problem Theefta,
3Oseaschen shoo be cautiou ohia
selacáng a
veseasch desgn.

Sep Selaching the Saopling ptoceduaa

ampling is gereral a paat of eseasch desj

but it is oosolsed Spesaldy in Reyasch paocen.

Sarmpling i a poDce that ose a 8mall poopeition

a popolation to dsao sonclomons gasding

e sha popobtor A ell defined amph has

he Same chasactcist s as the popuahon as a
Aheta vt eseasche7 haa to oesveRent
Cdscct Sample Si3 ADhil daaling asHh he vaxao)

Step & Data Coluchar

APter pepaoingthe Sitable Sampa the
oe8eascher colloct-the dala Siom -he oni
bthe gample s e s e ao Revesal TesoUch
echnigces era a0 no
of data colocthion roethrd-
as e l Data co llechion is dore n oo 3fages.
a) Poeteshirg
b) The main Study
Pclestirg invdues
oleching a data som
a Sample to est sohetre a daBa
Small Sob
Colachoo phr t a main 8Budy aproporate.

Step &nloating -the data;

Oneehe dhta has been collechad he neat
opoitant phake hb smch pooces is ELaluaie

he data- The impdtart kpect af ths Step
o convest h e dat Colecied into a dRmat hich
xl vactilHate the marage in efechie dekoo
fet he data ik to
oacrg The eAKDN
ebtan vesolý f to prepmL he oekach repdt
Seveal mathemattal and Stakahcal modek are oed

o ealuale tre data.

Step: 8. Analysx od Dala.

The intepetaton of hta hae ben colacted

Usiog diferent araytaal technigues, accddirg

, calted
to he eguivement of h e arngemen

aralyh Seveal Sthsteal tod asa Osedf the

in d +o maka +he aralyss
data ara yk
Surtable JeR effecbie deaRnbn makirg

Step, 9 epasing a d Presersing the kesaich

Ater tbe evaluation of cbta, the hst and
he majo phase comes into a pictas bis he

poepesahian o oeKansch epot The seseaxh epdh

an he poasen ted i either in dal & in bzitten

oat Fe oesach vepoit shocold corotain a brb

doscophior of he objechues of oesCach, Samay

athe TaKeasch dexan, &mmay oP H2 majat

iocdings anod Conckde isth the limitatos g

BCormmendarins A xAach epol ts an act as a

histoical docwment, in the Sese that the manage

can efea to thb docoment n the futae i he

vOcach on the Sare tines ia being cordochieg

Sorme-troe in the toraa.

The prime managerial value of business research is that it provides information that improves the decision-
making process. The decision-making process associated with the development and implementation of a business
strategy involves four interrelated stages:
1. Identifying problems or opportunities
2. Diagnosing and assessing problems or opportunities
3. Selecting and implementing a course of action
4. Evaluating the course of action
Business research, by supplying managers with pertinent information, may play an important role by reducing
managerial uncertainty in each of these stages.
Identifying Problems or Opportunities
Before any strategy can be developed, an organization must determine where it wants to go and how it will get
there. Business research can help managers plan strategies by determining the nature of situations or by identifying
the existence of problems or opportunities present in the organization. Business research may be used as a scanning
activity to provide information about what is occurring within an organization or in its environment. The mere
description of some social or economic activity may familiarize managers with organizational and environmental
occurrences and help them understand a situation. Consider these two examples:
• The description of the dividend history of stocks in an industry may point to an attractive investment opportunity.
Information supplied by business research may also indicate problems.
• Employee interviews undertaken to characterize the dimensions of an airline reservation clerk’s job may reveal
that reservation clerks emphasize competence in issuing tickets over courtesy and friendliness in customer contact.
Once business research indicates a problem or opportunity, managers may feel that the alternatives are clear
enough to make a decision based on their experience or intuition. However, often they decide that more business
research is needed to generate additional information for a better understanding of the situation.
Diagnosing and Assessing Problems or Opportunities
After an organization recognizes a problem or identifies a potential opportunity, business research can help
clarify the situation. Managers need to gain insight about the underlying factors causing the situation. If there is a
problem, they need to specify what happened and why. If an opportunity exists, they may need to explore, refine,
and quantity the opportunity. If multiple opportunities exist, research may be conducted to set priorities.
Selecting and Implementing a Course of Action
After the alternative courses of action have been clearly identified, business research is often conducted to
obtain specific information that will aid in evaluating the alternatives and in selecting the best course of action.
Opportunities may be evaluated through the use of various performance criteria. For example, estimates of
market potential allow managers to evaluate the revenue that will be generated by each of the possible
opportunities. A good forecast supplied by business researchers is among the most useful pieces of planning
information a manager can have. Of course, complete accuracy in forecasting the future is not possible, because
change is constantly occurring in the business environment. Nevertheless, objective information generated by
business research to forecast environmental occurrences may be the foundation for selecting a particular course of
Even the best plan is likely to fail if it is not properly implemented. Business research may be conducted to indicate
the specific tactics required to implement a course of action.
Evaluating the Course of Action
After a course of action has been implemented, business research may serve as a tool to tell managers whether or
not planned activities were properly executed and if they accomplished what they were expected to accomplish.
In other words, managers may use evaluation research to provide feedback for evaluation and control of strategies
and tactics.
Evaluation research is the formal, objective measurement and appraisal of the extent a given activity, project, or
program has achieved its objectives. In addition to measuring the extent to which completed programs achieved
their objectives or whether continuing programs are presently performing as projected, evaluation research may
provide information about the major factors influencing the observed performance levels.
Social research
Social research is a systematic method of exploring, analyzing and conceptualizing human life in order to
extend, correct or verify knowledge of human behavior and social life. Social research seeks to find explanations
to unexplained phenomena, to clarify the doubtful and correct the misconceived fact of social life.
It involves the application of scientific method for understanding and analyzing of social life in order to
correct and verify the existing knowledge as a system. The main idea behind social research is to discover new
inter relations, new knowledge, new facts and also to verify old ones.
Human behavior may be involved by certain values and laws. The main purpose of social research is to discover
those laws which can be proper guidelines for studying human contact and behavior.
According to P.V. Young, we may define social research as “the systematic method of discovering new
facts and verifying old facts. Their sequences inter relationship, causal explanations and the natural laws govern
them”. From the above definition we can identify the following,
Characteristics of Social Research
➢ Social research deals with social phenomena. It studies human behavior and their feelings.
➢ Social research is carried on both for discovering new facts and verification of the old ones.
➢ Social research tries to establish casual connection between various human activities.

In contrast to the physical science the social science lack the power of exact prediction; this is attributed to
the “erratic”, idiosynoration and irregular nature of human behavior. Social scientist point out that the low
predictable potential in social science is due to our limited knowledge of relevant variables operative in the group
like customs, traditions etc,. The cause and effect are difficult to be segregated clearly. The present state of
development of social science is far behind physical science. Merton advises to social scientist against their
despair; it is possible to develop border applicability.
Objectives of Social Research
The major objectives of social research are listed as follows:-
➢ The aim of social research is to discover new facts and verifying or testing old facts.
➢ It tries to understand the human behavior and its interaction with the environment.
➢ It tries to find out the casual connection between human activities and natural laws governing them.
Functions of Social Science Research
The important functions of social science research are discussed below;
a) Discovery of facts and their interpretation.
Social research provides answer to questions of what, when, how and why of man, social life and institutions.
Discover of facts and their inter relationship help us to discard distortions and contribute to our understanding of
social reality.
b) Diagnosis of problems and their analysis.
Our society has innumerable problems such as poverty, unemployment, economic inequality, social tension etc,.
The nature and dimensions of such problems have to be diagnosed and analyzed. An analysis of problems leads to
an identification of appropriate remedial actions.
c) Systematization of knowledge.
The facts discovered through research are systematized and the body of knowledge is developed. It contributes to
the growth of theory building.
d) Control over social phenomena.
Research in social science provides first hand information about the nature of social institutions. This knowledge
helps us to control over the social phenomena.
e) Prediction.
Social research aims at finding an order among social fact and their casual relations. This affords a sound basis for
prediction in several cases.
f) Development planning.
Systematic research can give us the required data base for planning and designing developmental schemes and
g) Social welfare.
Social research can identify the causes of social evils and problems. It can thus help in taking appropriate remedial
actions. It also provides guideline for social welfare.
Scope of Social Science Research
a) Social research provides new insight in to the organized society and its social structure.
b) Social research also provide new horizon in scientific explanation; advanced and tested principles of
procedure and suggested new concepts.
c) Another scope of social research is that exemplified by studies and attempt to test or challenge existing
theories and revise them the light of new evidence.
d) Social research helpful to establish new theory and established techniques of exploration.
e) Social research also provides contributions to existing stone of fruitful ideas, methodology and basis
understanding of social life and control of its problems.


As in all human interactions, ethical issues exist in research. Our earlier discussion of potential
organizational politics and the implication of different goals or perspectives introduced a situation where ethics
can come into play.
Business ethics is the application of morals to behavior related to the business environment or context. Generally,
good ethics conforms to the notion of “right,” and a lack of ethics conforms to the notion of “wrong.” Highly
ethical behavior can be characterized as being fair, just, and acceptable. Ethical values can be highly influenced
by one’s moral standards. Moral standards are principles that reflect beliefs about what is ethical and what is
unethical. More simply, they can be thought of as rules distinguishing right from wrong. The Golden Rule, “Do
unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is one such ethical principle.
An ethical dilemma simply refers to a situation in which one chooses from alternative courses of actions, each
with different ethical implications. Each individual develops a philosophy or way of thinking that is applied to
resolve the dilemmas they face. Many people use moral standards to guide their actions when confronted with an
ethical dilemma.
General Rights and Obligations of Concerned Parties
Everyone involved in business research can face an ethical dilemma. For this discussion, we can divide those
involved in research into three parties:
1. The people actually performing the research, who can also be thought of as the “doers”
2. The research client, sponsor, or the management team requesting the research, who can be thought of as “users”
of research
3. The research participants, meaning the actual research respondents or subjects


Most business research is conducted with the research participant’s consent. In other words, the participation is
active. Traditional survey research requires that a respondent voluntarily answer questions in one way or another.
This may involve answering questions on the phone, responding to an e-mail request, or even sending a completed
questionnaire by regular mail. In these cases, informed consent means that the individual understands what the
researcher wants him or her to do and consents to the research study.
➢ The Obligation To Be Truthful When someone willingly consents to participate actively, it is generally
expected that he or she will provide truthful answers. Honest cooperation is the main obligation of the
research participant.
In return for being truthful, the subject has the right to expect confidentiality. Confidentiality means that
information involved in the research will not be shared with others. When the respondent truly believes that
confidentiality will be maintained, then it becomes much easier to respond truthfully, even about potentially
sensitive topics. Likewise, the researcher and the research sponsor also may expect the respondent to maintain
➢ Participant’s Right To Privacy
Active Research
Most people relish their privacy. Hence, the right to privacy is an important issue in business research. This issue
involves the participant’s freedom to choose whether to comply with the investigator’s request. Traditionally,
researchers have assumed that individuals make an informed choice. However, critics have argued that the old, the
poor, the poorly educated, and other underprivileged individuals may be unaware of their right to choose. They
have further argued that an interviewer may begin with some vague explanation of a survey’s purpose, initially
ask questions that are relatively innocuous, and then move to questions of a highly personal nature. It has been
suggested that subjects be informed of their right to be left alone or to break off the interview at any time.
Researchers should not follow the tendency to “hold on” to busy respondents. However, this view definitely is not
universally accepted in the research community.
The privacy issue is illustrated by these questions:
• “Is a telephone call that interrupts family dinner an invasion of privacy?”
• “Is an e-mail requesting response to a 30-minute survey an invasion of privacy?”
Passive Research
Passive research involves different types of privacy issues. Generally, it is believed that unobtrusive observation
of public behavior in places such as stores, airports, and museums is not a serious invasion of privacy. This belief
is based on the fact that the consumers are indeed anonymous in that they are never identified by name nor is any
attempt made to identify them. They are “faces in the crowd.” As long as the behavior observed is typical of
behavior commonly conducted in public, then there is no invasion of privacy. In contrast, recording behavior that
is not typically conducted in public would be a violation of privacy. For example, hidden cameras recording people
(without consent) taking showers at a health club, even if ultimately intended to gather information to help improve
the shower experience, would be considered inappropriate.
➢ Deception In Research Designs And The Right To Be Informed Experimental Designs
Experimental manipulations often involve some degree of deception. In fact, without some deception, a researcher
would never know if a research subject was responding to the actual manipulation or to their perception of the
experimental variable.
➢ Protection From Harm
Researchers should do everything they can to make sure that research participants are not harmed by
participating in research. Most types of research do not expose participants to any harm. However, the researcher
should consider every possibility. For example, if the research involves tasting food or drink, the possibility exists
that a research participant could have a severe allergic reaction. Similarly, researchers studying retail and
workplace atmospherics often manipulate odors by injecting certain scents into the air. The researcher is sometimes
in a difficult situation. He or she has to somehow find out what things the subject is allergic to, without revealing
the actual experimental conditions. One way this may be done is by asking the subjects to provide a list of potential
allergies ostensibly as part of a separate research project. Other times, research may involve some potential
psychological harm. This may come in the form of stress or in the form of some experimental treatment that
questions some strongly held conviction.
Research staff and research support firms should practice good business ethics. Researchers are often the
focus of discussions of business ethics because of the necessity that they interact with the public. Several
professional organizations have written and adopted codes of ethics for their researchers. In addition, the
researchers have rights. In particular, once a research consulting firm is hired to conduct some research, they have
the right to cooperation from the sponsoring client. In addition, the researchers have the right to be paid for the
work they do as long as it is done professionally. Sometimes, the client may not like the results. But not liking the
results is no basis for not paying. In addition, the client should pay the researcher in full and in a timely manner.
➢ The Purpose Of Research Is Research Service Monitoring
Occasionally, the line between research and customer service isn’t completely clear. For instance, Toyota
may survey all of its new car owners after the first year of ownership. While the survey appears to be research, it
may also provide information that could be used to correct some issue with the customer. For example, if the
research shows that a customer is dissatisfied with the way the car handles, Toyota could follow up with the
specific customer. The follow-up could result in changing the tires of the car, resulting in a smoother and quieter
ride, as well as a more satisfied customer. Should a pattern develop showing other customers with the same
opinion, Toyota may need to switch the original equipment tires used on this particular car.
➢ Objectivity
The need for objective scientific investigation to ensure accuracy is stressed throughout this book.
Researchers should maintain high standards to be certain that their data are accurate. Furthermore, they must not
intentionally try to prove a particular point for political purposes.
➢ Misrepresentation Of Research
It should go without saying, but research results should not be misrepresented. This means, for instance,
that the statistical accuracy of a test should be stated precisely and the meaning of findings should not be
understated or overstated. Both the researcher and the client share this obligation. There are many ways that
research results can be reported in a less than full and honest way. For example, a researcher may present results
showing a relationship between advertising spending and sales. However, the researcher may also discover that
this relationship disappears when the primary competitors’ prices are taken into account. In other words, the
relationship between advertising spending and sales is made spurious by the competitors’ prices. Thus, it would
be questionable to say the least to report a finding suggesting that sales could be increased by increasing ad
spending without also mentioning the spurious nature of this finding.
➢ Confidentiality
Confidentiality comes into play in several ways. The researcher often is obligated to protect the
confidentiality of both the research sponsor and the research participant.
➢ Ethical Behavior Between Buyer And Seller
The general business ethics expected between a purchasing agent and a sales representative should hold in
a marketing research situation. For example, if a purchasing agent has already decided to purchase a product from
a friend, it would be unethical for that person to solicit competitive bids from others because they have no chance
of being accepted. Similarly, a client seeking research should only seek bids from firms that have a legitimate
chance of actually doing the work. In addition, any section on the ethical obligation of a research client would be
remiss not to mention that the user is obligated to pay the provider the agreed upon wage and pay within the agreed
upon time.
➢ An Open Relationship With Research Suppliers
The client sponsor has the obligation to encourage the research supplier to objectively seek out the truth.
To encourage this objectivity, a full and open statement of the decision situation, a full disclosure of constraints in
time and money, and any other insights that assist the researcher should be provided. This means that the researcher
will be provided adequate access to key decision makers.
These decision makers should agree to openly and honestly discuss matters related to the situation. Finally, this
means that the client is open to actually using the research results. Time is simply too valuable to ask a researcher
to perform a project when the results will not be used.
➢ An Open Relationship With Interested Parties
Conclusions should be based on data—not conjecture. Users should not knowingly disseminate
conclusions from a research project in a manner that twists them into a position that cannot be supported by the
data. Twisting the results in a self-serving manner or to support some political position poses serious ethical
questions. A user may also be tempted to misrepresent results while trying to close a sale. Obviously, this is also
morally inappropriate.

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