Soal To Tps Kode To-1097 (Ing 67-76)

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Program: TPS – TP 2020/2021 Kode: TO-1097


KETERANGAN : BAHASA INGGRIS Nomor 67 sampai dengan nomor 76

Petunjuk A dipergunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 67 sampai dengan nomor 76.


Text 1
This passage is for questions 67 to 70.
It has been said that people can be judged by the company they keep. New research from Michigan
State University (MSU) shows that what is true for the living is also true for the dead. The study,
published in the current issue of Nature Scientific Reports, shows that postmortem microbiome –
population of micro organisms that move in after death – can provide crucial insights into the public
health. Regardless of many factors – sex, ethnicity, or even type of death – the microbiome is consistent
and discticnt, depending on the number of days after death.
Based on the growing number of partnerships between MSU forensic entomologists and medical
examiners, the police and medical communities are beginning to see the value the research can provide. A case
in point is the interdisciplnary research happening between MSU and the Wayne Medical Examiner’s
Office. The partnership initially began to better understand the bugs and the microbes present and what
they can tell investigators about the recently deceased. Just as the TV show says, the first 48 hours of an
investigation are critical. The organisms found on a body can help estimate the time of death.
According to Eric Benbow, MSU forensic entomologist and study co-author, the microbial
stopwatch, as it has recently been called, is a telling timepiece that can assist us in determining when
someone died. It is comparable to a town with a changing population: a company starts up, and an entire
new population moves in. In death, that microbial population is different after two days, and it completely
turns over again a few days later.
MSU’s kits and the collection protocol are now being regularly used in death investigations. One
noteworthy case involves a mother who stored her two dead children in a freezer. The microbial data were
the first used to understand how the postmortem microbiome changes in unusual circumstances of death
and concealment, in this case when bodies were frozen. The evergrowing dataset is painting a picture of
the public health – of the living – including many populations that are underserved and understudied by
the medical community.
For the first time, Michigan State University is demonstrating that sampling the postmortem microbiome
may have public health surveillance importance like monitoring the diversity and frequency of antibiotic
resistant genes from general population. Additionally, the victim may have died of a drugoverdose, but the
research also revealed that the microbes can show that the person suffered from a heart disease.
According to a study’s lead author Jennifer Pechal, during the first 48 hours the samples that had been
gathered from a predominantly industrial urban population confirmed that microbial biodiversity is a
predictor of the host’s health conditions, such as heart disease, when they were living. The researchers have
demonstrated that this microbiome could be an effective tool for assessing the health of living populations.

67. What is the text mainly about? 68. The word “critical” in line 12 could best be
(A) Investigating death. replaced by which of the following?
(B) Organism living in dead bodies. (A) Supportive. (D) Crucial.
(C) Solving crimes using bugs and microbes. (B) Unimportant. (E) Beneficial.
(D) Estimating the time of death of the (C) Worrying.
(E) Invaluable insight gathered from micro
organisms of the death.

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Kode: TO-1097 Program: TPS – TP 2020/2021

69. It is implied in paragraph two that ... 70. What is the author’s purpose to compare
(A) the police had used postmortem microbial population to a changing town
microbiome in their investigations before population?
MSU initiated their study. (A) To explain that a town population can
(B) getting important information about the change dramatically.
body can be difficult 48 hours after the (B) To compare death to the changing
person dies. population of a town.
(C) the TV show focuses on murder cases. (C) To illustrate the danger of postmortem
(D) the organisms present in a body can microbiome two days after the time of
inform investigators the foods eaten death.
when the person was still alive. (D) To analogize the change of microbial
(E) bugs and microbes living in a body feed population.
on each other to survive. (E) To give an example of the cause of
dramatic population change.

Text 2
Questions 71—72 are based on the following passage.
The link between a mother and a child is profound, and a new research suggests a physical
connection even deeper than anyone thought. The profound psychological and physical bonds shared by
the mother is everything for the developing fetus, supplying warmth and sustenance, while her heartbeats
provides a soothing constant rhythm.
The physical connection between mother and fetus is provided by the placenta, an organ built of
cells from both the mother and fetus, which serves as a conduit for the exchange of nutrients, gasses, and
wastes. Cells may migrate through the placenta between the mother and the fetus, taking up residence in
many organs of the body including the lung, thyroid, muscle, liver, heart, kidney, and skin. These may
have a broad range of impacts, from tissue repair and cancer prevention to sparking immune disorders.
It is remarkable that it is so common for cells from one individual to integrate into the tissues of
another distinct person. We are accustomed to thinking of ourselves as singular autonomous individuals,
and suggest that most people carry remnants of other individuals. As remarkable as this may be, stunning
results from a new study show that cells from other individuals are also found in the brain. In this study,
male cells were found in the brains of women and had been living there, in some cases, for several
decades. What impact they may have had is now only a guess, but this study revealed that these cells were
less common in the brains of women who had Alzheimer’s disease, suggesting they may be related to the
health of the brain.
We all consider our bodies to be our own unique being, so the notion that we may harbor cells from
other people in our bodies seems strange. Even stranger is the thought that, although we certainly consider
our actions and decisions as originating in the activity of our own individual brains, cells from other
individuals are living and functioning in that complex structure. However, the mixing of cells from
genetically distinct individuals is not at all uncommon. This condition is called chimerism after the fire-
breathing Chimera from Greek mythology, a creature that was part serpent part lion and part goat.
Naturally occurring chimeras are far less ominous though, and include such creatures as the slime mold
and corals.
Microchimerism is the persistent presence of a few genetically distinct cells in an organism. This
was first noticed in humans many years ago when cells containing the male “Y” chromosome were found
circulating in the blood of women after pregnancy. Since these cells are genetically male, they could not
have been the women’s own, but most likely came from their babies during gestation.
In this new study, scientists observed that microchimeric cells are not only found circulating in the
blood, they are also embedded in the brain. They examined the brains of deceased women for the presence
of cells containing the male “Y” chromosome. They found such cells in more than 60 percent of the brains
and in multiple brain regions. Since Alzheimer’s disease is more common in women who have had
multiple pregnancies, they suspected that the number of fetal cells would be greater in women with AD
compared to those who had no evidence for neurological disease. The results were precisely the opposite:
there were fewer fetal-derived cells in women with Alzheimer’s. The reasons are unclear.

Halaman 2 dari 4 halaman

Program: TPS – TP 2020/2021 Kode: TO-1097

Microchimerism most commonly results from the exchange of cells across the placenta during
pregnancy, however there is also evidence that cells may be transferred from mother to infant through
nursing. In addition to exchange between mother and fetus, there may be exchange of cells between twins
in utero, and there is also the possibility that cells from an older sibling residing in the mother may find
their way back across the placenta to a younger sibling during the latter’s gestation. Women may have
microchimeric cells both from their mother as well as from their own pregnancies, and there is even
evidence for competition between cells from grandmother and infant within the mother.

71. What is the primary purpose of the passage? 72. As used in paragraph 3, "autonomous" most
(A) To explain how, while we each have a nearly means
unique genetic code, cells from other (A) self-governing.
unique individuals may live inside our (B) reliant.
bodies. (C) independent.
(B) To suggest that Alzheimer's disease is (D) reliable.
caused by cells with "Y" chromosomes. (E) sovereign.
(C) To illustrate the difficulty of drawing
conclusions from scientific research.
(D) To show how the common conception
of the bond between mothers and
children is wrong.
(E) To exemplify the chromosomes that
are the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

Text 3
Questions 73—76 are based on the following passage.
Coming out of period where I struggled with bad health, it feels slightly strange to write an article
about the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. The reason I find it strange is that the benefits of a healthy
lifestyle should be obvious to everyone, aren’t they? Surely, we all know that having a healthy lifestyle
brings extraordinary benefits, like lots of energy, good mental healthy weight, and strengthened defences
against disease and illness. Yet, as so few actually practice keeping a healthy lifestyle, it is obviously
important to put in front of them the key benefits.
One thing I know for sure is good health is not something you can buy over-the-counter. There is no
magical pill you can take that will deliver to you brilliant health. The only way of doing it is to adopt a
healthy lifestyle including doing physical activity on a regular basis, good nutrition, good rest, and
relaxation in order to exist at optimum level.
“Life is not merely being alive, but being well.” Marcus Valerius Martialis.
It may not be easy to adopt and then sustain a healthy lifestyle, but the value of being so will be
significant as there are countless benefits associated with living a healthy lifestyle. Let me give you some
One of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle is the increased amount of energy. When you eat a
healthy diet including whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables, your
body has the fuel it needs to manage your energy level. Having more energy is so important because it
enables you to do much more, and I know everyone of us can testify to how much better it feels being full
of energy rather that feeling lethargic and empty.
Another of the many benefits of living a healthy lifestyle is that it is good for our mental health.
There is evidence showing that good mental health is very much supported by having a healthy lifestyle.
So, things like a lack of self esteem, depression, anxiety, negative state of mind can be reduced by eating
right and exercising.

73. The paragraph following the passage will (D) more evidence of living a healthy
likely talk about ... lifestyle.
(A) more facts on living a healthy lifestyle. (E) more examples of living a healthy
(B) more stories on living a healthy lifestyle. lifestyle.
(C) more benefits of living a healthy

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Kode: TO-1097 Program: TPS – TP 2020/2021

74. What will happen when our body has the 76. To whom is the text intended?
fuel to manage our energy level? (A) Busy workers who regularly exercise.
(A) We will feel satisfied. (B) The workaholics who obsess to their
(B) We will feel optimistic. career.
(C) We will feel contented. (C) Students who would like to take
(D) We will feel energized. medical faculty.
(E) We will feel fatigue. (D) Scientists who concern about people’s
eating lifestyle.
75. From the passage, it can be concluded that (E) People who regard that it is unnecessary
... to keep good health.
(A) living a healthy lifesltyle is easy to adopt.
(B) living a healthy lifestyle is difficult to
(C) the main advantage of living a healthy
lifestyle is the increased amount of
(D) the main advantage of living a healthy
lifestyle is good mental health.
(E) there are numerous advantages of
living a healthy lifestyle.

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