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What to Make on the Lathe Price 10 Cents Postpaid to Any Address SOUTH BEND LATHE WORKS 459 NILES AVE, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, U.S, A. Foreword ‘This booklet has been prepared to answer inquiries we receive from home workshop mechanics who ask for suggestions on what to make in the lathe and how the work should be done. Blueprints and instruction sheets are available to aid the mechanic in making the projects and articles illustrated and described in this book. ‘These blue- prints and instruccion sheets are fully described on page 22 and are prepared so that the mechanic can follow step by step in sequence the building of the project. Only a few of the thousands of practical jobs that can be done in the lathe can be illustrated in this booklet. The Back-Geared, Screw Cutting Lathe is known as the universal tool because of the wide variety ‘of work for which it can be used. A New England machinist once made the statement that more than 3000 dirferent operations could be performed in the athe, In addition to turning, boring, facing, drilling, cutting screw threads, etc., the lathe can be used for innumerable special classes of work, and when fitted with the necessary attachments almost any kind of eaahtna ne eat bes een: South Ben Lathe Works What to Make on the Lathe A Mechanical Bra ‘The airship, airplane. automobile, radia and thonsands of other modern inventions are all the result of a new era, in mechanical and scientific develop- ment. Only the future can reveal the new methods, new machinery, new equipment and labor-saving devices that are to come. During the next twenty years the man who has mechani eal training and experience will be very much in demand, and mechanical genie will be much kought after ‘There are many excellent vocational schools in the United States where young men are given an opportunity in elementary training in me- work of all kinds. This me- chanical training and experience may be continued in the home workshop by thoss who are mechanicslly inclined and have ideas to work out or inven tions to develon. ‘The work that can be accomplished in the homeshop is limited only by the ability of the owner and the equipment ‘of the shop. Resourcefulness and wats be developed wentive genius brought to light. Skill and experience in the use of precision tools ean be developed. The home workshop ives the me- chanie an opportunity to become trained in the use of precision tools of all kinds and to develop his skill so that he can work with precision and accuracy, In order to be a master mech- ante che workman must kiow whae ca be done in « Back-Geared, Serew Cut- ting Lathe and be able to do the werk. Fine, Bene Grind 14 Polishing Head. 4-inch Bench Grinder and Polishing Head Fitted with 4” x 14” Grinding Wheel and 6-inch Buffing Wheel ifame, "Bronze bearings say be Sted int the el the spindle desirad, Then AUG HP. o1 4 FLD. 1725 RPM, movor should be used to operate the te drives used betyeen the motor and the grinder at NF or swssrelesol ent classes of Fie, Assomt reine tad in diameter for beat le may be ited with vai- de Drain gf Boneh thing tod tenfe Bas. we iit pate che oe mounted, sr prfered, ani” whoa “The | cali te right-hand 24-thread on the x th dice ts nie tine ome end ria ae scrvice linge lid ollere hould be weed fe secure aha fect nde pad olin bead tba ciate Novetsas, io a wh cng oy se sid So eis a chee hd heavy cuat iron frame anda substantial spindle 3¢anch, dusmaten, sith babbt theo grinding wheels 8 34" leo the base is 6), Inches. Size Net weishe of grinder is 40 Ibs above shows the grinder mounted on a bench although itm mounted on a avy chit on peat as shown Z, flat drive pulley for direct motor recommended ethough « 14 HP. motor could Blueprints and Supplies for Heavy Duty 8-inch Bench Grinder a $8004, Ne Sar. Bench Grinder, Floor Celumn and Countershaft aa aed Stactersbat Stein Hardware Parte Sip, We te Shipping Welaht”)5 os lee emit Set of 3 Blocprints, I Igetaction Sheet, Rou SRBBEE Woitke'3@ Be ‘2.80 Bench Grinder Countershaft Set of 4 Blucprints 4 lortraction Sheets, Rough ich Bench Emery Grinder Completely Auersbled and Ready fot Use Heavy Duty 8-inch Bench Grinder Has Two Wheels 8-inch Diameter 3(-inch Face ‘reariggs. (onc in temeter Heche of Finer rensrnae 0 is OG 5 984 = wer A 19 HB. mor is larder Toe ingested gor ae isan fe coca ay Weigh 30 sare oe Eeairinl Tiare Yor chive Figs, Gonder Mantel pw 3 Miniature Gasoline Engine No. peed For Modal Rirplanae, Modal Spread a KELP. This miniature gasoline engine weighs only 14 02. petstdesconn 1H 3000 REM Has ty? 1000 R. P.M, Blueprints only for miniature gascline ox fine’ listed above. No. FBGO9 Slepteg We 8 ox $1.00 Peg = ature spar call to operate on two or ” See rawing ani syclbcalona Boom? MMieehhacnlti bSttenea No rbey 92.05 Installation Drawing and Specifications Fig. 7, Installation Drawing and Specifiation for Miniature Gaaline Engine. iS This “Parse” Model Atrlane te Powered vith « Miniature Gavel Flying Model Airplane Plans For Use with Miniature Gasoline Engines 7 Enaton, The ying model sirplanesiustrated on thie page are all suitable for use with the No. F13068 Mi fre’ Gasouine Engine, shown on puget ese ‘model sirnlane designs have all been tested and perfected.” Ifthe models are carefully constructed Satisfactory performance can be expected ‘The construction and fying of gasoline powered ‘model silanes ea thrilling ard edventional hobby A good mode! wil fly about fiteen minutes on one plane will crde slowly around the flying field, and ‘when the fuel is exhaurted will lide to a gentle landing. For short fights, an automatic timer may be ese to su off the igri Plans and Instructions for Flying Model Airplanes led, Ap, eonsually fe mock! plane with Crag pens Thar Het cently Sk 3 he cis m perect totiges Ehret alt nulls ictals Roms walpiaie Sspeats ate oa reputed and eary 0 Teak abd Eve vey conakee fe No. FBGDOB. Ph The G8". A consent fer. This fine model Fi "Miodat Aiptanes Model Steam Traction Engine Made Ly Pdwis J. Davis Fiwin J. Davis of Rekford, Minos is shown in the llustration at the let with the excellent model af the steam tracon erie whieh he constructed This workmg model veil operate under tts own ower and in well shed, ‘Tw bukding this {Realy cating wc wan fer the Hywel ater Ccldfrolied stock and’ solid brass bashing” stock This smd soa taton ening xealence fn model taking at the National Handicraft Exhibition Genter bald a Chiecgo Ilinca, fn 1933 by shop Glut National Homework 1 fxom September 1934 Copies ofthese isues tray bes read at your local pablie a rai Saat CesRiaas BANG Dg ig. 1 Me, Eat J. Davia nish His Pine Winning Sop MH McGraw Fil Blix. New Med Bilan Toselan ilnee Model Locomotive Engine and Tender “The model locomotive one ae eae ae Jnkin” Matthews of Chicago, i inode ht exceptionally well Bn urlding this excelent working taived & sive rmedal averd at the National early of the finest preciion Honiirafe Exibition “ond Contest Bold st and‘vas handled n'a sonal bak geared, screw lies in 1955 by, tee Notes Mewrenke Sig jreoainn Ib Wood Turning on the Lathe Timing woo sal wert: lathe isa very simple matter. Spur fae cup centers are substituted for the 69" centers, a hand rest ia at: tached and the lathe is eady for Special pulleys may be used on the motor aad counterhalt to pro- Vide a series of high spindle speeds for weod turning, in addition to the ular speeds for metal work. forkslop" lathe shown on ‘sno only a metal and weod sg tool. tut other materials may be machined as wall, Ala- ter, catalin, bs For examples of wood work twin eon a metal working lathe see the ihatsation below. hop atin allt BY a) = Fig 16. Some Excellent Ecarple of Artic Alabaser Work Turned ona Lathe, Turning Alabaster on the Metal Working Lathe Beautiful Marble-like Substance That is Easily Machined While alabaster is fou only in the state of Col inleiaaes Ses bat in the United States ke arg the United States does not have the beautiful Uiated shades of that found in Colorado. ‘Wher freshly quarried, it may easily be turned inthe lathe to almost any shepe desired. ‘Thedelicately tinted shades of alabaster are brought out by fishing it to a smooth surface and polishing. The transl {6 Show ihrough whence the deign of the antcle being mee permits. Very beautiful nd lamps are made with electric lights ‘lminate then. Fig11, Turning Alabaiie on» inch Bqek-Cantd, Sorew Cutting Lathe, Nested Ash Tray Set The net neh tite toca sey le sacs ben not fname. "Ng dlicule oper elves, ts it very god entice for ‘A number of materials may be used such ax brorze. aluminum, fibre or any of the Makelie, yee aye eee win das asta near Srey ate eee ee hare pied ets wom ts Topoaremy Galina Seco Seelam she sates Di erpbene x trra coe eirseet es terres ond parse Tree ee "tne sapere cee emit beatae Ne. BAGGZ. Coot Resin Stock for 10 Tenge 240 Moderniatic Smoking Stand Made of Metal or Cast Plastics “Th Mi hn me 9 cabin Set fa smoking stind which may be made of metal ‘or cast plastic ‘The design could be varied slghily to out the taste of te nee ‘A cout of woudl aia ease placiey can Be used £0 pro= dice very attractive and artistic efects.. For example, the top, tard base of the smoking stand cculd be made of Back plostic fat: is polit, and the reda made of chromium plated fe todo would rolect in the base with a very Toeautful eect. Another possi pleasing smoking stand of pol Sits strucloen Ior Sodio Suna ae Cast Resin Plastics Chik plait pig esa ey joite lar snaterial for howell arches jewelry, rma: Seen Forichings ote Thee ate dence wfc cpmialie tu suogiviow tu al ont nd eee te a wile wy of shape and Cer ‘ast plastics are easly mechined in the thas been ncitad ae mie tesa WI call Ge Gel ty ecplp the sce tad tees ot Spec nilessnee ae Hurricane Candle Stand May Be Used as a Night Light The Hurvicine Candle Stand or Night . Licht shown at the lft isa verv interesting tnd attactivepiece. “The base is made of folid bronze machined to the dimensions 1 shown in the drawing An amber eles etered ‘ind i weed for the fue All dimensions necessary for machining the | base are shown in the drawing. It would be advisable to maketemplates beforestarting to rmachine the verious curves. After machining, the wirluce may be given a satin finish by | polishing with cosrse emery cloth, or it may be given « high luster by bulfing ‘The amber slass etched cylinder factored by the Mebeth-Evane Gl tang. Chailersi. Pennsyvania. The 15 our fandle is manufsetured by the Diamond Canile Co, Brooklyn, Ney York, can be purchased in most Five and Ten Cent Stores, | ‘Heate Candle Sand. Ship, Wi 4 Iba -$1.50 Fie 2, "Traning showing Fnihed Dinan Colonial Candlestick Practical as Well as Ornamental ‘The bronse Colonial candlosticle strated at 0 right has avery pleasing design andis not difficult to ‘macline "the base s separate from the stem, and she bra pais are traded fers ‘Tie candlemtick may be Gnished by bulfieg and sb may be clinton by leeguering, or a satin Ge polishing with coarse emery cloth stick are shown in the drawing at the right plates should be made before starting to machine the candlestick. and forming tools may be used for ‘obtaining the various radii eee a at Fig 22, The Drawing Abors ShowsDimene ‘lane for Making Caonial Candlertick. OT Fig. 2, Bronte Candlestick Set and Bronze Candy Dish Made in the Lathe. Bronze Candlesticks and Bronze Candy Dish A Beautiful Combination Which Adds Luster to Any Room inate ‘The bronze candlesticks and bronze candy dish shos sot. ‘The dimensions to tne for machining these ite drawings below ‘Several type of finish may be seh palhmay nabove make a beau iain by bufing hat «atin fh at a nay $e tle A Few Examples o: All These Operations Can Be Done On « 9-inch W Sige Sted Bashing ‘Turning Pi, Cutting of Pa ing Ae M M Te cs 24, Sharpen a Reamer e ‘Whi "ornding Attzchment Remon: a Metal Sninnine 4 None & ‘Taper Boring and Turing 5) Sending and Polishing Cu ‘Gaeting Be Fling To “Turing Iegudar Wark fer Fig. 35, Cutting eB, Cutng off or Parting : ‘3 i Me ale Meld Between iu. 39. Cutting 8 Sie Citing s of Machine Work inch Workshop Back-Geared. Screw Cuttina Lathe ‘witliag a Steel Piece Stroy? Thread Sivan fi amon Lathe Jobs ss Pattern Making. Ge ‘Tan, Dieand Cause Work 38, Set a } Making Emergency Parte ike acd Bai Maudacturing Tating and Troine Cointersining Topping Ghamdering and Milne Restoring Center Holes Using Multiple Tools “adis ols Ponce ek foorisztaiss Fig, 48, At Risht—AMilling « Dovetail i 'hafne Attachment ‘une Spal Gear with ‘ein, Seall Gar i Berg an gee pe Napoleonic Model Coach Each year the Fisher Body Company, at Complete instructions eutlining every do- ‘Detrot. Michigan, sponsors a Morel Coach tal in the canatruction of the coach ean be Caren, and ie 1958 Prankin Atwater; of obtained frem the Fisher Body Company, Noe Britn, Cennectict; wor avaried int pet, Mich, and if yon om teen mit isngonch with the ail ola inch wing Coach Contest, we sumgert that you get im pultahiseoach with tr Racaward'whicr he tarch with the foal Sstsbator af Genera PANE PSidiled him to $300000in cash orn Motors autemaile. In addition tothe a Focryeurexpente paid course at college. ‘He tonalawards,therenremany stateand dtr chose the later {wads that are well worth competing for “Sovereign of Seas” Model Ship ed, and In order to produce an suthentic model the guns sheuld be made of brass or iron and Minned nnd polished jm the lathe. ‘The lathe ‘wil alse be found well in making other parts he auch ae pulley blocks, pt ‘This irs museum type model 34” long and 26" high over all. Plans give full size lt ‘eplates tnd details of riguing, omaments, Blueprints and Text Book we ries, Speen hopes besa BPM ha Soren f he Seas ale mel “soveraguet eew=9 lng 26° highe Pen ae 0 “ TT, Excellent Working Models For The Beginner olin el sre numberof excllen working medel or the beginner Fanging fom very simple models vo thoes quiring comideratie alin motelmaking. “No castings SrTorpllcnarg avaliable for crap of these sods but tney may’ be gonotructed entirdy of steel and brass, Many TiSlinafierstnales ther ov castingrot babwnte metal ead tgp metal, and meggnetione for ang thi wil bu found the Biveprints of tome of the model. ‘Model Golonial Cannon No. PMT3S Thin tp 4 Peet 10% i ir gay ag, Spaz pre care cite ted Sows Sala See aoe No. PMT3S, One Bleepuint Model Colonial Cannon... #028 Simplified Steam Engine Model No. PMIST nde hana pe frm de rca ead No. PMIS?. Ser of two Blueprints of Sinplifd Stags Enaine = 3080 Modal Horsontl Stam Engine No, PMB Peisreae te eed wets is St [No, PM¢2, One Blaepiint Horizotal Stem Engine. 8028 Horisontal Steam Engine and Boiler Ne, PM29 The patel beret weasel ed bole, denne Alarosto andthe eslindar hae 9" bore and 3p" atreks, Nes PMG9D, St of se Dueprint of Horna Sao, En Miniature Air-Cooled Gasoline Engine No, MAIL quit 4 8 atpitne small meter book Cite Bs, RLS WRLC Seah tempinte a oe No. MMA. Qos Bhat of » Minature Ar esl Gar SEM Pine 2 io Single Cvlindsr Model Steam Encine No, MMI0 Tegtaty, om oe oe at) Twin Cylinder Marine Engine No. PMTS1 deme ean omaha tore ati EET Regnier he 8 be Ro cha Se Siere ria ee he Seb oa Vertical Marine Engine Models No. TP250, Single, clinlor Marine Ension, " bor, # To TP2S. Tra olny nel panne, Marie Eng Mie" bore by i stroke, Castings and blueprint "$2700 8 Fa. (9. Miniature Auto Driven by Small Catline Engine Mounted Under Rear Hood, Scale Model of Famous Racing Car Miniature Auto Driven by Small Gasoline Engine ‘This ia = miniature copy of fameus Miler Dive Track Racer and has case, beauty and speed: yet may easly be mide in the shop fatipped with a lathe. Any stall outboard ‘motor of washing michine engine can be used. The cas i ooniiedt wih a Lictsh ai'tan OK Troe vir/ ot naiatbe Antuai forward aad reverse speeds no that the ear can No, MWG04B, One blueprint (size 19° x 66") start, stop and reverse and halt properly at showing the camplete design and construction palin ele tf thie model. Price Postpaid $9.00 Cast Plastic Cigarette Box May be Used as Jewel Box Fig. 51 at the ft shows an excellent design for qigarette ba oy vel bot wich may be made af east plastic material “The verioas —® parte shoul have be machined to the diaen- Sone shown below. and then assemble. Cast plastics ere finished. by machining in hadathe hentarced torecore she eel eerba \ tnd polished in the lathe. No. PATS. Complete kit containing rough jock for making all yarts of cigarette, box hown in Fig. 51. Price $1.78 Pidsdenotk' Useful and Ornamental De-Witt-Clinton Model Train is 36" teale model ofthe famous DeWitt. ‘The model Ginton engine, tender, souchen and toud bed ra ras used for the Popaiar Mechanies $2500.00 al Prize Content. “The base meaturer 6 x 36", acke-zeared, crew cutting lal Blueprints and Instructions No. PM800. Set of 10 blueprints of the lished January to May of 1992, Copies are De-WittClinton Model Train $2.00. ble at 23 each and may be ordered from "The making of this model was explsined in deta in Popular Mechanics Magazine, pub Pacific Model Locomotive Scale }4" = 1', 214" Gage, Alcohol Burner scale Pacific Model Locomotive i At anyone might be proud of. yet Atay to die bene yap Pankey wah voc. ecperines in ws : : Sa back gored eer caine mel workieg Blueprints and Castings SEP oris a tice tan we oral mee a> Tir ly cates te oe ena shi Th nnche ind hee gies oy 0 1/’ and 3" Scale Steam Locomotives 14‘ scale, 114" Gage Steam tg" scale, 315" Gage Steam Tiacamatives Locomotives ‘Gilera gr We We teste alowed Wai] Siete (Eyre FA va, nt ie nutes. comic stcine tre, Be con Ns Tre0rB. heen en Bei aiecies/enersts ai OUR stiss assed} LTT SUIATLADIRU TRA ALALEAR ALA LEA ALARM GSA LOMO is. 67. Dring a Flat Piece of Stool ix the Lath. Drilling Metal in the Lathe Theillitrations on this page show a few drilline operations that ean be done inthe lathe. ‘The machinist nee the lthe fer drilling jobs of all kinds. The lathe has the power and speeds, ax well asthe automatic Feeds for handling hundreds of drilling eperations and for hing a great variety of rearing and borings ia ne e Prices of South Bend Machine Shop Projects pee rise aNd probes Somplate aris part ko Met Soar oe “The prices of mineagraph drawings and job sheets include postage to any point in the world. Prices for rough certinge, tel and hardware area. South Bend, Ind 56 Practical Machine Shop Projects for the Student and Apprentice Prices 2 Nan Pret So jentch Cont = 10 [Blaskeeosith's Drill hack —— - Fricrofkngnes dona nce mon cleo a7 jouth Bend Machine Shop Course Projects 1) gf A fel | || Fy 1A | IL - | y /% ant | Naits™ | eat | acto oa re Blueprints and Instruction Sheets for Projects Far Machining Projante Tlistrated and Daccrihed in this Ranlelat ed and described Blue prints and job instruction sheets similar to those illus below can be supplied for most ofthe projects lustrated and su this booklet: "The number and ele ofthe blue prints and Instruction sheets vary according to the importance of the project, and sufficient information i provided to enable the mechanic to proceed with the work from stare to nish Blueprints for all of the projets listed on eget 20and 2! are uniform ia size, being 12” x 18% The job instruction sheets supplied Set nd ar ap Ci ie for theoe preiecte re slec uniform in sine and — meanure 8!" x 14. "The sample blueprint and instruction sheet reproduced on this pase are to aid the me chanie in machining Project No. 13. “I-inch Bolt and Nut," which i illustrated and listed fon pages 20 and 21. Detailed dimensions sre cutlines in sequence the variour operations required for machining the project. Reference Book ‘The book. “How to Run 2 Lathe is used asa text om all the projects lastrated and de- feribed cn pages 20 and 21. This bodk, to- _gether with the other hooks listed on the bacle cover of this bulletin, will be of great assist- ttnee to the mechanic in doing the requived machine work on the various projec =" “ Figs Gt. Bivwprint (Actual Size 1271 1" for Project Ne. 2 Supplies and Plans of Projects and Models Inaterials by weiting dict tothe addrenses given below, sb rin oe ‘Mechanix Publ Co.,529S. TthSt ‘The Home Craftsman, 63 Park Row, New York City ‘Ths Medel Craftrman, 930 Weat 4dr St, New York City ie South Bend Lathe Works, 4251. Madiaoa St. South Berd, fad.” Hook of Projesie and Plans Home Shop and Modelmaking Supplies Pierce Model Works, Tinley Fark, Mi, sia Crafteman Wood Service Co,.2720 Mary St, Chicaae, il Si Model Work. 4. 2d St. New York City issn Cain ena Csr . Cali. ‘Feuipmens Sri Se, Cleveland; Oba, Lambe Paice’ Ea Medel plane Equipment Glcvelnac Model & Supply Ce, Inc, 1858 W- 37th St. Cleveland; Ohio..." Rite nd Supplse Wawel Avon, (O41 tri Pek Bi, Chas, ie Prats Suen ‘Jolin T. Fergusson, P.O; Box 118, South Bend, ind. sss)... >ss.1..1-Kits Supplies, Engines ‘Model Railroad Equipment ‘Chun, A. Cole, 1355 Church St, Ventura, Cs 0 Gauge Construction Parts WCB. Welter, 1560 W7 Pierce St Mibrauk ‘Traci Signals, Care, Control Supp Nooo Redvayer €°6) Bon 6 Now Rockells Yo 05100 Gouge Eaapets GO. Stock, 40: Mt. Ary Ave, Philadelphia, hi TO Gage Panes ‘Co 712 E, Washington St., Ann Arbor, Mich, cctv and Steam Locometives lodel Aeroplanes, #944 Irving Park Biv, Chica il... Kits, 4° Seale Car Parts ‘Model Steam and Gasoline Engines Howard Engine & Mfg. Co, 2417 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago, I Engine Castings a Seeendetnes antings and Erinet jodel Engines ‘Castings nd Enaines rg SAGAN Fuge Chenen a eeranoons 6 Bor 8, South Bend Ia veel Soca Ga ll Wyelok hee, Boalon,N.¥ Arcateur Telescope Supplies sicher Mane, spn iy, la Din, Pine sr deeatieel ec Ii Saabs, Re SiR ES rxmg. 513 S: Main Se Eart Hartford, Conn ‘Telescope Moustines Stat an Ba Steck eeped ethers 948 Wotan hve Gen I hed Rit Grea cle Wo cin aes ine ssa Rel Se Sea anh Sia Rab Bet Sneek Qi No. ea nt Rac Petree ah eee Mecca eae wt Sadi Sows Balt as Te Pengo Ween a Se Chg Gn Ke Heh cB Mash ae enh Soatticien Metal Shin Bot Song Neiiisler {00 Etrmat Rees Royal Ook, Mich... ‘Bocchtr Playthings Mie, Corp: 126 Laayete Si; New York Ci Fiosaceio SASSE 35'baheie Aven Blomndeld, Wg. son Lae nates fom lame hop" Soule Bend Pression Banc Lathe, with Horizontal ‘site Brie aed Regular Lathe Equiponant 9-inch “Workshop” South Bend Bench Lathe A Back-Geared, Screw Cutting Metal Working Precision Lathe Practical for the Home Workshop ‘The 1936 Model 9.inch ‘Workshop? end Lanse hese tat on hehe Sep te eine aa ea ‘ating precision lathe, pipe threads cag be eut in this lathe, We recom Trend itor making the finest precision gauges, an tape, toca and die, ew ""Flundrede of machining operations on metals, sends Seah compan ashe ran, supplied in bench threading. boring facing, dilling, ete. can Delt and Vibelt doncon this late. "Spotl work types. ‘The drives furnished include: counter- ing: grinding. te can sltftariveshersontal motor deve ancl unde= lathe’ equipped with attachients of ohicn mathe dine Aevmeldlc be aietel thureeight in bed lengths of 242.3, 315, 4, and Vlsfect. Thon paracnent ‘Standard screw threads from 4-to 40 per “Workshop Lathe will be found in’ Ci inch, right oft hand, including 114 and'27 No, IS-T decribed on the felowing page ““Worlshep" Lathe Specifications Sing over bed cite Bcpact se Wt for Ne. 3 “Warhbg Ctalg Der hng the Abs Lith Bn ——— 9-inch “Workshop” Lathe Catalog No. 15-T AA VALUABLE 32 PAGE BOOK Complete information an the 9-inck “Workshop” | Lathe wil be f x11 Catalog plete description and price of all 9-nch Lathes and attachments ‘The “Workshop” Lathe is made in several bed lengths ranging from 24 to 434 and providing fom, II" to 35" betweon centers. Several typer of motor drivecan be auoolied aa wellas countembalt drive If you are interested in Inthe work, write for thie Catalog No. 15:7. Postprid, to any address South Bend Back-Geared, Screw Cutting Lathes made in grnen, t-tnen, L-inen, 14)sraneh, and sineh Swing My South Bend Back Geared, Screw Cutting Precision ¥ Lithes have been on the market for thirty year. ‘Thousands of these lathes are in use in the U.S.A, td 9% other countriee throughout the world in (3 and tool rooms South Bend Lathes are made in 9-inch, 1 inch, inch, [48sinch, and 16-inch swing sizes and in bed lengths from 234 ft. to 12 Ft, all of which are ssppied in various types and drives If you are interested in lathe let us know the size and type required for your work. We will send free. postpuid, bulletin or calal sbustrating, describ- ing, and pricing the lathe in deta Practical Attachments for South Bend Lathes , Thirty-eight practical attachments for machining various classes of work may be fitted to auth Bead Lathes These tachment ny bs orig withthe lathe oy later wen the sre Redon. “Send tor Artachinent Bune Noo Y/-L aad oe Wl well Sous ces See Factory of the South Bend Lathe Works sith Bond Lathe Works, estabisbed in 1906, has operated continuously under the mane nent, for move then thirty years. “The factory has'a lor space of 180000 scare leet Seveted exclave’ ctu of Seuth Bend Backs Fig. 61. Factory ofthe South Bend Late Works South Bend, Inana, US. major autoservice jobs according to the latest shop practice that is flowed in ‘hops and planes in the United Staten. ‘Thoventce of mechanics are using these work. "Order some of these for your meshaaics— they may be helplal. Bulletin ee and contain from, 8 to 169 pager such When ceding sposiy the sities of the bulletine wanted and they wil be male Postpeid on recipe of pie ndeated. "Coin or stamps of any This Tome and how to eit tew ea “Hh ta Tie Ar ndereut Mien” Bulletin peametstore and undercutting mica Inthe lathe. 12 pages, ae 69" S3'llutrstions, Price postpaid Te (iMex, te, Grind Yalve_and Sharpen Reamers™ Buletin X ‘tow fo Phish Ptr” Buin No 8, (Actomatne) Cotas de reaming and hosing wr iisetestons is hokey, ter poses ime G9", 31 ‘ponpaid ate “How to Make Bushings* Bulletin No. 7-8. Contains information con making busting lathe mandsele: prea in and Tomine 12 pager, ane 6°39"; 2 Mssuatlons, Price postpaid Me , Rebabbitted Connecting Reds” Bulletin No, @:C. et Eterber the ntese stop peti fot Bering facing. and See 'S ost Moe ged Sorin te 8 oar Howto Test and Trae Differential" Bulletin No, 6. (Avie: z 2A (Astomoti) Con is sze "00", 24 gntratone Price portpald 166 “ttow to True Brake Drona Bullet No. GA. (Automotive Shon how 2 mount vertu typee brake drome ithe nthe et te 623", 40 ilustratons: Price postpaet te How te Rom a Lato (2nd Eton. This son storing iting inthe f ch i wit Uistratons latter of wor Ths br Ue sued aa Bandy afro bok by macht and a text beck by students In educntonn ite: - phi, Mace ton ‘and Half copies ate In se ‘conte 168 i

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