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Louise Joseph G.

Grade 11 - Fairness

Task 4. Read the passage carefully. Then, on your notebook complete the given diagram. Write
the answer on your paper.

Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome until we,

humans, find a way to abuse its benefits and be adversely affected by it. This
was the case when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five years,
the British Army was using a mobile x-ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel
in wounded soldiers in the Sudan. TV was also invented with positive thoughts
in mind – there would be no national borders, education and communication
would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its
physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings.
Excerpt: Emmanuel Tatah Mentan, English Essay Writing Handbook Bloomington, IN:

within five years of the

discovery of X-Ray, the
British Army was using a
The Discoveries and mobile x-ray unit to locate
Invention of devices when bullets and shrapnel in
Wilhelm Roentgen wounded soldiers in the
discovered X-Ray and the Sudan. we are now trying
TV was invented to overcome its
physiological and
psychological adverse
.effects on human beings.

Apply what you have learned

Task 5. Please read and understand the text below. Kindly pick the sentences that depict cause/s
or effect/s then write them in the graphic organizer. Write the answer on your paper.

The Effects of Underage Drinking

Underage drinking has many costly consequences adolescents don’t consider before
making the decision to drink. One costly affect is a criminal record that never goes away, unless
you happen to be under the age of eighteen. With a criminal record job application may be hindered
or employers may see that the other candidate has a clear record; therefore, the employer may
choose the other applicant. Other results are the penalties they receive during court appearances.
Depending on the severity of the crime punishment could include, expensive fines, driver’s license
revocation, community service, and if you happen to be a repeat offender, jail time. Jail time,
community service, and driver’s license revocation can interfere with your day-to-day activities
putting a damper in your life at that time. Fines are just payments that could have been avoided; I
see them as wasting hard earned money for a night of fun. A third outcome of underage drinking
could result in expulsion from a schools’ athletic team. If the student is in college the result could
be loss of a scholarship. Another very devastating effect is the loss of respect among peers, parents,
and other people associated with the offender. Even if it is just beer others could assume that you
would break the law in other areas. Although the consequences are always prevalent, some
adolescents still choose to risk it to have what they believe is a good time.
~(c)Ashley Neill 2005

Underage drinking practices by minors or somewhere not

within the legal age.

•One costly affect is a criminal record that never goes away, unless you
happen to be under the age of eighteen. With a criminal record job
application may be hindered or employers may see that the other candidate
Effect has a clear record; therefore, the employer may choose the other applicant.

•Other results are the penalties they receive during court appearances. Depending on the
severity of the crime punishment could include, expensive fines, driver’s license revocation,
community service, and if you happen to be a repeat offender, jail time. Jail time, community
service, and driver’s license revocation can interfere with your day-to-day activities putting a
Effect damper in your life at that time. Fines are just payments that could have been avoided; I see
them as wasting hard earned money for a night of fun.

• A third outcome of underage drinking could result in expulsion from a

schools’ athletic team. If the student is in college the result could be
Effect loss of a scholarship.

. Another very devastating effect is the loss of respect among peers,

parents, and other people associated with the offender. Even if it is just
beer others could assume that you would break the law in other areas.
Task 6. Since we are experiencing pandemic, I want you to write a short cause and effect
paragraph using the information below. You may add some information that you know about
this topic. Please make use of cause and effect the signal words to achieve a coherent, cohesive
and comprehensive paragraph. Write the answer on your paper.

Effects Cause

the global
severe New infectious economy
outbreaks respiratory disease
emerged in Wuhan,
Hubei province, China
and was named by the testing & treating
Almost all the World Health patients,
nations are Organization as quarantining
struggling to COVID-19 (coronavirus suspected persons
slow down the disease 2019) through contact
transmission of
tracing, restricting
the disease
large gatherings,
complete or partial
lock down

Impact of COVID-19 on people's livelihoods, their health and the economy

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and
presents an unprecedented challenge to public / economic health, food systems and the
world of work. The presence of Covid-19 firstly emerged in Wuhan, Hubei province,
China and was named by the World Health Organization as COVID-19 (coronavirus
disease 2019).The economic and social disruption due to the pandemic is devastating:
effecting tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while the
number of undernourished people, currently estimated at nearly 690 million, will
consequently rise by up to 132 million by the end of the year. That said, this result of a
huge disruption in the global economy, and because of these instances, almost all the
nations are struggling to slow down the transmission of the disease. Many countries
such as Philippines which has not yet dropped down its numbers and death rates,
practices testing & treating patients, quarantining suspected persons through contact
tracing, restricting large gatherings, maintaining complete or partial lock down just to
reduce the number of the countries Covid-19 cases. Now is the time for global solidarity
and support, especially with the most vulnerable in our societies, particularly in the
emerging and developing world. Only together can we overcome the intertwined health
and social and economic impacts of the pandemic and prevent its escalation into a
protracted humanitarian and food security catastrophe, with the potential loss of already
achieved development gains. The sustainability of our world must be rethought with
ambition and urgency, tackling climate change and environmental degradation. Only
then shall we safeguard the health and livelihoods of all people, food security and
nutrition and ensure that we are a better "new normal."

Task 7. Kindly write a very concise paragraph discussing what you have learned in this lesson.
Write the answer on your paper.

What did I learn?

Basically, I had learn about the purpose/function of Cause
& Effect paragraph. Due to this learning sheet, it also help me
construct and develop a Cause & Effect paragraph. There are
also some key words that helped me in determining the cause
and effect in the pharagraph

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