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Labour law

Unit 1

1) explain the impact of industrial jurisprudence on Labour Welfare Legislations

2)explain the provisions of Trade Union Act relating to the immunities, available to a registered
Trade Union. **

3)explain the provisions relating to registration of a Trade Union.**

4) What are the principles underlying labour legislations ?

5) Discuss the provisions of Trade Unions Act, 1926 relating to

Registration and Cancellation of Trade Unions.*

6) Trade Union enjoy immunities under civil and criminal

law – Discuss.*

7) Explain ‘Unfair Labour’ practices on the part of employers

and Trade Unions.


Short Questions

1)General Fund of Trade Union

2) Collective Bargaining.







Unit 2

1)explain “industrial dispute”. When does an individual dispute become an industrial dispute? **

2)explain the term ‘Industry’ under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

3)explain the provisions relating to reference of an industrial dispute.

4) Explain the definition of “Appropriate Government” under Industrial Disputes

Act, 1947 with reference to decided cases.*
5) Explain the provisions relating to voluntary arbitration under the
Industrial Disputes Act 1947.

6) Discuss briefly the Authorities set up for the investigation and

settlement of industrial disputes.

7) “All workmen are employees but all employees are not work
men”. Explain with the help of decided cases.

8) Discuss the importance of industrial disputes legislation and

a brief note on its history of Industrial disputes legislations in

9) Define ‘award’. Explain the law relating to commencement

and enforceability of an award.

10) Describe how Labour Court, Industrial Tribunal and National

Tribunal adjudicate the industrial dispute referred to by the

11) Define ‘Industry’ and whether Hospital is an Industry ?

12) Explain the term ‘workman’. Distinguish workman from

independent contractor.

13) Discuss briefly the impact of industrial revolution of India

upon workmen.

Short Questions

1)standing order


3)maternity benefit (comes under what)

4) Labour court.*

5) Settlement

6) Whether ‘University’ is an Industry ?




Unit 3

1)define strike and what are the provisions relating to prohibition of strike?

2) Explain the provisions relating to regulations of strikes under

Industrial Disputes Act with the help of decided cases.

3) Define lay-off and what are the provisions relating to lay-off

compensation ?* (its effects)

4) Explain the provisions relating to closure of an undertaking under

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

5) What is “lay-off” ? Explain the provisions of Industrial Dispute

Act relating to lay-off.*

6) Explain the provisions relating to recovery of money due from

the employer under Industrial Dispute Act.

7) Define ‘strike’ and ‘Lock out’. When they will become illegal ?

8) Dispute relating to dismissal of workman – Does it amount

to industrial dispute ? Decide giving reason.

9) What is lay-off ? Explain the circumstances in which the

laid-off workmen are not entitled lay-off compensation.
Short Questions

1) Layoff

2) Lock out

3) Certifying officer.

4) Retrenchment

5) Unfair Labour Practices.

6) Write note on ‘recovery of money due from an employer’.*

7)note on industrial employment (standing orders) act, 1946



Unit 4

1)discuss the liability of the employer to pay compensation under the Workmen Compensation Act.*

2)Explain the different kinds of benefits available under Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.

3)explain the various authorities provided under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.

4) Explain constitution, powers and procedure of the E.S.I. Courts.

5) When an employer is liable to pay compensation under the
Employees Compensation Act 1923 ?

6) Explain the various benefits provided under the Employees State

Insurance Act 1948.*

7) Discuss the powers and functions of the Commissioner under

the Workmen Compensation Act, 1923. (Employee's
Compensation Act).

8) ‘Accident arising out of employment is deemed to have

occurred in the course of employment’. – Discuss with
reference to decided cases.

9) Mention the various purposes on which the employees

state Insurance funds may be spent.

10) What is personal injury ? When is the employer not liable to

pay compensation for personal injuries by accident under
Workmen’s Compensation Act ? Discuss.

11) Explain the provisions relating to adjudication of disputes

and claims under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.

12) procedure ralting to work

Short Questions

1) Kinds of benefits available under Employees State Insurance

Act, 1948

2) Employees State Insurance Court.

3) Medical Benefit Council under ESI.*






Unit 5

1)discuss the provisions relating to ‘Health’ under the Factories Act, 1948. ***

2) Explain the term ‘Minimum Wage’. What is the procedure laid

down under Minimum Wages Act for fixation of minimum rates
of wages ?*

3) Outline the provisions relating to the welfare measures under

the Factories Act, 1948.**

4) Briefly explain the provisions relating to safety under the Factories

Act 1948.*

5) What is minimum wage? What are its components? Explain.

6) Explain the provisions relating to the “Safety and Welfare” under

the Factories Act, 1948.*

7) Explain the measures prescribed under the Minimum Wages

Act,1948 for implementation of the provisions of the Act.

8) What is the object of Minimum Wages Act ? Explain the

provision relating to hours of normal working day under the
9)who can claim minimum wages? What shall be the content of claim application? How the claim
application can be decided?


Short Questions

1) Permanent total disablement

2) Procedure for fixation of minimum wages.

3) Object of Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

4) Manufacturing process.

5)define employee under the minimum wages act





How to determine the contribution towards Provident Fund? Is there any mechanism to recover
dues from the employer? Explain

What are the powers and duties of Inspectors under the

Employee's Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions
Act 1952.
Explain the doctrine of Notional Extension with help of decided cases.*

Central Advisory Board and State Advisory Board under to

Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970.

Write note on “Registration of Establishments Employing

contract labour.

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