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level 2 WORD LIST

UNIT one
Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
activity 活动 noun [count] /ækˈtɪvəti/ something that you What activities do you
do because you enjoy do on the internet?
it or because it is
advantage 优势 noun [count] /ədˈvæntɪdʒ/ a good feature or What are the
quality that something advantages of using
has the internet to
research your project?
affect 影响 verb /əˈfekt/ to cause physical Lots of countries
damage to something were affected by the
air conditioning 空调系统 noun /er kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nɪŋ/ a system that makes In the summer, we
[noncount] the air inside a need air conditioning
building, room, or in our office.
vehicle colder
alone 单独 adverb /əˈloʊn/ when you do I don’t like working
something without on a team; I prefer to
any help from other work alone.
amazed by 惊讶的 adjective /ˌəˈmeɪzd ˌbaɪ/ very surprised I was amazed by the
news that they were
angry with 跟……生气的 adjective /ˈæŋɡri ˌwɪð/ very annoyed I was really angry with
him when he was late
assignment 作业 noun [count] /əˈsaɪnmənt/ work that you have to I have to do this
do as part of a school assignment for my
course or as part of next English class.
your job
authority 权威 noun /ɔˈθɔrəti/ the power to make Children should learn
[noncount] decisions or tell to respect authority.
people what to do
available 可得到的 adjective /əˈveɪləb(ə)l/ able to be obtained, Newspapers are
taken, or used available all the time.
blog 发博客 verb /blɔɡ/ to write short articles I often blog about my
for a website about daily life.
your opinions,
interests, and
experiences about
your daily life or about
a subject that interests
century 世纪(100年) noun [count] /ˈsentʃəri/ a period of 100 years, We are living in the
usually counted from 21st Century.
a year ending in –00.
For example, the 20th
Century is the period
from 1900 to 1999.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
characteristic 特点 noun [count] /ˌkerəktəˈrɪstɪk/ a particular quality I have a lot of the
or feature that is characteristics of
typical of someone or Millennials.
chat room 聊天室 noun [count] /ˈtʃæt ˌrum/ an area on the I like taking part in
internet or a computer online chat rooms.
network where
people can exchange
check 检查 verb /tʃek/ to examine someone I check my email
or something in several times a day.
order to find out if
something is present
communicate 交流 verb /kəˈmjunɪˌkeɪt/ to express thoughts, The way people
feelings, or communicate has
information to another changed in the last ten
person or animal, for years.
example, by speaking
or writing
communication 通讯 noun /kəˌmjunɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ a system for sending Communication has
[noncount] information influenced important
company 公司 noun [count] /ˈkʌmpəni/ an organization that I don’t want to work
provides services or for the same company
that makes or sells for a long time.
goods for money
connected 连接的 adjective /kəˈnektəd/ able to communicate I stay connected
using a telephone or through my social
computer network network.
cool down 冷却,平静下来 verb /ˌkul ˈdaʊn/ to become cooler or I drank lots of cold
to make something water, but I couldn’t
cooler cool down.
correct 正确的 adjective /kəˈrekt/ right, according to the Be careful on some
facts, with no mistakes websites, because
the information isn’t
culture 文化 noun /ˈkʌltʃər/ activities involving There were some
[noncount] music, literature, and important events in
other arts the world of culture in
the last decade.
damage 毁坏 noun /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ physical harm caused Hurricane Katrina
[noncount] to something so that caused a lot of
it is broken, ruined, or damage.
decade 十年 noun [count] /ˈdekeɪd/ a period of ten What happened in the
years, especially one decade from 2000–
beginning with a year 2009?
that ends in a 0, for
example 1990 to 1999
decision 决定 noun [count] /dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n/ a choice that you I find it hard to make
make after thinking decisions about
carefully important things.
definitely 当然,肯定 adverb /ˈdefənɪtli/ without any doubt I definitely know a lot
about technology.
difficult 困难的 adjective /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ not easy to do, deal Books in my language
with, or understand are difficult to get in
the U.S.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
disadvantage 劣势 noun [count] /ˌdɪsədˈvæntɪdʒ/ something that The disadvantage of
makes someone doing research on the
or something less internet is that some
effective, successful, of the information isn’t
or attractive correct.
disaster 灾难 noun [count] /dɪˈzæstər/ something very Hurricane Katrina was
bad that happens a terrible disaster in
and causes a lot of New Orleans.
damage or kills a lot
of people
download 下载 verb /ˈdaʊnˌloʊd/ to move information I download lots
onto your computer of music from the
from another internet.
computer system or
the internet
effect 影响 noun [count] /ɪˈfekt/ a change that is It was shocking to
produced in a person see the effects of
or thing by another Hurricane Katrina.
email 电子邮件 noun [count] /ˈimeɪl/ the messages that you I check my email every
receive by email morning.
encyclopedia 百科全书 noun [count] /ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpidiə/ a reference resource I don’t trust online
which provides encyclopedias because
information about the information isn’t
many different always correct.
subjects or about one
particular subject
entertainment 娱乐 noun /ˌentə(r) performances that Live music is my
[noncount] ˈteɪnmənt/ people enjoy favorite form of
escape 逃跑 verb /ɪˈskeɪp/ to get away from a Many people
place where you are in managed to escape
danger the hurricane.
event 事件 noun [count] /ɪˈvent/ something that Hurricane Katrina was
happens, especially a major event in the
something that 2000s.
involves several
excited about 激动的 adjective /ɪkˈsaɪtəd əˌbaʊt/ very happy and I’m really excited
enthusiastic because about starting my new
something good is job.
going to happen,
especially when this
makes you unable to
expensive 昂贵的 adjective /ɪkˈspensɪv/ something that costs a Traveling overseas is
lot of money very expensive.
failure 失败 noun [count] /ˈfeɪljər/ a lack of success in His invention was
doing something a failure because it
didn’t work properly.
false 假的 adjective /fɔls/ not true The criminal gave a
false name.
file 文件夹, 文档 noun [count] /faɪl/ a set of information I save all my
on a computer documents in files on
my computer.
flood 洪水 noun [count] /flʌd/ a large amount of There were many
water that covers floods after the heavy
an area that was dry rain.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
free 免费的 adjective /fri/ something that does Some online
not cost anything newspapers are free
so you don’t have to
pay to read them.
generation 一代人 noun [count] /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ a group of people in My generation
society who are born knows a lot about
and live around the technology.
same time
global 全球的 adjective /ˈɡloʊb(ə)l/ including or affecting Climate change is a
the whole world major global issue.
google 谷歌搜寻 verb /ˈɡuɡəl/ to search for I google new business
something on the contacts.
internet using the
Google™ search
government 政府 noun [count/ /ˈɡʌvərnmənt/ the people who I looked up the
noncount] control a country, information on an
region, or town and official website from
make decisions about the government.
its laws and taxes
happy about 开心的 adjective /ˈhæpi əˌbaʊt/ feeling pleased and I was happy about the
satisfied news that your team
heat (the) 炎热的天气 noun /ˌðə ˈhit/ very hot weather We went into the café
[noncount] to escape the heat.
heatwave 热浪 noun [count] /ˈhitˌweɪv/ a continuous period There was a heatwave
of very hot weather, in Europe in 2003.
especially when this is
hurricane 飓风 noun [count] /ˈhʌrɪˌkeɪn/ a violent storm with There are lots of
extremely strong hurricanes in the
winds and heavy rain Caribbean.
important 重要的 adjective /ɪmˈpɔrt(ə)nt/ something that There were many
has a major effect important world
on someone or events in the 2000s.
something, for
example, because it
affects someone’s life
or the way a situation
incorrect 不正确的 adjective /ˌɪnkəˈrekt/ wrong, or not Some online
accurate or true encyclopedias contain
incorrect information.
influence 影响 verb /ˈɪnfluəns/ to affect the way In the 21st Century,
that someone thinks social media can
or behaves or to influence important
affect the way that events.
something happens
information 信息,资料 noun /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ knowledge or facts I try to get my
[noncount] about someone or information from
something different sources.
interested in 对…… 感兴趣的 adjective /ˈɪntrəstəd ɪn/ wanting to know I’m interested in
about or take part in current affairs.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
internet (the) 因特网 noun /ˌði ˈɪntərˌnet/ a computer system One of the first things
[noncount] that allows people in people could use the
different parts of the internet for was email.
world to exchange
information. You can
use the internet to
get information from
websites and to send
and receive messages
by email.
issue 问题,议题 noun [count] /ˈɪʃu/ a subject that people I’m reading an article
discuss or argue about environmental
about, especially issues.
relating to society,
politics, etc.
job 工作 noun [count] /dʒɑb/ work that you do I want a job in an
regularly to earn office.
key 关键的 adjective /ki/ very important What were the key
events that happened
in the 2000s?
message 发信息 verb /ˈmesɪdʒ/ to send someone a I often message my
message, especially in friends on my social
electronic form networking site.
millennium 一千年 noun [count] /mɪˈleniəm/ a period of 1,000 There have been many
years major events in the
new millennium.
multicultural 多文化的 adjective /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəl/ involving or consisting The U.S. is a
of people of different multicultural society
cultures because people have
come from all over the
normal 正常的 adjective /ˈnɔrm(ə)l/ something that is how Nowadays, it is normal
you expect it to be, to browse the internet
and is not unusual or to find information
surprising in any way instead of looking in
official 官方的 adjective /əˈfɪʃ(ə)l/ information that I trust official websites
someone in authority from organizations
provides and governments.
online 在线的 adjective /ˈɑnˌlaɪn/ connected to or Most companies now
available through sell their products
a computer or a online.
computer network (=a
group of connected
computers), especially
the internet
oral 口头的 adjective /ˈɔrəl/ spoken but not I have to give an oral
written report to the group.
organization 组织 noun [count] /ˌɔrɡənɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ a group of people Many large
who have a particular organizations have
shared purpose or informative websites.
interest; for example,
a political party or
permanent 永久的 adjective /ˈpɜrmənənt/ happening or existing I want to find a
for a long time or for permanent job.
all time in the future

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
popular 流行的 adjective /ˈpɑpjələr/ an activity, place, The Harry Potter
thing, etc. that many books were some
people like of the most popular
books of the last
post 发帖,张贴 verb /poʊst/ to put information on I posted new
the internet pictures on my social
networking site.
reaction 反应 noun [count] /riˈækʃ(ə)n/ the way that you feel What was his reaction
or behave as a result to the bad news?
of something that
report 报告 noun [count] /rɪˈpɔrt/ a spoken or written I just handed in my
account that gives report.
information about
a particular subject,
situation, or event
represent 代表 verb /ˌreprɪˈzent/ to be an example of I don’t think that
a particular quality or description represents
type me.
research 研究 noun /rɪˈsɜrtʃ/ or the detailed study of I am doing research
[noncount] /ˈriˌsɜrtʃ/ something in order on the topic of climate
to discover new facts, change.
especially in a college
or scientific institution
resource 资源 noun [count] /ˈriˌsɔrs/ something that you I used a variety of
can use to help you resources to find the
achieve something, information.
especially in your work
or study
respect 尊重 verb /rɪˈspekt/ to feel admiration for Do young people
someone because today respect their
of their personal teachers?
qualities, their
achievements, or their
status, and shown
by treating them in a
polite and nice way
sea level 海平面 noun /ˈsi ˌlev(ə)l/ the average level of A lot of places
[noncount] the ocean in relation below sea level were
to the land. The flooded.
heights of parts of the
land are measured
from sea level.
self-confident 自信的 adjective /ˌself ˈkɑnfɪdənt/ feeling that you can Actors appear to be
do things well and very self-confident.
that people respect
send 发送 verb /send/ to arrange for a How many emails do
message to be you send every day?
delivered to a person
set up 建立 phrasal verb /ˌset ʌp/ to make a piece of When companies set
equipment ready for up websites, they can
use sell their products
shocked by 震惊的 adjective /ʃɑkt baɪ/ very surprised and I was about ten when
upset by something Michael Jackson died.
bad that happens I was shocked by it.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
shocking 令人震惊的 adjective /ˈʃɑkɪŋ/ something that makes It was shocking to
you feel extremely see the effect of the
surprised or upset floods.
sociable 好交际的 adjective /ˈsoʊʃəb(ə)l/ someone who is I am sociable and like
friendly and enjoys working as part of a
being with other team.
social media 社交媒体 noun /ˈsoʊʃ(ə)l ˈmidiə/ websites used for In the 21st Century,
[noncount] social networking there was an explosion
of social media use.
social network 社交网络 noun [count] /ˈsoʊʃ(ə)l a website such as Millennials are
ˈnetˌwɜrk/ Facebook or MySpace “connected” through
that allows you to social networks.
communicate with
friends and make new
social 社交关系网络 noun /ˈsoʊʃ(ə)l communicating with I use my computer for
networking [noncount] ˈnetˌwɜrkɪŋ/ friends and making social networking.
new friends on a
website such as
Facebook or MySpace
source 来源 noun [count] /sɔrs/ a person, place, or I used a variety of
thing that provides information sources
something that you for my research.
need or want
specific 具体的 adjective /spəˈsɪfɪk/ involving or relating I am researching a
to only one particular specific topic.
thing or one type of
status update 状态更新 noun [count] /ˈstætəs ʌpˈdeɪt/ a feature on a social I posted a status
networking site where update on my social
a person can write networking site.
a short text about
events, opinions, or
other information
storm 风暴 noun [count] /stɔrm/ an occasion when a Hurricane Katrina was
lot of rain falls very a very big storm.
quickly, often with
very strong winds or
thunder and lightning
success 成功 noun [count] /səkˈses/ a plan or an attempt What were some of
that achieves good the big technology
results successes of the last
surprised by 吃惊的 adjective /sərˈpraɪzd baɪ/ the feeling that you I was surprised by
get when something what she told me.
unexpected happens
team 团队 noun [count] /tim/ a group of people Sociable people prefer
who work together to work on teams.
technology 技术人 noun [count] /tekˈnɑlədʒi someone who has My generation is
native ˈneɪtɪv/ grown up using a generation of
technology such as technology natives.
the internet and cell

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
temperature 温度 noun [count] /ˈtemp(ə)rəˌtʃʊr/ a measurement of The temperature
how hot or how cold reached more than 40
a place or object degrees Celsius.
is. Temperature is
measured in degrees
Celsius or degrees
Fahrenheit, using the
symbol °.
topic 主题,话题 noun [count] /ˈtɑpɪk/ a subject that you I made notes on the
write or speak about topic.
tweet 发微博 verb /twit/ to send a I often tweet on my
message using the phone about things in
microblogging and the news.
social networking
service Twitter
typical 特别的 adjective /ˈtɪpɪk(ə)l/ like most people or Those characteristics
things of the same are typical of
type millennials.
upload 上传 verb /ˈʌpˌloʊd/ to send documents or I just uploaded a
programs from your home video onto the
computer to a larger internet.
system using the
upset about 不安的 adjective /ˌʌpˈset əˌbaʊt/ very sad, worried, I was very upset about
or angry about failing the exam.
website 网址 noun [count] /ˈwebˌsaɪt/ a place on the internet I don’t trust that
where information website.
is available about a
particular subject,
organization, etc.
work 工作 verb /wɜrk/ to have a job, usually Do you prefer to work
one that you are paid alone or on a team?
to do
worried about 焦虑的,担心的 adjective /ˈwʌrid əˌbaʊt/ unhappy because you I’m worried about my
are thinking about exam results.
your problems or
about bad things that
could happen
young 年轻的 adjective /jʌŋ/ someone who has Millennials learned
lived for only a short to use technology as
time young children.

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