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Be able to speak to/identify/explain the following:
1. Reasons for the American response to English taxation following the French and Indian
2. The role of Sam Adams in the years leading up to the American Revolution.
3. The locations of the initial battles/confrontations of the Revolutionary War.
4. The leader of the Continental Army.
5. The document published in January of 1776 that argued against having a monarchy and
for independence, as well as its author.
6. The primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
7. Three of the main points made in the Declaration of Independence.
8. Advantages and disadvantages of the British and Patriots prior to the Revolutionary
9. Groups that were left out of the Declaration of Independence’s claim that “All Men are
Created Equal.”
10. How the American Revolution contributed to the Civil War.
11. From a picture, identify the historical event and the impact of that event on colonial
willingness to begin the Revolutionary War.
12. Who benefitted from aspects of The Compromise of 1850 (North or South).
13. The purpose and content of the Fugitive Slave Act.
14. The effects of the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin on Sectionalism.
15. Outcomes of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
16. How the Dred Scott decision impact the expansion of slavery.
17. The individual who led the assault on the Federal Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia.
18. Besides slavery, name three causes that led to the Civil War.
19. Whether states are Union, Border, or Confederate.
20. Whether resources were an advantage for the Union or the Confederacy.
21. Match the Civil War general to their description.
22. Roles of women that were typically done by men prior to the Civil War.
23. The symbolism of the Emancipation Proclamation- what was the intent?
24. Two characteristics of “total war.”
25. The key proclamation of the Gettysburg Address.
26. Using a map, explain why the South was threatened by the election of Lincoln.
27. The war strategy of the Northern and Southern armies.
28. The meaning or significance of key terms from the Civil War.
a. Cotton Diplomacy, John Brown, Emancipation Proclamation, Robert E. Lee, Uncle
Tom’s Cabin, Ironclad, Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman.

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