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Sura Yaseen goes further in verse 8 to explain the reason for their rejection and denial of the

path of truth. The verse says:

ً َّ
‫ِإنا جَعَلَنَا ِفي إعْن َِاق ِهَم إغلالا ف َِهي ِإلي إلأذق ِان قهَم مُقْمحُون‬

Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins, so that their heads are
forced up.
"Aghlāl " refers to a device used to restrain prisoners. It consists of an iron collar to which the hands are
secured under the chin.
Those whose heads are held high in this position are called "muqmaḥūn." The same word is used for a
camel which refuses to drink, stubbornly thrusting its head into the air.
َ ُ َ ُ ُْ َ َْ َ ٌ َ ْ َ ْ ََْ َ َ َ ْ َ ٌ ُ َ َ
‫ ف ُه ِْم َمع َِلولَون َع ْن كل خ ْير‬،‫َوعة َعلى أف َواهِه ْْم‬
‫ وأيديهِم مَوض‬،‫) رووسهِم‬5( ‫ رافع و‬:‫ {ف ُه ِْم ُمُق َْمحُون} قال‬:‫َوقال م َجاهِد‬

(so that their heads are raised up.) according to Mujahid it means their heads are raised, and their hands
are placed over their mouths, so they are restrained from doing anything good.
`In the case of those who are decreed to be among the doomed, when it comes to the matter of being
guided, We have made them like a person who has a chain around his neck and whose hands are tied
together beneath his chin so that his head is lifted up
As stated by many commentators of the Holy Quran, the above verse is given as an example to describe
the state that the unbelievers are in. It is as if their state is such that iron collars have been placed
around their necks up to their chins, which make it impossible for them to move their heads. Thus,
their heads remain focused and fixed only in one direction. This description is a metaphorical one
which explains the firm determination that the unbelievers have to remain on disbelief, and not to pay
attention to the message of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The verse explains that the unbelievers have made
themselves like those who have placed iron collars around their necks which make their heads and
necks immovable. Therefore, they cannot turn their attention to that which is beneficial and good, nor
can they move their necks to the right direction. Due to the iron collars, their necks are raised up and
are not able to move up and down. In this way, they are not able to lower their heads and gaze, and
witness the truth of the message of Islam so that they may accept it. They have made themselves in
such a state that they cannot see the truth, nor can they look in its direction.
Their heads, held high in pride and disdain, have been locked into that position by shackles of
stubbornness, which prevents them from submitting to the truth.
Allah is telling us that an attitude of conceit, hard-heartedness and considering oneself superior. This
type of personality will not accept guidance and, therefore, cannot be guided.
Verse 9 (of Sura Yaseen) presents another similitude of their condition and says:
ًّ ًّ
‫وجَعَلَنَا ِمن ني ِن إن ِدي ِهَم سدا و ِمن خل ُِف ِهَم سدا قأعْشينْاهم قهَم لا يب ِْصرون‬

And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered
them up, so that they cannot see.
َ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ٌ ُ َ َ ًّ ْ َ ْ ٌ ُ َ َ ًّ َ ْ ُ َ
.‫ فى ألضلالات‬:‫ َوقال ق َت َْادة‬.‫ ف ُه ِْم َيي َرد ُدون‬،‫ َعن ال َحَق‬:‫ َ{وم ْن خلُفه ِْم َسدا} قال م َجاهِد‬،‫ َعن ال َحَق‬:‫ قال م َجاهِد‬: }‫ َ{و َج ََعِل َِنِا م ْن َي ْين أ ْيديه ِْم َسدا‬:‫َوف ْول ُه‬
(And We have put a barrier before them,) Mujahid said, "Between them and the truth.''
(and a barrier behind them,) Mujahid said, "Between them and the truth, so they are confused.'' Qatadah
said, "They move from one form of misguidance to another.''
َ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ َ ْ ََ ُ َ
‫ لا َيي َتَق ُْع ون بج ْير َولا َي ْه َِنِدون أل ِْنِه‬:‫ {ف ُه ِْم لا ُي ْبْص ُرون} أ ْي‬،‫ أعش ْي َتْا أ ْب َض َاره ْم َعن ال َحَق‬:‫ {قاعش ْي َتْاه ْم} أ ْي‬:‫َوف ْول ُه‬

(and We have covered them up,) means, `We have blinded their eyes to the truth.'
(so that they cannot see.) means, they cannot benefit from goodness or be guided to it.
Here, another comparison of their state is given. The verse explains that they (the unbelievers) are like
such people who have placed a wall in front of them and a wall behind them. In this state, they are
blocked from everything and remain totally unaware of their surroundings. This is also a metaphorical
description of the state of the unbelievers. It explains that their deep-rooted disbelief and shirk have
made them blind to the truth that surrounds them. Their firm adherence to falsehood, has blocked their
sight from recognizing the truth which has been sent to them. Thus, they are covered from every
direction and are not able to see the path of guidance.
The animosity against the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) had raised walls between them and the
reception of guidance. The ignorant customs and manners and the shadows of wishes and fancies had
so much overwhelmed them that they could not see anything of the ups and downs, backward and
forward. Neither had they an eye on the past, nor on the future.
‫ قل َّما رفْعَه إن ِينَت‬،‫ قأناه يوما وهو يص ِلي ومعَه حجَر ِلنْدمعَه نه‬،‫وذلِك إن إنا جهَل كان قد خلُف ل ِين رإى مح َّم ًدا يصلي ليرضخن رإسه نالحَحر وهو يصلي‬
[1] ‫ قأناه وهو‬،‫إنا إقنْله ِيهَدا الحَح ِر‬: ‫ فَقْأل رخل ِمن ب ِني مخَروم‬،‫ قل َّما غاذ إلي إضخانه وإخيرهم ِبمْا رإى سُقَط الحَحر‬،‫نده ِإلي عْن ُِقْهِ ول َِرق الحَحر ِيب َِد ِه‬
‫ما رإيبَه‬: ‫ما صَنَعَت؟ فَقْأل‬: ‫ قرجَع ِإلي إضخ ِانهِ قلم يرهم خني ناذوه فَقْألوا له‬،‫ فجَعَل يسمَع صونه ولا يراه‬،‫ قأعمي الَّله يَعَالي يصره‬،‫يص ِلي ِلير ِمنَه ِنالحَح ِر‬
ً َّ
‫ ِإنا جَعَلَنَا ِفي إعْن َِاق ِهَم إغلالا‬: ‫ قأيرل الَّله يَعَالي‬،‫ لو ذيوت ِمنَه لأكل ِني‬، ِ‫ ]كهَنَنْةِ إلُقْح ِل يخْطُر ِندي ِبَه‬2[ ‫سمَعَت صونه وخأل ني ِني ونينْه شيء‬ِ ‫ولُقْد‬

While commenting on the above verses, some exegetes have stated that the verses were revealed on a
special occasion, and describe a real state which Allah placed over the unbelievers. It is narrated that on
one occasion, Abu Jahl swore that if he saw the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬performing Salaah (in the Haram), he will
crush his head with a rock. Thus, when Abu Jahl saw the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in Salaah, he took a rock and was
about to throw it at him. At that time, his hand went to his neck and the rock became stuck on his
hand. Abu Jahl then returned to his companion and informed them of what happened. Upon this,
Waleed bin Mughirah said, ‘I will crush his head.’ Saying this, he proceeded to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬who was
performing Salaah, and raised his hand to throw the rock, but Allah immediately seized his sight and he
became blind. At this time, he heard the voice of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but could not see him. He then returned
to his companions but could not see them, until they called out to him. He said to them, ‘By Allah, I did
not see him (Muhammad ‫ )ﷺ‬but I heard him.’ When the second man failed to accomplish this evil task,
a third stood up and said, ‘By Allah! I will surely crush his head.’ He then took the rock and proceeded
to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. However, he suddenly started to run back on his heels and fell unconsciously to the
ground. It was then said to him, ‘What is the matter with you?’ He said, ‘My issue is a grave one. I saw
the man (Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬, but when I went close to him, a large camel suddenly appeared before me
swinging its tail. I have never seen such a large camel like this, which came between me and him (the
Prophet ‫)ﷺ‬. I swear by Laat and Uzza, if I had gone close to him, the camel would have devoured me.’
Upon this, the above verses were revealed, which explained the states that came over those who wanted
to cause harm to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. [Tafsir Baghawi]
َّ ‫ إ َّما في‬،‫ ولَهْم إلَمايَعَان جمَن ًَعَا من إلأبمْان‬،‫ وإ َّما إن بكُون خار ًخا عْنهَا‬،‫إلنَّقْس‬
‫ وإ َّما ِمن الخ ِار ِج‬،‫إلنَّق ِْس قألَع َُّل‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ِ ِ ‫ ِإما إن بكُون ِفي‬،‫وهو إن يُقْأل إلَم ِايَع‬
َّ َّ ُّ َّ
‫ ]وذلِك ِلأن إلَمُقْمح‬53: ‫سي ِري ِهَم إن ِايبَا ِفي إلأق ِاق ِوفي إيُق ِْس ِهَم [ف َِصلت‬: ‫ات إل ِني ِفي إيُق ِْس ِهَم كما قأل يَعَالي‬
ِ ‫ ولا يُقْع يطُرهم غلي إيُق ِْس ِهَم قيرون إلأن‬،‫ألشد‬ ‫ق‬
َّ َّ َّ َّ
‫ ولا يُقْع يطُرهم غلي إلأق ِاق ِلأن من نين إلشدي ِن لا يب ِْصرون إلأقاق قلا ي ِ َبين لَهْم إلأنات إل ِني ِفي إلأق ِاق‬، ِ‫لا يرى يُقْشه ولا يُقْع يصره غلي ندنه‬

Imam Razi has said that there are two kinds of barriers against perception. One barrier is of the kind
that prevents one from seeing even himself. The second barrier is the inability to see one's surrounding.
For the disbelievers, both kinds of barriers against seeing the truth were present. Therefore, the first
example is that of the first barrier, that is, one who cannot bend his neck to lower his eyes cannot see
even his own self or the state in which he exists. Then the second example is that of the second barrier
that stops one from seeing his surrounding. (Tafsir Razi)
He also says: this verse indicates a negation of their thinking in the Signs of the Universe, as the
previous verse indicated a negation of their paying heed to the signs of the souls, because when the
head is raised up, unable to bend down, the eye is not cast on one's own body.
Those who reject faith are confined by the barriers of their own prejudices and misconceptions, unable
to benefit from lessons of the past or from the experience of the present. Blinded against truth and
reality, they will never change their course. How dreadful is their condition!
Sura Yaseen continues in verse 10 and states:

‫وسواء غلَن ِهَم إإندريهَم إم لَم يب َِدرهم لا يو ِمنون‬

It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
Here, Allah informs the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that it is equal to the unbelievers if he warns them or he does not
warn them. In both cases, his teaching, preaching, appeals and reminders will not benefit them. They
have covered their intellect and minds with the darkness of misguidance, and have absorbed into their
hearts the desires for sins and transgressions, hence, rebukes and warnings will not benefit them.
On account of their actions, Allah has sealed their hearts with misguidance, hence, warnings shall not
benefit them, nor would these have an effect on them. They would therefore continue to disbelieve in
Allah and His Messenger.
When people make themselves blind to the truth and deaf to all advice, their hearts cannot be
As for those who will benefit from the warnings, Allah highlights this in verse 11 and says:
ِ‫الرحْ َٰ َمنَِ ب ْالغَيْبِ ِۖ فَ َبش ْر ِهُ ب َم ْغف َرةِ َوأَجْرِ كَريم‬
َّ ‫ي‬َِ ‫إِ َّن َما ت ُ ْنذ ُِر َمنِ اتَّ َب َِع الذ ْك َِر َوخَش‬
You can only warn him who follows the Reminder (the Qur’an), and fears the Most Beneficent
(Allah) unseen. Bear you to such one the glad tidings of forgiveness, and a generous reward
(i.e., Paradise).
The verse explains that the warnings given by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬will be beneficial to those who believe in
the Quran and follow its teachings, and fear Allah even though they have not seen Him. They know
that Allah is watching them and sees what they do.
These are such servants who will pay heed to the message of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and will benefit from the
warnings he has given. They are those who believe in Allah, hope for His mercy and fear His
punishment. They fear Him both in public and in private. Seeing that these servants have benefitted
from the warnings and teachings of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was ordered by Allah to announce
glad tidings to them of His forgiveness and His generous reward. They have been informed that Allah
will forgive their sins and grant them everlasting gardens in Paradise one that is vast, great and

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