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January 31, 2021

The Leading Authority on Value Investing

Affordable Quality Inside this Issue

t sounds almost old-fashioned in today’s day and age,
but François Rochon’s investing strategy since founding Interview: François Rochon
Montreal-based Giverny Capital hasn’t wavered: “We’re Ignoring short-term market noise
looking for 20 to 25 companies we can own for the long run to focus on long-term value in such
holdings as Facebook, Progressive,
that we believe can increase their intrinsic values by about
CarMax and Markel. PAGE 2 »
twice the rate of the S&P 500," he says, "and we want to be
prudent about what we pay for them.” Interview: Adam Wyden
Now managing $1.6 billion, he’s executed on that decep- Seeking potential multi-baggers and
tively simple premise quite well. His Global portfolio, typi- finding them today in APi Group,
cally 85% invested in the U.S., has earned a net annualized Par Technology, RCI Hospitality
and GFL Environmental. PAGE 7 »
14.2% since 1993, vs. 10.2% for the S&P 500. Today he’s
finding what he considers affordable quality in such areas as François Rochon Interview: Petra Capital
Internet services, insurance and used cars. See page 2 Giverny Capital
Uncovering both classic and new-
age opportunities in Korean com-
panies such as Daou Technology,
All In Soulbrain and CS Wind. PAGE 13 »

dam Wyden’s investing style is not, using a baseball Uncovering Value: Bed Bath
analogy, focused on hitting a steady stream of sin- The fundamental case for a stock
gles and doubles. He owns only a handful of stocks that hasn't of late traded much on
at a time. He seeks out opportunities where big company fundamentals at all. PAGE 17 »
changes in strategy, execution or capital allocation are un-
Strategy: Margin of Safety
derway. “We'd rather hold cash than something that isn't
Offering an updated interpretation
a fantastic opportunity,” he says. “That to us is how we'll of what Seth Klarman has described
generate a return independent of the market over time.” as the "three most important words
So far, so good. Wyden's ADW Capital since inception in investing." PAGE 18 »
in 2011 has earned a net annualized 24.6%, vs. 11.2% for
the Russell 2000 index. His concentrated bets today include INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS

those in waste disposal, commercial services, point-of-sale Adam Wyden INVESTMENT SNAPSHOTS PAGE
systems and hospitality. See page 7
ADW Capital
APi Group 10
Bed Bath & Beyond 17

Ahead of the Curve Daou Technology 14

Facebook 3
espite South Korea's admirable economic growth GFL Environmental 8
and the continued success of its largest companies,
Markel 6
the country's equity market has been stagnant for
Par Technology 12
years. You wouldn't know that by Albert Yong and Chan
Progressive 5
Lee's success since they founded Petra Capital Management
RCI Hospitality 9
in 2009 to root out mispriced value among neglected small
and mid-sized Korean companies. The firm's Value Equity Soulbrain 16

Strategy since launch in 2009 has earned a net annualized

Other companies in this issue:
13.7%, vs. 5.4% for the MSCI Korea Small Cap Index.
Bank of America, Berkshire Hathaway,
As the market shows signs of waking from its slumber,
CarMax, Carvana, Com2uS, CS Wind,
Yong and Lee still see opportunity in classic Korean value
Five Below, Floor & Decor, Grenke,
plays like holding companies as well as in new-economy ar- Petra Capital
JPMorgan, Kiwoom Securities
eas like renewable energy and semiconductors. See page 13 Chan Lee (l), Albert Yong (r)

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 1

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : François Rochon

Investor Insight: François Rochon

François Rochon of Giverny Capital describes what about his strategy makes it both timeless and timely, the mistake he
wishes he could take back from last March, his latest views on top holding Berkshire Hathaway, the macroeconomic con-
cern he considers most prominent, and why he's seeing mispriced value in Facebook, Progressive, Markel and CarMax.

Your strategy has proven nicely built for companies over the long term, over time what had become increasingly attractive
the long term. How has it been faring we should be rewarded as shareholders. valuations in our current portfolio.
though the unusual series of short terms We did trim some existing positions we
we’ve had over the past year? Are you finding your opportunity set ex- thought were a bit more negatively im-
pensive today? pacted by the pandemic to establish a po-
François Rochon: Since I started managing sition in Five Below [FIVE], the specialty
my portfolio in 1993, I have never tried to FR: Our portfolio at the end of 2020 retailer that has become very popular with
predict where the market, the economy, was trading at about 20x estimated earn- pre-teens and teens. It’s a stock I’d been
politics or even our civilization was going ings for 2021, which is at the high end of following for years and I really liked the
to go in the short term. Our philosophy is our historical range. But that’s still lower company, the concept, the management
to own 20 to 25 high-quality companies than the S&P 500, at 22x, for compa- and the balance sheet. It also had signifi-
that we believe can increase their intrin- nies we believe can grow at higher-than- cant room to grow. I almost bought it in
sic value at twice the rate of the S&P 500 average rates. In our opinion, they should late 2017 when the P/E was probably in
average. Knowing that there will be reces- trade at a premium and they don’t. the mid-20s. Then the stock went up a lot,
sions along the way, we filter out compa- I should also explain how important it the P/E ratio went to 40-50x, and it looked
nies that are unprofitable, heavily indebt- is for us to be prudent about the price we like we had missed it. In March the mar-
ed, sensitive to commodity prices, highly pay for what we consider to be superior ket gave us another chance and we took
cyclical and/or have high market valua- companies. If you pay too high a price, advantage of it – the window to act actu-
tions. In difficult times, the stock prices of you can be right about the intrinsic value ally turned out to be quite narrow. [Note:
such companies tend to suffer more. increase but not benefit from that because Trading at around $125 at the beginning
Over the past 25 years we have tracked the valuation at some point contracts. Our of 2020, FIVE shares went below $50 in
the growth of our portfolio companies’ discipline to address that is at purchase to March. They now trade at around $176.]
“owner earnings” – which consists basi- look out five years and estimate a target
cally of earnings per share adjusted for price based on what we believe the com- Berkshire Hathaway [BRK.B], one of
things like stock-option expenses and pany can earn and the P/E ratio we believe your largest holdings, was hardly a stand-
the amortization of intangibles – plus the would be warranted for such a company out performer for much of 2020. Did that
dividend yield. It’s not a precise measure, at that time. We’ll consider a stock as a make it more or less attractive to you?
but we believe it is approximately correct. new purchase candidate if the price today
Through 2020, the market value of our is no more than half our five-year target. FR: We were disappointed that Warren
companies has grown by almost exactly We don’t believe the 40-50x P/Es on Buffett did not invest more of the cash on
the same amount as their intrinsic value. many growth companies today are sus- hand in March when opportunities were
We’ve outperformed the S&P 500 over tainable, so it’s not easy to find companies plentiful. But we understand his reasons:
the long run for the simple reason that our we want to own at reasonable prices. But Mr. Buffett has spent his entire life as a
companies have grown their intrinsic val- we’ve always been able to find opportu- good steward of capital and he didn’t
ues on average faster than the companies nity in areas that are less exciting and not want to do anything that he thought
that make up the S&P 500. so fashionable. That’s true today as well. would put the company and its employees
To your specific question, our compa- at increased risk in a very uncertain time.
nies have fared well over the past year. We’ll come back to that soon, but on the While we still think the stock is under-
Their earnings have come down at a lower subject of 2020, were you active in buy- valued at present levels, we recognize that
rate than average – we estimate a decline ing and selling through the worst of the it will be hard for Berkshire to meet our
of around 7%, compared to a 15% decline market turmoil? intrinsic value growth targets if close to a
for the S&P 500. Close to half of our quarter of the investable capital stays in-
companies should report record earnings FR: At the end of March there appeared vested in assets like cash that yield next
for 2020. If we’re right about our hold- to be some exciting opportunities for long- to nothing. We were encouraged that they
ings’ ability to increase intrinsic value at a term investors. We’re always fully invested, stepped up share repurchases considerably
rate higher than the market, since the stock so for us it required weighing the extent in the third quarter – buybacks totaled $9
market ultimately reflects the fair value of of the new opportunities we saw against billion. If Berkshire can continue to buy

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 2

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : François Rochon

back shares at such high rates, eventually 20x, the stock would trade at around has more than 2.7 billion monthly users –
shareholders will be rewarded. $200. The stock has gone up strongly so a third of the humans on the planet have
far this year, but that’s still nearly 70% an active Facebook account – and once
Used-car seller CarMax [KMX] has been above today’s price [of just under $118]. you’re signed on where all your family
a long-time holding of yours. Is it a good and friends are, there’s no practical incen-
example of something you think the mar- What do you think the market is missing tive to use another network. The service is
ket is relatively neglecting today? in Facebook [FB]? free, so there’s no economic incentive to
change either. The importance of its posi-
FR: It’s a good example both of the type of FR: It sounds strange given how high-pro- tion and of the role it plays has only been
company we’re attracted to and of one we file the company is, but we think people reinforced during the pandemic.
think is undervalued today. It is a leader in underestimate the strength of Facebook’s Facebook, also along with Google,
its industry, conservatively and well man- business. It’s almost a monopoly as a so- should remain a primary beneficiary of the
aged, with an extraordinary reputation cial media network and I would argue that ongoing transition of marketing and ad-
among customers and a long runway for it and Google have among the strongest vertising spending moving online, where
growth in an industry where scale often and most durable moats I’ve ever seen. It messaging can be better targeted and more
provides a competitive advantage.
It’s also a business that has been dis-
rupted. I can tell you when I first bought
the stock I didn’t imagine a time when Facebook Valuation Metrics
(Nasdaq: FB)
people would be buying used cars entirely (@1/29/21):

online. But the company has adapted by Business: Provider of advertising-supported FB S&P 500
investing massively in its omnichannel social-networking products and services world- P/E (TTM) 25.6 40.9
wide; key brand franchises include Facebook, Forward P/E (Est.) 23.2 22.1
capabilities and we think it is very well
Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus.
positioned to deliver whatever experience Largest Institutional Owners
customers want, from all in-store, to all Share Information (@1/29/21): (@9/30/20 or latest filing):
online and whatever is in between. Price 258.33 Company % Owned
The comparison between it and on- 52-Week Range 137.10 – 304.67 Vanguard Group 7.2%
line-only competitor Carvana [CVNA] is Dividend Yield 0.0% Capital Research & Mgmt 6.0%
interesting. CarMax sells close to three Market Cap $735.84 billion Fidelity Mgmt & Research 5.0%
times more cars than Carvana and should BlackRock 4.4%
Financials (TTM): T. Rowe Price 4.2%
generate revenues of $22 billion or so this Revenue $85.96 billion
year, compared to $8 billion for Carvana, Operating Profit Margin 38.0% Short Interest (as of 1/15/21):
which by the way is still expected to be Net Profit Margin 33.9% Shares Short/Float 0.8%
unprofitable. But the market cap of Car-
Max is around $19 billion, compared to
350 350
$45 billion for Carvana.
Of course, a low relative valuation is 300 300
not reason enough to own CarMax. We
believe it’s competitively advantaged, but 250 250
it still has less than 3% total market share.
200 200
It could double that market share over the
next ten years. That doesn’t mean Carva- 150 150
na can’t prosper and challenge CarMax as
the market-share leader. We think there’s 100 100
2019 2020 2021
plenty of room for both to be successful.
To give you a sense of how we look
at valuation, our scenario for CarMax is THE BOTTOM LINE
for same-store sales growth, store growth Armed with what François Rochon considers "among the strongest and most durable
and share buybacks to pretty equally drive moats I've ever seen," the company should be able to navigate regulatory challenges and
continue to prosper from broad secular trends in its favor, he says. At what he would then
intrinsic-value growth of around 12% an-
consider a reasonable 25x his 2025 earnings estimate, the shares would trade at $500.
nually. That would result in earnings per
share of around $10 by 2026 and with
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
what we’d consider a reasonable P/E of

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 3

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : François Rochon

impactful. That shift in spending may as the number of users increases, as the Progressive to set premium rates more ef-
have temporarily accelerated during the switch from traditional media spending to ficiently, and adding a home insurance line
pandemic, but it still has far to go before online continues, and as revenues per user that could be effectively bundled with car
running its course. The growth potential increase worldwide, we believe that can policies to drive incremental sales.
outside the U.S. is even more pronounced. translate into 15-20% annual revenue and Progressive’s main competitive advan-
Facebook’s average quarterly revenue per earnings growth over the next five years. tages are its technology leadership and
user is close to $54 in North America, but We estimate EPS could reach close to its ingrained culture of keeping costs low.
only $17 in Europe, $4 in Asia and less $20 in 2025. With a 25x P/E multiple, that They’ve been selling online longer than
than $3 in the rest of the world. North would result in a share price of around anyone and were also early adopters of
America today makes up approximately $500. It’s really a fairly simple premise: telematics, which involves installing a de-
9% of Facebook’s users, but represents this is one of the strongest businesses in vice on a customer’s car – with permission,
49% of revenues. That gap should narrow the world, with a clean balance sheet, con- of course – to track how he or she drives
as the company steadily increases revenues so premiums can be priced more accurate-
per user outside the U.S. and Canada. ly. The company consistently earns better-
The big worry is that Facebook is a ON REGULATORY ISSUES: than-average combined ratios – 92-93%
target of regulators around the world who over the last few years, vs. closer to 100%
We believe the company will
dislike its monopoly-like characteristics, for the industry – and returns on equity
its privacy policies, and its control (or not) respond in a way that doesn't have been running better than 20%. Berk-
over controversial content. We don’t pro- fundamentally change its shire Hathaway’s Geico and Progressive
fess to be experts on regulatory matters, have consistently taken market share and
but we do believe the company has shown execution or profitability. are now the #2 and #3 car insurers in the
the willingness and the ability to respond U.S. We think both are likely to continue
when challenged, and that it will continue to take share.
to do so in a way that doesn’t fundamen- servative accounting, a large moat and an
tally change the execution or profitability only average multiple that in our opinion Are you expecting any longer-term im-
of its business model. Even with all the undervalues its prospects. pacts on the company’s business from the
public discussion around privacy and con- pandemic?
tent, there’s been little noticeable impact Describe your investment case for car-in-
on user or advertiser engagement. There surer Progressive [PGR]. FR: One positive for car insurers would
will continue to be controversy, we just be if people as things return more to nor-
believe the business is so solid that it can FR: I first started to research the company mal drive their own cars more rather than
sustain some troubles here and there. in 1994 when I read a recommendation take Uber or public transportation. One
for it in the newspaper by legendary inves- negative would be if more people working
How are you looking at valuation with the tor Philip Carret, who was 97 years old from home results in fewer miles driven
shares now trading at around $258.30? at the time but still looking for interesting and puts pressure on premium levels. I
companies to purchase for the long haul. would say in general we don’t believe the
FR: The stock trades at 21.5x the $11 per I followed it for five years before getting long-term pandemic impacts will be that
share we believe the company can earn in the chance to buy in after the stock fell by high, either because behavior doesn’t ulti-
2021, adjusted for $21 per share in cash 60-70% when the market got concerned, mately change that much or because posi-
on the balance sheet. We think that mul- in part, about its heavy investment to tives more or less offset negatives.
tiple is quite reasonable given the quality transition its direct-to-consumer business As for other secular trends, we don’t
of the earnings – everything that should to what was then a nascent Internet. We see an issue for Progressive from electric
be expensed is expensed – and the growth did well with it over the next several years cars. People will still be driving them and
potential we see in revenue and profits. and sold at a point when we believed the still need insurance to do so. The bigger
Operating income hasn’t always grown growth rate was slowing enough to be a worry would be if self-driving cars were
as fast as revenues in recent years as the concern. to become pervasive and that resulted in
company has invested in people and We always kept an eye on the company, a significant decline in the number of cars
processes necessary to meet the increas- and got interested enough to buy it again bought and in the incidence of accidents. I
ing demands of users, advertisers and, in in 2019 as we saw earnings starting to don’t know when or if that happens on a
some cases, regulators and politicians. grow more meaningfully. Tricia Griffith large scale, but I am pretty confident that
We believe that this year operating mar- took over as CEO in 2016 and has done it happening at a level that would mate-
gins will start to stabilize and that revenue a great job of reinvigorating growth by rially impact Progressive is likely many,
and profit growth will be more in sync. So investing in technology, which allows many years away.

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 4

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : François Rochon

How inexpensive do you consider the and if we assume 16x – which is slightly Sticking to insurance, why are you high on
company's shares at the current price of above the forward multiple on consensus the prospects for Markel [MKL]?
around $87.20? earnings today – the shares would trade
at $172. FR: This is another company I’ve followed
FR: Earnings in 2020 were out of the This is a good example of what we’re for more than 20 years and we've owned
ordinary due to the pandemic, but from finding attractive in the current market. it for nearly eight. We know [Co-CEO]
2019’s base we think EPS can increase by The growth maybe isn’t as exciting as you Tom Gayner and his team well and con-
roughly 12% per year over the next five can find elsewhere, but this is a much bet- sider them excellent stewards of capital.
years to about $10.75 in 2025. We expect ter than average company that we think The company operates in a number of
that to be driven primarily by continued can increase its intrinsic value by 12% per specialty insurance lines – like insuring
share gains, premium increases and reach- year – and we’re getting that at a discount- summer camps or dental practices – that
ing new customers who want to bundle ed multiple relative to the market. That’s are less commoditized. It’s proven strong
their car and home insurance. The stock a dynamic that has historically worked over time at underwriting, with combined
has historically traded at a 12-18x P/E, quite well for us. ratios frequently at or below 100. Like
Berkshire, they invest the float more heav-
ily in equities and have also built a Markel
Ventures unit with independent operating
Progressive Valuation Metrics companies outside of the insurance sector.
(NYSE: PGR) (@1/29/21): Book value over a long period of time has
Business: The third-largest automobile insurer PGR S&P 500 increased at an 11-12% annual rate.
in the U.S., selling both directly and through P/E (TTM) 9.0 40.9 On top of that solid foundation, we
traditional agency channels; diversified into Forward P/E (Est.) 15.0 22.1 believe the insurance pricing cycle has
home insurance through acquisition in 2015.
Largest Institutional Owners the potential to improve over the next
Share Information (@1/29/21): (@9/30/20 or latest filing): few years as low interest rates and the
Price 87.19 Company % Owned relatively soft market in recent years has
52-Week Range 62.18 – 102.05 Vanguard Group 7.8% put increasing pressure on insurers to put
Dividend Yield 0.5% Wellington Mgmt 6.6% through more substantive price increases
Market Cap $51.02 billion BlackRock 5.1% and improve profitability. We never count
State Street 4.3% on getting the timing of something like
Financials (TTM): JPMorgan Inv Mgmt 2.5%
Revenue $42.64 billion that right, but the messages we’re getting
Operating Profit Margin 17.3% Short Interest (as of 1/15/21): from a number of our industry contacts
Net Profit Margin 13.4% Shares Short/Float 0.9% are consistently more optimistic than usu-
al about the pricing environment. Markel
PGR PRICE HISTORY can do well either way, but a harder pric-
120 120 ing cycle would be an added bonus.

100 100 The shares, now around $970, are still

well off their 52-week highs. What upside
80 80 do you see from here?

60 60 FR: We’re basically assuming that all the

elements are in place for the company
40 40 to continue to increase its book value at
2019 2020 2021
11-12% annually going forward. It will
continue to generate underwriting prof-
THE BOTTOM LINE its, to invest the float competently, and to
The company's technology leadership, marketing prowess and ingrained culture of keep- reinvest capital in both insurance-related
ing costs low should allow it to continue to take car-insurance market share in the U.S., and Markel Ventures acquisitions. If we’re
says François Rochon. He expects earnings to grow at 12% annually over the next five
right in that basic assessment, it would
years, and at a 16x P/E on his 2025 estimate the shares would trade at more than $170.
mean that book value could reach $1,400
per share in 2025. At the stock's average
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
multiple over the past ten years of around

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 5

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : François Rochon

$1.50 or so in EPS we thought the com-

pany could earn in 2021.
Markel Valuation Metrics I don't remember the exact day, but
(NYSE: MKL) (@1/29/21):
probably on a Friday in early April we
Business: Specialty insurer known for its MKL S&P 500 decided to buy Floor & Decor shares on
Berkshire Hathaway-like reinvestment strategy P/E (TTM) 29.9 40.9 Monday. The stock went up $3-4 on Mon-
focused on public equities and, increasingly, Forward P/E (Est.) 21.6 22.1
independent operating companies. day, so we decided to hold off and wait for
Largest Institutional Owners it to come back down. We had done the
Share Information (@1/29/21): (@9/30/20 or latest filing): homework and thought we knew the com-
Price 969.48 Company % Owned pany very well. Given the upside we saw
52-Week Range 710.52 – 1,347.64 Vanguard Group 8.3% in the stock that $3-4 really didn’t matter,
Dividend Yield 0.0% BlackRock 4.9% but we couldn’t pull the trigger. It’s a natu-
Market Cap $13.36 billion Principal Global Inv 4.8%
ral thing for value investors to do and I’ve
Wellington Mgmt 3.6%
Financials (TTM): made similar mistakes many times, but we
Akre Capital 3.4%
Revenue $8.96 billion can be a bit wiser than that. It’s rare to
Operating Profit Margin 9.8% Short Interest (as of 1/15/21): have confidence a company can grow its
Net Profit Margin 5.4% Shares Short/Float 0.6% earnings at a 15-20% annual rate – if the
price is still reasonable you shouldn’t try
to put too fine a point on it. [Note: Having
1,500 1,500 fallen as low as $24 in March, FND shares
currently trade at $92.]

1,200 1,200
What would you say is your biggest worry
as an investor today?
900 900
FR: I mentioned that I avoid trying to
predict the future when it comes to any-
600 600 thing macroeconomic, but I do think any
2019 2020 2021
investor today should at least be thinking
about what would happen to their portfo-
THE BOTTOM LINE lio holdings if interest rates went up. One
François Rochon believes there's been a significant and unwarranted divergence over of the only ways to justify some of the 40,
the past year in what's happened to the company and what's happened to its stock price.
50 and 60x P/Es we see these days is if you
If it continues to increase book value by 11-12% annually and if its shares trade at their
10-year-average price/book ratio, he expects the stock price to reach $2,100 by 2025.
assume interest rates will stay as low as
they are for many, many years. In many
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
instances, that results in what are in my
opinion quite slim margins of safety.
I also ask what would happen to a
1.5x book, it would result in a $2,100 FR: One stock we almost bought at the lot of balance sheets and to profitability
share price. same time we were studying Five Below if interest rates rose even close to where
Over the past year there’s actually been was Floor & Decor [FND], a manufac- they’ve been historically? What happens
a pretty significant divergence in what’s turer and retailer of mostly tile residen- to valuations? I’m not forecasting higher
happened to the company and what’s tial and commercial flooring. We’d been interest rates, but I want to acknowledge
happened to the stock. We believe book a long-time shareholder of Mohawk In- the risks such an increase might create.
value will probably have increased 6-7% dustries and had noticed how luxury vi- We like owning companies like JPMor-
in 2020, but the stock was down 15%. nyl tile has changed the flooring industry gan [JPM], Bank of America [BAC] and
That’s the opposite of what you see in a and Floor & Decor has been an important Charles Schwab [SCHW] that would likely
great number of cases today. player in that change. It has an excellent benefit from higher rates. We like owning
business model and a strong track record Berkshire Hathaway and other insurance
In an effort to learn from mistakes, you of growth. The P/E on its stock had gen- companies that also would likely benefit
often examine what you consider your er- erally reflected that growth, so was too from higher rates. We want to avoid com-
rors of omission. Can you share a recent expensive for us. But when the pandemic panies with too much debt – that's always
example? hit the shares fell below $30, against the the case, but more so today than ever. VII

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 6

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Adam Wyden

Investor Insight: Adam Wyden

ADW Capital’s Adam Wyden and Jonathan Abenaim explain how they try to get an edge on their competition, their key
takeaways from an unaccustomed period of adversity, what they did and didn’t do when the coronavirus arrived last
year, and what they think the market is missing in GFL Environmental, RCI Hospitality, APi Group and Par Technology.

You went through somewhat of a portfo- have to time entry and exit so precisely. Let’s dive into talking about ideas. Why
lio overhaul that was finished not long be- In all cases there’s significant growth po- does GFL Environmental fit the profile of
fore the pandemic crisis hit. To start out, tential that we don’t think we’re paying what interests you?
explain what prompted that. for, which again puts less pressure on hav-
ing to nail exactly when to buy and sell. Jonathan Abenaim: The company went
Adam Wyden: We’d had a great run per- [Note: After falling a total of nearly 37% public early in March at $19 per share
formance-wise since starting the firm in in 2018 and 2019, Wyden’s portfolio last and the stock proceeded to tank along
2011, but had two lousy years in 2018 year rose nearly 120% after fees.] with everything else with the pandemic.
and 2019. In thinking through what hap- Today it’s one of the largest players in the
pened and what to do about it I didn’t see North American garbage-collection busi-
any reason to question our fundamental ON MISTAKES: ness, having been built from the ground
approach. We focus on small to midcap up in 2007 by CEO Patrick Dovigi.
companies that are undergoing signifi-
We mostly overstayed our There are several things we like here.
cant change and whose shares we think welcome in companies that The business tends to be acyclical and
can dramatically revalue upward as that relatively insulated from competition by
were not very high-quality or
change plays out, independent of the pre- long-term municipal contracts. GFL fo-
vailing economic environment. We con- were overly cyclical. cuses more on secondary markets, where
centrate the portfolio on the absolute best Patrick saw a particular opportunity to
five to ten investment ideas we have at any buy small competitors with overlapping
given time and will hold cash if we can't How did you put your cash to work when routes and redundant assets and then
answer why the fund absolutely needs to the pandemic hit? eliminate those redundancies and give the
own a particular stock. We don’t believe local players access to capital, technology
you can ever know too much about a busi- AW: I’d like to say we perfectly timed the and additional services that allowed them
ness, so we try to obtain an edge through bottom, but we just didn’t. But we did to gain market share. They’ve usually been
exhaustive primary research. fairly early on add materially to all our able to expand margins over time on ac-
I’ll spare you the gory details, but our core positions, in RCI, in APi, and in Par quired assets by roughly 500 basis points,
takeaways from the mistakes we made Technology [PAR], which we’ve spoken which moves the needle a lot when you’re
in 2018 and 2019 had mostly to do with about before [VII, June 26, 2019]. We acquiring something at 5-6x EBITDA.
overstaying our welcome in companies also added a new position in GFL Envi- The waste-collection business in North
we should have recognized were not very ronmental [GFL], which we’d been re- America today is about 60% consolidated
high-quality or were overly cyclical. We searching in advance of it going public in and 40% is still mom and pop. A good
didn’t pay enough attention to the trad- early March. percentage of those mom and pops are in
ing liquidity in stocks that became very In terms of trading around the market more rural markets and GFL is really the
large positions. We also got hurt in cases tanking, given our process it’s difficult to only major player that seems to care about
where the people in charge weren’t nearly act quickly on purely de novo ideas. From rolling up assets like those. We think the
as aligned as they should have been with our knowledge of Par Technology, I had runway for them to keep doing what
our interests as public shareholders. a thesis around fast-food restaurants that they’ve been doing is still very long.
In the fourth quarter of 2019 we would benefit from increased drive-thru
purged some holdings that no longer fit business. We looked at a few companies, AW: I would reinforce the importance of
and added two new positions, RCI Hos- including Jack in the Box [JACK], but be- partnering with people like Patrick Do-
pitality [RICK] and APi Group [APG]. We fore we got anywhere near the depth of vigi. He started with one garbage truck
also – fortunately as it turned out – had research we like to do the opportunity and the company now earns in excess of
a lot of cash available coming into 2020. seemed to have passed. Could we have put C$1.5 billion in annual EBITDA. He takes
The common threads in everything we together a basket of quick-service restau- a small salary, allocates capital like a true
own now are highly incentivized owner/ rants? Maybe, and we would have likely owner – which he is with a 6% economic
operator management teams. The busi- done very well with it. That’s just not the stake in the company – and he’s massively
nesses are largely acyclical, so we don’t way I like to do things. incentivized to create shareholder value

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 7

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Adam Wyden

through an options package tied exclu- required to be sold as a condition for ap- ripe for consolidation. They didn’t over-
sively to stock appreciation. He’s a winner, proving the acquisition last year of Ad- pay at what we estimate was around 9x
he still wants to win, it’s not all about his vanced Disposal by Waste Management. EBITDA, and the deal was financed with
ego, and he’s only 41 years old. We want GFL was the only cash-ready bidder and cash and preferred stock that was convert-
to play the game with people just like that. we estimate got a good price in paying ible at $25 per share. The fact that outside
roughly 8.5x EBITDA. This expands the private equity was willing to fund nearly
GFL made two large-for-it acquisitions in company’s footprint in the U.S. Midwest, half the purchase price effectively in eq-
the third quarter of last year, leveraging providing a new platform in a relatively uity – at what was then a 20% premium
up to do so. Did the aggressiveness of that untapped market to do tuck-in M&A. – speaks to their view of GFL’s runway.
surprise you at all? The second deal, purchasing WCA We’re comfortable with the balance
Waste from Macquarie Group for $1.2 sheet leverage following the deals – rough-
JA: Both were fully in line with the strat- billion, also makes sense to us. It further ly 4x net debt/EBITDA – and true to the
egy and play to the company’s strengths. expands the footprint in the U.S. Midwest historical playbook we expect there to be
The first was to buy assets that regulators and Southeast, in still-fragmented markets plenty of incremental cash flow generated
to de-lever the balance sheet as they go.
We also expect the company to take ad-
INVESTMENT SNAPSHOT vantage of low interest rates and refinance
a significant portion of the debt this Spring
GFL Environmental Valuation Metrics
(Toronto: GFL) (@1/29/21): to bring down interest expense further.
Business: Provider of waste collection and GFL S&P 500
waste management services, with operations P/E (TTM) n/a 40.9 The market seems to be warming to the
throughout Canada and in 27 U.S. states; Forward P/E (Est.) 225.6 22.1 company’s potential in recent months.
came public through an IPO in March 2020. How attractive do you consider the shares
Largest Institutional Owners at the current C$36.10 price?
Share Information (@9/30/20 or latest filing):
(@1/29/21, Exchange Rate: $1 = C$1.28):
Company % Owned
Price C$36.10 JA: Off its current base we think GFL can
BC Partners 19.9%
52-Week Range C$16.85 – C$41.06 generate 7.5% or so organic annual top-
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan 16.2%
Dividend Yield 0.1% GIC Private Ltd 9.6% line growth – from price and volume in-
Market Cap C$11.78 billion HPS Investment Partners 8.2% creases – which in turn should yield great-
Wellington Mgmt 3.4% er than 15% free cash flow growth per
Financials (TTM):
Revenue C$3.86 billion year for the foreseeable future. On top of
Operating Profit Margin (-1.9%) Short Interest (as of 1/15/21): that we expect continued accretive M&A.
Net Profit Margin (-17.8%) Shares Short/Float n/a At the current stock price you’re pay-
ing 15x what we think the company can
GFL PRICE HISTORY earn in free cash flow per share this year.
50 50 That’s a discount to the 25x free cash flow
at which competitors like Waste Connec-
40 40 tions and Casella trade today. If the valu-
ation doesn’t change at all and we’re right
30 30 about the growth in cash flow, the stock
should compound at 15% per year, plus
whatever we get from further acquisitions.
20 20
But we also believe the market will eventu-
ally recognize the quality of management,
10 10
2019 2020 2021 the growth potential and the differentiat-
ed business model and ultimately price the
THE BOTTOM LINE stock at least on par with less interesting
The company stumbled out of the gate in going public as the pandemic hit last year and peers. That could make it a multi-bagger
the extent of its potential still seems to be eluding the market, says Jonathan Abenaim. over the next few years.
Even without the benefit of future M&A and a re-rating of the stock, he believes the
company's free cash flow – and shareholder value – can increase at least 15% annually. From waste collection to hospitality, de-
scribe what put RCI Hospitality on your
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
radar screen?

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 8

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Adam Wyden

AW: This is something we’ve followed for ber announced its first deal for three fran- How do you arrive at what you think the
a long time. It started showing up after the chised restaurants in San Antonio. shares, now at $38.50, are worth?
financial crisis on screens as being quan-
titatively cheap and I’d hear other inves- What else can you tell us about the CEO? AW: On a run-rate basis going into Co-
tors talk about how even though the busi- vid, the business was generating around
ness was kind of seedy – nightclubs with AW: We think Eric Langan is a tremen- $65 million in annual EBIT. We think
strippers – the CEO, Eric Langan, was a dous operator with a great record of de- nightclubs coming out of Covid can comp
smart guy who really understood capital ploying capital at high rates of return for at 10%, which would add an incremen-
allocation. I never did anything with it but shareholders. He basically sold his base- tal $12-15 million in operating income.
caught up on it once in a while to see what ball-card collection to buy a nightclub and Bombshells historically earned minimal
was going on. went from there. He owns 800,000 shares, EBIT prior to 2020, but we think it's at
Then in 2019 I had two investors I re- has never issued a stock option and as far an inflection point and can generate an
spect ping me and suggest I take a closer as we can tell has never done anything to incremental $20 million in EBIT over the
look. The company had a new restaurant the detriment of shareholders. He wants next year. So we’re looking a year out at
concept that seemed to have a lot of po- to win and he’s been at it since he was 19. close to $100 million in EBIT, which after
tential, which could jumpstart growth and
help diversify away from the nightclubs.
The stock was trading at a low cash-flow
multiple. Eric Langan was still in charge RCI Hospitality Valuation Metrics
(Nasdaq: RICK) (@1/29/21):
and very focused on creating shareholder
value. I felt like I’d seen this video before. Business: Holding company for two U.S. RICK S&P 500
operating divisions, one focused on adult- P/E (TTM) n/a 40.9
Let’s use our expertise – in this case around
entertainment nightclubs and the other on Forward P/E (Est.) 23.2 22.1
real estate, retail and entertainment – and Bombshells-branded restaurants/sports bars.
leverage the cash flow, infrastructure and Largest Institutional Owners
systems in place to build a new business Share Information (@1/29/21): (@9/30/20 or latest filing):

from scratch that no one is paying any at- Price 38.48 Company % Owned
tention to. It all came together, and follow- 52-Week Range 6.52 – 43.70 ADW Capital 10.0%
ing the carnage in March we established a Dividend Yield 0.4% Greenhaven Road Inv Mgmt 6.4%
position in the second quarter of last year. Market Cap $346.3 million BlackRock 5.5%
Dimensional Fund Adv 5.1%
Financials (TTM): Vanguard Group 4.5%
Describe RCI's two main businesses. Revenue $132.3 million
Operating Profit Margin 10.0% Short Interest (as of 1/15/21):
AW: The traditional business is nightclubs, Net Profit Margin (-4.6%) Shares Short/Float 6.5%
which is a high-quality business with at-
tractive unit economics, 30%-plus operat-
50 50
ing margins and minimal capital require-
ments. The assets are mostly in Texas, 40 40
Florida and New York and are generally
regional oligopolies – only a few licenses 30 30
are ever issued per municipality – so the
barriers to entry are extremely high. It’s 20 20
also a fragmented market with a large
10 10
continuing opportunity for M&A.
Bombshells is the restaurant concept, 0 0
which is a military-themed restaurant 2019 2020 2021
and sports bar that is shooting to attract
a broader universe of customers by both THE BOTTOM LINE
age and gender. The unit count is up to While it's a company "maybe Wall Street has never been entirely comfortable with," says
Adam Wyden, he expects that to change as it capitalizes on M&A opportunities coming
10 company-owned stores, all in Texas,
out of the pandemic and expands a promising restaurant concept. On his forward one-
and same-store-sales growth has aver-
year estimates, he believes the shares today trade at a 20%-plus free cash flow yield.
aged in the low-teens since the concept
was launched in 2013. The company has Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
a franchise plan in place and in Decem-

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 9

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Adam Wyden

accounting for interest expense, taxes and able businessman named Lee Anderson. lence, leadership development, employee
maintenance capex would be $72-75 mil- The company’s largest division – account- ownership and personal accountability.
lion in free cash flow. At today’s market ing for 70% of EBITDA – is called Safe- Lee Anderson didn’t want to sell to pri-
cap of around $350 million, you’re paying ty Solutions, which installs, repairs and vate equity and have the company sliced
less than 5x free cash flow. services commercial fire-safety, security, and diced, so when Martin Franklin came
Not only do we think a 20%-plus free sprinkler, HVAC and other systems. The along offering a cash deal with no earn-
cash flow yield is way too cheap for the next-largest business – at roughly 20% of outs and a desire to keep the management
existing business, but we’re also not pay- EBITDA – is called Specialty Services and and culture in place, he took it. J2 paid
ing anything for incremental organic or provides mostly infrastructure-building roughly 7.5x EV/EBITDA, which was cer-
M&A growth. RCI is the only acquirer of services, like laying out fiber-optic sys- tainly less than what the highest private-
scale in the nightclub business with a pub- tems for telecom companies or building equity bidder was willing to pay.
lic market currency, and we’re expecting and maintaining wastewater systems for Because J2 was originally listed in Lon-
considerable opportunity to acquire dis- municipal governments. The company has don, it took some time to get the shares
tressed assets at low multiples of free cash been built over time with very much of a listed on the New York Stock Exchange,
flow as we exit the pandemic. For Bomb- Danaher-style culture of operating excel- which happened in April of last year. They
shells, the potential to grow unit count
and overall profit contribution is enor-
mous. The company thinks it can open
as many as 300 units over time – I don’t APi Group Valuation Metrics
(NYSE: APG) (@1/29/21):
know if they get there, but it’s not an un-
reasonable goal and even falling short of Business: Provider of a broad range of indus- APG S&P 500
trial services, including the installation, main- P/E (TTM) n/a 40.9
that the restaurants could end up dwarfing
tenance and repair of commercial fire-safety, Forward P/E (Est.) 14.6 22.1
the nightclub business.
security and heating/cooling systems.
This is a business Wall Street has may- Largest Institutional Owners
be never been entirely comfortable with. Share Information (@1/29/21): (@9/30/20 or latest filing):
But if the numbers explode like we think Price 17.91 Company % Owned
they can, it’s pretty likely that will change. 52-Week Range 8.84 – 19.17 Viking Global Inv 19.6%
Dividend Yield 0.0% Fidelity Mgmt & Research 7.2%
Your next idea, APi Group, is a one-time Market Cap $3.39 billion Vanguard Group 6.9%
BlackRock 4.6%
British SPAC turned Minnesota-based Financials (TTM): Permian Inv Partners 3.2%
industrial services company. What’s the Revenue $3.54 billion
back story here? Operating Profit Margin (-20.0%) Short Interest (as of 1/15/21):
Net Profit Margin (-23.4%) Shares Short/Float 5.6%
AW: The predecessor company, J2 Acqui-
sition Corp. was indeed a SPAC formed
20 20
by Martin Franklin, a remarkable busi-
nessman who’s best known for building
Jarden Corp. from a $300 million jar
15 15
maker into a $9 billion revenues consum-
er-goods conglomerate that was sold to
Newell Brands in 2015 for $15 billion. 10 10
Over his 15-year tenure with Jarden, the
company delivered a 5,000% total return
to investors, or about 30% a year. With 5 5
2019 2020 2021
J2 (for Jarden #2) he was looking to ap-
ply the same basic strategy – acquiring
and building dominant niche brands with THE BOTTOM LINE
pricing power and great cash flow conver- The company's shares are significantly undervalued relative to public comps, says Adam
sion – to services companies that were less Wyden, which says to him that today's shareholder is paying less than nothing for po-
tential organic growth, margin expansion and the M&A acumen of Co-Chairman Martin
susceptible to Internet-related disruption.
Franklin. At a peer multiple of his 2021 free cash flow estimate, the stock would double.
In September of 2019, J2 announced
the acquisition of APi, an industrial-servic-
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
es conglomerate built by another remark-

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 10

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Adam Wyden

first started trading in the U.S. on the we expect APi to generate in excess of $2
pink sheets, with one analyst following it. per share in free cash flow this year. Based
That’s how we bought it originally, when on public comparables of specialty indus-
it was kind of an orphan. trial businesses like Honeywell or Johnson
Controls, the stock would trade at $35-
How has the business held up through the 40. To our mind, we’re paying nothing
pandemic? for the organic growth of the business –
which has historically been 8-10% on the
AW: These types of businesses tend to be top line per year – for margin expansion
very resilient, providing non-discretionary as the business scales, or for the M&A
services that require skilled maintenance acumen of Martin Franklin and his team.
and repair and generate highly recurring If all that kicks in as we think it can, the
revenues. In the 2008 recession when APi stock would be much more than a double
had a more unfavorable revenue mix – from here.
with more new-build versus service – the
company’s EBITDA stayed largely flat. Par Technology has done very well since
In Safety Solutions, while installations we spoke about it 18 months ago. Why do
of new systems are a large portion of rev- you think the story still has room to run?
enues, the company prices new installs at
low profit margins to help drive higher- AW: This is a position we first put on in
margin service contracts. So while new in- early 2018. We saw a number of things
stalls were impacted in the second quarter we thought could improve from an op-
of last year, the more profitable service side erational, capital allocation and corporate
held up well. You have to maintain your governance standpoint, and we thought
fire-safety system regardless of what’s go- the company had a transformative hid-
ing on with occupancy or tenants. In Spe- den gem in its Brink cloud-based point-of-
cialty Services it was almost business as
usual. These are truly essential services for
sale system for quick-service restaurants.
We played an important role in bringing BRAINSTORM
water and sewer companies, utilities and
telecoms, who have to get the work done.
in a new CEO, Savneet Singh, to enact
change, and he’s done an excellent job so
The overall comparisons are difficult be- far. He’s improved the balance sheet, cut
cause of the company’s short history in its costs, strengthened the management team,
current form, but management at the end invested in product innovation and made Through in-depth interviews,
of last year ended up increasing its guid- two bolt-on strategic acquisitions. Value Investor Insight
ance for adjusted 2020 EBITDA because The core of the thesis still revolves spotlights the strategies and
current ideas of today’s
performance in the latter part of the year around Brink, which is at the center of
was tracking ahead of projections. Par’s software-as-a-service transforma-
In our view, the virus will have no long- tion. We believe Brink is by far the best most-successful investors.
term decremental impact on API’s eco- and most proven cloud POS system on the

See why it’s one of the

nomics or growth prospects. In fact, we market – the main competitors are Oracle-
believe API will take market share coming owned MICROS Systems and NCR’s Alo-
out of this from smaller, poorly capital- ha – and that it is ideally positioned to ben- best “value” investments
ized mom and pop competitors. We’d also efit as the industry moves from on-premise you can make!
expect M&A opportunities to increase to cloud platforms. The POS is central to
as these same competitors are increas- every transaction in a restaurant and it
ingly open to indications of interest from interfaces with more than a dozen other Sign up now for a
a stronger, advantaged company like APi. operational functions an operator must one-year subscription
navigate, including things like payments
Now trading at just under $18, how are processing, analytics, accounting, inven-
you valuing the stock? tory management and human resources.
So in addition to adding new customers
AW: Any way we come at it we think the to the platform at a rapid clip, there’s also
shares are very cheap. Keeping it simple, a tremendous opportunity to expand the

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 11

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Adam Wyden

revenue per customer by building, buying restaurants of any kind that have been cap for a software-as-a-service business
or partnering to include additional func- hurt by it. which should exit the year with over $80
tionality in a single integrated offering. million in annual revenues that are grow-
The stock got slammed in March of The market seems to be taking notice. ing 50-100% per year. That’s extremely
last year and we substantially increased How are you looking at valuation from low for a SaaS business like this – comps
our position, believing the pandemic today’s price of $62.25? tend to trade at 15-20x revenue.
would pull forward demand as large The real upside here is in growth. We
chains increasingly gave up on antiquated AW: The company still has an unrelated think it’s possible that by year-end 2025
legacy systems and there were more and defense business and a legacy point-of-sale that Brink can have 50,000 units on the
more use cases showing that Brink would hardware business, both of which are ac- platform – up from roughly 12,000 today
save them money and improve customer tually pretty healthy and generating solid – and that it can more than double its rev-
service. Par’s main customers are chain cash flow. Using relevant public-company enue per unit to closer to $6,000. At that
quick-service restaurants like Arby’s, DQ comps, we value those two businesses at point it would be generating annual run-
and Five Guys, mostly all of which are around $350 million. If you back that out rate revenues of $300 million. Put a 10-
well-capitalized and are likely to come out and adjust for $55 million in cash on the 20x revenue multiple on that and there’s
of the pandemic competitively stronger balance sheet, at today’s stock price you’re $3 billion to $6 billion in value just for
against table-service restaurants or small paying roughly $900 million in market Brink. That’s against a market cap today
of $1.3 billion. If the wallet share turns
out to be significantly more than $6,000,
INVESTMENT SNAPSHOT which we believe is entirely likely, the up-
Par Technology side is much higher.


You’ve come roaring back after a period
of adversity. Do you think you’re a better
80 80 investor as a result?
70 70
60 60 AW: I hope so. I really love what I do and
50 50 I think I’m pretty good at it. But the mar-
40 40 ket is a great equalizer and I’ve learned
30 30 pretty clearly that you’re not good at it
20 20 all the time, and that you can never rest
10 10 on your laurels. If you want to stay in
0 0 the game, you have to continuously im-
2013 2019 2014 2020 2015 2021 prove and evolve with the ever-changing
VII, June 26, 2019 rules of capitalism and public markets. In
the NBA if you want to make it as a big
Share Information (@1/29/21): Valuation Metrics (@1/29/21): man today you have to be able to run the
Price $62.26 PAR S&P 500 court, essentially play every position, and
52-Week Range 9.63 – 75.89 Trailing P/E n/a 40.9 even learn how to shoot three-pointers.
Forward P/E (Est.) n/a 22.1
The speed and complexity of the game has
ORIGINAL BOTTOM LINE – June 26, 2019 changed.
Adam Wyden expects the company's new CEO to capitalize on what he sees as the What we think really differentiates us is
home-run potential of its software-as-a-service restaurant management system. On his that in striving to evolve we’ve narrowed
sum-of-the-parts valuation, he thinks the stock can at least triple over the next few years. our focus to only seeking out opportunities
that we believe can return 5-10x our capi-
tal while protecting our downside. There
NEW BOTTOM LINE are many market participants today who
While the success of the company's cloud-based point-of-sale system for quick-service don’t have the duration for the big-game
restaurants is less "hidden" than it was, Adam Wyden believes it can grow users and hunting that we do. That requires having
per-user revenues dramatically beyond the expectations built into the current share price.
investors who understand our approach
and are with us for the right reasons, and
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
we’re very fortunate to have that. VII

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 12

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Petra Capital Management

Investor Insight: Petra Capital

Petra Capital Management’s Chan Lee and Albert Yong describe why now is a particularly interesting time to be invest-
ing in South Korea, why they consider flexibility one of their most important traits as investors, where they’re spending
the most time today looking for new ideas, and what they think the market is missing in Daou Technology and Soulbrain.

You’ve done very well over a long period have not yet heard of. In a dynamic econ- the case can be made that the country is
in which the Korean market has gone omy like Korea’s, we think it’s important the safest place to invest among emerg-
mostly sideways. To what primarily do to not be overly rigid about where we look ing markets and that combining that with
you attribute that? for value. the current valuation levels could result in
the market doing very well as the world
Chan Lee: This may be less true today After a long slumber, the Korean market fully recovers from the Covid-19 crisis. As
than it once was, but to a certain extent came back very strongly in 2020 to be one we’ve already discussed, we don’t count
we’ve benefitted from a level of competi- of the better performing markets in the on things like that, but we do think it’s a
tion when it comes to value hunting that world. Is there a chance you’ll have the real possibility.
is much lower in Korea than in other ad- wind at your back in the domestic market
vanced equity markets like the U.S. There for a change? Did you actively reconfigure your portfo-
just aren’t as many truly long-term inves- lio much during the market’s free fall early
tors who are sophisticated and experi- CL: Part of that was that the pandemic last year?
enced enough to correctly assess intrinsic relative to most countries has had a rela-
values of Korean companies. Our ability CL: We have a variety of different kinds of
to do that in an ever-changing economic ideas in the portfolio, but I would say that
environment and in difficult-to-analyze ON FLEXIBILITY: even before the pandemic we had been
sectors or industries has so far proven to shifting more emphasis to what might be
be somewhat of an edge.
In a dynamic economy like considered “new age” companies. Korea
We also think that we have an edge in- Korea's, it's important not to is known for its heavy manufacturing and
vesting in small and mid-cap stocks that industrial base, but we started to increas-
be overly rigid about where
are not covered by many sell-side and buy- ingly find growing companies in areas like
side analysts and that don’t attract much we look for value. Internet services, e-commerce, renewable
interest from foreign institutional inves- energy and digital media that below a cer-
tors. Roughly 30% of the total equity tain market cap size were still trading at
market in Korea is held by foreign institu- tively minor economic impact. But the surprisingly cheap prices.
tions, but many will not look at compa- market was also very cheap prior to the Given that we’d already positioned
nies below a certain size, say around $2 pandemic, unlike the U.S., so there also ourselves in more of these new-economy
billion in market cap. That all makes it might have been some pent-up demand stocks, we didn’t trade much at all as ev-
more likely for us to find mispricings in when the economy turned out to be not erything came down during the March
smaller-cap companies. as impacted as feared. We’re also seeing crash. We felt the companies we owned
the same kind of increase in retail investor for the most part were in the right areas
Albert Yong: Another reason we’ve had activity as in other countries that seems to and that, if anything, they could benefit
some success is that we have an open be driving a lot of the move up. from an acceleration of pre-existing eco-
mindset when it comes to opportunities. From a valuation perspective, Korea is nomic trends that were already working in
We haven’t deviated from our core prin- still one of the cheapest equity markets in their favor. As it turns out we were right
ciple of buying stocks trading at signifi- the world despite the rally from its March to not change our portfolio much because
cant discounts from their true values, but lows. Using Bloomberg data, as of the end these types of companies ended up recov-
we’re flexible about the type of company of 2020 the market index was trading at a ering faster and further.
or situation in which that can be the case. Price/Book ratio of 1.1x and a P/E of 14x.
Maybe it’s more of a Ben Graham-type In Japan those numbers were 2.1x and AY: I can’t say it’s the best value at the
cigar butt. Maybe there’s a significant 22x. In the U.S. the price to book was over moment, but CS Wind [Seoul: 112610]
holding-company discount compared to 4x and the P/E on forward earnings nearly would be a good example of the dynamic
the sum-of-the-parts value. Maybe there is 23x. We’re still dumbfounded by the fact Chan just described. The company manu-
a growth opportunity that the market just that MSCI classifies Korea as an emerging factures the towers that support the tur-
isn’t recognizing. Maybe there’s a rising market – along with places like Argentina, bines made by companies like Siemens,
champion from Korea that most investors Turkey, Russia, Nigeria and Pakistan – but Vestas and GE to produce energy from

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 13

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Petra Capital Management

wind. It has an excellent reputation for dates this year for two new games based Why do you believe IT-services hold-
quality, a global production footprint, and on Summoners War intellectual property. ing company Daou Technology [Seoul:
is one of a very small number of providers They say they’re looking to use cash for 023590] is mispriced?
of towers to best-in-class partners build- accretive acquisitions, but just haven’t
ing onshore and offshore projects. found the right fit yet. CL: This is a classic example of a hold-
You wouldn’t think such a company in We remain optimistic and think man- ing company whose market value is too
a hot global sector would be ignored in agement will eventually prove to be good far below the sum of its component parts.
the Korean market, but we thought that stewards of shareholder capital and build It’s not so common in the U.S. for a pub-
was exactly the case prior to the pandem- the company’s value over time. And the lic parent company to also have publicly
ic. Part of that may have been because we stock still trades at less than 10x earnings traded subsidiaries, but it happens often
don’t have much of a wind-power mar- if you exclude the cash. The pace at which in Korea. In Daou’s case the company
ket in Korea, but whatever the reasons, things change can be frustrating at times was founded in 1986 as an information-
the shares had been going nowhere and for investors, but we need regularly to be technology services provider and over the
we were able to buy them at close to 10x patient and we’ve learned that patience is years has created a number of somewhat
earnings. When the pandemic first came often rewarded. IT related businesses that have been suc-
the stock got hit even a bit harder as oil
prices fell so sharply and people thought
that might have an incrementally nega-
tive impact on demand for wind power. Daou Technology Valuation Metrics
(Seoul: 023590)
That all changed relatively quickly and (@1/29/21):

investors finally discovered CS Wind and Business: Holding company whose traditional 023590 S&P 500
started to recognize its long-term poten- business is in IT services, but that also owns P/E (TTM) 4.3 40.9
public stakes in Internet-focused brokerage, Forward P/E (Est.) 4.0 22.1
tial. [Note: That’s putting it mildly – trad-
job listings and certification subsidiaries.
ing at around ₩35,000 at the beginning Largest Institutional Owners
of 2020, CS Wind’s shares fell as low as Share Information (@9/30/20 or latest filing):
(@1/29/21, Exchange Rate: $1 = ₩1,118):
₩15,000 in March. The stock currently Company % Owned
trades at ₩160,000.] Price ₩26,600 Daou Data 46.7%
52-Week Range ₩11,550 – ₩28,950 Orbis Investment 9.4%
When we last spoke [VII, September Dividend Yield 1.5% National Pension Service of Korea 7.1%
Market Cap ₩1.15 trillion GMO 5.3%
30, 2018] you described mobile-gaming
International Value Adv 5.0%
company Com2uS [Seoul: 078348] as an Financials (TTM):
example of an idea with strong growth Revenue ₩5.01 trillion Short Interest (as of 1/15/21):
prospects that the market seemed to be Operating Profit Margin 16.7% Shares Short/Float n/a
Net Profit Margin 5.6%
ignoring. The stock is up modestly since –
are you still interested? DAOU PRICE HISTORY

30,000 30,000
AY: Yes we are. Our thesis for the com-
pany was that its flagship game, which
25,000 25,000
is called Summoners War, would have a
much longer lifespan than people seemed
20,000 20,000
to expect and that the cash it generated
could be put to good use by reinvesting
15,000 15,000
in new mobile games both developed in-
house and acquired from others. Even
10,000 10,000
with significant investment spending on 2019 2020 2021
growth, there was enough cash on the bal-
ance sheet that some of it could also be THE BOTTOM LINE
returned to shareholders. Chan Lee considers this a classic example of a Korean holding company whose market
While Summoners War has continued value is too far below the sum of its component parts. Summing his estimated values
to do well, there hasn’t been much tan- for its operating business and its publicly traded and private subsidiaries, he values the
gible progress on the capital-allocation company (in U.S. dollars) at $2.6 billion, vs. its current market cap of just over $1 billion.
front. The company started paying a small
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
dividend. They’ve announced launch

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 14

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Petra Capital Management

cessful in their own right. Kiwoom Securi- exercises de facto management control, In our experience, sooner or later the
ties [Seoul: 039490] is by far the largest, the entire financial activity of the subsid- market should recognize the value it’s
having become the leading online broker- iary companies is reported in the parent’s missing and that eventually will be reflect-
age in the country, patterned after Charles numbers. Although you can get all the ed in the parent firm's stock price. As Al-
Schwab or E*Trade in the U.S. Saramin component detail as well, the consolidated bert said earlier, we need to be patient, and
HR is one of Korea's leading online job- numbers can provide a somewhat distort- we expect that patience to be rewarded.
listings companies. Korea Information ed picture.
Certificate Authority is the leader in pro- From a parent holding company to an op-
viding certification and authentication erating-subsidiary spinoff, describe why
services that facilitate online communica- ON HOLDING COMPANIES: you’re high on the prospects for Soulbrain
tions and transactions, not dissimilar to Co. [Seoul: 357780].
Sometimes in smaller com-
Verisign in the U.S. There are other still-
private subsidiaries as well, but these three panies the market is very AY: The company was originally estab-
companies are all publicly traded and slow to recognize changes in lished in 1986 as a producer of specialty
Daou retains a controlling equity share. chemicals and materials used in the semi-
The valuation math here is relatively the sum-of-the-parts value. conductor manufacturing process. As you
straightforward. Daou Technology’s mar- mentioned, the operating company was
ket cap in U.S. dollars is around $1 bil- spun off as a subsidiary in August of last
lion. Against that you have the company’s Are there any catalysts to narrow the dis- year and the original entity became a hold-
42% stake in Kiwoom Securities, which is count here? ing company. We believe Soulbrain Co. is
worth nearly $2 billion based on its cur- significantly undervalued given its growth
rent public valuation. The equity stakes in CL: We have on several occasions tried to potential and profitability.
Saramin HR and Korea Information Cer- be our own catalyst in working with com- The business today is focused primarily
tificate Authority are collectively worth panies to help bring out unrealized value. on etchants and other materials that are
around $250 million or so, and we val- Here it’s relatively difficult. The Founder/ used in the semiconductor deposition pro-
ue the other privately held companies at CEO owns more than 40% of the com- cess and also in the manufacture of LCD
about $50 million. Then there’s the tradi- pany through a family-controlled entity and OLED displays. In its niche markets
tional IT business at the parent company and is a real entrepreneur who is focused it has very strong market shares in Korea
level, which makes $25 million a year and on investing and growing the business. So – as high as an 85% share in semiconduc-
at a 12x multiple would be worth another there’s maybe not much an activist can or tor etchants and roughly 40% in display
$300 million. Add those up and we arrive should do right now. etchants.
at $2.6 billion in value for Daou, which
is more than 2.5x the current market cap.

How does something like this happen? Always on the lookout for
CL: Holding company discounts of 20-
better investment ideas?
25% are not unusual, but it happens Subscribe now and receive a full year of
sometimes in smaller companies that the Value Investor Insight – including weekly
market is very slow to recognize changes e-mail bonus content and access to all back
in the sum-of-the-parts value. Because so issues – for only $349.
much of its value comes from its Kiwoom That’s less than $30 per month!
Securities stake you would think the two
Subscribe Online »
stocks would move more in concert, but Or call:
that is not always the case. Last year, for E-Mail Form » 205-722-2197
example, Kiwoom’s stock went up almost Mail-In Form »
60%, while Daou’s was up only 15%.
Want to learn more? Please visit
For non-Korean or less-sophisticated
investors, Korean-style holding companies
can be a bit difficult to analyze at a first
pass. Under the IFRS accounting stan-
dards, for subsidiaries in which the parent
company owns more than a 50% stake or

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 15

I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : Petra Capital Management

Traditionally, big Korean semiconduc- vested capital is over 30%. This is not a that Soulbrain can supply. While its focus
tor manufacturers like Samsung Electron- stock that should trade at 12x earnings. is now in Korea, we think it will have the
ics and SK Hynix have bought more of We are also bullish in general on the opportunity to supply large manufactur-
their input materials from outside Korea, semiconductor industry. Samsung is Soul- ers in Taiwan and elsewhere as well.
especially Japan. In 2018, Korea had a brain’s largest customer and its memory
small trade war with Japan and the Japa- chips are vital in many areas of the new Trading today at around ₩269,000, what
nese government blocked for a time the economy, including cloud computing, upside do you see in shares from here?
export of a number of materials used to driverless cars and artificial intelligence.
make semiconductors. This provided an AY: As the company continues to improve
At the same time, the supply side of the
opportunity for domestic materials com- business has become more concentrated
its market share in a nicely growing mar-
panies, including Soulbrain, to step in and as the capital costs to compete grow ever
ket, we believe earnings can increase 15-
take market share. We think this trend will higher, scale is more important, and the
20% annually over the next several years.
continue, resulting in increasing revenues complexity of the manufacturing process
Even if the valuation multiple stayed the
and profits for the company. Its return on increases. We think that sets up for a very
same – 12x estimated 2021 earnings of
equity is nearly 40% and its return on in- positive outlook for the big manufacturers
around $170 million [₩188 billion] – we
think the shares should provide an attrac-
tive return. But on top of that there is also
significant potential for P/E expansion.
Soulbrain Co. Valuation Metrics The company’s market cap is in the range
(Seoul: 357780) (@1/29/21): of $2 billion, which means it’s likely to
Business: South Korea-based producer of 357780 S&P 500 start to get noticed by more institutional
specialty chemicals and materials that are P/E (TTM) 15.0 40.9 investors from outside Korea.
used primarily in the manufacture of semicon- Forward P/E (Est.) 12.3 22.1
ductors and of LCD and OLED displays.
Largest Institutional Owners Where are you spending your time look-
Share Information (@9/30/20 or latest filing): ing for new ideas today?
(@1/29/21, Exchange Rate: $1 = ₩1,118):
Company % Owned
Price ₩268,700 Soulbrain Holdings 46.5% CL: One theme we’ve been exploring is
52-Week Range ₩201,100 – ₩328,000 Mirae Asset Global Inv 1.7% Korean consumer-brand companies ex-
Dividend Yield 0.0% Vanguard Group 1.4% panding more aggressively outside the
Market Cap ₩2.09 trillion Victory Capital Mgmt 1.2% domestic market. Korean pop culture –
RAM Lux Systematic Funds 1.2%
Financials (TTM): including K-pop music, movies and TV
Revenue ₩992.00 billion Short Interest (as of 1/15/21): dramas – is becoming increasingly popu-
Operating Profit Margin 23.5% Shares Short/Float n/a lar in Asia and even in the U.S. If you hear
Net Profit Margin 16.0%
Netflix describe its rapid growth in Asia,
SOULBRAIN PRICE HISTORY one key factor it cites is its emphasis on
acquiring much more Korean content that
300,000 300,000
has helped drive subscriptions.
We have always tried to find high-qual-
ity companies that start out domestically
and have a strong growth runway ahead
250,000 250,000
through expanding regionally and then
even globally. As Korean pop culture finds
a broader audience, we think it’s possible
that a number of innovative branded food,
200,000 200,000
2019 2020 2021 beverage, fashion and lifestyle companies
can take advantage of that and build their
THE BOTTOM LINE businesses overseas. We still need to do
The market in pricing the company's shares at 12x forward earnings is significantly more research to separate the fads from
undervaluing its potential growth in supplying a dynamic semiconductor-manufacturing the real opportunities, but as a value in-
market, says Albert Yong. From market-share gains in a high-growth market, he believes vestor you want to get there before other
the company's earnings per share can increase at 15-20% annually for several years. investors figure it out. This is one big rea-
son why we think it’s actually an exciting
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
time to be investing in Korea. VII

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 16

U N C O V E R I N G V A L U E : Bed Bath & Beyond

What's In Store
Those trading Bed Bath & Beyond shares over the past week probably haven't been thinking too hard about the com-
pany’s fundamental outlook. Call us old-fashioned, but why not check in with someone who is to see what they think?

You may have noticed that stocks with embrace of e-commerce in the mid-2010s, in earnings and free cash flow for the
high short interest have been, ah, a bit vol- and he’s made it clear by word and deed fiscal year ending in February 2024. At
atile of late. Shares of home-furnishings that Bed Bath & Beyond will do the same. a peer-group multiple in the mid-teens,
retailer Bed Bath & Beyond, for example, “Buying online and picking up in store is that would translate into a share price of
closed on January 20th at $25. A week the highest margin sale for retailers today,” around $45. “The key will be if they can
later they were at $53. On Thursday they says Chin. “Failing to be 100% omnichan- get comp sales growing again,” he says.
fell 36%. On Friday the shares rose 5% to nel competitive is not an option.” “They haven’t done that in a long time,
close at $35.33. The head spins. The potential payoff for investors? but if they do the market is likely to look
While fundamentals have likely had lit- Assuming same-store sales growth rising at the company in a different light.”
tle to do with the recent price action, there from zero to 3% over the next three years As for whether that fundamental out-
is a fundamental bull case for Bed Bath and operating margins reaching manage- look is attractive enough from an invest-
& Beyond’s business, says Joseph Chin of ment's target of 7-8%, Chin believes the ment standpoint, at the moment that prob-
Cambiar Investors. The high short interest, company can earn close to $3 per share ably depends on which day you ask. VII
he believes, reflects the company’s pariah
status among investors after going from
category killer to “share donor” over the
past several years under recalcitrant and Bed Bath & Beyond Valuation Metrics
inept management. Led by Target alum (Nasdaq: BBBY) (@1/29/21):
BBBY S&P 500
Mark Tritton as CEO since late 2019, he Business: Specialty retailer selling a variety
P/E (TTM) n/a 40.9
argues better days are finally ahead. of merchandise for the home, including bed-
Forward P/E (Est.) 27.6 22.1
Tritton is playing many of the cards in ding, bath items, kitchenware and furniture.
the turnaround deck. He replaced most of Share Information (@1/29/21):
the company’s top management. He’s sell- Largest Institutional Owners
Price 35.33 (@9/30/20 or latest filing):
ing off non-core retail concepts. He’s in 52-Week Range 3.43 – 53.90 Company % Owned
the process of closing 200 underperform- Dividend Yield 0.0% Fidelity Mgmt & Research 14.9%
ing Bed Bath & Beyond stores and remod- Market Cap $4.28 billion BlackRock 14.0%
eling many of the remaining 800. He’s re- Financials (TTM): Vanguard Group 9.7%
structuring the balance sheet. Revenue $9.72 billion
The company is also finally addressing Operating Profit Margin (-0.6%) Short Interest (as of 1/15/21):
basic operating and strategic deficiencies Net Profit Margin (-2.3%) Shares Short/Float 65.5%
that have plagued it for years. On the op-
erating side, Tritton is going after what he BBBY PRICE HISTORY
calls “fruit lying on the ground” in imple- 60 60
menting best practices. The company is 50 50
upgrading systems and cross-departmen-
tal communication to lower shockingly 40 40
high out-of-stock ratios in certain product 30 30
categories. It's reducing product sprawl,
20 20
slashing the number of stock-keeping units
after seeing that the bottom-selling half of 10 10
the 5,000 available SKUs accounted for 0 0
only 10% of sales. Private-label products, 2019 2020 2021
long an afterthought despite their higher
profitability, are targeted to account for THE BOTTOM LINE
30% of revenues within three years. The specialty retailer's CEO over the past year is playing many of the cards in the turn-
Strategically, the company is investing around deck, says Joseph Chin, who believes he will end up with a winning hand. At 15x
heavily to bolster its omnichannel selling Chin's earnings per share estimate three years out, the stock would trade at around $45.
capabilities. CEO Tritton was Target’s
Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
Chief Merchandising Officer during its

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 17

S T R A T E G Y : Margin of Safety

The Three Most Important Words

“The function of margin of safety is not that of rendering unnecessary an accurate estimate of the future," argues
Robert Vinall of Switzerland-based RV Capital, “but instead of minimizing the damage of an inaccurate one.”

Editor's Note: RV Capital's Robert Vinall for it. The greater the discount to intrinsic wald describes a hierarchy of valuation
takes to heart Will Rogers’ oft-quoted value, the higher the margin of safety. The methodologies with an “asset-based valu-
admonition about getting stuck in your idea was coined by Ben Graham. ation” at the pinnacle, followed by a cur-
ways: “Even if you are on the right track,” In The Intelligent Investor he writes: rent “earnings-power valuation,” with the
Rogers warned, “you'll get run over if you “The margin of safety is always dependent “growth valuation” at the bottom as the
just sit there.” To our benefit, Vinall writes on the price paid. It will be large at one least certain and, by implication, least im-
often about how to avoid getting stuck in price, small at some higher price, nonexis- portant valuation methodology.
one’s ways as a value investor, most re- tent at some still higher price.” I strongly disagree with the idea that
cently in his year-end investor letter on the Graham’s idea is a core tenet of value the future is of subordinate importance.
subject of margin of safety, one of the most investing. Warren Buffett frequently refers To the contrary, I believe the single most-
sacrosanct value-investing tenets. While to it. Investing legend Seth Klarman named important task for an investor is to form
he’s a firm believer in the importance of as accurate a view about the future as pos-
the general concept of margin of safety, his sible. If a company’s intrinsic value is the
“beef is with the way the concept is ap- ON FORECASTS: sum of its future discounted cash flows,
plied.” The excerpt below explaining why how can you even know whether you have
is shared with his permission.
I believe the single most-im- a margin of safety without forming a view
portant task for an investor on the future?
Questioning key tenets of value invest- Many investors would perhaps agree
is to form as accurate a view
ing has been a rich vein for me to mine on the importance of the future but take
in my letters over the years. I do not do about the future as possible. issue with the idea of striving for an ac-
this to discredit value investing. To the curate forecast. Given the inherent un-
contrary, I am a fully paid-up value inves- certainty of the future, they might argue
tor. I am convinced that the core idea of his highly sought-after book Margin of that a broad brush, ideally conservative
value investing – the intrinsic value of a Safety and wrote that they are the “three forecast is more desirable than an accurate
company is the sum of all cash flows be- most important words in investing.” forecast. Here too, I disagree.
tween now and eternity discounted at an I do not disagree with Graham. Clearly, The importance of striving for as accu-
appropriate rate – will be as close to a law the lower the price of a security, the more rate a view of the future as possible was
of nature as we will ever get in what is ul- attractive it is, or to stick with the par- brought home to me in a discussion with
timately a non-scientific discipline. lance, the higher the margin of safety. My Wolfgang Grenke around how Grenke
The reason I do it is because value in- beef is with the way the concept is applied. [Frankfurt: GLJ] approaches underwriting
vesting has accumulated considerable bag- Consider the following quote by Gra- credit risk. Wolfgang told me that Grenke
gage over the years, some of which has ham: “The function of margin of safety is, does not try to be conservative in forecast-
enriched it, but much of which has simply in essence, that of rendering unnecessary ing default risk. It tries to be accurate.
confused it. In the latter bucket, I would an accurate estimate of the future.” At Only by pricing risk more accurately than
place the ideas that “tech (in the broad face value, this seems like sensible advice: its competitors can it earn economic prof-
sense) is outside a value investor’s circle of “Just pay a low enough price, and the in- its from underwriting. There are no prizes
competence,” “only a low-multiple com- vestment will take care of itself!” for being inaccurate even if the inaccuracy
pany is a cheap company,” or “tangible The problem is that the conclusion always errs towards overestimating rather
assets are more valuable than intangible many traditional value investors seem to than underestimating credit risk. It is not
assets.” These were topics in my 2016, have drawn is that it is a fool’s errand to just the lender that continually underes-
2018 and 2019 letters, respectively. I am spend too much time thinking about the timates default risk that will go bust; the
not sure it is controversial to question future. Instead, they focus on things firmly one that structurally overestimates default
these ideas now, but it may have been then. anchored in the past and present such as risk will too. It will miss out on attractive-
It is in this spirit I want to poke some a company’s assets, its historical earnings ly priced loans, thereby ceding a competi-
holes in the idea of “margin of safety.” power, and its existing moat. tive advantage to competitors. It will also
Margin of safety can be understood as This philosophy is reflected in Bruce expose itself to negative selection as the
the difference between the intrinsic value Greenwald’s book, Value Investing: From more good loans it misses, the more bad
of a security and what an investor pays Graham to Buffett and Beyond. Green- ones are remaining in the pool.

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 18

S T R A T E G Y : Margin of Safety

This is not to say that Grenke (or other established businesses to younger busi- The correct place to apply the concept
good lenders) do not aim to be conserva- nesses, lower revenue growth to higher of margin of safety is in the price paid
tive. It is just that conservatism is built revenue growth, tangible assets to in- relative to an accurate assessment of a
into the business model in other parts of tangible assets, and so on. The point is company’s intrinsic value. The higher the
the stack, for example the amount of capi- that each of these situations needs to be margin of safety – relative to the compa-
tal, the proportion of higher-risk loans, or thought through on merit. Companies rable opportunities – the better. This is, of
the excess cash relative to funding needs. whose intrinsic values are predicated on course, not the only place that thinking
If I look back at some of the best invest- about margin of safety is appropriate. For
ment opportunities I have missed, it strikes example, diversification needs to be suffi-
me that when I thought I was being con- ON APPLICATION: ciently high that a failure in one part of
servative, I was in fact being inaccurate. the portfolio does not lead to the whole
The wrong place to apply it
A good example of this is attaching little edifice collapsing. It strikes me as the most
or no value to promising but early-stage is in assessing a business, important one though.
investments at companies with a proven its competitive dynamics and At the risk of being accused of trying to
track record of delivering innovations. It improve upon perfection, I would propose
is not conservative to view a promising ultimately its cash flows. the following light edit to The Intelligent
new product or market entry as a “free Investor: The function of margin of safety
option.” It is inaccurate. is, in essence, not that of rendering unnec-
Investors who attach no value to free strong growth can have a margin of safety essary an accurate estimate of the future,
options commit the same sin as a lender if bought at a sufficient discount to their but instead of minimizing the damage of
that overestimates risk. They cede a com- intrinsic value, just as slower growing an inaccurate one.
petitive advantage to investors who do companies can too. Applying margin of safety is no substi-
value them and expose themselves to neg- In my view, the wrong place to apply tute for developing as accurate a picture
ative selection by fishing in a pool drained margin of safety is in the assessment of a of the future as possible. To the extent
of the best investment opportunities. business, its competitive dynamics and ul- margin of safety is used as an excuse not
There are many more examples I could timately its cash flows. All these elements to think about the future, it increases the
give where I have confused being conser- need to be forecast as accurately as pos- chance of losses – the precise opposite of
vative with being inaccurate – preferring sible, not as conservatively as possible. what it is intended to do. VII

January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 19

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January 31, 2021 Value Investor Insight 20

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