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Applied Ergonomics 1984, 15.

4, 281-287
Ergonomics in sport

Physiological and ergonomics

factors in running shoe design
E.C. Frederick

Director, Nike Sport ResearchLaboratory, Exeter, New Hampshire, USA

Various features of the design of running shoes have been known to affect the
performance and safety of athletes. The performance related effects of shoe design on
traction and on the economy of locomotion are reviewed in this paper. Traction
measurements in various types of running shoes and on various surfaces appear adequate
for all but running on wet asphalt roads. Future designs should improve traction for
those conditions. Effects on the economy of locomotion as small as 1% can be
determined using conventional oxygen uptake measurements. The effect of carrying
extra weight on the foot during running has been measured at 1% per 100 g per foot.
The cost of carrying similar weights is much lower for walking or for running when the
weight is carried nearer the body's centre of mass. Cushioning and other features of
shoe design besides weight have been shown to have significant effects on the economy
of locomotion. Optimum designs for maximising running performance should provide
sufficient traction, minimal weight and maximum cushioning.

Keywords: Physiology, footwear, biomechanics

Introduction injuries. These proposed relationships are thoroughly covered
in several excellent reviews (Hlavac, 1977; James et al, 1978;
Ergonomics considerations play an important role in the
Brody, 1980; Cavanagh, 1981 ; Clement et al, 1981 ; Nigg,
design of sports equipment. Such considerations are generally
1984; and Nigg et al, 1984) and so those aspects of the
aimed at enhancing one of two factors - performance or
ergonomics of shoe design need not be reiterated here.
safety. The design of shoes for the running sports is no
Instead, this review will focus on the performance parameters
exception to this generalisation.
in the ergonomic design equation.
Running or 'jogging' shoes consist mainly of: an upper,
Shoe design can affect running speed in two important
usually made of nylon and leather; a cushioning system
ways. It can influence traction which is important during
consisting of a full-length midsole and heel wedge made of
accelerating, stopping and turning, and it can modify the
polymeric foam; and an outsole generally made of hard
energetic cost of running, which in turn may allow athletes
rubber. There are hundreds of specific materials that can be
to run faster. Consider first the question of traction.
used for those three components, and a consideration of all
possible variations in component architecture makes it Traction
apparent that there are literally thousands of ways to design
running shoes. What is interesting here is that the design that Running straight ahead at constant speed on a dry smooth
is chosen, i e, the combination of particular materials and surface requires little traction. However, when running on
shoe architecture, can have profound ergonomics slippery surfaces, or when accelerating, stopping or turning,
consequences. the shear forces in the horizontal plane become great enough
Running shoe design can affect performance enabling to raise the issue of traction to a higher level of regard. In
athletes to run faster and more economically, or it can such situations both the characteristics of the shoe and the
protect them from or predispose them to a plethora of surface must be considered. For example, traction may be
chronic and acute injuries ranging from simple blisters to good with a particular shoe on a given surface, but poor on
stress fractures. Many speculations have been made about another surface. Cleated shoes on grass, compared with their
the factors in shoe design that cause injury, but there is use on asphalt, serve as a specific example of this point.
almost no experimental evidence proving such associations. Traction, as the term is being used in this review, relates
Strong statistical relationships are about as close as we come to the frictional coefficient between different shoes and
to establishing footwear's effects on the aetiology of sports surfaces. In addition there are two kinds of frictional

0003-6870/84/04 0281-07 $03.00 Q 1984 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd AppliedErgonomics December 1984 281
Ergonomics in sport

coefficients translational or rotational. Translational refers Energetic economy of locomotion

to a repositioning of the whole foot relative to the surface.
A knowledge of energy expenditure is a critical element
e g, sliding. Rotational refers to a rotation of the foot
in our understanding of the effects that sports shoes have on
around a point of contact between the shoe and surface.
the biomechanics of locomotion. O f particular importance
Frictional coefficients between different shoes and
is the assessment of the effects of shoe design on the
surfaces for translatory movements have been reported in
energetic economy of locomotion.
the literature (Haberl and Prokop, 1973; Morehouse and
Morrison, 1975; Nigg, 1980; Cavanagh and Williams, 1981 : The economy of locomotion is a measure of the "apparent
and Kolitzus, 1984). Values for the static coefficient of efficiency' (Pugh, 1971) of walking or running under
translational friction ranging from 0.30 to 2-5 have been specified conditions. For example, if two persons of equal
reported by these authors. The major variable causing this weight run at the same speed while energy expenditure is
broad range o f values is the type of surface encountered. measured, and one subject requires less energy to perform
Considering these data alone, cinder tracks appear to give that task, it is said that that person is a more economical
the lowest values, and smoother artificial surfaces generally runner. This is an inaccurate and crude way of estimating
give higher values indicating greater traction. efficiency because the amount of work done is not controlled
or measured, and this can mislead about the actual efficiency
Cavanagh and Williams (1981) have looked at the effects of the two subjects. The subject who used less energy may
of outsole design on traction. They reported static have been doing significantly less work as well. This would
coefficients ranging from 0.3 to 0-84 for a wide selection of negate any suspected efficiency gains and, in fact, the less
road running shoes on a wetted smooth tile surface. These economical subject might be more efficient.
data show a tendency for outsole material to influence
By using terms like 'apparent efficiency' and "economy'
traction more than the pattern. For example, the lowest
some of the rigours of true efficiency measurements are
traction scores were found on shoes using an expanded
avoided. This may be viewed as a tbrm of intellectual
rubber type outsole and highest scores on solid rubber soles
regardless of sole pattern. However, given the specificity of escapism, but there is some sense to this approach. In
athletic performance, for example, greater economy of
shoe and surface interactions and the effect of this
locomotion contributes to excellence (Conley and
interaction on the friction measurement, one wonders about
Krahenbuhl. 1980). tf an athlete requires less energy than
the relevance of these measurements for conditions other
others to perform a given task he or she is more likely to be
than running on a tile surface.
successful. It matters not whether a particular athlete's
Another weakness of the approach of Cavanagh and enhanced economy of locomotion is due to a truly improved
Williams, as well as the other authors cited, is that their data efficiency or to a reduction in the work done a feat which
were collected on a mechanical apparatus. What values might can be accomplished by moving more 'economically'.
have been found using human subjects? Stuke, Baudzus and
In fact. the relationship being studied is:
Baumann (1984) recently advanced understanding of this
question by reporting the results of studies using humans to Work done
Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
perform starting, stopping and turning movements on a Energy required
natural cinder and two artificial surfaces. Their results
showed higher coefficients than previously reported for the Within the confines of this equation, differences in energy
cinder surface and lower values than expected for the two requirements which might be the result of either a change in
synthetic surfaces. work or efficiency can be observed. Measuring or controlling
the amount of work done is a different proposition, however.
These findings call into question some of the and it is unnecessary when the objective is an assessment of
generalisations which have been made about synthetic versus the economy rather than the efficiency of locomotion. If
natural surfaces. The authors also reported profound changes the task performed is def'med, e g, running at a given
in the kinematics of movement as a compemation to the speed under eontroUed conditions, it should be permissible
surface characteristics. These compensations affect the forces to ascribe any observed differences in energy cost to
generated during stopping, starting and turning. This variations in the economy of locomotion.
observation makes it difficult to justify the use of a simple
mechanical test, by itself, for the measurement of frictional The concept of economy of locomotion can be described
coefficients between sport shoes and playing surfaces. by the following equation. For a given task:
With such a limited base of useful research data and so Economy o: ~.. (2)
many questions unanswered, one can make no hard and fast Energy required
s t a t e m e n t s about traction and running shoe design.
Although this relationship is useful tbr the purposes of
Fortunately, however, there seems to be little cause for comparing the effects of various shoes and surfaces, it is best
practical concern. Current shoe designs - which use spikes to keep in mind that a difference in the energetic e c o n o m y
on track and cross-country shoes, and hard rubber outsoles of locomotion does not equate to a difference in efficiency.
on road running shoes - produce adequate traction for most In fact, many economy differences can probably be explained
conditions, with the possible exception of wet asphalt. by changes in the work done.
Cavanagh and Williams' (1981)data suggest further that
there may be a better solution for those conditions. This paper briefly reviews the methodology employed in
However, it remains to be seen whether or not the trends in making such measurements, and then summarises published
their data can be repeated with human subjects on wet research on the effects of shoe characteristics on the economy
asphalt. of locomotion.

282 AppliedErgonomics December 1984

Ergonomics in sport

Measuring the economy of locomotion provided a large enough sample size is used. Carrying this
argument further, Frederick (1983) was able to show that
Open circuit oxygen uptake measurement is the preferred it is practical to use oxygen uptake measurements to find
method for evaluating the energy requirements of locomotion significant differences between treatments as small as 1%
at sub-maximal steady state work loads. Even though this is to 2% when certain precautions are taken with the design of
currently the best method for measuring energy expenditure, the experiment and with the collection of data.
it is still rather limited in its ability to resolve very small
treatment effects such as those that might be produced by Even though Frederick et al (1983) have shown that the
slight differences in the biomechanical properties of various CV of VO 2 measurements does not represent a built in limit
shoes. on the resolving power of the method, others may question
the physiological significance of differences, as small as 1%,
The resolving power of the measurement, as it is used that fall within the range of day-to-day variability of the
here, refers to the ability to find statistically significant measurement. If we carefully interpret the meaning of a
differences between treatment groups. Resolution is statistical difference between means, however, it is clear
expressed as a percentage difference between means. Lower that significant differences are outside the variability we are
percentages of resolution are better because they reflect an measuring. Were they included in the day-to-day variations
ability to detect smaller differences between means. they would not show up as significantly different. If a
Depending on the number of subjects used, the number of difference between means is physiologically trivial it is
replicate measurements made, and the variability resulting because it is interpreted as being small in magnitude and
from biological and technical sources, the resolving power of not because it is small in relation to the CV of the
oxygen uptake measurements ranges from less than 1% to measurement.
more than 10%. Many physiologists regard a 1% resolving
power for the measurement of oxygen uptake as impossible. Given the 1% resolving power of comparative oxygen
They mistakenly assume that the maximal resolving power uptake experiments it is possible to find out a great deal
cannot exceed the reproducibility of the measurement, about the effects that various shoe characteristics have on
which is generally regarded as being in the range of from the economy of locomotion. The following sections review
3 to 5%. the literature on this subject.
Day-to-day variability in oxygen uptake has been shown
to produce a coefficient of variation of from 3 to 5% (Katch Weight effects
et al, 1982; Armstrong and Costill, 1983). Within-day The earliest studies of the effects of shoe type on the
variability in our experience is less and usually falls within a economy of locomotion were done during the later stages
range of from 1 to 3% depending on the state of fitness of of World War II. The work of Russell and Belding (1946)
the experimental subjects and to a lesser extent on their was commissioned by the US Army Quartermaster Corps to
familiarity with treadmill walking or running. ascertain the effects of shoe weight on the energy cost of
These wide values for the reproducibility of the measure- walking. Because of the large changes in the potential
ment add to the difficulty of finding statistically significant energy and in the rotational and translational kinetic
differences between various treatment effects because they energies of the foot within each step, it is expected that the
increase the variability term of whatever statistic is used. relative cost of carrying weight on the feet should be much
They do not, however, represent a built-in limit on our greater than carrying the same weight on the torso. Results
ability to find significant differences. were presented for barefoot walking and for walking in a
range of shoe types which were selected presumably because
To illustrate the lack of a direct influence of
of the wide differences in weight they represented (1-4 to
reproducibility on resolving power, consider the example of 3"4 kg per pair).
a hypothetical paired comparison experiment where a mean
difference (D) of 2-5% is found between the two treatments, Russell and Belding found a great deal of variation
and that mean difference is found to have a coefficient of between shoes in the economy of locomotion. As expected,
variation (CV) of 2"4%. The sample size is 10. The formula the heavier models required signficantly more expenditure
for calculating a paired difference t is: of energy although the authors speculated that only a
portion of those differences was due to the weight effects.
They were also able to show that at faster walking speeds
t - and on gradients the relative cost of carrying weight on the
feet went up. This increase in relative cost was also evident
When the appropriate values are inserted, t is found to be when the costs of wearing heavier and heavier shoes were
3.29, a value that is significant at the 0.005 level of compared. The authors speculated that part of this variation
probability. in relative cost with speed, grade and weight might be
Several observations need to be made here. The CV of the explained by variations in step frequency and in the vertical
measurement of ~'O 2 is almost always higher than the CV excursion of the body's centre of mass which the authors
of the difference measured here at 2.4%. A CV of the observed.
measurement above 5% is typical. The main point here is that In another experiment, Russell and Belding compared
the two are unrelated. Further, the mean difference, as a the effect of adding weights to a pair of standard issue
percentage, and the CV of the mean difference can be quite combat boots to carrying the same weight in a pouch at
close to one another. It is even possible for the CV of the the waist. Their results showed that carrying the weight
mean difference to be larger than the mean difference, on the feet was about four times more costly than carrying

Applied Ergonomics December 1984 283

Ergonomicsin sport

it at the waist, nearer the centre of mass of the body. They Non-weight effects
further discovered that carrying added weight on the feet
was less costly than wearing boots of similar additional A number of studies have shown that various non-weight
weight, supporting the observation that only part of the related aspects of shoe design can have significant effects
variation in the cost of wearing different boots could be on the kinetics and kinematics of locomotion (Nifl$ et al,
1983; Nigg and Luethi, 1980; Clarke etal, 1983a and b).
explained by weight alone.
With such biomechanical effects in evidence it is not
Table 1 displays some of the results of Russell and surprising that differences in the economy of locomotion
Belding's experiments as well as other studies on the effects have been reported.
of wearing shoes of differing weights on the economy of
locomotion. The results of all studies have been recalculated Mathews and Wooten (1963) compared the economy
to a value for the oxygen cost of load carriage in litres of of locomotion of 10 female subjects walking barefoot and
O 2 per kilogram of weight added to both feet per kilo- in three different shoe styles - high heels, saddle style and
metre walked or run. This normalised all results in a way loafers. Saddle shoes are leather oxfords with a band o f
which eliminates the effect of differences in speed and leather across the instep and loafers are of a moccasin-
absolute weight carried. like construction. There was no difference between the
mean oxygen uptakes reported for the barefoot, loafer
Soule and Goldman (1969) and Ralston (1981) and saddle style shoes. However, walking either on the
performed their experiments by adding weights to the level or on a 6% gradient in high heels was significantly
foot rather than comparing the cost of walking in shoes of more costly than all of the other conditions. The difference
different weight. Considering the increase in relative cost between walking on the level in the high-heels and in the
of carrying progressively heavier weights observed by saddle shoes and loafers was 11% and 10% respectively.
Russell and Belding 0 9 4 6 ) , it is not surprising that both High-heel walking on the level was 15% greater than bare-
Soule and Goldman and Ralston found greater costs of foot walking.
load carriage than were reported in the earlier study.
Ralston added 4 kg to the feet and Soule and Goldman Although Mathews and Wooten did not make any
12 kg - an amount of weight that would be expected to kinematic measurements, it seems likely that the greater
produce gross and energetically costly adjustments m cost of walking in the 3 in (7.62 cm) high heels may be
kinematics. due to greater instability and to the added muscle tension
required for walking on the balls of the feet. Such extreme
The two running studies shown in Table 1 differ in
instability may be energetically costly but the results in
that the results reported by Catlin and Dressendorfer (1979)
studies of the effect of orthotics - supports designed to
were for two different models which differed in weight,
control rearfoot movement on the economy of locomotion
whereas the study of Frederick et al (1984) employed
are mixed.
identical shoes to which weights were added. The
discrepancy in the oxygen cost of load carriage between Hennacy (1973) measured "~O2 on subjects walking
the two studies is probably due to the fact that the two with and without orthotics. He used subjects that had
shoes used by Catlin and Dressendorfer were different been diagnosed as having what the author referred to as
enough in design features such as the amount of 'foot problems' and a normal control group. The subjects
cushioning they provided to cause effects on the economy with foot problems showed twice as much variation in
of locomotion beyond weight effects alone (Frederick, VO:. and three of these subjects showed a lower VO 2
1984', Frederick et al, 1983). These non.weight effects when walking with orthotics. Although Hennacy stated
are discussed in the following section. that these three subjects showed a "definite improvement"

Table 1: The oxygen cost of load carriage ~ 02/kg combined weight added to both feet/kitometre travelled for carrying
extra weight on the feet during level walking and running. Data represent means for a 68 kg man.

Oxygen cost
(~ 02/kg wt added
Condition to both feet/km) Source

Walking @ 5.6 (km/h) in 2.1 kg/pr boots 0.421 ** Russell & Betding (1946)
Walking @ 5.6 (km/h) (0.91 kg weight added to both feet) 0-241** Russell & Belding (1946)
Walking @ 4.3 (km/h) (4kg weight added to both feet) 0.785"* Ralston (t981)
Walking @ 4.0 (km/h) (12 kg weight added to both feet) 0.634 Soute & Goldman (1969)
Walking @ 5.6 (km/h) ( 12 kg weight added to both feet) 1-004 Soule & Goldman (1969)
Running @ 15 (km/h)* (0.350 kg weight added to both feet) 1.185"* Catlin & Dressendorfer (1979)

Running @ 16.1 (km/h) (0.450 kg weight added to both feet) 0.616 Frederick, Daniels & Hayes (1984)

*Average speed estimated from the range of speeds mentioned for all subjects
**Value forxeO2 calculated from kilocalorie data by dividing by 4.9

284 Applied Ergonomics December 1984

Ergonomics in sport

Table 2: The oxygen cost of transport (ml 02/kg body wt/km) differences in economy of locomotion they observed when
while running without orthotics and with either their subjects walked or ran in different shoes. These
flexible or semi-rigid orthotics (data from Hayes, suggestions have been borne out by the results of several
Smith and Santopietro, 1983) studies of the effect of shoe cushioning on the oxygen
demands of running. In this context 'cushioning' refers to
Treadmill speeds (m/s) the softness of the sole of the shoe and does not imply
any protective functions.
Condition 3"83* 4.47*
Frederick et al (1980a) found a significant difference in
None 201-1 -+ 10-4 208"8-+ 10-3 VO 2 for a group of 11 subjects running in non-air-soled
Flexible 204-5 -+ 8-6 211"1 -+ 11.0 and air-soled type shoes. Air-soled shoes have an inflated air
bladder imbedded in the shoe's midsole. The air-soled shoes
Semi-rigid 2 0 5 . 2 -+ 9.6 211"2-+ 10.9
required 2"8% less ~'O 2 to run in even though they weighed
slightly more (mean difference 33 g/pair) than the
*All data are shown as mean -+ SD
comparison shoes, which were made with a conventional
EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) foam midsole in place of the
with the orthotics, he did not test for statistical air-sole. The shoes were similar in all other aspects of their
significance and judging from the large variation in his design.
results, it is unlikely that he would have found significance
The subjects showed an average cost of transport of
had he tested for it. Given this lack of statistical treatment
200-0 ml O2/kg/km in air shoes and 205-7 ml 02/kg/km in
of the data it is fair to conclude that no change in "~O2
the lighter EVA shoes. The authors had no explanation for
occurred as a result of wearing orthotics.
these results but did offer the speculation that it might be
Tests of runners wearing orthotics have shown either related to the increased cushioning of the air-soled shoes.
no difference or an increase in VO 2 while wearing the
devices. Clement et al (1982) found no effect of wearing Subsequent studies have shown similar significant
improvements in the economy of running in air shoes.
orthotics on VO 2 in a group of ten subjects running at
Frederick et ql (1980b) were able to demonstrate significant
three speeds on the treadmill. Hayes et al (1983), however,
decreases in VO~ in elite distance runners running on the
showed that wearing either semi-rigid (RO) or flexible
treadmill at 5.37 m/s. These subjects used an average of
orthotics (FO) caused a significant increase in ~'O2 while
194.1 ml O:/kg/km running in lightweight racing shoes
running on the treadmill at two common speeds (3.83 and
(320 g/pair), and 191 "6 ml O2/kg/km running in a
4"47 m/s). Their results are shown in Table 2.
significantly heavier (455 g/pair) air-soled prototype. This
Hayes et al (1983) found X/O: values significantly small 1-3% difference was significant (p < 0.05) largely due
greater than no orthotics for both the RO and FO to the remarkable repeatability of measurements made on
conditions while running at the slower speed. At 4.47 m/s these exceptionally fit subjects. One of the subjects showed
only the RO condition was significantly different. No a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0"3% between days and
significant differences were found between the two most were near 1%. These small CVs approach the
orthotic conditions. Almost half of the increase in ~'O2 theoretical minimum biological variation.
found with orthotics can be explained by the difference in A further factor in this experiment was the great
weight of the devices. difference in weight between the shoes. An average weight
Little information is presented in the abstract of difference of 135 g per pair should account for an additional
Clement et al (1982) so it is difficult to speculate on why 0.7% difference in VO 2 (Frederick et al, 1984). This means
they did not also find a significant increase in VO 2 with that if the non-air shoes were not so much lighter than the
orthotics. The fact they did not use common speeds but air shoes the authors might have found a near 2% rather than
relative speeds based on each subject's performance 1"3% difference between shoes. Additional studies have
capacity, however, would increase the variability of their compensated for this weight difference. Daniels et al (1981)
results and might have made it more difficult for them to have shown a statistically significant difference of 1.6%
find statistical significance. between a production air-soled racing shoe and a specially
These results do not support the notion often heard in constructed control shoe that was identical to the air-soled
sports medicine circles that orthotics improve 'biomechanical shoe except for the substitution of a standard EVA foam
efficiency'; in fact, wearing them appears to bring with it midsole for the air shoe. Both shoe types were identical in
a reduction in the economy of locomotion. This should not weight.
be construed, however, as a recommendation for not wearing This study answered a criticism of the design of the
the devices. They may perform important clinical earlier experiments, namely that other variables in the design
biomechanical functions which override any negative of the shoe besides the midsole composition were not being
energetic effects. controlled. The results of these experiments have laid to
Improving the control of rearfoot movement in shoes rest those criticisms and have raised an interesting question
does not appear to have any positive effects on the economy about the relationship between speed and the ergogenic
of locomotion; however, other features of shoe design effect of air-soled shoes.
appear to have an effect. The results of Russell and In this experiment Daniels and co-workers took their
Belding (1946) and Catlin and Dressendorfer (1979) measurements at four different speeds: two speeds that
suggest that non-weight effects may be influencing the were used by all subjects - 3.83 m/s (7:00 min/mile pace)

Applied Ergonomics December 1984 285

Ergonomics in sport

and 4-47 m/s (6:00/mile pace) - and two speeds that were These data indicate that shoes designed to allow athletes
near each subject's average training pace and 10 km race to run most swiftly should be well cushioned as well as
pace. The data revealed a significant difference (p < 0.01) light in weight. In addition, the potential effects of traction
between shoes only at speeds near 4-47 m/s. At the faster should also be taken into account. The general findings of
or slower speeds significance was no longer found (see this review are outlined in the following list of conclusions.
Table 3).
This is a somewhat contradictory finding because
significant differences were found at 5-37 m/s and at an Conclusions
average speed for all subjects of 4.08 m/s in previous 1. Various features of the design of running shoes affect
comparisons with other air-soled shoes (Frederick et al. the performance and safety of athletes.
1980a and b). One explanation is that the air-soled shoes
2. Traction in various types of running shoes appears to be
used in these three studies each differed in weight, design of
adequate for all but running on wet asphalt roads.
the air-sole and the pressure to which the air-sole was inflated.
This explanation implies that there may have been some 3. Conventional oxygen uptake measurement techniques
coincidental 'tuning' of the shoes for particular speeds. can resolve differences as small as 1% in the economy
Another possible explanation is that in each case the speed of locomotion.
at which significance was found was near the subjects' 4. Significant differences as small as 1.3% have been found
marathon race pace, a speed at which they can most easily in VO 2 when two shoe models are compared.
take advantage of whatever mechanical aid the shoe is
5. Carrying weight on the feet is relatively more costly
providing. This speed-related discrepancy in our results has than carrying the same weight nearer to the body's
not been satisfactorily explained as yet, but new evidence centre of mass.
has provided strong support for the notion that the
ergogenic effects of air shoes may be related to their 6. The relative cost of carrying weight on the feet increases
enhanced cushioning properties. Frederick et al (1983) with speed, gradient and the magnitude of the weight
have shown that systematically altering the softness of carried.
shoes causes adjustments in VO 2 which can be explained, 7. Cushioning and other features of shoe design unrelated
in part by demonstrable kinematic adjustments in running to shoe weight can significantly affect the economy of
style (Clarke et al, 1983b). Frederick et al (1983) used locomotion.
five different models of running shoes and a barefoot
condition in their study. The five shoes varied only in their
relative hardness. Relative hardness is computed by impact References
testing the various shoes (Cavanagh, 1981) and normalising
the scores to the impact score for the EVA 35 shoe, the Armstrong, L.E., and Costill, D.L.
de facto standard for sole hardness. The results of standard 1983 Med S¢i Sports and Exercise, 15, 14 t - 142. Day-to-day
treadmill VO 2 tests while wearing the different shoes or variations in respiratory exchange data during cycling
running barefoot revealed significant main effects (repeated and running.
measures ANOVA) due to shoe hardness. There was also Brody, D.M.
a tendency,for the softer shoes to have lower O 2 costs of 1980 Running injuries. CIBA Clinical Symposia, Vo132, No 4.
transport. The barefoot results were much higher than
expected. Further analysis revealed a significant Catlin, M.E., and Dressendorfer, R.H.
correlation (r -- 0-802, p < 0.05) between O 2 cost and the 1979 Med Sci Sports, 11, 80. Effect of shoe weight on the
maximum knee flexion velocity (MKFV) immediately energy cost of running.
following foot contact in the various shoes. These data
indicate a biomechanical adaptation to shoe hardness Cavanagh, P.R.
which appears to explain, at least in part, the frequently 1981 The Running Shoe Book. Anderson World, Mountain
observed reductions in VO 2 while running in soft versus View, CA.
hard shoes. There was a lower MKFV in the softer shoes Cavanagh, P.R., and Williams, K.
indicating the body was doing less work to cushion itself 1981 Runners [CorM, 16, (October), 26-39. Testing
than in the harder shoes where MKFV was higher. procedures for the 1982 Runners Worm shoe survey.
Clarke, T.E., Frederick, E.C., and Cooper, L.B.
Table 3: Oxygen demands of treadmill running at two 1983a Int J SportsMed, 4, 247 251. Effects of shoe
speeds wearing air racing shoe or control shoe. cushioning upon ground reaction forces in running.
(Data from Daniels et al (1981)) Clarke, T.E., Frederick, E.C., and Cooper, L.B.
1983b Biomechanical measurement of running shoe
Mean 0 2 cost (ml 0 2/kglkm + SD) cushioning properties. In: Nigg, B.M., and Kerr, B.A.
(eds) Biomechanical aspects of sport shoes and playing
Shoe 3.83 m/s 4.47 m/s
surfaces. University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
Air shoe 198-7 -+ 19.4 202.2 +- 19.5" Clement, D,B., Taunton, J.E., Smart, G.W., and
Control 200-9 -+ 20.9 205"6 -+ 19.2" MeNicol, K.L
1981 Phys SportsMed, 9, 47-58. A survey of overuse
*S ignifieantly different (p < 0.01) running injuries.

286 Applied Ergonomics December 1984

Ergonomics in sport

Clement, D.B., Taunton, J.E., Wiley, J.P., Smart, G.W., Katch, V.L., Sady, S.S., and Freedson, P.
and McNieol, K.L. 1982 Med Sci Sports and Exercise, 14, 21-25. Biological
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