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Design and analysis of
information system

Submitted To: - Submitted By:-

Parul Oberoi Amarbir Singh
Roll no: RB1804A10

Part- A
Q1:Comment on the Imporatnce of dealing with Information system in
an organization.

Ans:- Organizations use "Information Systems" to plan and systematize all

their strategic processes. Using this mechanism, the organization collects and
tabulates data on all its functions. This data is presented in report formats for
managerial decision making.


1. Information systems are used in all phases and departments of the

organizations for purposes ranging from recording mundane business
transactions to executive decision making.


2. Information systems define the organization's work flows, authority-

responsibility diagrams and the manner of allocation of resources. All
these reports are presented to the top management for them to make
their decisions.


3. Companies must apportion time and money to their information

systems. Also, if the chore of its development is entrusted to
consultants, they must be made fully aware of the organization's needs
and specifications.

Q2: With example ,discuss the role of different system analysis method
Approaches Description Example

System development Includes the activities We have to analyze and

life of develop a project which
Cycle Method Preliminary requires data into files
investigation, and databases, requires
Requirements validation of data input
determination, system and properly passes
design, software through every phase of
development , system system development
testing, and lifecycle
Structured Analysis Focus on what the To a project we draw
Method system or application data flow diagram ,E-R
does rather than on how diagrams to present the
it does , describe project so that the
movement and development team
processing of data. It could proceed step wise
includes DFD’s and step and there further
data dictionary any problem could not
System Prototype Iterative or evolutionary To a project test we
Method development where the analyze the project and
user is directly involved test it by directly
in the process. involving the user and
asking directly from the
user that which part is
to be developed .

Q3: Explain why having a standardized system development process is

important to an organization? What role does the system analyst plays?
Ans :- The system analyst is the person (or persons) who guides through the
development of an information system. In performing these tasks the analyst
must always match the information system objectives with the goals of the
Role of System Analyst differs from organization to organization. Most
common responsibilities of System Analyst are following

1) System analysis
It includes system's study in order to get facts about business activity. It is
about getting information and determining requirements. Here the
responsibility includes only requirement determination, not the design of the
2) System analysis and design:
Here apart from the analysis work, Analyst is also responsible for the
designing of the
new system/application.
3) Systems analysis, design, and programming:
Here Analyst is also required to perform as a programmer, where he actually
writes the code to implement the design of the proposed application. Due to
the various responsibilities that a system analyst requires to handle, he has to
be multifaceted person with varied skills required at various stages of the life
cycle. In addition to the technical know-how of the information system
development a system analyst should also have the following knowledge.
Business knowledge: As the analyst might have to develop any kind of a
business system, he should be familiar with the general functioning of all
kind of businesses. Interpersonal skills: Such skills are required at various
stages of development process for interacting with the users and extracting
the requirements out of them Problem solving skills: A system analyst should
have enough problem solving skills for defining the alternate solutions to the
system and also for the problems occurring at the various stages of the
development process.
There should be a standardised

Q4: Is there any need of having different approaches in preliminary
investigation? Which step of feasibility study is considered to be the
most important and why?

Ans :- No, there is no need of having different approaches in preliminary

There are three steps in feasibility study:-

1) Technical feasibility

2) Economic feasibility

3) Operational feasibility

The most important feasibility is costing i.e Economical because it is

Cost-based study:
It is important to identify cost and benefit factors, which can be categorized
as follows: 1. Development costs; and 2. Operating costs. This is an analysis
of the costs to be incurred in the system and the benefits derivable out of the
Time-based study:

This is an analysis of the time required to achieve a return on investments.


Q5:What kind of fact finding techniques would you use for investigating
the information requirements for a multinational company, which is
presently using the manual registrations? Which kind of techniques do
you think will be more effective? Also, mention the problems you
anticipate in conducting the investigations.

Ans:- Fact finding techniques is the formal process of using research,

interviews questionaries and other techniques to collect information about
the systems, requirements and preferences. It is also called information
gathering or data collection

As five types of fact finding techniques are there:-

1. Record view
2. Research and Site visits.
3. Observation
4. Questionnaires
5. Interviews

Techniques which will be more effective:-

Interviews:- As, interviewing is probably the most widely used fact finding technique; it is also
requires the most skill and sensitivity.
Because of this, we have included a set of guidelines on interviewing that includes some sugges
It is an oral test .

Observation:- Observation of people at work provides first hand experience of the way that the
system operates.Data are collected in real time and can have a high level of validity if care is ta
technique is used. Observation can be used to verify information from other sources or to look
to the standard procedure.
Baseline data about the performance of the existing system and of users can be collected.

Most people do not like being observed and are likely to behave differently from the way in wh
normally behave. This can distort findings and affect the validity.
Observation requires a trained and skilled observer for it to be most effective.
For investigating the information requirements for a multinational company ,
which is presently using the manual registrations are problems are:


Feasibility study

Space allocation program

Operational criteria

Construction and engineering criteria


Preliminary schedule

Q6: Write the help of an example explain the development life cycle for
a billing system in a hospital.
Ans:-system development life sycle for hospital billing system:-

1)Preliminary investigation:-
a)Request clarification:-to prevent any loss of information or records of
patient we should have a proper record for complete satisfaction of the
b)Feasibility study:-steps we have taken for development of the hospital
billing system are feasible or not economically,technically,operationally
c)Request approval:-in this step ,we will inform the higher authorities about
the changesand wait for their approval

2)Detrmination of requirements:-we basically anayse the requirements

needed for the billing system.
3) Design:-we will design the DFD or an E-R diagram of the project for the
proper and step wise step development.
4)Development of project:-by analysing the changes that took place
5)Testing:- we will test the coding that it will work or not.
6)Implementation& evaluation:-in this step we will implement the changes
that took place.and then we will evaluate them.

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