Senior Project Time Log

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OAHS Senior Project

Senior Project Student Fieldwork Time Log

Student’s Name: Sofia Anestam

Fieldwork Project: Sustainability in Easton, MA

Mentor’s Name: Danielle Gaito

Date Number of
Fieldwork with your Mentor: Provide a description of all Hours
work completed under the direct guidance of your mentor.
10/8- Emailing about mentoring, my projet, and setting up a 1
11/30 time to meet
12/2 Google Meet: discussed the goals of my project, what I 1
have done so far, and ideas for my research paper
1/20 Email chain about ideas for setting up composting 1

Total Hours Term’s 1/2:_3_

Total Hours Term 3:__
OAHS Senior Project

Date Independent Fieldwork: Provide a description of all Number of

fieldwork you complete independently. Hours
11/9 Created an instagram account for my project 1
11/11 Research and Instagram post on environmental 1
11/18 Research and post on the biggest environmental issues 1

11/23- Research and post on plastic pollution 1


12/2 Research and post on deforestation 1

12/7 Meeting with Mr. Paul about composting at OA .5

12/9 Research + post on air pollution 1

12/7- Reading Being the Change by Peter Kalmus-about 6

12/30 climate change and reducing your use of fossil fuels

12/22- Research and post on agriculture and the food system 1

1/20 Research and post on food waste 2

1/27 Email to Langwater Farm about composting .5

2/2 Research and post on biodiversity loss 2

OAHS Senior Project
Total Hours Term’s 1/2: 18__
Total Hours Term 3:__
OAHS Senior Project
Name: ______________________________________
Fieldwork Log Rubric
NOTE: Completion of forty hours of fieldwork under the guidance of a mentor is a
required component of the Senior Project. Students cannot successfully complete Senior
Project without having fulfilled this requirement.

The following rubric is an assessment not of your fieldwork but of your fieldwork log and
its contents.

Format 6
Fieldwork hours and descriptions are typed and documented within this Senior Project
fieldwork log.

Dates 6
Each entry in the log includes the specific date that the hours were logged

Hours 6
Each entry in the log lists how much time you dedicated to your fieldwork during those
individual dates

Descriptions 20
Each entry includes a detailed description of all aspect the project that were worked on
during each individual date.
Each entry notes whether that time was completed individual or working with the mentor. 6

Digital Upload 2
Artifact is uploaded to the digital portfolio on time. (This entry will not contain a signature)

*Late assignments will be penalized 5% per day late or beyond the revision window (two days).
This equals 2 points for every day late.


Points Received: _______________ /46

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