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EM Critical Care



Ventilator Management In Volume 3, Number 4

The Intubated Emergency


Samantha L. Wood, MD
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Tufts University

Department Patient School of Medicine, Boston MA; Attending Physician,

Department of Emergency Medicine, Maine Medical Center,
Portland, ME
Thomas Van der Kloot, MD
Abstract Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Tufts University
School of Medicine, Boston, MA; Director, Medical Critical
Emergent airway management is one of the defining skills of the Care, Maine Medical Center; Medical Director, MaineHealth
Vital Network, Portland, ME
practice of emergency medicine. The emergency physician must be
Peer Reviewers
comfortable with the initial intubation and stabilization of criti-
cally ill patients and the ongoing management of mechanically Christopher Martin, MD, FRCP
Consultant Physician, Departments of Emergency Medicine
ventilated patients in the emergency department. Data show that and Critical Care, Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Ontario,
prolonged emergency department boarding times while waiting Canada
for an intensive care unit bed are common and are correlated with Raghu Seethala, MD
Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Attending
worse patient outcomes. Understanding the evidence behind, and Physician, Emergency Medicine and Surgical Intensive Care
the application of, basic ventilator strategies, including low-tidal- Unit, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Boston, MA
volume ventilation, will help the emergency physician ensure the Guest Editor
best possible care for the mechanically ventilated patient in the
William A. Knight, IV, MD, FACEP
emergency department. This review presents general ventilation Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and
approaches as well as strategies for special patient populations, Neurosurgery, Medical Director, Emergency Medicine
Midlevel Provider Program, Associate Medical Director,
such as those with traumatic brain injuries and acute respiratory Neuroscience ICU, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
distress syndrome, and it offers troubleshooting approaches to con-
CME Objectives
sider if a patient’s condition deteriorates while he is on the ventila-
Upon completion of this article, you should be able to:
tor. Situations in which extubation in the emergency department
1. Summarize the data behind low-tidal-volume ventilation.
should be considered are also discussed.
2. Describe which patients should or should not receive
low-tidal-volume ventilation therapy.
3. Describe treatment approaches for a crashing intubated
patient, a patient with urgent ventilating or oxygenating
difficulty, and a patient with ventilator dyssynchrony.
Prior to beginning this activity, see the back page for faculty
disclosures and CME accreditation information.

Editor-in-Chief Research Director, Center Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP Julie Mayglothling, MD Emanuel P. Rivers, MD, MPH, IOM
Robert T. Arntfield, MD, FACEP, for Resuscitation Science, Professor and Chair, Department Assistant Professor, Department Vice Chairman and Director
FRCPC, FCCP Philadelphia, PA of Emergency Medicine, Icahn of Emergency Medicine, of Research, Department of
Assistant Professor, Division School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Department of Surgery, Division Emergency Medicine, Senior
of Critical Care, Division of Lillian L. Emlet, MD, MS, FACEP Medical Director, Mount Sinai of Trauma/Critical Care, Virginia Staff Attending, Departments of
Emergency Medicine, Western Assistant Professor, Department of Hospital, New York, NY Commonwealth University, Emergency Medicine and Surgery
University, London, Ontario, Critical Care Medicine, Department Richmond, VA (Surgical Critical Care), Henry
Canada of Emergency Medicine, University William A. Knight, IV, MD, FACEP Ford Hospital; Clinical Professor,
of Pittsburgh Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Emergency Christopher P. Nickson, MBChB, Department of Emergency
Program Director, EM-CCM Medicine and Neurosurgery, MClinEpid, FACEM Medicine and Surgery, Wayne State
Associate Editor Fellowship of the Multidisciplinary Medical Director, Emergency Senior Registrar, Intensive Care University School of Medicine,
Scott D. Weingart, MD, FCCM Critical Care Training Program, Medicine Midlevel Provider Unit, Royal Darwin Hospital, Detroit, MI
Associate Professor, Department Pittsburgh, PA Program, Associate Medical Darwin, Australia
of Emergency Medicine, Director, Director, Neuroscience ICU, Isaac Tawil, MD, FCCM
Division of Emergency Department Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP University of Cincinnati, Jon Rittenberger, MD, MS, FACEP Assistant Professor, Department
Critical Care, Icahn School of Professor and Chair, Department Cincinnati, OH Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care,
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas of Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine,
York, NY Medical Center, University of North Haney Mallemat, MD University of Pittsburgh School Director, Neurosciences ICU,
Carolina School of Medicine, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine; Attending Physician, University of New Mexico Health
Chapel Hill, NC of Emergency Medicine, University Emergency Medicine and Post Science Center, Albuquerque, NM
Editorial Board of Maryland School of Medicine, Cardiac Arrest Services, UPMC
Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil, Robert Green, MD, DABEM, Baltimore, MD Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh,
Research Editor
Assistant Professor, Department Evie Marcolini, MD, FAAEM Amy Sanghvi, MD
Professor, Department of
of Emergency Medicine and Assistant Professor, Department of Department of Emergency
Anaesthesia, Division of Critical
Department of Medicine, Section Emergency Medicine and Critical Medicine, Icahn School of
Care Medicine, Department of
of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care, Yale School of Medicine, Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,
Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie
Care, University of Pennsylvania New Haven, CT NY
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
School of Medicine; Clinical Canada
Case Presentations Critical Appraisal Of The Literature

It is a Saturday night in the ED, and the critical care bays A literature search was performed using Ovid
are full (as is the ICU—so good luck getting a bed any- MEDLINE® from 1950 to the present. Search terms
time soon). In bay 1, you have just intubated a 65-year- included: mechanical ventilation, artificial ventila-
old man who came in febrile, hypoxic, and tachypneic. tion, emergency medical services, low-tidal-volume
You review his postintubation chest x-ray and confirm the ventilation, oxygen toxicity, hyperoxia, capnography,
endotracheal tube placement—and you think you have barotrauma, tension pneumothorax, neuromuscular
found the source of his symptoms: he has a dense right blockade, prone positioning, extracorporeal membrane
lower-lobe infiltrate. You are in the process of ordering an- oxygenation, auto-positive end-expiratory pressure,
tibiotics, fluids, pain medications, and sedatives when the neurotrauma, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmo-
respiratory therapist asks you whether or not you would nary disease. The Cochrane Database of Systematic
prefer low-tidal-volume ventilation in this patient. You Reviews and the National Guideline Clearinghouse
know that low-tidal-volume ventilation results in lower (www.guideline.gov) were also consulted.
mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome—which
this patient does not have, but is certainly at risk for— Indications For Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
and you wonder if this therapy would be beneficial.
Next door in bay 2, the nurses are struggling with a Patients undergo endotracheal intubation in the ED
23-year-old trauma patient. He was brought in a few hours for many reasons, including hypoxic and hypercap-
ago by EMS as the belted driver in a rollover motor vehicle nic respiratory failure; inability to maintain a patent
collision. He has some abrasions to his head and an altered airway secondary to anatomic abnormality, neuro-
mental status. He was so agitated that he required intuba- muscular disease, or altered mental status; and an-
tion and sedation in order to obtain CT scans, which are ticipated deterioration of clinical status. Regardless
all negative. He is now waking up, and he is following com- of the reason for the initiation of invasive mechani-
mands, when asked. However, he appears uncomfortable, cal ventilation, the emergency physician must be
and he is reaching for his endotracheal tube. The nurse asks prepared to effectively manage the ventilator and to
if you can order restraints or additional medications (such rapidly and confidently address any deterioration of
as a dose of paralytics); however, you wonder if you might the patient after intubation.
be able to safely extubate this patient in the ED.
You don’t get to ponder that for long, however,
because a ventilator alarm rings out from bay 3. You rush
How Mechanical Ventilation Works

in to find your colleague at the bedside of a 35-year-old
Invasive positive pressure ventilation is used to sup-
woman with severe asthma who was intubated 10 min-
port oxygenation and ventilation, primarily via the
utes ago. The ventilator is alarming “high peak pressure,”
provision of positive airway (and intrathoracic) pres-
the pulse oximeter reads 81%, and the patient’s blood
sure, increased fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2),
pressure is 79/40 mm Hg. The differential diagnosis runs
and supported or controlled ventilation.
through your head as you and your colleague get to work.
Effects Of Endotracheal Intubation And
Introduction Positive Pressure Ventilation
The following systemic effects of endotracheal
The emergency physician frequently cares for critical- intubation and invasive positive pressure ventila-
ly ill patients who require mechanical ventilation. A tion must be understood and anticipated by the
retrospective review of a large national data set found emergency physician in order to optimally manage
that patients who require mechanical ventilation intubated patients and to rapidly assess and reverse
represent only 0.23% of emergency department (ED) deterioration:
visits, but they have an inhospital mortality rate of • Increased intrathoracic pressure: Positive pres-
24%.1 The same study found that 75% of mechanically sure ventilation causes increased intrathoracic
ventilated patients spent > 2 hours in the ED and pressure, which can decrease venous return to
25% were there for > 5 hours.1 A retrospective study the heart. This effect, combined with other factors
by Cline et al found that, for critically ill patients, (such as hypovolemia, underlying disease, side
an ED boarding time of > 2 hours before transfer to effects of medications, and decreased circulating
the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with an catecholamines after sedation and paralysis) can
increase in the number of days on a ventilator and cause significant postintubation hypotension.
in the hospital.2 Additionally, Chalfin et al reported • Severe acidemia: Paralytic drugs administered
that a boarding time of > 6 hours is associated with for rapid sequence intubation remove the pa-
increased mortality.3 Close attention to the optimal tient’s ability to regulate his acid-base status by
management of mechanically ventilated patients adjusting minute ventilation. A patient who is
boarding in the ED may help improve outcomes. actively increasing minute ventilation to com-

EMCC © 2013 2 www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4

pensate for a metabolic acidosis can develop tween volume-cycled and pressure-cycled ventilation.
severe acidemia if he receives neuromuscular- • Volume-cycled ventilation, also called volume
blocking agents and mechanical ventilation at a control, is the most commonly used mode of
lower minute ventilation. Severe acidemia may ventilation worldwide.12 In this mode, the clini-
be associated with hemodynamic instability and cian sets a tidal volume and other parameters
cardiac arrest. (ie, respiratory rate, positive end-expiratory
• Acute lung injury: Extensive data in recent pressure [PEEP], FiO2, and flow rate/pattern).
decades have revealed that injurious mechani- When a breath is initiated, this predetermined
cal ventilation (via end-inspiratory alveolar tidal volume is given. The pressure required to
overdistention and end-expiratory collapse with achieve the tidal volume varies based on the
subsequent reopening of damaged alveoli) is as- patient’s respiratory system mechanics.
sociated with the promotion of acute lung injury, • In pressure-cycled ventilation, also called pres-
via mechanisms termed volutrauma, atelectrauma, sure control, the emergency physician sets an
and biotrauma.4 inspiratory pressure level. The tidal volume
• Increased intracranial pressure: Mechanical ven- delivered will depend on the patient’s respira-
tilation may contribute to increased intracranial tory system mechanics.
pressure via a hypercapnia-induced increase in
cerebral blood flow. Decreased venous drainage Ventilatory support can be provided to an indi-
from the brain secondary to increased intratho- vidual patient via volume or pressure-cycled ventila-
racic pressure is also theorized to cause increased tion, as long as attention is paid to patient comfort,
intracranial pressure; however, data on this effect synchrony, and physiologic response.
are mixed.5,6 Additionally, cerebral perfusion We recommend that decisions regarding the
pressure may be reduced during invasive positive initial ventilator mode for intubated ED patients be
pressure ventilation due to a reduction in sys- made primarily based on local resources and exper-
temic blood pressure. The intracranial pressure/ tise. The available outcome data from large-scale
cerebral perfusion pressure response to invasive randomized controlled trials in patients with acute
positive pressure ventilation is unpredictable in respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) suggests us-
patients with brain injuries; maintenance of ad- ing a ventilatory strategy utilizing volume control in
equate oxygenation, appropriate monitoring, and these patients. In patients without ARDS, there is no
continuous assessment are required. evidence to support any particular ventilatory mode.
• Pain, dyspnea, anxiety, and delirium: Mechani- It is important to recognize that patients who have
cal ventilation may cause pain, dyspnea, anxiety, received neuromuscular blockade during or after en-
and delirium.7,8 Medications used to prevent or dotracheal intubation will have no ability to breathe
manage these side effects may have an adverse spontaneously until the effects of the paralytic have
effect on hemodynamics, bowel motility, and worn off. During this time, the mode of ventilation
other organ system function. must provide adequate mandatory minute ventila-
• Adverse pulmonary effects: Supraphysiologic tion without reliance on spontaneous/supported
levels of inspired oxygen may cause adverse breaths initiated by the patient.
pulmonary effects, including airway and paren-
chymal injury,9 and they have been associated Tidal Volume
with increased mortality and worsened neuro- In 2000, a landmark randomized controlled trial
logic outcomes after cardiac arrest.10,11 conducted by the Acute Respiratory Distress Syn-
drome Network (ARDSNet) showed that lower-
Modes And Settings tidal-volume assist-control ventilation with 6 cc/kg
predicted body weight (PBW) (also called ideal body
After confirming proper endotracheal tube place- weight) in patients with ARDS reduced morbidity
ment, the emergency physician must determine and mortality when compared to ventilation with
initial ventilator settings. Local resources may traditional tidal volumes of 12 cc/kg PBW.13
determine the options available; some EDs have Although a minority of ventilated ED patients
basic transport ventilators, while others have ICU meet criteria for acute lung injury (8.7% in a retro-
ventilators with advanced capabilities. In addition spective study14), a large percentage of ED patients
to available technology, the specifics of the intubated on ventilators have risk factors (such as sepsis or
ED patient (eg, size, disease process, etc.) will influ- trauma) for developing ARDS. In fact, studies show
ence decisions on initial ventilator settings. that mechanical ventilation with higher tidal vol-
umes is, itself, a risk factor for the development of
Modes Of Mechanical Ventilation ARDS.15-17 Importantly, goal tidal volume is deter-
Different ventilators offer different modes of mechan- mined based on PBW, rather than actual weight.
ical ventilation. The most basic initial distinction is be- The mistaken application of tidal volume based on

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actual weight risks the potential delivery of danger- lation is being delivered.
ously large volumes in patients whose actual weight Patients receiving lung-protective ventilation
exceeds their PBW. A PBW calculator and reference (ie, low tidal volume) may develop hypercapnia
table for PBW for 4- to 8-mL tidal volumes for males if the respiratory rate and the delivered minute
and females is available on the ARDSNet website at ventilation is not significantly increased. One key
http://www.ardsnet.org/node/77460. component of such a ventilatory strategy is permis-
Available evidence, such as the ARDSNet stud- sive hypercapnia, or the tolerance of mild-to-moderate
ies, supports the practice of ventilating most patients hypercapnia, which has been recognized to be safe
with lower tidal volumes (ie, with a lung-protective in most patients.22 Exceptions include patients with
ventilation protocol), even for patients who do not severe coexisting metabolic acidosis and those with
meet criteria for ARDS. brain injuries. It is recommended that the respiratory
• A randomized controlled trial of lower-tidal-vol- rate can be increased from the initial setting (of 8-12
ume ventilation (6 cc/kg PBW) versus tradi- breaths/min) to up to 35 breaths/min in order to
tional-volume ventilation (10 cc/kg PBW) in limit the severity of hypercapnic acidosis, tolerating
mechanically ventilated patients without ARDS a pH as low as 7.15. Care must be taken, however, to
showed a significant difference in the develop- monitor for the development of significant dynamic
ment of ARDS (2.6% vs 13.5%).18 hyperinflation when respiratory rates are increased,
• An observational cohort study of ICU patients particularly in patients with underlying expiratory
showed that lung-protective ventilation and airflow obstruction (eg, asthma exacerbations and
restrictive blood transfusion strategies were as- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]). See
sociated with reductions in ventilator days and The Acutely Unstable Patient section on page 6 for
the development of new acute lung injury.19 further discussion of dynamic hyperinflation.
• A systematic review noted that 8 out of 13 stud-
ies reported a decrease in the progression to Positive End-Expiratory Pressure
ARDS in patients who received a lower-tidal- PEEP can be instrumental in the recruitment of
volume treatment strategy.20 atelectatic or fluid-filled alveoli in patients with dif-
• A 2012 meta-analysis found reduced develop- fuse pulmonary processes such as cardiogenic and
ment of ARDS in patients ventilated at lower noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. PEEP increases
tidal volumes compared to traditional volumes intrathoracic pressure, which may decrease venous
(4.22% vs 12.66%). Patients in the low-tidal-vol- return to the right heart, raising the potential for
ume group also had better clinical outcomes (ie, hypotension and low cardiac output in patients
reduced mortality, infections, and atelectasis).21 with low intravascular volume or preexisting right
heart disease. However, PEEP can also provide
Based on the current evidence, we recommend some afterload reduction for the left ventricle and
using a lower-tidal-volume strategy for most ED can, therefore, improve cardiac output in patients in
patients who require mechanical ventilation. Excep- heart failure. Most patients in the ICU are ventilated
tions include patients with severe metabolic acidosis with a minimum of 5 cm H2O of PEEP. In lung-
and those with brain injuries; an approach to these protective ventilation for ARDS, PEEP is usually set
patients is discussed on page 10. and adjusted based on the FiO2 required to maintain
adequate oxygenation (partial pressure of oxygen,
Respiratory Rate arterial [PaO2] ≥ 55 mm Hg or oxygen saturation
When choosing an initial respiratory rate setting, the measured by pulse oximetry [SpO2] ≥ 88%). Stud-
emergency physician should factor in the set tidal ies evaluating the differences between lower versus
volume (in volume-cycled ventilation) or delivered higher PEEP strategies in low-tidal-volume ventila-
tidal volume (in pressure-cycled ventilation) in order tion for ARDS have failed to demonstrate a definite
to provide an adequate minute ventilation (respira- benefit with either approach, although there is some
tory rate x tidal volume). If the patient with otherwise suggestion that higher PEEP levels (≥ 24 cm H2O)
normal physiology was intubated simply for airway may be of benefit in ARDS patients who have more
protection, the necessary minute ventilation may be severe oxygenation failure.23 The application of high
as low as 5 to 6 L/min. However, if the patient being PEEP may be technically problematic in EDs with
intubated has a metabolic acidosis (such as diabetic basic travel ventilators and limited monitoring.
ketoacidosis), a significantly higher minute ventila-
tion may be required, even upwards of 20 L/min. Fraction Of Inspired Oxygen
Patients able to spontaneously trigger the ventilator Although it is tempting to maintain FiO2 at 100% in
can increase their minute ventilations on demand, but the intubated ED patient, the possibility of promot-
those who are unable to trigger the ventilator (due to ing lung injury via oxygen toxicity must be con-
neuromuscular weakness or neuromuscular-blocking sidered. High concentrations of inspired oxygen
agents) are unable to increase their minute ventila- have been associated with airway and parenchymal
tion, and care must be taken to assure adequate venti-
EMCC © 2013 4 www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4
injury,9 absorption atelectasis, increased pulmonary level of analgosedation that still ensures patient
shunt, and the potential for accentuation of hyper- comfort in order to improve patient outcomes.30
capnia.24 Recent studies have raised concern about This has led to the emergence of an analgosedation
the adverse side effects of hyperoxia in various strategy, in which a patient’s comfort is achieved by
patient populations that are commonly managed, initially focusing on analgesic treatment for pain,
initially, in the ED setting. A cohort study of 6326 pa- and then sedative treatment for agitation, if needed.
tients with nontraumatic cardiac arrest showed that This strategy has been shown to result in better out-
hyperoxia (PaO2 > 300 mm Hg) was associated with comes than a primary sedative-hypnotic approach
significantly higher inhospital mortality compared to patient comfort.31 In addition to relieving pain,
to normoxia (PaO2 60-300 mm Hg) and hypoxia narcotics blunt respiratory drive and may enhance
(PaO2 < 60 mm Hg), (63% vs 45% and 57%, respec- patient-ventilator synchrony. Attention should be
tively).10 A 2012 retrospective analysis of a prospec- paid to the use of neuromuscular-blocking agents;
tive cohort of 170 patients with cardiac arrest who the emergency physician should ensure analgesia
underwent therapeutic hypothermia showed that a and anxiolysis during paralysis, and should limit
higher PaO2 in the first 24 hours was associated with repeated dosing of neuromuscular-blocking agents.
increased mortality and worse neurologic outcome.11 (See the Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchrony section on
However, a cohort study of > 12,000 cardiac arrest page 9 for further discussion.) We believe that an
patients did not find an association between hyper- analgosedation-focused approach to newly intu-
oxia and mortality when adjustments were made for bated patients in the ED can allow for better patient
illness severity.25 comfort, patient-ventilator synchrony, and the reduc-
Other populations in whom effects of hyperoxia tion in the use of neuromuscular-blocking agents.
have been studied include patients with traumatic brain
injuries and COPD. A retrospective analysis of patients Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury showed Prophylaxis
an increase in mortality for patients with hypoxemia All intubated patients are at risk for developing
and extreme hyperoxemia (PaO2 > 500 mm Hg).26 A ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). A retrospec-
randomized controlled trial comparing titrated supple- tive case-controlled study of 509 emergently intubated
mental oxygen (to goal SpO2 88%-92%) versus nonti- patients with blunt trauma showed that ED length of
trated high-flow oxygen in patients who had shortness stay was an independent risk factor for the develop-
of breath and suspected COPD in the prehospital setting ment of VAP.32 Guidelines on strategies to reduce rates
reported a reduction in mortality among those in the of VAP have been published.33 In the absence of any
titrated group (4% vs 9%).27 contraindications, interventions that should be institut-
Studies of the effects of hyperoxia in undif- ed in the ED to reduce the risk of aspiration of gastric
ferentiated ICU patients have demonstrated mixed contents and the development of VAP include:
results. A retrospective observational study of • Elevating the head of the patient’s bed to 30°-45°
> 36,000 mechanically ventilated ICU patients • Maintaining endotracheal tube cuff pressure at
showed that both hypoxia and hyperoxia in the 20 cm H2O
first 24 hours were associated with increased mor- • Placing a nasogastric or orogastric tube to avoid
tality;28 however, another retrospective analysis of gastric overdistention
>150,000 ventilated ICU patients showed no such
link when adjusted for illness severity.29 If the patient remains in the ED for an extended
Current data seem to indicate that hyperoxia period of time (> 6 h), implementation of additional
may be detrimental in the intubated ED patient, or it strategies to reduce VAP can be considered, including
may only be a marker for illness severity. Based on oral decontamination with chlorhexidine mouth rinse
the current evidence, we recommend targeting PaO2 and an assessment of the need for continued intuba-
between 55 and 120 mm Hg or SpO2 between 88% tion, with extubation, if appropriate.
and 100% in the mechanically ventilated ED patient
unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. The Clinical Course In The Emergency
Immediate Considerations For Postintubation
Assessing For The Effectiveness Of
Analgosedation Mechanical Ventilation In The Postintubation
In recent years, there has been increased recogni- Period
tion of the sensation of pain in intubated patients. Assessment of the stability of the mechanically venti-
Recent guidelines of pain and analgesia manage- lated patient in the ED begins at the bedside. Are the
ment involving the ICU patient have emphasized patient’s vital signs acceptable? Does the patient ap-
the frequency with which intubated patients experi- pear comfortable and in sync with the ventilator? Are
ence pain and the importance of targeting a light the patient’s pain and anxiety under control? Bedside

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assessment should also include an evaluation of the to the worsening of the primary process, a complica-
ventilator and ventilator waveforms (if available), tion of mechanical ventilation or other intervention,
including peak and plateau pressures, the ability of or a new, superimposed process. Patients who are
the patient’s efforts to trigger breath delivery, minute deteriorating may initially show inadequate ventila-
ventilation, and assessment for air trapping. tion, hypoxia, or hypotension and, if not intervened
Continuous waveform capnography is recom- upon, may rapidly progress to the final common
mended by several professional organizations as the pathway of cardiac arrest. In this section, we outline
most accurate way of confirming appropriate endo- an approach to the rapidly deteriorating or acutely
tracheal tube placement;34 it is also a useful tool for unstable patient and address the early identification
continued monitoring and evaluation of intubated, and treatment of several problems that commonly
mechanically ventilated patients. The intubated ED arise in the mechanically ventilated patient. A sug-
patient is at risk for accidental tube dislodgement gested approach to the acutely decompensating
during transfer, studies, or procedures. In a random- ventilated patient is shown in Figure 1.
ized controlled trial of a simulated scenario, the
availability of continuous waveform capnography The Acutely Unstable Patient
significantly decreased the time it took paramedics The intubated patient who is acutely unstable, peri-
to recognize endotracheal tube dislodgement.35 A arrest, or arresting must be rapidly evaluated for
prospective observational study that included 153 common and reversible causes of deterioration. In the
out-of-hospital endotracheal intubations showed patient with cardiac arrest, advanced cardiovascular
that the rate of unrecognized misplaced intubation life support should be initiated and maintained until
was zero in patients monitored by continuous end- return of spontaneous circulation. The patient should
tidal CO2 versus 23% in those who did not receive be disconnected from the ventilator and ventilated
such monitoring.36 End-tidal CO2 monitoring is also with 100% oxygen with a bag-valve mask, with care-
useful if the patient decompensates and experiences ful attention being paid to avoid air trapping. The
cardiac arrest; it may be used to assess the adequacy mnemonic DOPE may be helpful in this situation to
of chest compressions and monitor for the return of remind the emergency physician to evaluate and treat
spontaneous circulation.34 endotracheal tube Dislodgement, Obstruction, Pneu-
SpO2 monitoring is an acceptable means of as- mothorax, and Equipment malfunction.
sessing oxygenation in most patients (especially after Diagnoses to consider in the situation of he-
initial correlation with an arterial blood gas assessment modynamic decompensation associated with bag
of arterial oxygen saturation), but the adequacy of ventilation difficulty include tension pneumothorax,
ventilation cannot be reliably assessed without mea- dynamic hyperinflation, and abdominal compart-
suring arterial CO2 concentration via arterial blood ment syndrome.
gas testing. Venous and end-tidal CO2 assessment can
be misleading, particularly in patients with hemo- Tension Pneumothorax
dynamic instability or abnormalities in ventilation/ Tension pneumothorax is a critical diagnosis that must
perfusion matching.37 An arterial blood gas obtained be made and treated immediately. In a retrospective
15 to 30 minutes after intubation in the ED is recom- cohort study of 60 patients who developed pneumo-
mended in order to confirm appropriate ventilation for thorax during an ICU stay, 94% of those with tension
most patients, particularly those who have received pneumothorax died compared to 57% of those who
neuromuscular-blocking agents or who have hemo- had pneumothorax without tension pneumothorax.39
dynamic instability or known or suspected acid-base Tension pneumothorax should be strongly suspected
disturbances. A review of the literature on the correla- in the crashing intubated patient, particularly in the
tion between arterial blood gas and venous blood gas context of tachycardia, hypotension, high airway
results revealed that the average difference in pH was pressures, and, ultimately, pulseless electrical activity
0.035 pH units, but the difference in partial pressure arrest. Tension pneumothorax should be evaluated
of carbon dioxide (PCO2) was quite variable, with an clinically by assessing for asymmetric chest rise, absent
average difference of 5.7 mm Hg (+/- 20 mm Hg).38 lung sounds, and tracheal deviation. Ultrasound is a
Based on these results, the clinician may use venous rapidly available and highly accurate tool for evaluat-
blood gas values to approximate pH in stable patients; ing pneumothorax (90.9% sensitivity; 98.2% specific-
however, if there is a need for close evaluation of PCO2, ity in a meta-analysis of 1048 patients).40 Immediate
an arterial blood gas measurement must be taken. needle decompression followed immediately by tube
thoracostomy can be lifesaving for patients with ten-
Identifying And Managing Acute Deterioration sion pneumothorax.
Of The Mechanically Ventilated Patient
The deteriorating mechanically ventilated patient Dynamic Hyperinflation
in the ED represents a complex challenge to the Dynamic hyperinflation results from large or rapid
emergency physician. Decompensation may be due inspiratory volumes being delivered in the setting

EMCC © 2013 6 www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4

of limited expiratory time or flow. (See Figure 2, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
page 8.) The resultant “breath stacking” causes a Abdominal compartment syndrome is defined as
progressive increase in intrathoracic volume and intra-abdominal pressure ≥ 20 mm Hg (usually mea-
pressure, which may lead to decreased venous sured via bladder catheter) plus new organ dysfunc-
return to the right heart, decreased cardiac output, tion or failure.42 Abdominal compartment syndrome
hypotension, and pulseless electrical activity.41 can result in high peak and plateau pressures via
Dynamic hyperinflation should be considered as decreased respiratory system compliance, difficulty
a potential cause of deterioration, especially in the ventilating, hypotension, decreased urine output,
patient with obstructive lung physiology (such as and cardiac arrest. Suggested treatments include
asthma or COPD); it can be assessed and initially gastric and rectal decompression, sedation, neuro-
managed by disconnecting the endotracheal tube muscular blockade, paracentesis, and decompressive
from the ventilator and allowing the patient to ex- laparotomy.42
hale (with pressure placed on the chest to assist, if
needed). If hemodynamic instability resolves after Troubleshooting Ventilator Issues
exhalation, then air trapping was likely the cause of
the deterioration and the ventilator settings should Difficulty Ventilating
be adjusted by limiting the tidal volume and respi- When the ventilator is set in a volume-cycled mode, as
ratory rate and by prolonging expiratory time as may be most common in the ED, ventilator pressure
long as possible to avoid recurrence of this com- alarms provide an immediate warning of ineffective
plication. Treatment directed at underlying airflow ventilation and give important information on the pa-
obstruction (eg, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, tient’s physiology. If the ventilator is a basic transport
and suctioning) is also warranted. ventilator with no waveform display, alarms for high

Figure 1. Approach To The Deteriorating Intubated Emergency Department Patient

Disconnect patient from ventilator and Consider air trapping.

Patient improved?
allow exhalation. Action: decrease respiratory rate,
increase inspiratory flow rate, and treat
underlying airflow obstruction.

Bag-valve mask ventilate with Consider equipment malfunction.

Patient improved?
100% FiO2, rate 8-10 breaths/min. Action: replace or repair equipment.

Confirm endotracheal tube patency, Does bag-valve mask ventilation feel Check for the following:
position, and function. too easy? • Endotracheal tube dislodgement
• Cuff leak

Action: reposition or replace endotra-

cheal tube.

Is the patient hard to ventilate? Check for the following:

• Endotracheal tube obstruction or kink
• Mucus plug
• Right mainstem intubation
• Patient biting the tube
Needle decompression, tube
Evaluate for tension pneumothorax.
Action: reposition or replace tube,
suction, bite block, or sedation.

Evaluate for abdominal compartment Paracentesis, decompressive

syndrome. laparotomy

Abbreviations: FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen.

Evaluate for other causes of • Worsening of underlying disease
deterioration. process
• New superimposed disease process

www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4 7 EMCC © 2013

or low pressure can alert the clinician to changes in the sure that the ventilator is delivering adequate minute
patient’s status, development of new complications, or ventilation in this setting, as the high peak pressure
worsening of underlying disease process. alarm may cause the ventilator to stop delivering
If waveform display is available, the emergency the set tidal volume, resulting in decreased minute
physician can obtain more information about the ventilation. Elevated plateau pressure is reflective of
patient’s physiology by evaluating peak and plateau decreased compliance of the respiratory system (in-
pressures. Peak pressure is measured during inspira- cluding the lungs and chest wall), and it should lead
tory flow and reflects the pressure that results from the emergency physician to consider intrathoracic
inspiratory airflow resistance and respiratory system and extrathoracic causes as listed in Table 1 (page 10).
compliance. Plateau pressure is measured by per- Some of possible causes of elevated plateau pressures
forming an end-inspiratory hold in a passive patient, represent acute treatable life-threatening processes
and it reflects static respiratory system compliance. (eg, tension pneumothorax); therefore, the finding of
(See Figure 3.) elevated plateau pressure requires immediate further
The patient with a low peak pressure should assessment.
be evaluated immediately for disconnection of the If the ventilator is in a pressure-cycled mode,
ventilator tubing, endotracheal tube dislodgement, high airway resistance or low lung compliance may
and cuff leak. Assessment of exhaled tidal volume can cause low tidal volumes to be delivered at the set
be helpful, as a significant gradient between inspired pressure. In this case, the emergency physician should
and exhaled volume is suggestive of a leak, a bron- be alert to the danger of low delivered tidal volumes
chopleural fistula, or ventilator dysfunction. Elevated and inadequate minute ventilation. Causes of low
peak pressure with normal plateau pressure indicates volumes in the pressure-cycled mode are similar to
increased inspiratory airway resistance and may causes of high pressures in the volume-cycled mode.
indicate bronchospasm, airway secretions, or endotra- Similarly, the complications that cause low pressure
cheal tube obstruction or kinking. An isolated elevat- in the volume-cycled mode will typically cause high-
ed peak pressure is likely not immediately harmful volume alarms in the pressure-cycled mode.
and can be tolerated while assessing and treating the Continuous end-tidal CO2 monitoring also
cause; however, the emergency physician should be allows for the real-time assessment of ventilatory
status; loss of the capnography waveform may indi-
cate a failure to ventilate or cardiac arrest (vs pos-
sible equipment failure), and it must be immediately
Figure 2. Evidence For Air Trapping In addressed. Hypoxia secondary to hypoventilation
A Patient With Airflow Obstruction On may be detected in a delayed fashion, as there can
Constant-Flow Volume-Cycled Mechanical be a time lag of up to 1 to 2 minutes in pulse oxim-
Ventilation etry readings.43 Finally, blood gas measurements of
arterial or venous pH and PCO2 may indicate inad-
A B equate ventilation, but the time required to obtain
Lung volume

results may make this test less useful at the bedside

of the acutely decompensating patient.

Difficulty Oxygenating
Inadequate ventilation will ultimately lead to in-
C D adequate oxygenation and should be approached
Lung volume

as previously described. Other causes of hypoxia

include inadequate inspired oxygen, ventilation-

perfusion mismatch, shunt, and impaired diffusion.

Inadequate inspired oxygen is a rare cause of
Time Time
hypoxia in the ICU and ED, although it may occur if
there is equipment malfunction or human error (eg,
(A) The flow-time tracing shows persistent expiratory flow at the time
failure to attach the bag-valve mask to an oxygen
of initiation of a subsequent inspiration. (B) The result of incomplete
exhalation of inspired volumes is a progressive increase in end-expi-
source). Ventilation-perfusion mismatch is a com-
ratory lung volume, above functional residual capacity, as denoted by mon cause of inadequate oxygenation; it results
the arrow. This is commonly termed dynamic hyperinflation. (C) Ex- from perfusion of areas of the lung that are not
tension of expiratory time allows completion of expiration prior to the adequately ventilated. Approaches to overcoming
subsequent breath. (D) Prolonging expiratory time to allow complete ventilation-perfusion mismatch include: (1) chang-
exhalation prevents air trapping/dynamic hyperinflation. ing the patient’s positioning (ie, tilting the patient
Reprinted and adapted from: Alexandre T. Rotta, David M. Steinhorn. so that the “good lung” is in the dependent posi-
Conventional mechanical ventilation in pediatrics. Jornal de Pedia- tion; this increases perfusion to the better-ventilated
tria. 2007;83(2 Suppl):S100-S108, with permission from Sociedade area and promotes ventilation of the “bad lung”),
Brasileira de Pediatria.

EMCC © 2013 8 www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4

(2) increasing PEEP, and (3) performing recruitment There are many causes of hypotension in the
maneuvers that use a higher pressure over a lon- intubated patient. Underlying hypovolemia or shock,
ger time period than a normal breath. A Cochrane medication side effects, decreased venous return sec-
review evaluated 7 studies involving 1170 patients ondary to positive intrathoracic pressure, and removal
with ARDS and acute lung injury who received of adrenergic surge all may contribute to postintuba-
either an open lung strategy (including recruitment tion hypotension. Complications of positive pressure
maneuvers) or standard therapy and found a brief ventilation (such as pneumothorax) as well as compli-
increase in arterial oxygenation among those in the cations of other treatments (such as abdominal com-
recruitment maneuver group; however, there was in- partment syndrome secondary to fluid administration)
sufficient evidence to conclude whether recruitment must also be considered and addressed.
maneuvers made a difference in mortality.44
Shunt represents one extreme of ventilation- Patient-Ventilator Dyssynchrony
perfusion mismatch. It occurs when deoxygen- Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony, defined as a mis-
ated blood completely bypasses aerated alveolar match between patient and ventilator inspiratory
units, such as in right-to-left intracardiac shunt or a and expiratory times, occurred in > 10% of breaths in
densely consolidated or atelectatic lung. Impaired 15 out of 62 patients in a prospective observational
diffusion may result from interstitial lung disease or trial.47 Although ventilator waveform evaluation may
pulmonary edema and can be addressed by treat- help define a specific cause of the dyssynchrony (eg,
ing the underlying cause; however, higher levels of identifying ineffective triggering efforts in a patient
inspired oxygen or higher airway pressures are often with significant auto-PEEP and low extrinsic PEEP
required until the cause can be rectified. on the ventilator), a detailed discussion of waveform
analysis is beyond the scope of this article.
Postintubation Hypotension
Hypotension is common in the immediate postintu- Fighting The Ventilator
bation period. In a retrospective study of tracheal The first step in the evaluation of the patient who
intubation, hypotension occurred in 23% of 336 appears uncomfortable on the ventilator is to evalu-
patients and was associated with an increase in in- ate for serious causes of distress such as hypoxia,
hospital mortality.45 A retrospective cohort study of hypercapnia, tension pneumothorax, or dynamic
300 patients by Heffner et al identified the following hyperinflation.
risk factors for postintubation hypotension46: The second step is to assess the continued need
• Preintubation shock index (heart rate ÷ systolic for intubation and mechanical ventilation; if the
blood pressure) > 0.8 patient no longer requires this support, he should be
• Chronic renal disease extubated. If the patient requires ongoing invasive
• Intubation for acute respiratory failure positive pressure ventilation and continues to exhibit
• Age evidence of dyssynchrony, making adjustments to the
ventilator setting (such as inspiratory flow rate and

Figure 3. Peak And Plateau Pressures Measured With An End-Inspiratory Hold In A Patient On
Constant-Flow Volume-Cycled Mechanical Ventilation

Peak pressure is elevated with no elevation in plateau pressure. This Peak pressure is mildly elevated with a concomitant elevation in
is representative of increased inspiratory airway resistance without an plateau pressure. This indicates decreased respiratory system com-
increase in respiratory system compliance. Potential causes include a pliance. Potential causes include tension pneumothorax or a change
kinked endotracheal tube, airway secretions, or bronchospasm. in chest wall compliance.

Abbreviations: Paw, mean airway pressure; Ppeak, peak airway inspiratory pressure; Pplat, plateau pressure.

Reprinted and adapted from: Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, Volume 26, Issue 3. Jairo I. Santanilla, Brian Daniel, Mei-Ean Yeow. Me-
chanical ventilation. Pages 849-862, 2008, with permission from Elsevier.

www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4 9 EMCC © 2013

pattern), as well as PEEP, may alleviate distress. If the hypoxia was associated with an odds ratio of 2.1
emergency physician is comfortable with alternative for poor outcome.49 The Brain Trauma Foundation
ventilator modes—and such modes are available—a recommends monitoring oxygenation and avoid-
trial of spontaneous ventilator modes such as con- ing hypoxia, defined as PaO2 < 60 mm Hg and
tinuous positive airway pressure or pressure support SpO2 < 90%.50 Prophylactic hyperventilation in the
may be attempted. stable patient is discouraged by the Brain Trauma
Adequate analgesia and sedation is critical Foundation, although no specific recommendation
to facilitate patient comfort on the ventilator; the is given for target PaO2.51 In the setting of acute
emergency physician should modify medications as elevation of intracranial pressure or impending
needed. Administration of neuromuscular-blocking herniation, hyperventilation is of unclear benefit or
agents is often considered in cases of patient-ventila- harm;52 however, this strategy may be considered
tor dyssynchrony; however, there is concern that the while arranging for definitive therapy such as sur-
use of neuromuscular-blocking agents may contrib- gical decompression.
ute to critical illness myopathy. Neuromuscular- Avoiding hypoxia and maintaining eucapnia
blocking agents should only be given after assuring in the patient with a brain injury often precludes
adequate analgosedation to avoid paralyzing a con- use of a strict low-tidal-volume ventilation strategy,
scious or aware patient. While a Cochrane review which would allow for permissive hypercapnia and
acknowledged that 3 prospective trials could not lower PaO2. However, the emergency physician
identify the use of neuromuscular-blocking agents as should be aware that respiratory complications are
a risk factor for critical illness myopathy, other stud- common in patients with traumatic brain injury; in
ies have suggested such a link; the Cochrane review, an observational study of 137 patients with isolated
therefore, recommended limiting neuromuscular- head trauma, 31% developed acute lung injury, and
blocking agents to the lowest dose possible.48 the development of acute lung injury was associated
with higher mortality (38% vs 15%).53 In general, al-
Special Circumstances though hypoxia and hypercapnia should be strictly
avoided, lung protective ventilatory strategies
Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury should be considered, if possible.
Attention to maintaining adequate oxygenation
is critical in patients with brain injuries. A meta- Patients With Severe Metabolic Acidosis
analysis of 10 studies comprising 8721 patients Although there is little evidence available on the
with traumatic brain injuries (of which there topic of ventilator management in severe acidosis,
were data on hypoxia in 5661 patients) found that it is recommended that the emergency physician
use caution when intubating a patient with meta-
bolic acidosis who is compensating by increasing
Table 1. Causes Of High And Low Peak And their minute ventilation prior to intubation (such
Plateau Pressures as in a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis or salicy-
late toxicity).54 Sedation, paralysis, and mechanical
Causes of High Peak/High Plateau
ventilation can rapidly decrease the patient’s min-
Intrathoracic Causes: Extrathoracic Causes: ute ventilation, allowing pH to fall, and leading to
• ARDS • Abdominal binder
worsening acidosis.55 When employing mechanical
• Atelectasis • Abdominal compartment
ventilation on such a patient, we advise that the
• Auto-PEEP syndrome
• Pneumonia • Ascites
emergency physician consider setting the ventilator
• Pneumothorax • Body habitus
at a high respiratory rate to ensure adequate minute
• Pulmonary edema • Chest wall eschar ventilation, followed by frequent assessment of acid-
• Positioning (Trendelenberg) base status.

Causes Of High Peak/Normal Plateau Patients With Obstructive Airway Disease

• Bronchospasm A critical and common complication that must be
• Endotracheal tube obstruction or kinking avoided in the mechanically ventilated patient with
• Airway secretions obstructive airway disease is dynamic hyperinfla-
Causes Of Low Peak tion or auto-PEEP, which can result in barotrauma,
• Bronchopleural fistula hypotension, and cardiac arrest. Strategies to mini-
• Disconnection of ventilator tubing mize auto-PEEP include decreasing tidal volume
• Endotracheal tube cuff rupture or leak and respiratory rate and increasing inspiratory flow
• Endotracheal tube dislodgement rate to shorten inspiratory time, thus allowing more
• Ventilator dysfunction time for expiration.
Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; PEEP,
positive end-expiratory pressure.

EMCC © 2013 10 www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4

We suggest the following initial ventilator set- Controversies And Cutting Edge
tings in volume-control mode:
• Tidal volume: 6 to 8 cc/kg PBW If the emergency physician is confronted with a pa-
• Respiratory rate: 10 to 12 breaths/min tient with refractory hypoxemia, advanced and less
• PEEP: 0 to 5 cm H2O evidence-based therapies may be considered.
• FiO2: 100%, which then should be titrated down, Inhaled nitric oxide is theorized to induce prefer-
as indicated ential vasodilation in well-ventilated areas of the
lung, thus reducing ventilation/perfusion mismatch
Inspiratory flow may be increased up to 80 to and improving oxygenation. A Cochrane review of
100 L/min to maximize the inspiratory to expira- 14 randomized controlled trials comprising 1303
tory time ratio (I:E ratio). Increased inspiratory flow patients found a significant transient improvement
in the setting of high airway resistance can result in oxygenation but an increased risk of renal impair-
in high peak pressures, which can be tolerated if ment and no change in mortality.59 Inhaled prosta-
ventilation remains adequate. The judicious use of cyclin, another selective pulmonary vasodilator, has
analgosedation to decrease respiratory drive and shown promise in small studies in improving the
hyperventilation, often combined with the use of oxygenation of patients with severe ARDS.60,61
permissive hypercapnia, can be helpful in prevent- High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV)
ing complications, allowing time to treat the under- may appear promising when compared to outdated
lying problem(s).56 ventilation strategies, but its benefit is unclear when
compared to current lung-protective ventilation
Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress strategies, according to a Cochrane review of 8 ran-
Syndrome domized controlled trials comprising 419 patients,
Although a lung-protective ventilation strategy ap- most of whom had ARDS.62 More recently, 2 ran-
pears to be beneficial in most patients, the emergency domized controlled trials of HFOV versus conven-
physician must pay particular attention to the use tional ventilation offered conflicting results regard-
of this strategy in the patient with ARDS. The ARD- ing mortality. One trial showed no difference in
SNet demonstrated a significant mortality benefit by 30-day mortality;63 the other was stopped early due
adhering to a lower-tidal-volume ventilation strat- to increased mortality among the HFOV group.64
egy in this group.13 The ARDSNet protocol involves A randomized controlled trial of 180 patients
reducing tidal volume to 6 cc/kg PBW, with further with respiratory failure compared those who
reductions to as low as 4 cc/kg PBW in order to received conventional management to those who
achieve a plateau pressure of ≤ 30 cm H2O. FiO2 and were transferred for consideration for extracorpo-
PEEP are adjusted to achieve a goal PaO2 of 55 to 80 real membrane oxygenation. The study showed a
mm Hg or SpO2 of 88% to 95%. Permissive hypercap- statistically significant improvement in 6-month
nia is tolerated in order to prioritize maintaining low disability-free survival among the patients who were
plateau pressures. In the ARDSNet study, pH was transferred.65 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
allowed to be as low as 7.15 before the increased tidal remains a technically complex and highly special-
volumes that caused plateau pressures to exceed 30 ized therapy, available only in select centers.
cm H2O were permitted. If the emergency physician
is confronted with a patient with ARDS, we suggest Disposition
utilizing the ARDSNet strategy.
Additional strategies that have shown promise The majority of patients undergoing mechanical
in patients with ARDS include prone positioning ventilation in the ED will be admitted or transferred
and the early administration of paralytics. A 2013 to the ICU. However, there may be circumstances
randomized controlled trial of 466 patients with under which patients are extubated in the ED, either
severe ARDS compared prone positioning to tra- because the underlying disease process resolves or
ditional supine positioning; 28-day mortality was the goals of care become consistent with the with-
16% in the prone group versus 32.8% in the supine drawal of ventilatory support.
group.57 Additionally, a randomized controlled trial A retrospective study evaluated 50 trauma
of 340 patients with severe ARDS compared the patients who were intubated in the ED and then
administration of neuromuscular-blocking agents extubated after they met ED extubation protocol
for 48 hours to placebo. Ninety-day mortality was criteria that included parameters for mental status,
significantly lower in the neuromuscular blockade oxygenation, hemodynamics, and resolution of the
group than the placebo group (31.6% vs 40.7%).58 underlying process. None of the patients required
Although promising, these techniques require unplanned reintubation.66 We suggest that the emer-
advanced knowledge and significant resources to gency physician may consider extubation in the ED
implement, and they are not likely to be routinely if the patient meets certain requirements; suggested
utilized in the ED. parameters that should be assessed are shown in

www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4 11 EMCC © 2013

Table 2. Most importantly, the reason the patient that require specific ventilator management will help
was intubated must be resolved if extubation is to the practitioner choose appropriate initial ventilator
be considered. An example commonly encountered settings. An organized approach to the decompen-
in the ED is the patient with mental status changes sating intubated patient with arrest or near-arrest,
who initially required intubation, but who subse- hemodynamic instability, difficulty oxygenating or
quently has become alert and responsive (perhaps ventilating, or patient-ventilator dyssynchrony is
as a result of the metabolization of alcohol or other recommended. Emergency physicians must also be
substances) and has otherwise had a negative evalu- aware of circumstances in which extubation may be
ation for the cause of altered mental status. If the considered in the ED, including resolution of underly-
emergency physician thinks a patient may be able to ing pathology and withdrawal of care.
be extubated in the ED but is uncomfortable doing
so, we suggest requesting an intensivist consulta- Must-Do Markers Of Quality Emergency
tion, if available, either in-house or by tele-ICU.
Terminal extubation refers to the removal of Department Critical Care
ventilatory support from a patient who is expected
1. Consider low-tidal-volume ventilation in most
to die shortly afterward. Terminal extubation is com-
patients, especially those with ARDS or who are
mon in the ICU; a prospective observational study
at risk for ARDS.
of 851 ICU patients receiving mechanical ventilation
2. Know the contraindications to permissive
showed that 19.5% had ventilatory support with-
hypercapnia, including brain injury and severe
drawn and 96.4% of those patients died in the hospi-
metabolic acidosis.
tal.67 A prospective survey evaluating 2420 patients
3. Target normoxia for most patients, and avoid
who died in 174 EDs in France and Belgium found
hypoxia or extreme hyperoxia.
that life support therapies of any type were with-
4. Use an algorithmic approach to the crashing
drawn in 38.3% of patients.68 Suggested guidelines
mechanically ventilated patient. (See Figure 1,
and protocols have been published to guide this
page 7.)
process in the ED.69 If palliative care consultation is
5. Approach patient ventilator dyssynchrony by
available, it may be helpful in this situation.
searching for an underlying cause, assessing the
continued need for intubation, troubleshooting
Summary the ventilator, and adjusting analgosedation;
avoid neuromuscular blockers, unless necessary.
The intubated, mechanically ventilated patient in the 6. Consider extubating the ED patient who no lon-
ED represents a unique challenge to the emergency ger requires ventilatory support or whose goals
physician, who must manage not only the initial of care become consistent with the withdrawal
stabilization of the patient but also provide ongoing of ventilatory support.
care until the patient can be transferred to the ICU or
extubated. Knowledge of evidence regarding general
ventilator strategy (including low-tidal-volume ven- Case Conclusions
tilation) as well as evidence on special circumstances
After quickly assessing your priorities, you focused first
on the patient with asthma in critical care bay 3. The
patient was still paralyzed from rocuronium given at
Table 2. LAMES Mnemonic To Assess The the time of intubation; you and your colleague quickly
Readiness For Extubation assessed her ventilator settings and waveforms. She was
on a tidal volume of 750 mL, with a respiratory rate of 20
Has the process that caused the patient to require intubation been
resolved? If yes, then assess the patient for readiness for extuba-
breaths/min and PEEP of 5 cm H2O. Her peak pressures
tion. were > 50 cm H2O, setting off high-pressure alarms with
each breath. A quick inspiratory hold assessment showed
L Lungs Evaluate oxygenation, examine chest x-ray,
and check arterial blood gas, if indicated.
a plateau pressure of 48 cm H2O. This was either tension
pneumothorax or dynamic hyperinflation (auto-PEEP).
A Airway Evaluate for cuff leak and airway edema.
A brief examination of the patient revealed equal bilateral
M Mental status Evaluate patient’s ability to follow commands.
chest excursion and breath sounds, with normal lung slid-
E Effort Check rapid, shallow breathing index (respira- ing on thoracic ultrasound. You disconnected the ventila-
tory rate/tidal volume in L) after 30-60 min
tor tubing and allowed exhalation for > 1 minute. With
of a spontaneous breathing trial; if > 105,
prolonged exhalation, the patient’s blood pressure climbed
the patient is more likely to fail extubation.70
Check negative inspiratory flow.
to 160/86 mm Hg. You adjusted the ventilator, reduc-
ing the tidal volume to 500 mL and the rate to 12, while
S Secretions How often is the patient being suctioned?
ordering steroids and inhaled bronchodilators, and you
Evaluate the patient’s ability to manage his or
her own secretions after extubation.
headed to bay 2.

EMCC © 2013 12 www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4

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J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2013;25(2):162-167. (Prospective pharmacologic, supportive therapy, study design strate-
observational; 20 patients)

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gies, and issues related to recovery and remodeling. Acute bation? Respir Care. 2007;52(4):423-438. (Review)
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tematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2010;303(9):865- 2002;122(2):678-683. (Retrospective cohort study; 66 pa-
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27. Austin MA, Wills KE, Blizzard L, et al. Effect of high flow (Consensus statement)
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30.* Barr J, Fraser GL, Puntillo K, et al. Clinical practice guide- 46. Heffner AC, Swords DS, Nussbaum ML, et al. Predictors
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31. Devabhakthuni S, Armahizer MJ, Dasta JF, et al. Analgose- 47. Thille AW, Rodriguez P, Cabello B, et al. Patient-ventilator
dation: a paradigm shift in intensive care unit sedation asynchrony during assisted mechanical ventilation. Inten-
practice. Ann Pharmacother. 2012;46(4):530-540. (Review) sive Care Med. 2006;32(10):1515-1522. (Observational; 62
32. Carr B, Kaye A, Wiebe DJ, et al. Emergency depart- patients)
ment length of stay: a major risk factor for pneumonia in 48. Hermans G, De Jonghe B, Bruyninckx F, et al. Interven-
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(Retrospective case-control study; 509 patients) critical illness myopathy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
33. American Thoracic Society; Infectious Diseases Society of 2009(1):CD006832. (Review; 825 patients)
America. Guidelines for the management of adults with 49. McHugh GS, Engel DC, Butcher I, et al. Prognostic value
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416. (Guidelines) (Meta-analysis; 8721 patients)
34. Neumar RW, Otto CW, Link MS, et al. Part 8: adult ad- 50. Brain Trauma Foundation; American Association of Neuro-
vanced cardiovascular life support: 2010 American Heart logical Surgeons; Congress of Neurological Surgeons; Joint
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tion and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation. Bratton SL, Chestnut RM, Ghajar J, et al. Guidelines for
2010;122(18 Suppl 3):S729-S767. (Guideline) the management of severe traumatic brain injury. I. Blood
35. Langhan ML, Ching K, Northrup V, et al. A randomized pressure and oxygenation. J Neurotrauma. 2007;24 Suppl
controlled trial of capnography in the correction of simu- 1:S7-S13. (Clinical guideline)
lated endotracheal tube dislodgement. Acad Emerg Med. 51. Brain Trauma Foundation; American Association of Neu-
2011;18(6):590-596. (Randomized controlled trial; 53 patients) rological Surgeons; Congress of Neurological Surgeons;
36. Silvestri S, Ralls GA, Krauss B, et al. The effectiveness of Joint Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care, AANS/
out-of-hospital use of continuous end-tidal carbon dioxide CNS, Bratton SL, Chestnut RM, Ghajar J, et al. Guidelines
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tional; 248 patients) 52. Schierhout G, Roberts I. Hyperventilation therapy for
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care setting. Should every mechanically ventilated patient 2000(2):CD000566. (Review; 113 patients)
be monitored with capnography from intubation to extu- 53. Holland MC, Mackersie RC, Morabito D, et al. The de-

EMCC © 2013 14 www.ebmedicine.net • Volume 3, Number 4

velopment of acute lung injury is associated with worse 70. Yang KL, Tobin MJ. A prospective study of indexes predict-
neurologic outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain ing the outcome of trials of weaning from mechanical
injury. J Trauma. 2003;55(1):106-111. (Prospective observa- ventilation. N Engl J Med. 1999;324(21):1445-50. (Prospec-
tional; 137 patients) tive; 36 patients)
54. Manthous CA. Avoiding circulatory complications during
endotracheal intubation and initiation of positive pressure
ventilation. J Emerg Med. 2010;38(5):622-631. (Review) CME Questions
55. Stolbach AI, Hoffman RS, Nelson LS. Mechanical ventila-
tion was associated with acidemia in a case series of salicy-
late-poisoned patients. Acad Emerg Med. 2008;15(9):866-869.
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(Database review; 7 patients)
56. Leatherman JW. Mechanical Ventilation in Severe Asthma. Current subscribers can receive CME credit
In: Marini JJ, Slutsky AS, eds. Physiological Basis of Ventila- absolutely free by completing the following test.
tory Support. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker; 1998:1155- This issue includes 3 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
1185. (Textbook)
57. Guérin C, Reignier J, Richard JC, et al. Prone position-
Online testing is now available for current and
Take This Test Online!
ing in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. NEJM. archived issues. To receive your free CME credits for
2013;368(23):2159-2168. (Prospective randomized con- this issue, scan the QR code below with your
trolled trial; 466 patients) smartphone or visit www.ebmedicine.net/C0813.
58. Papazian L, Forel JM, Gacouin A. Neuromuscular block-
ers in early acute respiratory distress syndrome. NEJM.
2010;363(12):1107-1116. (Randomized controlled double-
blind trial; 340 patients)
59. Afshari A, Brok J, Møller AM, et al. Inhaled nitric oxide
for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and acute
lung injury in children and adults. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev. 2010(7):CD002787. (Cochrane review; 1303 patients)
60. van Heerden P, Barden A, Michaloolous N, et al. Dose-re-
sponse to inhaled aerosolized prostacyclin for hypoxemia 1. Mechanical ventilation with higher tidal
due to ARDS. Chest. 2000;117(3):819-827. (Interventional volumes does not raise a patient’s risk for the
prospective study; 9 patients) development of ARDS.
61. Zwissler B, Kemming G, Habler O, et al. Inhaled prostacy-
a. True
clin (PGI2) versus nitric oxide in adult respiratory distress
syndrome. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 1996;154(6 Pt 1):1671- b. False
1677. (Prospective; 8 patients)
62. Sud S, Sud M, Friedrich JO, et al. High-frequency ven- 2. Lower-tidal-volume ventilation is recommend-
tilation versus conventional ventilation for treatment of ed for most patients, EXCEPT those with:
acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;2:CD004085. (Review; 419
patients) b. Severe kidney disease
63. Young D, Lamb S, Shah S, et al. High-frequency oscillatory c. Brain injuries
ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome. NEJM. d. All of the above
2013;368(9):806-813. (Prospective randomized controlled;
796 patients)
3. Regarding hyperoxia in a mechanically ven-
64. Ferguson N, Cook D, Guyall GH. High-frequency oscilla-
tion in early acute respiratory distress syndrome. NEJM. tilated patient, which of the following state-
2013;368(9):795-805. (Prospective randomized controlled ments is TRUE?
study; 548 patients) a. It can be deleterious to patients with COPD
65. Peek GJ, Mugford M, Tiruvoipati R, et al. Efficacy and or traumatic brain injury.
economic assessment of conventional ventilatory support
b. It has been shown to decrease mortality.
versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe
adult respiratory failure (CESAR): a multicentre ran- c. Hyperoxia has no effect on mortality or
domised controlled trial. Lancet. 2009;374(9698):1351-1363. morbidity.
(Randomized controlled trial; 180 patients) d. Hyperoxia is preferred over normoxia.
66. Weingart SD, Menaker J, Truong H, et al. Trauma patients
can be safely extubated in the emergency department. J
4. Why is arterial blood gas testing recommended
Emerg Med. 2011;40(2):235-239. (Retrospective review; 50
patients) to confirm appropriate ventilation for most
67. Cook D, Rocker G, Marshall J, et al. Withdrawal of patients?
mechanical ventilation in anticipation of death in the a. End-tidal CO2 assessment can be
intensive care unit. N Engl J Med. 2003;349(12):1123-1132. misleading.
(Prospective observational; 851 patients)
b. Venous blood gas testing can have variable
68. Le Conte P, Riochet D, Batard E, et al. Death in emergency
departments: a multicenter cross-sectional survey with PCO2 values.
analysis of withholding and withdrawing life support. c. Pulse oximetry is not always reliable.
Intensive Care Med. 2010;36(5):765-772. (Prospective survey; d. All of the above.
2512 patients)
69. Bookman K, Abbott J. Ethics seminars: withdrawal of treat-
ment in the emergency department--when and how? Acad
Emerg Med. 2006;13(12):1328-1332. (Review)

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5. Your intubated patient has hypotension, high CME Information
airway pressures, absent lung sounds, and Date of Original Release: August 1, 2013. Date of most recent review: July
progresses to pulseless electrical activity arrest. 15, 2013. Termination date: August 1, 2016.
Which of the following conditions should you Accreditation: EB Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for
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a. Abdominal compartment syndrome in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the ACCME.
b. ARDS Credit Designation: EB Medicine designates this enduring material for a
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6. An intubated patient with asthma in the ED Needs Assessment: The need for this educational activity was
suddenly becomes hypotensive. The ventilator determined by a survey of medical staff, including the editorial board of
this publication; review of morbidity and mortality data from the CDC,
waveform shows persistent expiratory flow at AHA, NCHS, and ACEP; and evaluation of prior activities for emergency
the time the next breath is initiated. What is physicians.
your next best step? Target Audience: This enduring material is designed for emergency
a. Disconnect the ventilator and bag the medicine physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and
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7. Peak and plateau pressures can provide valu- products that is outside Food and Drug Administration-approved labeling.
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of 500 mL, respiratory rate of 12 breaths/min, the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) discussed in this
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