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©End Of Term Test N° 2

 
Ibn Sina Prep. School  Faiza Ketteni

School Year : 2012/2013 Level: Seventh Form

Name :----------------- Class : 7th Form ----


A. Reading Comprehension : (06 Marks)


 Tom is a twelve-year old boy. He lives with his parents and his little brother in a nice
house near the sea. In his house, there is a living room, a dining room, a bathroom, two

bedrooms and a kitchen. The house is quite big and the furniture is old.

 Now, Tom is in the dining room. He‘s wearing blue trousers, a shirt and a tie. He is
having lunch with his little brother. He is eating roast chicken and drinking a coke. His

brother is eating spaghetti. On the table, there are bananas, oranges and grapes. Tom’s

favourite fruit is grapes, but he doesn’t like bananas.

 Tom loves animals very much. He has got a dog at home. Its name is Rex. It is his
favourite animal and his best friend. He always plays with it in the garden.

1. Read the text and tick  the right picture of Tom (0.5 Mark)

 What is Tom wearing?

2. Read the text and say whether the following statements are “TRUE” or
“FALSE” (02.5 Marks)

a. Tom is twelve years old.

b. Tom hasn’t got brothers.

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©End Of Term Test N° 2

c. Tom’s house is small.

d. There are four rooms in Tom’s house.

e. Tom is having lunch with his brother.

3. Put a tick  in the right box (02 Marks)

a-Now, Tom is in the

-- --

b-Tom is eating --

c-Tom’s favourite fruit is

-- --

d-Tom’s favourite animal is


-- --

4. Pick out from the text the opposites of the following words (0.5 Mark)

 Small = ---------------- /  New = --------------

5. What does the underlined pronoun in the text refer to? (0.5

 He (Paragraph , Line ) refers to -----------------

B. Language : (08 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the box. There is an extra
item (02 Marks)
bedroom / sofa / presents / balloons / shoes

Today is Maria’s birthday. She is having a party in the living room. It is decorated with

--------------------------- and flowers.

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©End Of Term Test N° 2

Maria is wearing a beautiful pink dress and yellow ---------- . All

her friends are there. They are listening to music and dancing. Her parents are sitting

on the ----------------- . There is a big round cake on the table.

Maria is very happy because she has got a lot of ------------------------------ .

2. Circle the right alternative (02 Marks)

This is Uncle Sam. He is a famer. He (have got / has got / having got) a big farm. He
grows fruit and vegetables on his farm. He also keeps many animals. He likes (it / him /
them) very much. In the picture, he is standing (next to / on / in the middle) his horse.
Every Thursday, he rides his horse and goes to the market to (sell / meet / buy) eggs, milk
and vegetables.

3. Complete the dialogue with the correct utterances from the

box. There is an extra utterance (02 Marks)

 Rami: Good morning, Yessine. a. Yes, I do.

 Yessine: Good morning, Rami. b. I like broccoli very much.

 Rami: When is the Market May in Tataouine? c. Fruit, vegetables and clothes.

 Yessine: -------------------------------- d. It’s on Thursday.

 Rami: Do you go there every Thursday? e. Yes, I am.

 yessine: ----------------------------------

 Rami: What do you buy?

 yessine: --------------------------------

 Rami: What is your favourite vegetable?

 Yessine: -----------------------------------------

4. Read the following dialogue and circle the correct function (02

Shop-keeper: Good morning.

Steve: Good morning, Sir (polite request / introducing / greeting)

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©End Of Term Test N° 2

Shop-keeper: Can I help you?

Steve: Yes, I would like to buy a pullover.

Shop-keeper: What is your favourite colour? (asking for information / inviting /


Steve: I like the blue one. (greeting / expressing likes / refusing an invitation)

Shop-keeper: Here you are.

Steve: Thank you. (taking leave / inviting / thanking)

C. Writing : (06 Marks)

1. Circle the correct spelling of the words (02 Marks):

Today is the market day in my town. The market place is so big. It’s very (busy / buzy / besy)
Men and (woman / womans / women) come from different places. There are many (expenseve /
expinseve / expensive) goods. But, you can also find (cheap / ship / cheep) things to buy.

2. On your birthday, you decided to celebrate a party. Write a letter to your

friend in which you speak about your preparation for the party.

 Use the following hints:

Verbs: Food and
Prepares, puts, drinks: Birthday
drink, dance, is, cake, juice
are, listen, ------------------------
Dear ----------------------,
Decoration: Linkers: First,
Balloons, second, then, -----------------------------------------------------------------------
candles, after that, -----------------------------------------------------------------------
flowers, finally -----------------------------------------------------------------------
presents -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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©End Of Term Test N° 2

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