Oral Midterm 7lvl

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For me, Donations should be for the study of children.

Because this way children will have the possibility of a good education from the beginning of their
I am Professor of almost all the school subjects and basic subject of the university in the first
When I teach, I can see the errors of the students and I always come to the same conclusion, it is
not that they are bad students, they just do not have the knowledge to solve the problems, and
this is due to bad teaching or problems economics.
In this country, there are good schools but there are also bad ones, this is because the government
and even we Colombians are not giving it importance, we always say, "The government is corrupt
and we cannot do anything".
However, it is not true. If we can do something, it is simple instead of donating money; we can go
buy necessary instruments for a student, such as bags, notebooks, pencils, etc.
In addition, we will donate these objects to schools for those who need it most.
Now, if we have a lot of money, we can give scholarships to the schools with the worst
performance. WHY? Because this has a reason.
The reason is to encourage children to make, an effort and even the teachers will do it
because when a school has better results, the government supports it.
Therefore, we cannot only help these children; we guarantee that the new generations can
achieve (comply) great goals.

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