LP YA PRE INtermediate 11 Meeting 1 Onc DEC 2020

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GROUP A Level: Pre Intermediate 11

Program: YA Hours: 16.00

Day: Wednesday Meeting: 1

Duration Target Activity Learning

15 Identifying about
different What parts can you find in a book ?

Teacher asks students questions

Teacher and students discuss the publication that they are usually see
and read
10 WARM UP Chit chat
1st mission
Teacher gives Instruction and example
Match the picture and the words
Workbook page 91
30 Vocabulary Race, find the answer quickly
Teacher decides the group

Teacher gives example and instruction

Student circle the picture on screen

Teacher gives comment and shows the points for each team
15 listening Teacher gives instruction, page 94

30 Speaking practice Class interview, student’s book page 94

Teacher gives instruction and example

Students go to breakout zoom

5 Closing Students post their favorite writing on WA group

My favorite publications are film, novel and cooking book

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