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2017 International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer): 019 - 025

Continuous Scrum: A Framework to Enhance

Scrum with DevOps
Saliya Sajith Samarawickrama#1, Indika Perera#2
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Abstract— There has been a significant impact on software Agile is in the mainstream software development process
development lifecycle by the non-plan driven software processes types and there are many forms of the Agile process such as
such as Agile derived models i.e. Scrum, Extreme Programming Scrum; the first postulated form of scrum [6]; Extreme
(XP) and recently introduced DevOps practice. In this paper Programming, Crystal etc.
capabilities and limitation of these above mentioned Agile based
The present status is much more competitive and business
practices has been examine. A Scrum based software
development framework that supports continuous integration landscape is changed to demand for “continuous delivery”
and rapid delivery had been developed. The developed software and “development and operations” [7]. As a result DevOps
lifecycle management framework has overcame the common comes to the software development industry. Devops has
challenges that software practitioners may experience. been adopted to leading organizations i.e. IBM [8] in order to
support enhanced collaboration across the organization and
Keywords— Software Development Life Cycle; Agile; Scrum; value chains. Other than continues delivery and coexistence
DevOps; between development and operation the following are also
considered [9].
I. INTRODUCTION x Improve the quality and performance of applications
Current context of software development is complex and x Enhance the end customer experience
all the manual operations are moving towards automated x Simultaneously deploy software across different
solutions [1]. The accelerated software delivery is a key to platforms.
success in business. New technology trends i.e. mobile, cloud,
mobile and analytics are demanding for better life cycle
management of software. Maintaining the balance between Software process models cover following items [10].
stakeholders’ requirements and developers’ requirements is x Requirements Analysis and Specification
also a challenge. One of the most important facts is that in x Software architecture and Implementation
traditional software development approaches the yearly x Testing and Documentation
delivery plan has come to two-week build cycles and then to x Training, Support and Maintenance
daily builds [2]. But the process has not stopped from that In all the process models software maintenance was
point, now build cycle time has been further reduced to hours considered as a separate sub process and developers focus on
[3]. The systems are cautiously evolving with the rapid rest of the process activities. This has created a crucial gap
business requirement changes and stakeholders are between the developers and the production and operations
demanding for more transparency and measurements in staff, leading to a number of challenges and process
development. overheads. DevOps, an improved version of merged
The current software development is driven by business development and operations has been explored recently in
and the main consideration factor in the business is cost [4]. order to cover the development and operation gaps, which are
Business stakeholders are more focused on reducing cost and present in the regular software engineering process models.
in traditional software processes, such as waterfall the return As discussed above DevOps focuses on continues
of investment period is long. However in the current integration and continues delivery. It does not cover any
mainstream business competition the return of investment managerial aspect of software development lifecycle.
period needs to be short. To reduce the cost it is necessary to Organizations practice DevOps at present without a proper
improve the software productivity and writing less code, framework for their software process management.
getting the best from people, avoiding rework, developing
and using integrated project support environments are the
important aspect to improve the process productivity [4]. In With the increasing demand for alteration, new software
order to improve the productivity the understanding on types development methodologies were presented. Rapid deliveries
of costs is a must. Development and rework costs, code and and time to market has become the most dominant factors in
documentation costs, labor and capital costs, software costs software industry. Traditional approaches such as Waterfall
by phase and activity are the types of costs involve in was moved out from the mainstream and new methodologies
software developments [4]. based on Agile have gained the popularity. As per Andrew
To eliminate above costs the spiral model was proposed in and Nachiappan [5], Agile is the most used concept in the
[4]. However the software industry continued to demand software industry. Agile introduced four principles such as:
better productivity and flexibility; as a result Agile was x Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
introduced to the software development [5]. From late 1990 x Working software over comprehensive documentation

978-1-5386-2444-9/17/$31.00 © 2017 IEEE

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20 Continuous Scrum: A Framework to Enhance Scrum with DevOps

x Customer collaboration over contract negotiation deliveries. DevOps falls behind due to the unavailability of
x Responding to change over following a plan proper defined guideline to follow during the software
Above concepts do not explicitly relate with the major development lifecycle.
activities of software development lifecycle which include The study is focused on building a methodology where
deriving the specification, design and development evaluation Scrum is used to cover the managerial aspect of the software
and evolution [11]. As a result several methodologies have development lifecycle and DevOps is used to support the
been evolved from the basic principles of Agile concept. rapid delivery requirement. Scrum is chosen because it has
Scrum, Extreme Programming, Lean, Kanban are some proven that it’s the best Agile practice. Most of the software
examples. developments fails due to less control over the total flow. In
Scrum is the widely used methodology as an Agile Scrum the loop holes have been closed and the adaptation
software development practice [5], [12] and Scrum covers the proved that the Scrum is the best framework in Agile.The
following by its rich set of guidelines. It comprises project solution will bridge the Scrum which covers the development
management as part of its practices [13]. Scrum creates a aspects and DevOps which covers the rapid delivery aspect.
product backlog about the pending development. The Scrum
method includes product owners, developers which will A. Gaps and overlaps
allow the get a broad picture of the development. As per The development and deployment flow between Scrum
Hneif and Ow [13] Scrum is not suitable for products which and DevOps cannot be done without filling the missing
focus of usability because product owner is focused on components. To understand this need to check the role and
business aspect. the requirements of Scrum and DevOps in different stages of
The other most popular Agile practice is Extreme software lifecycle. Given below the stages of software
Programming (XP) [4]. XP consist of four phases: Planning, development lifecycle and current scrum methodology covers
coding, designing and testing. XP can adapt changes at any the first three aspects. They are covered up to the
time. XP defines the concepts such as following. development and release stages only. Final stage is not
x Small releases with high-value elements covered at all by the scrum process.
x Refactoring and Pair programming x Planning
x Continuous builds x Execute
x Sustainable development and reduce maintenance costs x Inspect and adapt
Above points out that XP focuses towards the technical x Operation and support
side of Agile developments. The concept of small releases But DevOps cannot combine directly with the current
and continuous builds lead to the new concept of DevOps. Scrum flow. To understand the gaps and missing components,
DevOps is a new approach/new trend in software first it’s required to understand the industry requirement. The
development and it reduce the gap between developer, main requirement is to minimize the time to market factor
operation and the end user [3] which leads to detect problems and stability of the product. The competition between
early. As in Scrum, though the system developed according vendors are much high and one failure may causes the
to specification it may not get validated by end users. business to end and increase the customer churn rate. Other
DevOps support continuous development and integration to than that industry need to attend the production issues as fast
avoid those pitfalls. But in DevOps there is no known as possible to keep the customer satisfaction and retain the
framework or process [3]. To become stable DevOps should customer with the product.
have a complete software process model, which supports According to Michaels’ [14] Components of DevOps
specification, design and development, evaluation and framework (namely, Metrics and measurement view, Process
evolution phases. view, Technical view) is crossed checked with the industry
requirement given above, the focus area is getting narrowed.
IV. METHODOLOGY To cater the industry requirement, the lagging parts are fast
As discussed in the previous section, demand for rapid feedback from production, push features faster to production.
delivery is booming. This is purely because of the This is covered under the technical view. With that fact, we
competition in the business domain and having the can conclude the Scrum doesn’t need to adapt to all the views.
accelerated deliver the key to success. Companies believe It’s enough to adapt the technical view.
that the antidote to this issue is DevOps. Most of the To achieve the fast feedback and the frequent feature
companies adapt DevOps without knowing that the DevOps update to production requires continuous integration and
is a cultural movement. Companies who practice Agile still continuous delivery. These are the main components of
struggling to adapt to rapid delivery cycles. technical view. In order to achieve continuous integration and
From the literature, it’s proven that the Scrum is the best continuous delivery following factors are required [15].
methodology to be used as an Agile practice. The success x A Single Source Repository to manage code base
behind this is based on the proper declaration of the flow x Automate the build
throughout the software development process. Scrum never x Keep the build fast
discuss about the maintaining the quality of the product. As a x Self-testing build
result one drawback of Scrum is that the developers may x Every commit should build the mainline on an
conform that a development has been done without the most integration machine
suitable implementation. Rather than the most suitable x Commits to the mainline every day
implementation, developers may focus on the easiest x Fix broken builds immediately
implementation. x Test in a clone of the production environment
In the other hand DevOps focuses on the long run of the x Everyone can see what's happening
software with shorter feedback, quick integrations and rapid x Automate deployment

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Saliya Samarawickrama, Indika Perera 21

x Make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable stories feather down. This should be a responsibility of the
developer who owns the user story.
1) Single Repository to Manage the Code Base
In the current Scrum practice, all most all the situations a 6) Fix Broken Builds Immediately
central repository is maintained to manage the code. But in Once a developer finishes and build the software, to
the Scrum practice it’s not mandatory to maintain a central achieve continuous integration and continuous delivery the
repository. The developer can share their code without the developer should build it in the local machine and then in the
central repository. But to make their life easier, developers main line. If the build fails at any point the highest priority
use a central repository. should be given to fix the build. This will bring the local
In the continuous integration and continuous delivery software and the main line to a stable situation.
context a central repository is mandatory. So to merge the This is not practices in Scrum currently and to merge
two solutions, it’s a mandatory requirement to have a central continuous integration and continuous delivery to Scrum this
repository. condition should be introduced.
2) Automate the Build 7) Test in a Clone of the Production Environment
Once a feature is developed, developer has to test the build This has been introduced as a requirement in the
in the local machine. For this, the developer should have the continuous integration and continuous delivery to run the in a
capability to build the solution automatically. Other than that controlled environment and simulate the behavior of the
after committing the feature to main line, main line should be software in the production system [15]. In the Scrum context
built automatically. This is a new concept for Scrum. So to this is not mandatory. Some developer follows this as best
build the solution, build automation should be introduced. practice.
In order to smooth line the continuous integration and
3) Keep the Build Fast
continuous delivery, software should test in the clone of the
Concept of keeping the build fast stands for building the production system.
software incrementally. Develop a small feature by feature
and test those features. This helps to isolate and identify bugs 8) Everyone Can See What's Happening
fast and fix them quickly. This is to have an overview of the total flow. Where the
In Scrum user stories are developed from end to end. developer can communicate with each other about the
Because there’s no requirement to build fast. In order to bottlenecks and the solutions to the bottlenecks. In the Scrum
merge the continuous integration and continuous delivery to practices everyone can see what’s happing in requirement
Scrum, user stories should be developed in an incremental gathering, development and testing. But it’s not extended to
manner and should commit to the central repository for the the production deployment level.
build. To fill the gap between the Scrum and the continuous
integration and continuous delivery a tool should be
4) Self-Testing Build
developed. This will be discussed in detail under design and
To check the build quickly, build testing has been implementation chapter.
introduced in the continuous integration and continuous
delivery context. Once a build is completed, a series of 9) Automate Deployment
automated tests will be done to check for bugs. Automated deployment not only covers the deployment to
In the Scrum context, the quality assurance team (QA team) production but also to staging and testing environments.
develop the test cases for the software and after releasing a Once the build is success the build should be deployed
user story they test the component of the software. Other than automatically to the relevant environment or it should support
that sometimes developers develop the unit test cases and “button click deployment”. But in some cases, companies are
check for issues. not allowing the production deployment without the approval.
To bring continuous integration and continuous delivery to This is because of the dependencies to other systems. Though
Scrum, this self-test automation should implement in two the production deployment is controlled, deployment should
levels. The first level is developer level where developer be automated up to the staging level.
develop a feature and test against the unit tests. After that In Scrum concept of automated deployment is not present.
build the solution in the local machine and run all the test So adhere continuous integration and continuous delivery to
cases. Then developer has to commit it to the main line and Scrum, automated deployments should be available. With
main line should do the build automatically and run all the this getting the latest executable is also possible.
test cases on that build. With this next requirement of
building the mainline on an integration machine after every B. New Framework
commit is also satisfied Supported by above facts we can conclude that the
methodology should cover following areas. Each area will
5) Commits to the Mainline Every Day have a set of condition that need to satisfy. So to define the
In order to port the features as fast as possible, developers new framework the combination of Scrum, continuous
should commit to the main line at least once per day. This integration and continuous delivery, need to modify Scrum
requirement can be achieved by having small features and rituals, rules. There modifications are done to support
focusing on having fast build. continuous nature.
In the current Scrum practice the estimations are done by x Development environment setup
whole team and estimation time are done in days. But to x Planning
support “At least one commit per day” need to break the user x Execute
x Inspect and adapt

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22 Continuous Scrum: A Framework to Enhance Scrum with DevOps

x Operation and support x Make the test cases available to developers to run on
According to section A following are the identified the new build
Requirements and the policies for each section. x Should not port the feature to staging till all the test
cases passes
1) Development Environment Setup
x Should run all the automated test cases in staging
In order to achieve the continuous integration and
continuous delivery in a Scrum environment, the code 5) Operation and support
management and the automation should be implemented. This is the new area that appears, which was not in the
Following are the key factors that need to have in the Scrum earlier. This area covers the automated deployments,
environment. performance monitoring of the system and escalating the
x A Single Source Repository to manage code base operational issues to the developer. DevOps discuss about
x Separate identical environments for testing, staging and this aspect as the fast feedback from production to
production development.
x Build automation tool To support continuous integration and continuous delivery
x Test automation tool deployment should be automated. In a theoretical scenario,
x Configuration management tool deployment of automation should be implemented to the
x Overall progress monitoring tool production level. But in a practical scenario there can be
restriction applying updates to production each day or there
2) Planning
can be approval process on applying updates on production.
Requirement gathering will not be much differ from the But this restrictions are only valid for production and
current approach. The conditions that need to cover are automated deployment can be done up to staging without any
commits to the mainline every day and giving high priority issue.
for production issues. Rule set for Deployment is given below.
Rule set for planning is given below. x Deployments should be automated up to the staging
x The user story estimation is done as per the current level
practice x If there’s no restriction, automations should extend to
x If the estimation of the user story is greater than a day, production
sub user story should be developed which should be x If there’s restrictions, maximum time should be defined
shippable to release a feature to production.
x The sub user story definition is the responsible of the Rule set for performance monitoring is given below.
assigned developer. This is to minimize the time take x Performance issues should be escalated to developers
to the meeting. from production
x High priority should be given to the production issue x Developers should address related performance issues
than the backlog in the next sprint
3) Execution Operational issues can be identified either from support
desk or log analyzers. Issues reported from both method
To Support continuous integration and continuous delivery should be treated as follows.
in a Scrum environment can be achieved by competing the Rule set for operational issue escalation is given below.
test automation and build automation.
x Critical bugs reported should be fixed in the current
Rule set related to developers is given below.
sprint or as hot fix
x Developer should write unit test cases
x Medium and low bugs should be added to future
x Quality assurance should write the test cases
sprints based on the impact
x Developer should test the code against unit test
x Developer should test the build against the test cases
x If both passes, commit to the main line
x Developer is responsible for the commit and should
make sure the mainline is built successfully
x If not developer should fix it immediately
x Developer should run all the test cases in the mainline
x In this stage developer can use a code quality check
4) Inspect and adapt
To support the continuous integration and continuous
delivery, testing should be automated as far as possible.
Some cases manual testing cannot be replaced. For example
user interface (UI) testing, the look and feed cannot be
automated. Main focus is to automate the test and this will
lead to have merged stage of implementation and testing in
the software development. Each test should be executed in
each environment before going to production.
Rule set for quality assurance / testing is given below.
x Should write test cases and finish before end of
development Fig. 1 Proposed Solution

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Saliya Samarawickrama, Indika Perera 23

In a nutshell the total solution can illustrate by the figure 1. x Extract data on local build
Proposed method extend the solution to Operation domain. x Extract data on main line builds
But it also covers the requirement gathering, testing and x Extract data on test case execution
implementation, code management and automation. Feedback x Extract data from test, staging and production
to developer will expose the current standing of the project environments
and the issues which will help to improve the quality and x Collect data from code quality software
speed of delivery. Supportive tools that were used given in table 1.
C. Evaluation methodology TABLE 1

To verify a new method, an evaluation has to done. TASK AND TOOL

Without the quantitative factors we cannot say that the new Task Tool
method is more successful than the previous method. To Scrum management tool JIRA
compare current Scrum practice and the proposed Source Management GIT
methodology there should be an evaluation method. Source code quality SonarQube
In scrum evaluation, following matrices are been used [16] management
[17]. Unit testing JUnit
x Sprint Burn-down Test automation Selenium
x Epic and Release Burn-down Build tool Maven
x Velocity Automation tool Jenkins
x Control Chart Log analyser Tool itself read the logs from a
file path
x Cumulative Flow Diagram
Capture Help Desk Data Web UI to insert the data
x User stories planned versus user stories delivered
x User stories delivered versus user stories accepted VI. EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK
x Defect-removal efficiency (DRE)
In DevOps context following matrices are been used [18]. There were multiple aspects that need to evaluate. Those
x Deployment (or Change) Frequency
are given below and different approaches have been used to
x Change Lead Time
evaluate the components. Finally combined outcome had
x Change Failure Rate
been evaluated.
x Proposed Framework
x Mean Time to Recover (MTTR)
x Framework practice outcome
According to paper Jeeva Padmini [19], following are the
leading matrices used in Sri Lanka for agile software The proposed framework was evaluated by a set of Scrum
development. Masters, Project Managers and Developers. To evaluate the
x Work capacity
proposed framework set of questions was used. Given below
x Percentage of adopted work
the set of question that were used.
x Does the proposed framework deliver better results
x Sprint-level effort burndown
x Velocity
relative to Scrum?
x Can the proposed framework adapted with minimum
x Percentage of found work
x Focus factor
x Does the proposed framework contain all the necessary
To evaluate the new methodology use of following
matrices are proposed. This matrices coves the Scrum and the guidelines for development?
x Does the proposed framework enforce the CI CD with
continuous integration and continuous delivery aspects. The
matrices were chosen in such a way that enables to compare proper guidelines?
x Does the proposed framework improve the end to end
standard scrum and proposed methodology
x User stories planned versus user stories delivered
viability (from Development to operation)?
x Does the proposed framework improves the velocity?
x User stories delivered versus user stories accepted
x Does the proposed framework improves the code
x Defect-removal efficiency (DRE)
x Deployment (or Change) Frequency
quality and standard?
x Does the proposed framework improves the rate of
x Velocity
V. IMPLEMENTATION x Does the proposed framework improve the Mean time
to recover?
As per the section IV.B.1 there’s tool suite that need to
x Does the provided tool enhance the end to end
achieve the target framework. Except for the overall progress
monitoring tool, all the other tools are available. For example
x Does the provided tool shows the bottlenecks in the
SVN or GIT can be used as the Source control system.
development cycle and get the early attention?
Jenkins can be used as build and test automation tool.
x Does the provided tool’s modular architecture enables
This tool should extract data from different point and show
easy integration with third-party tools?
them in a meaningful manner.
Finally this tool and the framework was shared and got the
D. Overall Architecture values for matrices mentioned in section C in Methodology.
The tool should have the following capabilities. With the comparison of previous practice and the new
practice it was possible to evaluate the combined outcome.
x Extract the data from sprint management tool Results of questioner is shown in figure 2 and almost all the
x Extract data on local repository and central repository participants agreed on the proposed framework and the tool.

2017 International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) 07th & 08th September 2017

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24 Continuous Scrum: A Framework to Enhance Scrum with DevOps


Continuous Scrum
Matrix First Second
Sprint Sprint
Percentage of user story 80% 75% 100%
Percentage of user stories 100% 100% 100%
Defect-removal efficiency 60% 100% 100%
Deployment Frequency 1 3 4
Expected Velocity 25 20 20
Actual Velocity 20 15 20
Fig. 2 Questioner responses
TABLE 3 Evaluation of results are shown in table 3 to table 5 and the
TEAM FOLLOWING THE STANDARD SCRUM comparison of results has been shown in table 6. The first
attempt of the Continuous Scrum shown a decrease in user
Matrix Value story delivery and actual velocity. This was due to the
User stories planned 5 learning curve of the new framework. But there was an
User stories delivered 4 improvement in deployment frequency and the defect
Percentage of user story delivered 80 removal rate.
User story accepted 4 The second sprint that followed the Continuous Scrum has
Percentage of user stories accepted 100 shown an improvement over the first attempt and actual
No of Dev defects found 5 velocity was equal to the reference value. Also it had
No of Dev defects fixed 3 improved over the user story delivery and acceptance. When
Defect-removal efficiency 60 the second sprint was compared again the reference sprint the
Deployment Frequency 1 defect removal rate and deployment frequency had been
Expected Velocity 25 improved.
Actual Velocity 20 In a nutshell, after the learning curve the Continuous
Scrum approach had improved the team performance.
Matrix Value The rapid delivery nature that demands by the industry is
User stories planned 4 major concern and development practices are searching for
User stories delivered 3 various alternative methods to address this issue. Though the
Percentage of user story delivered 75 industry follows different practices which are developed in
User story accepted 3 house to cater the requirement, there’s no standard
Percentage of user stories accepted 100
framework. This framework was proposed to standardize the
adaptation of continuous nature to the industry.
No of Dev defects found 8
The most adapted methodology in the Agile context is
No of Dev defects fixed 8
Scrum that because of its rich management aspect. To
Defect-removal efficiency 100
benchmark the new framework a previous sprint data was
Deployment Frequency 3
used where the team was following the traditional Scrum
Expected Velocity 20 practice. Key aspect that targeted at the beginning of the
Actual Velocity 15
research was to reduce the time to go live, increate the
feedback from operation and improve the end to end
TABLE 5 visibility.
TEAM FOLLOWING THE CONTINUOUS SCRUM - SECOND SPRINT The matrices were chosen to validate above key aspects.
Results in the table 6 shows the outcome of the proposed
Matrix Value framework. The comparison between traditional scrum sprint
User stories planned 4 and the second sprint of the new framework shows the
User stories delivered 4 successfulness of the proposed framework. With the
Percentage of user story delivered 100 improvement of the defect removal efficiency, it proved the
User story accepted 4 fast feedback from the operation. With the improvement of
Percentage of user stories accepted 100 deployment frequency, it proves the reduction of time to go
No of Dev defects found 5 live. The expected velocity and the actual velocity was equal
No of Dev defects fixed 5 in the second sprint and that proves the improved end to end
Defect-removal efficiency 100 visibility. With that we can conclude that the proposed
Deployment Frequency 4 framework address all the key aspects.
Expected Velocity 20
Actual Velocity 20

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Saliya Samarawickrama, Indika Perera 25

I would first like to thank my research advisor Dr. Indika
Perera. The door to Dr. Perera office was always open
whenever I faced trouble spot or had a question about my
research or writing. He consistently allowed this to be my
own work, but steered me in the right the direction whenever
he thought I needed it.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our
batch coordinator Dr. Malaka Walpola for guiding us
towards this work throughout Research Seminar lecture
sessions over a year and for the extended support and
kindness granted to us. At last but not the least, I would
prefer thank to all the academic staff members for helping,
guiding, encouraging us and disseminating knowledge
throughout the course.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Murcia. Downloaded on October 15,2020 at 17:35:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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