Worksheet 1: Reviewing Number Concepts: Extended Revision Exercises: Number

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

Core questions: 1 – 15
Extended questions: 16 – 18

Extended revision exercises: Number

Worksheet 1: Reviewing number concepts

1 List the first five multiples of:

(a) 9 (b) 17

2 What is the HCF of:

(a) 36 and 144 (b) 32 and 60?

3 What is the LCM of:

(a) 12 and 15 (b) 12 and 18?

4 List all the prime numbers between:

(a) 20 and 50 (b) 55 and 100

5 Write as a product of prime factors:

(a) 200 (b) 189

6 Without doing any calculation, state whether the following are true or false.
(a) 4.87 × 6 = 292.2 (b) 40.76 ÷ 1 = 40.76

(c) 0.12² < 0.1 (d) 0.25 = 0.05

(e) 31.6 × 2.894 ≠ 3.16 × 28.94 (f) 6.8 ≥ 0
(g) 18.62 ≤ 9 × 2.1

7 Calculate, giving your answers correct to two decimal places where necessary.
(a) 9 + 7.047 (b) 12.88 + 5.37
(c) 12.72 – 9.004 (d)
12.17  3.142 14.27  19.29
(e) (f)
2.155 12.6  4.03

8 Arrange these temperatures in order from coldest to hottest:

(a) 8°C, 2°C, 4°C, 0°C, –2°C (b) –4°C, 7°C, 0°C, 19°C , 29°C, –12°C

9 The temperature in Hokkaido in Japan was –8°C at 24:00 one night.

By 09:00 the temperature had risen 12 degrees. What was the temperature at 9 am?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

10 Study the diagram.

(a) Express the depth of the seabed as a directed number. CLUE: sea level is taken to be 0.
(b) Calculate the difference in height between the top of Table Mountain and the seabed.
(c) If sea levels rose 1.85 m due to global warming, how would it affect the altitude of Lion’s Head?

11 Evaluate. Give your answers correct to 2 decimal places if necessary.

(a) 5  13 (b) 3
8 1 (c) 2 62  3 81
149 15
(d) (e) (f) 3
1728  16129
11  2 48  2 7

12 Calculate. Give your answers correct to 3 decimal places if necessary.

77 29
(a) 14 × 67 + 12 × 42 (b)  (c) (427 + 842 – 374) ÷ (289 + 76)
14 11

 8    2.127   
 0.467 
2 3
 900 (f)   
2 3
(d) (e) 144

1.5    687  205  379   1.4  209  

 3 81  15 205379  6
(g) (h) 3
343 (i) 121

13 (a) Which two numbers have a sum of 94 and a product of 2013?

(b) Which two numbers have a difference of 19 and a product of 1170?

14 At a school swimming gala, a student stands on a 9 m high diving board and dives 15 m to touch the
bottom of the pool.
How deep is the pool?

15 A married couple have four children. Each of their children marries and has three children.
Assuming no one dies or gets divorced, how many people are now in the extended family?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

16 You are told that 3.85 × 2.007 = 7.726 95.

Without using a calculator find exact values for each of the following:
(a) 38.5 × 20.07 (b) 0.385 × 2007
(c) 7.726 95 ÷ 2.007 (d) 772.695 ÷ 38.5
(e) 772.695 ÷ 0.000 385 (f) 7.726 95 ÷ 4.014

17 Leonhardt is following a set of rules from his teacher:

1. Take any positive integer and square it.

2. Add the number you first thought of to the result.
3. Add 41.

(a) Follow this set of instructions for any three whole numbers between 2 and 10 inclusive.
What type of number is the result each time?

(b) Try this for some more starting numbers less than 35. What do you notice?
Is there a positive integer less than 50 for which this is no longer true?

18 The number p can be written as a product of the three prime numbers x, y, and z, where x, y and z are all

(a) How many factors does the number p have?

Another number q can be written as the product of four different primes.

(b) How many factors does q have?

The number r can be written as a product of n different prime numbers.

(c) How many factors does r have?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 15
Extended questions: 16 – 18

Extended revision exercises: Number

Worksheet 1: Reviewing number concepts

1 List the first five multiples of:

(a) 9 (b) 17

2 What is the HCF of:

(a) 36 and 144 (b) 32 and 60?

3 What is the LCM of:

(a) 12 and 15 (b) 12 and 18?

4 List all the prime numbers between:

(a) 20 and 50 (b) 55 and 100

5 Write as a product of prime factors:

(a) 200 (b) 189

6 Without doing any calculation, state whether the following are true or false.
(a) 4.87 × 6 = 292.2 (b) 40.76 ÷ 1 = 40.76

(c) 0.12² < 0.1 (d) 0.25 = 0.05

(e) 31.6 × 2.894 ≠ 3.16 × 28.94 (f) 6.8 ≥ 0
(g) 18.62 ≤ 9 × 2.1

7 Calculate, giving your answers correct to two decimal places where necessary.
(a) 9 + 7.047 (b) 12.88 + 5.37
(c) 12.72 – 9.004 (d)
12.17  3.142 14.27  19.29
(e) (f)
2.155 12.6  4.03

8 Arrange these temperatures in order from coldest to hottest:

(a) 8°C, 2°C, 4°C, 0°C, –2°C (b) –4°C, 7°C, 0°C, 19°C , 29°C, –12°C

9 The temperature in Hokkaido in Japan was –8°C at 24:00 one night.

By 09:00 the temperature had risen 12 degrees. What was the temperature at 9 am?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

10 Study the diagram.

(a) Express the depth of the seabed as a directed number. CLUE: sea level is taken to be 0.
(b) Calculate the difference in height between the top of Table Mountain and the seabed.
(c) If sea levels rose 1.85 m due to global warming, how would it affect the altitude of Lion’s Head?

11 Evaluate. Give your answers correct to 2 decimal places if necessary.

(a) 5  13 (b) 3
8 1 (c) 2 62  3 81
149 15
(d) (e) (f) 3
1728  16129
11  2 48  2 7

12 Calculate. Give your answers correct to 3 decimal places if necessary.

77 29
(a) 14 × 67 + 12 × 42 (b)  (c) (427 + 842 – 374) ÷ (289 + 76)
14 11

 8    2.127   
 0.467 
2 3
 900 (f)   
2 3
(d) (e) 144

1.5    687  205  379   1.4  209  

 3 81  15 205379  6
(g) (h) 3
343 (i) 121

13 (a) Which two numbers have a sum of 94 and a product of 2013?

(b) Which two numbers have a difference of 19 and a product of 1170?

14 At a school swimming gala, a student stands on a 9 m high diving board and dives 15 m to touch the
bottom of the pool.
How deep is the pool?

15 A married couple have four children. Each of their children marries and has three children.
Assuming no one dies or gets divorced, how many people are now in the extended family?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

16 You are told that 3.85 × 2.007 = 7.726 95.

Without using a calculator find exact values for each of the following:
(a) 38.5 × 20.07 (b) 0.385 × 2007
(c) 7.726 95 ÷ 2.007 (d) 772.695 ÷ 38.5
(e) 772.695 ÷ 0.000 385 (f) 7.726 95 ÷ 4.014

17 Leonhardt is following a set of rules from his teacher:

1. Take any positive integer and square it.

2. Add the number you first thought of to the result.
3. Add 41.

(a) Follow this set of instructions for any three whole numbers between 2 and 10 inclusive.
What type of number is the result each time?

(b) Try this for some more starting numbers less than 35. What do you notice?
Is there a positive integer less than 50 for which this is no longer true?

18 The number p can be written as a product of the three prime numbers x, y, and z, where x, y and z are all

(a) How many factors does the number p have?

Another number q can be written as the product of four different primes.

(b) How many factors does q have?

The number r can be written as a product of n different prime numbers.

(c) How many factors does r have?

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2015 3

Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 9
Extended questions: 10 – 13

Extended revision exercises: Algebra

Worksheet 2: Making sense of algebra

1 Shamiel has 6 pieces of rope labelled a–e. The first piece, a, is x metres long.
Write an expression in x to describe the length of the other pieces using the following information:
(a) b is 6 m shorter than a
(b) c is half as long as a
(c) d is 2.5 m longer than a
(d) e is a third of the length of a
(e) f is twice as long as a

2 Simplify.
(a) 4a  2a  6b (b) 4 x  8 y
x 2x
(c)  (d) 2 x 2 y  6 xy  xy 2  2 xy  y 2 x
3 3
12 xy 2 21z 2
(e)  (f) 8x  2 y  3x  7 y
7z 4 xy
12 x 25 x 3
(g) (h)
10 50 x 2 y 2

3 Given that a  2 , b  5 and c  8 , find the value of:

(a) 3  a  b  (b) a 2b (c) 2a  b (d) ab  bc

c a c
(e) c 2  c (f) a  (g)  (h) ab2  a 2b
a 2 4
a a 2a  c
(i) c  3a (j) ab  c (k)  (l)
c 2b b
ca 1
(m) (n) a 3bc (o) 3
cb 2

4 Expand and simplify.

(a) 4  x  3 (b) 5( x  2) (c) 2 x( x  4)

(d) 3x( x  2) (e) 7 x( x  y) (f) 3( x  5)  7

(g) 4( x  2)  2 x (h) 4( x  y)  2 x (i) 4( x  3)  2( x  7)

(j) 4 x( x  2)  y(2 y  3) (k) 6( x  7)  3(2  x) (l) 3x( x 2  5)  2 x 2 (2 x  4)

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

5 Write each of the following as a product of prime numbers.

(a) 52 (b) 26 (c) 36 (d) 144

(e) 32 (f) 81 (g) 1024 (h) 2450

6 Explain why it is not possible to write the number 41 as a product of prime numbers.

7 Simplify.

(a) x8  x 2 (b) y 6  y 2 (c) x 

2 3

(d) x  5 3
(e) x 0  2 (f) x 0  y 0

 
(g) 12
(h) 2 x 2 (i) 6 x 2  4 xy 2

   4x 
3 3 3
(j) 2x 2 y 2  xy 2 (k) 2x 2 (l)

120 x 4 12 x 2 y 2
 4x 
4 3
(m) (n) (o)
5x 9 x3 y 3

x   2x 
-2 -2
(p) 2a -1 (q) -2

   xy z 
-1 -2
(s) 2 x 2 y (t) 2

8 Find the error in each of these simplifications and rewrite each one correctly.
(a) 4( x  3)  4 x  3
(b) 4( x  2)  2( x  4)  6 x  4
(c) 3( x  2)  5( x  1)  8 x  5
(d) 2( x  3)  3( x  4)  6 x  18

9 A school tuckshop sells w bottles of water and c bottles of cool drink each day for d days.
Explain in your own words what each of these expression means.
(a) ( w  c)
(b) ( w  c)
(c) (c  w)
(d) dw
(e) d ( w  c)
(f) d ( w  c)  8w

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

10 Evaluate:
1 2 5 1

(a) 9 3 (b) 415 (c) 4 3 (d) 216 3 (e) 2560.5

11 Simplify.
1 2
1 1 1 2
 x2 3  x2  5
(a) x 2  x 2 (b) x 5  x 3 (c)  9  (d)  3 
x  y 

2y 
1 3

 3x 
-1 2
6x 3
1 5 1 2

(e) 5
(f) 1
 2x2 (g) 1
 3
 2 xy
3 2 2 2
9x 2x 8x 4x

12 Solve for x .

 1 2
(a) 216 x  6 (b) 2 x1  (c) x 3  9 (d)  x 3  
8   2

13 Solve each of the following equations for x.

(a) (2(2x + 1))3 = 64

(b) (2(2x + 1))4 =

14 Find an equation connecting x and y when each of the following is true.

CLUE: think about how each number in any given question can be written as a power.

1 3
(a) 4x  64 y (b) 3x  (c) 27 x 
3x 9 x3

(d) 16  ( 4)
y3 3 x
(e) 2  2  4  8 y
x x 3
(f) (2x ) x  (2 y ) y

CLUE: remember that if p = –2 then (–2)2 = 4.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 6
Extended questions: 7 – 8

Extended revision exercises:

Shape, space and measures
Worksheet 3: Lines, angles and shapes

1 Complete the table.

Number of Sum of Size of one angle when the

Name of polygon
sides angles polygon is regular
Triangle 3 180° 60°

2 Calculate the size of one interior angle in a regular 18-sided polygon.

3 Construct XYZ with XY = 40 mm, YZ = 50 mm and XZ = 70 mm.

(a) Construct the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle.

(b) Label the point where the perpendicular bisectors meet as O.

(c) Using O as the centre, use a pair of compasses to draw a circle that passes through
the vertices of the triangle.

4 Draw accurate sketches to show:

(a) an angle with a complement of 42°

(b) an angle with a supplement of 42°

(c) an angle equal to 239°

(d) the pairs of equal angles formed when a transversal cuts two parallel lines.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

5 Find the value of x in each diagram. Show all your working and give reasons for any statements.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

6 Prove that NMQ = 3 × MQN.

7 Find the missing angle in each of the following diagrams:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

8 The exterior angle of a regular polygon is 36°. Calculate the sum of the interior angles.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

Extended revision exercises: Data handling

Worksheet 4: Collecting, organising and displaying data

1 A researcher asked the students in a school how many fizzy drinks they consumed during one particular
week. These are her results:

8 19 25 25 0 0 0 2 28 25
13 19 13 18 15 0 0 10 9 24
23 0 0 33 32 0 0 29 0 4
5 0 16 15 3 6 0 33 23 0
30 13 22 21 6 8 9 8 12 20

(a) Is this discrete or continuous data?

(b) Organise the data into a grouped frequency table. Use a class interval of 0–4, 5–9 and so on.
(c) Draw a suitable graph to display these results.

2 This pie chart shows the colours that

80 students selected as their favourite
from a 5-colour chart.

(a) Which colour is most popular?

(b) Which colour is least popular?
(c) What percentage of the students chose
purple as their favourite colour?
(d) How many students chose black as
their favourite colour?

3 Here are the ages (to the nearest whole year) of the oldest grandparent of 40 sixteen-year old girls:
63 67 52 90 75 99 80 51 64 51
51 53 79 61 60 72 75 67 62 70
89 65 55 93 56 65 52 62 65 53
99 63 75 99 53 58 71 50 55 51

(a) Organise the data in a grouped frequency table using an appropriate interval.
(b) Draw a bar graph to show this data.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

4 The favourite subjects of a group of students in a school in Dhaka is shown in the table.

Subject Girls Boys

Mathematics 34 33
English 45 40
Biology 29 31
ICT 40 48

(a) Draw a double bar graph to show this data.

(b) How many girls chose mathematics?
(c) How many boys chose ICT?
(d) Which is the favourite subject among the girls?
(e) Which is the least favourite subject amongst the boys?

5 Study this graph carefully.

(a) What type of graph is this?
(b) What does each symbol represent?
(c) What was the population of the
world in 1650?
(d) How long did it take the population
to double after 1650?
(e) When will the world’s population
reach 7 billion?
(f) The United Nations predicts that the
world’s population will reach
9.2 billion in 2050. How would you
show this on the graph?
(g) Redraw this data as a line graph.

6 This table shows the approximate percentage of the world’s population living on each continent.
Africa Asia Europe North America South America Oceania
13 61 12 5 8.5 0.5

(a) Draw a pie chart to display this data.

(b) How else could you display this data?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 10
Extended questions: 11 – 14

Extended revision exercises: Number

Worksheet 5: Fractions

1 Round each of the following numbers to the accuracy shown in brackets

(a) 15.638 (1dp) (b) 383 452 345 (3sf) (c) 0.000 034 556 (2sf)
(d) 0.999 98 (3dp) (e) 32 453 (nearest 10) (f) 0.123 45 (nearest thousandth)
(g) 125 (nearest 10)

2 Write each of the following as an ordinary number.

(a) 5.3 × 106 (b) 9.56 × 1012 (c) 1.08 × 108 (d) 8.75 × 109
(e) 5.3 × 10–3 (f) 2.08 × 10–6 (g) 9.1 × 10–7 (h) 2.145 × 10–8

3 Write each of the following numbers in standard form.

(a) 65 000 000 (b) 34 800 000 000 (c) 0.000 19
(d) 0.000 000 127 (e) 12 000 (f) 0.0056
(g) 27 500 000 (h) 0.000 000 000 000 345

4 Simplify. Leave your answers in standard form.

(a) (4 × 102) × (2 × 105) (b) (7 × 10–3) × (4 × 10–1)
(c) (3.45 × 104) × (3 × 10–2) (d) (4.6 × 10–2) × (7.2 × 105)
(e) (9.5 × 1018) × (4.7 × 109) (f) (0.76 × 10–4) × (0.04 × 10–3)

5 Complete this table.

Fraction Decimal Percentage Fraction Decimal Percentage

1 7
3 12
0.77 4
35 5
1.4 9

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

6 Evaluate:
2 2 5 3 3 7
(a)  (b)  (c) 3  4
5 7 8 4 8 10
2 2 5 2 5 3
(d) 3  2 (e)  (f) 
9 5 8 5 6 4
3 9 6 4 2
(g) 12 2 (h) 6 3 (i) 7  6
7 10 7 5 7
2 1 7 4 1 3
(j) 1  3 (k) 2  3 (l) 8 12
3 4 9 5 2 8
4 4 1 3
(m) 2 4 (n) 4 2 (o) 2  3
5 9 3 4
1 6 1 3
(p) 12  3 (q) of 80 (r) of 420
9 7 5 4
2 2
(s) of 112 (t) 3 of 600 (u) 25% of 94
7 5
(v) 8% of 96 (w) 12.5% of 1200 (x) 0.8% of 250

7 Express:
(a) 15 as a percentage of 60 (b) 36 as a percentage of 54
(c) 3.2 as a percentage of 0.8 (d) 67 as a percentage of 67
1 1
(e) 0.38 as a percentage of 0.94 (f) as a percentage of .
3 7

8 Increase:
(a) 100 by 70% (b) 25 by 12% (c) 11 by 3.5%
(d) 88 by % (e) $30 by 20% (f) 3 kg by 1%

9 Decrease:
(a) 50 by 25% (b) 800 by 3% (d) 88.8 by 20%
(d) 35 by 3.2% (e) $50 by 10% (f) 90 seconds by 33.3%

10 Estimate the value of each of the following.

(a) 6.1  2.9 (b) 14.6 × 2.7 (c) 46.2 ÷ 25.3 (d) 23.42

36.5  28.2 99.6

(e) 125 × 384 (f)  (g)  49.1 24.8 (h) 
29.9  4.8 143

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM

11 Sarah buys a bicycle on sale for $450. If this is 10% less than the normal price, find the normal price.

12 A factory in Bangladesh is forced to reduce its workforce by 15% down to 510 workers as a result of the
world-wide recession.
(a) How many people worked in the factory before the reduction?
(b) How many workers lost their jobs in this reduction?

13 The value of a car decreases by 12% per year. Peggy’s car is two years old and its value is now $3875.
(a) What was her car’s value when it was one year old?
(b) What was the original price of the car?
(c) If the value of a car decreases by x% per year and the original value of the car is $V, find a formula
(in terms of x, V and n) for the value of the car after n years.

14 The value of a painting increases by 2% per year. The painting was bought on January 1st 2008 for
$1800. During which year will the painting first be worth more than $2500?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 6
Extended questions: 7

Extended revision exercises: Algebra

Worksheet 6: Equations and transforming formulae

1 Factorise:
(a) 6 x  6 y (b) 12 x  9 y  3c (c) 6ax  3bx  9cx

(d) x 2 y  xy 2 (e) 3x 2  15 xy (f) x 4 y3  7 x 2 y  3x3 y3

1 3
(g) 2ax  4ay  3bx  6by (h) 12 x3  8x2  2 x (i) a b
4 4
7 3 3 2
x  x (k) 3  x  4   5  x  4  (l) 3  x  1  18  x  1
2 3
8 4

2 Expand and simplify as far as possible.

(a) 3  x  2 y  (b) 2 x  3x  2  (c) 4 x  x  3

(d) 5 x  2 x  2 y  (e) 2 x  3x  7 y  (f) 8  y  7 

(g) 2 x x 2  5 y  (h) 2.4  3x  5 (i) 3  x  2    x  3

(j) 2 x  x  2   x  3  x  (k)  x  3  y   2  y  2  (l) 4  5x  2 y   3  4 y  2 x 

3 Solve the following equations.

(a) x  9  18 (b) 100 x  4 (c) 2 x  7  35
(d) 3x  9  17 (e) 2 x  4  8 (f) 4 x  2  x  2 

(g) 3  5 x  2   -10 (h) 2  3  2 x   12 (i) 2 x  3  x  4

(j) 3x  5  2 x  1 (k) 6  2 x  4 x  6 (l) 4 x  18  7 x  3

x 2x 4
(m) 3  9 (n)  4  12 (o) x  6
2 5 5
x 2x x 3x x
(p) 3  (q) 25 (r)   22
3 5 3 2 3
x x 5x x
(s) 8  6 (t) 2 
3 4 8 2

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4 Solve the following equations.

(a) 4  x  2   3  x  3 (b) 4  x  3  7  4  2 x 

(c) 2  3  x  3  3  x  4  (d) 3 1  x   3  2 x  3  17

(e) 3x   2  x   4  2  3  x  (f) 4  5  x  6   3  3  x   1

(g) x  1  3  3x  2    3x  4  (h) 3  x  2   3  x  1  4  6 x

(i) 4  x  2   3  3  x   4  x

5 The lengths, in centimetres, of three

sides of a rectangle are shown in the

Find the value of x and calculate the

area of the rectangle.

6 Change the subject of each formula to the letter given in square brackets.
(a) v  u  at t  (b) s  x  y  z  y (c) fh  g f
(d) ab  c  d a (e) z  x (f) y  x  3  x
D x m b
(g) S =  D (h)   m (i) a  x b 
T y n c

(j) xy  x (k) xy  z  y (l) x y  a  y

(m) xym  x (n) x  y b  y (o) y x  m  x
x p
(p)   y
y q

7 Change the subject of each formula to the letter given in square brackets
1 1 1 1
(a) x   z [y] (b) a   c [b] (c) x  [x]
y b x x y
1 1
(d) x  [y] (e) xy + x = z [x] (f) yz + y = xy + z [y]
x x y
q 1 xz xz
(g) p [q] (h) y  [z] (i) y  [x]
q 1 xz xz

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 14
Extended questions: 9(f) – (h) and 15 – 16

Extended revision exercises:

Shape, space and measures
Worksheet 7: Perimeter, area and volume

1 Calculate the circumference of a circle with diameter:

(a) 21 m (b) 91 mm (c) 3.4 cm
(d) 4.08 cm (e) 1.8 m (f) 2.5 cm
(g) 14.24 m (h) 88 cm (i) 10 m
(j) 16 cm

2 What is the radius of a circle of circumference:

(a) 14 mm (b) 81 cm (c) 206 mm
(d) 31.5 cm (e) 220 cm?

3 Find the area of the following shapes:

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (e)

4 This diagram shows a silver pendant with a gold frame around it. The inner silver pendant has a diameter
of 20 mm and the gold frame around it is 2 mm wide.

(a) Using  = 3.14, calculate correct to one

decimal place the circumference of:

(i) the inner silver pendant

(ii) the outer gold ring.

(b) What is the area of the silver part of the pendant?

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5 Write the formula for finding the area of each shape.

6 Calculate the area of each of these shapes. Give your answers correct to two decimal places.
(a) a square of side 12.6 cm
(b) a rectangle with sides of 8.5 m and 12.2 m
(c) a trapezium of height 12 cm and parallel sides of 8.5 cm and 11.8 cm.

7 A triangular sail has a height of 5.65 m and an area of 68.93 m2. What is the length of its base?

8 A square has an area of 529 cm2. Calculate:

(a) the length of a side (b) the perimeter of the square.

9 Find the area of each shape:

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

(f) (g) (h)

(Find the shaded area.)

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10 Calculate the volume of each of these solids. Give your answer to 1 decimal place where necessary.
(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i) .

(j) (k) (l)

11 Draw the nets of shape (a) and shape (c) from question 10.

12 Find the surface area of each solid in question 10.

13 The radius of a cylinder is 90 cm. Its height is equal to 2r (where r is its radius). What is its surface area?
Give your answer correct to two decimal places.

14 A rectangular box measures 280 mm × 140 mm × 150 mm. How many smaller cuboids measuring
10 mm × 10 mm × 20 mm could be packed into the box?

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15 The diagram shows a sector where the arc length is the same as the radius from which the sector was

(a) Calculate the angle x in terms of π only.

CLUE: you will need to think about how to calculate the arc length from the radius and angle, and
then set up an equation.
(b) Calculate the area of the shape in terms of r only.
(c) State what fraction of a full circle, with radius r, this shape represents.

16 Sphere A has radius r cm and sphere B has radius kr cm, where k is any positive number.

CLUE: this question will be easier if you have also covered chapter 11.

Show that:
(a) the surface area of sphere B is k2 times the surface area of sphere A
(b) the volume of sphere B is k3 times the volume of sphere A.

You are now told that the volume of sphere B is 64 times the volume of sphere A.
surface area of A
(c) What is the value of ?
surface area of B
(d) If the volume of sphere B is p times the volume of sphere A, calculate the value of
surface area of A
surface area of B

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 8
Extended questions: 9 – 13

Extended revision exercises: Data handling

Worksheet 8: Introduction to probability

1 A box contains 3 red counters, 4 green counters, 2 blue counters and a black counter.
If you pick a counter without looking, what is the probability that you will pick:
(a) a red counter
(b) a green counter
(c) a black counter
(d) a blue counter
(e) a yellow counter

2 Nick shuffles an ordinary pack of 52 playing cards.

If he draw a single card at random, find the probability that is:
(a) red
(b) black
(c) spades
(d) not spades
(e) a king
(f) not an ace
(g) an even numbered card
(h) a red even numbered card
(i) not an even numbered card.

3 A pentagonal spinner is divided into five equal segments.These are a labelled A to E.

(a) Draw and label an accurate version of the spinner.
(b) Calculate the probability that it will land on:
(i) E (ii) G
(iii) Not A (iv) a vowel
(v) not a vowel.

4 A letter is chosen randomly from the word MATHEMATICS. What is the probability that it is:
(a) C (b) A
(c) not T? (d) a vowel?
(e) N?

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5 A letter is randomly chosen from the song title ‘You are my sunshine’.
What is the probability of the letter being:
(a) a capital letter?
(b) not a capital letter?
(c) an a?
(d) a consonant?
(e) not a consonant?

6 When you toss a fair six-sided die, what is the probability of getting:
(a) an odd number
(b) an even number
(c) a prime number
(d) a multiple of 5
(e) not a multiple of 2
(f) not a 6
(g) a 7
(h) a factor of 36?

7 In a car park there are 35 red, 42 white, 12 black and 29 silver cars. 24 parking spaces are empty. What is
the probability that a parking space chosen at random will contain:
(a) a red car
(b) a silver car
(c) not a black car
(d) no car at all?

8 Draw unbiased spinners that will land on blue, given the following information:
1 5
(a) P(blue) = , P(red) =
6 6
1 1 1
(b) P(blue) = , P(white) = , P(black) =
3 3 3
(c) P(not blue) =
(d) P(black) = , P(blue) = P(not black).

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9 An unbiased black dice and an unbiased white dice are thrown together.
(a) Draw a probability space diagram to show all possible outcomes of this event.
(b) Find the probability that:
(i) one dice shows 2 and the other shows 3
(ii) one dice shows 6
(iii) both dice show 2.

10 A bag contains ten identical counters. Four are purple and six are yellow. A counter is removed at random
and then replaced. A second counter is then removed. What is the probability that:
(a) the first counter is purple
(b) both counters are purple
(c) neither counter is purple
(d) the first counter is yellow and the second is purple
(e) the two counters are different colours
(f) at least one counter is purple?

11 A box contains three yellow, four red and two purple marbles. A marble is chosen at random and not
replaced. If three marbles are chosen (without replacement) what is the probability of choosing:
(a) three red marbles
(b) a yellow, red and purple marble in that order?

12 Sandy’s sock drawer contains 40 identical green or yellow socks. If he chooses a sock at random, the
probability that it is green is .
(a) How many yellow socks are in the drawer?
(b) Keeping the number of yellow socks the same, how many green socks would you need to add to the
drawer to make the probability of choosing a green sock ?

13 Ten balls numbered 1 to 10 are placed in a box. One ball is removed from the box and not replaced. A
second ball is then chosen. Find the probability that the sum of the numbers on the balls is equal to 9.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 7
Extended questions: 8 – 14

Extended revision exercises: Number

Worksheet 9: Sequences and sets

1 Write down:
(a) the 9th odd number (b) the 14th even number (c) the 10th multiple of 8
(d) the 5th prime number (e) the first 5 square numbers (f) the first 5 multiples of 9.

2 Write down the next three terms in each of the following sequences.
(a) –2, –4, –6, –8, … (b) 12, 9, 6, 3, … (c) 1, 4, 9, 16, …
1 1 1 1
(d) 0, 6, 12, 18, … (e) , , , ,… (f) 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, …
2 4 8 16

3 Find the nth term in each of the following sequences:

(a) 6, 8, 10, 12, … (b) 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, … (c) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …
(d) 19, 17, 15, 13, … (e) 0.25, 1, 1.75, 2.5, 3.25, … (f) 9, 7.8, 6.6, 5.4, …

4 Here are some patterns made from dots.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

For each:
(i) Draw up a sequence table for the first six elements in each pattern, taking care to use the correct
letter for the pattern number and the correct letter for the number of dots.
(ii) Find a formula for the number of dots used in terms of the pattern number.
(iii) Use your formula to find the number of dots in the 250th pattern.

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5 The formula for the nth term of a sequence is 3n + 2.

(a) Write down the first five terms in the sequence.
(b) Find:
(i) the 25th term
(ii) The 200th term
(iii) The 5000th term.

6 State whether or not the following numbers are rational or irrational. Give reasons for your answers.
(a) (b) 8
(c) 9 (d) 3  3
 
(e) (3  3) (f) 0.63

 8
(g) 1.8 (h)
(i)  2 (j) ( 17)2

(k) ( 17)3 (l)

1 2
(m) (n)
9 3
(o) 0.09  2.25  0.49

7 Express each of the following recurring decimals as fractions in their lowest terms.
 
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.49
  
(c) 0.49 (d) 0.05
   
(e) 0.516 (f) 0.10 2

(g) 0.9

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8 State whether the following are true or false.

(a) 4  {odd numbers} (b) 36  {square numbers}
(c) {2; 3}  {prime numbers} (d) {y}  {vowels}
(e) {2, 4, 6}  {1, 2, 3} = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (f) {2, 4, 6}  {1, 2, 3} = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

9 P = {9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}

(a) Desribe this set in words.
(b) What is n(P)?
(c) List the subset R = {Odd numbers in P}.
(d) List the subset S = {multiples of 3 in P}.
(e) List R  S.

10 Express each of the following sets in set builder notation.

(a) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
(b) {m, a, t, h, e, m, a, t, i, c, s}
(c) {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}
(d) {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64}

11 List the members of the following sets:

(a) X (b) Y
(c) X  Y (d) X  Y
(e) X′ (f) Y′
(g) (X  Y)′ (h) (X  Y)′
(i) X′  Y′ (j) X′  Y′

12 Mr Mahmoud asked the students in his

class what languages they spoke at home.
The results are shown in the Venn diagram.

= {all the people asked},

A = {people who speak English at home},
B = {People who speak Arabic at home}.

(a) n( ) (b) n(A) (c) n(B) (d) n(A′)

(e) n(B′) (f) n( A'B' ) (g) n( A  B)

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13 The Venn diagram below shows sets A, B and C, inside the universal set.

For each of the following, copy the diagram above and shade the region(s) of the Venn Diagram
that represent(s):
(a) A  B
(b) A  B
(c) A′  B
(d) A  B  C
(e) A  (B  C)
(f) A  (B  C)
(g) (A  C′)  B
(h) (A  B′)  C′
(i) A′  B′  C′
(j) (A  B  C)′
(k) (A  B)′  C′
(l) ((A  B′)  C′)′

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 4
Extended questions: 5(j) – (t) – 12

Extended revision exercises: Algebra

Worksheet 10: Straight lines and quadratic equations

1 Complete each table of values for the given values of x .

(a) y  x  3 (b) y  3
x –1 0 1 2 3 x –1 0 1 2 3
y y

(c) y  x 1
2 (d) y  2 x  4
x –1 0 1 2 3 x –1 0 1 2 3
y y

(e) y   x
2 (f) y  2 x  1
x –1 0 1 2 3 x –1 0 1 2 3
y y

(g) y  x  1 (h) 2 x  y  4
x –1 0 1 2 3 x –1 0 1 2 3
y y

(i) x  7 (j) x  y  1
x x –1 0 1 2 3
y –1 0 1 2 3 y

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2 Here are two sets of axes.

For the tables produced in question 1, draw and label graphs (a) to (e) on one set of axes and draw and
label graphs (f) to (j) on the other set of axes.

3 For each line shown:

(i) find the gradient of the line
(ii) find the equation of the line.

4 Find the equation of a line that is:

(a) parallel to the line with equation y = 4x + 1, but passes through the point (3, 16)
(b) parallel to the line with equation y = –3x + 5, but passes through the point (7, –8)
(c) parallel to the line with equation y = 0.5x + 0.3, but passes through the point (3, 2.4)
(d) parallel to the line with equation 3x + 4y = 12, but passes through the point (2, –1)
(e) parallel to the line with equation 5x – 2y = 18, but passes through the point (–3, –4).

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5 Expand and simplify each of the following.

(a) (x + 1)(x + 11) (b) (x – 7)(x + 12) (c) (y + 3)(y – 4)
(d) (x – 4)(x + 4) (e) (p – 8)(p – 9) (f) (x – 3)2
(g) (h + 5)(h – 15) (h) (p – 3)(p – 10) (i) (2x + 3)(2x – 4)
(j) (4x + 3)(3x – 7) (k) (2 – 5x)(9x + 1) (l) (3p + 4q)(2p – 7q)
(m) (x + 2)(x – 4)
2 2
(n) (x – 1)(x + x + 1)
(o) (2pq – 3)(3p + 4q)
(p) (p + q)2 (q) (p + q)3 CLUE: Use your answer to (p)
(r) (x2 – y2)2 (s) (x + y + z)(x + y – z) (t) (m – n)4

6 For each pair of points, find:

(i) the gradient of the line that passes through both points
(ii) the length of the line segment joining each pair of points
(iii) the coordinates of the midpoints of a line segment joining each pair of points.

(a) (0, 0) and (–3, 3) (b) (4, 2) and (8, 4) (c) (2, –3) and (4, –1)
(d) (5, 0) and (–5, 0) (e) (–1, 4) and (0, 8) (f) (0, –3) and (4, 1)
(g) (–3, 6) and (4, –6) (h) (9, 8) and (1, 2) (i) (–2, –4) and (4, –7)

7 Factorise each of the following. Remember to look for common factors first.
(a) x 2  16 (b) 5x 2  20 (c) x 2  4 x  3
(d) x 2  3x  28 (e) x 2  64 (f) 49  x 2
(g) 16 x 2  9 (h) x 2  14 x  49 (i) x 2  12 x  36
(j) x 2  10 x  25 (k) 2 x 2  12 x  18 (l) 2 x 2  16
(m) x 2  3x  2 (n) x 2  6 x  8 (o) x 2  5x  24
(p) x 2  x  20 (q) x 2  2 x  3 (r) 3x 2  75
(s) x 2 y 2  25 (t) 2  2x 2 y 2

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8 Solve the following equations.

(a) x2  14 x  49  0 (b) x 2  4 x  4  0 (c) x 2  3x  2  0
(d) x 2  2 x  35  0 (e) x 2  x  6  0 (f) x 2  5x  6  0
(g) x 2  7 x  6  0 (h) x2  22 x  121  0 (i) x 2  4 x  3  0
(j) x 2  x  42  0 (k) x 2  2 x  48  0 (l) 2 x2  14 x  20  0

9 (a)(i) By writing y  x , explain why x  7 x  12  0 is equivalent to the equation y 2  7 y  12  0

(ii) Hence find all possible values of x.

(b) Solve the equation p  11 p  30  0

(c) Solve the equation t  10
(d) Solve the equation x 4  5x 2  6  0

10 Show that the only possible value for x in the following equation is 1.
(It is not sufficient to show that x = 1 is a solution).
x 2

11 (a) If x2  4 x  3  ( x  a)2  b for all possible values of x, find a and b.

(b) If y  x 2  4 x  3 , state the minimum value of y, and the value of x at which this minimum occurs.

(c) Sketch the graph of y  x 2  4 x  3 .

Try to use your answer to part (a) to calculate the co-ordinates of all intersections with the axes.

12 By writing y = 2x or otherwise, find all values of x for which 22 x  12(2 x )  32  0 .

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 7
Extended questions: 8 – 14

Extended revision exercises: Shape, space and

Worksheet 11: Pythagoras’ theorem and similar shapes

1 Which of the following pairs of triangles are congruent?

For pairs that are congruent state which conditions you have used to determine that.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)


(g) (h) (i)

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2 Find the length of the unmarked side in each of the following triangles.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

3 A rectangular field is 120 m long and 88 m wide.

What is the longest distance it is possible to walk in the same direction in one continuous straight line?
Give your answer correct to the closest metre.

4 Josh and Sarah walk from the same point. Josh walks due west and Sarah walks due north.
After 1 hour, Josh is 4.2 km from the starting point and Sarah is 5.6 km from Josh in a straight line.
How far is she from the starting point?

5 Calculate the length of the line segment joining each pair of points.
Give your answer to 3 significant figures where appropriate.
You may find it helpful to draw a diagram in each case.
(a) (3, 1) and (5, 9)
(b) (5, 8) and (2, 11)
(c) (3, –6) and (4, 12)
(d) (–1, 3) and (4, 4)
(e) (–4, –7) and (9, 5)
(f) (–3, –5) and (–6, –5)
(g) (–3, –5) and (–7, –10)
(h) (a, b) and (2a, 2b)

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6 The following pairs of triangles are similar.

Find the length of each side marked with a letter.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

7 Determine whether each pair of triangles is similar or not.

Show your working.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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8 What is the ratio of the volumes of two cuboids whose sides are in the ratio 4 : 3?

9 Celine has two similar cylindrical water tanks. The larger one is 8 m high and has a radius of 4 m. The
ratio of the diameters of the bases is 3 : 4. Calculate:
(a) the height of the smaller tank
(b) given that the volume of a cylinder => V   r 2h , calculate the volume of water that each tank can

10 Two cubic closed crates contain 125 kg and 1000 kg of sand respectively. Calculate:
(a) the ratio of the lengths of their edges
(b) the ratio of their surface areas.

11 This diagram shows a sketch of a small shed.

The dimensions given are to a scale of 1 : 8.

(a) the surface area of the walls and roof (ignoring the windows and door) of the actual shed in m2.
(b) the volume of the shed in m3.

12 A Pythagorean Triple is a set of any three positive integers that satisfy Pythagoras’ Theorem. For
example, 32 + 42 = 9 +16 = 25 = 52, so (3, 4, 5) is a Pythagorean Triple.
(a) Show that (15, 20, 25) is a Pythagorean Triple.
(b) Show that (6, 8, 10) is a Pythagorean Triple.
(c) Show that (3k, 4k, 5k) is a Pythagorean triple for any positive integer k.
(d) Show that if (a, b, c) is a Pythagorean Triple, then (ka, kb, kc) is also a Pythagorean Triple for any
positive integer k.
(e) Find two different Pythagorean Triples that both include the number 24.

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13 (a) Show that if

a  uv
u 2  v2
u  v2

then the triple (a, b, c) satisfies Pythagoras’ Theorem.

(b) Use the formulae given in part (a) to find a Pythagorean triple where the smallest integer in the triple
is 17.
(c) Show that if a is prime and a is a member of a Pythagorean Triple, then the other two numbers in the
triple will differ by 1.

14 A cuboid has edges of length x cm, y cm and z cm. A diagonal of the cuboid is any line that joins two
vertices but does not lie along an edge or lie in a face of the cuboid. Show that the length of such a
diagonal, d, is given by the formula

d  a 2  b2  c 2
You should draw a clear set of diagrams to support your argument.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 6
Extended questions: 7 – 11

Core revision exercises: Data handling

Worksheet 12: Averages and measures of spread

1 Find the mean, median, mode and range of the following sets of data.
(a) 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 3, 4, 3, 7, 8
(b) 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10
(c) 1, 3, 12, 14, 13, 22, 10, 11, 12, 4, 5, 7
(d) 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 6, 6, 5, 3
(e) 13, 7, 8, 8, 2, 9, 11, 7, 8, 4, 5
(f) 45, 48, 60, 42, 53, 47, 51, 54, 49, 48, 47, 53, 48, 44, 46
(g) 11.0, 11.2, 11.4, 11.0, 11.8, 11.8, 11.4, 12.0, 11.8, 11.6
(h) 64, 70, 70, 72, 76, 76, 77, 77, 77, 78, 78, 80

2 Complete these frequency tables and calculate the mean, median and mode for each set of data.
(a) (b) (c)

Outcome Frequency fx Outcome Frequency fx Outcome Frequency fx

1 2 123 8 7 12
2 4 124 4 8 9
3 6 125 5 9 16
4 3 126 6 10 13
5 2 127 7 11 20
6 2 128 8 12 20
129 9

3 The mean of seven scores is 18.

(a) What is the total of the scores?
(b) The lowest score is 12 and the range of scores is 11. What is the highest score?

4 Two students get the following results for six mathematics tests (out of 100):
Anna: 60, 90, 100, 90, 90, 100
Zane: 60, 70, 60, 70, 70, 100
(a) What is the range of scores for each student?
(b) Does this mean they both had equally good results?
(c) Which statistic would be a better measure of their acheivement? Why?

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5 The shoe sizes of 50 students are given below:

10 8 6 6 5 4 6 7 8 6
9 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 5 6
7 7 6 4 8 9 10 6 7 6
5 5 5 6 4 7 8 9 6 7
5 4 4 6 6 6 7 8 9 9

(a) Draw up a frequency table to show this data.

(b) What is the modal shoe size?
(c) What is the mean shoe size?
(d) What it the median shoe size?
(e) Which value is most useful for understanding this data? Why?

6 In April 2011, the following statistic appeared in a newspaper:

‘The median age in Muslim-majority countries was 19 in 1990. It is now 24 and will be 30 by 2030.’
(a) What does the term ‘median age’ mean?
(b) What does this statistic tell you about the population in these countries?

7 20 pupils take a French test and their scores out of 100 are recorded below.

34 76 92 89
21 23 45 87
65 96 23 38
72 91 32 77
98 80 81 20

(a) Find the median score for the pupils.

(b) Calculate the interquartile range for the pupils’ scores.
(c) A special comment is to be placed on a pupil’s report if they are placed on or above the 95th percentile.
What were the scores of the pupils who would, after this particular test, receive such a comment on their

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8 The table shows the amount spent on transport by 150 students during one school term.
Find an estimate for the mean amount spent, the modal class and the median class.

Total spent ($) Frequency

0 – 9.99 12
10 – 19.99 17
20 – 29.99 29
30 – 39.99 32
40 – 49.99 41
50 – 59.99 19

9 For each of the following sets of data calculate the median and upper and lower quartiles and then
calculate the interquartile range.
(a) 2 4 2 7 3 5 4 2 3 1

(b) 40 20 30 60 50 10 20 20 40 30

(c) 2 3 1 4 6 3 6 7 2 1
2 4 0 6 5 4 8 2 6 3
2 0 2 4 3 5

10 Using algebra, show that the mean of any set of five consecutive integers is equal to the third
largest of the integers in the set (i.e. if a, b, c, d, e are consecutive integers, then their mean is c).

11 Using algebra, show that the mean of any set of six consecutive integers is equal to the mean of
the 3rd and 4th largest integers in the set.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1(a)–(f) – 9
Extended questions: 1(g)–(l), 10 – 13

Extended revision exercises: Measurement

Worksheet 13: Understanding measurement

1 Convert the following length measurements to the units given:

(a) 4.5 km = ___ m (b) 97 cm = ___ mm (c) 9.7 m = ___ cm (d) 2324.65 m = ___ km
(e) 0.08 m = ___ mm (f) 5.9 cm = ___ m (g) 5.8 kg = ___ g (h) 26.67 kg = ___ g
(i) 0.9 kg = ___ g (j) 77 g = ___ kg (k) 12.5 g = ___ kg (l) 3 000 000 g = ___ tonne

2 Underline the greater length in each of these pairs of lengths. Then calculate the difference between the
two lengths. Give your answer in the most appropriate units.
(a) 9 km, 8900 m (b) 690 m, 69 015 cm (c) 28.3 cm, 285 mm
(d) 401 cm, 4.99 m (e) 685 m, 0.7 km (f) 5.5 km, 545 000 cm

3 Convert the following area measurements to the units given:

(a) 7 cm2 = ___ mm2 (b) 12 cm2 = ___ mm2 (c) 64.2 cm2 = ___ mm2
(d) 0.07 km2 = ___ m2 (e) 9543 m2 = ___ km2 (f) 4.423 m2 to mm2

4 Convert the following volume measurements to the units given:

(a) 56 cm3 = ___ mm3 (b) 11 cm3 = ___ mm3 (c) 34.4 cm3 = ___ mm3
(d) 485 cm3 = ___ mm3 (e) 149 mm3 = ___ cm3 (f) 19 600 mm3 = ___ m3

5 (a) Complete this time-card to show how long a shop assistant worked each day for a week.
Day Time in Time out Lunch Hours worked
Monday 8.15 a.m. 5.25 p.m. 45 mins
Tuesday 8.17 a.m. 5.30 p.m. 30 mins
Wednesday 8.23 a.m. 5.50 p.m. 45 mins
Thursday 8.22 a.m. 6.00 p.m. 60 mins
Friday 7.58 a.m. 7.00 p.m. 45 mins

(b) Calculate the total hours worked for the week.

(c) If this person earned $4.95 per hour, calculate how much he would have earned this week.
(d) The employer has to deduct 12% tax from the shop assistant’s earnings. How much would he be paid
after deductions?

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6 Each of the numbers below has been rounded to the degree of accuracy shown in the brackets. Find the
upper and lower bounds in each case.
(a) 34 (nearest unit) (b) 12 878 (nearest unit) (c) 600 (1sf)
(d) 15.34 (2dp) (e) 12.69 (2dp) (f) 4.5 (to nearest 0.5)
(g) 670 (nearest 10) (h) 3.142 (3sf)

7 A child is weighed at a clinic and her mass is recorded to the nearest half kilogram as 12.5 kg.
What is the greatest and least possible mass of this child?

8 These exchange rates are displayed at a hotel reception desk in Mumbai.

Currency Rate (Indian Rupees)
US $ 44.62
UK £ 72.18
Euro (E) 64.24
Australian $ 46.58
UAE Dirham (Dhs) 12.09
Saudi Riyal (SR) 11.84

(a) Use the table to convert these amounts of money to Indian Rupees.
(i) US$100 (ii) Aus$75 (iii) £145
(iv) €600 (v) Dhs450 (vi) SR1265

(b) Sheik Abulla bin Mohammed stayed at the hotel. His bill in Indian Rupees was Rs45 600.
What is this in Saudi Riyals?

(c) Mrs Piccolo, an Australian, booked a room for five nights at a rate of Rs14 000 per night.
What would her accomodation bill be for the five nights in Australian dollars?

9 This graph shows the relationship between length in metres (m) and length in feet (ft).

(a) What does one small square on the horizontal

axis represent?
(b) What does one small square on the vertical axis
(c) Change 3 metres to feet.
(d) The ceiling in a hall is 15 feet above the floor.
How many metres is this?
(e) Sandra is approximately six foot tall. How tall is
this in metres?

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10 The masses of three parcels to 1 dp are 0.5 kg, 0.3 kg and 0.4 kg. What are the upper and lower bounds of
their combined mass?

11 A rectangle has an area of 90.8 m2 (correct to 1dp) and is 15.4 m long (correct to 1dp).
What are the upper and lower bounds of its width?

12 You are told that

a = 0.5 to 1 decimal place
b = 2.65 to 3 significant figures
c = 3500 to the nearest 100

Calculate the upper and lower bounds for each of the following quantities:
(a) abc (b) a – b (c) c – (a – b)
1 a c
(d) (e) (f)
ab b ba
( a  b)

13 The diagram below shows two right-angled triangles ABC and ACD. All measurements are given to the
nearest half centimetre. Calculate upper and lower bounds for the value of x, giving your answers to
1 decimal place.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 2 – 3
Extended questions: 1, 4 – 17

Extended revision exercises: Algebra

Worksheet 14: Further solving of equations and inequalities

1 Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations.

y  2x  8 x  3y  0 3 y  x  11
(a) (b) (c)
4 y  3x  8 2 x  y  20 2 y  3x  5
5 x  2 y  31 x  12  y 2x  y  3
(d) (e) (f)
6 x  3 y  21 3x  2 y  16 6x  2 y  0
2 x  y  11 4x  2 y  6
(g) (h)
3x  9  y 4 x  14  2 y

2 Use the graph below to find the solution to the following pairs of simultaneous equations.

y  x3 y 7x
(a) (b)
y 7x 5 y  15  x

5 y  15  x y  x3
(c) (d)
y  x3 2 y  5 x  12

3 Draw accurate graphs and use them to

solve each pair of simultaneous equations
given below. Check your answers by
substituting the coordinates in
the original.

y  x3 y  x2
(a) (b)
x  4 y  22 x  4 y  12
y  x 1 y x 1
(c) (d) 2
x y 2
x  2y  0

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4 Solve each of the following inequalities. Draw a number line to represent each solution.
(a) x  4 (b) 2 x  4  16 (c) 6 x  12  48 (d) 3  3x  2   4  2  4 x  3

5x 3x  4 4  2 x  3
(e)  5 (f)  17 (g) 1
6 3 7

5 Draw a graph to represent each inequality and shade the region represented by each.
(a) y  2 x (b) x  y  4 (c) 4 x  4 y  7 (d) y  x  1

3x 1 1 1
(e) 4 x  2 y  12 (f)  3 y  12 (g) x y  (h) y  4 x
2 2 3 3

6 Graph the feasible region defined by x  0 , y  0 , y  x  10 and x  2 y  16 .

7 Graphically solve the simultaneous linear equations:

(a) x  2 and y  2 x  10 (b) y  x  1 and y  2 x  6

8 Factorise:
(a) 2 x 2  9 x  9 (b) 10 x2  4 x  14 (c) 12 x2  23x  10 (d) 6 x 2  6 x  12

9 Use the method of completing the square to solve these quadratic equations, giving your solutions to two
decimal places.
(a) x 2  4 x  3  0 (b) x 2  8x  6 (c) 3x 2  2 x  4 (d) 2 x 2  2 x  3

10 Solve each of the following equations by using the quadratic formula.

Round your answers to three significant figures where necessary.
(a) 3x2  5x  1  0 (b) 3x 2  x  3  0 (c) 3x2  7 x  9  0
(d) x 2  3x  8 (e) x 2  2 x  5  0 (f) 2 x 2  10 x  5
(g) 5  5x 2  10 x (h)  x 2  x  1

11 Simplify:
x 2 y  xy 2 4 xy  y 2 6 x 2 y  12 x 2 y 2 2 x 4  3x3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
x y 4x  y 6 xy x2

x2  5x  6 2 x2  5x  3 x 2  16 x  15 4x2 1
(e) (f) (g) (h)
x2 2x  3 x  15 2x 1

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12 Write as a fraction in its lowest terms:

2 x 2  3x  1 x  3 2 x2  x x2  4 x  4 x2  5x  6
(a)  2 (b)  2  x  1 (c) 
x 3 x 1 12 x  15 2x  6 x2  4
4 3 2 1 x2 x2
(d)  (e)  (f) 
x 3 x 5 x  4  x  4 2 x2 x2

x 9 x 9 -4 5 2 x 3 x 1
(g)  2 (h)  2  2 (i)  2
x 4 x 9
x x x x x x  3x  4 x  x  2

13 Show that (x + 3)(x + 7) is:

(a) (i) positive if x = 1
(ii) negative if x = –4
(iii) positive if x = –8.
(b) What happens when x = –7?
(c) Find all values of x for which x2 + 10x + 21 ≤ 0.

14 Solve the following pair of simultaneous equations, giving your answers as fractions in their lowest
3 x 4 y 11
 
4 9 18

2 x 3 y 91
 
3 4 144

15 Suppose that the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has two different, real solutions.

b 2  4ac
Show that the difference between the two solutions is .

16 You are told that x  1 
1  ...
where the dots indicate that the pattern continues for ever.
Explain why you know that x – 1 = and hence find the exact value of x, leaving square roots in your

17 Find the exact value of x  2  2  2  2  ... CLUE: what is x2 – 2 equal to?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 7
Extended questions: 8 – 16

Extended revision exercises: Shape, space and

Worksheet 15: Scale drawings, bearings and trigonometry

1 Draw lines (in cm) to show how long each of the following lengths would be on a scale drawing with a
scale of 1 : 250.
(a) 50 cm (b) 500 cm
(c) 850 cm (d) 3.5 m
(e) 9000 mm (f) 0.0045 km

2 The bearings of five aeroplanes, all 200 km from a control tower, are given below.
Use these to correctly indicate the position of each plane on the diagram.

(i) 065° (ii) 093°

(iii) 172° (iv) 268°
(v) 308°


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3 If the bearing of X from Y is 050° and the

bearing of Y from W is 030°, calculate the
size of:

(a) WYN
(b) WYX

4 Find the size of the marked angle. Give your answers correct to one decimal place.
(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

5 Find the length of the side marked x in the following triangles.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

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6 A hiking path slopes upwards at an angle of 18°.

If Cedric walks 600 m up the path, how high is he above his starting point?

7 A 9 m high vertical cellphone mast on a level concrete slab is supported by two stay wires 10 m long.
Each stay wire is attached to the top of the pole and to the slab.
(a) The angle between the stay wire and the slab.
(b) The distance from the bottom of the mast to the point where the stay wires are attached to the slab.

8 Calculate the angle of elevation of the sun (to 1 dp) if a vertical wall 1 m high casts an 0.83 m shadow.
Assume the ground is level.

9 In ABC, BC = 9.8 cm, ABC = 32° and ACB = 75°. Find the lengths of AB and AC.

10 Given DEF, find the size of angles E and F and the length of DE.

11 Find the area of each triangle.

(a) (b)

12 The top of a 15 m tower is viewed from two positions, A and B. A and B are on a straight line, but on
opposite sides of the tower.

If the angle of elevation from A is 37°

and from B is 24°, how far is it from A
to B to the nearest metre?

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13 A cuboid is 4 cm wide, 5 cm high and 8 cm long. Find the length of the longest diagonal of the cuboid.

14 A community organisation builds small

homes for poor communities. The
dimensions of a home are given in the
diagram. The vertex of the roof (V) is
directly above the centre of the
rectangular floor.

(a) the height of the house, in metres, from the centre of the floor to point V
(b) the angle of elevation from point A to V
(c) the distance from A to C
(d) the distance from A to G.

CLUE: You should draw a large, clear diagram before attempting any calculations in questions 15 and 16.

15 A ship sets sail from port on a bearing of 040°. After travelling 5 km in a straight line the ship makes a
sudden turn and then travels 7 km on a bearing of 120°. The ship then reaches the point C.
(a) the direct distance between the point C and the port
(b) the bearing on which the ship must set sail if it is to take the most direct route back to port.

16 Two coastguard stations are positioned 100 km apart on a piece of coastline that runs exactly east-west. A
distress call is sent from a ship and both coastguard stations measure the bearing of the signal from their
respective positions. Coastguard A reports that the ship lies on a bearing of 150° and coastguard B reports
that the ship lies on a bearing of 190°.
(a) the bearings on which each of the two coastguards must set sail to reach the sticken ship
(b) the distance that each of the two lifeboats will need to travel to provide help.

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Core questions: 1 – 2
Extended questions: 3

Extended revision exercises: Data handling

Worksheet 16: Scatter diagrams and correlation

1 (i) Describe the correlation shown on the following scatter diagrams.

(ii) Draw a line of best fit on graphs (a), (b), (d) and (e).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


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2 Mrs Almasri wants to know whether her students’ results on a mid-year test are a good indication of how
well they will do in the IGCSE examinations. The results from the test and the examination are given for
a group of students.

Mid-year IGCSE Mid-year IGCSE

Student Student
mark mark mark mark
Anna 78 73 Tina 92 86
Nick 57 51 Yemi 41 50
Sarah 30 39 Asma 75 64
Ahmed 74 80 Rita 84 77
Sanjita 74 74 Mike 55 58
Moeneeb 88 73 Karen 90 80
Kwezi 94 88 James 89 87
Pete 83 69 Priya 95 96
Idowu 70 63 Claudia 67 70
Sam 61 67 Noel 45 50
Emma 64 68 Wilma 70 64
Gibrine 49 54 Teshi 29 34

(a) Draw a scatter diagram with the IGCSE results on the vertical axis.
(b) Comment on the strength of the correlation.
(c) Draw a line of best fit for this data.
(d) Estimate the IGCSE results of a student who got 65 in the mid-year test.
(e) Comment on the likely accuracy of your estimate in part (d).

3 A scatter diagram is drawn and the (x, y) points form a perfect horizontal line.

(a) Comment on the correlation between the variables x and y. Fully explain your answer.

(b) What if the points formed a perfect vertical line instead?

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Core questions: 1 – 11
Extended questions: 12

Extended revision exercises: Number

Worksheet 17: Managing money

1 A sporting goods store bought 100 tennis racquets for $60 000.
They sold the raquets for $800 each.
(a) Calculate the profit per tennis racquet.
(b) Calculate the percentage profit per racquet.

2 During the Shopping Festival in Dubai, a jeweller offers a 10% discount on all items.
Calculate the sale price of a necklace with a marked price of $1200.

3 In the UK, value-added tax (VAT) of 20% is added to the price of goods before they are sold.
Work out the selling price of a computer that is marked at £1250 excluding VAT.

4 Selina wants to buy an entertainment system.

The marked price is $3000. There is a discount of 10% for cash payments.
The goods can also bought on hire purchase with a deposit of $800 and 18 monthly installments of $160.
(a) the cash price of the entertainment system
(b) the total amount Selina would pay if she bought it on hire purchase
(c) the difference between the HP price and the cash price.

5 A woman who works a 38 hour week earns $731.50.

What is her hourly rate of pay?

6 What is the annual salary of a person who earns $2450 per month?

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7 A plumber’s assistant earns $22.40 per hour for a 35 hour week.

He is paid 1.5 times his hourly rate for each hour he works above 35 hours.
How much would he earn in a week if he worked:
(a) 36 hours (b) 40 hours (c) 30 hours (d) 42 hours.

8 Sandile earns a gross salary of $1203.50 per month.

His employer deducts 15% income tax, $174.20 insurance and 1.5% for union dues.
What is Sandile’s net salary?

9 Find the simple interest earned if you invest:

(a) $400 for 3 years at 5%
(b) $7000 at 12% for 4 years
(c) $4000 at 8.5% for 3 years.

10 A woman invests $5000 in an investment scheme for 5 years and earns 8% pa simple interest.
(a) Calculate the total interest she will earn.
(b) How much would she need to invest to earn $3600 interest in the same period (at the same rate)?

11 This table compares the simple and compound interest earned on a $10 000 investment a rate of 9% pa.
Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Simple interest 900 1800 2700 3600 4500 5400
Compound interest 900 1881 2950.29 4115.82 5386.24 6771

(a) Complete the last two columns of the table.

(b) What is the difference between the simple interest and compound interest earned after 5 years?
(c) Draw a bar graph to compare the value of the investment after 1, 5 and 8 years for both types of

12 Rupert’s grandmother gives him $x on his 18th birthday. If Rupert leaves the money in an account
that gains 4% interest per year and does not make any withdrawals, then Rupert’s grandmother
will add another $x on his next birthday. This will keep happening for every year that the money
is left in the account.
(a) If Rupert leaves the money untouched, how much money will be in his account 1 day after his 19th
(b) How will much there be after his 20th birthday?
(c) If Rupert finds that there is $849 292.80 in his account 1 day after his 21st birthday, find the value
of x.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 3
Extended questions: 4 – 9

Extended revision exercises: Algebra

Worksheet 18: Curved graphs
1 Construct a table of values, selecting values from 6  x  6 , for each of the following equations. Draw
the graphs on the same set of axes.
(a) y   x 2  3 (b) y  x 2  2 x  2 (c) y  x 2  8x  16

2 This is the graph of y  x 2  4 x  3 .

Use the graph to estimate the solution of:
(a) x 2  4 x  3  0

(b) x 2  4 x  3  3
(c) x 2  4 x  1

3 By drawing up a table of values, and drawing the graphs on the same set of axes, find the approximate
solutions to the simultaneous equations 2 y  x  1 and y  x 2  4 x  3 .

4 For each of the following:

(a) complete the table of values for each equation
(b) use the points to plot each graph on a separate set of axes.
x –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5

x –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5
xy  1

x –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

y  x3  2 x

x –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

y  2  x2 

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5 The graph of y  2 x 2  4 x  5 is shown on the grid.

Find the gradient of the graph:
(a) where x  2
(b) where x  2 .

6 Draw the graph of y  x 2  2 x  5 .

(a) Find the gradient of the graph at the points:
(i) (3, –2) (ii) (–2, 3)
(b) Use the graph to solve the equation x 2  2 x  7  0 .

7 (a) Draw the graph of y = 2x2 + x – 3 for –3 ≤ x ≤ 2.

(b) Use the graph to estimate the solutions to the equation 2x2 + x – 3 = 0.
(c) On the same axes above draw the line with equation y = 2x + 1.
(d) Write down the co-ordinates of all points on intersection between the two graphs.
(e) Explain why the x co-ordinates of the points of intersection are, in fact, the solutions to the equation
2x2 – x – 4 = 0.

8 (a) Draw the graph of y = x2 – 2x + 3 for –2 ≤ x ≤ 4.

(b) By drawing a suitable line on the same graph, solve the equation x2 – 2 = 0.
(c) Hence, without using a calculator state the approximate value of the square root of 2.

9 (a) Draw a careful graph of y = x2 for –2 ≤ x ≤ 2.

(b) On the same diagram draw the graph of y = 2x – 1.
(c) Use the graph to solve the equation x2 – 2x + 1 = 0.
(d) What is significant about the line y = 2x – 1?
(e) What is the gradient of the curve y = x2 at the point where x = 1?

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 7
Extended questions: 8 – 11

Extended revision exercises:

Shape, space and measures
Worksheet 19: Symmetry and loci

1 Draw the locus of a point that moves so that it is always 3.5 cm away from a 3 cm long line.

2 Construct triangle ABC with AB = 50 mm, AC = 65mm and CAB = 40°.

(a) Draw the locus of points equidistant from B and C.
(b) Draw the locus of points equidistant from AB and AC.

3 (a) How many lines of symmetry are there for each letter in this word in the font shown here?

(b) Which letters in the word have rotational symmetry and what is the order of rotation?

4 Draw a quadrilateral with two lines of symmetry and name it.

5 Each of these shapes is half of a symmetrical shape. Complete the shapes by drawing their other
halves. Indicate the line of symmetry on your completed shapes.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

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6 Find the length of chords shown in each diagram.

(a) (b) (c)

7 Find the size of angle x in each of the following diagrams. Show your working and give reasons for
any statements you make.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

(f) (g) (h)

(i) (j)

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8 The diagram shows a circular disc of wood in a carpenter’s workshop. A spider walks from the point A to
the point B, and the closest that the spider gets to the centre of the circle is 18 cm. The spider then walks
directly from the point B to C, once again taking a route such that the closest the spider comes to the
centre of the circle is 18 cm.

Calculate the total distance walked by the Spider.

9 The diagram shows a circle with two tangents

PX and XQ. The tangents intersect at the point
X and meet the circle at P and Q respectively.
If the centre of the circle is O, and the angle POQ is
150°, calculate the angle QPX.
Give clear reasons for each step of your working.

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10 The diagram below shows a triangle that is placed on a table top. The triangle is moved along the table by
rotating it clockwise about the right most vertex that touches the table (initially this is B). The point P is
the midpoint of AC.

(a) If the triangle is initially rotated about B until C touches the table, copy the diagram and draw the
locus of the point P.

(b) When C touches the table it becomes the point about which all rotations are made and so on. Copy
the diagram again and carefully construct the locus of the Point P as the triangle rolls along the table.
Your diagram should extend as far as rotating about B, about C, about A and then about B again.

11 This question will test your accuracy when carrying out constructions using a ruler and a pair of
(a) Draw a large triangle with three acute angles.
(b) Construct an angle bisector for each angle (a line that exactly cuts an angle in half) using a straight
edge and a pair of compasses only.
(c) If you have constructed your bisectors carefully they should all meet at a point. This is called the
incentre of the triangle. Draw a circle with the incentre of the triangle as its centre, making the radius
as large as possible so that the circle only just fits inside the triangle. If you have drawn the diagram
accurately then all three sides of the triangles should now be tangents to your circle. The circle that
you have drawn is the largest circle that can be drawn inside your triangle. It is called the incircle.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 4
Extended questions: 5 – 8

Extended revision exercises: Data handling

Worksheet 20: Histograms and frequency
distribution diagrams
1 This histogram shows the masses of 150
roast chickens sold at a deli counter in
one week.

(a) What is the modal mass of the roast


(b) What range of masses was recorded?

(c) How many roast chickens had a mass

of more than 1.8 kg?

(d) How many chickens had a mass

between 1.3 and 1.6 kilograms?

2 This histogram shows the frequency of

different marks in a mathematics test.

(a) What is the modal mark?

(b) A mark of 80 or higher is awarded an A.

How many students achieved an A?

(c) Can you tell how many students scored

less than 70% from this graph?
Explain why or why not.

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3 This table gives the mass, in kilograms, of 200 students. Draw a histogram to show this distribution.

Mass (kg) 40  m < 50 50  m <6 0 60  m < 70 70  m < 80 80  m < 90

Frequency 35 55 60 35 15

4 The ages of 33 young adults attending a youth camp are shown below.
12 15 17 18 16 17 18 19 20 18 11
16 13 14 15 17 19 18 17 19 18 12
13 15 15 16 17 19 20 18 15 15 23

(a) Organise the data using this frequency table.

Ages Frequency
10 ≤ age < 15
15 ≤ age < 20
20 ≤ age < 25

(b) Draw a histogram to represent the ages of the students.

5 Sandra recorded how long each of her classmates could hold their breath (in seconds). These are her
8 12 23 40 22 45 34 27 19 20
12 22 37 42 39 37 21 43 39 24
15 29 19 28 23 40 32 19 25 31

(a) Using the class intervals of 1 ≤ time < 21, 21 ≤ time < 31, 31 ≤ time < 41 and 41 ≤ time < 46,
draw a grouped frequency table to show the data.
(b) What is the modal class of the data?
(c) Draw a histogram to show her results.

6 Anna came 4th out of 28 runners in a cross country race. What is her percentile ranking?

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7 The birth masses (in kg) of 100 babies born in a hospital during April were recorded. The results are
shown in the table.
Mass 0<m3 3 < m  3.5 3.5< m  4 4 < m  4.5 4.5 < m  6
No of
8 49 35 7 1

(a) Make a cumulative frequency table for these 100 babies.

(b) Using a scale of 5 small squares to represent 1 kg on the horizontal axis and 5 small squares to
represent 10 babies on the vertical axis, draw a cumulative frequency diagram for this data.
(c) Use your cumulative frequency diagram to find:
(i) the median birth mass
(ii) the upper quartile
(iii) the interquartile range
(iv) the number of babies with a mass greater than 3.5 kg.

8 A survey of several swimmers at a pool recorded the time (in minutes) which they swam on a particular
day. The table and the histogram below show the results, but some of the information is missing.

Swimming time (x minutes) Frequency density

0 ≤ x < 10 3
10 ≤ x < 15
15 ≤ x < 25 4.1
25 ≤ x < 30
30 ≤ x < 40 2.5

Copy and complete both the table and the histogram.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 11
Extended questions: 12 – 22

Extended revision exercises: Number

Worksheet 21: Ratio, rate and proportion

1 Express each of the following as the rate given in brackets.

(a) A journey of 423 km which took 2 hours and 15 minutes (km/h).
(b) A cricketer scored 100 runs in 80 minutes (runs/min).
(c) 6 metres of material cost $75.12 ($/m)

2 Express the following ratios in their simplest form.

3 7
(a) : (b) 1:1.6 (c) 2 : 2.25
8 8
(d) 27 :18 (e) 3 : 7 (f) 45c to $2.20
(g) 225 m to 0.425 km (h) 100 minutes to 1 hours

3 A person runs at a speed of 5 m/s. How far will he run in:

(a) 10 seconds? (b) 1 minute? (c) 2 minutes?

4 Water runs out of a pipe at a rate of 0.15 litres per second. How long will it take to fill a 25 litre

5 Concrete is made by mixing stone, sand and cement in the ratio 3 : 2 :1 .

If 14 wheelbarrows of sand are used, how much stone and cement is needed?

6 The distance between New Delhi and Mumbai is 1407 km. On a map of India, this distance measures
15.633 cm. What is the scale of the map?

7 In each of the following, calculate x .

x 18 3 x
(a)  (b) 
10 15 35 28
(c) x : 24  49 : 56 (d) 0.8 : 20  x : 4

8 Square A and square B have sides of 125 mm and 6 cm respectively. Find the ratio of their areas without
working out the area of each square.

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9 This plan of a botanical garden is drawn at a scale of 1 : 750.


(a) Measure the lengths indicated on the diagram in mm. Write each length on the diagram.

(b) Use the scale to work out the actual length of each section indicated on the diagram.

10 How long will it take to travel 200 km at:

(a) 75 km/h? (b) 80 km/h? (c) 45 km/h?

(d) 120 km/h? (e) 4 m/min?

11 Emily has $600 to spend on books for the school library.

(a) Complete this table of values to show how many books of different prices she can buy.

Price $1 $2 $5 $7.50 $10 $12 $15 $20 $25 $50

No of books

(b) Draw a graph to show the relationship between the price of books and the number she can buy
for $600.

12 Increase 120 in the following ratios:

(a) 8 : 5 (b) 5 : 2 (c) 7 : 5
(d) 5 : 3 (e) 8 : 7

13 Decrease 80 in the following ratios:

(a) 2 : 3 (b) 1: 4 (c) 3 : 4
(d) 7 :12 (e) 3 : 5

14 A photograph measuring 70 mm by 40 cm is enlarged by a ratio of 2 :1 . Calculate:

(a) the area of the original photograph
(b) the area of the enlarged photograph
(c) the ratio by which the area has been enlarged.

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15 Write the following in the form: (i) y  x (ii) y  kx .

(a) y is directly proportional to x 2 (b) y is inversely proportional to x 2

(c) m is directly proportional to T (d) A is inversely proportional to M.

16 y  kx . When y  24 , x  16 . Calculate:
(a) the value of k (b) y when x  10 (c) x when y  12 .

17 y  x . When y  25 , x  25 .
In terms of k, find
(a) y when x  16 (b) x when y  2.5 .

18 This distance–time graph shows a

cyclist’s journey during
a cross-country cycle race.

(a) Calculate the cyclists average

speed for:
(i) the first ten minutes of the race
(ii) the whole race.

(b) How far was the cyclist from the

start/finish point after 2 hours?

(c) The cyclist takes 45 minutes to fix a

serious puncture. How far was the cylclist
from the starting point when she got the puncture?

19 Study this speed–time graph.

(a) What is the speed at:
(i) 9.00 (ii) 9.30
(iii) 10.00 (iv) 10.40?
(b) Describe what is happening
from 10.00 to 10.30.
(c) What distance was travelled from:
(i) 9.15 to 9.30
(ii) 10.20 to 10.30
(iii) 9.00 to 11.30?
(d) Calculate the average speed for the whole journey.

20 The surface area and the volume of a sphere are in the ratio 1 : 1.
Calculate the radius of the sphere.

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21 You are told that:

y is directly proportional to the square of x
x is directly proportional to the cube of z
and y = 128 when z = 2.
Find the value of y when z = 4.

22 When an object falls freely under gravity the force on the object due to air resistance F (measured in
Newtons, N) is directly proportional to the square of the velocity v (measured in metres per second).
When the object falls at 10 metres per second the air resistance for is 2.125N.
(a) Find a formula connecting velocity and air resistance force.
An object will fall at terminal velocity when the weight of the object (the force due to gravity also
measured in Newtons) is exactly balanced by the air resistance.
(b) If an object has weight 850N, calculate the terminal velocity of the object when falling under gravity.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 6
Extended questions: 7 – 13

Extended revision exercises: Algebra

Worksheet 22: More equations, formulae and functions

1 Represent each situation using an equation in terms of y . Solve each equation to find the value of y .
(a) A number is multiplied by three, then five is added to get 19.
(b) When six is subtracted from five times a certain number, the result is 174.
(c) Three times the sum of a number and four gives 93.
(d) When eight is subtracted from half of a number, the result is 54.

2 A rectangle of perimeter 120 cm is 7 cm longer than it is wide. What is the length of each side?

3 Greenburg is located between Brownburg and Townburg. Greenburg is five times as far away from
Townburg as it is from Brownburg. If the distance between Brownburg and Townburg is 864 km, how far
is it from Brownburg to Greenburg?

4 Alice is twice as old as her cousin Pauline. Seven years ago, their combined age was 19. What are their
present ages?

5 Jason left town A to travel to town B at 6.00 a.m. Town B is at least 900 km away from town A. He drove
at an average speed of 90 km/h. At 8.30 a.m., Simon left town A to travel to town B. He drove at an
average speed of 120 km/h. At what time will Simon catch up with Jason?

6 Camille took 50 minutes to complete a journey. She travelled half the distance at a speed of 120 km/h and
the other half at 80 km/h. How far was her journey?

7 A truck driver travels 3.5x km at an average speed of 42 km/h and then 4.5x km at an average speed of
36 km/h. If the entire journey took 2 hours, how far did he travel altogether?

8 Change the subject of each formula as indicated.

(a) y   3x  2 
Make x the subject of the formula.

(b) T  2 Make l the subject of the formula.

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9 Given f : x  x  3 and g : x  x , find:
(a) f  6  (b) g  6  (c) fg  6  (d) gf  6 

(e) f 1  6  (f) g 1  6  (g) g 1f 1  6  (h) f 1g 1  6 

 fg   6   gf   6  gg  6 
1 1
(i) (j) (k)

3x  1
10 Given that g  x   and h  x   2 x  3 , evaluate:
x 1
(a) gh   (b) gh 1  2  (c) hg  3 (d) x if hg  x   1

x 1
11 f ( x) 
x 1
(a) Find ff(x) (b) Find f–1(x) (c) Solve the equation f(x) = 8

f ( x)  3 x  1
12 If
g( x)  x  1

(a) Find fg(x).

(b) Solve the equation fg(x) = f(x)
(c) Find g–1(x) and sketch the graph of y = g–1(x).
(d) Sketch the graph of y = g(x) on the same pair of axes that you used in part (c).

13 For each of the following functions find the set of values of x that cannot be included in the domain.

x 2  7 x  12 1
(a) f ( x)  (b) g( x)  1  x 2 (c) h( x) 
x 2  8 x  12 x2  9
1 4
(d) k( x)  ( x  3)( x  2) (e) m( x)  (f) n( x) 
2 x 2  5 x  12 ( x  3)2  11

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Core questions: 1 – 6
Extended questions: 7 – 11

Extended revision exercises: Shape and space

Worksheet 23: Transformations and matrices

1 Fully describe the transformations

that map shape A onto the other shapes 10
in the diagram. 8
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Draw the following transformations

of triangle ABC. 8
(a) Reflect the triangle in the line y = 0 . 7
(b) Reflect the triangle in the line x = 0 . 5
(c) Rotate the triangle 90° clockwise about 3
the midpoint of the hypotenuse. 2
⎛ -2 ⎞
(d) Translate the triangle ⎜ ⎟. -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
⎝ -4 ⎠ -2
(e) Translate the triangle so that the -3
coordinates of A′ are (–1, –1). -5
Write a column vector to describe -6
this translation. -7
(f) Rotate the translated triangle -9
(from part e) 180° about the point C′.

⎛2⎞ ⎛ -3 ⎞
3 Given that a = ⎜ ⎟ and b = ⎜ 5 ⎟ , express 3a – b as a column vector.
⎝ -3 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

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⎛ 2⎞ ⎛ -1⎞ ⎛ -4 ⎞
4 Given that a = ⎜ ⎟ , b = ⎜ ⎟ and c = ⎜ ⎟ , simplify:
⎝ 3⎠ ⎝5⎠ ⎝2⎠
(a) a + b + c (b) 2a + 2b + c (c) 3a + b – c
(d) –a – 2b – c (e) 3a – 4b + 3c

5 The diagram shows a regular hexagon ABCDEF with

centre O. OA = a and OF = b.
(a) Find in terms of a and b:
(i) AF (ii) OE
(b) Show that AD = 2BC.

6 (a) Enlarge ABCD by a scale factor of 2 using (0, 0)

as the centre of enlargement. Label this A′B′C′D′.

(b) On the same grid, enlarge ABCD by a scale factor

of 4 using (2, 1) as the centre of enlargement.
Label this A′′B′′C′′D′′.

(c) Express the relationship between the length of

AD and A′D′ as a ratio in simplest form.

(d) Express the relationship between A′′B′′ and AB

as a ratio in simplest form.

⎛ -3 ⎞ ⎛ -2 ⎞ ⎛4⎞
7 a= ⎜ ⎟, b = ⎜ 2 ⎟ and c = ⎜ -1⎟ .
⎝5⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Calculate the magnitude of each of the following giving your answers to 1 decimal place.
(a) 4a – c (b) b+c
(c) a + 2b – c (d) c–a

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⎛ 7 3⎞ ⎛ 8 5⎞
8 A= ⎜ ⎟ and B = ⎜ ⎟ . Calculate:
⎝ 2 3⎠ ⎝ 0 3⎠
(a) |A| (b) |A + B| (c) |B – A|
(d) |3BA| (e) A (f) |(A + B–1)|

9 Square ABCD has undergone a transformation to produce the image A′B′C′D′.

(a) Find the matrix that describes the transformation: ABCD to A′B′C′D
(b) Draw the reflection of ABCD about the line y = –3.
(c) Draw the rotation of A′B′C′D′ clockwise 90 about the midpoint of A′B′.

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10 Square ABCD has vertices at the points A(0, 0), B(1, 0), C(1, 1) and D(0, 1) and has area
1 square unit.
⎛a 1⎞
(a) Transform each of the vertices of ABCD by using the matrix ⎜ ⎟ , where a and d are both
⎝1 d ⎠
larger than 1. You now have the points A′, B′, C′ and D′.

(b) Draw a large diagram showing the new quadrilateral A′B′C′D′, taking care to place any two points
with the same x or y co-ordinate in the correct position.

(c) Show, by drawing a rectangle through the points (0, 0), (a + 1, 0), (a + 1, d + 1) and (0, d + 1), or
otherwise, that the area of the new shape is ad – 1 square units.

⎛a 1⎞
This number is called the determinant of the matrix ⎜ ⎟ and represents the scale factor of areas
⎝1 d ⎠
under the transformation.

⎛a b ⎞
(d) If you are feeling particularly brave repeat the process above with the matrix ⎜ ⎟
⎝c d⎠
where a > b and d > c, and with a, b, c and d positive. You should get the area ad – bc.

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Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended CD-ROM
Extended questions: all

Extended revision exercises: Data handling

Worksheet 24: Probability using tree diagrams

1 A school cafeteria offers the following choices for lunch:

Starter Main Dessert
Soup Curry Lassi
Salad Roti Ice Cream
Each student can choose a starter, a main course and a dessert.
(a) Draw a tree diagram to show all the possible choices for a three course lunch.
(b) What is the probability that a student will choose soup, curry and ice-cream?

2 Sally has a red and a blue pen, as does Soe. Mary has a red and a black pen. The teacher takes one pen
from each girl at randam.
(a) Draw a tree diagram to show all the possible outcomes.
(b) What is the probability that the three pens chosen:
(i) are all red? (ii) include only one red?

3 This tree diagram shows the probability of getting heads and tails when a biased coin is tossed twice.

(a) the probability of obtaining two heads
(b) the probability of obtaining two tails
(c) the probability of getting tails on the
first toss and heads on the second toss
(d) the probability of getting only one tail
(e) the probability of getting at least one tail.

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4 This tree diagram shows the possible outcomes when three counters are removed one at a time from a bag
containing two red and six yellow counters.

Find the probability that:

(a) the three counters are the same colour
(b) at least one counter is red
(c) you get exactly one red ball.

5 A soccer match can result in a win, draw or loss.

(a) Draw a tree diagram to show all possible outcomes when a team plays three matches in a row.
(b) Find the probability of them:
(i) winning all three matches
(ii) winning or drawing all three matches
(iii) losing at least one match
(iv) winning the first match, drawing the second and losing the third.

6 There are 10 blue counters and n red counters in a bag. A counter is drawn from the bag and set aside (it
is not replaced). A second counter is then drawn.
The probability that both counters are red is .
(a) Draw a tree diagram to show the probabilities associated with each draw, giving all answers in terms
of n.
(b) Use the tree diagram to work out the value of n.

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