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Civics and Government

Rights and Responsibilities

of Citizens

A print and go resource!

Key Learning:
People seek order
through a system of
government that is
by the people and
for the people.
Unit Essential Question:
What is government
and how does it work
to provide rights and
responsibilities to
every citizen?
Lesson Essential Question:
How are rights and
important to you
as a citizen?
Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens
lesson Plan
Lesson Essential Question:

How are rights and responsibilities important to you as a citizen?

à Every citizen has rights, or freedoms, and responsibilities. Good

citizens must cooperate for the good of their community. People
have responsibilities, or duties, that are important in keeping their
community safe and running smoothly.

Assessment Prompts:

AP#1: Identify the basic rights of all citizens.

AP#2: Identify the basic responsibilities of all citizens.

AP#3: Explain the characteristics of a good citizen.

Activating Strategy: Previewing Vocabulary

1.  Give each student a copy of the Previewing Vocabulary chart.

2.  If technology is available to you, print and laminate the QR code

cards. I usually hang these on my bulletin board next to the
corresponding vocabulary word card. Students can then scan
the QR code with any device that has a QR code scanner, and
find the information they need to complete the chart. (If
technology is not available in your school, simply provide the
students with the information they will need to complete the
chart. You may give students dictionaries, or complete as a
whole class activity led by the teacher, jigsaw, etc.)

3.  When complete, review with students and allow them to keep as
a reference throughout the lesson.
Teaching Strategies:

1.  Students will complete the “What I KNOW” portion of the KWL
chart, “Being a Citizen.” Encourage students to think of how they
participate as citizens, as well as their friends and family.

2.  Allow students to share what they know about being citizens. Use
chart paper, or if you have access to technology, you can
project the Rights and Responsibilities (Compare and Contrast)
Chart. After a student shares, challenge them to qualify their
answer as being something that they do at home or in school.
Use this finished chart to show students that they have rights and
responsibilities each and every day.

3.  Label each corner of your classroom with a number, 1-4. Invite
students to get up out of their seats and go to whichever corner
of the room they choose. Then, tell the students that each corner
represents a basic right of all citizens. Tell students that each
group will become “experts” on a particular right of citizens,
which they will later share with their classmates. Assign each
corner one of the following rights: Freedom of Speech, Freedom
of Assembly, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press. Allow
time for students research and create a poster about their basic
right. When all groups are finished, allow groups to present their
poster to the rest of the class. Each group should be able to fill
out the Basic Rights Foursquare based on their classmates

4.  Distribute the Basic Rights of Citizens as a study aid for students.

AP#1: Identify the basic rights of a citizen.

- Use the Basic Rights Matching Worksheet as a quick informal
assessment or quiz to make sure your students have grasped the
basic rights of citizens!

5. Use the “What is a responsibility?” Foursquare as in introduction

to responsibilities of citizens.

6. Each student will write a short report that explains what it means
to be a responsible citizen. Students will then be given a minute
to present their speech to the class.
7.  Explain to students that although our country allows us many
rights, we also have many great responsibilities. Students should
add responsibilities to their foursquare throughout the lesson. (
E.G., paying taxes, obeying laws, helping others, etc.) Refer to
the Responsibilities of Citizens Matching Worksheet.

AP#2: Identify the basic responsibilities of all citizens.

- Use the Responsibilities of Citizens Matching Worksheet to
determine understanding. (You may choose to use this as a

8. Using what they have learned about responsible citizens, students

will create the What Makes Me a Good Citizen Cube. After
assembling, students will write their name on the line provided in
the middle square of the cube, and then label each side with
something they do that makes them a good citizen. When they
are finished creating their cube, they can compare answers
with a partner.

AP#3: Explain the characteristics of a good citizen.

- Students will share their responses (what they wrote on their
cube) with a partner. The teacher will walk around and monitor
each group, checking for understanding.

Summarizing Strategy:

1.  Students will complete the 3:2:1 Summarizer, which the teacher will
collect and check for understanding.

2.  Students will write a letter to the absent student explaining their
rights and responsibilities as a Unites States citizen.

3.  Students will complete the Rights and Responsibilities Quiz.




Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens:
Vocabulary Preview  
Name Date

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Part of Use it in a Draw a

Word Definition
Speech Sentence Picture






Being a Citizen
What I
What I KNOW WANT What I’ve
Name Date
Freedom of Freedom of
Freedom of
Basic Rights Freedom of
Basic Rights of Citizens
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is a document written by our forefathers that lists the
basic rights that belong to all citizens of the United States. These rights
cannot be taken away by the government.

Basic Rights:
Freedom of Speech
Allows citizens to speak in public
about their ideas and beliefs.

Freedom of Assembly
Allows citizens to assemble,
or gather peacefully in a group.

Freedom of Religion
Allows citizens the freedom to
practice any religion they choose.

Freedom of the Press

Allows citizens to share their opinions
in the media (television, newspaper, radio, etc.)
Rights of Citizens
Directions: Analyze the situations below and determine
which right the citizen is exercising. Write your answer on the
line provided.

freedom freedom freedom freedom

of of of of
speech the press religion assembly

1.  The local news reports

their prediction that Hilary
Clinton will win the
2016 presidential election.

2.  Jerry organizes a rally

against the higher taxes
proposed by his local
law makers.

3. Mrs. Bean and her

family choose to attend
a catholic church to
practice their beliefs.

4. Sophie gives a speech

explaining how important
It is to rescue animals
in need.

Name Date
Rights of Citizens
Directions: Analyze the situations below and determine
which right the citizen is exercising. Write your answer on the
line provided.

freedom freedom freedom freedom

of of of of
speech the press religion assembly

1.  The local news reports of
their prediction that Hilary the press
Clinton will win the
2016 presidential election.
2.  Jerry organizes a rally of
against the higher taxes assembly
proposed by his local
law makers.
3. Mrs. Bean and her of
family choose to attend religion
a catholic church to
practice their beliefs.
4. Sophie gives a speech of
explaining how important speech
It is to rescue animals
in need.

key Date
Definition: Use the word in a
What is a
Examples: responsibility? Illustration:
How to be a responsible citizen…
Responsibilities of Citizens
What is a responsibility?

A responsibility is a duty, or something a

person must do because it is necessary
or important.

Directions: Match each responsibility to it’s definition.

volunteer The money a responsible

citizen pays to the
government for goods and

vote A responsible citizen who

helps others in their
community without pay.

tax You must face one of these if

you break the law/ are not a
responsible citizen.

jury A group of people who

decides if someone has
broken the law.

common good It is your responsibility to do

what is good for everyone in
a community.

consequence If you are over 18 years of

age, it is your responsibility to
do this.

Name Date
Responsibilities of Citizens
What is a responsibility?

A responsibility is a duty, or something a

person must do because it is necessary
or important.

Directions: Match each responsibility to it’s definition.

volunteer The money a responsible

citizen pays to the
government for goods and

vote A responsible citizen who

helps others in their
community without pay.

tax You must face one of these if

you break the law/ are not a
responsible citizen.

jury A group of people who

decides if someone has
broken the law.

common good It is your responsibility to do

what is good for everyone in
a community.

consequence If you are over 18 years of

age, it is your responsibility to
do this.

key Date
What Makes Me a Good
Citizen ?


a Good
Rights and
Directions: Complete the 3:2:1 below to show what
you know about the rights and responsibilities of
United States Citizens.

3- List 3 Rights of all Citizens of the United States

2- List 2 Things You Do to be a Good Citizen

1- Write 1 Responsibility of all Citizens

Letter to the Absent Student…
Rights and Responsibilities
Name Date

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided.

1.  A member of a country/community is known as a

a. candidate b. leader. c. citizen

2. People of the United States can show they are good

citizens by
a. by walking their dogs b. by obeying laws c. by winning prizes

3. If someone breaks a rule or law, they will face a

a. consequence b. responsibility c. election

4. A is a duty, or something a person must do.

a. right b. responsibility c. consequence

5. A decision that is made for the good of everyone in

the community is a decision that is made for the
a. rights b. uncommon good c. common good

6. List and describe 2 of the basic rights of all citizens

we discussed. Use complete sentences.
Rights and Responsibilities
key Date

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided.

1.  A member of a country/community is known as a

a. candidate b. leader. c. citizen

2. People of the United States can show they are good

citizens by
a. by walking their dogs b. by obeying laws c. by winning prizes

3. If someone breaks a rule or law, they will face a

a. consequence b. responsibility c. election

4. A is a duty, or something a person must do.

a. right b. responsibility c. consequence

5. A decision that is made for the good of everyone in

the community is a decision that is made for the
a. rights b. uncommon good c. common good

6. List and describe 2 of the basic rights of all citizens

we discussed. Use complete sentences.

Freedom of speech, assembly, press, or religion.

Students must write using complete sentences and
include a detailed explanation of each basic right.
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