Faltante Acto III

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Hwasr How now? A ra? Dead, fora ducat, dea Kills Potontus Potoms ©, Tam slant Ques ‘Ome, what hast thou done? Hwast Nay, know not. Ist the King? Queen (0, what rash and bloody deed shi! Hast [bloody deed — slmast a bd, goo mothe, Aska king and many with his brother ures Asal aking? 2B A raCt Tet eae tel wise ow oe’ Ot okt eresin einai oo eet 4366 ‘ets Omi nx Qu sa) lon ae anys 8 RS ote wa sana oe POLONIO ao ade! me esa say de at ne aes echo Hane sata dec 87 REINA jon actin sanguinaia y olent! Hawer sangunata Oh i buena made, cas 12nt0 Ste mar al rey y desposar 2 su herman REN (Commo maar al rey? sa) Escaneado con CamScanner ic a mip Trou find toe (00 buy isome ave wringing of your hands Peace And let me wring your hear. For so shale’ &™. Iitbe made of penetrable stuf, . If daranéd custom have not bred t so ‘That iis proof and bulwark againstsense, Ques ‘What have I done tha thou drs wag hy Innokesonide againame Oe Hast Such ana “That blurs the grace and blush of modest, alls vite hypocte; takes off the rose From the fuirforehead of an innocent lve [And sets a blister there; makes mariage vows repre ree SEE Sager am ™y cease BT ca Slam ag Sep eee ae no Peete titer gry aint cana et aa orn bs sar yuestra lengua co avis 2 gute neo vo pat acon plans tan rots? nwa Linaco, sors scala gracia y hace sonroja 4 la modestia SESS GARE Micra iad yarebat de free del amor ms puro, ponlendo una laga Saugus aco que convent los votos de tnupeias 40 ssi = Escaneado con CamScanner As false as dices oaths. O, sucha deed ‘As from the body of contraction pluck ‘The very soul and sweet religion make A thapsody of words. Heaven's face doth gow ‘Yea, his solidity and compound mass, ®°™? ‘With wistful visage, as agains the Doom Is thoughe-sick atthe act. Que Ay me, what act, “That rons so loud and thunders inthe index Haar {Look here upon this picture, and on this ‘The counterfe presentment of t40 Broters, See ata grace 835 seated on this brow: Hyperion’s curs, the front of Jove hime, Begone o cond mas CORD, i GR pan ton En Gyo 8 Betty et mprand mas gear ob ‘B moa sos tons tay ened ‘end oa ST fete pag, eto uno pS faq eco roots Oren ae See Geno ern ena mac saat ave pat gu clog rere oa os 5 emer epic i 4 pce ota APRaDe yea te ta rar recut & Rpwortantch tata, Shon erent nbn gue puna coon i suite tinbeear) ae felt peg Za, doo y stern eee ke fsa) a Runa exes 5 de ms Qué acto . soa ween com aes G canon z owt Li esrato,y aquel otro, kr Mand on ge os NEP gg o talon ee erento eos como 1 seme como a del mimo jp, ofs como os de 7 wy Tee bd bow fn Escaneado con CamScanner neve like Mars, 0 threaten or Monte the held Mercy ‘Rew lighted on heaven kissing hi, ‘A combination anda form indeed ‘Where every od did seem tot his sea Topive the world assurance of man, Th eas your husband, Look you now wha Ties your isan ike a miewed eat ‘losing hs wholesome brother. Have you eal sou on ths sr mountain eave to ‘Sedipanen on his moor Ha! Have you e $ot cannot cal itlove;forat your age ‘Trebeyaay in the blood istame, ts humble, “Af Incas upon the odgement and wha ‘ap Ho in ee Se orb “ke could you nck have motion: Dut sure hat Paporleed For acess would rey = Narada eosasy wis ner so thaled Batreserved some quunary of chace Tosene sucha iflerence, What devi wast Stage tat save heal one) 8 Rn Seri le ight soi pam a i edge a 6s Nome oa sane la iis Sean haw eB 70 la misma locus come eae . tan esclavizado por el vrei coon qn en et ig errors capacidad de discernment, eg Pe spit maligno Paso OBMUPATOS (9591 Escaneado con CamScanner

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