Exercises Tieng Anh 6 - Unit 8 FULL NAME

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FULL NAME: __________________________________________

I. Multiple choice:
1. Does he a bike to school?
A. take B. drive C. ride D. go
2. - There are many accidents on our roads.
- Yes, our roads are places.
A. careful B. quiet C. dangerous D. noisy
3. - Can I straight on? – Yes, you can.
A. to go B. go C. goes D. going
4. Mr. Hoang is driving a bus .
A. every morning B. now C. today D. every day
5. Look! There is a stop sign .
A. ahead B. opposite C. at the moment D. behind
6. He his car to work now.
A. driving B. drives C. drive D. is driving
7. There is intersection ahead.
A. a B. two C. an D. the
8. They are waiting the train.
A. to B. for C. on D. of
9. There is an intersection ahead. We slow down.
A. don’t B. must C. can D. mustn’t
10. man is going into the street.
A. An B.These C. Those D. A
11. He’s driving a truck. He’s a truck .
A. driver B. teacher C. worker D. engineer
12. He’s not home. He’s the library.
A. in/ at B. at/ to C. at/ at D. at/ in
13. Look at that man on a motorbike. He’s going that street.
A. ahead B. on C. into D. in
14. How your father and mother to work?
A. do/ travel B. is/ travel C. are/ travel D. does/ travel
15. is Mai going now? _ To the clinic.
A.What B.What C. How D. Where

II. Complete the passage:

then _ truck _ loads _ for _ loading _ farms _ driving _ vegetables

Mr. Long is a 1 driver. Everyday he gets up early. He drives to the countryside, 2

he loads his truck with 3 and takes them to Ba Chieu Market. At twelve in
the afternoon, he has lunch with his family.
This morning he does not drive to the 4 . He is 5 to a shop in the city.
He is 6 his truck with desks and chairs. A man is waiting 7 him at the

III. Make questions:

1. Minh is playing video games now.
2. My sister is traveling to school by motorbike.
3. Na’s going to a supermarket at the moment.
4. Her child goes to school at 6 o’clock.
5. We are waiting for our parents in front of the school gate.
6. Mr. Long loads his truck with vegetables.

IV. Sentence building:

1. every / to / walks / weekday. / school / He//
2. vegetables / the / market. / to / taking / is / My mother / the//
3. roads / accidents / many / are / There / our / on//
4. Tuan / Phong / are / What / doing / and?
5. street / can’t / You / into / go / that//
6. is / Who / waiting / Chau / for?

V. Reading comprehension:
Mr. Hai drives a taxi in New York. He works fourteen hours a day, but he isn’t working now. He’s
watching TV.
Ms. Hoa is a teacher. She teaches Literature. She isn’t teaching now. She’s having breakfast. She’s
studying English because she goes to Australia every summer.

 Label the sentences True or False.

1. Mr. Hai is a taxi driver.
2. He is working now.
3. Ms. Hoa is a teacher of English.
4. She is studying English now.


FULL NAME: __________________________________________ CLASS: __

I. Multiple choice:
1. Chi’s sister has an face.
A. oval B. thin C. long D. round
2. There are ten on our feet.
A. toes B. fingers C. eyes D. hands
3. His mother isn’t . She is tall.
A. thin B. fat C. short D. heavy
4. What does he do? _ He is a .
A. weight lifter B. engineer C. strong D. weak
5. This woman is old. She is .
A. strong B. weak C. thin D. tall
6. Does Linh have full ?
A. hair B. lips C. eyes D. shoulders
7. Lan has long black .
A. eye B. hair C. chest D. leg
8. The baby has some toys in her .
A. hand B. teeth C. eye D. arm
9. The boy has a small __________.
A. nose B. eye C. ear D. lip
10. What color are Mi’s eyes? - .
A. He’s black B. They’re black C. We’re blue D. It’s green
11. Is Nga’s nose big or small? - .
A. It’s big B. They’re big C. No, it isn’t D. Yes, it is
12. I many books in my shelf.
A. have B. has C. am having D. to have
13. My best friend black eyes.
A. is B. have C. has D. are
14. Mrs. Han full lips.
A. isn’t has B. isn’t have C. don’t have D. doesn’t have
15. We breakfast at present.
A. have B. having C. are having D. is have
16. My uncle in Can Tho Province.
A. live B. lives C. are living D. living
17. What she now?
A. are/ doing B. does / do C. do / does D. is / doing
18. Does she have ? _ Yes, she does.
A. a blue eye B. a blue eyes C. blue eyes D. an blue eye
19. They travel from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City plane.
A. on B. with C. by a D. by
20. Our neck is between our and our head.
A. fingers B. hands C. legs D. chest

II. Read the passage. Then label the sentences True or False:
Miss Ly is a gymnast. She is tall and thin. She is light. But she is not weak. She is strong. She has an
oval face. She has long black hair. She has brown almond eyes. She has a small nose. She has full red
lips and white teeth.
1. Miss Ly is a lifter.
2. She is weak.
3. She has black eyes.
4. She has a round face and a big nose.
5. Her teeth are white.
6. Her hair is short.

III.Rewrite the sentences. Follow the example:

Ex: The girl is tall. => - She is a tall girl.
1. The woman is short. => - She is
2. The man is old. => - He is
3. The weight lifter is strong. => - He is
4. The bench is long. => - It is
5. The student is young. => - He is
6. The policeman is thin. => - He is
7. The clinic is big. => - It is
8. The foodstall is small. => - It is

IV. Arrange these words into the sentences:

1. is / Miss Kim / tall / thin. / and//
2. round / My grandmother / a / has / face. // _________________________________________________
3. brown / has / hair / long. / Linh // __________________________________________________
4. blue / eyes. / have / big / They // ___________________________________________________
5. nose. / has / a / He / small / straight //_________________________________________________
6. full / His sister / has / lips / small / teeth. / white / and //
7. Their children / light / but / are / they / weak. / are / not //

V. Complete the passage:

small thin has oval round

black tall eyes full
Phuong Ly is a singer. She is and . She long hair and an
face. She has black ,a nose and lips. She is beautiful.

VI. Make questions for the underlined words:

1. ?
My hair is black.
2. ?
Her brother is a student.
3. ?
My father has grey hair.
4. ?
No, she isn’t. She is a gymnast.
5. ?
These are her shoulders.

X. Write the sentences with the same meaning:

1. My brother’s hair is short and black. → My brother has _______________________________
2. My eyes are round and blue. → I have_____________________________________________
3. My sister has long brown hair. → My sister’s _______________________________________
4. My friend has big brown eyes. → My friend’s ______________________________________
5. This girl is tall and thin. → This is ________________________________________________
6. Miss Chi has small white teeth. → Miss Chi’s ______________________________________
7. This house is old and blue. → This is _____________________________________________
8. These flowers are beautiful and red. →These are ___________________________________

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