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Midterm Examination in EL 105

(Language Policies and Multilingual Societies)

Second Semester, AY 2019 - 2020

Name: Year & Section:

General Instructions:
The examination is composed of 50 items: 20 items True or False; 10-point Graph Interpretation; and a 20-point Learning Plan Proposal. You
are only given 60 minutes to finish the exam. Bonus points will be given for neat papers. Never ask for answers from your seatmates; they are
probably wrong as well. God bless.
Begin here:
Directions: Write T if the statement is true, otherwise, write F and underline the word or phrase which makes it false, and change it to make the
statement true. Two points each.

1. Bilingual education is about learning one language plus a second language.

2. The significance of multilingualism can be linked to dramatic social changes.

3. The term Bilingual Education refers to the use of two languages of instruction at some point in the students’ school career.

4. The root of any language policy is some fundamental assumption about the future of the society.

5. Taking a multilingual perspective requires more than the application of bilingual education in the primary schools.

6. Academic intelligence is the ability to handle the demands of academic language at the tertiary level.

7. Education is mediated through language.

8. Academic literacy is a school subject.

9. One learns to handle language at primary and secondary school through the subject themselves.

10. Most nations have a language-in-education policy which specifies the use of various languages in educational settings.


Directions: In two to three paragraphs, explain the following graphs below. Provide a brief discussion on its possible implications.

Language distribution on social media in the Philippines

Source:  Talkwalker Quick Search

Barangay 5, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines 8501 | +63 85 3438327 | F: +63 85 8392284
Directions: Using the EFDT Format, propose a set of learning plan activities for a short lesson on sequencing events using any story of
yourchoice. Write it on the back part of this paper. Provide the following: Topic, Subject Matter, Explore, Firm-Up, Deepen, and Transfer.

Barangay 5, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines 8501 | +63 85 3438327 | F: +63 85 8392284

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