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When Receiving Calls When calling someone

1. Answering at a switchboard/ in a office/ 1. Requesting a particular person or

at a private number service

- Good morning, (your company). May I - May I speak to .....?

help you? - May I speek to the manager, Please?
- Hello, (Your office). Can I help you?
- Good afternoon, (your name) speaking
Hello, (your phone number)

2. Requesting identify 2. Identifying your self

- Who is calling? - This is (your name)

- May I ask who is calling? - I’m calling on behalf of ....
- Who is speaking, please?

3. Asking the caller to hold

- Hold the line, please. I’ll see if he is in

- Hold on, please. He is coming now
- Just a moment, please. She’ll be with you
right away
- One moment, please. I’ll see if he’s free
He is speaking on the other line. Will you

4. Connecting to the callers

- I’ll connect you with the manager

- I’ll put you through the manager
- It’s ringing for you
- You are through. Go ahead

5. The person being called is not in 3. The person you are calling is not in

- I’m sorry, the manager is out of at the - Could you tell me when he will back?
moment - Do you know what time she will back?
- I’m terribly sorry. Mr. Hotman is away on
business right now
- He is not in the office now, but he will be
back at 4 o’clock
6. Taking message 4. Leaving a message

- Can I take a message? - Yes, could you tell him to call me back?
- Can I give him a message? - Yes, tell her that I call. This is (your
- Can I have a message? name)
- No, thanks. I’ll call back later
- No, thanks. It’s not urgent

Complete the following dialogues by using the correct expression!

Dialogue 1

Receptionist : Good morning, R n’R Corporation, .....?

Nisa : Morning, my name is Nisa, ....... Mr. Mark please?
Receptionist : ........, i will check if he is at the office now.
Nisa : Ok, I will hold the line
Receptionist : Mrs. Nisa, thank you for waiting. Mr. Mark is having a guest this moment. .....?
Nisa : No, its ok. I think i’ll call him back one hour later
Receptionist : Is there anything else I can help you?
Nisa : No, thank you. Bye.

Dialogue 2

Fino : Hello, is this Malvin photo studio?

Receptionist : Yes, this si Malvin photo studio
Fino : I would like to talk to Mr. Malvin please.
Receptionist : Ok, ......?
Fino : Ok, im sorry my name is Fino.
Receptionist : ..........., I will check if Mr. Malvin is available.
Fino : Ok
Receptionist : Mr. Fino, Mr. Malvin is busy right now, .....?
Fino : Yes, could you please tell him to call me back? My phone number is
Receptionist : alright Mr. Fino I will make sure Mr. Malvin gets your message
Fino : Thank you
Receptionist : You’re welcome

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