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1. What is the energy level of hydrogen 8.

Isotopes are
a. s a. positively charged species
b. p b. negatively charged species
c. d c. atoms that have the same number of
d. f neutrons but different atomic
2. the nucleus contains the following d. atoms that have the same atomic
a. electron + proton number but different numbers of
b. electron + neutron neutron
c. proton + neutron 9. At a maximum, an f-orbital can hold_____
d. electron + proton + neutron electrons, a d-orbital can hold_____ electrons
and a p-orbital can hold ________ electrons.
3. Which of the following statements is correct? a. 14, 10, 6
a. protons is lighter than electron b. 16,12,4
b. neutron is a negative charge ion c. 32,16, 8
c. electron is a negative charge ion d. 10,8,4
d. both a and c
10. Which of the orbitals below do not exist due
4. Who discovered x-rays to the constraints upon the angular quantum
a. Becquerel number?
b. Faraday a. 3f
c. Crookes b. 3d
d. Roentgen c. 3p
d. 3s
5. Which of the following statement is true
a. spherical shape for s 11. d orbitals can have how many different
b. dumbbell shape for f orientations in space?
c. four-lobed shaped for p a. 1
d. all of the above b. 3
c. 5
6. Which of the following principles is not d. 7
included in dalton's atomic theory
a. atoms can combine to form 12. All of the orbitals in a given electron shell
compound have the same value for the __________
b. Matter is composed of tiny particles quantum number
called atoms a. Principal (n)
c. Atoms of different elements that are b. Angular (l)
identical can combine to form c. Magnetic (ml)
compounds d. Spin (ms)
d. Atoms of one element are identical
but differ from the atoms of all other 13. The __________ quantum number defines the
elements shape of an orbital.
a. Spin (ms)
7. Who discovered the proton b. Magnetic (ml)
a. Ernest Rutherford c. Principal (n)
b. Eugen Goldstein d. Angular (l)
c. Niels Bohr
d. William Crookes 14. There are __________ orbitals in the second
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
sets of orbitals singly before they pair
15. Bohr’s atomic model Immersive Reader up in any orbital of the set.
a. proposes that electrons occupy e. charged atoms (ions) must generate a
specific energy levels. magnetic field when they are in
b. explains the emission spectra of motion.
hydrogen atoms.
20. The maximum number of electrons that can
c. predicts the energy levels of multi-
be accommodated in a sublevel for which l = 3
electron atoms.
d. Both a and b a. 2
b. 10
16. Which of the following has a positive charge? c. 6
a. proton d. 14
b. neutron e. 8
c. anion
d. electron 21. The ground state electron configuration for
e. atom arsenic is:
a. [Ar] 4s2 4p13
17. Rutherford carried out experiments in which a b. [Kr] 4s2 4p1
beam of alpha particles was directed at a thin c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d12 4s2 4p1
piece of metal foil. From these experiments d. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d8 4p5
he concluded that: e. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p3
a. electrons are massive particles.
b. the positively charged parts of atoms 22. Which of the following electron configurations
are moving about with a velocity is correct for nickel?
approaching the speed of light. a. [Ar] 4s1 3d8
c. the positively charged parts of atoms b. [Kr] 4s1 4d8
are extremely small and extremely c. [Kr] 4s1 3d8
heavy particles. d. [Kr] 4s2 3d8
d. the diameter of an electron is e. [Ar] 4s2 3d8
approximately equal to that of the
nucleus. 23. Which of the following statements concerning
e. electrons travel in circular orbits subatomic particles is correct?
around the nucleus. a. Four fundamental types exist, all of
which are charged.
18. The neutral atoms of all of the isobar of the b. Four fundamental types exist, two of
same : which are charged.
a. different numbers of protons. c. Three fundamental types exist, none
b. equal numbers of neutrons. of which are charged.
c. the same number of electrons. d. Three fundamental types exist, two
d. the same mass numbers. of which are charged.
e. the same masses.
24. The nucleus of an atom
19. The Heisenberg Principle states that a. contains all protons and electrons.
b. is negatively charged because of the
a. no two electrons in the same atom
presence of electrons.
can have the same set of four
quantum numbers. c. is neutral since it contains only
b. two atoms of the same element must neutrons
have the same number of protons. d. accounts for only a small amount of
c. it is impossible to determine the total volume of an atom
accurately both the position and
momentum of an electron 25. Atoms are neutral because
simultaneously. a. all atoms contain neutrons.
d. electrons of atoms in their ground b. all subatomic particles lose their
states enter energetically equivalent charges once they enter an atom.
c. equal numbers of protons and
electrons are present.
d. the number of subatomic particles in
the nucleus is always an even
26. An atom contains 26 protons, 30 neutrons
and 26 electrons. The atomic number and
mass number for this atom are, respectively,
a. 30 and 26.
b. 26 and 30.
c. 26 and 56.
d. 30 and 56.
27. Two naturally occurring isotopes exist for the
hypothetical element dippium. 30.0% of
dippium atoms have a relative mass of 6.0
amu and 70.0% a relative mass of 8.0 amu.
What is the atomic mass of dippium?
a. 6.8 amu
b. 7.2 amu
c. 7.4 amu
d. 14.0 amu

28. The modern periodic table arranges the

elements in order of
a. year of discovery.
b. decreasing size of the nucleus.
c. increasing reactivity with oxygen.
d. increasing number of protons
29. After the 5s subshell of an atom is filled with
electrons, the next electron added will enter
a. 4d subshell.
b. 5p subshell.
c. 5d subshell.
d. 6s subshell.

30. Tin is element number 50. This means that all

tin atoms have
a. an atomic number of 50.
b. 50 neutrons in the nucleus.
c. a total of 50 subatomic particles in the
d. more than one correct response
e. no correct response

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