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Laguna State Polytechnic University

Los Baños Campus

College of Business Management and Accountancy

Case No. 1:  David Pyott: CEO striving for effective

marketing strategy towards highest satisfaction of

Submitted by:

BS Accountancy/III-A

Group 2

Aragones, Jamie Rose S.

Decena, Rona Mae M.

Militante, Christian Justin

Submitted to:

Mr. Romnick E. Pascual

Subject Teacher

CBME 2 Strategic Management

 Date of Submission
October 29, 2020
I.  Point of View (P.O.V)

The group of analysts decided to take the point of view of Mr. David Pyott, CEO of
Allergan Company.

Mr. Pyott work is the basis of decision making as well as his responsibility includes
making the company profitable at their highest satisfactory. Mr. David Pyott is in charge and
accountable on any outcome of the company's decisions. His important duty is to overlook the
aspects including planning, execution, monitoring, and controlling time management and ensure
costumers satisfaction. In line with this, analysts found out the problem occurs on the product
they use in botox injections to the public, consequently it gives domino effect for them becoming
a major player or becoming the top rank in pharmaceutical industry, as what they want to strive
and aim for in the next three years, therefore, the analysts take the perspective of Mr. David
Pyott’s to focus on the case study.

II. Synopsis/Overview of the Case

III. Statement of the Problem (S.O.P)

The aim of this case analysis is to discover what’s appropriate strategy David Pyott needs
to choose.

Specifically, the study will answer the following questions:

General Question:
1. What actions does David Pyott could do to reach the highest satisfactory in the
profitability of Allergan pharmaceutical company, as it is expecting to be top
management within next three years?
Specific Questions:
1. What strategic decision David Pyott must conduct in making the company cost-
effective on the standard acquisition of new formula and/or creating new production
2. What market trends, communication strategies would be used to encourage
customer in the acquisition that could also excel and differ them from their

IV. Areas of Consideration (S.W.O.T. Analysis)

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

1. High gross 1. Large amount of 1. High market

1. Development of
margin expenditures when it competition
wholesale distribution
comes to Research and
Development as well
as advertising the

2. Consumers
2. Product’s side 2. Expand more 2. The bargaining
effects. service products power of buyers or

3. Popular 3. High selling price 3. Ability to sell the 3. Possible loss of

products online consumers

Table No. 1: The S.W.O.T. Analysis of Allergan Pharmaceutical company

 (Explanation about the S.W.O.T. Analysis)

V. Problem Flow Diagram (based on your case overview and SOP, create your own flow chart)

Circle/Round/Oblong/Oval shape- for the start/end of the process.

Square/Rectangle shape- for the process or steps.

Diamond shape- for decision-making skills.

Arrows- the connector of the flow diagram.

Figure No. 1: Problem Flow Diagram of……

(Explanation of the problem flow diagram)

VI. Presentation of Alternative Solutions (provide at least three alternative solutions)

Alternative Solutions:

1. Make the policy in the acquiring of new formula that would be based on consumer's
perspective and could lessen side effects, through hiring of high standard scientists, physicians
and engineers, for wide various range pharmaceutical marketing strategies in which could attract
and build relationships
2. Establish branches that could reach more customers in the cities and where competitors would realize
that Allergan was the first ones started there.
3. Creating new formula of their own that could comprise and lay loyal customers by making
the company's weakness into solutions.

VII. Evaluation of Alternative Solutions

Table No. 2: Alternative Solution 1: Make the policy in the acquiring of new formula that
would be based on consumer's perspective and could lessen side effects, through hiring of high
standard scientists, physicians and engineers, for wide various range pharmaceutical marketing
strategies in which could attract and build relationships ___________________

Advantages Disadvantages

(Pros) (Cons)
1. The company could achieve 1. The company would wait years for the
newly competitive production result and the hope of effectivity of their
line by hiring experts such as communication or marketing strategies
scientists and engineers that
could relate to market trends and
improve their communication
strategies towards customers. As
well as the relationship they
could have with physicians and
doctors could create harmonious
reliability from consumers.

2. 2.

3. 3.
(Explanation about alternative solution no. 1)
Table No. 3: Alternative Solution 2:_ Establish branches that could reach more customers in the
cities and where competitors would realize that Allergan was the first ones started there.

Advantages Disadvantages

(Pros) (Cons)

1. Competitors would be 1. The company could face greater expenditure

threatened, and somehow realize at their present standing
that Allergan would be the first ones
2. 2.

3. 3.
(Explanation about alternative solution no. 2)
4. Table No. 4: Alternative Solution 3:__ Creating new formula of their own that could
comprise and lay loyal customers by making the company's weakness into solutions.


Advantages Disadvantages

(Pros) (Cons)

1. It would again increase Research

1 It will increase profitability of the
and Development expenditures that
company as it will have loyal
the company would risk again.

2. 2.

3. 3.
(Explanation about alternative solution no. 2)

(Explanation about alternative solution no. 2)

VIII. Decision
The case analysts chose the Alternative solution no. 1,________________________ as the best
alternative solution…...

IX. Implementation (use flow chart and gantt chart)

Table No. 5: Gantt Chart of ….

  September October

Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week

Action Item 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Gather the needed information

and evidence Day 1              

Conduct a Meeting   1            

Communicate and comply with Day 3 Day 2

the BIR regarding the            

issue then wait for the decision.            

Conduct a special meeting for

the announcement of the              

decision of the BIR.       Day 2        

Proceed for the discussion   Day

about what will happen       4        

to the CEO.                

Discuss the best way to end up Day 1

the an unethical               

issue within the company (best


Asking the concerns of the         Day 2      

board of directors regarding
the elimination of the CEO              

If ever the BOD did not approve the elimination of the CEO proceed to the Contingency Plan

Choosing the Best Candidate   Day

for the CEO position.           2    

Meeting for the election of New   Day

CEO             3  

Amending the Code of Ethics   Day

within the Company               1

Hire a new accountant.               4

(Explanation of the Gantt Chart)
Figure No. 2: Flowchart of the ………
(Explanation of the flowchart)

X. Contingency Plan
In case that the best alternative solution does not work, the analyst decided to use……….as
the contingency……..

XI. Management Concepts/Business Ethics/Strategic Management/Strategic Marketing

Management/Financial Management/Managerial Economics Manifested in the Case

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