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Exposure assessment of Salmonella spp. in fresh pork

meat from two abattoirs in Colombia

M Fajardo-Guerrero1, C Rojas-Quintero1, I Chamorro-Tobar2,

C Zambrano2, F Sampedro3 and AK Carrascal-Camacho1

Salmonella spp. prevails as the main cause of raw meat foodborne illnesses. Implementation of food safety
management systems such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in swine abattoirs can help to
mitigate pathogen exposure. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the HACCP
system in slaughterhouses in Colombia on reducing Salmonella spp. exposure due to the consumption of
fresh pork meat. Two slaughtering plants with a different degree of HACCP implementation were selected and
a quantitative microbiological mapping was built by collecting 820 samples of Salmonella spp. enumeration at
different processing stages. The overall Salmonella spp. mean concentration was 1.15  0.55 log MPN/g, with
no significant differences among plants (P > 0.05). Deficiencies during carcass disinfection and temperature
during distribution of meat cuts from the slaughterhouse lacking of HACCP resulted in a significant increase of
Salmonella spp. prevalence (20–40%) (P < 0.05). Processing stages with the highest pathogen prevalence
were transport (28–32%) and hanging (16–36%). The exposure assessment model estimated a higher degree
of pathogen contamination at the time of consumption in meat cuts from the slaughterhouse without HACCP
(3.36 versus 3.68 log MPN/g) and 10-fold increase in the probability a consumer would acquire a contami-
nated portion (0.011 versus 0.105). Implementation of the HACCP system in swine slaughterhouses repre-
sents tangible Salmonella spp. reduction control and public health protection measures.

Microbial mapping, pork meat, Salmonella spp., exposure assessment, Colombia
Date received: 17 April 2019; accepted: 27 June 2019

other animals and surrounding environment in the

INTRODUCTION farm, transport, and slaughterhouse (Wales et al.,
Nontyphoidal Salmonella is one of the main causes of 2011). Swine infected with Salmonella spp. at the pre-
foodborne diseases worldwide (WHO, 2015). In the harvest level can disseminate the pathogen to fresh
United States, Salmonellosis cases represent 9–15% of meat due to cross-contamination at slaughtering and
the total foodborne illnesses where 7.5% have been deboning processes compromising public health as
associated with pork meat and related products (Pires
et al., 2010). Salmonella spp. can be found throughout 1
Laboratorio de Microbiologı́a de Alimentos, Grupo de
the entire pork meat production chain. Swine can be Biotecnologı́a Ambiental e Industrial, Pontificia Universidad
asymptomatic carriers during their productive stage Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
due to pathogen survival in mesenteric ganglia for up 2
Asociación Porkcolombia, Fondo Nacional de la Porcicultura,
to 28 weeks, becoming a contamination source for Centro de Investigación y Transferencia de Tecnologı́a del
sector Porcı́cola (Ceniporcino), Bogotá, Colombia
Food Science and Technology International 0(0) 1–7
Environmental Health Sciences Department, School of Public
! The Author(s) 2019 Article reuse guidelines: Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA Corresponding author:
DOI: 10.1177/1082013219864746 F Sampedro, Environmental Health Sciences Department, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Food Science and Technology International 0(0)

a result of poor handling practices and inadequate and retail market distribution were selected from the
cooking at home (O’Connor et al., 2012). Most coun- central region of Colombia. Characteristics of the
tries use HACCP in the slaughterhouse and during productive system at both plants are summarized in
meat deboning as a measure to reduce pathogen preva- Table 1. Plant A was characterized by the implementa-
lence and public health burden (Bolton et al., 2002). tion of HACCP in the slaughterhouse and meat debon-
Salmonella spp. studies conducted in the pork pro- ing stages and shorter farm to slaughter transportation
duction chain worldwide reveal the pathogen is fre- times (<2 h). Plant B was characterized by lack of
quently found in pigs (asymptomatic carrier) or in HACCP implementation in the slaughterhouse and
fresh meat. Studies conducted in large pork meat pro- longer transportation times (up to 24 h).
ducing countries, such as China and Vietnam, found
prevalence levels in fresh meat of 28.0 and 39.6%,
Sampling design
respectively (Thai et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2010). In
Latin America, studies conducted in Mexico and The Salmonella spp. quantitative profile was conducted
Brazil reported prevalence levels of 17.3% in pork in 17 sampling sites: preharvest (fecal samples), trans-
meat (Miranda et al., 2009) and 93.3% in ground port (fecal samples from the truck during unloading),
meat (Borowsky et al., 2007), respectively. In slaughterhouse (carcass samples during hanging, scald-
Colombia, studies performed by Arcos et al. (2013) ing, evisceration, carcass washing, chilling, cold room
and Ayala et al. (2018) reported prevalence estimates storage), meat deboning (carcass and meat cuts), and
of 2.8% in pork carcasses, 2.2% in slaughterhouse retail (meat cuts). Samples were collected on a monthly
environmental samples, and 28.2% in mesenteric gang- basis during five months from April to August. For each
lia samples from swine. However, most studies only sampling event, five samples were collected from
report data on Salmonella spp. presence/absence, with each site (16 and 17 sites in plant A and B, respectively)
limited information on pathogen concentration levels for a total of 820 samples. All the collected samples
throughout the pork production chain. This fact were processed at the Food Microbiology Laboratory
makes the identification of high-risk processing stages of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá,
and development of exposure assessment models extre- Colombia.
mely difficult (Wheatley et al., 2014). Farm samples (50 fecal samples) were collected
The objective of this study was to perform a quan- by a previously trained veterinarian following the
titative microbiological mapping of Salmonella spp. in World Organization for Animal Health (OIE, 2012)
two slaughtering plants with different production and biosecurity measures manual for terrestrial animals.
food safety management systems. The data were used Five pigs per herd sharing the same farm management
to identify the high-risk production stages for pathogen practices were selected and marked for traceability pur-
contamination and to build a Salmonella spp. exposure poses. For each animal, a fecal sample containing 25 g
assessment model in fresh pork meat consumed in of feces was collected in sterile bags, properly identified
Colombia. and kept refrigerated (4  C) until further laboratory
processing. A total of 425 samples were collected at
MATERIALS AND METHODS the slaughterhouse following a nondestructive method
described by Carrascal and Rodrı́guez (2014). A sterile
Abattoirs selection
moistened swab (10 ml of buffered peptoned water) was
Two slaughterhouses with a complete pork supply used to collect the carcass samples from the vertebral
chain, including farm, slaughterhouse, meat deboning, column, gut, and leg area close to the rectus.

Table 1. Productive system characteristics.

Characteristics Plant A Plant B

Good husbandry practices Yes Incomplete

Farm size Small (5 farms) Large (1 farm)
Transportation time 2h >3 h
Slaughterhouse under same operation Yes No
HACCP system Yes No
Antimicrobial compound used Citric acid (540–1080 ppm) Lactic acid (500 ppm)
Transportation to meat deboning facility No Yes
HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.

Fajardo-Guerrero et al.

Probabilistic exposure assessment model

Swabs were stored in plastic bags with 15 ml of buffered
peptoned water and kept refrigerated (4  C) until fur- Enumeration data (log MPN/g) and Salmonella spp.
ther laboratory processing. prevalence (percentage of positive samples) from the
Fresh meat samples (200 g) were collected during microbiological profile at the slaughterhouses were
meat deboning (45 samples) and retail market (300 used to build a probabilistic exposure assessment
samples) with a sterile scalpel for each selected cut model to estimate the Salmonella spp. concentration
(chop, shoulder, and loin cuts). in fresh meat at the time of consumption and the prob-
ability that a consumer in Colombia would acquire a
contaminated cut. The model was built in @Risk 7.5.2
Salmonella spp. most probable number (MPN)
(Palisade, Inc.) software characterizing each of the
quantification method
model input variables with probability distributions to
The quantification of Salmonella spp. was performed account for the associated variability and uncertainty
using the MPN method described by Pavic et al. (Table 2).
(2010). Briefly, Salmonella spp. was isolated in chromo- A Monte Carlo simulation with Latin hypercube
genic agar (ChromagarTM Salmonella Plus base) and sampling method (10,000 iterations) was used to gener-
Hektoen agar (DifcoTM). Colonies showing typical ate pseudo random numbers from all input probability
Salmonella spp. phenotype characteristics (purple colo- distributions defined in the model (i.e. one iteration).
nies in chromogenic agar and black colonies with trans- The final probability density function of the output
lucent halo in Hektoen agar) were cultured in trypticase (mean, 95% confidence interval) accurately accounted
soy agar (Scharlau, Spain) and confirmed using for all possible scenarios for the given set of parameters
MALDI-TOF (Bruker, Daltonics Inc.) mass spectrom- defined in the exposure model.
etry. MPN values were calculated by a three tube series
table (Pavic et al., 2010). The limit of quantification for
the method used was set at 3 MPN/g.
A unit correction was performed in the swab samples Salmonella spp. cross-contamination can occur at dif-
(ml to cm2) to account for the sample area (400 cm2) by ferent processing stages during slaughtering or meat
using equation (1) and in the fecal (25 g) and meat cut deboning. Conducting a microbiological mapping
(200 g) samples (ml to g) by using equation (2) (Mion throughout the entire production chain is crucial to
et al., 2016) identify stages with the highest probability of contam-
ination (De Busser et al., 2013). Salmonella spp. enu-
MPN MPN of the suspension  sampled area meration levels during the five sampling events in plant
¼ ml A and B are shown in Figure 1. Progressive reduction in
cm diluent volume
the mean pathogen prevalence and enumeration levels
ð1Þ was observed for plant A for intermediate stages (dis-
infection) and latter processing stages (below the detec-
MPN ml of the suspension  sample weight tion limit of Salmonella spp. during deboning and retail
g diluent volume sale). Such behavior was not observed for plant B
ð2Þ (without HACCP) where there was an increase on the
mean Salmonella spp. prevalence and enumeration
where MPN is the most probable number obtained levels throughout the production chain, including dis-
by the method, area is the surface analyzed tribution and retail sale.
(400 cm2), sample weight is the amount analyzed A significant correlation has been observed between
(25 and 200 g), and diluent volume is the sponge Salmonella spp. prevalence at the farm level by the pres-
volume (25 ml). ence of infected pigs and contamination of fresh meat
(Andres and Davies, 2015). No infected animals were
observed in plant A (30 sampled pigs), whereas 28% of
Statistical analysis
sampled animals from plant B (25 sampled pigs)
Salmonella spp. levels reported for each sample with a showed Salmonella spp. infection with mean levels of
value of <3 MPN/g or <5 MPN/cm2 were expressed as 1.16  0.56 log MPN/g. Final prevalence levels in fresh
a categorical ‘‘negative’’ variable. In contrast, when the meat cuts from plant B (4–40%) were significantly
value was >3 MPN/g or cm2 results were reported as higher than levels found in plant A (pathogen below
‘‘positive.’’ To determine significant differences between the detection limit in all meat cuts) (P < 0.05), suggest-
plant A and B pathogen counts, a Tukey’s test was ing a significant correlation. Andres and Davies (2015)
performed with an a ¼ 0.05 value and a confidence observed that farm biosecurity measures (animal
interval of 95%. replacement, cleaning and disinfection, feed and water

Food Science and Technology International 0(0)

Table 2. Exposure assessment model inputs of Salmonella spp. in pork meat.

Input Value Reference

Overall prevalence (%) Plant A: Beta (2þ1,1752þ1) Present study

Plant B: Beta (27þ1,17527þ1)
Final concentration (log CFU/g)a Plant A: Normal (1.07, 0.28) Present study
Plant B: Normal (1.23, 0.47)
Salmonella growth during  ¼ 0:0243  T  0:0825 Data from Velugoti et al. (2011)
shelf-life (log CFU/g) Shelf-life: 4–10 C, 3 days using COMBASE
Uniform (0, 1.28)
Annual per capita consumption 46 portions Data provided by Porkcolombia
(Economic Division)
Percentage of pork meat 67% Data provided by Porkcolombia
consumers in Colombia (Economic Division)
Portion size (g) Triangular (90,100,125) Data provided by Porkcolombia
(Economic Division)
Percent surface with respect 20–30% Present study
to the total cut volumea
CFU: Colony Forming Units.
All cuts combined.

below the detection limit level after the disinfection

120 stage. Prevalence was maintained between 4% and
below the detection limit in the rest of the processing
stages and the pathogen was only detected in two out of
seven meat cuts evaluated. Pathogen prevalence levels
60 in plant B were also reduced after scalding (12% reduc-
MPN/g – cm2

tion). However, an increase was observed after eviscer-

ation and carcass washing stages (8% increase each)
20 and no reduction effect was measured after disinfection.
A complete pathogen reduction was observed during
chilling; however, at latter stages (unloading and cold
room) prevalence increased and was maintained at
–40 20%. All samples obtained from meat cuts in plant B
rm ing ing ing ion ng on ing ion m at op ., oin let. m. in. showed Salmonella spp. presence with prevalence
Fa load ang cald erat ashi fecti Chill ortat d roout me Ch Arm L Cut Ar Lo
Un H S isc W isin p ol c
Ev D ns C ace
rf values between 4 and 40%.
Company A
Company B
Stool and meat cut samples: g Lack of HACCP implementation in plant B could
Carcass samples: cm2
have caused an increase in prevalence levels during
slaughterhouse processing stages, suggesting cross-con-
Figure 1. Mean Salmonella spp. enumeration level from tamination between carcasses or utensils, lack of ade-
five sampling events in plants A and B.
quate cleaning and disinfection of transportation
vehicles (live animals and carcasses), and inadequate
supplements, among others) aimed at reducing carcass disinfection process (antimicrobial concentra-
Salmonella spp. prevalence in animal carriers show a tion and contact time). Likewise, abuse temperatures
reduction effect on the pathogen levels in the final prod- (average of 10  C, data not shown) were observed
uct. Lack of good husbandry practices and a greater during storage and distribution of meat cuts. All the
farm size could explain the higher pathogen prevalence processing failures observed in plant B would explain
observed in plant B (Table 1). the pathogen increase measured throughout the study.
Salmonella spp. prevalence during transportation Data observed in the present study are in agreement
and unloading was 28–36 and 16–32% for plants A with systematic reviews on Salmonella spp. mapping in
and B, respectively. Pathogen prevalence levels in the pork meat chain described by O’Connor et al.
plant A decreased steadily throughout the process (2012) and Wheatley et al. (2014), where they found
with a 28% decrease after scalding and 4% after each scalding had a significant reduction effect on
stage of evisceration and carcass washing, reaching Salmonella spp. prevalence due to the temperatures

Fajardo-Guerrero et al.

employed (60–65  C). Additionally, the chilling process transportation time and other plausible causes previ-
could result in an additional Salmonella spp. reduction ously mentioned. Increase in prevalence between
given the effect low temperatures have on stressed cells transport and animal hanging stages could be due to
(Ferrasso et al., 2017). fecal–oral contamination or skin contamination as a
Salmonella spp. mean concentration level at the consequence of high animal density during lairage
slaughterhouse was maintained near to 1.0 log MPN/ (company A has small holding pens) that can facilitate
cm2 or g (1.07  0.28 in plant A and 1.23  0.47 in plant pathogen dissemination (Boughton et al., 2007).
B) and no significant differences were observed between
plants (P > 0.05). Disinfection process in plant A was
Probabilistic exposure assessment model
able to reduce below the detection limit of the initial
microbial load (1.04 log MPN/cm2 reduction), whereas Table 2 shows the Salmonella spp. exposure assessment
for plant B an increase in concentration was detected model input variables in fresh pork meat produced in
after the carcass washing reaching a concentration of two abattoirs in Colombia. The mean Salmonella spp.
1.19  0.20 log MPN/g and no effect was observed after prevalence of meat cuts was characterized by a beta
disinfection. Evisceration is frequently reported as the distribution. Salmonella spp. growth rate values
highest source of contamination in pig carcasses (m, log CFU/g/h) at 4–10  C were obtained from
during slaughter (Young et al., 2016). Present study COMBASE tool ( (Baranyi and
observed low Salmonella spp. levels after evisceration Tamplin, 2004) and a study by Velugoti et al. (2011)
(1.04  0.27 and 1.10  0.22 log MPN/cm2 in plant A on Salmonella spp. growth in ground pork meat.
and B, respectively), suggesting adequate management Salmonella spp. growth during the shelf-life (4–10  C
(bunging, double knife use, personnel training) avoid- for three days) was estimated through a linear regres-
ing fecal contamination from intestine rupture. sion of the growth rate values at different temperatures
Cold chain breakdown during transport in plant B (Table 2). It was assumed that microbial contamination
resulted in 1.70  0.57 and 1.50  0.74 log MPN/g in meat occurred on the surface, accounting for
counts for shoulder and loin cuts, respectively. Data 20–30% of the total cut volume (2 mm by experimental
from microbiological mapping reports in Brazil estimation in the present study).
describe higher counts in comparison with the present Table 3 presents the model outputs after the Monte
study in ground meat (2.38 log MPN/g) and meat prod- Carlo simulation. No significant differences were
ucts (1.96 log MPN/g) (Borowsky et al., 2007; Ristori observed in the mean contamination level estimated
et al., 2017). In contrast, reports by Prendergast et al. by the model (3.68 versus 3.36 log MPN/g) at the
(2009) in meat cuts from the Irish retail market showed time of consumption (P > 0.05). Giovannini et al.
lower counts (0.23 log MPN/g). Differences in storage (2004) reported low Salmonella spp. levels (1.39 to
temperatures among countries could explain these 0.52 log MPN/g) in half of the samples and higher
differences. levels in the other half (0.44 to 2.04 log MPN/g) in
The high-risk stages for Salmonella spp. contamin- fresh pork sausages sampled in Italy. In the present
ation were identified during transportation (36% preva- study, the probability of acquiring a contaminated por-
lence in both plants) and hanging (28%) in plant A. tion from plant B was 10 times higher (10.5%) in com-
Hernández et al. (2013) also identified transportation parison with plant A (1.1%) due to the higher mean
(23% prevalence in samples collected from trucks) prevalence of meat cuts from plant B. The average
and hanging (36% prevalence) as the stages with the number of contaminated portions acquired by an aver-
highest prevalence. An increase in Salmonella spp. age consumer in a year was estimated to be greater than
levels during transportation could be due to dissemin- seven portions if the meat would come from plant B
ation of bacteria in the animal feces and inadequate and less than a portion if processed in plant A
truck washing (Ayala et al., 2018; Wales et al., 2011). (Table 3). Various authors have estimated the risk of
Increased bacteria excretion during transport is asso- becoming ill from the consumption of contaminated
ciated with elevated stress levels in swine due to inad- pork meat with Salmonella spp. Dang et al. (2017)
equate animal handling during loading and unloading, showed in a given year a Salmonella spp. prevalence
high dense population, long transportation times from of 44.4% in fresh pork meat from wet markets in
the farm to the abattoir, and adverse climate conditions Vietnam and a probability of illness from consumption
(Hurd et al., 2002). These authors observed an increase of boiled pork of 17.7% (0.89–45.96%, 95% CI).
in Salmonella spp. prevalence greater than 7-fold Another study in pork meat from Hanoi’s urban
(5.3–39.9%) between the levels observed at the farm areas found a probability of illness of 9.5%
and after transport. In the present study, a 4% increase (0.4–30%, 95% CI) (Toan et al., 2013). The risk of
in prevalence was observed between the farm and illness from the consumption of fresh pork meat will
slaughterhouse in plant B, possibly caused by the long greatly depend on the food handling practices at home

Food Science and Technology International 0(0)

Table 3. Exposure assessment model outputs of Salmonella spp. in pork meat.

Output Formula Valuea

Salmonella spp. final 10^final concentration  portion Plant A: 3.36 (2.25–4.00)

concentration (log MPN) size  % cut surface Plant B: 3.68 (2.11–4.44)
Probability of acquiring a Prevalence  consumer proportion Plant A: 0.011 (0.0024–0.0271)
contaminated portion Plant B: 0.105 (0.0726–0.144)
Number of contaminated portions Total contaminated portions/ Plant A: 0.77 (0.16–1.84)
acquired by an average consumer Number of consumers Plant B: 7.21 (4.94–9.82)
MPN: most probable number.
mean and 95% CI.

to avoid cross-contamination or inadequate cooking.

Inadequate use and disinfection of cutting boards and
utensils, and transfer of contamination to other fresh The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
products, such as fruits and vegetables have been port for the research, authorship and/or publication of this
observed as the main contamination routes. Gonzales- article: The authors thank Porkcolombia (National pig indus-
Barron et al. (2012) found that reducing the cold stor- try fund) for financing this project No. 002-17 and for finan-
cing the English translation.
age by approximately 8 h and cooking for an additional
half minute could reduce the current risk level by
50% in fresh pork sausages. For the present study, ORCID ID
the effect of cooking practices on the risk of illness F Sampedro
would be insignificant, since it was assumed that pork
meat cuts would be sterile in the inside. REFERENCES
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Journal of Applied Microbiology 109(1): 25–34.

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