Learning Material 4 Xi GN

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Learning Material 4 GN

Read and understand the Learning Material below , then do the following exercises
correctly . Don’t forget to take a note for the difficult words in any space by
consulting dictionary. Then submit the file via Assigment . (Baca dan pahami materi
pembelajaran dibawah . Kemudian kerjakan latihan berikut dengan benar.) Jangan
lupa mencatat kata- kata sulitnya ditempat yang kosong dengan membuka kamus .
Kemudian sampaikan Filenya melalui Assignment.

Active - Passive Voice

Active Voice: ( Kalimat aktif ) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
bahwa subject melakukan suatu aktifitas/perbuatan.


S + Verb + O + ..... Artinya me ...

Passive Voice : (Kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
bahwa subject bukanlah pelaku melainkan menerima aktivitas /perbuatan .

Pattern :

S + be + Verb-3/Past participle + by..

Artinya di.../ter...

Observe the Pattern below !


5. Present Future Tense 5. Present Future Tense

S + will + V1+ O S + will + be + V3 + by ..

1. He will buy a house 1. A house will be bought by him

2. John will visit them 2. They will be visited by John

6. Past Future Tense 6. Past Future Tense

S + would + V1+ o S + would + be + V3 + by ....

1. I would meet her 1. She would be met by me

2. Anna would send the book 2. The book would be sent by Anna
7. S + modal + V1 + o 7. S + modal + be + V3 + by.....
shall Shall / will
will will
may may
must must
should should
would would
might might
had to had to
can can
could could

Task 1

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice ( Present Future )

1. Jane will buy a new computer.

2. Her boyfriend will install it.
3. Millions of people will visit the museum.
4. Our boss will sign the contract.
5. You will not do it.
6. They will not show the new film.
7. He won't see Sue.
8. They will not ask him.
9. Will the company employ a new worker?
Task 2

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. ( Past Future )

1. Frank would order the drinks.

2. You would spend all the money.
3. I would take the dog for a walk.
4. She would sell the car.
5. They would solve the problem.
6. She would not read the book.
7. They would not trust him.
8. He won't ring Barbara.
9. Would they pay the bill?
10. Would you wash my socks?

Task 3

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice ( mixed)

1. The student are doing the exercise in the class room now

2. Someone has stolen the books from the library


3. Did the people build the strong bridge five years ago ?

4. Olivia was studying English at 7 yesterday morning


5. Father reads the newspapers everyday


6. They finished the work on time last Monday


7. The girl has opened the windows this morning


8. The boy pays the school fee every month


9. The children visited the zoo last week


10. Someone may call a taxi for you


11. The servant is washing the clothes in the bath room


12. The man will build a new house here next month

13. People wear warm clothes in winter


14. We can make a delicious meal in a few minutes


15. Mother bought some apples in the market yesterday


16. He can answer the questions correctly.


17 They will choose the right answer in the exam.


18 The students are promoting their school to their Junior High School during the holiday.


19. The mechanic has repaired my car twice.


20. The assistant must prepare the equipment before we do practicing in the laboratorioum.


Good Luck
Notes :

1. Object or Active voice becomes Subject of Passive voice

Verb – active becomes Verb – passive ( see the tables )

Subject of Active voice becomes Agent ( pelengkap pelaku )

Task 1

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice ( Present Perfect ) !

1. Kerrie has paid the bill.

2. I have eaten a hamburger.
3. We have cycled five miles.
4. I have opened the present.
5. They have not read the book.
6. You have not sent the parcel.
7. We have not agreed to this issue.
8. They have not caught the thieves.
9. Has she phoned him?
10. Have they noticed us?

Task 2

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice ( Past Perfect ) !

1. I had worn blue shoes.

2. Joe had cleaned the tables.
3. We had lost the key.
4. They had started a fight.
5. I had been reading an article.
6. I had not closed the window.
7. They had not bought the paper.
8. She had not noticed me.
9. Had she solved the problem?
10. Had he recorded that song?

Task 3

Translate the following sentences into English in Present Perfect !

1. Meja telah dibersihkan oleh cleaning service .


2. Pelajaran kita belum dimulai lagi .


3. Sudahkah jendela ditutup ?


4. Sudahkah kamu ditelephon oleh saudara laki- lakimu ?


Task 4

Translate the following sentences into English in Past Perfect !

1. Spp saya telah di bayar oleh ibu saya sebelum guru meminta .


2. Novel ini telah saya baca sebelum kamu membacanya .


3. Pesawat telah tinggal landas sebelum saya tiba di bandara .


4. Saya telah mengerjakan latihan sebelum guru meminta saya.


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