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Our Lady of the Pillar College- San Manuel Inc.

San Manuel, Isabela

Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020-2021

Second Preliminary Summative Evaluation


Name: _____________________________________________________ Score: ______________________

Course and Section: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Learning Objectives:
 Employs various communicative strategies in different situations .
 Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy affects
the following: EN11/12OCIIab-22;
- Language form EN11/12OCIIab-22.1
- Duration of interaction EN11/12OCIIab-22.2
- Relationship of speaker EN11/12OCIIab-22.3
- Role and responsibilities of the speaker EN11/12OCIIab-22.4
- Message EN11/12OCIIab-22.5
- Delivery EN11/12OCIIab-22.6

PART 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and understand each question carefully then write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the space provided before each number.

_____ 1. What do you call the plain utterance of various words?

A. Locutionary act
B. Perlocutionary act
C. Illocutionary act
D. Propositional act

______ 2. Which act is performed by saying something?

A. Locutionary act
B. Perlocutionary act
C. Illocutionary act
D. Propositional act

______ 3. Which act is performed in saying something?

A. Locutionay act
B. Perlocutionary act
C. Illocutionary act
D. Propositional act

______ 4. Why illocutionary act is considered the core of the speech acts?
A. Because it carries the meaning of the utterance
B. Because it does not possess communicative force
C. Because it is limited to questioning, promising and stating
D. Because it is the action performed by the listener and receiver

______ 5. Which of the following is not included as device of illocutionary force?

A. Stress
B. Word order
C. Intonation
D. Meaning

______ 6. Which of the following best describes perlocutionary act?

A. It normally creates a sense of consequential effects on the audiences.
B. The effects may be in the form of thoughts, imaginations, feelings or emotions.
C. The effect upon the addressee is the main charactership of perlocutionary utterances.
D. All of the above

______ 7. What is the difference between illocutionary act and perlocutionary act?
A. Illocutionary act carries a directive for the audience, however, perlocutionary act brings
about a consequence to the audience.
B. Illocutionary act merely an answer to a question, to inform the other person in the
conversation, on the other hand, perlocutionary act have an influence on the hearer, in
feelings, thoughts, or actions.
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

______ 8. Which type of illocutionary act is to prompt the psychological state specified in the sincerity
condition about a state of affairs specified in the propositional content?
A. Directive
B. Commisive
C. Expressive
D. Declaration

______ 9. These are statements that describe a state of affairs in the world which could be true or false and
they commit a speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition. Which type of illocutionary act is being
pronounced in the statement?
A. Commisive
B. Expressive
C. Assertive
D. Directive

______ 10. Which of the following is precise manifestation of speech act in the statement: A teacher says to
the students “please study hard or you’ll fail on final examination.”?
A. The locutionary act might be advising or suggesting but the perlocutionary act may be
intimidating for students.
B. The perlocutionary act might be counselling or proposing but the locutionary act may be
threatening for students.
C. The locutionary act is uttering “please study hard or you’ll fail on final examination” but
the perlocutionary act may be frightening for students.
D. The illocutionary act might be advising or recommending but the perlocutionary
act may be daunting for students.

______ 11. Which of these covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic
in conversations?
A. Nomination
B. Topic shifting
C. Topic control
D. Restriction

______ 12. Which refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening and comprehending
that they may encounter in a conversation?
A. Repair
B. Termination
C. Topic shifting
D. Restriction

______ 13. Which refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a
A. Conclusion
B. Resolution
C. Termination
D. Closing remarks

______ 14. What do you call a strategy of constraining the response or reaction within a set of categories?
A. Nomination
B. Restriction
C. Topic control
D. Topic shifting

______ 15. Which refers to any limitation you have as a speaker?

A. Repair
B. Restriction
C. Topic shifting
D. Termination

______ 16. When the teachers asks you for a brainstorm on peer pressure. What communicative strategy is
being used in the statement?
A. Nomination
B. Restriction
C. Topic control
D. Turn-taking

______ 17. Report using the English language. What communicative strategy is being used in the statement?
A. Repair
B. Restriction
C. Topic shifting
D. Termination

______ 18. “Do you have something to say?” Which of these strategies is being shown in the statement?
A. Nomination
B. Restriction
C. Topic control
D. Turn-taking
______ 19. Which of the following statements is considered as topic control?
A. You said that you like milk chocolates, but you also stated that dark chocolates
tastes good. So, do you know that all chocolates are based from a single ingredient
called cacao?
B. “It’s nice to meet you. Tell me your name.” / “I have just what you need!!!”
C. The correct pronunciation of Nike is not nayk but nayki.
D. All of the above

______ 20. “You have the spotlight now?” What communicative strategy is being used in the statement?
A. Nomination
B. Restriction
C. Topic control
D. Turn-taking
______ 21. The use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format. What type of speech style is
being described in the statement?
A. Consultative
B. Formal
C. Frozen
D. Casual

______ 22. Sermons, rhetorical statements and questions, speeches, pronouncements made by judges, and
announcement are common instances of what type of speech style?
A. Consultative
B. Formal
C. Frozen
D. Casual

______ 23. Which pertains to a professional discourse?

A. Consultative
B. Formal
C. Frozen
D. Casual

______ 24. Which of the following situations needs a consultative speech style?
A. Talking to a counsellor or psychiatrist
B. Giving last minute instructions to players
C. Delivering campaign speeches
D. Delivering a speech at the UN Summit

______ 25. Which of the following situations calls for a casual speech style?
A. Delivering an oratorical speech
B. Leading a prayer before meal
C. Talking to a friend while playing sports
D. Talking to a counsellor or psychiatrist

______ 26. This style is in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies. What type of speech
style does the statement refer to?
A. Intimate
B. Consultative
C. Formal
D. Frozen
______ 27. This style is private and occurs between or among close family members or individuals. What
type of speech style is being defined in the statement?
A. Casual
B. Consultative
C. Intimate
D. Formal

______ 28. Which of the following situations requires a formal speech style?
A. Talking to a superior
B. Reading a court order
C. Talking to a stranger
D. Talking and laughing about memorable experiences

______ 29. The language used in intimate style may be shared in public.
A. True
B. False
C. True, because it can be both public and private.
D. False, because it cannot be shared in public.
______ 30. The following situations uses formal speech style, EXCEPT:
A. Inquiring at a hotel
B. Delivering an oratorical speech
C. Delivering a campaign speech
D. Delivering news reports

______ 31. It is a style used in formal settings. Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way. Which type of
speech style does the statement pertain to?
A. Consultative
B. Intimate
C. Frozen
D. Formal

______ 32. This is the standard style which uses professional or mutually acceptable language. What speech
style is being described in the statement?
A. Casual
B. Frozen
C. Consultative
D. Formal

______ 33. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular language are NOT acceptable in the casual style.
A. True
B. False
C. True, because you can only use standard language.
D. False, because jargon, slang, or the vernacular language are acceptable only in the
intimate style.

For item 34 – 70, identify what is used or shown in situations or utterances. Choose the letter of your
answer on the space provided before each number.

34 – 44. A. Intimate B. Casual C. Consultative D. Formal E. Frozen

______ 34. Documents written in this style practically have no variation in the range of their expression, no
deviation from present norms (statutes, briefs, appellate opinions, insurance policies, contracts, leases, and
______ 35. In speaking, what the speaker says is something that has been prepared beforehand.
______ 36. It is unplanned speech; it is "unmarked" or the baseline and ordinary type of speech in American
English among persons who do not know each other.
______ 37. This style is more characteristic of writing than speech, reserved for the formal occasion when
spoken, and then read.
______ 38. It is often not heard in court proceedings although the affirmative "Uh-huh" is sometimes used
by witnesses.
______ 39. It is marked by various degrees of implicitness because of intimacy between speaker and listener.
______ 40. The standard of correctness in this style is high.
______ 41. This style is used in conversations between people who are very close and know each other quite
well because of having a maximum of shared background information.
______ 42. It is more or less the self-imposed style for communicating with strangers with whom we feel we
share sociocultural and situational assumptions or opinions in a general way.
______ 43. This style is used in conversations between friends and insiders who have something to share and
have shared background information.
______ 34. It is unplanned speech; it is "unmarked" or the baseline and ordinary type of speech in American
English among persons who do not know each other.

45 – 57.A. Locutionary Act B. Illocutionary Act C. Perlocutionary Act

______ 45. The school principal congratulates all the players for winning the tournament.
______ 46. The boy replied to his friend that he will come to the party by nodding.
______ 47. Maria, a Grade 11 student, explains to her teacher why she is absent.
______ 48. The young girl asserts what she saw at the park to her parents.
______ 49. Mario wrote a letter after the teacher instructed them to do so.
______ 50. The leader of a team commands the members to fall in line.
______ 51. A lady sharing her beauty regimen every night to a friend.
______ 52. Jena promises her parents to study harder.
______ 53. When Ana touched the fire, she uttered “Ouch!”
______ 54. Mila always sings “la, la, la, la, la.”
______ 55. Mr. Smith waved back to his friend smiling at him.
______ 56. Shiela smiled after being complimented by the boy.
______ 57. No one makes better pancakes than I do.

58 – 70.A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-Taking

D. Topic Control E. Topic Shifting F. Repair

______ 58. The interviewer asks a question to start another topic.

______ 59. Mario looks at Maria to signal that she needs to respond.
______ 60. A student opens the issue on the presidents declining trust rate.
______ 61. The teacher telling the student that they should never forget their IDs.
______ 62. The student leaving the question for he does not know the words to be used.
______ 63. The contestant asked what the question is again.
______ 64. A mother says to his child “Don’t ever say that again.”
______ 65. The student divert the subject to the incident when he was asked why he is late.
______ 66. When Mark is sharing his thoughts, he said “I don’t like her because she is so… whatever.”
______ 67. The teacher says, “Our topic for today is the subtracting proper and improper fraction only.”
______ 68. The leader enumerates the agenda to talk about.
______ 69. “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say something.”
______ 70. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the importance of sports and
wellness to a healthy lifestyle.”

Prepared by: Checked/Noted by:


Teacher SHS Coordinator/Principal

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