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Event facilities reservation and management system is capable of reserving those people
or organization seeking for facilities in where they can do their meetings, seminars, trainings and
etc. and specify services depending on the event also it has a calendar system, it allows to collect
relevant information on the attendees and monitor their numbers are just sample duties of
reservation management system and also with calendar system it helps us to avoid conflict
schedules among clients in reserving meeting halls, seminars, trainings and etc. with this system
user should be able to satisfy the requirement in providing the suitable functionality to the user,
where user should be able to know that availability schedule of a different facilities, meeting
halls or etc. user should be able to reserve the facility needed online anywhere and anytime, and
user should be able to check his/her reservation schedule time and date.

Literature Review
According to Meyer & Schwager (2007) customer experience includes all the aspects that
a company is offering — the quality of service, advertising, packaging, product and service
features, ease of use, and reliability. Customer experience is a complex process of understanding
the customers’ conscious and subconscious perceptions of their relationship with the
organization from all their interactions. Nowadays, customer experience has become a critical
differentiator in this competitive, global marketplace. The impact of technological amenities on
customer experience in upscale hotels 2015 7 Good customer experience management can
improve customer loyalty, strengthen brand preference, boost revenue, and lower costs (Espana,
2006). Customer satisfaction is a result of the customers’ experience, often measured as a degree
of “happiness”. It can be defined as a customer’ state of mind in which their needs and
expectations have been met or exceeded with a product or a service. It is described as the link
between perceived quality and post-purchase evaluations. Customer satisfaction can result in a
subsequent repurchase and prolong loyalty (Yi, 1991).
Nowadays, technology could really impact a business’ operation. Castillo
(2014) studied the Importance of Computerized System to Reservation and Front Office
Operations of Hotels, in Batangas Philippines. Based on their study and results of
assessment, they concluded that; The computerized system is very important for the
hotels in Batangas on their reservation and front office operations, specifically on sales
and reservation, guest registration, forecasting room status and room availability, during
both peak and lean seasons. The greatest importance, however, is placed on room
availability during peak season and on forecasting room status during lean season. Also,
during both peak and lean season, computerized system is equally important for Batangas
hotels regardless of their number of rooms as regards all reservation and front office

The impact of technological amenities on customer experience in upscale hotels
2.3. Customer experience vs. Customer satisfaction

A major problem encountered by Balai Ha BukSU is its current manual-based system

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