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A Strong Partner for Sustainable Development


TTL 101A



College of Education
BEED Third Year

Module No. 1

Review of Technology for Teaching

and Learning 1 and ICT Policies

1st Semester AY 2020-2021

Collene Faye A. Empig

Instructor I

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Table of Contents
Instruction to the User 4
Introduction 5

Chapter 1 – Review of Technology for Teaching and Learning 5

Lesson 1 - Definition of Basic Concepts and Important Terms 7
Lesson 2 – Roles of ICT in Teaching for Learning 10
Lesson 3 – Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of 13
Technology Driven Learning Lessons

Chapter 2 – ICT Policies and Safety Issues in Teaching and 19

Lesson 1 – ICT National and International Policies 20
Lesson 2 – Safety Issues in ICT 22

Evaluation 24
References 25

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)



This module would provide you an educational experience while

independently accomplishing the task at your own pace or time. It aims as
well to ensure that learning is unhampered by health and other challenges. It
covers the review of Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 and ICT
Policies and Safety Issues in Teaching and Learning.

Reminders in using this module:

1. Keep this material neat and intact.

2. Answer the pretest first to measure what you know and what to be
learned about the topic discussed in this module.
3. Accomplish the activities and exercises as aids and reinforcement for
better understanding of the lessons.
4. Answer the post-test to evaluate your learning.
5. Do not take pictures in any parts of this module nor post it to social
media platforms.
6. Value this module for your own learning by heartily and honestly
answering and doing the exercises and activities. Time and effort were
spent in the preparation in order that learning will still continue
amidst this Covid-19 pandemic.
7. Observe health protocols: wear mask, sanitize and maintain physical

Hi! I’m Blue Bee, your WPU Mascot.

Welcome to Western Philippines University!

Shape your dreams with quality learning experience.


WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)



This course Technology for Teaching and Learning in the

Elementary Grades is designed for prospective teachers to develop and
use digital and non-digital teaching-learning resources using technology
tools appropriate in various subject areas in the elementary level.
Further, the course will provide opportunities for students to use
technology tools to develop individual and project-based collaborative
activities and assessment tasks and share resources among communities
of practice. It also includes information and communication technology
(ICT) policies and safety issues, media and technology in various content
areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design of learning
lessons that utilize appropriate traditional and innovative technologies
with social, ethical and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools
and resources.

The course is divided into several modules which contains

discussions and exercises to equip pre-service teachers of the knowledge
and skills to better cater technologically savvy learners.

Chapter 1
Review of Technology for Teaching and Learning

This chapter focuses on the definitions of some terms used in the integration
of technology in teaching and learning. It also discusses how Information and
Communication Technology can be used in teaching and learning. The last part of
this chapter discusses some theories which are of great help for future teachers in
deciding how to use technology effectively and efficiently for learning.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, you can:
1. discuss basic concepts in ICT in education;
2. explain the roles of ICT in Teaching for Learning;
3. compare traditional and constructivist point of view in the role of
technology in teaching and learning;

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4. create a concept map showing the connections among the different topics;
5. express appreciation to technology.


This activity measures your background knowledge of the lessons ahead. This
mis not graded but it is expected that you answer honestly as best as you can. Read
each definition carefully. Match the definitions on column A to the term they refer to
on column B. Write the letter of your answer on your notebook.


_____1. It is the ability to find, utilize, share, and create a. Dale’s Cone of
contents using information technologies and Internet. Experience
_____2. It is instructional guide that teachers use to
develop lesson plans which integrate the use of technology b. Webquest
and media.
_____3. It is a video or audio clip in the format of the radio
talk show.
_____4. It is designed to “show the progression of learning d. ASSURE
experiences” Model
_____5. It is an inquiry-based lesson format in which all
e. Flipped
information that learners work with comes from the
_____6. It is a theory that was developed to explain the set
of knowledge that teachers need to teach their students a f. VOIP
subject, teach effectively, and use technology.
_____7. It enables people to use the Internet as
transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice
g. Internet
data in packets using IP rather than traditional circuit
_____8. It refers to the use of technology in teaching and h. Educational
learning. Technology

_____9. It utilizes a reverse instructional delivery. i. Digital Literacy

_____10. It refers to a mix of process and products used in

the application of knowledge. j. Podcast

k. Technology

Thank you for your honesty! Turn the page for the knowledge that awaits you!

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Lesson 1
Definition of Basic Concepts and Important Terms

This chapter presents definitions of basic concepts in ICT. This will help in
establishing a common meaning of each term and avoid confusion of each term.
Some terms may be familiar while others may be new to you. Take time to get to
know each concept and important terms.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you can:
1. discuss basic concepts in ICT in education; and
2. express the importance of learning the basic concepts in technology in

Time Allotment
You will spend 1.5 hours in this lesson.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is an extensional term for
information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications and the
integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and
computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and
audiovisual systems, that enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate

The following definitions are taken from presentation of Bai Saguira A. Malik
1. Technology – refers to a mix of process and products used in the application
of knowledge.
2. ICT Literacy (Information and Communication Technology Literacy) – use
of digital technology, communication tools and/or networks to access,
manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information in order to
function in a knowledge society (Guro 21, 2011).
3. Educational Technology – refers to the use of technology in teaching and
learning. It includes both non-digital and digital.
4. Digital Literacy – is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create
contents using information technologies and internet. It is also the ability to
use information and communication, requiring both cognitive and technical
5. Digital Learning – is any type of learning that is accompanied by
technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology.

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6. On-line Digital Tools and Apps use an Internet Connection. A

common example is Skype (a telecommunication application software product
that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers,
tablets, mobile device via internet and regular telephones.
7. Off-line Digital Tools and Apps. These applications can be used even
without internet access. It includes Canary Learning (It allows offline access
for students to write homework and for teachers to grade it), ibooks, KA LITE
(KA Lite is a lightweight web application software that allows users without
Internet access to engage with Khan Academy videos and exercises in
completely offline settings).
8. Instructional Technology. Instructional technology is the theory and
practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of
the processes and resources for learning.
9. Software refers to program control instructions and accompanying
documents; stored on disks or tapes when not being used in computers.
10. Multimedia is a sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of formats in a
given presentations or self-study programs.
11. Internet 1is a massive network of networks, a networks infrastructure. It is
generally defined as a global network connecting millions of computers.
12. World Wide Web - is also called as web is a graphical environment on
computer networks that allows you to access, view and maintain
documentations that can include text, data, sound, and videos of the internet.
13. Web Access - is the ability of learners to access the internet at any point
during the lesson in order to take advantage of the array of available education
14. WebQuest - inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all information
that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using
various programs including simple word processing documents that include
links to websites.
15. Productivity Tools refers to any type of software associated with computers
and related technologies that can be used as tools for personal, professional
or classroom productivity.
16. Technology Tools - is an instrument used for doing work. It can be anything
that help you accomplish your goal with the use of technology.
a. Data/Calculation tools
b. Design tools
c. Discussion tools
d. Email tools
e. Handheld devices
17. Blog – is an online journal where posted information from both teachers and
students are arranged. Three kinds include blogs for communication, blogs for
instruction and blogs for both.

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18. Wiki is an editable website usually with limited access, allows students to
collaboratively create and post written works or digital files, such as digital
photos or videos. Example is Wikipedia.
19. Flipped Classroom – utilizes a reverse instructional delivery, where the
teacher is required to use the web resources as homework or out of class
activity as initial instruction of the lesson which will be discussed during class
20. Podcast is a video or audio multi-media clip about a single topic typically in
the format of the radio talk show. Two basic functions are to retrieve
information and to disseminate information.
21. Google Apps is a cloud-based teaching tool which is stored in the Google
server and is available for students both at home and in school.
22. Vlog is a video blog where each entry is posted as video instead of the text.
23. Facebook is a popular social networking site used by students and adults
worldwide to present information on themselves and to the world.
24. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a category of hardware and
software that enables people to use the Internet as transmission medium for
telephone calls by sending voice data in packets using IP rather than
traditional circuit transmission.

Activity 1
Give your own definition of the terms given below. Write your answer on your
answer notebook. Write your answer on a ½ sheet of yellow paper.

1. Technology - ___________________________________________
2. Digital Literacy - ________________________________________
3. Educational Technology - __________________________________
4. Virtual Education - ______________________________________

Activity 2
In three sentences, what is the significance of knowing the definitions of the basic
concepts in educational technology? Write your answer in a ½ sheet of yellow paper.

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Lesson 2
Roles of ICT in Teaching for Learning

“Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members

of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.”
- Helen Caldicott

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you can:
1. explain the roles of ICT in teaching for learning; and
2. compare traditional and constructivist point of view in the role of
technology in teaching and learning

Time Allotment
You will spend 1.5 hours in this lesson.


Media - communication channels through which news, entertainment, education,

and data are transmitted. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting
medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail,
telephones, fax, and internet.

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, especially

in industry and commerce. The specific methods, materials, and devices used to solve
practical problems.

Types of Media
1. Print media – newspapers, magazines, books and ect..
2. Electronic media – radio, television, internet, cinema

The Role of Print Media

1. Newspapers: Articles from newspapers give facts about current affairs which
may not be found in textbooks in their schools.
Students learn new or unfamiliar words, expressions and spelling which add up to
their vocabulary.
2. Magazines: Through magazines, we can learn by articles, features,
interviews, short stories and can get very nice literature by magazines.

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3. Book: The role of this is to improve your understanding, to improve your

memory and enables students to sharpen and develop certain skills, such as
reading comprehension and communication.

The Role of Electronic Media

1. Radio: Talk shows about politics, finance and other programs are the source
of informal education. Many personalities, scholars, professionalists come in
radio as a chief guest, by live calls, we take a lot of information and learned by
this way.

2. Internet: Around the world students are being globally connected with one
another via internet. We’ve been seen that large number of people depend on
the internet to collect information, read news and search more effectively and
efficiently on the World Wide Web.

3. Television: is the powerful media that will reach all sorts of people. It is a
source of informal education. Tv does play an important role in shaping a
person’s life, both professionally and personality. It does provide the value
addition knowledge to the concerned person.

4. Films: Film is also a source of informal education. We can know about

different cultures, and other societies norms, values, civilizations and way of
living by films.


Technology can:
1. Play a traditional role. A delivery vehicles for instructional lessons.
2. Serve as a teacher
3. Film showing
4. Sciene exhibit
5. Teacher posting his/her lesson using manila papers while pupils are only
listening to him/her
6. Teacher only giving the handouts of the topic

From a constructivist perspective, the following are role of technology in learning:

(Jonassen, et al 1999)
1. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.
a. Cooking session in TLE class
2. Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support
a. Assembling computer parts
3. Technology as a context to support learning-by-doing.

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a. Cross-stitch
4. Technology as social medium to support learning by conversing
a. ICT Laboratory activities
5. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting.
a. Java programming
b. Conducting experimentation in science class

Traditional Point of View Constructivist Point of View

A delivery vehicle for instructional
“partners” in the learning process
Technology as tools to support
Technology serves as a teacher
knowledge construction
Information vehicles for exploring
Source and presenter of knowledge knowledge to support learning-by-
Assumed that “knowledge is embedded
in the technology and the technology
Context to support learning-by-doing
presents that knowledge to the
Technology as social medium to support
A learning tool to learn from, not with
learning by conversing
Technology as intellectual partner to
support learning-by-reflecting

Activity 3
In a maximum of 300 words, explain the role of technology in teaching and
learning. Write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Activity 4
Using a Venn Diagram, compare the traditional point of view from
constructivist point of view regarding the role of technology in teaching and learning.
Use your own words.

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Lesson 3
Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of
Technology Driven learning lessons

“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”
Marcus Aurelius

Learning outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you can:
1. discuss the salient points of the different models of technology integration;
2. design a personal technology driven teaching-learning model.

Time Allotment
You will spend 3 hours for this lesson.

A. Dale’s Cone of Experience
“The Cone is a visual analogy, and like all analogies, it does not bear an exact and
detailed relationship to complex elements it represents.” – Edgar Dale

There are two presentations of Dale’s Cone of Experience.

The Cone represents how learning progresses. It starts from concrete and slowly
moving to abstract learning experiences. It was first introduced in a book by Dale in
1946, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching.

Concrete Abstract

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1. Direct and Purposeful Experience

▪ Direct, first-hand experience
▪ Have a direct participation in the outcome
▪ Use of all our senses
2. Contrived Experience
▪ Models and mock-ups
▪ Editing of reality
▪ Necessary when real experience cannot be used or are too complicated
3. Dramatized Experience
▪ Reconstructed experiences
▪ Can be used to simplify an event or idea to its most important parts
▪ Divided into two categories
✓ Acting-actual participation(more concrete)
✓ Observing-watching a dramatization take place (more abstract)
4. Demonstration
▪ Visualized explanation of an important fact, idea, or process
▪ Shows how certain things are done
5. Field Trips
▪ Watch people do things in real situations
▪ Observe an event that is unavailable in the classroom
6. Exhibits
▪ Something seen by a spectator
Two types
Ready made
7. Educational Television and Motion Pictures
▪ Television
▪ Bring immediate interaction with events from around the world
▪ Edit an event to create clearer understanding than if experienced actual
event first hand
8. Motion Picture
▪ Can omit unnecessary or unimportant material
▪ Used to slow down a fast process
▪ Viewing, seeing and having experience
▪ Can re-create events with simplistic drama that even slower students
can grasp
9. Recordings, Radio and Still Pictures
▪ Can often be understood by those who cannot read
▪ Helpful to students who cannot deal with the motion or pace of a real
event or television
10. Visual Symbols
▪ No longer involves reproducing real situations
▪ Chalkboard and overhead projector the most widely used media
▪ Help students see an idea, event, or process

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11. Verbal Symbol

▪ Two types
* Written words – more abstract
* Spoken words – less abstract

People think and learn differently from each other. One sensory experience
may not be educational to the other. Therefore, it is encouraged that there is a
balanced mixture and interrelated sensory experiences.
Do not use only one medium of communication in isolation. Rather use many
instructional materials to help the learner conceptualize his/her experience.
Avoid teaching directly at the symbolic level of thought without adequate
foundation of the concrete. Learner’s concept will lack deep roots in direct
When teaching, do not get stuck in the concrete. Strive to bring our students
to the symbolic or abstract level to develop their higher order thinking skills.
“These rootless experiences will not have the generative power to produce
additional concepts and will not enable the learner to deal with new situations that
he/she faces” (Dale 1969)


model gives us a
new framework for
the integration of
technology in education and how we can structure our classrooms to provide the best
educational experience for students while incorporating technology.

What is the TPACK Framework?

TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. It is
a theory that was developed to explain the set of knowledge that teachers need to
teach their students a subject, teach effectively, and use technology.

1. Content Knowledge (CK) – “Teachers’ knowledge about the subject
matter to be learned or taught.
2. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) – “Teachers’ deep knowledge about the
processes and practices or methods of teaching and learning.
3. Technology Knowledge (TK) – Knowledge about certain ways of thinking
about, and working with technology, tools and resources. and working with
technology can apply to all technology tools and resources.

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4. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) covers the core business of

teaching, learning, curriculum, assessment and reporting, such as the
conditions that promote learning and the links among curriculum,
assessment, and pedagogy” (Koehler & Mishra, 2009).
5. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) – “An understanding of the
way technology and content influence and constrain one another. Teachers
need to understand which specific technologies are best suited for addressing
subject-matter learning in their domains and how the content dictates or
perhaps even changes the technology—or vice versa” (Koehler & Mishra,
6. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) – “An understanding of
how teaching and learning can change when particular technologies are used
in particular ways.
7. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is the basis
of effective teaching with technology, requiring an understanding of the
representation of concepts using technologies; pedagogical techniques that
use technologies in constructive ways to teach content; knowledge of what
makes concepts difficult or easy to learn and how technology can help redress
some of the problems that students face; knowledge of students’ prior
knowledge and theories of epistemology; and knowledge of how technologies
can be used to build on existing knowledge to develop new epistemologies or
strengthen old ones” (Koehler & Mishra, 2009).

The ASSURE Model has six
steps, each represented by a letter
in the acronym title, with each
step describing a set of task
central to the informed selection
and use of educational technology.
The ASSURE acronym stands for
these important components:
Analyze Learners;
State Objectives;
Select Methods, Media and
Utilize Methods, Media and
Require Learner Participation;
Evaluate and Revise.

1. Analyze Learners. You should know your audience. The audience can be
analyzed in terms of their general characteristics (grade level, age, sex, mental,

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emotional, physical or social problems, socio-economic status etc.) with

specific entry competencies (prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes about the
topic), and learning styles (visual, musical, verbal, logical, etc.).
2. State Objectives. The objectives you use should be as specific as possible so
the learner understands what they are to accomplish. If objectives are clearly
and specifically stated, both the learning and teaching will become objective
3. Select Methods, Media and Materials. A systematic plan
for using media demands that the media be selected systematically at first.
4. The Utilize Methods, Media & Materials step is where you develop your
plan for implementing your media and materials.
5. The Require Learner Participation step requires you to describe how
you are going to get each learner actively and individually involved in the
lesson. Students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning
6. You must evaluate the instruction process from start to finish using the
objectives you created in the beginning.

means replacing
traditional activities and
materials—like in-class
lectures or paper
worksheets—with digital
versions. There is no
substantial change to the
content, just the way
that it is delivered.

This level involves incorporating interactive digital enhancements and
elements like comments, hyperlinks, or multimedia. The content remains
unchanged, but students can now take advantage of digital features to
enhance the lesson.

At this level, teachers can think about using a learning management
system like Google Classroom, Moodle, Schoology, or C anvas to handle the
logistical aspects of running a classroom, like tracking grades, messaging
students, creating a calendar, and post ing assignments.

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Learning is fundamentally transformed at the “redefinition” level,
enabling activities that were previously impossible in the classroom.
It’s tempting to think of SAMR as a mountain to be summited. But good
technology integration isn’t about living at the top of the SAMR model; it’s
about being aware of the range of options and picking the right strategy —or
strategies—for the lesson at hand.(Terada, 2020)

E. Mayer’s(2009) Principles for the Selection of Technology for

Educational Use: appropriateness, authenticity, cost, interest,
organization, and balance)

Here are Mayer's Principles:

Coherence Principle – People learn better when extraneous words,
pictures and sounds are excluded rather than included.
1. Signaling Principle – People learn better when cues that highlight the
organization of the essential material are added.
2. Redundancy Principle – People learn better from graphics and
narration than from graphics, narration and on-screen text.
3. Spatial Contiguity Principle – People learn better when corresponding
words and pictures are presented near rather than far from each other on
the page or screen.
4. Temporal Contiguity Principle – People learn better when
corresponding words and pictures are presented simultaneously rather
than successively.
5. Segmenting Principle – People learn better from a multimedia lesson is
presented in user-paced segments rather than as a continuous unit.
6. Pre-training Principle – People learn better from a multimedia lesson
when they know the names and characteristics of the main concepts.
7. Modality Principle – People learn better from graphics and narrations
than from animation and on-screen text.
8. Multimedia Principle – People learn better from words and pictures
than from words alone.
9. Personalization Principle – People learn better from multimedia
lessons when words are in conversational style rather than formal style.
10. Voice Principle – People learn better when the narration in multimedia
lessons is spoken in a friendly human voice rather than a machine voice.
11. Image Principle – People do not necessarily learn better from a
multimedia lesson when the speaker’s image is added to the screen.

Activity 5
Organize the salient points of each model using a graphic organizer. Write
your answer in an A4 size bond paper.

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Activity 6
As you were going along the lesson, you notice that there is a need for some
improvement and that you can design a new technology driven learning lesson. How
are you going to present it? Write your answer/design on a 1 whole sheet of yellow

Chapter 2 – ICT Policies and Safety Issues in Teaching

and Learning

Chapter 2 is divided into two lessons: 1) National and International ICT
Policies, 2) Safety issues in ICT. It also emphasizes the uses of ICT Policies in the
teaching and learning environment. Thus, one of the objectives of this chapter is for
future teachers to formulate a sound ICT classroom policy which they can implement
in their future class.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, you can:
1. enumerate the national ICT policies affecting classroom practices;
2. describe the implementation of ICT policies in teaching-learning; and
3. formulate a sound classroom ICT Policies.

This activity measures your background knowledge of the lessons ahead. This
is not graded but it is expected that you answer honestly as best as you can. Answer
as briefly as you can. Write your answer on a ¼ sheet of yellow paper.
1. What government agency is assigned on the development of ICT in the
2. How does this agency implement its policies?

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Lesson 1
ICT National and International Policies

“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands
of great teachers can be transformational.”
- George Couros

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you can:
1. enumerate the national ICT policies affecting classroom practices; and
2. describe the implementation of ICT policies in teaching-learning.

Time Allotment
You will spend 1.5 hours for this lesson.

ICT Policy and Planning
Facilitating ICTO’s mandate in formulating ICT policies, implementing ICT
plans and programs, leading international ICT cooperation bodies, and other related
functions is the ICT Governance Policy & Planning Group, which takes the lead in
multi-stakeholder policy development.
Effective ICT policy and planning is the backbone of effective eGovernance,
ICT-enabled societies, and digital inclusion of all sectors and communities. The ICT
Governance Policy and Planning Group plays a key role in the development,
monitoring and advocacy of ICT-related plans, programs, projects and standards,
and providing research support for e-Government, e-Business and e-Society
1. National Connectivity and Broadband Development Plan. Selected
international studies have correlated broadband penetration to a country’s
economic development. Similarly, the right to access to a fast, reliable, and
secure Internet is now recognized by different countries as an effective driver
of equity and participation. ICTO is preparing a plan to ensure that all
Filipinos will reap the benefits of universally accessible broadband, through
different policy instruments and interventions.

2. Philippine Digital Strategy (PDS) Implementation Plan. The PDS is

the national roadmap for ICT for the period 2011 to 2016. The ICTO is paving

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the way for its full adoption and implementation, in coordination with
government entities, private industry, and civil society stakeholders.

3. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy. With the impending passage of the Data
Privacy and Cybercrime Prevention Acts, the ICTO continues to provide
technical support in support of their implementing rules and popular
advocacy, towards embedding cybersecurity and data protection in all areas of
its work.

4. ICT Procurement Standards. After having developed ICT Procurement

Manuals and standard bidding documents, the ICTO is now advocating their
approval by the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) and their full
adoption by all government agencies.

5. Digital TV Migration. ICTO is preparing the country’s migration plan to

Digital TV, and developing corresponding policies for its eventual issuance.
Digital TV allows up to 6 programs on a single analogue TV channel and will
offer enhanced services to Filipino households.

6. ICT Standardization. ICTO assists in the standardization of ICT products

and ICT-related processes together with the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) – Bureau of Product Standards (BPS), towards the
promulgation and promotion of Philippine National ICT Standards (PNS).

7. Philippine ICT Statistics Portal. The portal will be the gateway to

government-approved ICT-related statistics, regularly compiled and updated
to facilitate the analyses and development of ICT-related policy, and ICTs’
contribution to national competitiveness.

Activity 7. Answer the question below in a ½ crosswise yellow paper. Make your
points clear and logical. Cite your references. Avoid copy-paste answers.
How do these policies affect the integration of technology in the teaching-learning?
What is LIS? EBEIS? LRMDS? What are the plans of the Department of Education to
upgrade the technologies in schools?

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Lesson 2
Safety Issues in ICT

“An incident is just the tip of the iceberg, a sign of a much larger
problem below the surface.”
Don Brown

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you can:
1. craft a sound ICT Classroom Policy.

Time Allotment
You will spend 3 hours for this lesson.

You wouldn’t imagine that using computers could be dangerous, but there are a few
situations that can result in accidents:

1. Trailing Cables. Computer equipment is often connected

to lots of cables: power, network, etc. if these cables are
laying on the floor, they can cause people to trip over

Solution: Place cables inside cable ducts, or under the


2. Spilt Drinks or Food. If any liquids are spilt on

electrical equipment, such as a computer, it can result in
damage to the equipment, or an electric shock to the user.

Solution: Keep drinks and food away from computers.

3. Overloaded Power Sockets. Plugging too many power cables

into a socket can result in the socket being overloaded,
overheating, and a fire starting.
Solution: Never plug too many cables into a socket. Always make
sure there are fire extinguishers nearby.

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4. Heavy Objects Falling. Many items of computer

equipment are very heavy: CRT monitors, laser, printers,
etc. Heavy items can cause serious injury if they fall on
Solution: Make sure equipment is placed on strong

Working with computers for long periods of time can cause many different
kinds of health problems like back problems, eyestrain, and Repetitive Strain Injury
(RSI). Health experts have suggested that ozone emitted from laser printers can lead
to breathing problems, too.

Ergonomic is an item/furniture designed to work with the

natural movement of the human body.

Activity 8
Having the safety issues on mind, craft your ICT Policy to be implemented in
your computer laboratory. Write your policy in a 1 whole sheet of paper. Be creative
and precise.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


“Honesty is the first chapter of the book Wisdom.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Answer the following questions honestly. Write your answers in a ½ lengthwise.

I. Identification. Identify what is being referred to.

_____1. This is one of the Google Applications which functions like a radio talk
_____2. If a person can use and share contents through information technologies,
he/she is said to have this skill.
_____3. This is a visual analogy of how lessons should be arranged.
_____4. One of the types of the topmost in the analogy is divided into two. Which
one is less abstract?
_____5. It refers to teacher’s knowledge of the lesson to be delivered.
_____6. This principle states that learning is better when people hear a human
voice rather than a machine voice.
_____7. This government agency is directly concerned with the internet connection
of the Philippines.
_____8. It is a furniture which is helpful when working using a desktop computer or
a laptop.
_____9. It refers to how teachers use technology is used in the teaching-learning
_____10. It is a reverse instructional delivery.

II. Discussion. Answer the following questions briefly using your own words.
(5 points each)

1. What is the difference of the roles of printed media and electronic media?
2. Is there a difference between the two representations of Dale’s Cone of
3. How are you going to use ASSURE Model?
4. Why is it important to have a safety policy in ICT Classroom?

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


• https://lesson-2-undestanding-the-basic-concept-in-

• IGCSE ICT . Safety Issues with ICT.

Erwin Marlon Sario, July 22, 2015

• McGraw Hill. (2020).


• Nurdi, Tri Hari. (2017, January 12). The ASSURE Model in Teaching.

• Terada, Youki. (2020, May 4). A Powerful Model for Understanding Good
Tech Integration.

• Walsh, Kelly. (2017, June 20). Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning

are a Powerful Design Resource.

• Department of Information and Communication Technology. (2014, June 20).

ICT Policy and Planning. ICT
Policy and Planning


This module is prepared for instructional purpose only based on our course
syllabus. The teacher who prepared this does not claim ownership of this module
but patterned the ideas from different authors.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Congratulations for completing this module!

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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00
00 (09.15.20)

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