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The Delian Tomb become apparent to

everyone in the
White Water boat that foul weather
The players find is headed their way.
themselves on the Strangely warm winds
knörr-boat Exchange on carry a subtle scent
the River Naarn between from the west. A hazy
the cities of Aramoor orange light suggests
and Broken Shield. sunset is near, but
it’s not even midday as
The first day's travel dark clouds twist over
passes without note. the hills. Captain
There isn’t much out in Rhaigo orders you to
these hard hills, but douse the sail and row
scattered ruins hint at harder in the hope that
a more prosperous age shelter isn’t too far
centuries past. ahead.

Early in the second day A cheer goes up: the

any characters steadholt has been
proficient in Nature or spotted.
Survival will
note dark clouds A small cluster of
gathering on the buildings comes into
western horizon. Not view in the valley
long after that it will ahead. As the boat
approaches you can pick

out a large barn, The homesteaders are in
several-two story the middle of their own
houses, and some out preparations but they
buildings. Simple plank take a few minutes to
walls connect the direct the travelers to
buildings to create a the houses. The
large protected characters, along with
courtyard. Rhaigo and the higher
ranking merchants are
The boat pulls up to ushered inside.
the dock at the front
of the compound and a The furnishings are
helmeted head peeks simple but well built.
over the walls. You The family members are
can’t in worn but clean
quite make out what clothes.
Capt. Rhaigo is saying
to the man but his The man who seems to be
dramatic gestures in charge of the
toward the coming storm steadholt approaches
are unmistakable. Rhaigo “We don’t have
much, it’ll be a while
After a few minutes of before the spring crops
discussion Capt Rhaigo come in so
orders you to moor the we’ve just got what’s
boat. left of our winter
supplies, but we’ll try

to keep your folks steadholt with it’s
comfortable while the limited income.
weather passes.” he
says apologetically. Elias Maygle is the
primary contact between
Maygel Farm the characters and the
The steadholt is home farmers. He is reserved
to two principal and protective, but has
families, the Maygles very little to offer.
and the Treharne. Elias If the characters offer
Maygle is the patriarch to pay for food or
of the steadholt and lodging for themselves
his extended family or the boaters in
lives in the largest of general the farmers
the houses. The respond as follows
Treharnes live in the depending on what is
other large house and offered:
are cousins to the
Maygles. There are Copper Pieces: Elias
about fifty people who thanks the characters
live and work on the and is friendly. He’ll
steadholt. They mostly offer up his own master
grow food crops for bedroom and a hearty
themselves. Surplus vegetable stew.
beans and ale are cash
crops and provide the Silver Pieces: Elias is
happy, and the

characters notice a preparing a meal in
definite cheer among honor of the guests.
the farmers. Elias Even if the characters
offers bread, don’t offer they
cheese and ale to overhear Elias
accompany the stew. directing the younger
family members to help
Gold Pieces: Elias is prepare for
moved nearly to tears the meal and to gather
by the show of things their guests
generosity. The might need.
characters can tell The main farm house is
this will make a well stocked with
real difference in the mundane farm items;
lives of the farmers. baskets, rakes, tools.
Elias tells his family There is a sword and a
to put on their best mace crossed above the
because today is a mantle; souvenirs of a
holiday. ancestor, Great Uncle
The characters overhear Engelbert who joined
Elias direct one of his the army. They are of
sons to build a fire average quality and
for a roast and butcher outdated in style.
one of the pigs.
Characters who make a
All of the members of 15 Perception check (or
the house are soon busy

have a high enough “They took the baby!
passive perception) Some monsters came and
notice that a well they took The baby!"
crafted belt is wrapped
around the center of Everyone gathers around
the cross. It is a as Elias tries to calm
Virtuoso's Baldrick Maaya down and find out
what happened. He’s
The Storm Approaches able to learn that
The characters begin to Maaya and The faerie
smell the food being dragon hatchling went
prepared and the work outside of walls to
of securing the boat pick herbs for the
for the storm is going visitors' dinner. They
well. were near the bee hives
Everyone has started to some huge monsters
gather back at the jumped out and took The
farmhouses for dinner faerie dragon hatchling
when Maaya, Elias’s from Maaya's arms. She
eleven-year-old heard him hiss in
granddaughter bursts surprise, she fought
into the main room in a back, and was scratched
panic, her face in the process.
scratched badly.

Although she describes has to help. He doesn’t
them as ‘huge’, she have any coins, but he
eventually describes has a
them as big, but not as ‘lucky stone’ he thinks
big as a grown up. is special. He will
Maaya doesn’t know what also give them the
they were, but Virtuoso's Baldrick if
remembers pointy teeth asked.
and swords.
The merchants promise
Elias quickly starts to assist and will
shouting for the young offer any mundane items
men of the steadholt to at half off. They’ll
gather torches and have any of the non-
weapons. People make magic
quick, glances toward items listed in the PHB
the characters though, except poisons. The
knowing that they’re only magic items they
the only ones who have have are two Potions of
a real chance of Healing that they will
bringing The faerie offer at cost 25 gp
dragon hatchling back each.
If the characters don’t
If the characters volunteer then Capt.
volunteer Elias will Rhaigo will try to
offer them anything he persuade them. If that

doesn’t work he’ll Further on are hills
offer the hatchling and you can see the
free. tops of dark trees in
the distance.
If they require payment
then the Maygles won’t The basket that was
offer the ‘lucky stone’ carrying The faerie
or the dragon hatchling lies
Virtuoso's Baldrick and on the ground near the
the merchants charge hives. Matted grass
them full price for any shows that a struggle
items. took place, and
footprints show that
On the Trail whatever took The
Elias and a few of the faerie dragon hatchling
braver farmers lead the headed toward the
party out to the hives woods.
where The faerie dragon
hatchling was taken. A If a character makes a
rising wind whips over DC 12 Survival check
the fields and there’s they know that there
a damp smell in the were several creatures,
air. A misty rain is and they could be
falling as the either goblins,
characters approach the kobolds, or something
hives, which sit at the of similar size.
far end of the fields.

A DC 14 Survival check time, there’s no
reveals that it was goblins."
definitely goblins, and
possibly one larger The trail enters the
creature. Boar Woods and winds
With a DC 16 Survival through the trees. The
check the characters soft ground makes
know that it was four tracking the goblins
goblins and one larger easy (DC 8) and
creature that could be characters have
a bugbear, hobgoblin, advantage on Survival
or orc. checks. It starts to
get late and the woods
If the characters ask get dark. As the storm
the farmers where the gets more intense the
trail leads they learn characters will have a
that it goes to the hard time making
Boar Woods. If they ask progress and they’ll
about the woods a hear branches crashing
farmer with thick hair in the forest.
and a full beard
replies offhandedly; Roll a d12 during the
“Nothin. Boars, it’s in
the name of the forest. On a 1 a branch crashes
We hunt there all the down. Have them make a
Dex save (DC 12) or

take 1d4 bludgeoning The Delian Tomb
damage. They take no If the characters hide
damage on a successful and watch the ruins for
save. signs of activity then
they will spot a pair
If they roll a 12 for of goblins on patrol
the random encounter 2 around the area. There
wild boar attack. is also a pair of
goblins outside the
Eventually the trail entrance to the ruin,
they’ve been following but they aren’t
leads to the remnants actively watching the
of a road that runs area.
north to south. The
tracks During the first
clearly head north encounter between any
along the road and soon of the goblins outside
lead out of the Boar the tomb and the
Woods into open rocky characters, if any of
hills. They spot a ruin the goblins take damage
on a hill not far off. they will use their
The tracks veer off the full action on the
road and toward the following turn to
ruins. attempt to flee to the
tomb and warn the other

The doors to the tomb The Offering Room
have been broken and Room A on Map
shoved aside. The stink
of goblin sweat and Darkness awaits down
filth wafts up with the the stairs into the
dry air from inside the ruins. Faded carved
tomb. script is barely
visible in the stone
If they have been above the entrance.
alerted the goblins in From below you hear the
the first chamber will occasional sound of
attempt to take cover goblins talking to each
and wait for the other. From further
characters to inside the ruins you
attack. The characters hear ..
may be able to force or chanting or goblin
lure them out. The song?
goblins do not warn the
creatures in the Inside the Offering
main chamber as they’ve Room are two large
been warned not to copper bowls. The
disrupt the ceremony goblins are using them
that is now in as braziers for their
progress. campfire.
One walls is covered
with carvings depicting
the Knights of the

Delian Order fighting If the characters did
chaotic creatures not encounter the
including goblin patrol yet,
goblins and their kin. those goblins will
attack the party from
In the opposite wall is behind one round after
carved the following: the combat in the
Offering Room starts.
I swear the Delian
Oath. To serve law, Treasure. A DC 15
battle chaos, and keep perception check
the Delian lore secret. reveals a single scroll
of Magic Missile hidden
Five goblins are under a copper bowl
gathered here. If
they’ve been alerted by The sounds of chanting
the guards outside they are clear now
have turned over some
tables and are taking Mag - lu - bi - yet!
cover with bows ready.
If they haven’t been They filter through the
alerted then they are ruins of a heavy stone
just preparing a meal door leading deeper
and into the ruins. The
shooting dice. most perceptive
characters in the party
can also make out the

sounds hissing and The Prayer Room
snarling like a cat. Room B on Map

It is clear to the The walls of this room

characters that the are made of finely
door was broken through crafted pale grey
recently and that it’s stone. Small niches
heavy stone line the walls, each
construction would have dedicated to
required more strength a paladin of the Delian
than a human has to Order. At the far end
break. of the room stands a
beautifully crafted
Just beyond the door is statue of the founder
a pit trap. The DC to of the
spot it is 15. It order.
attacks if a medium At the foot of the
creature steps on the statue is a crude iron
stone tile just beyond cage, which holds The
the door. It has a +10 faerie dragon
to attack and on a hatchling.
success it slows In the center of the
any creature in that room are five goblins
square. Small creatures and one goblin priest.
are too light, Large
creatures' feet are too In a corner close to
big to fit in the trap. the door (and out of

view to characters in Mission Accomplished!
the hallway) is a
bugbear. After defeating the
creatures the
The creatures in the characters can easily
room are so focused on free The faerie dragon
the ritual that they hatchling from the
have disadvantage on crude cage. The
all perception rolls rudimentary padlock
until a holding it closed can
character attacks or be smashed with a solid
enters the room. blow or two.

The goblins and the ● The faerie dragon

bugbear will fight to hatchling.
the death. If one of He will attack whoever
the characters falls frees him from the
unconscious they will cage. It will take him
offer to spare their ten minutes to calm
life if the characters down unless one of the
agree to leave the tomb characters is able to
(and leave The faerie help (a DC 12 Nature,
dragon hatchling Performance or
behind). Persuasion check). The
faerie dragon hatchling
will fight until he’s
calmed down.

Mission not Quite power gather around
Accomplished. A line of you. It sinks through
text is carved into the your skin and flesh
dias that the statue and wraps itself around
stands on. your bones. You feel a
new obligation to
It reads “To keep this, champion Law and
you must first give it Justice in the world.
to me.” in elven.
A door in the back
The answer to the corner of the room,
riddle is ‘your word’. barely noticeable until
If one of the now, slides open. Cool
characters of an stale air spills out of
appropriate background a dark doorway.
speaks the Delian Oath
(found in the Offering
Room), or speaks some
promise in the Prayer
Room, the secret door
at the back of the room
will open.

As the final word of

your oath leaves your
lips you feel a holy

The Tomb
Room C on the map If a character who has
not sworn the oath
A shining sword rests takes the sword, or if
on a weapon stand in any character attempts
the center of the room. to open a sarcophagus
Five stone sarcophagae or take other items,
are arranged around the three skeletons emerge
room. The sarcophagae from random sarcophagae
are ornately carved and attack the party.
with scenes of the
victories of the Delian Treasure.
The sword is ‘the Edict
Any character that Blade’. It is a +1
swore an oath to the longsword, +2 vs.
Delian Order will goblinoids.
recognize this room as
a holy place and will ● Each sarcophagus
understand that holds 3d20 gp worth of
plundering the room is precious stones and
an act of desecration. offerings.
They will also ● Each skeleton wears a
understand that they gold circlet on its
are free to head bearing the sigil
take the sword, but of the Delian Order
nothing else. worth 30 gp.

● On the wall is a
tapestry worth 45 gp. Virtuoso's Baldrick
Uncommon, requires
As the party approaches The wearer may add his
they see a large group proficiency bonus to
gathered at the head of damage rolls dealt to
the path near the bee creatures that are
hives. Maaya rushes surprised.
ahead and the faerie
dragon hatchling flies
into her arms.
A cheer goes up. The
heroes are welcomed
back with great fanfare
and a feast is soon
cooked up in their

Lucky Stone
Uncommon, does not
require attunement
The bearer of this
small polished stone
gets +1 on all skill

Goblin Actions
Small humanoid Scimitar. Melee Weapon
(goblinoid), neutral Attack: +4 to hit,
evil reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +
2) slashing damage.
Armor Class 15 (Leather
Armor, Shield) Shortbow. Ranged Weapon
Attack: +4 to hit,
Hit Points 7 (2d6) range 80/320 ft., one
Speed 30 ft. target. Hit: 5
piercing damage.
STR 8 (-1) 
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 10 (+0) 
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 8 (-1) 
CHA 8 (-1)
Skills Stealth +6
Senses Darkvision 60
Passive Perception 9
Languages Common, 
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) 

Nimble Escape. The 

goblin can take the
Disengage or Hide
action as a bonus 
action on each of its

Boar less that would
reduce it to 0 hit
This ill-tempered points, it is
beast’s tiny, bloodshot reduced to 1 hit
eyes glare angrily point instead.
above a mouth filled Actions
with sharp tusks.
 Tusk: Melee Weapon
Medium beast, unaligned Attack: +3 to hit,
Armor Class 11 (natural reach 5 ft., one
armor) target. Hit: 4 (1d6
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) + 1) slashing
Speed 40 ft. damage.
Senses passive
Perception 9
Languages — 
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Special Traits 
 Charge: If the boar
moves at least 20
feet straight
toward a target and
then hits it with a
tusk attack on the
same turn, the
target takes an
extra 3 (1d6)
slashing damage. If
the target is a
creature, it must
succeed on a DC 11
Strength saving
throw or be knocked
 Relentless
(Recharges after a
Short or Long
Rest): If the boar
takes 7 damage or

Bugbear Surprise Attack. If the
Medium humanoid bugbear surprises a
(goblinoid), chaotic creature and hits it
evil with an attack during
the first round of
combat, the target
Armor Class 16 (Hide takes an extra 7 (2d6)
Armor, Shield) damage from the attack.
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Actions
Speed 30 ft. Morningstar. Melee
Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR 15 (+2) target. Hit: 11 (2d8 +
DEX 14 (+2) 2) piercing damage.
CON 13 (+1) Javelin. Melee or
INT 8 (-1) Ranged Weapon Attack:
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft.
WIS 11 (+0)
or range 30/120 ft.,
CHA 9 (-1) one target. Hit: 9 (2d6
+ 2) piercing damage in
melee or 5 (1d6 + 2)
Skills Stealth +6,
piercing damage at
Survival +2
Senses Darkvision 60
ft., Passive Perception
Languages Common, 
Goblin 
Challenge 1 (200 XP) 

Brute. A melee weapon

deals one extra die of
its damage when the
bugbear hits with it
(included in the

Skeleton Actions
Medium undead, lawful Shortsword. Melee
evil Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +
Armor Class 13 (Armor 2) piercing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4) Attack: +4 to hit,
Speed 30 ft. range 80/320 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +
2) piercing damage.
STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 15 (+2) 
INT 6 (-2) 
WIS 8 (-1)
CHA 5 (-3)
Damage Vulnerabilities
Bludgeoning 
Damage Immunities 
Piercing Poison
Condition Immunities
Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft.,
Passive Perception 9
Languages Understands
all languages it knew
in life but can't speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Faerie Dragon (hatchling) dragon wears or carries
Tiny dragon, chaotic is invisible with it.
good Limited Telepathy.
Using telepathy, the
dragon can magically
Armor Class 17
communicate with any
Hit Points 14 (4d4 + 4) other faerie dragon
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 within 30 feet of it.
ft. Magic Resistance. The
dragon has advantage on
STR 03 (-4) saving throws against
spells and other
DEX 18 (+4) magical effects.
CON 13 (+1) Innate Spellcasting.
INT 08 (-1) The dragon’s innate
WIS 12 (+1) spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC
CHA 18 (+4) 13).

Skills Pink, 1/day each:

Arcana +4, dancing lights looks
Perception +3, like Maaya,
Stealth +7 mage hand 30 ft, 10 lb.
Darkvision 60 ft., Actions
Passive Perception 13
Languages Draconic, Bite. Melee Weapon
Sylvan Attack: +7 to hit,
Challenge 1 (200 XP) reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 1
piercing damage.
Superior Invisibility.
As a bonus action, the
dragon can magically 
turn invisible until
its concentration ends
Any equipment the

Euphoria Breath
(Recharge 5–6). The
dragon exhales a puff
of euphoria gas at one
creature within 5 feet
of it. The target must
succeed on a DC 11
Wisdom saving throw, or
for 1 minute, the
target can’t take
reactions and must roll
a d6 at the start of
each of its turns to
determine its behavior
during the turn:
1–4. The target takes
no action or bonus
action and uses all of
its movement to move in
a random direction.
5–6. The target doesn’t
move, and the only
thing it can do on its
turn is make a DC 11
Wisdom saving throw,
ending the effect on
itself on a success.

Goblin Priest Actions
Small humanoid neutral
evil Morning Star. Melee
Weapon Attack: +4 to
Armor Class 17 (breast hit, reach 5 ft., one
plate, Shield) target. Hit: 6 (1d8 +
2) bashing.
Hit Points 9 (2d6)
Speed 30 ft.
DC Save: 10
STR 8 (-1)
Command: 'Mutiny'
DEX 8 (-1) Cure: 1d8+2 hp.
CON 10 (+0)
INT 10 (+0) 
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +6
Senses Darkvision 60
Passive Perception 9
Languages Common,
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Nimble Escape. The

goblin can take the
Disengage or Hide
action as a bonus
action on each of its


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